Receipt of goods consumption in Excel. Key Templates for Budgeting in Excel

Plan to place data in a workbook, on a sheet, in a table, as it is expectedEXCEL. It looks like the developersEXCELThey know well the typical tasks facing users and have created such an environment that it is really comfortable to work in it, but only when you follow certain simple rules.

Below are the rules of "good behavior" when constructing tables. Follow the rules and EXCEL will understand you (which will greatly simplify your work).

  • Always create column headings for tables(the header must be on one line and have different formatting from the data). For example, when using functions for working with databases (BDSUMM(), BIZULT()), the presence of a header is a prerequisite ;
  • Place column headings on the first row of the table, table entries should begin immediately below the title;
  • Store logically related data in one contiguous table(for example, you should not split information about employees into 2 tables, if one lists the full name, position and term of employment, and the other lists the full name, employment contract number, length of service, home address. Count the number of employees with less than 5 years of experience holding a certain position in this case it will be much more difficult);
  • It is advisable to place only one table on a sheet If there are several tables on a sheet, then separate them with at least one empty row or empty column (see article) ;
  • Don't distribute logically related data across multiple workbooks;
  • Avoid referencing data from other books;
  • Eliminate the appearance of empty rows and columns in tables. EXCEL automatically determines ranges with data () when building formulas, graphs, and in other cases. Empty lines serve as a separator for the current areas. If there are gaps in the columns, significant and unnecessary difficulties appear, for example, with ;
  • Avoid merging cells(merged cells may cause incorrect operation, structures etc., for example, see article);
  • Avoid excessive formatting because “there are no comrades for taste and color” and this, moreover, increases the file size.
  • If you plan to use either the BDSUMM() or BSCOUNT() functions, then it is advisable to leave 3-5 lines above the tables to place formulas, explanations and criteria;
  • If possible sort the data, this will speed up the work of many formulas, increase the visibility of data, and in some cases will allow you to use standard functions, instead of reinventing the wheel and coming up with your own solutions (see);
  • Format ( Insert/Tables/Table). This will eliminate the need for manual formatting and reduce the complexity of writing formulas;
  • “Atomic” values ​​must be entered into cells, i.e. only those that cannot be separated into different columns. For example, it is not recommended to enter an address in one cell in the format: “City, Street name, building no.” You need to create 3 columns of the same name, otherwise in order to record table entries by city name (or street name) you will have to use formulas;
  • Each column must contain values ​​in only one format (for example, the Delivery Date column must contain all values ​​in only the format date; column “Supplier” - company names in text format only);
  • Before filling out a table with data, think about what EXCEL tools and functions you will use to analyze the data. If the formulas are too cumbersome, then it may be worth redesigning the table.
  • Fill empty cells with duplicate data (don't leave cells empty). If there are empty cells, it is difficult to use and build formulas (see example No. 2).

Personally, I am sure that a correctly formed source table is 80% of the solution to the problem. I have never been asked for help by people who had a well-formed source table with data and they could not do something based on it, for example, or do it using formulas.

Below are some examples of incorrectly formed tables (don't do this!).

Example #1 of incorrect table construction

Let's look at an example of a table for accounting for cash (income/expense).

The original user table looks like this.

The user's request is to help make a report by type of expense.

The uniqueness of the example lies in the fact that practically everything is “wrong” here.

  • Column B (receipt) is practically not filled in;
  • Column D is redundant;
  • The comment does not allow you to correlate the expense with its type (cost item);
  • The total row is below the heading, not above it or below the table.

It is impossible to build a Pivot Table or apply an AutoFilter based on this table. For example, when using AutoFilter, the total expense amount appears among the expense amounts!

We will step by step correct the shortcomings of the table. First, we compare each expense amount with an expense item (column E). This will allow you to further analyze the types of expenses (for example, how much was spent on landscaping and how much was spent on home renovations). The comments column can be left for information - it does not interfere at all.

Now let's get rid of the extra columns.

Note that the expense items include cash receipts. In order not to confuse users, you can either enter the amount of expenses with a minus sign, and receipts with a +, or create another column “Payment Type”, where you can indicate whether it is Payment or Expense. In our case, we simply rename the heading “Expense Item” to “Payment Type”.

Now let's redo the calculation of the results.

As you can see from the figure above, we converted the table to , and placed the totals above the table.

To calculate income we used a simple formula =SUMIF(Table1[payment type],B2,Table1[amount])

To calculate expenses - formula =SUM(Table1[sum])-C2(receipt was subtracted from the total amount).

And finally, the final chord is composition.

