Layout of small houses for a summer residence. Projects of houses with a veranda

Single-family homes are great for many reasons. One of them is the opportunity to provide additional comfort for the family in advance, at the project stage. This is done in different ways: they add a garage and an attic, erect a gazebo in the garden, build a bathhouse. And it’s rare that an owner will refuse such an architectural element as a veranda or terrace.

The suburban area is increasingly perceived as a place of relaxation and enjoyment of nature, and not of labor feat. Both extensions create comfortable conditions for a good rest; they determine the appearance of the facade, giving it an individual style. A house with a veranda or terrace is much more convenient for those who like to host family dinners or friendly parties.

Civilized holiday with comfort

Veranda and terrace: differences

Projects of one-story and two-story houses can contain both a veranda and a terrace, together or separately. The buildings have a fundamental difference:

    Terrace. Open area; it is often done on a foundation (monolithic or raised on stilts). It can be adjacent to the wall of the house; sometimes it is located on the second floor or on a flat roof. The appearance of a terrace is often determined by local climatic conditions. In the south, this is an open area, often with railings or vegetable fencing. In the middle zone, terraces are equipped with a roof or awning.

    Veranda. Essentially this is an enclosed terrace. It is adjacent to the house with one or two walls, has a roof and is an enclosed space (most often without heating). They try to glaze it to increase it visually and let in more light.

Selecting a project: veranda or terrace

Professional builders advise making a choice at the development stage of an architectural project, before materials are determined and estimates are calculated. Subsequent changes will mean additional costs of time and money. It is better to choose a project with a terrace if:

    The house is being built in a region with hot summers, early springs and long, warm autumns.

    The size of the land plot allows you to comfortably arrange a terrace without crowding out other areas.

You can be outside the walls and feel the comfort of home

    The house does not need additional usable space.

    The family loves spending time outdoors.

A veranda is best for you if:

    The place where the housing will be built is a region with snowy, frosty winters, prolonged autumn rains and cool, windy summers.

    The plot is of modest size; the land can be used more rationally.

    An additional indoor space is a necessary increase in the area of ​​the house.

    You need a multifunctional space where you can not only relax, but also store things, supplies and equipment.

Houses with a terrace: design features

The main thing for which a country house is valued is the opportunity to spend a lot of time outdoors. Projects of houses with a terrace allow you to realize this desire with maximum comfort. The advantages of such buildings are:

    Low construction cost.

    Expanding the space of the house. In warm weather, they set up a summer kitchen here, receive guests, sunbathe and sleep.

    Order. It is easier to maintain cleanliness in your home by leaving your work clothes and changing shoes on the terrace.

Summer lunch outdoors in a house with a terrace

Project specifics

Designing a house with a terrace has its own characteristics:

    The foundation of the house and terrace can be common or built separately. The height of the structure is calculated so that it remains dry.

    They try to place the terrace on the south side of the house. This is especially convenient in the middle zone, where the canopy is often removable. If the terrace will be used more often in the afternoon, it would be more logical to make it facing west.

    The extension is positioned so that it offers a picturesque view of the surrounding landscapes or the designer beauty of the site.

    If the roofing material of a building is too heavy for a terrace roof, it is replaced with a lighter one, while maintaining the overall style.

Arrangement options

The open terrace is perceived as a link between the enclosed space of the house and nature; most often it is located at the entrance. Such buildings fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape and look attractive from the point of view of design possibilities:

    Fencing. It can be decorative or protective. In the first case, the fence is low and graceful; Often flowers or ornamental shrubs are planted around the perimeter. Pergolas (canopies formed by several arches) decorated with climbing plants or bright flowers in pots look good as a fence. If the decking of the terrace is located high (from 0.5 to 1 m), reliable fencing with railings is necessary.

A winning option is decorating a house project with a terrace with ornamental plants

    Roof. The stationary roof can be replaced with a removable awning, retractable awnings or a portable umbrella.

    The terrace is separated from the house. In this case, they are connected by a path; the path can be decorated with lighting (looks beautiful in the evening), one or several openwork arches, creating the effect of a tunnel.

