Caring for radish outdoors. Radish care How often to water radishes after planting

A high-quality, plentiful harvest is the main reward of any gardener. Even the simplest crops to grow, such as radishes, require compliance with a number of agricultural practices. Let's talk about how to water radishes so that the fruits have a good taste and juicy, crispy flesh.

To begin with, we note all the risks that the improper watering of moisture-loving radishes entails:

  1. with insufficient, untimely and uneven watering, the quantity and quality of the crop will drop sharply, the fruits will acquire voids and bitterness, the pulp will become hard;
  2. the lack of a sufficient amount of moisture, coupled with heat and drought, threatens to bloom. The root crop will not tie up and go into the arrow; for the irreversible development of such an effect, the radish needs 3 hours without water;
  3. mindlessly pouring beds with radishes with a huge amount of water is also not worth it, with excessive watering, the fruits will crack and lose their presentation.

Not the most pleasant results, is it? To avoid all these troubles, let's isolate and study all the information on how to water radishes in order to enjoy the harvest of delicious, fortified radishes from your own garden, and not get upset because of broken hopes and lost time.

Watering radishes from a to z

The first (abundant) watering is carried out immediately after sowing, and it does not matter where the radish is planted, in protected or open ground, whether the seeds were soaked or not. Water for the first watering should be prepared warm (room temperature). At the initial stage of growth, before the appearance of a real leaf, the soil must be moistened to a depth of 10 cm. After, at the stage of fruit formation, the depth is increased to 15 cm.

Before buying seeds, carefully study the characteristics of the variety, in some of them the main root goes to a depth of 30 cm, in which case it should be provided with moisture entirely.

How often to water radishes in the future is an interesting question, rather even an individual one. The culture is the earliest, sowing is carried out in the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the soil warms up slightly, and the climate is different for everyone, and nature often presents surprises. Therefore, it is better to focus on growing conditions and weather.

Watering radishes in open and protected ground

Let's start with open ground, keep an eye on the soil, it should always be sufficiently moist. In normal weather, you can water every 2-4 days, during hot periods every day, and on especially hot days, morning and evening watering may be required. In cool weather, the amount of watering is reduced to 1 time in 3 or 5 days. The norm of water consumption in the heat is 10 liters per 1 sq. m.

We figured out how to water radishes in the open field, everything is simple here. The frequency of watering the root crop in the greenhouse is also calculated. With the cassette method of growing radishes, they are watered by flooding. At the initial stage of development, the level of soil moisture should be maintained at around 70%. When setting fruits before harvesting, the land should be moistened by 65-75%.

Another important point, radish is very moisture-loving, this applies to the soil, but the vegetable does not tolerate moisture well. If the greenhouse is not equipped with a high-quality ventilation system, be sure to ventilate the room yourself, after each watering, excess air humidity often leads to the development of fungal and other diseases in the plant.

The last, abundant watering is carried out a few hours before harvesting, this is done so that the radish lasts longer, is elastic and juicy. But here, too, there are disadvantages, the radish does not ripen at the same time, and excessive moisture can harm neighboring fruits, so try to collect the vegetable on watering days.

  1. all watering should be carried out only in the morning or in the evening;
  2. in no case do not water the radish with a directed stream under the root, use a watering can with a fine sieve or a sprinkler nozzle for the hose, make sure that the root crop is not exposed;
  3. try to avoid washing out the soil;
  4. it happens that the beds are left unattended, a small layer of mulch will help keep the soil moist for several days of your absence;
  5. watering can be combined with top dressing and prevention from harmful insects, as necessary, combine ordinary water with infusions of herbs, ash, tobacco, etc. Acidified water (10 liters of water 1 tablespoon of citric acid) helps get rid of the cruciferous flea;
  6. soil permeability is a very important nuance, so that the roots breathe to the fullest, loosen the soil between rows to a depth of 5 cm, it is advisable to carry out the procedure after each watering, loosening after rain, even the weakest, is especially important.

The rules for watering radishes are simple, it’s not at all difficult to learn them, and the plant will surely thank you for the care you have shown with the main reward - a plentiful and high-quality harvest.

