How to grow purple potatoes in your summer cottage. Purple potatoes: description of varieties

Potatoes of the Violet variety appeared on our markets relatively recently. But, it is already very popular among the population, as it attracts attention with its unusual coloring. Let's take a closer look at it.

Description of the variety and characteristics

At the University of Colorado in the USA, breeders worked for a long time to develop a “cultivated” potato variety with blue-violet flesh.

Origin of the variety

The homeland of the Purple potato is South America, or more precisely, a village in the Andes mountains. It is noteworthy that this potato was bred without any genetic intervention. After some time, the variety “reached” Europe.

In Russia, the first attempts to breed Purple Potatoes were made in Siberia. It was here that potatoes of various colors were bred. But the “mission” was crowned with success only in 2011 in Tomsk. The materials used were brought from Korea.

Today you can find many varieties of purple potatoes. The most popular of them include: Vitelotte, Negro, Gypsy, French violet. They differ only in color saturation.

They have one thing in common - all these varieties are very healthy, and contain much more various nutrients than ordinary potatoes.

Composition and calorie content

Main characteristics of the variety:

  • The average size of tubers is 90-14 g;
  • Shape – round, slightly oval;
  • Tubers are smooth, glossy;
  • The peel is thin, purple in color;
  • The pulp also has a purple color of less intensity;
  • Starch content is about 13%;
  • Contains proteins, iodine, a lot of vitamins, and other useful substances.

Important! Purple potatoes are a very high-calorie product. The taste is reminiscent of regular potatoes, but the texture of the fruit is creamy, and you often come across potatoes with a nutty flavor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like all other potato varieties, Purple has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.

Positive qualities of purple potatoes

Firstly, Purple Potatoes are an opportunity to decorate the table as beautifully as possible. With its help you can create a wide variety of “compositions” of dishes.

Secondly, boiled Purple potatoes have a blue tint, and their taste is almost always the same as regular ones. So, the dish turns out to be very attractive in appearance, but its taste properties do not change.

The most important thing is that this potato variety contains anthocyanins, which give it its color. It was this fact that interested breeders so much. After all, these substances have practically healing properties.

Main sources of anthocyanins:

  • Pomegranate;
  • Currant;
  • Mulberry;
  • Blackberry;
  • All other fruits are purple.

Anthocyanins are glycosidic substances, and their color is due to the fact that they are in a pH environment. The latter contributes to the color of the fruit becoming reddish. And, if you add vinegar or lemon juice to purple potatoes, it will change its color.

Contraindications for purple potatoes

Purple potatoes have absolutely no contraindications. Quite the contrary - it is recommended to add it to the diet of those people who suffer from:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Any inflammatory pathologies.

How and where to grow purple potatoes

Proper care and compliance with all planting rules are the main factors on which the yield of this variety depends. The planting site should be chosen so that the area receives a lot of sunlight. The best option is the southwest of the garden.

Soil preparation

The soil should be light so that the plant has constant access to oxygen. Water should also not stagnate - its normal outflow must be ensured.

It is the light soil that can cope with this. Therefore, such potatoes will grow best on sod-podzolic, neutral, loamy and floodplain lands.

In order for the plants to take root and the fruits to form correctly, you need to carefully dig up the place for future planting of potatoes. It is better to carry out the first digging before winter.

The fact is that all large lumps of earth, lifted with a shovel, will remain at the top, and as soon as frost “hits”, all harmful larvae and bacteria will die.

Planting and care

Purple potatoes should be planted in the spring, when the soil warms up to at least +5 degrees. First, the soil must be dug up, loosened, holes prepared for the tubers, and wood ash added to them.

Wood ash is not just a storehouse of useful microelements. It is considered an excellent disinfectant that helps prevent a lot of potato diseases.

The holes must be made so that their distance relative to each other is at least 35 cm in a row. Between the beds you need to maintain a distance of at least 65 cm.

If the plants are planted in hard soil, it must first be mixed with river sand. The holes should be 10 cm deep.

It is easy to care for the plants - they need watering every 7 days (if there has been no precipitation). When a crust forms on the ground, it must be thoroughly loosened. If the soil is wet, it can cause the development of various diseases. Therefore, this “parameter” also needs to be monitored.

Of course, this variety of potato also needs systematic feeding, treatment with drugs against late blight and various pests. The procedure is carried out according to the instructions for the substance.