The summary table is obtained in a few clicks and allows you to conduct a simple analysis of expense items. The Receipt line can be hidden using a filter (see cell A3 ).

It's nice to work with the new table because... For analysis, you can use standard tools and simple formulas that are understandable to ordinary users.

Example No. 2 of incorrect table construction (presence of empty cells in the rows)

Let's assume that a table of employees' places of work is being compiled.

As you can see from the figure above, one employee may have several previous jobs. The one who made the table, in order to save time, decided to leave some full names blank, assuming that it was already clear who the place of work belonged to. Unfilled cells are highlighted in pink.

Suppose you need to display information about all places of work of an employee Kozlov. By highlighting any table header and clicking CTRL+SHIFT+L, let's call. In the drop-down list of the Last Name column header, select the surname Kozlov. But only one line will be output, not 3.

To display all employee places of work Kozlov, you need to fill the pink cells in the columns with values Last name, first name, patronymic, employee code.

Typically, your source table should contain a set of records (rows) in which each field (column) is populated. This is exactly what EXCEL tools expect: formulas, pivot tables, autofilter, etc.

Advice: Read about a quick way to fill values ​​from adjacent cells.

Example No. 3 of incorrect table construction (repeating columns)

Let's design a table for the case of accounting for the purchase of materials for repair purposes (special thanks to one of the users of our site for this example).

The renovation is taking place in the building in 6 different rooms Nos. 41-46. In each room you need to place 5 types of sockets (three-, two-phase, different colors, etc.) Each type of socket needs its own cable (with a different number of cores, diameter).

First, let's create a table where the room numbers are arranged in columns.

Everything seems to be correct: it’s easy to calculate the number of sockets and cables for each room =SUM(B5:B9) . Calculating the total number of sockets for all rooms (=B10+D10+F10+H10+J10+L10) also seems easy to do, although it’s not entirely convenient; when entering the formula, you can make a mistake in a column or forget to sum up the required cell.

Now let's calculate the total number of outlets of each type and the cable length for each type of outlet. To do this, let's create another table (see the figure below). To cell B16 let's introduce the formula

If there were not 6 rooms in our example, but, for example, 18 or 50, then it would become obvious that this approach is not suitable (the table grows to the right, not down, the formulas become more complicated). Of course, to count sockets of a certain type, instead of the formula =B5+D5+F5+H5+J5+L5, you can write the formula =SUMPRODUCT(EVEN(COLUMN(B5:M5))*B5:M5), but as a rule, a user who is able to write such a formula initially designs the table differently.

It is more correct to design the table by placing room numbers in rows:

Now in each row of the table the type of socket is associated with the room number, and in the same row the corresponding number and length of the cable are indicated (see example file).

Indirect evidence that the new table is designed more correctly is the fact that it is now possible to use standard EXCEL tools and functions.

For example, using ( CTRL+SHIFT+L) and functions SUBTOTALS() You can quickly count the number of sockets for each room.

The standard and well-known function SUMIF() quickly allows you to count the number of sockets of a certain type =SUMIF($A$6:$A$35,$A42,B$6:B$35) and corresponding cable length =SUMIF($A$6:$A$35,$A42,C$6:C$35).

The formula now does not depend much on the number of rooms; only the size of the cell range changes.

If desired, you can use it to organize and receive detailed reports for each type of outlet or room number.

A certain cost for convenience is the repeated entry of room numbers (column D) and names of outlet types (column A).

And you had to painfully remember, “Well, where did those hundred (five hundred, thousand) rubles go?!”

Perhaps after this you decided to write down all your expenses, or maybe you even started doing so. And soon you gave it up. Don't blame yourself for this. Maybe you just didn’t have a convenient tool?

I have a simple and visual Excel table that not only takes into account income and expenses, but, taking into account expected expenses and income, plans a not very complex budget, for example: personal income, family budget, small business budget. Take a look, maybe it will suit you too.

Created to solve only pressing problems
Does not contain unnecessary and complicating

I made this table gradually, for my personal needs. There was simply a need to keep track of family income and expenses. Then it became clear that due to ordinary human forgetfulness, not all amounts are paid on time and everything must be periodically sorted by date. Then the need arose to plan future income and expenses.

The new version adds the ability to keep track of several accounts and group income and expenses by article.

I didn’t ask myself: what would happen if I had to keep records in three currencies, how to convert them, at what rate, and how to keep a history of exchange rates. And other questions from the series “what will happen if suddenly?” I didn't wonder either.

Therefore, we have a simple and convenient table. I've been using it since 2008. Now I keep records of all my income and expenses, including receipts and payments on the current account of my individual entrepreneur in the bank.