One of the most pressing issues for professional and amateur gardeners is still watering vegetables. Proper and regular irrigation is an essential part of any vegetable crop care. In addition, the quality and quantity of the future harvest depends on it. Before planting radishes in open ground, it is worth studying a lot of information about it, it is especially important to pay attention to watering this vegetable.

Watering frequency

Radishes are exactly the kind of crop that needs moisture for a big harvest. If some vegetables can live without water for several days, then it is best not to forget about radishes.

In order not to get a low-grade and sluggish crop, it is very important to try to water this vegetable correctly and regularly, while observing all the important points.

To get a good radish that will have an excellent presentation, consider the main features of this vegetable:

  • after planting the seeds, they need abundant watering, but, of course, it is not worth pouring them so that there is water;
  • even if the seeds were soaked, it is very important to moisten the crops;
  • as for the depth of irrigation, it is very important to remember here that in order to form a real leaf, the soil should be moistened by about ten centimeters, and already during the formation of the fruits themselves - by 15-20 cm;
  • if store-bought seeds are used and the length of the vegetable root is indicated on the package (for example, it can be 15-30 cm), then it is very important to ensure watering at this distance, otherwise the plant will suffer from a lack of moisture.

Radish seedlings and its seedlings should be watered with water at room temperature. Too cold water, according to many experts, negatively affects the condition of vegetables in the future. If we are talking about seeds, then they may not sprout at all.

Watering radishes in the open field is not difficult, but it should be regular. It is impossible to say for sure that five or seven times a plentiful watering a week is enough for radishes. Everything here is individual and depends on many factors. The frequency of watering depends on climatic and weather conditions, as well as on the rate of ripening of the fruits of the vegetable.

On average, experts recommend watering the most common beds in the garden once every 2-3 days, if the weather is very sunny and hot outside, then the frequency of watering should be increased. So the radish will grow faster. In hot weather, the beds should always be moist, but not too flooded. In case of severe drought, you can water radishes several times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. In cold weather, plants can be provided with moisture once every five days.

Common Mistakes

Despite the fact that there is nothing difficult in watering the beds with a watering can, even here beginner gardeners and gardeners make mistakes. To get an excellent harvest at home, consider the main mistakes that can be made:

  • The bitter taste of radish and voids in it are most often formed from a lack of moisture during germination in the garden. In addition, vegetables grown with untimely moisture tend to be very rough and tasteless.
  • With frequent drought, radishes can shoot arrows that will soon bloom. Because of this, the quality of the crop can be greatly reduced, and the number of future vegetables will also be small.
  • Cracked root crops are a consequence of excess moisture. Do not forget that regular watering should be in moderation.
  • Do not irrigate with a directed jet on the root itself or under it. Soil washing should be avoided as much as possible. If this happens, then the land reserve should be replenished.

In order to avoid a poor harvest, it is very important to study the relevant literature on vegetable care and heed the advice of specialists.

It is important to know the following nuances.

  • It is best to water in the morning and evening. During the day, it is not recommended to do this due to the fact that the leaves of plants can get burned. This happens due to too rapid evaporation of moisture.
  • Watering is best done with a watering can with a fine nozzle. Some people use small hose sprayers. It is impossible to choose large watering cans or water vegetables directly from a hose, since you can wash the ground very strongly from the beds and expose the roots. In the future, they may begin to rot.

  • If on some days it is not possible to moisten the soil with radishes, then you can make it mulching. Mulch is great at retaining moisture. It is best to choose dry grass as a mulch and spread it on the beds in a thin layer.
  • Watering is very often combined with fertilizer and plant bait with vitamins and minerals, as well as with preventive procedures for various infectious diseases of vegetables. If desired, plain water can be mixed with insect and pest repellents.
  • If it came to harvesting vegetables and harvesting, then the last watering should be done 5-6 hours before the harvest itself. If everything is done this way, then the vegetables will be sweet and tasty. Also, they can be stored longer.
  • When preparing the soil for radishes, it is best to completely abandon the manure. It can be replaced with other fertilizers. This is due to the fact that with further watering, the leaves will grow best in the first place, and only then the fruits. And it is the leaves that will take away all the nutrients and elements from the root crop, it will be sluggish and weak, which will significantly affect its taste and appearance.
  • After rains, showers, or self-irrigation, vegetables require loosening the soil. It should be produced between rows approximately 3-5 cm deep in the soil. This is done for the best supply of oxygen to the root system of the radish. Thus, it will grow faster and produce a bountiful harvest.

