The art of growing miniature trees. How to grow a bonsai tree: recommendations for caring for miniature flora What are bonsai trees called in Japan

Growing bonsai is not just a creative hobby. Miniature plants are art, a living organism that grows and changes every day.

The ancient art of bonsai

« Bonsai" translated from Japanese as " tree in a flat container". It was first mentioned in Chinese chronicles about 2000 years ago. Dwarf plants adorned the gardens and houses of the nobility, were used for meditation, contemplation and reflection. Over time, the beauty and harmony of miniature compositions became an art, which later flourished in Japan.

The Japanese masters adopted the main techniques and methods from the Chinese, but it was in the Land of the Rising Sun that the classical cultivation styles were formed. The formed bonsai should resemble a tree or shrub in nature..

Bonsai came to our country only in 1974 as a gift from the wife of the Japanese ambassador. Since the beginning of the 90s, their popularity in Russia, as well as throughout the world, began to grow. Clubs of amateurs, nurseries for cultivation are created, exhibitions are organized.

Types of plants for bonsai

There are many trees and shrubs suitable for growing vegetable miniatures. How to decide?

The most unpretentious and small-leaved ficus species excellent for the first experience.

Ficus benjamina and ficus blunted

Evergreen trees. They winter well indoors. They do not retire, they only slow down growth. They grow quickly, you need to periodically thin out the crown.

Experienced gardeners can expand their list with subtropical deciduous and.

An evergreen coniferous plant, in nature it grows up to 10 m. It grows quickly, most species are perfectly formed from an early age. Resistant to pests. used for outdoor bonsai.

Pomegranate dwarf

A year-round flowering shrub from the Mediterranean, the flowers are small, bright red. In room conditions, it can bear fruit. The pomegranate is shaped in all Japanese styles.

More difficult to grow is a group of deciduous plants of the middle zone. For them, you need to create special conditions for wintering.

More than 150 species are known. Maple is one of the symbols of bonsai in Japan. It is valued for its beautiful ornamental leaves, which turn crimson in autumn. Light-loving, but can grow in shady places. Resistant to adverse conditions. Handles pruning well.

Blooming sakura (Japanese cherry) is a spectacle of special beauty. Its flowering in nature is annually celebrated in Japan as a national holiday. The trunk of the tree is red-brown in color with a dense crown. Bright pink and white flowers with a diameter of 1 cm are collected in inflorescences of several pieces. Grow up both in an open ground, and in house conditions.

How to choose bonsai in the store?

It is better to purchase plants in garden stores or nurseries. They offer two options: young plants aged 2-3 years, which need to be cut at home and transplanted into a flat container or ready-made bonsai.

What should I pay attention to when buying?

Plant appearance

The plant should look healthy: have a good root system, a lush crown and a strong trunk without scratches and wounds. It is allowed to have a few yellowed leaves on the lower branches of deciduous plants in the autumn, but plants with half-leafed leaves should be discarded. The soil in the pot should not be waterlogged.

Presence of pests and diseases

They should not be on the branches, trunk and ground. If it so happens that pests and diseases are detected after purchase, then immediate treatment with drugs will prevent the spread of infection. The old soil is replaced by adding Bazudin or Aktara to the new substrate to kill the larvae.

What conditions are needed for growing?


Plants have different lighting needs: some like constant bright light, others like partial shade.

The location also depends on the orientation of the windows (north, south, west, east). Plants are placed so that the sun is available three to four hours a day. Every 2-4 weeks the containers are rotated 180°. In winter, if the shoots began to stretch, organize artificial lighting.


Optimum air humidity in a dry urban area is maintained by regular spraying of plants and the air around them with settled water. It is good to place water trays and aquariums near the bonsai tree.


The temperature regime during the year must correspond to the natural conditions in the homeland of plants.

Plants of the middle lane in warm weather they are kept outdoors, for the winter they are either left covered there, or brought into a glazed loggia.

subtropical plants in summer they are on the balcony, in the garden or near an open window, in the cold period they are kept indoors at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C.

Tropical A year-round temperature of 18°C ​​to 25°C is required.

The soil

Bonsai soil must retain moisture, provide the plant with oxygen and nutrition. good substrate consists of peat, sand and humus earth(leaf or coniferous humus) in proportions corresponding to the needs of each species.

How to choose a pot?

The pot is the second most important element of a bonsai. Together with the plant, they create an ideal harmonious image. Depending on the type of plant and style, containers can be of different shapes: round, oval, multi-faceted, deep or flat.

For example, for cascading style fit tall and narrow, for formal and informal vertical styles round, square or rectangular are best.