The purple potato variety is immune to the most common crop diseases: cancer, rot, scab. Shows average resistance to late blight. Also, treatment for pest beetles may be necessary.

As a preventive measure, before planting potatoes, you need to treat the planting material with potassium permanganate. It is also important to change the planting location every few years and alternate the crop with legumes, cabbage, and phacelia.

Click beetles and Colorado potato beetles are the main enemies of this variety. They spoil the tops, reduce yields, and negatively affect the keeping quality of potatoes and their appearance. Therefore, you need to get rid of them with the help of insecticides.

Purple potatoes- a plant of the Convolvulaceae family. This vegetable is also called “negress”, “Chinese truffle” or “blue French truffle potato”. The tubers of this potato are covered with a dark purple skin, which sometimes reaches almost black color. Beneath it there is pulp of almost the same color (see photo). The oblong tubers reach an average length of about 10 cm, with a weight of about 70 g. The tubers retain their color even after heat treatment.

It is still unknown how exactly this variety appeared. Many believe that its homeland is South America, where it is still grown in large quantities. Purple potatoes thanks to thicker skins can be stored for quite a long time. These root vegetables have a light nutty flavor.

Beneficial features

The medicinal and beneficial properties of purple potatoes are due to the presence of minerals, vitamins, as well as anthocyanins, carotenoids and phenolic acids. Thanks to this, it reduces the risk of possible chronic inflammation, which is directly related to heart disease. Since root vegetables contain quite a lot of antioxidants, the body the rate of aging processes decreases. Ascorbic acid content With regular consumption of root vegetables, it helps to strengthen the immune system. This is especially useful during the period of active action of viruses and infections.

Purple potatoes contain beneficial pigments, by the way, just like other vegetables of the same color. Thanks to them the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves. Purple potatoes also contain polyphenols that have antioxidant activity. These substances increase the body's defense against free radicals, which have the ability to damage cells and increase the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Purple potatoes contain dietary fiber, which improve the function of the digestive system and prevent constipation. Thanks to this, you can get rid of several kilograms, which is generally confirmed by many positive reviews.

Use in cooking

Purple potatoes can be eaten similarly to the more familiar version. Since this vegetable contains a large amount of starch, the tubers are ideal for making purees. In this case, the dish will turn out not only tasty, but also unusual. In addition, root vegetables are baked in the oven, boiled, fried, etc. Purple potatoes add flavor and garnish to a variety of salads. It also makes delicious stews, casseroles and first courses.

Purple Potato Benefits and Treatment

The benefits of purple potatoes determine its use in folk medicine. It is used as a remedy that helps reduce blood pressure and is an excellent prevention of strokes.

The possible treatment of certain diseases with purple potatoes has been proven through numerous clinical studies. Thus, it has been proven that daily consumption of purple tubers improves vision. In addition, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. By consuming purple potatoes, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. There is also a decrease in the level of formation of certain types of cancer.

Harm of purple potatoes and contraindications

Purple potatoes can be harmful to people who suffer from hypotension. People with individual intolerance to the product should avoid eating root vegetables. It is also worth controlling the amount of vegetables you eat so as not to cause serious problems.

Purple potatoes appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently and were able to quickly gain popularity. This vegetable has a characteristic purple color of the peel and pulp. This vegetable crop is of great interest to gardeners who successfully grow such purple potatoes in Russian summer conditions. We will tell you about the features of such varieties and the agricultural technology for growing them.

This variety was bred in South America, from where it quickly spread throughout the world. It is very popular in Europe, where such a vegetable is considered a gourmet dish. Among other things, such potatoes are extremely beneficial for the body, which has made them the basis of many diets with proper nutrition.

Ripened tubers have a sweetish buttery taste with a slight nutty flavor. Thanks to its excellent gastronomic properties, such purple potatoes are widely used today.

Health benefits of purple potatoes

Purple potatoes contain a large amount of antioxidants, which have strong anti-cancer properties. It has also been established that such antioxidants are responsible for human immunity, restoring the integrity of DNA. Another property of the antioxidants contained in this vegetable is to slow down the aging process.