19 07.18

How to properly water radishes? We follow important rules

Radish culture is not whimsical, growing it in the garden is not difficult even for a novice gardener. In order for it to grow juicy and tasty, it is enough to follow a few care rules, including watering.

As soon as the seeds are sown, the ground must be watered. Watered with pre-settled, warm water, from a watering can with a fine sieve. It is enough to moisten the bed every day to a depth of 5-8 cm, until the first leaves appear.

When the radish grows 2 full leaves, keep the same watering, but already twice a day. After a couple of weeks, when root crops begin to form, watering should be more abundant, on average 12-15 liters per 1 sq.m, and a depth of up to 15cm. It is important to note that with a lack of moisture, radishes can grow crooked, with voids inside, the lack of proper soil moisture will also affect the taste, the root crop will be dry with a bitter aftertaste.

As a rule, watering is done once every 2-3 days, however, during the dry period, it is advisable to water every day, in the morning or in the evening. If radishes are grown in a region with an abundance of winds and hot weather, it should be taken into account that moisture from the soil evaporates faster, in this case, watering should be done twice a day.

Well retains water in the soil and protects it from drying out, mulch. To do this, a bed with radishes is covered with a small layer of mulch, in addition, humus can be used. When using fertilizer, root crops will not only be juicy, but will also grow faster. If watering is excessive, the fruits may crack, and the plant itself will get sick.

Watering in the fight against harmful insects. Radish stalks attract insects such as cross fleas, aphids, flower beetles and others. Some of them lay larvae and multiply rapidly, destroying the entire crop. You can fight them with all sorts of infusions.

2 cups of onion peel and the same amount of dried celandine, pour 10 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for 24 hours, then the bed is sprayed with the resulting solution.
200-250g of chopped garlic, pour 1 liter of water, room temperature, let stand for 5-7 days in a cool, dark place, while tightly corking the container. Strain the finished product and dilute 1 tbsp. to a bucket of water. Such treatment is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

Watering for radish diseases. In addition to insects that attack radishes, they can also be susceptible to various diseases associated with improper care, climatic characteristics or other reasons.

white rust- a fungal disease most commonly found in radishes. Sharp cold snaps, an abundance of weeds or post-harvest plant residues contribute to the onset of the disease. To combat it, antifungal drugs, chemical or organic, fungicides are used. They spray the plant at the first sign of illness.

quila another disease in which growths appear on the roots of the radish, as the disease progresses, they begin to darken, and then the fruit itself rots. Kila develops rapidly with prolonged stagnation of water. A good result in the fight against it, gives a lime mortar. To do this, 2 cups of lime are stirred in a bucket of water and the plants are watered, at the rate of 1 liter per 1 root crop.

powdery mildew found quite often among all vegetable crops. On the leaves you can see a plaque that darkens over time, the leaves wither and dry. In this case, you can use fungicides or Bordeaux liquid. To prepare it, they take 100 g of copper sulfate and dissolve it in a bucket of water, do the same with lime, then both solutions are gently mixed and the plant is treated.

If you follow the rules of planting and care, throughout the season, radishes will delight the whole family with their appearance and pleasant taste.

Radish (lat. Raphanus sativus)- annual or biennial plants belonging to the group Radish sowing of the genus Radish of the Cabbage family, or Cruciferous. The radish vegetable got its name from the Latin word radix, which means root. This is a precocious garden crop, a leader among fast-growing vegetables, it is in great demand in spring, because at this time only radishes contain living vitamins, which are so necessary for the body after winter.