It is preferable to use earthenware pots in natural colors: brown, gray, black, white. It is important that the coloring is not flashy and does not dominate the overall appearance. Containers must have drainage holes for draining.

How to grow bonsai from seeds?

Growing bonsai from seeds is a long way to go, but some plants that do not take well or do not take cuttings can only be propagated in this way. These include: , cedars, maples, oaks, lindens, birches, elms, poplars and so on.

Seeds are prepared for sowing. Without pre-treatment, seedlings will be less and they will have to wait longer. It is conditionally possible to distinguish three groups of seeds:

  1. Not requiring stratification. Minimum seed treatment required tropical and subtropical plants (, coffee, ficus), as well as some deciduous, whose seeds in nature ripen in early summer and sprout by autumn. It is enough to soak them for a day in warm water. If the seeds have a hard shell, then to stimulate germination, it is carefully filed, trying not to damage the core.
  2. Requiring cold stratification. This group includes plants that live in places where the change of warm and cold periods is a common occurrence. After soaking, the seeds are placed in wet sand, sphagnum, vermiculite and kept in the cold for one to six months at temperatures up to 5°C. Seeds are periodically checked, controlling the appearance of sprouts and preventing rotting.
  3. Requiring warm stratification. plant seeds, genus from regions with mild winters (Southern Europe) after soaking and before cold stratification, they are kept at a temperature of 15–20 ° C for a month or two. Some of them are placed in hot water with a temperature of 40 ° C and left in it after cooling for a day. Then transferred to the cold. So artificially for plants, an imitation of the change of seasons is created.

After processing the seeds, they begin sowing. You need flat, shallow containers with drainage holes and a light, water-retaining substrate, such as a mixture of peat and sand. To avoid rot and fungal diseases, the soil is watered with a fungicide. Seeds that germinate in the light are left on the surface, slightly pressed into the substrate. The rest are planted to a depth of 0.5 to 12 cm, depending on the size of the seeds.

At first, they need only moisture and heat to germinate. The air temperature should be at least 25 ° C, after emergence it is lowered to 18 ° C. In order to develop safely, good lighting and moderate watering are important for seedlings. Picking is carried out 3-4 weeks after germination, placing one plant in small pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

A faster way to reproduce. Suitable for , boxwood, cypress, willow, ficus, cotoneaster and so on. When propagated by cuttings, all parental characteristics are preserved: the shape of the crown, leaves.

The best time for cuttings is March-August. The upper or middle part of the shoot is taken, 8–25 cm long, depending on the type of plant, and cut off with a knife or secateurs. There must be at least two knots on the handle.

The shoot is placed in water or in the substrate so that the lower node is buried. Roots will then begin to form from it. The soil must be porous, permeable to water and air. Suitable river sand, perlite, peat, sphagnum moss. When cuttings, you can use growth stimulants.

The stalk is watered, periodically sprayed with water or covered with a jar or plastic bag. The room must be lit, ventilated, with an air temperature of at least 24°C.

Rooting times are different, some species need more than one month. The appearance of young leaves in most species signals the appearance of roots. But for and spruce, this is not an indicator. Their growth of shoots is ahead of root formation.

After the roots appear, the plants are opened and aired daily. Transplanted into separate pots after the plants get stronger, after 2-3 months.

How to care?


The most important part of care. Most often, trees and shrubs die due to errors in watering. Water them as needed. The soil should be moist, but not dry and wet. Only the top layer is allowed to dry. Water is used settled, soft, so that mineral salts do not form a crust on the surface of the soil and trunk.

In winter for tropical and deciduous plants watering is reduced. Exception - coniferous, as the extra moisture saves them from dry air in the house. Watering for all types is combined with air humidification.


For top dressing, organic and mineral fertilizers are used, without mixing them with each other. Plants are fed from spring, when they begin to grow until autumn, once every 3-4 weeks.


In the first year, the young tree grows freely, until 3-4 years old it is transplanted once a year. After the regularity of transplantation is determined individually for each species.

The signal for the need for a transplant is the exit of the roots into the drainage holes of the pot. The plant is taken out of the pot, carefully cut off the lower and lateral roots by 2–3 cm, planted in a new bowl and watered. The procedure is carried out in March-April, at the beginning of active growth.

crown formation

The trunk and branches of the tree are the central parts of the image. The trunk should have a powerful base, gradually decreasing towards the crown. To form it, all branches that are superfluous for the selected style are removed, the rest are shortened by at least 1/3.

The volume of the roots should be approximately equal to the volume of the crown. By trimming the crown, the roots are also shortened.

