What color should the outside of the house be painted? Professionals in secret. Painting the outside of an old wooden house What paint to paint the facade of a wooden house

Paints for the facade are chosen based on the base material that needs to be painted.

All facade paints have increased quality indicators that characterize the durability of the material, its resistance to external factors, strength, and adhesive properties.

Facade coloring compounds do not fade and contribute to the decorative appearance of the building, its neatness and attractiveness.

Paint and varnish materials for painting facades are classified according to their composition:

  • . The main component in this composition is acrylic resin, which ensures the elasticity of the paint and the strength of the coating;
  • . Compositions that can combine several main components (acrylic, liquid glass) are nanotechnological compositions of the latest generation;
  • . The main component of the composition is liquid glass, characterized by good vapor permeability;
  • mineral. The basis of such materials is lime and cement. They are characterized by low cost, but are less elastic than other coloring compounds;
  • . There are emulsion and modified ones. Elastic mixtures with good vapor permeability.

In addition to the fact that paints may differ in the presence of binding components, they can be based on the type of solvent:

  • water-soluble. Binders are formed by dissolution in water;
  • on organic solvent elements. The components are bonded by dissolving in alcohol, white spirit, or xylene.


For each surface, it is necessary to select the appropriate paint based on the base material and type of dye.

So, for mineral bases it is advisable to use silicate paint, and for and - mineral.

What color is best for painting the facade of a house?

Home decoration largely depends on what shade the house is painted. The most important thing when choosing a color is to be guided by the general style of the surrounding landscape, and personal preferences should be taken into account.

Choosing a paint that is not pleasing to the eye will be a big mistake, since an unpleasant shade will darken the mood and will not bring the proper aesthetic or inner comfort.

A home is not only a refuge, it is an area where a person should feel as comfortable as possible. When choosing paint, it is advisable to use shades that are closest to natural ones: brown, blue, gray, beige, white.

Flashy tones such as bright orange, scarlet, purple, light green contribute to the perception of the house as something toy, not real. Such houses will stand out beautifully against the backdrop of green vegetation, and certainly among nearby buildings. A bright façade is suitable for extravagant and emotional people for whom peace and solitude are not a suitable state.

When choosing a façade paint, it is important to consider the color match with the roof. The sample must be combined: either have contrast, or be in the same color of different shades. It is most appropriate to use the palette in such a way that the facade is lighter (for example, yellow) than the frames of windows, doors, and other prominent parts are darker.

Don't forget about the interior design of the house. It must match the external design: then there will be a feeling of complete consistency in style and individuality (more visual photos below).

What colors are in fashion now?

Currently, natural dark shades are becoming the most popular: brown, dark brown, and especially black or matte black. Despite the seemingly harshness of black, it gives the building nobility and elegance.

It is especially preferable to use black for painting wooden houses that have large white windows or glass verandas and doors. If you don’t like black, you can use equally popular brown or beige and shades closer to lighter tones.

It’s not always worth chasing fashion trends: first of all, the color of the house should bring satisfaction and please the owner’s eye.

Fashion changes much faster than facade painting, so Do not forget about personal preferences and internal feelings.

Methods for selecting colors and combinations of shades

For a building, it is important to select the right color, taking into account its architectural features. Color can emphasize a unique shape, or vice versa - smooth out the emphasis on the specifics of the design.

There are some points to consider that will help you correctly determine the color of your home:

  • Shades of the same color, differing in saturation, look harmonious;
  • it is advisable to use natural paints;
  • It is recommended to use at least two colors when decorating the facade: for protruding parts near the main walls;
  • To visually enlarge the building, light colors are used, to emphasize simple forms and the absence of many small elements in the design - more saturated ones.

The location of the house should be taken into account: bright colors fade quickly in the sun. Most often, when choosing a palette, colors are used according to the principle: the base is the darkest shade, the roof is a little lighter, the facade is intermediate. In this case, the correspondence of different tones of the same color is observed.

Color combinations

What color can you paint a wooden house?

Houses made of wood are environmentally friendly and create the first impression of a feeling of natural intimacy and naturalness. Since the structure itself assumes organicity and naturalness, colors of natural shades will look most effective for a wooden house.

