Who is entitled to a social scholarship (what documents are needed). Law on scholarships for students How to calculate a social scholarship in a year

An acquaintance of the author of the article, studying far from straight A's at one of the St. Petersburg universities, still receives a high scholarship - 16,485 rubles. How does she do this? Do not forget that along with the usual incentive scholarship, there are a number of other scholarships. This includes a social scholarship for students, which can be applied for on the basis of a certificate from the social security authorities.

The essence of social scholarship

Size: from 2227 rubles.
Payout frequency: monthly
Innings: on the basis of Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which describes the conditions for receiving all scholarships. Including social.
"Chip": You can receive a scholarship for students 2018, even studying with C grades!
So, you don’t have to be a good student to request this financial assistance from the state.

Who is eligible for the scholarship?

The following categories of students can count on it:

  1. Orphans;
  2. Disabled people of any group, or victims of radiation disasters;
  3. Veterans;
  4. Contract servicemen in the army;
  5. Students with below minimum income.

How to apply for a social scholarship

To apply for payments, just contact the district social protection department or the nearest MFC.

Let's say a low-income university student wants to apply for a scholarship - these authorities will consider the income and standard of living of the appellant, after which they will make a decision within 10 days. Positive – in the form of a certificate for the university. By the way, if a student fills out an application on the government services website (for example, in St. Petersburg it is gu.spb.ru), then the application will arrive in electronic form.

Is it so easy to prove that you do not have enough money to live?

In fact, every student living in a dormitory and officially receiving only one income (academic scholarship of 1,484 rubles) may be considered low-income.

For these low-income students living “single” (i.e. not married), social workers will ask a simple question. Namely, whether the student receives financial support from the family, and if so, how much. The advantage is that you can answer only in words, you don’t need to present any papers and no one will check.

List of documents required for submission

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. Certificate of registration form No. 9, or certificate of registration in the hostel or at the place of stay (form No. 3);
  3. A certificate from the university stating that the student is actually studying in such and such a course and in such and such a profile;
  4. If there is property owned by the student, it must be indicated in a separate certificate;
  5. Any documents confirming the right to a preferential benefit: death certificate of guardians or parents, certificate of disability, etc.;
  6. Certificate of income, if it is only a scholarship - account statement.

Deadlines for receiving the scholarship

If successful, the student will be awarded social benefits scholarship for a year from the date of registration and only during school hours (June-August pause). After which you will have to go through the entire registration process again.
To find out more precisely about the terms and rules for receiving a social scholarship, a student should go to the dean’s office and ask there. And also read the contents of the Federal Law “On State Financial Assistance”.

How to receive an increased social scholarship for students

Size: not less than the amount missing from the subsistence level.
Payout frequency: monthly, throughout the year.
Innings: at the beginning of each semester.

"Chip": Only 1st-2nd year students can apply, subject to receiving a social scholarship. Also, to obtain it you need to study for “good” or “excellent”.

Who will determine the amount of the increased scholarship?

The university, based on the student’s income certificate. As for the cost of living, it is set by the state. In this case, the indicator is taken for the fourth quarter of the year before the formation of the scholarship payment fund; for 2018 students this will be the fourth quarter of 2017 and the indicator is 9,786 rubles. That is, if a student receives a social scholarship of 2,227 rubles, the usual 1,484 rubles, this income is subtracted from the cost of living and a potential “increase” of 6,075 rubles is received.

Is it possible to receive financial assistance for a scholarship?

Yes, a student has the right to request financial assistance from the university budget in the amount of a multiple of up to 12 social scholarships. It will be paid once a month, but for 1 semester, after which you need to submit an application again. You can find out about the deadlines for submission in the dean's office of your university.

Requirements for applying for financial assistance

The requirements here are higher than for applying for a regular social scholarship. Since we are talking about accruals from the university budget, the amount of financial assistance may vary. For example, depending on how many students receive it.

In what situations can you request financial assistance for a student?