    Attic with terrace. The attic, which has access to the terrace, is an ideal place for morning (or evening) tea, watching birds, children and neighbors.

    House with a high base. An interesting option would be a terrace on a columnar foundation surrounding the building. Supplemented with a roof, it can become a comfortable and spacious place to relax.

Materials for building a terrace

For the construction of country terraces, all kinds of materials are used; the most common buildings are:

    Wooden terrace. The leaders in terrace construction are wooden terraces. They contain a lot of advantages: quick construction, low financial costs, versatility of execution and the aesthetics of natural wood. Subsequent care can become difficult - in order to protect the tree from the destructive effects of penetrating moisture, it must be regularly treated with impregnation based on oil and antiseptic.

Two-level wooden terrace

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

    In protection of brick and slab concrete terraces we can say that they are more practical, but require a foundation. Terraces located on the ground are covered with one of the most reliable materials - clinker (high-strength ceramic tiles). On a raised structure, both clinker and ordinary paving slabs are used.

    Stone terrace. It looks stylish and also needs a solid foundation. A stone with low water absorption (up to 3-5%) is suitable for an open terrace. Optimal rocks are shales, granite and basalt. Sandstone or limestone can be used on roofed buildings.

Video description

About the terrace with balcony in the video:

    Floor material must be in harmony with the overall style and be wear-resistant. Common materials are: decking boards, mosaic tiles of different textures (mirror or metallized), artificial finishing materials. Fans of eco-design can lay out the terrace with cut roll-up lawn.

The finished terrace is furnished with furniture and lighting, taking care of its waterproofness. Classic terrace furniture - wicker; Eco-style corresponds to furniture made of wood; A practical option is plastic furniture.

Modest terrace with plastic furniture

Houses with a veranda: design features

In countries with warm climates, the veranda traditionally serves as a place to relax. In our penates, the possibilities of their use have expanded; Several types of verandas have become widespread, which can be classified:

    By type of construction. Verandas are designed attached and free-standing.

    By type of foundation. It can be separate or be part of a permanent structure.

    By type of use. The veranda can be fully used in winter, for which it will have to be glazed and heated.

The advantages of a project with a veranda include:

    Possibility of increasing the living space (after insulating the walls) without a significant increase in cost.

    An additional room protects the house from heat loss during the cold season.

Photo of a country house with an attic and veranda - a practical and cozy place to relax

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Features of veranda design

Customers often decide to build a house with a veranda under one roof, the design of which is subsequently adjusted. When designing, pay attention to:

    Location. A veranda is built into a building or attached to it. As with the terrace, the view from the inside is important for this design. A veranda facing the street is not the best option.

    Usage. If the house has a small area, the veranda can simultaneously serve as a hallway, dining room and relaxation area. In some projects there is a staircase to the second floor.

    Convenience. The veranda should be adjacent to the wall in which the front door is located, or connected to the kitchen.

    Glazing. May be permanent or seasonal. Window elements are most often placed around the entire perimeter. For panoramic glazing, ordinary window blocks and double-glazed windows (with both plastic and wooden profiles) are used. The veranda with a large glass area provides excellent internal insolation (sunlight). To protect from sunlight, curtains, blinds, shutters and screens are used.

Panoramic glazing allows you to enjoy a sunny day

Arrangement options

    Various designs of houses with a veranda are in demand on the market. Both verandas adjacent to the facade and those encircling the building are popular. The shape can be rectangular, square, with rounded corners.

    If the design of a house with a veranda includes a balcony on the second floor, a veranda that follows its shape looks best.

Video description

About the veranda with a rotunda in the video:

    A common option is house project with veranda and garage. Customers are offered standard projects, the opportunity to refine them or develop an individual version. For residents of country houses, a car is a necessity. Being able to get into your car without leaving your home is a significant advantage (especially valuable in the winter).

    Window. Installing sliding windows allows you to effortlessly turn a closed terrace into an open one. This can be done manually or using a remote control.