Often wooden houses are painted in green, red (brick), brown tones. To emphasize the wood texture, you can use transparent enamels, which will perform a protective function while maintaining the texture.

It so happened that to cover wooden facades they choose the first paint material they come across, while paints for wood have completely different properties. Today we will tell you how to make the right choice of paint or varnish when it comes to the exterior decoration of a wooden house.

Basic functions of paint coating

Why do you need to paint wood at all? The answer, at first glance, is quite obvious: to extend the life of the wood and provide it with additional protection. This is indeed the main, but not the only function of paints and varnishes for wood; moreover, you need to understand what harmful factors the coating will have to deal with.

The most important indicator for any façade paint is weather resistance. We are talking about the ability of the coating to resist moisture absorption and maintain integrity under the influence of chemically aggressive substances dissolved in rainwater. Resistance to sunlight is also important: transparent compositions that preserve the wood texture must contain a UV filter to prevent darkening of the wood, and opaque compositions must simply preserve the color of the coating for as long as possible.

Paint or varnish should also contribute to asepticity. As a rule, this is achieved by protecting the wood from getting wet, but many paints and varnishes have additional additives that do not allow the development of destructive microflora. Don't forget about insect pests: high-quality paint covers the wood with a hard shell that the bark beetle cannot chew through.

Finally, decorative properties should not be overlooked. The facade is the face of the building and the entire exterior depends on its appearance. Depth and the correct selection of colors in coordination with the details of the adjacent landscape will ensure aesthetic harmony and make the house stand out pleasantly from the surrounding background.

Special properties

Depending on climate and a number of other environmental conditions, paints may exhibit different performance qualities. They are determined mainly by the technical properties of the coating and depend on the chemical composition of the paintwork material.

For different regions, you should choose paint with a certain degree of frost resistance. The material must retain a certain amount of elasticity at low temperatures so that the coating does not crack. Equally important is the ability to withstand high temperatures without irreversible changes in the structure of the coating, because on a hot day, a sunlit building wall can heat up to 70 °C.

You also need to remember about the ability of the paint to reliably adhere to the base. Most materials, even from a low price category, have good adhesion to pure wood, but the situation changes radically if the wood is already coated with some kind of composition. To avoid the grueling process of cleaning the facade, you should choose the right composition so that the paint or varnish base does not conflict with the existing coating.

The ability of paint to withstand mechanical stress should not be overlooked. It seems that this indicator is not important for the facade, but the dust contained in the air acts as an abrasive and gradually thins the upper glossy layer, which is why the coating over time loses its resistance to moisture, sunlight and biological erosion.

Which paint base to choose?

Almost all paints and varnishes consist of a base, a solvent and a coloring pigment with a set of additives. And if the appearance and some special properties depend on the latter components, then the main characteristics of the paint are determined precisely by the base, which can be of three types.

Water-soluble acrylic paints are the lightest type of coating; they are not able to withstand the destructive effects of the natural environment for a long time. Therefore, they are usually used with the expectation of regular renewal, or if the wood itself is stabilized and does not need protection. The advantage of acrylic paints is ease of application and environmental friendliness, as well as the ability to easily create an individual shade yourself.

Paints based on synthetic resins - glyphthalic, pentaphthalic and others - are called alkyd enamels. Their main difference is that they create a durable glossy film on the surface of the coating, which, unlike the film of acrylic paints, is an impenetrable barrier: it does not allow water to pass through and limits the coating base from chemical reactions with atmospheric gases. Not all alkyd enamels have high weather resistance, but this type of paint provides the highest degree of protection for wood. Polymer-based varnishes and paints are often included in this group, but not because of chemical affinity, but because of similar performance qualities.

The third type of base includes stains, which are designed to give wood a certain color and act as an impregnation that protects against bacteriological damage. Stains do not form a film, and therefore are not able to protect the wood from getting wet and aggressive chemical exposure. For this reason, they are used only if they are subsequently opened with varnish, usually transparent.

Color, glossiness and transparency

The choice of paint and varnish materials for finishing wooden facades, as a rule, is carried out with the aim of giving the building an exceptional appearance. The success of the solution largely depends on understanding the basic principles of working with wood, as well as on your own taste.

