Cable heating of water pipes. Heating cable for water pipe: types, role, application Pipeline heating cable

In a country house, the problem of freezing water pipes is a fairly common problem. This may occur due to severe Russian frosts or improper installation of utility networks. This unpleasant problem can be solved using forced heating of water supply networks. Even a novice DIYer can install a cable for heating a water pipe.

The heating system will help avoid emergency situations with the plumbing

The principle of such heating is quite simple and similar to the operation of underfloor heating. Self-regulating heating cable or resistive cable is suitable for water supply. It is laid in the right place and connected to the electrical network.

Installation of the heating device is carried out in two ways:

  • laid within the network;
  • wrapped around the outside.

A resistive heating wire for water pipes costs less than a self-regulating one, so it is used more often.

Important! To warm utility networks, a two-wire wire is used. It does not need to be looped like a single-core one.

A self-regulating conductor is good because it significantly saves energy and does not require the installation of a temperature control device. Its only drawback is that the cost is twice as high as its resistive counterpart.

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In what situations is it necessary to install a heating conductor:

  • when labor is located outside the house;
  • utility networks are located above the ground freezing level;
  • in some places the pipeline passes from the underground part to the surface part;
  • communications take place inside an unheated space (attic, veranda).
Note! Laying a water pipeline below the ground freezing line does not exclude the possibility of an emergency. The water can partially turn into ice and clog the net tightly.

Heating the water pipe avoids freezing and allows you to maintain the required temperature throughout the winter period

The cost of resistant wiring starts from three hundred rubles. A self-regulating conductor will cost about seven hundred to a thousand rubles.

How to lay a cable for heating a water pipe

The heating system for utility networks has several components:

  • electrical wires;
  • special fasteners that tightly fix the wire on the channel;
  • power conductors connecting the heating system to the energy source;
  • additional electrical appliances that provide connections and thermoregulation.
Note! The heating cable for a water pipe can heat up to a temperature of one hundred and twenty degrees, but it is worth remembering that such heating can adversely affect plastic materials.

Resistive cable

It has two heating cores, covered in a heat insulator and a shielding shell. It works like a regular heating element. The main requirement for this device is not to divide it into parts, in which case too many adapters will be required, which will significantly complicate installation.

The resistive conductor evenly heats the entire water supply network. If any part of it stops functioning, the entire system will have to be replaced. But the main thing about this system is its low price. It is easy to install a heating cable for a water supply outside a pipe yourself, saving on inviting specialists.

Self-regulating wire

This device has a semiconductor matrix that allows you to adjust the system temperature to external conditions. The matrix is ​​placed between the wire cores. This system allows you to save energy while maintaining optimal results. This system can be safely divided into parts.

Installation of cable along the pipe

This type of heating is considered the easiest to install. The only important condition is that the electrical cable must pass under the network. This position will protect the wire from accidental mechanical damage. In addition, the water in the pipeline begins to be frozen by ice from below, so this type of heating will prevent an emergency. There are several schemes for external cable routing:

To fix the wire, you can use construction metal tape; it will firmly attach the cable to the pipe and increase its heat transfer. Securing the cable with ordinary tape is possible, but short-lived. When laying the conductor, special attention must be paid to angular momenta. To prevent the core from breaking, it is placed on the outside of the pipeline.

In northern regions where severe frosts are observed for a long time, experts recommend winding the heating cable around the water supply in a spiral manner. The core consumption will be almost twice as high, but the efficiency of such a device will increase by an order of magnitude. The pitch of one turn is from five centimeters or more.

Advice! To wind a wire in a hard-to-reach place, many turns are first wound, and then they are straightened in the reverse order.

To prevent the system from overheating, a temperature sensor must be installed on the resistance cable. It is recommended to install it in the coldest place, far from the heating core. The installation site is wrapped with metal tape.

Heating cable for water supply inside a pipe

Laying a heating wire inside the water supply is a less labor-intensive process. A choice is made in its favor only when the utility networks have been installed a long time ago and are not available for the installation of external heating.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • the internal volume of the pipeline is significantly reduced;
  • after some time, the wire will begin to become overgrown with limescale and may completely clog the water supply;
  • the reliability of the system circuit is reduced due to the need to use tees;
  • The in-pipe system can only be installed on straight sections of the water supply system.

