Profiled fence project. Design and decoration of a fence made of corrugated board: photos, types and options

A neat fence around a country house is the final point of construction work. Without this, the architectural landscape will not look stylistically complete. Again, worries about the security of the territory and the house itself will be much less if there is a reliable fence nearby.

Fences and barriers from the company Grandfence

successfully operated , in , in on and various .

And the experience of our work has revealed the main problem of customers - the need for an accurate and complete specification of the fencing kit. GrandFence takes on this crucial moment of order formation. According to the proposed fencing project, we produce a complete acquisition, and.

If you are not sure what kind of fence you need, or what type of fence is needed in a particular case, then GrandFence offers its customers the development of a finished fence project with its subsequent completion, in accordance with current building codes SN 441-72 "Guidelines for the design of site fencing and sites of enterprises, buildings and structures.

All this fully applies to industrial enterprises, warehouse complexes, sports and playgrounds - it is important not only to delimit areas, but also to ensure the safety of the fenced area. As far as these sections differ from each other in appearance, size, functional purpose, the design and degree of protection will also differ greatly. Not always ready-made fence solutions, or otherwise standard projects that are offered by designers of many enterprises, meet all the needs of the customer.

At the request of design organizations, it is sent.

Standard Solutions

Together with our partners, we have developed a catalog of standard fences and railings.

The catalog contains typical fencing for


industrial zones;

sports grounds with a height of 3 m and 4 m;

schools and kindergartens,

children's playgrounds,

fences for installation on screw supports.

For more information, please contact us, or by calling the numbers listed in the "Contacts" section.

The construction of a private house implies sooner or later the installation of a capital fence instead of a temporary one. It is often quite difficult to choose the type of fence, and sometimes it is even more difficult to realize what was conceived. To the aid of private traders and beginners in matters of construction, ready-made designs of fences from various materials come.

Finished brick fence project

Types of fences

  • Fences made of profiled sheet with a metal frame;
  • Fences made of corrugated board with brick pillars;
  • Various types of wooden fence;
  • Capital fence made of concrete;
  • Metal fences.

Of course, there are many more options for fencing. On the network, you can freely download a typical project of almost any type of fence. You can do this for free or for a fee. If you want an individual approach to solving the issue of decorating the exterior of a private house, it is better to contact a specialized organization and order a fence design.

This service costs a lot, since the company's employees will have to go to the site, take measurements, make material calculations and make an estimate. Many, in order to save money, prefer to simply download the project from the Internet and adapt it to the realities of their home.

Detailed drawing of the fence with dimensions

If there is no desire or opportunity to download the finished project, do the design yourself.

Material selection

Before dwelling on any particular type of material, several nuances should be taken into account:

Of course, the question of taste preferences or the current fashion for one or another type of fencing also plays an important role. So, in one year it becomes fashionable, in another - a fence with brick pillars and forged metal sections. Fashion changes, so it is much more important that the owner likes the look of the fence.

It is also important to match the style of construction and design of the house.

An example of a brick fence decorated for the exterior of a cottage

A building made of red brick is perfect to match with any filling between the supports. A sophisticated chalet-style house is externally matched by a picket fence.

For a grandiose castle, the best choice would be a monumental fence made of brick or concrete, or a beautiful wrought-iron fence.

A log cabin is best hidden behind. If the building does not have a special design, a simple wooden fence is suitable for it.

When you want to stand out among others, pay attention to fences made of unusual materials or with non-standard finishes.

The fence of a private house, in addition to the security function of the territory, also has an aesthetic side. The design of fences from the corrugated board of private houses is diverse and unique. Each owner tries to decorate the facade of his site with a strong and at the same time unique fence, which is in harmony with the architectural style of the house.

Fencing made of corrugated board using a decorative lattice

Fence design in a private house

Beautiful corrugated fence combined with wood

The fence between neighbors must meet the requirements of transparency, maximum height, and other standards established by the local council. The fence of a private house, facing the street, protects against the penetration of unauthorized persons, reflects the taste and material level of the owner. Fence elements allow you to create a unique single image of the fence and the house:

  • profile relief;
  • imitation for natural materials;
  • drawings and self-adhesive film;
  • columns;
  • curly cutouts;
  • forged elements;
  • foundation;
  • combination of sheets;
  • decorative inserts;
  • plinth.

All options for the design of fences from the profiled sheet of private residential buildings are available for independent implementation, including the construction of a fence. It is necessary to proceed from the architectural style of the house, which will be visible against the background of the originally decorated corrugated board.

Forging makes the fence richer and more beautiful

Combination options with forging

Designers should be contacted to design a fence with a decorative one or when it is necessary to design the location of the fence on a terrain with complex terrain.