Paints in bright, saturated colors are very rarely suitable for facades. On the contrary, the most beneficial would be to choose a calm natural color. If the house is located in a dense building, it is better to give preference to soft pastel colors. For houses located near bodies of water, variations of blue and green are well suited, but always muted with gray.

Buildings located in a natural environment, for example, with a high density of green spaces, as a rule, try to stand out by painting them in colors from sulfur and mustard to dark brown. If natural stone appears in abundance in the surrounding landscape, red-brown tones, as well as deep green and almost all light shades, work well.

The paint does not have to have a high density of pigmentation. Some enamels allow partial manifestation of the texture, which is very good for houses whose facade is finished with high-quality lumber with a minimum number of defects. If the emphasis is on the natural appearance of the building, it is better to give preference to tinted and transparent varnishes. It should be remembered that the more transparent the coating is used, the higher quality the wood should be and the more thoroughly it must be processed before varnishing.

All facade paints differ in the degree of gloss, which must be chosen taking into account two circumstances. The first is the norm of natural light: shinier coatings look better in shade, while a house with matte paint will not glare too much in direct sunlight. It should also be taken into account that the higher the degree of gloss, the smoother the film created on the surface when drying, which means that the protective properties of the coating will be higher.

Consumption and application methods

Paints and varnishes differ significantly in viscosity and hiding power, which limits the choice of method of application. For example, so-called film-forming impregnations can only be applied with a brush, which is extremely inconvenient when finishing surfaces with a large area or when working at heights.

Alkyd enamels and varnishes are the most versatile in this regard; when working with them, you can use a roller or spray. Acceptable application methods are indicated by the appropriate pictograms on the label. When covering wooden facades, it is optimal to work with a roller: coatings that allow this method of application significantly improve the speed of work without increasing consumption.

The total amount of paint for finishing the facade is determined by the consumption standards declared by the manufacturer, the surface area and the number of layers. It is imperative to take into account that the consumption when painting rough and smooth surfaces may differ by 1.5-2 times. Also, when working with a spray gun, it is necessary to purchase paintwork materials with a margin of about 20-25%. Of no small importance are the drying speed of the paint before applying the next layer and the permissible temperature conditions - these parameters must be taken into account when planning painting work.


The range of modern paints and varnishes is organized in such a way that for each individual product a specific chemical composition and any quantitative expression of the basic properties are not indicated. This is done not only to preserve trade secrets, but also to make the choice easier for the buyer.

Therefore, when purchasing paint for your wooden facade, the most correct approach would be to be guided by general ideas about the behavior of a particular type of paint, and also to assign the responsibility for selecting paintwork materials to consultants. In this case, you only need to indicate the type of surface and type of wood, the presence or absence of any coating, region, special operating conditions, desired service life and additional wishes.

Please note that not only paints are used to protect wooden surfaces. The manufacturer will definitely recommend a suitable primer and protective impregnation. If high demands are placed on the facade in terms of durability and quality of appearance, such recommendations should not be neglected.

The time comes when it becomes necessary to carry out repair work both inside and outside the house. I was interested in the question of how to paint the outside of a wooden house, what materials are better, how to choose the right one and how to paint the house. All these issues are important for housing built from logs or laminated veneer lumber. Let's figure out how to properly paint a wooden house and how to prepare surfaces with your own hands, as well as what materials are best used for painting the foundation and pediment. In addition, I will tell you how to paint with water-based paint, what is special about the water-based mixture, why you need a compressor, and how to decorate the ceiling of a wooden house.

How to paint the outside of a wooden house

Color palette

Color palette

I decided to touch on this topic first, since everyone is interested in what color the façade of a home can be painted. The choice of color depends on your taste preferences, as well as on the color of the roof of a wooden house.

You can choose a color according to standards not only for houses made of laminated veneer lumber or logs, but also for brick or concrete houses. So:

  • Light colors can be combined with dark ones. For example, for a dark roof, light coffee and beige shades of the facade are used
  • If your private house is surrounded by greenery, then you can safely improvise with the design. The color can be rich and bright, but even here do not forget about the combination of details. You shouldn't paint your house green if there is a lot of vegetation around it.
  • A painted house can stand out thanks to small details, that is, against the background of a light facade, contrasting window frames, cornices and slopes will look very nice. By the way, all additional elements, such as drainpipes, are also matched to the color of the overall design
  • The style in which you plan to decorate the facade will play a huge role. Therefore, stop your choice on those shades that accompany this style. Sample catalogs from manufacturers will help you choose a color.