  1. Single parents;
  2. Students from single-parent families;
  3. In case of loss of a breadwinner;
  4. Students from a large family;
  5. If you lose your parents while studying;
  6. Victims of disasters, natural disasters and accidents;
  7. In case of serious illness, when there is not enough money for medicines (you need to present receipts for medicines);
  8. At the birth of a child (you must provide a birth certificate).

Some universities add their own items to this list. For example, St. Petersburg State University can pay for out-of-town students’ travel home, and St. Petersburg State University of Economics pays a sum of money to students upon their wedding.

"A+" Scholarship

Size: 3500 rubles.
Payout frequency: monthly throughout the year.
Innings: in summer, from July 10 and possible until September 10.
"Chip": The scholarship from the “Creation” charitable foundation is intended only for students under 21 years of age.

However, in this case it is necessary to provide a certificate stating that the student has an income below the subsistence level or otherwise prove that he is from a low-income segment of the population. Please include a letter describing yourself, your family and your interests with your submission.
Other documents for applying for a scholarship for the 2019 “A+” student:

As we see, in order for a poor student from a low-income family to survive, he needs to work hard. It is not recommended to combine study with work during the initial courses. But still, the state provides several options for social scholarships, and if you apply for several within a clearly defined time frame, you will definitely get one option. We wish you good luck in this difficult battle with the system!

First-year students know firsthand how difficult it is in the first years of study, when they still don’t have the strength to find a part-time job. In order to partially solve the financial issue, you can get a scholarship. To do this, several conditions must be met. They depend on the type of stimulus payment you are applying for.

It is quite difficult for applicants and first-year students to understand the variety of types of scholarships. Therefore, it is important to take care of this issue immediately after enrollment and collect all the necessary documents, if required.

Main types of scholarships

Almost every student can qualify for assistance from the state. He is able to achieve this right on his own - with the help of good academic performance and participation in competitions and olympiads, and a number of students receive support because of their social status.

  1. The first type of scholarship can be assigned to you automatically if you perform well at school - academic. After the first semester, you need to completely close the session and study without C grades in order for it to be extended. The Academic Council also has the right to pay you for active social work or other achievements. You can find out about additional charges directly from the educational institution.
  2. If you perform well, you receive minimum payments. If all exams and tests are passed perfectly the first time, then increased pay is assigned for your success.
  3. If, in addition to positive grades, during your studies you manage to win prizes at olympiads and competitions, conduct scientific activities and demonstrate your talents in every possible way, then you may be nominated for a presidential scholarship.
  4. Regardless of study, a social scholarship is paid. It’s worth talking about it separately. Applying for this type of benefit is a little more difficult, but the time spent will more than pay off.

To find out what payment you are entitled to, you need to clarify the rules of your university, college or technical school, and also know your rights.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

In 2018-2019, state support is provided to a fairly wide range of people receiving specialized secondary and higher education. Special charges are made to those who belong to vulnerable segments of the population:

  • disabled children (groups 1 and 2);
  • orphans and children from single-parent families (there is an age limit - only up to 23 years);
  • for the poor, if the income for each family member is below the subsistence level;
  • victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • those who became disabled during hostilities, as well as veterans of various wars;
  • children from large families;
  • if parents are disabled group 2 or 3;
  • students who have created their own family and are raising a child in it.

However, the list of students who may qualify for payments may be reduced by the federal authorities in your region. In order to find out whether it is possible to receive funds, you need to contact social security.

On what basis is a social scholarship awarded?

You do not need to bring a package of documents directly to the educational institution (sometimes this can be very inconvenient, since it may be located in another city). If you have the right to receive this payment, then you will have to contact the Multifunctional Center or district social protection at your place of residence. There you need to submit documents that confirm your right.

Typically, you should collect a small amount of information:

  • about family composition (extract from the house register);
  • about enrollment;
  • about the income of all family members.

They can and have the right to demand additional documents from you. For example, if you want a social scholarship to be assigned to you due to a disability, then be prepared to present medical documents.

After verification, you will be issued a certificate, which in turn must be submitted to the dean's office. This can be done at the very beginning of school, in September. Then the first funds will be credited to you this month.