How to install a heater inside a pipeline:

  • A gland is put on the wire, a tee is mounted at the point where the wire enters, through which the cable is fed.
  • The wire is pushed to a particularly cold place, which poses an emergency hazard.
  • The oil seal assembly must be sealed, tightened and crimped securely.

Connecting the cable to the power source

Heat shrink is used to insulate the end of the cable, which will protect the wire from moisture penetration. How to properly connect water heating is demonstrated in detail in the video below.

Helpful information! Most heating systems only work with a cable length of up to fifty meters.

Connecting the heating cable (video)

Thermal insulation laying

To increase the efficiency of the system, it is necessary to cover the water supply with heat-insulating material.

The thickness of the insulation should be at least two centimeters. The larger the diameter of the pipe, the thicker the heat insulator you need to choose.

  • For the cable to heat a water pipe to work effectively, it is important to correctly calculate its power. It is difficult to do this on your own, so it is better to turn to specialists. There are tables and formulas for calculating pipe heat loss.
  • Calculation of heat loss must include average temperatures of the region.
  • If supports or reinforcement fastenings are installed on the pipe, it is necessary to increase the number of cable turns in these places.

Bottom line

An electric cable for heating the water supply system will help avoid freezing and bursting of pipes in severe frosts.

It is not difficult to install such a heater, but you should take into account the recommendations of specialists in calculating the required heater power.

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Effective heating of pipelines in winter solves a lot of problems: it protects liquids from freezing and thickening, and helps maintain operating temperatures. We will figure out how to choose the right heating cable for pipes, study the advantages and disadvantages, installation features, and tell you about the operating rules.

Heating cables are used for heating water supply, sewer, drainage pipes, in defrosting systems of drainage systems, on main and process pipelines.

The main task of pipeline heating systems is to prevent the liquid in the pipe from freezing. Ice will not only clog the pipe, it can cause damage to it. The same applies to drainage systems: ice that forms in gutters and pipes increases the weight of the drain. As a rule, this ends in a system failure followed by repair or complete replacement.

Another important area of ​​application is maintaining operating temperatures of pipelines in various industries, regardless of the time of year, and ensuring normal operating temperatures in hot water supply pipelines.

In Russia, with its cold winters, the issue of the correct type of pipe heating is especially acute.

Types of heating cables

Two main types of heating cables:

Feature of the first type- the ability to change temperature depending on the ambient temperature (the lower the ambient air or ground temperature drops, the more the cable heats up). Second type - resistive- has a constant set temperature, which depends on the value of the cable resistance.

Self-regulating cable

Self-regulating cables are used mainly for heating pipes, resistive cables are used in underfloor heating systems, roof defrosting systems or for heating concrete.

Cables can be installed outside or inside the pipe, with or without grounding. The latter can be used for pipes in the ground.

By configuration Most of the heating cables popular in Russia are also divided into two types:

  • in sets;
  • cut-off

Complete models are more convenient, as they do not require the purchase and installation of additional components and accessories. Cutting ones are more versatile. They allow servicing pipeline sections of any length, but require specific installation skills.

How does a self-regulating cable work?

The operation of such a cable is based on heating a special conductive matrix. It consists of a semiconductor that is connected in parallel in a circuit between two copper conductors.

The semiconductor matrix of the self-regulating cable may have tin or nickel plated. Nickel-plated matrices are more durable. Pay attention to the presence of braid on the cable. It makes the cable stronger and more resistant to mechanical damage. A cable without such a braid is a budget option.

No less important is presence of external insulation. If we are talking about selecting a cable for domestic use, then you can save money and take the option with polyolefin insulation. For industrial conditions, it is better to use fluoropolymer insulation, which makes the cable more protected from sunlight and aggressive environments. For the cable that will be located inside the pipe, you will need fluoroplastic insulation.