Planting and caring for radishes (in a nutshell)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - before winter or spring, from late March to mid-April.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose, light soil of neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (5.5-7.0 pH).
  • Predecessors: undesirable - any cruciferous crops. Good ones are potatoes, cucumbers, legumes. After radishes, it is best to grow tomatoes on the site.
  • Watering: frequent and plentiful: in a normal spring with rains and thunderstorms - once a day, in the morning or after 17.00, but in abnormally hot and dry weather - both in the morning and in the evening. The soil on the site should be slightly moist at all times.
  • Top dressing: when grown on poor soils, top dressing is applied twice, on the rich - once. Apply complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: cruciferous fleas and bears.
  • Diseases: bacteriosis, keel, black leg.

Read more about growing radishes below.

Vegetable radish - description

The radish plant is grown in many countries. It is a root crop with a diameter of 2.5 cm, covered with a thin skin of red, pink or white-pink color with a sharp taste due to the mustard oil contained in its pulp. The radish vegetable is a long-day plant; for normal development, it needs 13-hour daylight hours. But its growing season is short, so you can grow radish roots throughout the season, planting it literally every week.

Planting radishes in open ground

When to plant radishes in the ground

Radish seeds germinate at a temperature of 1-2 ºC, for normal development the plant needs a temperature of 15-18 ºC, but no more, since too warm air with a lack of lighting (and at this time of the year the day is still short) leads only to the growth of tops, in while the root crop does not grow and coarsens. As soon as the soil thaws and warms up, the radish is planted in the ground. This usually happens in mid-April, although in warmer areas, early varieties of radishes are sown as early as late March.

soil for radishes

Growing radishes from seeds begins with soil preparation. The site where you sow radishes should be sunny at least the first half of the day and closed from the wind. The optimal soil for radishes is loose, light soil of a neutral or slightly acidic reaction, the pH of which is in the range of 5.5-7.0 units. Too acidic soils must be limed before planting radishes.

It is good to sow radishes on a plot intended for growing tomatoes in the future: you can sow radishes on it every week until May 20, collect a good harvest of root crops and at the same time prepare the soil on the plot for growing tomatoes. Heavy and cold soils or poor sandy loamy soils, if you want to grow radishes in them, will have to be dug up with humus at the rate of 2-3 kg per m². Fresh manure does not fertilize the soil for radishes.

You can plant radishes in the area where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans were previously grown, and in the area where turnips, radishes, turnips, daikon, watercress, cabbage and horseradish grew, you can’t grow a good radish crop. It is advisable to change the place for radishes every year, so that each time it has predecessors from a different family.

For spring sowing, the site is prepared in the fall: they dig the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet with compost or humus - then in the spring, immediately before sowing, the depth of digging with the simultaneous application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers can be no more than 20 cm.

How to plant radishes outdoors

Radish seeds are sown thickly in grooves previously spilled with water to a depth of 2 cm, keeping a distance between rows of 15-20 cm. The grooves are covered with loose soil, then the surface is compacted, but not watered, but cover the area with a layer of peat or humus 2 cm thick. At night, after five o'clock in the evening and until the morning, the bed is covered with a film until the seeds germinate. The timing of the emergence of seedlings depends on the weather. In good, dry and sunny weather, the seeds can germinate in 3-4 days.

At the development phase, they are thinned out at the seedlings of the first leaf, leaving a distance of 3-5 cm between the specimens. If you are a patient person, sow the seeds immediately at the indicated distance so that you do not have to break through the seedlings later, because this procedure can damage the roots of the main seedlings, and they will develop worse, and as a result, their shooting may occur. With proper care, growing radishes in the open field before harvest lasts 20-30 days.

Planting radishes before winter

We told you about the timing of spring sowing, and the planting of winter radish, a biennial, is carried out at the end of autumn. Planting radishes in the fall is carried out after the onset of frost - in the middle or end of November. Far from all varieties of radishes are suitable for winter sowing, but varieties such as Yubileiny, Spartak, Mercado, Mayak, Carmen are able to germinate even at low temperatures.