Simple, compact, clear

This Excel spreadsheet makes it possible to keep track of income and expenses simply, compactly and clearly. Plus allows you to plan and analyze income and expenses.

  • Just— Enter the numbers in the columns. Income with a plus, expense with a minus. All other calculations are done by the table.
  • Compact— All income and expenses for the month in one place, on one sheet.
  • Clearly— Graphs of incoming and outgoing balances and turnover, income, expenses and total turnover by item.
  • Gives a feeling of confidence— we enter the planned income and expenses and see how the situation with money will develop. If it’s stressful, you can have time to prepare: transfer expenses to another time, save money, borrow money or pay for debtors.
  • Facilitates analysis— each amount of income and expense is marked with the required item. The table calculates the total turnover by item.

Why is this Excel spreadsheet better?
other family budgeting programs?

The main advantage is simplicity and clarity

When developing any program, they try (I am a programmer myself and I know) to include in it maximum capabilities for all cases of its use. New versions of the program add new settings, new buttons, new complex ways to use it. Then they tell the user: we tried our best here, please try too, learn how to use all this.

This is done for very simple reasons: to increase “perceived value” and outperform competitors. Ease of use of the program is often sacrificed. As a result, the average person uses only one tenth of the program's capabilities.

I made my table for completely different reasons; simplicity and convenience came first.

How to get


The table is designed to track income and expenses for several accounts (up to five). It is assumed that transactions of one month are taken into account on one sheet. Each actual transaction (income or expense) can be attributed to one of the items. In addition to the actual transactions performed, you can enter the amounts of planned transactions in order to determine when there is a shortage of funds.

When entering transactions, select the names of articles from the drop-down list. The list of articles can be edited: added, deleted, changed names. The table calculates balances and turnover for each account, each item and total. In addition, you can calculate the turnover for a specified item for a specified period.

In its initial state, the table consists of three sheets. Two explanation sheets and one worksheet. It contains data that can serve as an example. New worksheets are added using the button New month/leaf. There is a separate sheet for each month.

The table is protected from accidental changes (or, more simply, from damage to formulas); the cells for data entry (not protected) are highlighted with a bluish background. How to remove the protection if necessary is written on the first sheet of the table.


The table begins with the results.

At the top of the table

  • Introduced opening balances
  • Calculated total income and expenses.
  • Outgoings are calculated balances taking into account transactions made. Next - outgoing balances.
  • Outgoings are calculated balances taking into account planned operations. Next are the planned balances.

Here you enter actual closing balances(hereinafter referred to as actual balances). If you forget to record certain transactions, the actual and estimated opening balances will differ.

This part of the table contains perhaps the most important information. Therefore, it is fixed and is always in front of your eyes when scrolling. If desired, the area can be unlocked.

Income and expenses are accounted for in several accounts and, in addition, payments are also possible between these accounts. Such internal payments are called “mirror”. These mirror payments significantly increase the total amounts of income and expenses. Therefore, the problem arises of calculating the real total amount of income and the total amount of expenses for all accounts without taking into account mirror payments. The table solves this problem.

Below the balances and total income/expenses, the amounts of total income and expenses for all accounts are displayed, excluding mirror payments and excluding planned ones. Those. how much was actually received and how much was actually spent. Below is an example.

As you can see in the screenshot (screen image), the total income for all accounts is 47,500, but if you remove mirror payments expense from current account / coming to the map And card expense / receipt in cash, then in fact the total income is 21,500.

Income received, expenses made

date. The current date is inserted by pressing Ctrl+; (the symbol “;” on the same key as the letter “zh”). The dates of Saturdays and Sundays are highlighted in bold, this is done in the table.

Operation, Expense transactions are entered with a minus sign. The table itself marks the consumption in red. Explanations can be written in the right column A comment or in a cell note (Shift+F2).

The income/expense item is selected from the drop-down list. The list is automatically generated from the list of articles you enter at the bottom of the sheet. This part will be shown next.

In the initial state, this part of the table contains 100 lines for entering the amounts of income and expenses. The table contains detailed instructions on how to correctly insert rows, if necessary, without damaging the form.

Planned income and expenses

The transaction date is entered in the column date. Current date - Ctrl+;.

Transaction amounts are entered in the column Operation, Expense transactions are entered with a minus sign. To the right, in the adjacent cell the remainder is calculated taking into account the entered operation.

Turnovers for the period under the specified item

The article is selected from the drop-down list.