Social scholarship: what determines its size

The minimum amount of this payment is set by the state, and now it is about 1,650 rubles for universities, about 700 for colleges and technical schools. But each educational institution sets its own scholarship amount. This most often depends on the prestige of the institution. If you receive higher education at an academy or federal university, then you should count on fairly good support. You can find out exactly how much you will be credited monthly when submitting a certificate.

The government annually discusses the issue of increasing subsidies for students. It is planned to bring them as close as possible to the subsistence level, but for now this remains at the level of draft laws. Currently it is planned that the increase will be 20% in the new academic year. Deputies are also solving the problem of students receiving secondary vocational education. Budget-funded places in universities are now being cut, and many are simply forced to enroll in technical schools first, since families simply cannot pay for tuition. In addition, this type of financial support is not paid for correspondence, evening and paid studies.

Is the social scholarship awarded in the summer?

If you want to receive money all year, then you need to be responsible for your studies. The scholarship is awarded only to those who submit all assignments on time and have no debts after the sessions. If you fail a test or exam, payment will be suspended until the debt is paid off. For example, in June you had to pass one of the specialized subjects, but you failed the examiner’s tasks. In this case, the management of the educational institution has the right to suspend or completely cancel the accrual of the summer scholarship. If you correct your mistake during the re-examination, you may be eligible to receive the subsidy again and be reimbursed for the missed months.

Anyone in life may experience a difficult life situation that they are not able to cope with on their own. This could be illness, serious injury or disability, loss of a breadwinner, or low financial security of the family.

If such a problem happens to a student, the state is obliged to support him, namely, to award an additional social scholarship. We’ll talk about what scholarships there are and how to apply for them in our article.

What is a social scholarship and who can receive it?

In addition to the standard (and for some outstanding students), some students are eligible to receive additional monthly payments. A social scholarship is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying full-time at the expense of the state (not under a financial contract) and experiencing financial difficulties. In other words, in order for the state to provide you with this kind of material support, you must, firstly, be a state employee, and secondly, fall under one of the following categories of students who are entitled to a social scholarship:

1. Orphans, that is, those whose parents were deprived of parental rights before they came of age, as well as children who found themselves without parental care. The last group includes students whose parents:

  • Missing;
  • They are in prison;
  • Incapacitated;
  • Unknown.

The status confirmed by the benefit remains assigned to the student until he reaches the age of twenty-three.

2. Disabled people:

  • Disabled children (persons under eighteen years of age who have been diagnosed with incurable diseases);
  • Disabled people of the first and second groups (adults whose health status was recognized as corresponding to one of these groups);
  • Disabled children from childhood (people with lifelong incurable diseases).

3. Persons whose health has been undermined by the harmful effects of radiation as a result of any radiation disaster.

4. Participants in hostilities and persons injured while serving under a contract
Contractors who served for 3 or more years:

  • in the army
  • in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation or executive authorities

5. Social scholarship is provided and low-income students. These include:

  • Adult disabled people of the third group;
  • Members of large families;
  • Persons from an incomplete family (families of a single mother (father);
  • Students whose parents are disabled people of the first or second group;
  • Those who have created a family, especially if there is a child (children);
  • Students whose family income is below the subsistence level (the minimum wage is different for different regions of the country).

Where to go and how to apply for a social scholarship

First of all, those applying for this type of financial assistance need to contact the social security office (administration of social protection of the population) at the place of registration, registration or temporary registration, where employees will advise you and give you a list of necessary documents (however, you can find this information on the Internet).

What documents and certificates are needed?

  1. Certificate of family composition(list of persons registered at the same address as you). This document is issued at the passport office at the place of registration upon presentation of a passport or at the housing and communal services. If the student lives in the private sector, he provides an extract from the house register. It is important to note that this document is valid for only 10 days, so it is recommended to leave its receipt for last.
  2. Certificate of income all family members during the last 3 months (income includes pensions, scholarships, salaries, etc.). A working person takes this certificate from the employer upon application (form 2-NDFL), a pensioner - from a pension fund, a student - from a university, etc., that is, from the organization to which the citizen is assigned.
  3. Certificate of fact of training.
  4. Certificate of (non)receipt of scholarship another type.
  5. Passport.