The preparation of the site for sowing is carried out at the end of summer: the soil is dug up and fertilized, adding half a bucket of humus or rotted compost per 1 m², 1 tablespoon of double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. After fertilizing, the bed is covered with a film, pressing its edges with stones or bricks so that the shelter does not blow away with the wind.

The procedure for autumn sowing differs from the spring procedure in that in autumn the seeds are thrown into dry ground, and after planting the seeds, the bed is necessarily mulched with dry earth or peat, the surface is compacted and the area is covered with snow if it has already fallen out.

What is the advantage of winter sowing? The fact is that next year you will receive a harvest of radishes sown in autumn two weeks earlier than a harvest of radishes sown next spring.

radish care

How to grow radishes

Caring for radishes in the open field consists of watering, weeding and loosening row spacings. If you put a layer of mulch on the bed after sowing, care will not be tedious, but try to complete all care procedures on time.

Watering radishes

The radish culture is moisture-loving, the optimal soil moisture for the normal development of its roots should be about 80%, so you will have to water the site often, especially at first, otherwise the radish will be bitter. With insufficient watering, the plant shoots, and root crops do not develop. If watering is too frequent or plentiful, the root crops will crack.

How to water radishes in order to achieve a good and high-quality harvest? If the spring is normal, with rains and thunderstorms, watering the radish is carried out every day in the morning or after 17.00, but if the spring turns out to be dry, then the soil on the site will have to be moistened daily both in the morning and in the evening. Especially strictly it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil after the appearance of the first true leaf in the seedlings. Only on condition that the soil in the beds with radishes will be in a slightly damp state all the time, you can grow juicy, tasty root crops.

Top dressing radish

On poor soils, radishes need to be fed twice during the growing season; for radishes growing on rich soils, one feeding is enough. Try not to overdo it with the nitrogen component, because in this case, all the vitality of the radish will be spent on growing tops, and the roots will be elongated and oversaturated with nitrates.

How to fertilize radishes, what fertilizers can be applied to the soil without the risk of saturating root crops with substances hazardous to human health? Here is a recipe for a balanced mixture of fertilizers that will help the radish form a healthy and juicy root crop: compost and humus, in the amount necessary for your soil, 10 g of potash fertilizer and superphosphate, 10-15 g of saltpeter, one and a half liters of ash. In fertile soil, it is enough to apply only mineral fertilizers.

Pests and diseases of radish

The main enemies of radish are the cruciferous flea and the bear, the rest of the garden pests (aphids, wireworms, caterpillars) do not have time to greatly harm the radish due to its rapid growth. The cruciferous flea is dangerous for radishes precisely at an early stage of its development, since it is capable of destroying defenseless seedlings that have barely hatched throughout the entire area in a few days. When the seedlings get stronger, the flea is no longer afraid of them.

How to process radishes so that the cruciferous flea does not annoy him? To scare away the insect from young green leaves, the tops are sprayed with a solution of wood ash: 2 cups of fresh ash and 50 g of grated laundry soap are dissolved in 10 liters of water. You can simply scatter the ashes over the area. It must be said that both of these methods are ineffective, and the most reliable protection against a flea is the construction of a shelter: along the length of the entire bed, metal arcuate supports are installed, on which a spunbond is thrown. Under this cover, the radish breathes normally, the tops do not burn under the scorching rays of the sun, and most importantly, the harmful insect cruciferous flea does not penetrate under the spunbond, destroying radish crops. After the tops grow, the shelter can be removed.

Medvedka more often it harms early varieties of radish in a greenhouse, where it crawls in the spring to bask. If you grow radishes in the open field, then this terrible enemy is unlikely to have time to cause great damage to your crop. And it is very difficult to fight with a bear.

What's wrong with radishes? Of the diseases, bacteriosis is dangerous for radishes, manifested by premature yellowing of the leaves, mucus and rotting of root crops, keel, also determined primarily by yellow leaves, as well as by growths and swellings on root crops, and a black leg that affects plants at the seedling stage, which is why their leaves turn yellow and curl and the stems turn black at the base.