Articles and Turnovers in total by article

In column Article a list of income and expense items, which we see in the drop-down list when entering the income and expenses made. To the right of the title of the article is the total turnover of this article for each account and the total. How to correctly add a new article to the list is described in detail in the table.

When you change the list of articles, the drop-down list automatically changes.

The list of articles can be sorted in five ways by clicking the appropriate button. In the example shown, the list is sorted by column Total in ascending order.

RPM graphs

How to get

Beginning of work

You receive a table filled with approximate data. Look at these numbers and experiment with them.

Then you need:

  1. Create a sheet for a new month with the button New month/leaf.
  2. Clear sheet - press buttons Clear received/made And Clear scheduled. You will be asked for confirmation before clearing.
  3. Enter opening balances on all counts.
  4. Enter actual balances. At the beginning of the month, the opening balance must be equal to the actual balance. Divergence should be equal to 0.

Within a month

  1. Introduce new ones regularly actual balances.
  2. Enter done expenses and income received.
  3. Enter planned income and expenses.
  4. As it progresses carry planned expenses/income to actual ones.

See the table for more detailed instructions.

Tables work on Excel For Windows Mac

How to get a table

If you want to take control of your money, you can get an Excel spreadsheet " Accounting for income and expenses", having paid 95 rub. in one of the following ways.

For this money you get a feeling of confidence, because a planning person is always more confident than a passive person, you get an excellent tool for analyzing expenses and getting rid of painful thoughts “where did that fifteen hundred thousand go?”

My name is Vladimir Prokhorov(IP Prokhorov V.V., OGRNIP 311645410900040), I have been doing economic calculations for more than 20 years. From 1992 to 2008 he worked as a programmer and head of the IT department in banks and commercial organizations. I have extensive experience in developing software for banking systems and accounting. Since 2008, I have been developing Excel tables for economic calculations.
You can contact me by mail [email protected] ([email protected]), by phone +7 927 055 9473 , In contact with

I know what many were thinking: it would be nice to know the opinion of the buyers of this table.

Reviews, questions, suggestions and other correspondence regarding the tables in the site's guest book »»

I guarantee:

  • Delivery within a few hours after receipt of payment. Please see below for payment processing times for various payment methods.
  • All tables are filled with data, which serve as an example and help to understand the logic of the work.
  • Tables provided with detailed explanations for filling out and working.
  • I answer any questions on working with tables. Of course, it is assumed that you are familiar with the subject area and have basic Excel skills.

When a new version is released:

  • Price updates depend on how much functionality the new version of the table increases.
  • Messages about new versions Only newsletter subscribers receive it. Subscription form at the bottom of the page.

Table " Accounting for income and expenses»
Windows option: 95 rub.
Option for Mac and Windows: 105 rub.

Tables work on Excel For Windows(Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) and Mac(Excel 2011, 2016). They don't work on OpenOffice.

Phone number for payment and delivery questions +7 927 055 9473
mail [email protected] ([email protected])

Payment Methods:

  1. Robokassa
    • Cards Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Mir
    • Internet client Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, Promsvyazbank, etc.
    • Terminals
    • Communication salons Euroset, Svyaznoy
    • Electronic money Yandex.Money, QIWI, WebMoney, Wallet One (W1), Elexnet
  2. Bank
    to the current account of Vladimir Viktorovich Prokhorov (IP), TIN 645400330452,
    account number 40802810711010053426, Branch "Business" of PJSC "Sovcombank", Moscow,
    C/s 30101810045250000058, BIC 044525058.

    Please note that indicating the form of ownership (IP) is mandatory.
    After placing your order, you can print an invoice for legal entities. persons
    or a receipt in form PD-4 for individuals. persons

    You can also get an invoice by writing to [email protected] ([email protected]).

    For payments not from Russia, indicate the currency transaction code (VO10100) in the payment purpose
    For example, purpose of payment:
    (VO10100) For invoice No. ... For spreadsheets " Accounting for income and expenses" Without VAT.
    Where VO are capital Latin letters, 10100 are numbers. Curly braces are required. Spaces are not allowed inside curly braces.


    A link to download the tables will be sent to the e-mail specified in the order after receipt of money. If there is no letter for a long time, check the folder SPAM.

    For the way 1 (Robokassa) a letter with a link is sent automatically, immediately after the money is received. The usual time for receiving money is minutes.

    For the way 2 (Bank) a letter with a link is sent after the payment is received in the bank account. Time to receive money is 1-2 business days. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs I will send pdf copies of the invoice according to the form Bargain 12. If any other documents are needed, please agree on this issue BEFORE PAYMENT. Original documents are sent upon request; please indicate your postal address in your request.