SNiP regulates only the location of the fence exactly along the border, allowing it to move deeper into the site. The fence does not apply to capital structures; a construction plan is not required for it.

Even close up, it’s not immediately distinguishable that the base is made of metal

Imitation under a tree

Sandstone, tuff and dolomite are often found in patterns on profiled sheets. The design of the fence with such an image looks solid and expensive. When choosing a pattern, one should take into account the masonry material of the walls and decorative decorations of the facade of the house. The combination of the same colors and materials will connect the house with its fence into a single architectural ensemble.

Imitation stone

If desired, you can order corrugated board with a special pattern applied to it. It is enough for the client to give a sample of the image of nature, animals or an ornament, and they will be transferred to the sheet in a way.

Photo printing example

Fans of decorating the fence of a private house with their own hands use a self-adhesive film. It may contain images of flowering shrubs, landscapes, ornaments. It is necessary to glue the film across the profile, gradually pressing it against the textured surface.

Landscape of mountains and lake

The film absolutely changes the look of a conventional profiled sheet

For artists and just lovers of drawing, creating paintings with oil paints is suitable. Specialists can create a natural landscape. For fans, cartoon characters and drawings similar to children's ones will look original, as in the photo below.

Fairy edge

Artist's drawing with oil paints

brick columns

Flowers along the fence will decorate the exterior

An example of pillars and a base made of bricks on a reinforced concrete foundation

Looks aesthetically pleasing with stone pillars

Figuratively cut sheets

Fence with a curly top

Cynologists advise for thoroughbred dogs living in the yard to leave a transparent section of the fence below 200 mm wide.

It is easy to turn it into a decorative element by placing curly elements on its background. A simple, inconspicuous one will visually add airiness to the fence, raising the corrugated board above the ground.

Mesh netting at the bottom of the fence

Usually the sheet is cut straight. Modern equipment allows you to choose and order a curly cut edge. The step of the ornament coincides with the profile deflections. Monochromatic brick-colored corrugated board will turn into a castle wall with battlements as an original addition to stone columns.

Forging elements

Gate and wicket, made according to the design project

A fence with a semicircular top looks complete if a metal lace is placed above the sheet. Such elements of artistic forging will decorate all cutouts, including the gap between the base and.

Vertical inserts

Vertical cutouts with forged elements on the background look especially original. The transparent insert allows light to pass through, but distorts the image. A curious eye will not be able to make out what is happening in the yard. The dark silhouette of a forged flower or ornament will give the fence originality and originality.

Vertical forged sheet inserts

Wide vertical inserts made of transparent material can be filled with beautiful ornamental shrubs. In winter, the plant will shed its foliage and will stand out in a dark pattern against the background of snow. A fragment of the fence will remain original all year round.

Forging gives an undeniably rich look

Imitation of a plinth on a hedge

A fence with a high plinth and a narrow sheet looks original. It is suitable for houses decorated in historical styles, semi-antique. The plinth is stone-like, massive columns and a plain profile.

Fencing project for a 220 kV substation. Drawings of brand AC - External fencing, Structural and construction solutions. Done in dwg.

The external fencing of the territory of the sensitive facility in the project is made of reinforced concrete blind panels, interconnected by welding the connecting elements pos. 3 to the embedded parts of the HZ 1 of the fencing panels PO-2a.

Examples of drawings of the territory fencing project

Recommendations and notes on the territory fencing project:

1 A fragment of the plan is marked on sheet 2

2 SBB "Egoza" is installed along the edge of the fence, fixed to two bearing threads. The bearing threads are fastened to the KR1 brackets in a cut with welding of the fastening lugs. The carrier threads are mounted inside the Egoza SBB spirals

3 SBB "Egoza" is installed along the edge of the gate, fixed to two bearing threads. Bearing threads are attached to the corners of pos. 9 in the cut with welding of the ears. Ears on the corners for the thread to perform in place. The carrier threads are mounted inside the Egoza SBB spirals

4 Fastening of the SBB "Egoza" to the end of the fence is carried out with anchors every 1.0 m (pos. 7)

5 Fastening of SBB "Egoza" to the bearing threads to be carried out with wire of thickness. 2.5mm, made of stainless steel, with 4 knittings of 4 turns every 1m

6 The corners at the turns of the fence should be made in a smooth design, with an increase in the density of the SBB Egoza spirals "by 1.5 times

7 Stretching of the SBB "Egoza" bay is carried out to the length declared by the manufacturer. The number of turns of the spiral per 1 running meter must be at least 6

8 To fix the brackets, it is necessary to make a through hole in the duct. bet. carried through the bracket with the installation of fittings f12 AI -L = 220mm with subsequent welding. Reinforcement consumption - 60 kg