Regular pruning of branches keeps the tree small. When pruning, the lower shoots are left longer. The shortening of the branches sets a new direction for growth - young shoots begin to grow from the buds located near the cut.

To significantly change the direction of growth of branches, pruning alone is not enough. To obtain the desired result, use the wire. It is first mounted on the trunk or on the thickest branch, then fixed on a thinner one. No more than two branches are attached with one wire. You also need to make sure that the wires do not cross and do not cut into the bark of the branch.

Too thick branches are fixed with a tension wire, both ends of which are fixed in loops of thicker wire, fixed through drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

"Aging" of the tree

To give the "ancient" look of bonsai, you can use:


With a chisel or power tool, the bark is removed from a certain area. Then these areas are processed with a special cutter. This creates the effect of cracked old wood. This method is used only during the dormant period on healthy trees growing in a pot for at least two years.

Creation of cracks and scars

With the help of chisels of different sizes and a hammer, recesses are made on the trunk. Coal powder is rubbed into these places, the cracks will darken and look natural. By pressing a chisel into the wood and pulling it down the trunk, you get a scar - a cavity that is rougher than a crack.

Imitations of decay

A grinder makes several vertical cuts on the trunk, deepening them if necessary.

"Aged" plants are protected, regularly watered, sprayed and do not feed for a month.

Pests, diseases


The first sign of infection is the appearance of a sticky light bloom on the leaves. An easy and quick way to get rid of it is to wash the leaves with soapy water. Do this three times with a break of 3 days. If aphids have bred, then use an aerosol insecticide. It is carefully sprayed from all sides and the plant is covered with a plastic bag for 30–40 minutes. Processing is also carried out 3 times.

spider mite

It feeds on plant juices, which causes the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. For prevention, spraying is more often carried out. If the tick nevertheless appeared, then they fight it, as well as with aphids, with aerosol means. Read more.


A small white butterfly settles on the wrong side of the leaf. With a small number of pests, the plants are washed with soapy water. If the insect colony has increased, then pesticides are used. Read more.


Hiding on the underside of leaves and young shoots. Looks like brown patches. The shield is removed by hand, washing the plant well. The procedure is repeated as new individuals appear.


A white pest with a fluffy skin. Forms nests of many individuals. Aerosol chemicals are used to fight.

powdery mildew

Fungal disease. Appears on the leaves as a white coating. Control measures are the use of fungicides.

root rot

The most common cause is poor drainage. Also, the roots can be damaged from frost and from watering with concentrated fertilizers. The tips of the shoots begin to dry out. Read more about root rot.

The diseased specimen is carefully removed from the pot, the rotten roots are removed to the healthy part, the cut sites are treated with foundationazole and a growth stimulator. It is recommended to temporarily place the plants in sterile sand until signs of decay disappear.

Everyone can grow bonsai. One or more plants will open up a whole world to the gardener, take you on an amazing journey and help you find harmony and yourself.

Feng Shui Bonsai

Bonsai is translated into Russian as “a tree in a bowl or on a tray” or “landscape in pots”. This plant is from 50 cm, but not higher than 1 m, repeating the structure of an adult tree. The bonsai created by the artist is a work of art in which he has invested his knowledge and his attitude.

Bonsai is part of Japanese cultural traditions. Japanese dwarf trees are shown in many countries of the world at major exhibitions, giving pleasure to visitors.

Bonsai types

There is a bonsai of deciduous trees: willow, birch, hornbeam, alder, oak, cherry. These are deciduous trees that look good in bonsai even without leaves in the winter. Coniferous bonsai is grown from juniper, pine, larch and will delight the eye with greenery all year round.

Bonsai and Feng Shui

Bonsai and feng shui go great together!

Such different bonsai

Feng Shui is a magical teaching designed to provide a favorable environment for creating an even and smooth flow of energy that can provide a person with equal physical and mental health. If there are harmonized energy flows in the house, then the well-being of the people in it will be much better, such an atmosphere in the house stimulates a good mood, gives energy and optimism.

If the flow of energy in the house is slow or completely absent, this is a bad sign, it is very difficult to live in such a house, a person begins to have a variety of problems, ranging from personal life and health to the implementation of plans for the future.

Any living plants are a generator of active energy. Tall bonsai trees (up to 1 m) should not be placed in the living room, the best place for them is a closed insulated balcony with heating, a large winter garden or outdoor garden, if the climatic conditions allow keeping the plant year-round.

The bonsai trees of the Zheyang School do not always have a curved trunk, because it is believed that the vertical trunk symbolizes strength, dignity, majesty and beauty, and this will bring you self-confidence.