Upon completion of the calculation of the student’s family income in social security, he is issued a certificate, which must be submitted to the dean’s office or social teacher(details vary by institution) along with an application written in the form prescribed by the institution, during September.

The scholarship is awarded for 1 year and is paid monthly.

Refusal to receive a scholarship and suspension of its payment

  1. If false information or an incomplete package of documents is provided, the educational institution has the right to refuse to pay the student a social scholarship.
  2. A student who has academic debts at the time of application will also not receive a social scholarship
  3. Payment of benefits is terminated when a student develops academic debt at the end of the session and is resumed when it is eliminated.

The student should be aware that non-payment of social scholarships due to absenteeism when the student is in good academic performance is illegal. If your educational institution does this, its leadership is breaking the law by exceeding their official authority.

How much is the social scholarship?

Each educational institution generates the amount of “social benefits” independently, depending on the scholarship fund. It's no secret that social scholarships in college are smaller than in universities. However, at the state level, the Government of the Russian Federation decided that the amount of the social scholarship should be not less than 730 rubles for students of secondary specialized educational institutions(technical schools, colleges, etc.). In universities(universities, academies, institutes) minimum amount of social scholarship 2,010 rubles.

It is paid provided that the student studies at 4 and 5. Its minimum amount is 6,307 rubles.

Thus, in order to receive a state social scholarship, you must:

  • Analyze your financial situation and decide whether you fall into one of the appropriate categories;
  • Submit the full package of necessary documents for consideration to social security;
  • Present a certificate from social security with a statement written on its basis at your educational institution;
  • Remember that the right to receive a social scholarship must be confirmed annually, that is, every year you must re-collect and submit the relevant documents. Many people find the procedure for applying for this benefit quite complicated and refuse the right to additional financial assistance, not wanting to deal with bureaucracy and “paperwork.” However, a social scholarship is a good financial help, especially for students, so it’s still better not to be lazy and apply for it.

We also invite you to watch a video about who is entitled to a social scholarship under the new legislation:

Who is entitled to a social scholarship in Russia in 2019 is specified in detail in the legislation. In particular, it is necessary to belong to the preferential category of students.

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A social scholarship refers to a state financial payment that is regular in nature and is awarded to students who belong to a preferential category and are undergoing full-time studies.

Let's take a closer look at who is entitled to a social pension in 2019.

What you need to know

Before considering the main issue, it is initially recommended that you familiarize yourself with basic theoretical information and Russian legislation. Thanks to this, various inaccuracies can be avoided.


On the territory of Russia, a full-time student is a status that makes it possible to equate students at universities with minors until they reach the age of 23.

Thanks to this, we can say that the recognition of full-time students belongs to the most socially vulnerable segments of the population.

There are special categories of students who regularly need financial assistance for various circumstances, which are described in Russian legislation. A state social scholarship is provided for them.

Students who apply for scholarships and college students who are entitled to financial assistance from the treasury are subject to accrual of money, in most cases in the form of monthly payments to a special fund.

Scholarships that are of a social nature cannot replace an academic scholarship, and the fact of its accrual does not affect the established incentive payments for excellent academic performance.

What is her role

According to Russian legislation, the main purpose of social scholarship payments is considered to be the provision of additional financial payments to special categories of students who belong to vulnerable segments of the population.

These types of payments do not affect the amount of other financial payments that are due to students.

Legal regulation

It is considered to be the main regulatory document.

In particular, it stipulates that the allowance is to be accrued to special categories of students undergoing training on a budget basis.

Who is entitled to a state social scholarship?

List of categories of citizens

The list of citizens who have the legal right to receive social cash payments is determined at the federal level.

Despite the limited nature of the list, Russian legislation gives educational institutions freedom in this matter.

The management of educational institutions has the right to make decisions regarding additional measures to provide assistance to those in need at the expense of financial resources from the extra-budgetary funds of the institution.