    Further correspondence regarding the received tables

    Further correspondence regarding the received tables (questions about working with tables, updates, etc.) takes place via the address to which the tables were sent. When corresponding by email, please save your correspondence history, i.e. include all previous letters and replies to them. In this case, place your message at the top (before the story).

    If you want to receive 2 workers tables and demo versions of all others my tables, subscribe to an introductory series of 9 letters with a brief description of the tables

    You are getting:

    1. Working versions my two tables: “Accounting for income and expenses” and “Interest, VAT, deposits, loans”. Download link in the first letter.
    2. Demo versions other tables: Business valuation, Payment calendar, Cost, Investments, Financial analysis IFRS, Financial analysis RAS, Break-even point, Assortment analysis, Personal planning. Download link in the first letter.
    3. 40% discount (RUB 5,264) for a set of six of my tables. How to get a discount is in the second letter.
    4. About 20% discount into separate tables. How to get a discount - in a letter describing a specific table.
    5. 20% discount to new tables. The discount is valid for three days from the date of sending the letter about the new table.
    6. Messages about new tables.
    7. Messages about new versions of tables.
    8. Messages about discount promotions. Typically, the discount is valid for three days from the date of sending the letter about the discount.
    9. Messages about the corrected options when errors are detected.

    In addition, please take into account, that notifications about discount promotions and releases of new versions only subscribers receive. No special announcements are made on the site.

    I do not recommend subscribing to corporate mailboxes, because... there is a possibility that the mail server will consider the mailing as spam. Those. It is not you, but the system administrator who will decide what emails you can receive.

However, when filling out receipt or expense documents, you will still have to enter some values ​​by hand.

These include:

  • document date;
  • quantity of goods;
  • Document Number;
  • other frequently changing parameters.

Using the tools built into Excel, you can achieve automatic completion of several columns based on directory data. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to configure this functionality yourself without in-depth knowledge of the program.

You can add basic formulas yourself, for example, indicate a column with the total cost of the product, multiplying the quantity by the price.

In the above manner, the “Incoming” and “Expense” sheets are also generated. Maintaining them separately is convenient for subsequent quick search of the required document.

Formation of the turnover sheet

You can make a turnover sheet yourself, but you will have to understand some of the functions of the table editor. No programming skills are required here.

On a separate sheet, you can display information about inventory balances in order to understand the need to purchase a particular item in the assortment.

Critical balance tracking

Keeping records of goods in a store in Excel can be configured in such a way that the sheet with product balances displays information about the need to purchase a particular assortment item. Next, we will consider a simple example of how to arrange this in a table editor.

In the proposed example, there are three storage locations for goods, indicating the balances in each of them. Using the IF(OR...) function, you can set up an automatic check of compliance with stock standards for each warehouse. The final formula will look like this:

IF(OR(C3<3;D3<3;E3<3);«Необходимо пополнение склада»;«Товара достаточно»).

Thus, if the balance in any storage location falls below three units, the user will see a message about the need to purchase or internally move goods. In the same way, you can monitor the reverse process - packaging of a certain item. The formula used is very simple and can always be added to a ready-made table.

This method of monitoring values ​​is applicable not only to warehouse balances. The following indicators can be analyzed similarly:

  • volumes of work performed or sales by employee;
  • increase in gross turnover or profit;
  • identifying declines in trade for certain groups of goods and other indicators.

Excel can provide entrepreneurs with a variety of analytical tools when accounting for retail sales. One of its difficulties lies in the small amount of professional training material and the need to independently compose all the formulas.

Advantages of accounting for goods in a store in Excel

Try all the features of the ECAM platform for free

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  • Write-off of balances in real time
  • Accounting for purchases and orders to suppliers
  • Built-in loyalty program
  • Online cash register under 54-FZ

We provide prompt telephone support,
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Insales has the right to establish that the provision of a certain Service is possible only on the condition that the acceptance and receipt of cookies is permitted by the User.

2.11. The user is independently responsible for the security of the means he has chosen to access his account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under the User’s account, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User’s account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements) . In this case, all actions within or using the Services under the User’s account are considered to be carried out by the User himself, except in cases where the User notified Insales of unauthorized access to the Services using the User’s account and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of his means of accessing your account.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User’s account and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently safely shut down work under his account at the end of each session of working with the Services. Insales is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the User’s violation of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that has violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transferred under the Agreement is obliged, at the request of the injured Party, to compensate for the actual damage caused by such violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damage does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party to properly fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be in writing and delivered personally or via courier, or sent by email to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated 12/01/2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may subsequently be specified in writing by the Party.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for termination of the other provisions (conditions).