The color of the roof should be combined with the design of the facade, so if you have the opportunity, then immediately opt for more compatible finishing materials. As a small example, here are some possible colors:

  1. Bright red and soft yellow
  2. Rich gray and canary
  3. Cream color or cool yellow harmonizes perfectly with dark blue

A small table of shade combinations that will help you successfully paint your house:

Color of the walls below, roofs on the right Blue Dark blue Dark green Brown Chocolate Orange Red Cherry Dark grey
Light blue 4 5 3 5 5 2 3 5 5
Turquoise 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 4
Light green 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 4 5
Yellow 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Beige 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Pink 4 5 5 3 5 2 2 5 5
Pearl gray 4 4 2 4 3 3 4 5 4
White 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

The table is very simple to decipher: 5 is excellent, and 2 is bad. Give due consideration to the choice of color, since in the future the facade design will serve you for many years.

Important! Dark color attracts heat, so for northern regions you can cheat and install a roof of exactly that color. This will help, at least a little, to improve the microclimate in the house.

Selecting paint and preparing surfaces

Everyone knows that wood is a natural material that tends to age. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to paint the outside of a wooden house with your own hands if it is already old and has lost its appearance. But first, you should remember that the key to successful painting is surface preparation.

Surface preparation consists of preliminary cleaning the walls from dirt and dust. This is very easy to do by hosing down the base with water. If mold or mildew appears on the base of the log, then the walls of the house should be treated with special impregnations. And if you notice resin in some areas, remove it with a spatula and cover the area with varnish.

Important! Preparing surfaces with your own hands is a rather labor-intensive process, but with quality work done, you will forget for a long time about the need to repair the facade again.

All fastener caps must be coated with metal primer solutions. When surface preparation is completed, you should leave the walls of the wooden house alone for several weeks. This is necessary for complete drying and subsequent high-quality painting.

For a log house and structure made of laminated veneer lumber, you can choose compositions from the following list:

  • Antiseptic
  • Acrylate paint
  • Oil paint

Painting the outside of a wooden house allows you to protect the structure from the effects of external negative factors. This allows you to slow down the aging process of the log. With the help of antiseptics, they achieve excellent protection against mold. It is better to use a glazing antiseptic, which is transparent and can highlight the texture of the log. Acrylate paint is quite weather-resistant and allows the material to breathe. A good advantage is that this type is elastic, which means that during thermal deformations of logs and even laminated veneer lumber, the coating does not crack and retains its appearance.

Oil-based paints absorb well and have excellent characteristics, but a painted house will take a long time to dry and ultimately the surface may become more matte.

Protecting wooden surfaces with paints

We paint a wooden house with our own hands

It doesn’t matter if your wooden dacha house is built from laminated veneer lumber or other material, it still loses its original appearance over time. The old look negatively affects the mood of the residents of the house, so don’t delay updating the facade. There are several reasons why houses made of laminated veneer lumber become gray and unattractive:

  1. Firstly, water has a negative effect on wooden walls - they can be affected by mold and mildew
  2. Secondly, ultraviolet radiation contributes to the destruction of the integrity of laminated veneer lumber, and this leads to a deterioration in the properties of the material

In order to update the facade of a wooden house made of laminated veneer lumber, you should follow these instructions. Preparing surfaces with your own hands and painting occurs in the following sequence:

  • Sanding - sometimes this is simply necessary for laminated timber, as it may not have a perfectly smooth surface
  • Sealing - acrylic sealant is suitable for these purposes, which is used to process the ends
  • Primer of laminated timber
  • Applying paint - it is best to paint the facade in at least three layers

We paint the outside of a wooden house with our own hands

Very often, preparation and basic work can be done with the help of qualified specialists. Since many people want to know in advance how much such services might cost, I decided to make an approximate table of the cost of all work separately:

All services can be performed separately, which means you can save money and carry out some work yourself.

Important! If you are interested in how to paint the lining outside the house, then you should also choose all of the above options. But if you stop at using glazing antiseptics, then you will not need further painting. By the way, facade paints that are resistant to atmospheric influences are also used for the gable of the house.