To avoid these problems, choose disease-resistant varieties for growing, and follow the conditions of agricultural technology, and most importantly, remove diseased plants from the site in time. Kila can be fought by cultivating the soil around the plants with milk of lime (2 cups of fluffy lime per 10 liters of water), consumption - 1 liter of milk per plant. Instances affected by the black leg are treated 2-3 times at weekly intervals with infusion of onion peel (20 g of peel is poured with a liter of water and insisted for 24 hours).

Radish processing

Readers often ask questions about how to treat radishes for pests or how to treat radishes for diseases. It is undesirable to use pesticides in the fight against diseases and pests of rapidly ripening root crops if you are concerned about your health and the health of those who will eat this radish, so the best defense is to follow all the rules of cultivation and care.

If the recommendations we have described did not give any result, and it is necessary to take emergency radical measures, then you will have to treat the radish from the black leg with a solution of copper sulphate (1 tablespoon of the drug, 50 g of laundry soap shavings per 10 liters of water), and treat bacteriosis by treating the plants with a one percent solution Bordeaux liquid.

But we repeat: everything you process the radish with, you will then eat.

Harvesting and storing radishes

Radishes do not ripen at the same time, so we answer the question of when to dig up radishes: you need to remove it selectively, as it ripens. Harvesting radishes is best done in the morning, watering the beds abundantly the night before. Pulling out the root crops, shake off the remnants of the soil from them, cut the tops not under the very root crop, but at a distance of 2-3 cm from it, and do not cut the roots at all. How much and how to store radishes?

From long-term storage, even in the best conditions, radishes become bitter and flabby, so give up plans to harvest this root crop, such as carrots or beets, especially since fresh juicy radishes can be grown at any time - not in the garden, but in greenhouse. The harvest of radish harvested in the described way is stored in plastic bags in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for about a week.

Types and varieties of radish

Varieties of radish for open ground according to the ripening time are divided into super-early, early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

Ultra-early, or early ripening radish varieties

ripen in 18-20 days. The most famous of them:

  • 18 days- the root crops of this variety reach maturity precisely during this period, they have a juicy, tender pulp, a cylindrical shape, a rich pink color;
  • firstborn- ultra-early high-yielding hybrid, ripening in 16-18 days. Large, rounded dark red roots of this variety are resistant to bolting and cracking, their flesh is sweet and juicy.

Early maturing varieties of radish

ripen in 20-30 days from the moment of emergence of shoots, the best of them include:

  • Ilka- the yield of this variety is quite high, the roots are scarlet, round, weighing from 15 to 25 g, dense, juicy, the flesh is white and white-pink, the taste is medium-sharp, without bitterness. The grade possesses resistance to temperature decrease, arrowing, formation of porosity or woodiness of pulp;
  • French Breakfast- also a popular high-yielding variety with resistant to bolting, long cylindrical dark red fruits weighing up to 45 g with a rounded white tip. The pulp is juicy, without bitterness. Disadvantage: shoots in strong heat;
  • saxa- this variety ripens in 23-27 days, the shape of the root crop is round, the color is bright red, the flesh is white, juicy, with a slightly spicy taste. The average weight of the root crop is 22 g. The variety is resistant to flowering, retains freshness for a long time;
  • White Fang- conical root crops of this variety, original for white radishes, ripen in 33-40 days, reaching a length of 12 cm and gaining weight up to 60 g. The pulp is juicy, the taste is slightly spicy;
  • Heat- high-yielding variety, ripening in three weeks. Root crops are small, dark red, rounded, weighing up to 25 g. The flesh is white or white-pink, the taste is slightly spicy. The variety, despite the name, does not like heat, so when grown in hot weather, it should be covered with a canopy.

Mid-season radish

matures in 30-35 days. The best varieties of this group are:

  • Faith- resistant to stalk, productive variety with bright red roots of almost the same size, resistant to cracking;
  • Helios- variety with yellow round roots with juicy pulp of pleasant taste;
  • Quantum- a productive variety ripening in 30 days with pinkish-raspberry roots of a delicate taste. During storage, it retains elasticity for a long time;
  • Zlata- ripens a maximum of 35 days from the moment of emergence of seedlings. Yellow round root crop with dense, tender and juicy pulp reaches 18 g in weight;
  • Duro- one of the most popular and productive varieties with very large (up to 10 cm in diameter), round red roots weighing up to 40 g, which requires more spacious planting in rows: the distance between specimens should be at least 10 cm. The variety is resistant to stemming, woodiness and cracking of fruits, it is well stored.