A small tree in the house can, if properly placed, greatly affect the flow of energy, and if you follow the rules of feng shui, you can direct the energy in the direction you need.

Feng Shui bonsai composition can:

  • mask the sharp corners of your furniture and walls
  • draw energy into the dark corners of rooms
  • harmonize the energies of Fire and Water in the kitchen.
  • slow down the flow of energy from the house.
  • remove excess water energy from the bathroom.
  • bring new energy into all the rooms in the house.
  • stimulate the eastern and southeastern parts of the dwelling.

Feng Shui Bonsai Tree Species Meanings

Bonsai tree shape magic

Heavily tilted bonsai pines can be placed both in the living room and in the office, as their slight curve resembles a greeting gesture. Such a composition is even called "welcome".

It is important to remember that only healthy bonsai plants emit active energy. If you want to achieve a work-enhancing environment, place small plants in the dining room, living room, and office.

Acacia bonsai symbolizes protection and foresight, gives vigor.

Bonsai lemon represents longevity, health and love.

Juniper bonsai has an antimicrobial effect, it is also used as a protection against the evil eye, as it energetically harmonizes space.

Bonsai with a living pine tree, symbolizing spiritual development and prosperity, located in the east, will bring health and longevity.

Where to place feng shui bonsai

Protrusions and ribs

It is useful to use bonsai in order to soften the protruding edges of the design of your home. It is believed that sharp elements create great discomfort and worsen the energy balance of the room. Soften such protrusions with a bonsai in the form of a falling plant.

dark corners

In the corners of almost any room, a large amount of energy can accumulate and eventually stagnate. There are such dark corners in any house, bonsai in the form of a coniferous tree allows you to get rid of stagnant energy, whose needles absorb all the energy stagnant in the house and neutralize its negative impact.

Sloped walls and ceilings

They also practice the use of bonsai in rooms with sloping walls and ceilings. Since disharmonious rooms greatly affect a person’s personal energy, impairing his creative abilities, bonsai in such a room is simply necessary.


Depending on the placement of the doors, the speed and direction of energy flows in your house will change. Two doors located opposite each other greatly accelerate the flow of energy, which can adversely affect its balance in the house. In this case, it is recommended to place bonsai between the doors in order to slow down the flow of energy. The asymmetrical arrangement of doors in the house threatens its owner with energy turbulence, which can lead to the appearance of inharmonious energy places in the house. To smooth out energy turbulence, you should place bonsai in round pots or buckets near each door.

Bonsai styles

Bonsai styles

Japanese masters distinguish 15 styles of bonsai, which are followed by various schools. They differ in the location of tree trunks, the methods of crown formation, the difference in materials used in landscape bonsai. These are tortoise stone, corals, pumice, sandstone.

Artists of different schools often work with one bonsai plant, which can be used to determine belonging to a particular school.

But all schools are similar in one thing: a tree must have a trunk of a certain shape and branches that must neither intersect with each other nor grow from the same place. Bonsai leaves, according to the rules, are small, have a green, juicy color, create a beautiful crown with their abundance. Bonsai roots, especially those that protrude above the ground, must also have a certain location.

Bonsai in feng shui is not necessarily one plant in a bowl, you can create a mix bonsai: in one pot there are several trees, a shrub and a herbaceous plant. But this is an even more difficult task.

A dwarf bonsai can be surrounded by a tiny landscape: rocks, grottoes, indistinguishable from real ones - and look like a miniature natural oasis. Such a composition gives great aesthetic pleasure. Grow, try your hand. This is the only way you can find your style.

Bonsai is the art of growing miniature trees. This art came to Japan from China for more than a thousand years, but it was in Japan that the art of growing bonsai trees reached its perfection and completeness. And today bonsai is associated with the land of the rising sun. The word bonsai consists of two hieroglyphs and literally means a bowl and a tree, a tree grown in a bowl.

Bonsai are created for admiration, contemplation and aesthetic effect. In the early seventeenth century, many wealthy families in Edo (now Tokyo) grew plants in small containers, but it was not until the eighteenth century that growing miniature trees began to turn into an art. The appearance of a miniature tree began to be given great importance and shaped in accordance with certain rules, so styles appeared that later became classics.

Previously, only wealthy families could afford to grow bonsai; a lot of time was spent on this entertaining and time-consuming activity. Then, gradually, the bonsai hobby passed to the samurai families, and then became a mass hobby.