4.3. This Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12 BC “Stendhal” LLC “Insales Rus”.

Publication date: 12/01/2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Akademika Ilyushina, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC “Stendhal”

INN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

The program is designed for material accounting of various types of resources. It is possible to implement accounting in value terms. Multiple storage locations, production consumption and scrapping are supported. Reporting forms allow you to track the movement of resources and obtain operational information for each accounting point.


The program can be used as a simple warehouse accounting system for resource storage locations in enterprises that use a small range of goods, raw materials and materials. Accounting is carried out in natural units of measurement. Cost accounting is not implemented automatically, but it is possible to manually enter indicators in monetary units.

The initial data for generating reports are three types of tables:

  • Options
  • Directories
  • Magazines

Moreover, the reports themselves are also Excel tables.

The openness of the spreadsheet interface provides maximum calculation flexibility. The user has access to all the functions of a powerful computing device and the Excel interface. Features of the program implementation require independent configuration of logs and reports for specific user tasks.

Changes in version 2.6

  • Starting from version 2.6, the old XLS workbook format is no longer supported. The program file is saved in the format XLSX/XLSM and works in Excel starting from version 2007 ( 2007-2016 ). Program in format XLS Available only in version 2.0, and can only be purchased by special request.
  • The appearance of workbooks has been updated in accordance with the design of the latest versions of Microsoft Office.
  • Second summary report on storage locations.
  • The default view of the first report has been converted to allow you to copy and paste balances at the beginning of a new period.
  • Drop-down list for searching directory items by the first letters of a word. Activated by double clicking on a cell.
  • Highlighting in red the journal elements not found in the directories.

Changes in version 2.0

  • Accounting points and counterparties are divided into different directories.
  • The restriction on the number of suppliers and buyers has been lifted.
  • Added resource groups for filtering in reports.
  • Opening balances are filled out in a separate journal.
  • Cost indicators in magazines have been removed, and an average price indicator has been added in directories.
  • New report on storage locations in the form of an Excel pivot table.

Features and Limitations

Excel spreadsheets have inherent limitations on the amount of information they can process. The program is not intended to replace large accounting systems for hundreds of thousands of product items. But in most SMBs, the volume and complexity of data can be processed in Excel.

The main file does not contain a large number of calculations; special algorithms are used for reports, which also do not have formulaic connections with the source data. Therefore, large volumes of data ensure normal performance even in Excel's automatic calculation mode. Switching to manual calculation mode is recommended only on outdated computers.

IN automatic Excel calculation mode We recommend the following parameters when working on high-performance computer:

  • Number of resources (nomenclature) - up to 2000
  • Number of metering points - up to 200
  • Number of operations (lines) in each log - up to 10,000
  • File size (xlsx) - up to 10MB

IN manual Excel calculation mode the limitations are mainly related only to the capabilities of the computer. For normal operation of reports, we recommend the following restrictions:

  • Number of resources (nomenclature) - up to 5000
  • Number of metering points - up to 500
  • Number of operations (lines) in each journal - up to 30,000
  • File size (xlsx) - up to 25MB

If additional calculations are used (the complete openness of the program allows you to configure any additional calculations), performance limitations may be more stringent.

To reduce data, you can create a new file at any time and transfer directories and initial balances for all accounting points there.

Installation and launch

The composition of the file is described on the initial page of the program - “Main”.

As already noted, the program consists of parameter tables, directories, logs and reports. You can navigate to these objects through hyperlinks on the Home page. You can also use standard methods for navigating Excel sheets and cells.

The easiest way to return to the contents page is by clicking a special button in the header of any worksheet in the program

The options for navigating through pages are described on the service sheet Preset and in the hidden third column of the “Home” sheet.


The program contains several general parameters that control performance characteristics:

All parameters can be changed at the user's discretion.


Directories are used for calculations and facilitate data entry into journals (through selection from lists). Data is entered into directories as information becomes available.

Buyers and Suppliers

Lists of accounting counterparties. It is allowed to add lines down without restrictions.

List of storage locations for resources participating in the accounting system. These can be separate warehouse cells, storage areas, production areas or premises. It is allowed to add lines down without restrictions.

Groups and Resources

Two interconnected directories for describing resources of all types stored at accounting points. Resources include: finished products, semi-finished products, raw materials and materials. Grouping is used for the convenience of filtering reports. It is allowed to add lines down without restrictions.

Table fields (all can be changed):

Transaction logs

All warehouse transactions necessary for generating reports are entered into special tables, divided by type of transaction.

