Kara dag golden gate. Golden Gate - Koktebel. Secrets of the Golden Gate

This is Koktebel's business card. The Golden Gate is a huge rock, standing alone in the middle of the sea, not very far from the rocky massif of Kara-Dag.

There are several features of the rock. The first is the possibility of passing through it. The rock resembles a pointed arch. And under this arch a large pleasure boat can easily pass.

The second feature of the Golden Gate is its color.

At the beginning of summer, the golden glow of the rock is caused by lichen growing on the rocks. It blooms yellow and the rock looks golden. But the name becomes much clearer if you look at the rock from the side of the setting sun - it suddenly explodes with a golden glow in the middle of a thick blue. Look at the picture below - isn't it gold?

It is not surprising that the image of the Golden Rock is on a variety of souvenirs, on cups, mugs, on coasters, on ashtrays in bars and restaurants.

In general, I’ll be honest: you can visit Koktebel only for the sake of Kara-Dag and travel to and through it.

Boats with tourists leave for Kara-Dag literally every hour. Tickets can be purchased from numerous distributors.

It's good if you come across a good guide: not just smart and knowledgeable, but in love with Kara-Dag. Of course, every two hours talking about the same thing and so for many days is tiring. And yet, the guide guide strife.

The boat departs from the pier. The sea, further from the coast, is fascinating: the depth literally breathes from under the mass of water, you feel something unusually huge, while peacefully dormant, but which can be formidable and merciless. A few minutes of travel - and now the boat is approaching the overhanging formidable rocks. Here, the guide will certainly point to one huge rock - from the side it resembles the profile of a person. Everyone claims that this is Voloshin's profile. The rock is called Voloshin. Well, let another legend live.
Separate rocks stand near the water - they are huge, the size of a house, bizarre. Each of these has its own name. Here, in general, everything has names: every cove, every grotto.

Kara-Dag from the sea is part of the volcano's mouth. Maybe a fifth. Several kilometers along the sea, as it were, inside this vent. And it's hard to even imagine what a huge, incredibly huge volcano it was! And what power exploded here, overthrew once in ancient times ashes and lava. What amazing patterns the fire element left on the walls of the vent. Rocks hang overhead - sharp, tall. Do you remember the movie Pirates of the 20th Century? Well, how can I forget him. So, from one of these rocks, Eremenko Jr. jumped into the sea. Yes, yes, a lot of films were shot in Koktebel in Soviet times.

Looking ahead, I will say about one disappointment that awaited us at home. We took a laptop with us, downloaded photos from the camera in the evening and arranged a viewing, as if summing up the day. So, we returned from this trip - and sighed: the photographs could not convey even a tenth of the grandeur of the Kara-Dag rocks. It's very simple: you look at the rocks, but the eye has nothing to compare their scale with ... In general, you need to take this into account when shooting in the mountains. Mountains are very deceptive for the human eye with their size and distance, and photography will not convey the full depth of their greatness.

The Golden Gate Rock… A very beautiful sight. And at sea, distances are deceptive. It seems quite small, but you see how a boat approaches it - and this boat next to the rock suddenly turns out to be quite small, it dives into the arch of the rock, comes out on the other side ... Now it's our turn. Noise stops. There is a feeling that it is not we who are approaching the rock - it is the rock that suddenly began to grow out of the water, move towards us. Creepy even.

Everyone gets coins. This is another myth of Koktebel - while the boat is passing through the rock, you need to throw a coin so that it hits the rock, rings and falls into the water. It is important to hear exactly how your coin rings ... If you make a wish at this time, it will come true. The boat runs at the lowest speed, almost inaudibly.

We leave the cliff, shocked, timid. The guide with the air of a conspirator winks:

- There is one secret: the wish will come true 100% if you dive and get your coin back.

The depth at the Golden Rock is about a hundred meters. Probably, in a year it decreases by a meter - so many coins fly here. They say, and this is less like a myth, that two guys with scuba gear wanted to profit from these human donations to the god of the sea - they began to dive under the Golden Rock. Both died.

And now - Cimmerian bathing!

There is further in the sea, opposite the Golden Rock, the place is amazing. The water is special. Even in cold weather, it is warmer than anywhere else. This place was known to the ancient Greeks, and they came here. From here came the Cimmerian bathing - swimming in the open sea.

The boat stops at a place known only to the captain. Those who wish can wear life jackets. But most jump into the water just like that - right from the side of the boat.

Water of unusual blue. Transparent, you can see how it darkens in depth, saturated with violet. Water beckons, calls with some ancient call, and something long forgotten, ancient, sleeping in the genes suddenly comes to life in the soul. We are all out of the water...