The cable also differs in temperature class:

  • a low-temperature cable can heat up to 65 0 C, the power is no more than 15 W/m, which is not very much. This option is only for very small diameter pipes;
  • medium temperature cable can heat up to 120 0 C, has a power from 10 to 33 W/m. well suited for heating roofs and protecting medium-diameter pipes from freezing;
  • high-temperature cable heats up to 190 0 C, power from 15 to 95 W/m. This is an option for use in industrial settings.

The choice of power depends on the diameter of the pipe. For pipes with a diameter of up to 25 mm, a cable with a power of 10 W/m is suitable, for a diameter of 25-40 mm - 16 W/m, for pipes 40-60 mm - 24 W/m, for pipes 60-80 mm - 30 W/m, for pipes with a diameter of more than 80 mm - 40 W/m or more.

Heating cable manufacturers

The most popular cables in Russia are the following brands:

  • Heatus (South Korea);
  • FINE KOREA (South Korea);
  • Raychem (USA);

One of the main characteristics on which the durability of the heating system depends is the heat treatment (baking) of the matrix. It affects a reliable connection at the molecular level. The matrix of other manufacturers may not have such processing.

Below are the results of tests of Heatus heating matrices, which were carried out in the laboratory of the manufacturing plant Young Chang Silicone. They showed that after 5200 hours of normal operation of the heating cable, the rated power of the Heatus matrix (16 W/m for the 16GSR2 cable and 30 W/m for the 30GSR2 cable) changed very little.

Cable inrush current. The lower it is, the less impact on the connections of the matrix with the current-carrying conductors, which means the cable will last longer. Let's look at the main parameters of common cable models by brand (see image below).

From the table above it can be seen that the lowest value of the starting current is for samples 1 and 2 - Heatus and Fine Korea. Low inrush currents protect cable matrices from sudden temperature changes and thus have a positive effect on the durability of the system as a whole.

The next important characteristic is time to reach operating current and its relationship with starting current. The Heatus and Raychem models have the lowest time to operating current and starting current ratios, but the Heatus 16GSR2 model has the lowest ramp-down time to operating current, and therefore a less stressed matrix and low power consumption. It is the optimal values ​​of the starting and time to reach operating current that make Heatus the leader of a kind of rating.

Let's take a closer look at the products of this South Korean company.

Heatus Cable Kits

To solve everyday problems, in facilities with pipelines of not very long length, it is convenient to use ready-made heating cable kits. For installation inside a pipe, a company from South Korea offers a range of PerfectJet cables, and for installation outside a pipeline - a family of ARDpipe cables. All cable models are covered by a five-year warranty.

To make the right choice, you need to determine the parameters of the pipeline: type, pipe diameter and operating conditions.


PerfectJet cables are recommended for installation inside pipes with a diameter of 20 to 120 millimeters. They operate at exposure temperatures from -60 to +85 degrees Celsius for working environments with temperatures from -20 to +65 degrees. This cable is optimal for heating water supply and sewerage systems.

Installing the cable inside the pipe allows it to be used for sections of pipelines hidden under a layer of soil, regardless of the depth.

The advantage of PerfectJet cables is the outer insulation made of food-grade polyethylene. The products can be used in drinking water pipelines.

The cable consumes little energy. At 10 degrees Celsius, the power consumption of one linear meter is only 13 watts.

To install the cable correctly, you must follow a few simple rules:

Power to the cable must be supplied through a circuit breaker, residual current device (RCD) or automatic circuit breaker. The power system must be grounded.

The cable must have a thermostat with a temperature sensor installed on the pipeline. During the warm season, the cable must be disconnected from the power supply.

Standard sizes. The series cables have a size range of 65 standard sizes with a pitch of 1 meter. This makes it possible to select the optimal length for almost any object. Such systems are especially often used in private home systems.


The ARDpipe family of cables is designed for heating pipelines with a diameter from a minimum to 200 millimeters outside the pipe, as well as thermal protection of septic tanks, drainage systems, and large-diameter sewer pipes. Heatus offers both grounded and non-grounded models.

ARDpipes are optimal for harsh operating conditions. They have durable insulation, can withstand temperatures from -60 to +65 degrees Celsius, and are UV-resistant.