Bonsai are mentioned in the early stages of Japanese history, so in the 14th century a play was written about a poor exiled samurai who lived far in the mountains, and to whom a tired and frozen traveler knocked in bad weather. The samurai did not have firewood to warm the cold traveler and he used his three bonsai as firewood. The tired traveler turned out to be the shogun, who later restored the rights of the samurai and gave him land ume(plum) , matzo(pine) and sakura(cherry), in the number and name of burned bonsai. In subsequent years, artists repeatedly created engravings based on this popular drama.

In the 17th century, stories emerged that Shogun Iemitsu Tokugawa devoted so much time to growing bonsai that his adviser was forced to remove these trees as far as possible, but this did not stop the shogun and he continued to create forms of miniature trees.

In the 18th century, a large number of people were already interested in bonsai, and annual exhibitions of miniature trees began to be held in Kyoto, each such exhibition was delivered with new types of bonsai. In 1829, the first book was published in which the technique of growing miniature trees - bonsai is considered as an art.

Emperor Meiji showed great interest in the art of bonsai and tried to stir up interest in bonsai among the people around him. Those officials who did not show due interest in bonsai fell out of favor. So the art of bonsai, whether the ministers wanted it or not, became an integral part of their lives and a new tradition in Japan. The Meiji government palace, both inside and out, was lined with miniature trees.

Growing dwarf trees is a complex and time-consuming task. Bonsai are real trees taken from nature and with the help of certain methods, turned into small copies of their large counterparts.

For bonsai, different types of trees are used, evergreen coniferous trees, such as: pine, juniper, cypress, fir, spruce, are very popular. Along with the classic bonsai trees, maples (momiji), cherry (sakura), plums, apricots, beech, acacia, azalea and many other types of trees and shrubs are used.

There are several styles of bonsai:

formal straight style (chokkan), the widest trunk at the base, which tapers towards the top of the tree

informal straight (moyogi) - branches and trunk may be slightly curved, but the top of the tree is always directly perpendicular to the base of the trunk and the ground

Double trunk (sokan), this style is a composition of two trunks with one common crown

Cascade style (kengai) - imitates trees that naturally grow on the slopes of mountains or on the banks of a river above water. In this case, the top of the tree falls far below the soil in which the tree is placed. Similar to the previous style - semi-cascade style (han-kengai), the top of the tree remains at the level of the soil in which the tree itself is located

United root (netsunagari) - with this style, part of the trunk is covered with earth and the branches of one tree look like separate trees.

There are many more interesting styles of bonsai, which will be discussed later.

Bonsai is not a houseplant, so it is preferable that they grow in natural conditions, that is, in the fresh air. In winter, special tree care is required and, accordingly, a tree can grow outdoors if this is its native climate, if necessary, the tree is placed in an additional container or the roots are covered to the first branches. Bonsai loves the sun and light, under such conditions it can adapt to room conditions.

Literary style (bunjingi) - characterized by a bare, usually distorted trunk and a minimal amount of foliage in the upper part of the tree.

Bonsai sizes can be from tiny - up to 2.5 centimeters to huge (by bonsai standards) - more than a meter.

In bonsai, everything is important, not only the shape, but also the pots, which must necessarily be in harmony with the overall composition, stones imitating mountains and rocks. At the same time, unlike the Chinese style, the Japanese believe that ceramic pots for bonsai should not be bright and prefer earthy or dark colors.

Not only owners of private houses can admire beautiful trees, but also residents of the most ordinary apartments. Place in a small space or deciduous plants will allow the ancient art of bonsai. Shrubs and trees were the first to be grown in small bowls in ancient China, but the plants were selected not decorative, but suitable for food or necessary for the manufacture of medicines.

The Japanese have always appreciated beauty and knew how to contemplate. They borrowed the practice of growing trees, but deprived them of any practical use. Bonsai is real the art of growing miniature trees which anyone can master. What difficulties can a novice florist face? And how to properly form the crown of a tree?

Choosing a future bonsai style

To get an unusual and spectacular plant, you need to decide which style of bonsai appeals to you. Depending on the chosen direction, a specific type of plant is also selected. Beginners often make the mistake of acquiring unsuitable trees and trying to give them the required shape.

So, there are several generally accepted bonsai styles that are easy to distinguish from each other.

This style has two subtypes: classic and free. In the first case, the tree trunk must be perfectly straight, have an ideal conical shape. The lower branches are distinguished by a large volume; towards the top, the branches become thinner.

The free form implies the curvature of the tree trunk, which alternately “departs” either to the right or to the left. And yet the general direction of growth is upwards.