    Fireplace. An open veranda is popular in the summer. When the evenings become indecently cold, the fireplace turns from a decoration into a source of warmth and comfort.

The fireplace creates a feeling of tradition and reliability

Materials for constructing a veranda

When choosing a material for a veranda, they base it on its role: if the extension is intended to be used year-round, it will have to not only be glazed, but also insulated, and heating must be considered. The material of the veranda should be in harmony with the house; if it is wooden, then wood is used for the veranda. Meet:

    Veranda made of brick (stone, foam block). The most durable option. A heavy extension requires a solid foundation, the same as under the house. This will protect the veranda from destruction.

    Veranda made of wood (timber or logs). It has the special charm inherent in natural wood and provides an excellent microclimate. It is decorated with carved panels and elements.

Video description

About the remodeling of the veranda in the video:

    Veranda made of polycarbonate. It is becoming more common due to its advantages: low cost, durability, excellent sound and heat insulation. Although the polymer material can withstand temperatures from -45 to 100°C, it also has disadvantages: high thermal expansion and low abrasive resistance (can be scratched when shoveling snow from the roof). Polycarbonate unprotected by a special UV layer is destroyed by sunlight.

    Combined veranda. The basis is brick or foam blocks, the walls are sheathed with plastic.

More projects of country houses with an attic, veranda and terrace

Attached polycarbonate veranda

Non-standard solution - hydromassage bath

Classic “male” veranda

Terrace in evening light

An elegant holiday surrounded by nature

Functional combination of buildings

The winter garden creates a feeling of summer at any time

A terrace with flowers cannot look boring

Mysterious and alluring LED lighting

Inspiring place - cozy furniture and panoramic views

A stylish country terrace plays the role of an open living room


Projects of houses with a veranda and terrace are not a luxury, but a functional way to organize a harmonious holiday in the lap of nature, without sacrificing the comfort of modern life. Both extensions are worth the troubles associated with their construction and design. Built in accordance with building codes, the terrace (or veranda) will bring a lot of positive emotions to both the inhabitants of the countryside and their guests.

Recently, private housing construction has become very popular among our compatriots. Thanks to the wide range of materials, as well as their affordable prices, sometimes the construction of a private house in a comfortable cottage community is much cheaper than purchasing an apartment in one of the new buildings. Agree, who among us does not dream of living in our own home, where there are no noisy neighbors, polluted air and people always rushing around? A private house is cozy and comfortable, and in this article we will look at all the main aspects of building a small cottage with its own terrace.

Why choose a house project with a terrace?

Modern house building does not stand still, but is constantly evolving. That is why, now you can see an incredible number of diverse projects that differ in their layout, scale and level of complexity of its implementation. A terrace is a kind of additional space that can be equipped at your own discretion. If you want to enjoy a picturesque view of a forest, a lake, or simply a plot planted with flowers, then with the help of such a solution, you will undoubtedly get an excellent opportunity to experience all the delights of country life. In addition, when starting construction in which a house project with a terrace will be used, you can save a considerable amount if you use ready-made drawings, which can be found freely available on the Internet.

Advantages of houses with a terrace

Many experts in the field of construction are sure that houses equipped with terraces are a real godsend if the construction budget is limited. But even if you are going to build a spacious two-story mansion with all the benefits of civilization, with the help of a terrace you can make your home much cozier, creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

In addition, it is worth noting the following advantages of houses with a terrace:

  • A huge number of ready-made projects that have already been implemented. You have an amazing opportunity to save money at the design stage of the structure. Why turn to planners if you can take on a ready-made project? Of course, your home will not differ in its individuality, but if you wish, you can make your own adjustments.
  • Extra space. The terrace area can and should be made useful. You can choose for what purposes it will be used. As a rule, in the summer, it is equipped with a summer kitchen, wicker rattan furniture or simply decorated with flowers.
  • Attractive appearance. Houses with a terrace have a special charm, sophistication, and also look really impressive, so if you don’t know how to diversify the design of a building, add this construction solution to it, and believe me, you won’t regret it.
  • Thermal insulation properties. By building a glazed terrace, you will create some protection for the structure from strong winds, which, as a rule, greatly affect the heating of the house during the cold season.
  • Saving. If you have dreamed of a gazebo all your life, then in order to save money, you can easily replace it with a terrace.