External heating systems have a number of features. When installing on plastic pipelines, it is worth remembering the low thermal conductivity of plastic, so it is better to mount the cable on the pipe, having previously glued aluminum tape to it at the point of contact.

The cable is fixed along its entire length using aluminum tape or clamps, plastic ties with a fastening pitch of 30 centimeters.

If the circuit provides a thermostat, then its sensor should be located on the side of the pipe opposite the cable. After installing the cable on the pipeline, it must be thermally insulated.

The cable can be installed along the pipe or in a spiral around it.

When installed along a pipe (linear installation), the heating cable passes through its lower part. This way the heat will be distributed more evenly, and the cable will be better protected from mechanical damage.
The spiral cable is installed on large diameter pipelines and in cases where there are power limitations. The disadvantage of this installation method is the excessive cable consumption.

For greater efficiency when operating outdoors, the serviced pipeline must be thermally insulated. This will significantly reduce the energy consumption of the self-regulating cable and reduce heat losses.


Systems for heating pipelines, thawing roofs, gutters and eaves, heated floors - everything that is based on the operation of a heating cable - are increasingly used in Russia, where this is especially important due to the harsh climate.

Heating systems mean comfort and safety. The safety of pipelines and other systems, their durability and, consequently, the safety of the budget depend on proper operation.

As for energy consumption, modern technological solutions make it possible to create energy-efficient heating systems with consumption values ​​that can be neglected.

A well-known supplier of cable products of this type in Russia is the Avarit company, which is the official distributor of the Heatus brand in Russia. The Heatus product catalog in the Avarit assortment includes cable heating systems for floors, pipes, roofs, platforms, equipment, and soil. The company delivers orders to any region of Russia. Avarit offices and warehouse areas are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Orenburg and Samara.

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Owners of their own houses with an individual water supply system in winter are faced with the problem of freezing of pipeline sections. This situation slows down the flow of water, and can lead to breakdown of the pipe or the entire heating system. To avoid such problems, you can install a heating cable for the water pipe.

Example of a frozen pipeline

For a long time, special wires have been used to heat sewer and water supply systems. A heating cable is a regular wire with an electrical resistance adjustment that is used to control the heating of the cable.

It is used on open sections of pipes to avoid the formation of ice plugs. When the air temperature drops below minus 5 degrees Celsius, the wire must be connected.

Note! If you turn on the wire after any section of the water supply has frozen, it will take a certain time for the ice to turn into water, and the liquid pressure in the system will be very weak.

Composition of the heating system

Such systems include not only the cable itself, which regulates the water temperature, but also the following elements:

  • a starting system, which is usually placed in a control cabinet;
  • aluminum tapes for insulation;
  • thermal insulation of water supply;
  • the wire itself;
  • device for regulating temperature.

The complete package may vary depending on the technical characteristics of the system. For example, if the heating of a water pipe from freezing consists of a two-wire self-regulating system, then an additional regulator is not required. Such a device is connected to the system using a special connecting element, which automatically regulates the heat level.

Advantages of a pipe heating system

The pipe heating system is used because it has a number of advantages:

Note! A heated water pipe has a wide range of advantages, and it is inexpensive.

Types of pipeline heating

Heating wires are classified according to their heat dissipation pattern into self-regulating and resistive systems. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Resistive heating option

The principle of operation of such a cable is to heat an insulated metal core, and it is important to monitor the temperature to prevent the heating element from burning out.According to the type of construction, such a cable can have one or two cores. The first option is rarely used, as it requires closing the circuit. When heating pipes, such a system is sometimes completely impossible.

A two-core wire is more practical - one end of the cable is connected to the network, and a contact coupling is installed on the other, which ensures closure.One conductor can serve as a heat source, then the second serves only for the necessary conductivity. Sometimes both conductors are used, increasing the heating power itself.

The conductors are protected by multilayer insulation, which is grounded in the form of a circuit (screen). To protect against mechanical damage, the outer contour is made of a polyvinyl chloride shell.

Such a system has its positive and negative sides. The first includes:

The disadvantages of the system include the following:

  • For correct operation, it is necessary to purchase additional elements (thermal sensor, control unit for automatic control).
  • The cable is sold with a certain meter, and the end contact bushing is mounted under production conditions. Self-cutting is prohibited.