And I'm jumping.

To be honest, this was the first time I experienced such a feeling. It was an emotional and physical explosion. In terms of strength and color, the feeling most of all resembled (don't laugh!) an orgasm. This is true. And I saw dozens of eyes in which the same delight was read.

I'm not a very good swimmer. But there was not a drop of fear here, the water seemed to support you with soft jolts of waves ...

Then we sailed to the station of the reserve - after all, Kara-Dag is a reserve. A group gathered there, and now we are going back - along Kara-Dag itself, now we look down, as we looked up, now we see other boats carrying tourists. We see the Golden Rock - it splatters with gold, reflecting the rays of the setting sun, and everyone is in a hurry to capture this spectacle.

The path is difficult, dangerous, but strange: no one complains, even a six-year-old girl stubbornly climbs along a mountain path. The guide is cheerful, he manages to tell a lot of stories about Kara-Dag, about stones, rocks, about the robbery of Kara-Dag during the war - one mountain was literally taken out of here - shale was used in industry. And the whole mountain was from these shales. As, by the way, and Cape Chameleon.

7 kilometers way. First, the ascent, the path to the top. Devil's Finger Rock. Cliffs. Rocks hanging overhead...

We descend tired, but damned satisfied. In this part of the bay there are boarding houses, cafes, restaurants, a diving club ...

We sit at a table on the terrace of the cafe. They bring us coffee and drinks. I smoke with extraordinary pleasure - smoking is prohibited on Kara-Dag. And right...

And Zhenya examines the stones found on Kara-Dag. These stones are still with us - stones from the ancient volcano Kara-Dag. And more cups with the image of the Golden Rock. And a juniper wood hot plate with a pattern of this rock. And photographs.

We will definitely visit Koktebel again. For some reason, it is very important to see the Golden Rock again. And once again experience the feeling of unity with nature, unattainable anywhere else, by jumping from the high side of the boat into the blue depths of the Black Sea at the Golden Rock...

Today's story is about one of the three visual symbols of Crimea - the Golden Gate rock.
Along with the Swallow's Nest and the Bear Mountain, this rock is most often found on various souvenir photographs, postcards, magnets in the Crimea, as well as in articles and on the covers of magazines telling about the Crimea.
One of the favorite places of tourists is a natural object created by an ancient volcano, and then "modified" by sea waves and wind.
In ancient times, the rock was called in a completely different way - the Devil's Gate (or Sheitan-Kapu) and it was believed that the entrance to the Underworld was located here..

2. The most famous rock of Crimea is located in the east of the peninsula, at the foot of the ancient extinct volcano Karadag.
Volcanic activity many millions of years ago created many incredible formations in this place, some of which I have already a few days ago. One of these formations is the Golden Gate.

4. This is already after the storm and the wind has expanded the natural opening to a huge size, through which even a small pleasure boat can sail. But first there was the volcano. It is enough to look closely at the structure of the rock.
Remember my recent one? Does it look like a rock?

5. Why is the gate golden?
Firstly, at dawn, they really look golden. Although not everyone can see the dawn from the right point, because the rock is located on the territory of the reserve and access to the wild beach at the foot of the Lion's Dike is prohibited and is protected by the rangers of the reserve.
But the rock becomes "golden" and again during the day - at about 13-14 hours. At this time in summer, the sun is in such a position that the falling rays of the sun change the color of the rock to close to gold. She is beautiful at sunset.

6. Why is this happening?
The fact is that the rock is completely covered with yellow lichens, which play in the sunlight.

7. True, recently its upper part has become more white than yellow. This is due to an increase in the number of the Red Book crested cormorant that nests in these places. And his droppings cover the surrounding rocks more and more.
Despite the seemingly not very large size, the rock is quite massive. Its height is 8 meters, and its width is 6. Two years ago, almost all pleasure boats that carry tourists from Koktebel, Kurortny or Feodosia passed through the opening, and tourists threw coins for good luck.
However, since the beginning of the holiday season in 2012, by order of the Ministry of Nature of Ukraine, a ban on the passage of boats under the Golden Gates was introduced, and the entire tourist route along the marine part of the reserve was changed, which now runs at least 100 meters from the coastline.
This measure, in my opinion, is quite justified, given the eco-culture of our tourists and the harm caused by dozens of ships in the summer when they invade wildlife.
To opponents of these innovations, I can only say the following - over the few years that have occurred after the tightening of access to the territory of the reserve (and this also affected its mountain-forest part), the reserve has changed a lot for the better. It has become much cleaner, dozens of trodden paths are overgrown with grass, I again began to see wild animals on the ecological path with the naked eye, the number of wild birds has increased and this is the only reserve in the Crimea where I did not see garbage at all (!!!). Not on the coast, not in the mountains.