Features of construction projects

If you decide to give preference to a house with a terrace, then you need to know a few important nuances. Often, one-story buildings are equipped with a terrace at the back of the entrance to the house. Of course, if you want something new and unusual, then with your ideas it is best for you to turn to a professional who can change the location of this room without losing its operational characteristics. In addition, the development of an individual project will provide you with a unique opportunity to make your dreams and desires come true. You will not be tied to any particular building material, so you can choose the one that really appeals to you and suits the allocated budget. Creating your own project is a chance to build a building that is unique in its kind, not similar to the neighboring cottages and has its own flavor. Of course, it is worth noting not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of such a solution. Be prepared for the fact that you will be required to pay a considerable amount of money to create an individual drawing, since the services of professional and experienced specialists are expensive today. Under no circumstances should you communicate with novice architects and designers, since if you make mistakes, you can pay a lot for such unjustified savings.

In any case, remember that even if you decide to build a house according to a standard design, the most important thing is to invest a piece of your soul. The issue of creating a terrace must be decided at the stage of designing the foundation, since the space for it must be allocated separately. Many builders are confident that due to the low weight of the structure, creating a foundation can be abandoned altogether. Of course, in this case, it is best to first consult with a specialist in order not to create additional loads on the soil and prevent the risk of its subsidence.

Project of houses with a terrace and attic

Houses with a veranda: coziness, comfort, convenience - in one building

Do you dream of a spacious and comfortable home, but have very little money allocated? Thanks to the emergence of innovative solutions in the construction industry, you can solve your problem! Believe me, even a small one-story cottage with the help of a terrace and attic can become a real palace.

Over the past ten years, houses with a glazed terrace have appeared more and more often. This is a kind of separate room, which, if desired, can be easily turned into a living room or a work office. Attics, in turn, are a kind of additional floor. Their construction is economically justified, and in terms of their quality characteristics, they are in no way inferior to two-story houses.

Also, they will be able to select the most optimal combination of materials, tools and everything else that will be needed at the site. Designing a deck is a simple process, but it will require specific knowledge and skills from you. The choice is, of course, up to you, but do not forget that only professionals in their field can guarantee you a high-quality result. In this article, we examined all the advantages and features that modern designs of one-story houses with a terrace have, and also tried to consider in detail the design features of buildings with extensions.

Today, not every suburban area is used as a place for growing crops. Many owners of dachas and household plots strive to equip a place to relax near their home. Near the dacha you can build a gazebo or terrace, or attach a terrace or canopy. Often a small pond is built near the house. Various designs of houses with a veranda and terrace will help you build a practical structure with an attractive design on your territory. Photos of finished structures can be found in the article.

How to distinguish a terrace from a veranda

Before building a recreation building near the house, it is worth deciding what a terrace and veranda are. Many do not imagine much difference between them. That is why before starting work you should familiarize yourself with the features of each type of structure.

The terrace is a summer area with wooden flooring. The base is usually raised above the ground. Sometimes terraces are located at the second floor level. Such buildings are usually adjacent to a country house - they are located next to one of the walls. Also, terraces often completely encircle the building.

Open structures are made of wood. They may have railings and a roof. The fencing ensures the safety of using the terrace, and the roof provides protection from precipitation. Terraces are usually built on the side of the house from which you can see the garden, forest or pond. Instead of a roof, you can install an umbrella or canopy made of awning fabric.

The veranda, unlike the terrace, is a closed building that is not heated and also serves as a recreation room. The roof and walls of the veranda are made of various materials, such as wood, polycarbonate, glass. The structures themselves are usually made of wood or brick. The veranda is used as a place for relaxation with family, gatherings with friends, as a summer kitchen or dining room.