Due to the presence of a large amount of ascorbic acid, human immunity is strengthened and its protective functions are increased. It has been established that regular consumption of this type of vegetable helps normalize blood pressure, strengthens capillaries, which is the prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

It is also necessary to note the high calorie content of these purple potatoes, which is explained by the high starch content. At the same time, studies have shown that such a high calorie content does not lead to excess weight. Purple potato fruits also contain potassium and polyphenols, which improve vision and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Features of purple potatoes

Among the differences between the purple varieties of this vegetable, the following can be noted:

  • The oblong shape of the tubers and the pulp are of an unusual purple color. Even after heat treatment, such an unusual color does not lose its brightness.
  • The content of a large number of various beneficial microelements will allow this vegetable to be considered not only as a gastronomic product, but also as an excellent means for increasing immunity and preventing various diseases.
  • This variety has the thickest peel, which allows you to store this vegetable for 6-10 months.
You just need to remember that purple potatoes should not be eaten by people who suffer from low blood pressure. In rare cases, individual intolerance to this vegetable may also occur. In this case, it is also necessary to stop eating it.

Features of agricultural technology for growing this variety

Purple potatoes not only have an original color, but are also resistant to various diseases. We recommend that gardeners who plan to start growing this type of vegetable on their plot carefully approach the issues of choosing seed material.

You can plant such potatoes with tubers, but the easiest way is with seeds. In the latter case, you will need to germinate the seeds and grow seedlings at home, which are subsequently transplanted into open ground. It is recommended to plant seeds in April, and seedlings are transferred to open ground no earlier than mid-May.

Directly when growing this variety of potatoes, no difficulties arise. The gardener needs to regularly water the vegetable crops and properly hill the plantings. Also, do not forget to loosen the surface layer of soil after each rain or watering, which will allow you to deal with the dense surface crust, which impairs the breathing of the plant root system.

Depending on the specific variety of purple potatoes, harvesting can take place in September and even October. The harvested crop has excellent shelf life and retains its taste for a long time. Note that the vegetable grower has the opportunity to independently harvest seed material, for which it is recommended to use medium-sized tubers.

Potato variety Sineglazka

Sineglazka is a potato variety that is well known to all of us, which is resistant to various pathogens and at the same time allows us to obtain an excellent harvest. One of the features of this variety is its low maintenance requirements, which makes this variety a favorite among beginning gardeners.

You can identify the Sineglazka potato variety by the characteristic blue color of the skin and dark eyes. At the same time, the pulp has a classic light yellow color. The Sineglazka variety is a mid-early variety, so it has mediocre keeping quality. Even if you create optimal storage conditions for the grown crop, you are unlikely to be able to preserve the potatoes until the next harvest.

Growing potatoes of this variety is not difficult. It shows the best yield indicators on soil richly fertilized with organic matter. You should also remember that potatoes, especially during the growing season, require abundant watering. No additional feeding of this crop is required during its growth.

Just remember that you will need to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, which loves to feast on the tender young leaves of this garden crop. Another common pest is the mole cricket, which lives in the ground and feeds on young roots of vegetables. As a preventive measure against this pest, we recommend not using fresh manure as fertilizer, and also digging up the soil in the fall and again in the spring.

Blue potatoes

Currently, dozens of different hybrids have been bred that have a characteristic blue color. Moreover, both the peel and the pulp itself can have this color. In the latter case, the grown tubers will have a wonderful sweetish aroma and oily taste. Blue potatoes allow you to get an excellent harvest.

Growing these varieties of potatoes is not particularly difficult. You just need to properly prepare the land for planting and provide the plantings with proper care. All this will be the key to getting an excellent harvest on the garden plot for the gardener.

Certain difficulties may arise only with the search for high-quality seed material. In this case, we can recommend that you give preference not to tubers, but to seeds. In most specialty stores you can find quality potato hybrid seeds that are blue and purple in color. Subsequently, growing vegetables from seeds is not difficult, which will allow you to get an excellent harvest.


Potato tubers with pink, lilac, red and purple colors for many residents of the post-Soviet space may seem as exotic vegetables as African cucumber (kiwana) or cassava.

Some, seeing colored potatoes, believe that these are newfangled trends in coloring tubers during their growth and ripening: the plants are simply watered with dyes. Others think that the bright internal color of the tuber is the result of the work of ubiquitous genetic engineering. Both opinions are wrong. What are colored potatoes, in particular its brightest representative with purple tubers, not only on the outside, but also on the inside?