Any plants are suitable for the vertical style, but the free subspecies is recommended for conifers.

forked barrel

This interesting form can be obtained in one of two ways: by planting two different plants or from one root. It will be easier for beginners to get comfortable with two different plants, and they need to be selected so that there is a pronounced leader in the pair. A weaker tree, however, should not be sick.

The composition can be either strictly vertical or with a slight slope.

This style of bonsai requires special attention to the tree, as achieving perfect "equality" between all the branches is not easy. The apical shoot is pinched at a height of about a third of the total size of the tree. From this point, skeletal branches begin to grow. Necessary maintain equal proportions, the thickness of all branches should be equal. Thus, a beautiful and wide crown is formed.

Deciduous plants with spreading branches are suitable for this style, which in nature form a large crown.

Such a plant is rare, since several trunks at a distance from each other are formed from one tree. How to achieve such an unusual look? A seedling is selected, on one side of which the branches grow more actively than on the other. The "thick" part will become the basis for bonsai. Excess branches from the other side are cut off, cuts are made on this side, and the tree itself is placed horizontally in a container with soil. Roots will begin to grow in places of notches. Thus, the branches of one side will turn into trunks over time.

This style also has many stems coming from the same root. But the very shape of the tree can be almost anything: vertical, curved and even inclined.

Forest style bonsacs

But in this case, the number of trunks determines the number of plants. Several trees are planted at once (necessarily an odd number). The composition is formed quite compactly to emphasize the resemblance to a real forest. The central tree is usually taller than all the others, it is brought to the fore, placing two more tall trees on the sides. All excess branches are removed, leaving bare trunks, the crown is thinned out. But the background is represented by smaller trees with dense branches.

An interesting and unusual look of the plant is achieved by constant adjustments. The trunk of such a tree constantly bends. It is quite simple to consider all the slopes, since the trunk is completely bare, leaving only the top with young shoots. The combination of a thick old trunk and young branches is especially appreciated in this style.

Such trees are a little more common, because they look very impressive and immediately catch the eye. Cascading forms are typical for wildlife: rocky areas. A powerful root system is strengthened in the ground, and the plant itself hangs down along the rock.

Separately distinguished and semi-cascade form, which differs in the level of inclination. The lower branches of such a plant should be at the level of the base of the bowl.

inclined shaft

Another common shape that assumes a uniform slope to one side. The trunk can be either very thin or thick, but open roots must remain on the surface. This view gives the impression of a "tear", as if a powerful hurricane was trying to uproot a tree.

Both deciduous and coniferous trees are suitable for formation.

bent by the wind

The level of slope in this style of bonsai is close to critical. In nature, such forms are found on the coast, where the wind constantly blows from one side only. The barrel is formed in such difficult conditions and looks like it is constantly under pressure.

Cutting selection

Bonsai can be grown in many ways. If you want to choose the style of the tree yourself and can wait, then do not purchase young plants, but prefer cuttings or seeds. The last option is suitable for people who know how to wait.

The cutting is ideal for growing bonsai. It must be taken from a one year old (in some cases two year old) tree. The size of the shoot usually does not exceed 10 centimeters. In order for the root system to form quickly, special compounds are added to the soil that accelerate root formation.

Make sure the cutting is from a healthy plant. On the shoot should be no more than 6-8 leaves. The non-lignified part is removed before planting in a pot.

Choosing a Ceramic Bowl

A very important part of the preparation is choosing the right pot for growing your bonsai tree. The bowl should not only fit into the interior and be combined with the plant, but also meet many functional requirements. So, for example, pay attention to wide drainage holes. Excess moisture can cause the development of diseases, rotting of the roots and cause the death of the plant.

The size of the pot must also meet certain parameters. Experts recommend adhere to the following rules:

  • the depth of the bowl is equal to the diameter of the trunk at the base,
  • width - 2-3 centimeters less than the length of the branches,
  • and the length is not more than two-thirds of the width or height of the tree.

However, you should not rush to choose a suitable ceramic bowl, since the stalk is usually grown in a container, and it is transplanted into a beautiful pot only after a year or two.

Soil preparation before planting

Cuttings for the formation of shoots are planted in mixture of peat and sand. The recommended depth for a 10 cm shoot is 3 cm. After watering, the plant is covered with polyethylene to protect it from temperature changes, wind and sunlight.

Only after the tree gives the first shoots, it can be accustomed to the sun and fresh air (if it is planned to grow on a balcony or on the street).

To give the plant the desired appearance, it is necessary first of all slow down its growth. And the right soil will help with this. Soil characteristics, of course, depend on the specific type of tree. However, it is worth remembering that poor soil is the basis of bonsai. The composition usually includes peat, stones and sand, rotted leaves. The roots are cut, and the tree is transplanted into the prepared bowl.