8. Golden Gate, Lion's Dike and Devil's Fireplace gorge - traces of the activity of an ancient volcano

9. Minutes when the rock has a golden color

10. Dawn at the Golden Gate. Of course, the most famous shots are when you manage to shoot the sun directly in the rock opening, but this is possible only a few days a year...
Who knows, maybe one day you will see this frame in my journal...

Tomorrow, expect a story about another famous rock of Karadag - Ivan the Robber

P.S. The shooting was carried out with the official permission of the Karadag nature reserve from a service boat

My previous photo essays and photo stories:

Writes aquatek-filips: Today's story is about one of the three visual symbols of the Crimea - the Golden Gate rock. Along with the Swallow's Nest and the Bear Mountain, this rock can most often be found on various souvenir photographs, postcards, magnets in the Crimea, as well as in articles and on the covers of magazines telling about the Crimea.

One of the favorite places of tourists is a natural object created by an ancient volcano, and then “modified” by sea waves and wind. In ancient times, the rock was called in a completely different way - the Devil's Gate (or Sheitan-kapu), and it was believed that the entrance to the Underworld was located here.

Why are the gates golden? Firstly, at dawn they really look golden. Although not everyone can see the dawn from the right point, because the rock is located on the territory of the reserve and access to the wild beach at the foot of the Lion's Dike is prohibited and protected by the rangers of the reserve.
But the rock becomes “golden” and again during the day - at about 13-14 hours. At this time in summer, the sun is in such a position that the incident rays change the color of the rock to close to gold. She is beautiful at sunset.

Why is this happening? The fact is that the rock is completely covered with yellow lichens, which play in the sunlight.

True, recently its upper part has become more white than yellow. This is due to an increase in the number of the Red Book crested cormorant that nests in these places. And his droppings cover the surrounding rocks more and more.
Despite the seemingly not very large size, the rock is quite massive. Its height is 8 meters, and its width is 6. Two years ago, almost all pleasure boats that carry tourists from Koktebel, Kurortny or Feodosia passed through the opening, and tourists threw coins for good luck.
However, since the beginning of the holiday season in 2012, a ban on the passage of boats under the Golden Gate was introduced, and the entire tourist route along the marine part of the reserve was changed, which now runs at least 100 meters from the coastline.
This measure, in my opinion, is quite justified, given the eco-culture of our tourists.

The most famous rock of Crimea is located in the east of the peninsula, at the foot of the ancient extinct volcano Karadag.
Volcanic activity many millions of years ago created many incredible formations in this place. One of these formations is the Golden Gate.

This is already later than the storm and the wind has expanded the natural opening to a huge size, through which even a small pleasure boat can sail. But first there was the volcano. It is enough to look closely at the structure of the rock.

The Golden Gate, the Lion's Dike and the Devil's Fireplace Gorge are traces of the activity of an ancient volcano.

Minutes when the rock has a golden color.

Dawn at the Golden Gate. Of course, the most famous shots are when you manage to shoot the sun directly in the rock opening, but this is possible only a few days a year ...

Today's story is about one of the three visual symbols of the Crimea - the Golden Gate rock.
Along with the Swallow's Nest and the Bear Mountain, this rock is most often found on various souvenir photographs, postcards, magnets in the Crimea, as well as in articles and on the covers of magazines telling about the Crimea.
One of the favorite places of tourists is a natural object created by an ancient volcano, and then “modified” by sea waves and wind.
In ancient times, the rock was called in a completely different way - the Four Gates (or Sheitan-Kapu) and it was believed that the entrance to the Underworld was located here ...

The most famous rock of Crimea is located in the east of the peninsula, at the foot of the ancient extinct volcano Karadag.
Volcanic activity many millions of years ago created many incredible formations in this place, some of which I already talked about a few days ago. One of these formations is the Golden Gate.

This is already later than the storm and the wind has expanded the natural opening to a huge size, through which even a small pleasure boat can sail. But first there was the volcano. It is enough to look closely at the structure of the rock.
Remember my recent post about the volcano at Cape Fiolent? Does it look like a rock?

Why is the gate golden?
Firstly, at dawn, they really look golden. Although not everyone can see the dawn from the right point, because the rock is located on the territory of the reserve and access to the wild beach at the foot of the Lion's Dike is prohibited and is protected by the rangers of the reserve.
But the rock becomes "golden" and again during the day - at about 13-14 hours. At this time in summer, the sun is in such a position that the falling rays of the sun change the color of the rock to close to gold. She is beautiful at sunset.