9 Weld the anti-dig mesh to grade MC 1 of the foundations installed along the bottom

10 Paint the metal structures of gates and connecting products with organosilicon enamel KO-813 twice (GOST 11066-74 *) over the primer GF-021 twice (GOST 25129-82 *) Anti-corrosion coatings of anti-undermining gratings R 1 and products MS 1 should be painted BT-577 for 2 times on the primer GF-021 (PF-220)

11 Install the fencing panels with a pattern on the outside of the substation

Jur. address: St. Petersburg,

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Fence installation project

No. 3/2008 dated 01.01.2001


Chief Project Engineer

Saint Petersburg

Fence installation project

State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 000"

Address: St. Petersburg, Vyborgsky district, Simonova street, 5, building 1, letter A

No. 3/2008 dated 01.01.2001


Chief Project Engineer

Saint Petersburg


№№ sections

Total information

Explanatory note

Scheme of installation of the fence on the materials of the topographic survey of the area M 1:500 with underground utilities and structures with the application of GWP and "red lines" st. Simonov.

Structural solutions for ordinary sections, gates, gates, racks, support units. Fence installation plan based on the materials of the general plan of the M1: 500 section

Planning of land masses on the materials of topographic survey of the site M 1:500

Plan of electrical networks and connections.

Construction organization project

From 01.01.2001 issued


This project for the installation of the fence of the State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 000" at the address: St. Petersburg, Vyborgsky District, Simonova Street, Building 5, Building 1, letter A, was developed, the registration license was dated 01.01.2001, issued by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing public utilities for the design of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility in accordance with the State Standard, on the basis of state contract No. 47/117 dated 01.01.01.

During the construction of the designed fence, the volumes of removed soil and construction waste will consist of waste from the following types of construction industry:

1. Removal of plant soil temporarily removed for storage in piles in a specially designated area.

2. The device of trenches during the laying and re-laying of underground engineering communications.

3. Construction debris generated in the course of construction work.

Due to the fact that at the stage of pre-project proposals there were no comprehensive data to perform the necessary calculations, the figures below will be indicative.

Calculations of volumes of removed soils

According to claim 1. - vegetable soil - the volume of soil is determined by the volume of foundations being laid Monolithic concrete block 500X500X1000 - 52 pcs. the volume is 12.4 m3, a monolithic concrete block 300x300x1000 - 40 pcs. the volume is 10 m3. The total volume of concrete foundations and excavation is 22.4 m3.

The volume of soil removed and preserved for lawns =

16.6 m2 x 0.1 m = 1.66 m3

Soil weight = 1.66 m3 x 1.8 t/m3 = 2.99t.

Upon completion of construction work, construction waste will be disposed of at a specialized licensed landfill.

Waste generated during the operation of the facility:

During the operation of the fence, no waste is generated.


Waste removal will be carried out under agreements with specialized waste disposal and disposal enterprises. The frequency of waste removal is determined by the degree of their toxicity, the maximum accumulation standards, sanitary and hygienic rules and safety regulations. The place of accumulation of waste should exclude the possibility of contact with the natural environment.

Placement of consumption waste in a place protected from the influence of atmospheric precipitation, excluding the possibility of contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water. Their impact on the environment during the implementation of this project is absent.


Technical task

for the development and approval of the fence installation project

buildings of St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 000"

at the address: st. Simonova, d. 5, building. 1, letter A

Basis for design

Address program of St. Petersburg State Health Institution "City Clinic


St. Petersburg State Health Institution "City Polyclinic No. 000"

Staged design

Design and survey work

Type of construction

New construction

General design organization

The composition of the work performed.

Development of a project for the installation of a fence around the building of the State Healthcare Institution "City Polyclinic No. 000", located at the address: st. Simonova, bldg. 1, lit. A

Requirements for project documentation

To develop the project within the boundaries indicated on the attached scheme M 1:2000, issued on February 22, 2008, No. / 5 by the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of St. Petersburg;

Develop the project in accordance with the current norms and rules;

To carry out the improvement of the improvement on the materials of topographic survey M 1:500, with underground utilities and structures with the application of GWP and "red lines" st. Simonov, indicating the installation line of the fence along the border of the site;

Submit the project as a whole for approval by the Interdepartmental Commission of the Administration of the Vyborg District;

Special conditions

The customer provides the raw materials:

Technical passport of the building;

Notarized copies of (three) title documents for the building, land plot;

Available technical documentation for the proposed fence.

Number of transmitted

customer of project documentation.

The developed project documentation is provided to the Customer in 2 (two) copies in paper form + 1 copy in electronic form.