The peculiarity of bonsai is that this art time given daily. A good owner knows all the features of his plants, can remember all the branches and constantly monitors the condition of the trees.

First of all, it is worth taking care of growth, or rather, of its slowdown. Even in poor and rocky soil, a fairly large tree can grow if you do not artificially restrain it. For this special wire cutters cut the trunk in several places. The juice will be used for healing wounds, not for rapid growth.

Pruning branches also slows down this process, but it is rarely worth resorting to this method. In addition, the branches must be clearly structured.

It is also necessary to ensure that the tree takes the chosen shape. For this the trunk and branches are fixed with bandages or rings, even wrapped with wire.

In order for a tree to please you with its appearance for many years, try to observe simple rules:

  • regular watering should be done not from above, but at the roots of the tree;
  • branches and leaves should be sprayed with water to nourish them and remove dust, but this procedure can only be done in the morning;
  • the bonsai bowl should not be in direct sunlight;
  • the plant should be protected from frost and protected from high temperatures;
  • regular pruning of branches and roots will form a tree of the desired size and shape.

How to grow bonsai at home: video

Bonsai is the name of a small tree with an unusual trunk and crown shape. These trees originated in ancient China, and then in Japan they became not just plants, but turned into works of art. In the modern world, the word "bonsai" refers not only to trees, but also to the methods of their cultivation.

The goal of flower growers who grow bonsai at home is to be able to reproduce the creation of nature. These small copies of trees respect all natural laws, and have all realistic proportions. A deciduous tree, for example, blossoms, loses its leaves, and then becomes covered again, and so on.

But it must be remembered that the formation of a tree, growing and caring for it, is a laborious task that takes a lot of time and requires certain knowledge and patience.

People who have never dealt with the care of bonsai trees think that special seeds are needed to grow them, but this is not the case.

In fact, all miniature plants grow from ordinary seeds, but mankind has come up with ways to restrain the growth and change the shape of trees, and successfully uses them.

Small trees have different shapes and differ in their arrangement in pots:

In pots, in addition to trees, there are figurines and small houses. The soil is often hidden under a layer of pebbles or green moss.

Tree formation

To grow the right bonsai, you need to have certain skills and knowledge.

For planting, you can use seeds, cuttings or cuttings of trees. To stop growth, the same techniques are used as in the wild: severe frosts, winds and droughts.

In small trees, the roots are pruned, the branches are also pruned, as well as twisted, additionally tied with wire. All leaves, buds and shoots must be removed.

The trunks are bent or pulled back, depending on the chosen shape.

Growth can be slowed down in the following ways:

  • squeezing the roots of a tree;
  • selection of small pots in size;
  • the use of coarse soil, without trace elements;
  • exclusion of substances necessary for growth;
  • influence of strong wind;
  • the influence of strong heat;
  • the influence of severe and sharp frosts.

Also, trees need rules regarding the shape that is chosen for the tree. To create the desired appearance, they combine naturalness and the necessary form. The height of the trees should not exceed 30 centimeters.

Growing plants from a nursery

When buying a young tree from a nursery, you can form a bonsai fairly quickly. After all, nurseries sell plants that have been grown in a container for a long time, thanks to which they already have developed roots.

The plant is transplanted from the container into the prepared land for bonsai, after cutting off the roots. The purchase of a plant and transplantation must be carried out in early spring, before the growth period.

It is also necessary to properly trim the roots and not damage when digging. The plant is transported by placing the roots in a bag of moss, and the houses are planted in large containers and placed in a shady place protected from drafts.

About 3 years will pass before the tree can be transplanted into a small pot. And in 5-10 years it will be possible to get a fully formed bonsai.

Trees grown in nature take a long time to root. Therefore, sometimes preparations for transplantation begin several years in advance, gradually cutting off the roots.

This option is well suited for trees from a personal garden, which you can follow and gradually remove the length of the roots. Trees from the garden are also planted first in a container, and after three years they are transplanted into a pot.

Draft formation can be started already in the first years, then after 50 years you will get a bonsai that looks powerful and spectacular.

Forming a bonsai from an already practically grown tree and transplanting it correctly is a rather difficult task, and beyond the power of beginners.

seed bonsai

The method of growing from seeds is quite long in time. It takes about 15 years to get a full-fledged bonsai. At this age, it is easier to buy seedlings in the nursery.

But there are plant species whose form can only be changed by starting from the very beginning, such as elms. And therefore, seeds are planted, sprouts are grown, and formation begins from the first year, more sprouts.