Paintwork for the foundation

Tool for painting a wooden house

The foundation of any building, be it a brick, wood or concrete house, needs good protection. This is due to the fact that the foundation experiences heavy loads and has the greatest impact on it, since water tends to accumulate at the base of the house.

It is best to use water-based acrylic paints, as well as latex paints, which are also water-based paints. In addition, epoxy and polyurethane mixtures can be used for the foundation. If you paint the foundation surface with water-based paint, you get the following benefits:

  • Acrylic and latex paint dries quickly and is not afraid of moisture
  • Acrylics become hydrophobic after drying, while latex ones are very easy to clean
  • Quite economical consumption of the water-emulsion mixture: for acrylic - 0.3-0.4 kg/m2, and for latex - 1 liter per 8-10 m2

Despite the fact that the use of a water-based mixture is in great demand not only for the foundation, but also for the general facade, attention should also be paid to epoxy compounds. Although a water-based paint finish will last you quite a long time, epoxy manufacturers claim that their materials have a service life of up to 25 years. To properly protect the foundation, it is best to paint it in two layers, each of which will dry within 24 hours.

Important! If a spray gun and compressor are used to cover the foundation with a water-based mixture, then choose paint with viscosity parameters not exceeding 20-25 St.

The surfaces of a plastered house, if it is brick or concrete, can also be painted using water-based paint. If you have a compressor, the speed of work can increase significantly.

A compressor is an indispensable assistant if you need to paint something.

Painting the outside of a wooden house yourself

A painted house will look even more attractive if a compressor and a spray gun were used to decorate it. If you often do painting work, then select both the compressor and the nozzles at the same time.

For domestic use, it is best to take a compressor with a continuous operating time of 15-20 minutes and a pressure of up to 8 bar. A semi-professional class compressor can operate for up to 40 minutes and is used more often at service stations.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that for home use it is better to have a mobile compressor that is not installed on a platform, but has special wheels.

How to decorate the ceiling of a wooden house

Painting a wooden house

Very often, the ceiling of a wooden house allows your imagination to run wild. This is due to the fact that attics are often not used in wooden structures. As with any finishing work, the ceiling needs preparation, so it should be covered with an antiseptic mixture. Next, the ceiling is insulated regardless of the insulation during the construction of the house.

You can decorate the ceiling in a wooden house using materials such as:

  1. Wooden cladding, which occurs using lining boards, wooden panels, MDF panels
  2. The ceiling can be decorated with more budget options: plywood panels with a decorative coating that imitates wood
  3. Often a wooden ceiling is finished with sheets of plasterboard. After such covering, the wooden ceiling can be painted or wallpapered

Wooden houses are still popular today. They are environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive, and thanks to modern protective compounds, they are also durable. It does not matter what type of building materials the building is constructed from - timber, logs or laminated veneer lumber, external facades require a protective coating and treatment with antiseptics. This applies not only to new houses, but also to old ones that require renovation. This article will discuss how to properly paint the outside of a wooden house.

Next, we will consider in detail the reasons why it is necessary to restore the paint and varnish coating of a wooden house on the outside, the types of compositions that are suitable for external work on wood, and the technology for painting the outside of a wooden house with your own hands.

Causes of wood aging

Wood is a material with a living structure. Even a growing tree ages and becomes rotten over time, but in a felled tree these processes occur much faster. Untreated material loses its original luster in just one season, becoming gray. Therefore, to maintain an aesthetic appearance and to protect the wood itself, such houses require regular treatment.

  • Atmospheric influence. This is sun, rain and temperature changes. They make the structure of the wooden facade rougher, reducing elasticity and changing its color from yellow to gray. Due to frequent expansion and contraction with changes in humidity, cracks appear, aggravating the aging process.
  • Rot and mold. They appear in places where the greatest amount of moisture accumulates - in cracks, over time, spreading to the entire surface. Mold is easy to notice even in the initial stages, since most often it is a different formation of gray-blue color, sometimes black. These stains do not greatly affect the quality of the wood structure, but are harmful to health. But the further decay caused by them is already dangerous and requires immediate intervention in the form of painting with special compounds.