From the history of purple potatoes

Varieties of potatoes with colored flesh exist in the wild, and not all have yet been studied by humans or cultivated. For example, purple potatoes have long grown in the central regions of South America. However, breeders did not “notice” it for a long time, preferring potatoes with white tubers. However, it was already known in Europe in the 19th century, as evidenced by its mention in a French agricultural reference book published in 1817. It was the purple "Vitelotte Noire" potato. By the way, the famous Alexandre Dumas, author of The Three Musketeers, considered Vitelotte (as the French called purple potatoes at that time) the best among the known varieties of this vegetable.

Modern science has revealed to people the benefits of purple potatoes and has aroused unprecedented interest in them in Europe and Asia. Prices for it sometimes reached several hundred euros per kilogram. Inspired breeders set about creating varieties with purple tubers with improved qualities. They crossed wild purple potatoes (or other colored ones) with modern varieties and hybrids of common potatoes.

In Russia, this strange vegetable was unknown for a long time, and still remains unfamiliar. However, after the First International Potato Congress, held in Moscow in 2007, colored and purple potatoes gained many fans. Then the amazingly colored tubers were presented at the conference by South Korean breeders from the Kangwon National University. Following this, inspired domestic breeders began to work on creating dietary potato varieties suitable for Russian growing conditions.


Chemical composition

But an allowance should be made for the fact that many combs with purple pulp are currently sectioned, and their composition may also differ from each other.

Purple potatoes are more watery: their water content can reach 82%, and they are lower in calories, which is important for those on a diet.

Also, purple potatoes contain less starch, which allows them to be consumed even by people suffering from pancreatic diseases, for example, patients with diabetes.

The amount of dietary fiber in white and colored potato tubers is identical, as is the content of organic acids.

The purple color of the tubers is given by the anthocyanins contained in the cells - natural plant glycosides, the presence of which determines many of the beneficial properties of colored potatoes. Anthocyanins are found not only in tubers, but also in stems and sometimes in young leaves, giving them a purple color. But over time, the leaves acquire their usual green color.

Among the carbohydrates present in tubers, the most abundant is starch polysaccharide, but it also contains disaccharides and monosaccharides (glucose and fructose).


Purple potatoes contain B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), vitamin E, K and C, which are one and a half times more than their white counterpart.

Microelements are represented by calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur. Iodine, selenium, fluorine, boron, cobalt, zinc, copper, and manganese are present in tubers in small quantities.


There are significantly fewer of them than regular potatoes, but many of them are dietary. You can hardly tell by the tops and flowers whether you have white or colored tubers. The main criterion is the tubers - shape, color of the peel and pulp, starch content, etc. But purple potatoes also have other distinctive characteristics. For example, some tubers remain purple after cooking, or increase their color, while other varieties, on the contrary, lose color.

Potatoes with purple tubers are interesting for their versatility: unlike their white relatives, they can be consumed both processed and raw, added to salads or pickled. Tubers of some varieties have a nutty or fruity flavor when raw.

Purple potatoes are also grown depending on the variety. Some require traditional agricultural technology (for example, the domestic variety “Violet”), while others (for example, the variety “Vitelotte” or “Black Eliza”) require something different. The difference is that the latter bushes form long stolons and grow greatly in width, just like their wild purple ancestor. Planting and growing one tuber may require an area of ​​up to 1 square meter. m. If such potatoes are high up and not hilled at least four times a season, they will grow new stems, and tubers will not be able to form. But the yield from one bush will be much higher. According to experienced gardeners, up to 8 kg for modern varieties. It is inconvenient to mechanically process such beds, this is one of the reasons for the high price of these potatoes.

Here are some of the popular varieties that are suitable for growing in temperate climates:

Violet – mid-season domestic variety VNIIKH named after. A.G. Lorja. It has completely purple oval tubers weighing up to 100 g with a starch content of 8-10%. Productivity is average, up to 150 kg per 100 sq. m, the presentation of the tubers is average. “Purple” potatoes store well and are resistant to potato blight. Disadvantages include poor protection against viral infections.

Gourmet – more than 10 oval tubers are formed on the bush with an average weight of 100 g, with dark purple skin and white-purple pulp. Starch content 16%. Productivity can reach 40 t/ha.

Salblu (Blue Salad, Salad Blue) – can be eaten in salads without prior heat treatment. Fruitful. Each bush produces 15 tubers weighing 100 g. Ripens in August-September, resistant to diseases and pests.