Data on inventories at the beginning of accounting. The date is determined in the Options.

Income from suppliers

Resource receipts from suppliers are entered into the table. The sequence by dates or order numbers is not important.

Table fields:

Heading Description Input accessibility Mandatory
date Date of operation.
Yes Yes (start input)
Supplier order code Arbitrary transaction code. Yes No
Resource The name of the resource coming from the supplier. List Yes
Stock List Yes
Volume/quantity Yes Yes
EI Unit of measurement of the resource. No Computable
A comment Yes No


The table contains information about the consumption of raw materials and materials in the production process. The sequence by dates or order numbers is not important. For a sales organization, this table does not need to be filled out.

Table fields:

Heading Description Input accessibility Mandatory
date Date of operation.
Be sure to start entering new data from this field.
Yes Yes (start input)
Production order code Arbitrary transaction code. Yes No
Warehouse for raw materials and supplies Accounting point from which the resource is consumed (written off) List Yes
Raw materials The name of the resource consumed in the production process. List Yes
Volume/quantity The amount of resource in natural units of measurement. Yes Yes
EI Unit of measurement of the resource. No Computable
Accrued amount. Transaction amount in base currency. Yes Computable
A comment Free comment on the operation. Yes No

In addition to the described fields, the table contains several special service columns.

To delete a record, just clear the field date using standard Excel tools. It is also possible to delete entire rows.

The table contains information about the production of finished products and semi-finished products. The sequence by dates or order numbers is not important. For a sales organization, this table does not need to be filled out.

Table fields:

Heading Description Input accessibility Mandatory
date Date of operation.
Be sure to start entering new data from this field.
Yes Yes (start input)
Production order code Arbitrary transaction code. Yes No
Products The name of the resource generated during the production process. List Yes
Stock The accounting point to which the resource is received from production. List Yes
Volume/quantity The amount of resource in natural units of measurement. Yes Yes
EI Unit of measurement of the resource. No Computable
A comment Free comment on the operation. Yes No

In addition to the described fields, the table contains several special service columns.

To delete a record, just clear the field date using standard Excel tools. It is also possible to delete entire rows.

Transactions for moving resources between internal warehouses are entered into the table. The sequence by dates or order numbers is not important. The initial balances stored in warehouses as of the start date of accounting are also entered here.

Table fields:

Heading Description Input accessibility Mandatory
date Date of operation.
Be sure to start entering new data from this field.
Yes Yes (start input)
Order code Arbitrary transaction code. Yes No
Source warehouse The accounting point from which the resource is moved. Not filled in when entering initial balances. List Yes (except opening balances)
Resource The name of the resource being moved. List Yes
Receiving warehouse Accounting point to which the resource arrives. List Yes
Volume/quantity The amount of resource in natural units of measurement. Yes Yes
EI Unit of measurement of the resource. No Computable

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Income expense program

Main features of the program:

    Work with money in any currency is supported

    All departments of the organization can work in a single information system via the Internet

    The program shows current balances in real time for any cash register or bank account

    You will be able to keep full financial records: post income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

    You will have a unified database of clients and suppliers with all the necessary contact information

    You can plan cases for any client

    The program will allow you to plan expenses for a certain period

    You will always have all detailed reporting for each cash register or account in any currency “at your fingertips”

    All financial movements will be under your complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

    The program will show you statistics on savings or excess costs for your items

    A clear visualization of profit dynamics will help you easily analyze the company’s activities and profitability

    Separation of access rights is supported. Each employee will see only what he is supposed to see

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your clients and deservedly gain the reputation of the most modern company

    A special program will save a scheduled copy of all your data in the program without the need to stop working in the system, automatically archive and notify you when it is ready


    Connection with payment terminals so that customers can pay at the nearest terminal. Such payments will be automatically displayed in the program


    The scheduling system allows you to set up a backup schedule, receive important reports strictly at a certain time, and set any other program actions

    Reliable control will be ensured by integration with cameras: the program will indicate data on payments made, payments received and other important information in the captions of the video stream

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. This is done using convenient manual data entry or import.

    The program interface is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

We have completed business automation for many organizations:

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order an international version of the program, into which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

The income-expense program is a universal solution to many problems that sometimes simply haunt a conscientious entrepreneur. By choosing a fairly powerful and at the same time simple tool for solving such problems, namely a receipt accounting program, you can get rid of a number of troubles that previously bothered you.

One of these solutions is the Universal Accounting System, a program for accounting expenses and income for almost any organization. Regardless of the type of activity of your enterprise, the free program for income and expenses will automatically calculate the flow of funds, take into account debts and generate the necessary documentation.