  • Bark beetles. They can even appear in new houses if the wane was not properly removed during construction or if low-quality material was used (for example, for roof sheathing). They can spoil wood unnoticed for many years. It is very difficult to get rid of them.

Advice: it is especially important to take care of high-quality protection of the facade of a wooden house if it is located near a large body of water or near highways with heavy traffic.

Choosing a paint color for your home's exterior

This is an important question, because the chosen color will affect the mood and satisfaction from the work done. The most convenient way to do this is directly in the store, where samples of wood painted in different shades are presented. When ordering paint online, the monitor may distort the actual color.

Looking through the options for painting wooden buildings in a magazine, a feeling of delight often arises, however, when choosing a color for their home, most people reach a dead end, not knowing what exactly to choose. A few tips will help here:

  • First, you should decide whether the entire house will be repainted or just its individual elements. In the latter case, the color of the dye should be in harmony with the existing tone;
  • some cottage communities require that the houses be similar in appearance, which means that the coloring must match the neighboring houses;
  • the color of the composition applied to the wood may differ greatly in the artificial lighting of the store and in street light. Therefore, many consultants recommend purchasing a small jar of dye (often, upon request, I can tint a very small volume especially for the customer) and paint some element on the facade. This will allow you to accurately decide on the option.

When choosing a shade for your home, you need to take into account the surrounding environment. For example, in a pine forest, houses with warm shades of wood facades look beautiful, and for a light birch grove it is better to choose gray tones in the Scandinavian style.

The main thing worth remembering from the basic rules is that light shades, and especially white, visually increase the size of a wooden cottage, but dark colors, on the contrary, reduce it.

Choosing paint for painting a house

Despite the fact that the modern construction market is filled with all kinds of paint and varnish products for wood, the choice of its characteristics is quite poor. Despite the fact that some formulations are widely advertised, while others are practically unknown, their components are similar. Over the past decades, no fundamentally new coloring compositions have appeared; for example, the classic oil paint of the famous Tikkurila brand has been produced without significant changes for more than 70 years. This suggests that despite the promising advertising of new dyes about unprecedented longevity, they should not be taken at face value.

  • Oil paints for wood. Most often, this is a more budget-friendly option for painting the wooden facade of a house. Their main advantage is that they are able to penetrate quite deeply into the wood structure, making it resistant to the negative influence of atmospheric conditions. But in order for the house to always look aesthetically pleasing, this coating requires updating every 5 years or more often, depending on the conditions of the region. Another drawback is low resistance to ultraviolet radiation. This means that the south side of the building will lose color saturation faster (of course, this only applies to bright shades). Drying oil-based compositions take quite a long time to dry. Even in sunny and warm weather this takes several hours. Therefore, to prevent dust from sticking to the new facades, you need to choose calm weather for work.
  • Acrylate paints for wood. This is the best dye option for the wooden facade of a house. This is primarily due to their ability to create a reliable vapor-permeable coating. That is, after application, a layer is formed that can breathe, just like wood. In addition, even after hardening, alkyd paints remain flexible enough to not crack when the wood dries out seasonally. All this allows you to extend the performance characteristics up to 8-10 years without the need for new repairs.

  • Covering antiseptic for wood. They are based on an acrylate-alkyd composition. This is a relatively recently introduced type of product, but with a number of advantages due to which it is gaining popularity. This composition can give cheap wood the appearance of an expensive material. This allows you to save money during construction when you want to achieve a respectable result inexpensively. In addition, such antiseptics retain their appearance for more than 10 years without tinting.
  • Varnishes, stains, azures. If expensive materials were chosen for the construction of a wooden house, then you should opt for a colorless and durable coating. They will add gloss to the surface, without distorting the color, but only slightly change the shade and fully show the beautiful texture of the natural material. If desired, they can be tinted, in which case the color saturation will depend on the number of layers applied.

When asking the question of what is the best way to paint a house, most rely on the price/quality ratio. So you can make a rough overview of the most famous manufacturers:

  • Budget paints. These include economy options, the cost of which does not exceed 100-150 rubles/kg. These are “Senezh”, “Aquatex”, “Texturol”.
  • Average price category. Their price ranges from 250-350 rubles/kg. The most famous are Tikkurila and Belinka.
  • Premium paint- from 400 rub/kg and above. These are foreign manufacturers such as Woodwork and Johnestones.