When using the premises in winter, the walls should be thermally and waterproofed. Heating is also provided in such a room.

Important! In the absence of heating, the inner surface of the walls must be made of moisture-resistant materials. This will prevent mold from appearing.

Verandas are usually built in places with a cold climate. Terraces, on the contrary, are more common in warm regions where positive temperatures remain for most of the year.

Summer recreation areas can be attached or built-in. In the latter case, they are included in the house design and are equipped at the stage of its construction. If a terrace or veranda is added, a separate foundation will be equipped for it.

Veranda design

Modern verandas and terraces are arranged taking into account the features of the landscape and exterior of the house. Such buildings look very attractive. The veranda is no longer built as a vestibule in which garden tools or other household supplies are stored. The building should offer a view that will please the eye. You should not design the veranda in such a way that the people who will be in it will have to look at the neighbor’s fence or barn. It is better to arrange a view of the garden or flower beds.

Veranda design features:

  • Verandas made of wooden elements look original. However, such a structure can be created from a variety of other materials. Wooden structures are usually equipped with canopies and carved panels.
  • The brick veranda is installed on a fairly strong foundation. To decorate such a building, bricks of different shades are used. With the help of this material it is worth highlighting the corners, gables and base part.
  • The stone building looks especially exotic. If it has semi-arches, they can be covered with stained glass or simply glazed. Translucent products are more widespread. The frame of the building is made of wooden blocks or bricks. It is necessary that the supports under the glass are as strong as possible. Double or triple glazing should be installed in openings.

Advice! Polycarbonate is often used instead of glass. Sheets of this material are durable, cheap and light in weight.

The external design of the veranda should be done in accordance with the exterior of the main building. According to many experienced builders, extensions can be made from the same materials that were used to build the house.

Terrace project

The simplest options include the construction of a standard rectangular flooring, which will have a minimum of decorative details. However, curly designs look much more attractive. Often, in order to increase the practicality of the terrace, it is made multi-level. This solution will come in handy if the veranda will be used by many people of different ages.

Terraces are often made in combination. They are combined with pergolas or gazebos. Also, an artificial pond is usually installed near the terrace. A simple pool is inflatable. It is possible to create a more complex design - a large pit trimmed with tiles. You can often see a barbecue table on the terrace. In this case, it is reliably isolated from the wooden flooring and placed away from the recreation area. Such a terrace can be seen in the photo below.

If it is impossible to equip a terrace in the immediate vicinity of the house, you can build it at some distance. Among the advantages of this solution is the opportunity to relax alone. In addition, on such a terrace you can set up a playground without fear that the noise will disturb the people in the house.

Buildings equipped with sliding window walls have become very popular among owners of suburban areas. This allows you to arrange the veranda as a terrace. Such walls are usually made of several sections. If you move them completely, a full view of the site will open from the veranda.


Verandas and terraces usually have not only a decorative purpose, but also have a practical purpose. Such premises are distinguished by rich functionality. By using a veranda, the usable area of ​​the home is significantly increased. They provide playrooms, offices, recreation areas or dining rooms. Terraces are basically a place where you can spend quality time with friends and family.

I have a dream. Such a simple dream. I want to leave the room and get on the veranda. Not on the 15th floor balcony, under which an endless stream of cars roars past, and the voices of the interlocutor cannot be heard, but on the veranda. To keep it cool, you can see the forest through the huge windows (you can also see the garden) and the trees will certainly make noise. In spring, blossoming branches of apple trees peer into the windows. In the summer you can hear the hubbub of birds, the sound of rain, and in the fall - the sound of falling ripe apples and the light rustle of golden leaves covering the ground with a fluffy layer. And the smell of ripe apples and fallen leaves is the unique smell of autumn. On a cold windy day, when the windows are painted with frosty patterns of rare beauty, children are fooling around on the veranda, hiding from the wind. In the morning, frozen tits knock on the window and know that they will not be left hungry here. For me, the veranda is something from a past life, when more people lived in private houses.