The income and expense accounting program is installed on a regular work computer and subsequently launched from the desktop. To do this, you must first download the income-expense program, try its trial version, and then contact us for more details regarding the purchase and further use of the software product. After this, you can acquire a personal account, protected by a login-password pair and endowed with individual access rights, and then you can finally log into the USU software parish.

The first thing that users who install the goods receipt and expenditure program pay attention to is a pleasant, understandable and as simple as possible interface. The product receipt accounting program includes the main menu area where Modules, Directories and Reports are located, as well as the main work area. The staff mainly works in a free program for accounting income and expenses in Modules - information about clients, orders, payments, and so on is entered here. The manager, on the contrary, in the free program of income, expenses and balances mainly works in the Reports section. Here, in the program for accounting for the receipt and consumption of goods, you can obtain comprehensive and visual information regarding financial issues, employee performance, marketing methods, and so on.

The income accounting system keeps up with the times, so you can find many innovative, modern functions in it. One example is the presence of a built-in SMS newsletter that allows you to notify customers about new promotions, entries or debts. The parish software allows you to change the color scheme of the interface, which makes the work much more pleasant. The income and expense accounting program for the production of control systems will make your business better by reducing the time spent on routine. You can download the product receipt and consumption program on this page by clicking on the download link.

The program can be used by:

By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry, majoring in engineering. After graduation, he worked as a programmer. Then - a system programmer. He first appeared on screen in 1989 in the club “What? Where? When?", then - at the Brain Ring. In the television “Own Game” he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of “Own Game”. Four-time champion of Moscow in the sports version of “My Game”, bronze medalist of the same competition, silver in 2017. Silver medalist of the “Connoisseur Games” - the World Games of Connoisseurs - 2010 in “Your Game”.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Alexander Druz is the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK". He was awarded the Crystal Owl prize six times as the club's best player. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" - a prize for the best player. Champion of the television version of the Brain Ring. In the television program “Own Game” he won “Line Games”, “Super Cup”, won the “III Challenge Cup” with the team, and set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter of intellectual games and educational programs on various TV channels.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When?”, four-time winner of the “Crystal Owl” prize, twice world champion, three-time Russian champion, six-time Moscow champion, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game “ChGK”. Based on the results of a general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in the entire 25 years of the elite club’s existence. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. He received the “Big Crystal Owl” and the main prize of the anniversary games - the “Diamond Star” of the master of the game. Member of the board and since 2001 - vice-president of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at MIPT. In August 2010, he was elected president of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Sports Bridge Federation”. He heads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergey Karyakin. At the age of 12 he became the youngest grandmaster in human history. Included in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. Winner of the FIDE World Cup. World champion in rapid chess, world champion in blitz. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Awarded the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the VI composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth world and European championships. Winner and medalist of a number of major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian team, silver medalist of the Olympics as a member of the Russian team. He showed the best result on his board and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with the best result on board 1. World champion in the Russian national team. World Cup semi-finalist. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

Possibilities for monitoring and managing incoming and outgoings

  • The income-expense program is a reliable tool that allows you to build a confident, effective image for your business;
  • A stable program that reduces time costs is an excellent motivation for employees;
  • With the introduction of the income-expense program, the time spent on routine work is reduced, which means time is freed up for the provision of services;
  • In the income accounting program, you can work remotely by connecting via the Internet or local network;
  • The use of USU has a positive effect on the speed of data exchange;
  • The use of the income-expense program does not require special knowledge and skills, and mastery occurs very quickly;
  • The program interface can be designed in more than fifty variations of color schemes;
  • The search for a completed transaction in the program for accounting for expenses and receipts occurs quickly, and you can find any record for any period according to the set parameters;
  • Several users will be able to work in the program simultaneously;
  • Users have their own logins and passwords, as well as individual access rights. The audit displays a list of changes made by a particular employee;
  • With the help of the income-expense program, you can easily create and print financial documents associated with the data in the program;
  • The customer base in the expense receipt accounting program is created automatically and does not require close attention - after entering the data, the contact will be automatically entered into the database;
  • USU supports SMS messaging, which can be used for a variety of purposes;
  • The free income-expense program is available in a limited version on the official USU website;
  • Install USU today to experience all its benefits.

Download software for arrival

Below are the download links. You can download a free PowerPoint presentation of the software and a demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of use time and functionality.

Order expense automation

To purchase this program, just call us at the numbers indicated in the contact details or Skype, or simply write a letter. Our specialists will agree with you on a suitable configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.