  • If a new house is being painted, the choice of paint is unlimited and depends only on the preferences of the owner. It’s a different matter if repair work is being carried out on a previously painted wooden facade. In this case, it must be painted with the same composition that was applied before. But there is a small nuance: if the wall was painted with oil paint, then acrylic paint can be applied to it after preliminary treatment.
  • If the work was previously carried out by other owners, then first you need to determine the type of paint. Using a sharp stationery knife, cut off a piece of the composition or make an incision and look: if it breaks and crumbles easily, then it is oil paint, if it has enough elasticity to roll into a roll, it is acrylate paint.
  • It is better to paint on a cloudy day, when there is no bright sun, but no rain is expected. This is due to the fact that when direct sunlight hits a freshly painted wooden facade, the paint may dry unevenly, forming streaks.

  • You should beware of purchasing products that have appeared on the construction market only recently. Even if the manufacturer indicates a warranty period of up to 15-20 years, it has not yet been possible to verify this in practice. But in any case, the manufacturer indicates it taking into account the fact that the wood has been previously treated with antiseptics and preparations and primed. Without this, the service life is sharply reduced.
  • When purchasing, it is also important to pay attention to coverage characteristics. That is, the consumption of the composition per m2, so often a jar with a smaller volume can cover a larger area than a cheaper analogue. This means that it is not always worth focusing on the price parameter “rub/l.”

Painting wooden houses. Preparatory work

  • Before you start painting the outside of a wooden house, you need to carry out preliminary preparation of the walls. For a new home, they consist of applying an antiseptic and primer. But when renovating an old building, there will be significantly more work: sanding to good wood and processing cracks. These procedures will protect against possible unevenness or peeling of the old and new paint from each other.
  • The problem with most wooden houses is their seasonal "movement", leading to cracking of the paint if it does not have sufficient elasticity. Moisture easily penetrates into the cracks that form, which leads to further destruction of the paintwork and the wood itself. In addition, mold that forms in such places has a detrimental effect on human health, causing pulmonary diseases. The only exception is houses made of laminated veneer lumber; thanks to the production technology, they do not form cracks and painting is needed only for aesthetic purposes.
  • Therefore, first, with a metal spatula, all exfoliated areas and those that can be easily cleaned are roughly removed. After this, using a grinder with a special disk, clean the surface to light and clean wood. This guarantees the durability of the repair.

  • The easiest and cheapest way to treat mold cracks is with a spray bottle of regular white, which is sold at any hardware store. The concentration is taken at 100%, that is, without dilution with water. Due to the pungent odor, even outdoor work must be carried out in a respirator, safety glasses and gloves.

How to properly paint the outside of an old wooden house

  • Sometimes, after complete sanding, the surface of the wood has many nicks and irregularities. It is advisable to smooth them with coarse sandpaper. Again, these cleaning discs are sold for grinders, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the process. As a result, it turns out to achieve a fairly smooth surface.
  • The next step is to apply the primer. Today, you can find special primer compositions for wood on sale that already have antiseptic additives. Thus, the work is cut in half. Doing this with a brush takes a very long time; it is much more convenient to use a spray gun. In order not to buy it for a one-time job, you can rent it. It is recommended to apply it in two layers.

Tip: for a more saturated color as a result of painting, add the required amount of color to the primer so that it is as close in color as possible to the paint itself. So, if the house is painted gray, then the primer should be gray. It is best to do this in the store where the composition was purchased.

  • Painting begins only if the wood is completely dry. After opening a new jar, mix the composition thoroughly for a couple of minutes until it becomes homogeneous. For work, choose a wide brush with fine bristles. It is best to buy a varnish brush; it will allow you to apply the paint more evenly. Work begins from top to bottom, carefully ensuring that no leaks form. The strokes are made horizontally, along the grain of the wood.

  • When working with a spray gun, the same requirements are followed. But with it, the paint goes on more evenly, and the consumption is reduced.
  • As a rule, applying one layer cannot avoid noticeable smudges, and the coating itself is not strong enough. For exterior work, in addition to the primer layer, it is recommended to apply at least three layers of paint.

How to properly paint a wooden house outside video