To late-ripening varieties of radish

which need 36-45 days to ripen, include:

  • Red giant- a productive variety with large cylindrical bright red fruits up to 14 cm long with juicy white-pink pulp and a slightly spicy taste. Resistant to cruciferous flea and medvedka, perfectly stored: in a container with sand it can be kept fresh for up to 4 months;
  • ice icicle- a variety almost identical to the Red Giant, but only with white roots;
  • Champion- This high-yielding variety ripens in 40 days. Its root crops are raspberry-red, large, elongated-round, weighing up to 20 g, the flesh is juicy, tender, but dense, pinkish-white in color, the taste is good. Root crops do not form voids, do not become flabby and soft for a long time;
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Yes I agree with you. I also really like this great salad. Fast, tasty and no problems!

22.03.2013 10:54:38

Daikon is a useful thing. Very tasty. My husband and I love it and constantly cook salads from it. And, here's my daughter rejected, she doesn't like it!

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Growing Japanese radish - daikon at their summer cottage. A simple daikon salad recipe.

At the same time, the bulb is slightly pressed into the ground and the top is left slightly above the soil level. For radishes, beets, lettuce and greens, any soil that is dug up and fertilized with manure or compost is suitable. The main thing is that the area is adequately lit. Immediately after seed germination, the "penetrated" plants should be thinned out (for radishes at a distance of 2 cm, for lettuce and beets at 10-15 cm), then get rid of weeds and water as needed. Carrots are very picky about the soil, long and even root crops grow only on deeply cultivated fertile soils. For carrots, the soil is fertilized with peat and manure. And thinning out this root crop (at a distance of 5-7 cm) can ...
... Carrots are very picky about the soil, long and even root crops grow only on deeply cultivated fertile soils. For carrots, the soil is fertilized with peat and manure. And thinning out this root crop (at a distance of 5-7 cm) is possible only in the evening, so that the appetizing smell does not attract a dangerous carrot fly. Carrots should be watered sparingly, as root crops can crack from abundant watering. But zucchini, cabbage and cucumbers in June should be planted with seedlings, otherwise the harvest may not wait. Seedlings are grown at home, in any containers suitable for this (at the bottom of which there are drainage holes), using special compost, which is sold in stores. By the way, you can make compost yourself: for more...

Did not make it. In general, I want to ask you to show an arch for a climbing rose. she lacks imagination.

29.03.2007 20:29:27

Carrots need to be fertilized with manure?
Do cucumbers like shade?
Compost is made from earth, peat and sand???
Berlin yellow lettuce has red-brown leaves????
Apparently, I did not understand something. This is probably a continuation of the story of how Mark Twain edited an agricultural newspaper ...

26.05.2006 10:34:43

Girls, hello everyone! I harvested a radish, but it seems to be small in size, but it has all outgrown (All in the threads of the so-called non-chewing ones (Tell the kettle how to determine that the radish is not overripe, but normal, how often to water with what to fertilize? What to do with it in one word? We have the heat is under 30.32 now, can it start to flake so early? (Help...

Wait for July and plant daikon)

16.06.2016 11:03:11

It's already too late. Radishes do not like long daylight hours! If planted in April, it gives a wonderful harvest in May. And then during the summer it can only be grown reducing his daylight hours to 12 hours. Those. from 8 pm to 8 am it must be covered with an opaque (non-woven) material or box. Although in the heat this will not help either: it will go to the arrow, and there will be a wooden root below.

16.06.2016 09:08:36

As far as I understood from my own experience, radish does not like shade: it stretches into the stem, peas like to be tied up and rarely planted.
I will experiment with radishes this time - choose another place for him.
But I never had worms in my radish - it just never grew to such a size that worms could crawl there :)
And a lot depends on watering peas. If the year is not very rainy, then there are almost no worms. It is necessary to dry the shoots at the prescribed distance from each other, to loosen the earth. It helps me. Peas have been growing with us all my childhood. but our soil is not suitable for radishes.