For more economical operation, use the second option.

Semiconductor self-regulating

This self-regulating heating cable system for water supply is completely different in operating principle from the first option.Two conductors (metal) are separated by a special semiconductor matrix, which acts as a heating source. This ensures high current conductivity at low temperatures. At the same time, when the temperature rises, electricity consumption decreases noticeably.

Note! The process of self-regulation occurs at individual points along the entire length of the heating.

Such features allow the highest temperatures to be reached in more vulnerable areas. This cable system for heating water pipes has its advantages:

  • Savings on energy consumption increase, since as the ambient temperature rises, the system reduces power.
  • You can buy the required length; cutting points are provided in increments of 20 or 50 cm.

There is also a negative side - the high cost of the cable itself. Even simple varieties cost about 300 rubles per meter, and the most “advanced” models are priced at over 1000 rubles.

Any system can be installed inside or outside the pipe. Each technology has its own characteristics that should be taken into account during installation. So, for external construction it is better to choose models with a flattened cross-section, since a larger surface of the cable will be in contact with the pipe, which will increase heat transfer. The power limit is wide, you can choose from 10 to 60 W per linear meter.

How to calculate the required heating power for pipelines using a heating cable?

Professionals have a fairly complex system for calculating the required power of a wire system for heating water pipes. In everyday life, you can use a simpler method, where you should rely on several indicators:

  • For internal heating, 10 W/m is enough.
  • For outdoor use, more powerful designs are used (17 or 27 W/m). Or you can use the formula below.

You can find different prices for such a heating system in different stores; everything will depend on the material of manufacture and the manufacturer, as well as on the power. For example, for a heating cable for a water supply installed outside a pipe, the price can start from 300 rubles and more per linear meter.

Mounting options

Installation variations will depend on the method of insulation (internal or external). Let's consider several ways.

Features of installing a heating cable for water supply inside a pipe

Typically, this type of installation is used when the pipes are already in operation and plugs form during frosts. Moreover, if you expect to install a cable for heating a water pipe in a container with drinking water, then you should purchase a special one that has a permit.

To insert the cable inside, you will need a gland, which is not required for external installation.

To install the system inside a pipe, you must accurately calculate the length of the pipeline section that needs to be heated. The installation location is indicated by a warning notice.

Note! All actions during internal installation must be carried out very carefully to prevent damage to the cable. In this case, it is better to cover the threads on the fittings with factory air conditioning, like other sharp objects.

The most commonly used method is to install the cable on the outside of the pipe.

Video: installation of a self-regulating heating cable inside a pipe

External installation

If you carry out the installation of the heating cable efficiently, it will ensure long-term trouble-free operation of the entire water supply system. To do this, you must follow the following steps:

  • Preparatory. Clean all pipes from dirt and rust.
  • Installing the cable using one of the selected methods.

The first installation option is to run several parallel threads along the pipe, the number of which depends on the required power.The second is a spiral arrangement. This option will require large expenses, so it is used in small areas of the water supply system.

With the onset of frost, the pipeline is exposed to low temperatures. Moreover, extreme cold can not only freeze the liquid inside, but also cause numerous communication breakdowns. To protect yourself from possible troubles such as lack of water supply, it is better to place the pipe in a heating cable. But first, you need to understand the device, find out its features and operating principle.

The heating cable is intended for communications that are not located too deep in the ground or even laid on the surface, in fact, those wires that do not warm up in the winter. Therefore, many owners of private houses have to deal with heating the water supply themselves.

Heating of pipes occurs due to heating cores and other conductive insulating elements. It functions only after being connected to the electrical network, after which it begins to release heat to the environment. There are different models, they can be installed both on top and inside.

There are two types of pipe heating cable:

  • resistive;
  • self-regulating.

In the first case, the property of metals is used, which is heated under the influence of electric current. In this wire, it is the metal conductor that is heated. The important thing is that the amount of heat they generate is always the same, no matter what the outside temperature is. Since in spring and autumn the pipes no longer need strong heating, special thermostats are installed on the system, with the help of which the temperature is regulated.