When the tree is fully formed, it will be very noticeable that it has been shaped from the very beginning.

The roots of such trees diverge in the shape of a star, and the trunks are formed even and beautiful. Bonsai is harmonious and proportional.

Sown trees at the stage of thin sprouts can be bent in any direction and given any conceived shape.

Seeds can be bought in stores or collected independently in parks or botanical gardens. Some seeds can be sown immediately, such as oaks, spruces, pines, and some need to be stored in a cool place until spring, such as juniper, hornbeam and others.

Before planting, all seeds undergo special treatment to prevent diseases.. Then they are soaked for several days and only then planted in prepared soil in containers or peat cups. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered abundantly.

Seedlings are grown following standard care standards: regular watering, ventilation, diffused light and fertilizer. When the seedling reaches a height of 10 centimeters, it is transplanted and the first molding is carried out.

Getting bonsai from seeds is a laborious and difficult task, but the result will be on top.

Bonsai from cuttings

Compared with the seed method, this method will speed up the formation of bonsai by a year. Cuttings must be cut from a healthy tree shoot. They are cut and rooted in the ground or in wet sand.

The final size of the bonsai is already clear at the beginning of the formation of a miniature tree. The main skeletal branches and trunk are usually already present and further growth will be limited.

In order to achieve the ideal size, you need to pay attention to the size of the leaves. If the species has small leaves, then bonsai can be formed in any size. And if the castings are large or long needles, then it is necessary to set the size of the tree based on the proportions.

Features of growing bonsai

In order to form a certain shape of branches and trunk, one cannot do without wire. It can be applied to branches or trunk, and this technique is quite laborious and complicated.

With the help of a wire, all branches and shoots are fixed. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the wire does not grow into the bark of the tree. Apply it most often in spring or winter, along with annual pruning.

It usually takes about 3 weeks to stabilize the desired shape of a branch or shoot. After that, the wire is removed with wire cutters.

The wire is usually aluminum, coated with copper. And with the help of it they change the direction of the branches, change in growth, the formation of trunks.

Bonsai Tree Care

With constant restrictions in growth, crown formation, growth in a limited space, the life of a tree changes dramatically. The same goes for caring for him.

The most important thing to remember when growing miniature trees is to protect them from drafts and place the pot away from central heating radiators. Avoid direct sunlight best.

Landing. For proper bonsai cultivation, it is impractical to choose a pot with drainage holes. A mesh is additionally laid at the bottom of the pot to prevent soil from washing out.

Before planting, the roots of the plant are pruned. The tree is planted in a pot, fixing large roots, and filling all the gaps with soil. Then the earth around the trunk is rammed and watered. The container with the plant is quarantined for 10 days, in a shaded place.

Watering. For irrigation use soft water, settled or thawed. During the period of active growth, plants need to be watered frequently, and watering is reduced in winter.

Bonsai can be watered using a special watering can or by submersion. Drip irrigation or irrigation is widely used in the modern world.

Top dressing. They are carried out about once every two weeks, and they use their own fertilizers for each type of tree or shrub. It is very important to avoid overfeeding. Therefore, a specific fertilizer application schedule is usually used.


In winter, for coniferous and deciduous trees, it is necessary to provide a dormant period. It is better to put them outside or in an unheated room.

In this case, the root system must be protected by additional means. When spring comes, the plants wake up, and the watering and fertilizing regime is restored.


Transplantation is performed annually at the end of winter. When transplanting, the soil is removed from the roots, washed and pruned. The pot must be chosen larger than the previous one. When transplanting, the roots are placed horizontally, sprinkled with earth and watered.

Crown formation. For a beautiful formation of the crown of trees, it is necessary to carry out annual pruning. At the same time, it is useful in sanitary terms and rejuvenation. The crown is usually formed conical.

The first pruning is done immediately after planting. And then every year after wintering repeat. With pruning, you can set the direction for the growth of bonsai and redistribute energy from strong shoots to weak ones.

Bonsai Formation Methods

Sometimes artificial aging of trees is carried out so that a young tree looks like a living one. One of these methods is the removal of the bark from the trunk.

To correct the shape of the tree, you can use the method of air layering. It is especially effective if the bonsai grows with a too long trunk.

For this method, in the spring, an incision is made on the tree trunk and the bark is removed. This place is moistened in growth stimulants and covered.

In the fall, the incision is opened, roots should form there. Then part of the trunk is cut off below the roots. And planted as a separate plant.

Thus, at home, you can grow a beautiful and spectacular bonsai tree. But this will require some effort.