Surprise – potatoes with pink flesh that retains color after heat treatment. Oval tubers weighing 100-150 g. Resistant to major crop diseases. Selection of VNIIKH named after. A.G. Lorja.

Miracle Man – purple potatoes of the Ural selection with a high content of vitamin C (5 times more than regular potatoes), do not become overcooked. Created specifically for the Russian climate. Mid-season. Productivity is low.

Purple Creamer, or Purple cream, – the flesh is purple with whitish veins, tasty, retains color when boiled and fried. The crop is harvested in August-September.

Northern lights – in addition to purple, the pulp contains white color, which is why the starch content is at the level of 20%. Crumbly potatoes for making mashed potatoes. Early ripening, yield up to 35 c/ha. Resistant to scab, mosaic, potato cancer.

Miami – productive potatoes (up to 40 ha), resistant to late blight, medium-early ripening. The tubers are oval, weighing up to 110 g.

Pearl – external characteristic of the variety – shiny tubers, hence the name; a medium-ripening variety resistant to late blight fungus.

All blue translated means “all blue.” Popular in Europe. A characteristic feature of the tuber pulp is a white ring under the skin, which is clearly visible in the section. When cooked, it retains its color, has an excellent taste, and a large range of useful substances. Used in dietary nutrition.

Amethyst (aka Vitelotte, Vitelotte , black woman, Chinese truffle, blue French truffle) - outwardly almost black tubers in the middle of a uniform dark purple hue, with a thick skin, due to which they are stored for a long time without rotting; an old variety, therefore its yield is relatively low compared to new varieties. Contains a lot of starch and boils well.

Night – the productive variety was named for the very dark color of the pulp, without white streaks or inclusions; the color of potatoes is not lost during heat treatment.

Violet (Blue Alice, Blau Elise, Violetta) is a new German variety of purple potato.

Bora Valley ) - in Europe, this is a new variety of South Korean selection, with good taste and a long shelf life.

Explosion - an early ripening variety with high yield and good disease resistance.


The main advantage of purple potatoes is the presence of a huge amount of antioxidants, which increase the resistance of the immune system, remove radionuclides from the body, and bind free radicals that destroy cells.

Thanks to antioxidants, the risk of heart disease is reduced, blood sugar levels are normalized, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.

The abundance of anthocyanins - substances that give tubers their bright color, leads to the fact that purple potatoes reduce inflammatory processes in the body and normalize metabolic processes (for example, with excess fat consumption).

Eating purple potatoes has a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole:
- digestion improves, peristalsis is normalized, and flatulence decreases or disappears completely;
- stomach acidity is normalized (in people with high acidity), inflammation of the walls of the small and large intestines is reduced,
- the development of beneficial intestinal microflora is stimulated - thanks to dietary fiber;
- supports the work of the heart muscle and improves heart function in case of diseases of this organ - thanks to the high potassium content; the risk of myocardial infarction is also reduced;
- the condition of blood vessels improves - their elasticity increases, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the risk of blood clots is reduced;
- lowers blood pressure, and therefore people suffering from hypotension can eat it limited;
- supports and stimulates the functioning of the immune system: substances contained in tubers (vitamins and antioxidants) actively fight pathogens of various natures;
– slows down the aging of the body, protects against cancer;
- has a positive effect on vision - prevents or slows down the development of myopia and cataracts (zinc and selenium in potatoes are necessary for the normal functioning of the eyes);
- affects the state of the nervous system (reduces irritability, increases tone, normalizes sleep).

* For digestive problems, you can use fresh potato juice.


Unfortunately, purple potatoes (or other colored ones) are not often available for sale. It is not yet very popular, and sellers do not want to include it in their assortment, and manufacturers do not strive to grow seeds for sale. Nevertheless, on the domestic market you can buy purple potatoes from Russian and foreign producers. The list below contains companies and online stores where you can buy dietary purple potatoes for planting.

Scientific and Production Association "Gardens of Russia"
GC "Russian Ogorod-NK"
SeDeK company
LLC "First Seeds"
LLC "Becker Bis"
LPH "Potatoes"

If you live in a city where large horticultural and agro-industrial exhibitions and fairs are held, you can buy purple potatoes for planting by attending these events.

Note to the hostess

Prepare purple potatoes the same way as regular potatoes.

Depending on the starch content, purple potatoes can be crumbly (they boil well, they contain more starch, they are suitable for making mashed potatoes) or they can retain the strength of the tuber during heat treatment (ideal for making chips and French fries). The production of chips from such potatoes has been established abroad. They attract consumers with their unusual color combined with classic taste.