Why is this happening?
The fact is that the rock is completely covered with yellow lichens, which play in the sunlight.

True, recently its upper part has become more white than yellow. This is due to an increase in the number of the Red Book crested cormorant that nests in these places. And his droppings cover the surrounding rocks more and more.
Despite the seemingly not very large size, the rock is quite massive. Its height is 8 meters, and its width is 6. Two years ago, almost all pleasure boats that carry tourists from Koktebel, Kurortny or Feodosia passed through the opening, and tourists threw coins for good luck.
However, since the beginning of the holiday season in 2012, by order of the Ministry of Nature of Ukraine, a ban on the passage of boats under the Golden Gates was introduced, and the entire tourist route along the marine part of the reserve was changed, which now runs at least 100 meters from the coastline.
This measure, in my opinion, is quite justified, given the eco-culture of our tourists and the harm caused by dozens of ships in the summer when they invade wildlife.
To the opponents of these innovations, I can only say the following - over the few years that have occurred after the tightening of access to the territory of the reserve (and this also affected its mountain-forest part), the reserve has changed a lot for the better. It has become much cleaner, dozens of trodden paths are overgrown with grass, I again began to see wild animals on the ecological path with the naked eye, the number of wild birds has increased and this is the only reserve in the Crimea where I did not see garbage at all (!!!). Not on the coast, not in the mountains.

The Golden Gate, the Lion's Dike and the Devil's Fireplace Gorge are traces of the activity of an ancient volcano.

Minutes when the rock has a golden color.

Dawn at the Golden Gate. Of course, the most famous shots are when you manage to shoot the sun directly in the rock opening, but this is possible only a few days a year ...
Who knows, maybe one day you will see this frame in my journal ...

P.S. The shooting was carried out with the official permission of the Karadag nature reserve from a service boat.

Crimea, Golden Gate - sounds romantic and attractive. At first it seems that we are talking about some kind of architectural miracle, but this is not at all the case; The Golden Gate of Koktebel is an unusual rock that has turned into an arch due to sea waves that have been punching a hole in it for many years. It is part of the impressive Kara-Dag mountain range, from the nearest mountains of which a breathtaking view of the famous "gates" opens ...

Photos of tourists:

Some useful facts

The rock got its name not by chance: it consists of an unusual volcanic rock - yellow basalt, in the sun it acquires a slight golden sheen. The width of the Golden Gate is about 6 meters, the height is about 15. The attraction has long been the main symbol of Koktebel, it is depicted on postcards, magnets and souvenirs.

Golden Gate - view from the sea [Video]


Once upon a time, a formidable active volcano towered on this place, but the ruthless water element depleted its strength. Now only the rock remains, but the legends associated with it could be envied by the Cathedral of Peter and Paul itself.

Once upon a time, the gates were not called golden at all, they were called devilish, because it was said that the fisherman, who once crashed on the coastal rocks, was forced to make a deal with the devil himself. He agreed to save him and forced the man to swim through the very arch that tourists are now admiring. The fisherman did this, but swimming under a seemingly small rock lost 20 years of his own life, and time is the most valuable thing we have...

Why is this place worth visiting?

It seems to me that once looking at the bizarre forms of this rock, but the way the foamy waves lick its foot, the way mountains rise around, you understand that you should not return from the Crimea without seeing this place.

If you close your eyes and imagine that you are already there, it begins to seem that you hear the cry of seagulls, whose voice echoes in a small bay, a salty breeze hits your face. And what are the photos! Breathtaking, exciting views are the hallmark of Koktebel, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

In addition to the Golden Gate rock, nature has awarded this region with wonderful landscapes that you can enjoy while visiting this site.

How to get there - route

Interestingly, there are many ways to get there, so everyone can choose what he likes. Fans of water travel will love a boat trip. Vessels leave the port in Koktebel. During the trip, you can enjoy the landscapes and sea beauties. Any flight necessarily visits the Golden Gate, some sail under the arch, others do not, it is worth checking with the captain before starting the trip.

For lovers of walking, there is a wonderful alternative. It is forbidden to walk alone in the mountains in this area, and even with a map it is easy to get lost here, but special walking tours have been created here for tourists.

First you need to get to the Karadag Reserve by taxi or car. Then you should purchase a ticket to the territory and find any excursion group following the Golden Gate.

Important information: the path is quite difficult, you will have to walk about 8 kilometers, including not only smooth roads, but also climbs with descents. Be sure to bring plenty of water with you, because these parts are hot from early morning to evening, choose comfortable shoes and light clothing suitable for hiking in the mountains.

Golden Gate on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44°54’52″N 35°13’53″E Latitude/Longitude