When installing resistive wires, you should not lay them too closely together, and you should also make sure that they do not intersect. Since in such a situation they overheat quite quickly, which leads to their breakdown. It is also worth adding that such material cannot be cut, therefore, if a whole coil of cable is purchased, it will need to be laid entirely.

The self-regulating wire is presented in the form metal-polymer matrix, which works due to the fact that a current passes through the cable, which heats the polymer. The material itself is located between the conductors. The polymer material regulates the temperature on its own, which is why it got its name.

There are several advantages of such a wire:

  • does not burn out;
  • fits in any form;
  • You can cut it to the required length.

The only disadvantage is the cost, it is quite high, although the service life fully justifies the financial costs. If you follow all the rules, the products will last 10-12 years.

There are two ways to lay the heating cable for pipes: outside or inside. Moreover, each type has its own wire and its own installation technique. How to install the system is detailed in the technical specifications.

It is possible to install a heating wire inside the pipeline. In this case, it must meet the following requirements:

  • electrical protection no less than IP 68;
  • the end coupling must be sealed;
  • the sheath that covers the veins should not emit harmful substances.

To lay the cable inside, you need to install a special tee at the tip of the pipe. Then, using the gland, which is usually included in the kit, the wire is inserted.

You also need to pay attention to the fact that the coupling must be located outside the pipeline and the gland, since it is not suitable for wet environments.

The tee itself can be installed at absolutely any outlet angle, it can be 90, 120 and 180 degrees, in this case the cable does not need to be fixed, it will be enough to simply tuck it inside.

An external type heating cable is secured a little differently; it should fit snugly to the pipeline. If metal pipes are being installed, then initially they should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and rust, and the welding points should be wiped down so that they cannot damage the conductor. And after this, the wires are laid, and they need to be fixed at a distance of 25-30 cm, this is done using metallized adhesive tape, you can also use plastic clamps.

There is another installation option: the heating wires are laid in a spiral, but you need to make sure that the cable does not have sharp bends or multiple bends. The easiest way is to unwind the coupling, and then carefully wind the freed wire onto the pipe.

If you plan to heat a plastic water supply, you must first cover it with metallized tape, since it increases thermal conductivity, and heating in this case will be more intense.

In addition to the heating cable, it is necessary to additionally insulate the pipes. You cannot use mineral wool for this; the fact is that when wet, it completely loses its thermal insulation capabilities. At the same time, in cold weather it freezes and simply crumbles into dust. And since it is not possible to ensure a dry environment around the pipes, it is better to refuse such insulation.

You should not purchase a material that tends to shrink under the influence of gravity, as this also affects thermal conductivity. If the pipes are located in a special sewer system, there is nothing pressing on them, then it is allowed to use such insulation, but if the pipeline runs simply underground, then it requires rigid thermal insulation.

Experts advise using polystyrene foam as insulation. It has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, it is not afraid of high humidity or dampness, it is able to withstand even critical loads.

In winter, it becomes extremely important for utilities and private owners to protect water-carrying communications from complete or partial freezing. Unfavorable factors in the form of temperature changes and condensation deposition have an extremely negative impact on the physical condition of water pipes. Freezing of water in pipes can lead to a violation of the tightness of communications, even made of durable steel. As a result, breakdowns and accidents may occur, leading to the cessation of water supply, short-term or for a critically long period. (photo) In addition, significant financial costs will be required to eliminate the consequences of the accident, repair and (or) replace pipes and restore water supply. At low temperatures and prolonged frosts, conventional thermal insulation of water pipes is often not effective enough. That is why it is advisable and cost-effective to use an additional option for protecting water supply lines from the cold. The optimal choice for maintaining the functionality of water mains is an electric heating cable. A cable for heating a water pipe is capable of maintaining the required temperature, providing sufficient heating to prevent freezing of the water main and preventing the formation of frost and ice plugs on the street sections of the pipeline. Such a device (thermal cable) performs several important functions at once:

  • protects the water supply along its entire length from freezing;
  • helps maintain the set temperature inside the pipeline;
  • eliminates the formation of condensation;
  • ensures the required speed of fluid passage inside drinking water communications;
  • prevents the formation of solid sediment.