Purple potatoes are great when steamed, fried, stewed, or baked. It is better to boil young tubers “in their uniforms”. It is advisable to eat potatoes with the peel - the beneficial substances are most concentrated in it.

Some varieties lose their purple color when cooked in water. To prevent peeled tubers from discoloring, the cooking water should be salted, and the boiling process should not exceed 15-20 minutes. By the way, due to its coloring properties, purple potatoes are used as a natural dye. And among chefs, it often serves as a color accent in a dish. The accent can be pre-cooked chips, mashed potatoes or cubes or slices of boiled or raw purple potatoes.

For a healthy diet, raw purple potatoes are the best. You can prepare a wide variety of salads from it, for example, the following:

1. Grate (you can use a Korean carrot grater) radishes and potatoes, add finely chopped cilantro and onion (take the products in equal quantities). Add salt, pepper if desired, add vegetable oil, stir.

2. Grate the potatoes, finely chop the herbs and garlic, add salt, add mayonnaise, and mix.

3. Chop potatoes and a little less carrots, add chopped parsley, salt, sour cream, mix.

Here's how to make purple potato chips - not a healthy but popular food:

Cut the peeled tubers thinly into circles. Prick them with a fork, add salt and pepper if desired. Place the potato slices in a large sieve and place them in boiling refined oil, reducing the heat. When a crispy crust appears, remove the sieve from the oil, let the excess drain, and then spread the chips on a napkin for an hour to remove excess fat and dry them.

What beneficial substances are contained in purple potatoes and how they help the body. Can this vegetable cause harm to health, with what and how to cook it as deliciously as possible. All the most interesting information about him.

The content of the article:

Purple potatoes are a perennial vegetable crop of the Solanaceae family with root vegetables of the corresponding color. The tubers have a thin skin, a sweetish nutty flavor, an oval shape and weigh about 100 g. The internal color is much lighter than the external one. The plant was bred through selective breeding by crossing several varieties. Its other names are “Chinese truffle”, “negress” and “vitalot”. The homeland is presumably Bolivia or Peru. The first information about it dates back to the beginning of the 19th century and was found in France. This vegetable is used in the same way as its classic counterpart - boiled, fried, stewed, baked. It is not very common in the CIS countries and is considered exotic.

Composition and calorie content of purple potatoes

Purple potatoes contain quite a lot of fatty acids that are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. The amount of micro- and macroelements that cannot be found in any other vegetable is also pleasing.

The calorie content of purple potatoes per 100 g is 72 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 2.0 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 16.0 g;
  • Organic acids - 0.1 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.6 g;
  • Water - 80.1 g;
  • Ash - 1.4 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • A, RE - 3 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.02 mg;
  • B1, thiamine - 0.12 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin - 0.06 mg;
  • B5, pantothenic acid - 0.3 mg;
  • B6, pyridoxine - 0.3 mg;
  • B9, folic acid - 8 mcg;
  • C, ascorbic acid - 18 mg;
  • E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.3 mg;
  • H, biotin - 0.1 μg;
  • RR, NE - 1.8 mg;
  • Niacin - 1.3 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 527 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 10 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 31 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 5 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 32 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 58 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 46 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Aluminum, Al - 860 μg;
  • Boron, B - 115 mcg;
  • Iron, Fe - 1.5 mg;
  • Iodine, I - 5 μg;
  • Cobalt, Co - 7 μg;
  • Lithium, Li - 71 μg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.17 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 140 μg;
  • Molybdenum, Mo - 8 μg;
  • Nickel, Ni - 5 μg;
  • Rubidium, Rb - 492 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 0.3 μg;
  • Fluoride, F - 26 mcg;
  • Chromium, Cr - 9 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.36 mg.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:
  • Starch and dextrins - 15 g;
  • Sucrose - 0.6 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) - 1.3 g;
  • Fructose - 0.1 g;
  • Glucose (dextrose) - 0.6 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.2 g;
  • Valine - 0.122 g;
  • Histidine - 0.03 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.073 g;
  • Leucine - 0.128 g;
  • Lysine - 0.135 g
  • Methionine - 0.026 g;
  • Methionine + cysteine ​​- 0.05 g;
  • Threonine - 0.097 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.028 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.085 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.13 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.097 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 0.25 g;
  • Glycine - 0.1 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.262 g;
  • Proline - 0.092 g;
  • Serine - 0.128 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.09 g;
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.023 g.
Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Omega-6 - 0.08 g;
  • Myristic - 0.002 g;
  • Palmitic - 0.071 g;
  • Stearic - 0.015 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 0.005 g;
  • Oleic (omega-9) - 0.16 g;
  • Linoleic acid - 0.08 g;
  • Linolenic - 0.082 g.