We have a lot of clay. Although we brought a lot of land during our entire stay at this dacha, this is not enough for her. The earth should be loose and bright place. perhaps it is necessary to do drainage with sand, so that excess moisture leaves, although the radish probably needs a lot of water .. I will think about what happens - I will write here.

And now you won’t ask your neighbors: (we’ve tuned in, almost everyone has lawns. Few people fence, so mostly flowers and trees.

12.04.2011 15:03:54

There is a greenhouse on the purchased plot. The earth inside it is very dry, almost dust. How to moisturize? Water is not absorbed. Another question: when planting cucumbers, tomatoes, can I use cold water for irrigation or do I need to heat it?

it is imperative to heat the water, and even in summer, put a barrel of water in the corner of the greenhouse and water it

04.05.2015 10:24:05

Attach a hose with a sprayer to the greenhouse supports and let the water run for a couple of hours. It is advisable to do this a couple of times, the last one a week before planting, no later. Immediately after watering, there will be liquid mud in the greenhouse, after 3-4 days the earth will most likely dry out a little, but remain wet inside - at this moment it is worth digging it up, adding humus or fertilizer, be sure to at least loosen the top layer with a rake.
When planting, seedlings are watered pointwise, in holes or in grooves (if you plant, for example, tomatoes in rows). It is better to heat the water (for this purpose we have a couple of decorative ponds and a barrel for collecting rainwater on the site), but if there is nowhere to heat and defend, it is better to pour cold than not to water at all.
In the future, it is impossible to categorically water the plants in the greenhouse at the height of the day in sunny weather, only in the morning or in the evening. Tomatoes at the time of fruit ripening require regular watering, but at the same time they are very sensitive to high humidity - it is better to water them in grooves for mulch or in holes - we dig inverted plastic bottles with cut bottoms under each bush so that water is absorbed into the ground, but air stayed dry.

02.05.2015 16:07:43

I planted radish seeds - seedlings appeared, very close to each other. Need to thin out somehow? And one more thing - and then how to act so that the radish does not go to the tops, but "to the root"? Thank you:)

1. It is necessary to thin out.
2. It goes into the arrow either from high temperature (radish is a cold-loving crop) or from the characteristics of the variety (again, from insufficient tolerance of the variety to high temperature).
3. Insufficient watering leads to bitterness, early lignification and small root crops.

Good luck :)

21.05.2009 08:15:20

Girls, never planted vegetables. the father-in-law requested a radish at the dacha. do seeds need to be soaked? Do you germinate it at home or bury it directly in the ground? are there any secrets? thank you in advance.

And experience: soaking, in principle, is not necessary. Seeds germinate quite easily. If you soak, then you need to watch when they swell, if you miss a moment and they hatch - it will be very difficult not to break them when sowing :-)
You can sow in furrows, but since, for example, I always sow deeply (on two phalanges of my index finger), it is problematic to make furrows - the earth immediately crumbles in them. Therefore, I sow (sowed, or rather :-), having made "holes" in the ground with the same index finger, at a distance of about 1.5-2 cm. Then you don't have to thin out. In the same way, you can sow radishes to strawberries, for example (between rows and bushes in rows). Then you don’t have to dig a separate bed, which, after harvesting radishes for 2/3 of the summer, remains empty (if you don’t sow something else there).
Before sowing, it is better to water the soil ahead of time. for example, water in the evening and sow in the morning. Then the earth in the holes will not crumble.
In short, they made holes with the index finger (well, or whichever is more convenient :-), took a bag, stuffed one seed into the hole, covered it with earth and wait. Water regularly.
General rules: water regularly (if you take a break in watering, and then resume it, the radish will crack), water quite abundantly (otherwise it will be bitter), fight cruciferous fleas (sprinkle crops with ashes more often), sow as early as possible (with long daylight hours). radish will go into the arrow). Everything seems to be.
Good luck!

07.05.2004 07:05:48