It is advisable to use a heating cable for water supply in residential buildings when it is necessary to maintain a constant water temperature for the stable functioning of the water supply. The installation of such a heating system is directly indicated if there is a threat of freezing of the water supply pipe, if the main line is located:

  • in unheated rooms (basement);
  • in the ground at shallow depths (up to 1.5 meters);
  • on the street, in the open air.

A special heating cable is laid inside the pipe or wrapped around areas most susceptible to freezing. The operating principle of the heating cable is to convert electrical energy into heat without the use of fuel. The amount of heat generated by the thermal cable is sufficient to maintain the optimum temperature in the pipe cavity, which eliminates crystallization and transition of the liquid into a solid state. Thermal cables for household communications are available in different lengths (from 1 to 100 or more meters), which makes it possible to provide the necessary heating only in those sections of the main line where freezing of the pipeline is possible.

Today, a heating cable is practically the only solution for preventing icing and freezing of drinking water lines. In addition, the use of a heating element (thermal cable) may be in demand not only in the winter season. Areas where weather conditions are frequent or where there is a significant difference between day and night temperatures may require pipes equipped with thermal cables. Installing a heating system for water mains will ensure uninterrupted cold and hot water supply in a country house, cottage or country house, regardless of the season.

Heating cable inside a water pipe

Domestic water communications and drinking water pipes can be heated from the inside; This technology has been developed and successfully used for quite a long time.

For this method of heating the drinking water line, a special heating cable with external insulation made of food-grade plastic is used. All equipment for internal heating has a hygienic certificate and does not change the taste of drinking water and its characteristics. Its main advantage is efficiency and simplicity; Such cables begin to work for heating when the temperature in the pipe drops below 3 degrees Celsius. This is explained by the fact that it will take some time to thaw the frozen liquid, and during this time period the pressure in the water pipeline will be significantly reduced. In some cases, a cable inside the water supply is preferable to an external heating method. Equipment sets for such heating of communications are of factory origin and can be easily purchased in specialized stores.

Advantages of heating cables for water supply protection

A heating cable is necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation of water supply and sewerage systems in regions with harsh climatic conditions and long winters. Heating water pipes using a thermal cable provides the following advantages:

  • reliability. With correct calculation and high-quality installation of the thermal cable, freezing of water-carrying communications is completely prevented throughout the winter period;
  • high power and heat transfer rates. By installing a heating cable system, optimal conditions for heating pipes of almost any configuration are provided;
  • safety. The thermal cable can be used to heat drinking water pipes;
  • versatility. You can connect the thermal cable to water pipes laid outdoors or underground. The cable can be placed on the surface or inside the pipeline;
  • ease and economy of operation. The device consumes a minimum of electricity, supplying enough heat to heat the pipe;
  • benefit. From an economic point of view, equipping water-carrying communications with a heating cable eliminates repair costs. The monetary cost of installing a thermal cable pays off within one season of operation;
  • durability. The heating cable for a water pipe lasts up to 10 years.

Types of thermal cables and their characteristics

There are two types of cables that are used to protect water pipes from freezing and condensation: resistive and self-regulating.

A resistive thermal cable is structurally composed of an internal core made of a high-resistance material, which is placed in plastic insulation and has a copper braid. The external insulation is seamless, which protects the heating cable from moisture, temperature and chemical influences. The difference between such heating devices is a constant resistance along the entire length of the cable, the power of which reaches 1-25 watts per linear meter. This thermal cable is supplied in ready-made pieces of a certain length, which cannot be further cut and require mandatory grounding. When installing a resistive cable on (or in) a pipe, it is necessary to additionally install temperature sensors and thermostats, the function of which is to control the temperature regime and turn off the electrical power when the set temperature is exceeded. Installing a resistive type cable is advisable if it is necessary to heat large diameter pipes. The resistive thermal cable is characterized by low cost and long service life, but if it fails it requires complete replacement.