Note! Things are not very good with vitamins - only folic and ascorbic acids are contained in sufficient quantities. Therefore, such a product needs to be supplemented with carrots, beets, cabbage and other vegetables.

Health benefits of purple potatoes

Compared to conventional varieties, this one is a storehouse of micro- and macroelements. They are preserved in tubers even after the longest heat treatment - baking, boiling, frying. You can freeze this vegetable and even put it in jars along with other ingredients (peas, carrots, onions, cabbage). It must be given (in puree form) to children and in therapeutic diets.

Here's what purple potatoes are good for:

  1. Digestion. Tubers contain dietary fiber, which binds waste and feces in the intestines and removes them out. This normalizes peristalsis and relieves inflammation of the walls, preventing or eliminating stool disorders (constipation and diarrhea). Flatulence and abdominal pain also disappear. Due to the starch content, dishes made from this product envelop the stomach and protect the mucous membrane from damage.
  2. Weight loss. It is possible due to cleansing the body of toxins and feces, improving metabolism. The effect is achieved only by combining proper nutrition with exercise.
  3. Vision. This vegetable is useful for cataracts and glaucoma, preventing or slowing down their development. It should definitely be included in the diet of people with myopia and those who work a lot at the computer.
  4. Vessels. They are cleared of toxins and other deposits, which prevents the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques. As a result, the risk of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, heart failure and high blood pressure is reduced. The walls of the blood vessels become stronger, and blood begins to flow through them faster.
  5. Heart. Potatoes, due to their potassium content, normalize blood flow, restore rhythm, improve muscle function, ensuring the prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction.
  6. Immunity. Since the composition contains ascorbic acid, the absorption of iron, which comes along with other products, is accelerated. It also contains some folic acid, a deficiency of which causes anemia. This is especially important during the period of virus activity and for pregnant women.
  7. Rejuvenation. This effect is ensured by the content of polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants. They protect our cells from the negative effects of free radicals and viral attacks.
Not only the pulp is very useful, but also the juice of root vegetables, which is drunk raw. It alleviates gastritis and colitis by restoring damaged mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Its use also has a beneficial effect on joints, which are strengthened and cleansed of salts. Both tubers and sprouts are suitable for eating; they help with mastitis, rheumatism, high fever, colds, runny nose, ulcers and tuberculosis. They are eaten plain, added to salads and/or used to make juices.

Important! The benefits of purple potatoes, both young and old, are great, but the concentration of essential substances in the first is slightly higher than in the second.

Harm and contraindications to eating purple potatoes

Considering that this variety contains less starch than the classic one, it can be consumed by almost everyone. But don’t forget that this is a source of complex carbohydrates, which help you gain weight quickly. That is why you should not eat dishes with it at night and in large quantities. Overeating may cause heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, bloating and constipation. Pregnant women, the elderly and children should be especially careful with this.

It is definitely necessary to limit the use of Vitalot for the following diseases:

  • Obesity. The high calorie content of the product and a large percentage of carbohydrates contribute to the accumulation of fat and slow down the cleansing of toxins from the body. Therefore, it is better to completely abandon it when dieting.
  • Diabetes. You should be vigilant because it contains a lot of mono- and disaccharides, glucose, fructose and sucrose. Carbohydrates will not benefit the patient.
  • Constipation. In this case, the vegetable will irritate the intestinal walls and may cause an exacerbation. To avoid this, only pureed foods are allowed.
  • Gastritis. Here you definitely cannot eat fried and baked potatoes; you can only boil them in the form of mashed potatoes and in soups. It is especially important to adhere to this during an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Hypotension. This is due to the fact that such a product lowers blood pressure, which is already low with such a disease. As a result, you may experience headaches, dizziness and general weakness.