You can’t turn back time and sometimes our dreams seem impossible to us. But why? There is already a plot of land, but a house and veranda can be built. First, let's look at a suitable house design with a veranda. The house is quite comfortable, a veranda can be arranged both at the entrance and from the courtyard with exit from the living room and kitchen, windows to the garden. This is perhaps the most interesting thing. After all, a large veranda can be used as a summer kitchen. And make jam in the fresh air. Or just sip tea in a pleasant company of friends or neighbors. You don't need much for this. Yes, house designs with a veranda give room for imagination and open up new possibilities. With a slight increase in the price of the building, we get a number of advantages. In Russia, with its fairly cool climate, having an additional indoor space is convenient both in winter and summer. If you provide easily transformable or opening windows, in the summer the veranda can be used as a shady canopy. Given the short but hot Russian summer, this use of the veranda is also relevant. It's nice to spend time with a book in a hammock on a shady veranda on a sultry afternoon! A light cool breeze is pleasantly refreshing, and you can simply forget about all the worries of the past week for a while. It is pleasant to be on the veranda even during a warm summer shower. Large drops of rain fall from the leaves of the trees and knock on the roof, the air is filled with moisture, cleared of dust, the heat has subsided, freshness and renewal are felt in everything. After the rain, the birds chirped again in different voices and rejoice in the gentle rays of the sun, which turns raindrops into small precious multi-colored pebbles. Where else can you find such wealth?

What a joy it is for children to play on the veranda! It's bad weather outside, and little dreamers are coming up with a lot of all kinds of entertainment. There are secret plans, insidious plans, reading in silence, and just playing games on tablets. It’s not all about running around the garden.

From the many designs of houses with a veranda offered to us by architects, we can always choose the one that suits us best. Fantasy and flight of thought are enormous. The houses are designed in various styles using the latest progressive materials and construction technologies. And choosing one single project for a house with a veranda is quite difficult. Considering the professionalism of the developers, we are confident that your choice will be correct and in a year you will be able to enjoy tea in your own home in the shade on a cozy veranda!

Nothing is impossible in the world. By studying the past, you can use the traditions of past generations and create something new, taking into account their experience. Our parents knew how to create comfort and perfectly felt the beauty and uniqueness of every moment of life. So let's keep up with them.

If you are interested in building your own comfortable and beautiful home, we are ready to offer a large selection of ready-made house projects with a terrace in the Domamo catalog. The development of such projects is one of the activities of our company. When creating projects of houses with a terrace, our company’s specialists take into account the following aspects:

  • all customer wishes;
  • modern fashion trends;
  • landscape features of the area;
  • features of nearby architectural objects, if the customer is interested in maintaining a unified style of development of the village.

Projects of houses with a terrace, created by our specialists, are competent architectural solutions that allow the construction of construction projects characterized by the following advantageous features:

  • high level of comfort;
  • availability of all necessary utilities;
  • high strength, reliability and durability;
  • optimal cost.

You can also order an individual project of a house with a terrace for the construction of both a summer house and a cottage for year-round use. Contact our architects and order a house project with a terrace, which will be developed in the shortest possible time and take into account all your wishes.

Contact highly qualified architects in the capital

In St. Petersburg and Moscow, you can contact us in any convenient way and order a house project with a terrace at the best price. A house with a veranda built according to the project we created will allow you to live comfortably in the lap of nature. Take advantage of all the benefits of having a veranda where you can spend quality time with your whole family. The photos we present on the site will help you find out the types of verandas and choose the best one for your home.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, we are ready to offer highly qualified development of house projects with terraces for anyone interested in building their own home. Terraces are not only a decoration of an architectural object. The presence of a terrace increases the level of comfort in using the house and creates excellent conditions for spending time in the summer. You can go out to the veranda early in the morning and drink coffee while enjoying nature, and in the evening the veranda will become a gathering place for the whole family. The terrace will allow you to receive guests; the presence of a terrace in the house will be especially appreciated by city dwellers who dream of spending more time in the fresh air.

Order house designs with a terrace from professionals! Our project will help you build a house with a terrace at optimal material costs!