A self-regulating cable is a device in the form of two wires separated by a conductive polymer; it usually has two main indicators: operating power and resting power. Both indicators are indicated on its surface. This type of thermal cable has variable resistance, which varies depending on the ambient temperature. Each section of a self-regulating cable is capable of locally responding to external conditions; however, the operation of other parts does not change. When the temperature drops over a certain period, the power automatically increases, and when it rises, it decreases. This effect eliminates overheating and burnout of the thermal cable; in addition, it can be cut into sections of the required size without losing its performance qualities.

Self-regulating cable is more reliable and economical to operate and is suitable for protecting domestic and industrial water-bearing communications and drains. A self-regulating cable is slightly more expensive than a resistive cable. This is explained by the more complex structure of this device and its higher reliability and safety indicators.

Installation of a cable system to protect the water main

Before installing the cable heating system, first of all, prepare the pipeline itself for work: clean the surface of dirt and remove rust, if any. Then the thermal cables are wound or horizontally pressed against the pipeline. There are several ways to position a thermal cable on a heated pipeline:

  • parallel installation method (one or more cables are pulled along the pipeline);
  • spiral winding;
  • wavy (zigzag) styling.

Placing a thermal cable at the bottom of pipes for heating water supply is not as important as in the case of heating sewer lines. Heating cables must not be installed on moving parts.

When installing self-regulating cables, it is allowed for them to cross each other; In the case of resistive cables, such self-crossing is strictly prohibited. After placing the thermal cables, they are fixed to the pipeline using aluminum adhesive tape.

Then the water-carrying main is insulated along its entire length. A significant layer of thermal insulation will have a beneficial effect on energy savings, that is, the thicker and better the thermal insulation is, the less heat loss will be. Also, thanks to high-quality thermal insulation, the amount of electricity consumed to operate the thermal cable will be significantly reduced.

The main thing you should pay attention to when installing additional heating systems is the insulation of the thermal cable and preventing its direct contact with the thermal insulation. To prevent the heating cable from coming into contact with the thermal insulation of the protected line, it is wrapped with a layer of aluminum foil or aluminum tape. If the water-carrying pipeline runs in the open air, then the thermal insulation must be fixed with materials that do not disintegrate from sunlight (resistant to ultraviolet radiation).

For reliable and safe operation of heating cables, it is recommended to use a residual current device (RCD).

Any heating cable for water supply is developed using advanced technologies and fully meets the most stringent standards of quality, safety and reliability. All products have the necessary certificates of conformity, quality and fire safety. The cost of a thermal cable is determined by the manufacturer’s brand, the characteristics of a particular model, power and other parameters.

Heating cable for water supply effectively protects plastic and metal pipes from freezing during prolonged exposure to low temperatures, ensuring a stable supply of water and significantly extending the durability of any water main.

Proven cable models are optimally suited for heating domestic water pipes and for the needs of municipal services. At the same time, these heating devices are characterized by ease of operation and minimal energy consumption. It is very important to choose the right heating cable: a water supply system insulated in this way will not be affected by the problems of icing and freezing.

Typically, ready-made kits of self-regulating thermal cable for pipelines are sold, connected to a power cable and plug. A pipe temperature sensor is not used when using short-length self-regulating cables. The system automatically changes power, maintaining positive values ​​even at severe negative temperatures.

To select the optimal cable model for each specific case, you must first perform an accurate calculation of its required power, taking into account the expected operating conditions and the following factors:

  • pipe diameter and length;
  • the material from which the water supply structure is made;
  • thermal insulation thickness;
  • heat loss of the pipeline, which must be fully compensated.

The use of a self-regulating cable for heating pipes reduces energy consumption and makes heating uniform. Self-regulating cables have the ability to reduce heating power when the temperature rises and increase power when it drops. Thus, the work on heating water-carrying communications is carried out with a thermal cable exactly in the place where it is needed - the power of the cable will be higher in cold zones and much lower in heated zones.

Before using a pipeline heating system, it is necessary to calculate the power of the equipment and the amount of required materials (thermal cable, thermal insulation, and so on). To do this, it makes sense to seek advice from heating system engineers. Only an experienced specialist can assess the influence of various factors on the plumbing system and choose the right heating system; he will also give competent recommendations on which cable (resistive or self-regulating) should be used in each specific case.

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