Recipes for dishes with purple potatoes

Vitalot is prepared quickly and quite simply; it is suitable for both everyday and holiday menus. It goes well with meat and fish products, any vegetables, legumes and much more. If you have no contraindications for purple potatoes, you can safely fry, bake, stew, or grill them. This is an excellent ingredient for first and second courses, side dishes and even desserts. It is available all year round and can be stored for a long time outside the refrigerator, in the basement or on the balcony.

Here are some interesting recipes:

  • Soup. Peel, wash, cut the main vegetable (2 pcs.) into cubes and throw into boiling water (2.5 l). Next, grate one carrot, chop 1 onion and fry them. Add 2 tomatoes to the roast, keep it on low heat for 10 minutes and pour into the broth. After 15 minutes, add 4 tbsp. l. thin noodles, salt the soup, pepper, add chopped dill and grated processed cheese (50 g).
  • Chips. Cut 5 potatoes into slices as thinly as possible, salt and pepper them, pierce them with a fork, place in a large metal sieve and place in boiling refined oil poured into an enamel pan. Then reduce the heat and simmer until the vegetables turn golden brown. Take them out, remove excess liquid and let them dry for an hour.
  • Casserole. Peel, wash and boil the main ingredient (1 kg) in salted water. Then drain it and mash the potatoes, adding 1 egg, heavy homemade cream (3 tbsp) and milk (3 tbsp). Then fry the grated carrots and onions (1 piece each), as well as mushrooms (250 g). Place them in layers on a baking sheet, and add the finished puree on top and grate hard cheese (200 g). Place it in the oven for 30 minutes until a thick crust appears. Place the finished dish on the table with sour cream.
  • Baked potato. It (1.5 kg), in its raw form, must be peeled, cut into strips, salted and sprinkled with lemon juice (3 tbsp. L.). Then put fried chicken (250 g) and lard (150 g) into a baking dish. The main ingredient is laid on top, after which hard cheese (300 g) is rubbed into it in an even layer. Next, place the baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes. The finished dish can be decorated with chopped dill or sour cream.
  • Zrazy. To prepare them, you will need to grate 5 potatoes, salt and pepper them, add garlic pulp (4 cloves). Then you should beat 1 egg and pour in 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. The resulting mass is used as dough for pancakes, spooned onto a hot, generously oiled frying pan. Zrazy should be supplemented with soy sauce and fresh tomatoes.
  • Stewed potatoes. You will need about 1 kg of it. Vegetables should be peeled, cut into cubes, salted, and poured with water until it completely covers them. Do the same with carrots and onions (1 pc. each). Now fry all this and mix with boiled white chicken meat (200 g). Keep the frying on low heat for 10 minutes and pour into the pan with the potatoes. Simmer it for half an hour under a closed lid, salt and pepper the finished dish and sprinkle with chopped dried basil.

Note! Vitalot does not look very appetizing, but is quite tasty. It can be used as a sandwich paste. Due to its original appearance, it is also suitable for decorating other dishes.

Interesting Facts About Purple Potatoes

This type of potato is considered elite due to its low prevalence. It is almost impossible to find it in garden beds in the CIS; it is more popular in the USA, Asia and South America. At the same time, the taste of the vegetable is very pleasant and pronounced.

It spoils much more slowly than its “brothers” and cooks much faster. It is believed that it contains less starch, which, according to doctors, clogs blood vessels.

In 2012, a study was conducted in Denver (USA) involving this mysterious vegetable garden inhabitant. Scientists have found that it actually lowers blood pressure, dilates capillaries and removes toxins from the body. It was also said that its beneficial properties are preserved even after heat treatment, which is simply unimaginable for “competitors”.

It is advisable to boil and bake this variety with the peel on, as this way it retains the maximum amount of nutrients. By the way, it is very easy to remove, despite the fact that it is thick and hard.

The color of the pulp does not have to be purple; it can also be dark pink or red. This unusual vegetable was obtained by crossing selected varieties - “Tiras”, “Exotic” and “Santarka”.

Vitalot is ideal for cooking in its pure form, since it almost never boils over. For this reason, pureeing it is not the best option.

Given its unusual color, some buyers think it is a missing vegetable and are afraid to buy it. You won’t be able to meet him in markets and shops very often, and if you do find him, then most likely he will be an “overseas guest.”

What to cook from purple potatoes - watch the video:

Considering how varied purple potato recipes are, you can experiment with them endlessly. Perhaps dishes based on it will not become your favorite, but they will definitely arouse the interest of your guests and decorate the table.