These may include:

So, who is entitled to a social scholarship for students 2019. According to Russian legislation, the following categories are established:

Orphans As well as those who were left without guardianship, including children for whom both parents died during their education or were raised by a single parent
Children who have been recognized as disabled since childhood And also those who became one with the establishment of the first or second group of incapacity, and who received disability due to illness or injury during the period of military service
Combat veterans
Contract servicemen Who served in the Russian armed forces for at least 3 years. In particular, law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, Civil Defense, State Security and the FSB are equated to them
Citizens who were exposed to radiation Or recognized as victims of man-made disasters

Are there social scholarships for low-income students? A social scholarship, which is provided for low-income families, can be assigned only if potential recipients document their right to accrual.

In particular, you need to confirm the level of income per family member, which must be no less than that approved in a particular region.

  • children from large families;
  • for loss of a breadwinner;
  • young parents;
  • children whose parents were officially declared incompetent and have group 1 or 2.

To be able to apply for social scholarships, it is extremely important for students to confirm their status.

State social benefits, according to Russian legislation, are due to citizens who were able to provide documents to the local educational institution that serve as the basis for the accrual.

The possibility of stopping the accrual of a social scholarship has no bearing on the student’s academic performance, since this incentive measure is not stimulating, but only supports financially.

If the student confirms the right to apply, there should be no refusal. Termination of payments is permitted in the following cases:

In the case of the grounds that were indicated in the second paragraph, the recipient of the social scholarship must be notified.

This is largely due to the fact that in the event of unfounded receipt of payments, the student may be charged with fraud.

Russian legislation provides for a certain package of documents that can confirm the status of a student.

In particular, the package of documents includes:

  • beneficiary certificate;
  • various certificates;
  • military ID and contract;
  • notification regarding the appointment of a state social scholarship.

Depending on the status of the beneficiary, the package may be supplemented with various other documents.

Payment terms

The social scholarship is subject to accrual to the beneficiary by an administrative act of the management of the educational institution from the moment of transfer of all necessary documentation that can confirm compliance.

If the documentation provided, which gives the right to apply for a social scholarship payment, is considered indefinite, then payments will be made until the completion of the educational process and receipt of the corresponding education diploma.

Students who belong to the preferential category of citizens are assigned a social type of scholarship by the relevant administrative act of the leadership of the educational institution.

The formation of such an act confirms the fact of accrual of the social type of payments for a period of 1 year from the period of assignment of the benefit.

What is the amount paid?

The amount of the social grant is determined by Russian legislation. In particular, minimum indicators have been approved, which largely depend on the level of the educational institution itself:

Payments less than the specified amounts cannot be accrued. Additionally, the payment depends on the educational program itself.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the specialty or master's degree does not play a role in this case. Payments are received monthly in one payment.

Video: social scholarship

Russian legislation provides that some students are provided with an increased scholarship.

It can only be assigned to those persons who meet certain conditions, namely:

According to Russian legislation, in particular, the increased amount of payments is about 300 thousand rubles.

This indicator refers to the irreducible minimum, but the educational institution has the right to overestimate it.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science includes a rule on the basis of which the amount of a social scholarship, including an increased one, must necessarily be higher or equal to the cost of living per 1 family member.

This value is established by the Russian Government for each quarter of the calendar year. For these purposes, educational institutions create a special scholarship fund, taking into account the cost of living.

An increased scholarship payment may be awarded upon completion of the session.

The procedure for assigning and receiving a social scholarship is determined by federal legislation in the field of education, and social protection authorities provide certificates for receiving a social scholarship.

3. Certificate of family composition;

For reference:

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The procedure for assigning and receiving a social scholarship is determined by federal legislation in the field of education, and social protection authorities provide certificates for receiving a social scholarship.


The procedure for assigning and receiving a social scholarship is determined by federal legislation in the field of education, and social protection authorities provide certificates for receiving a social scholarship.

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With the beginning of the new academic year, the questions become relevant again: who is entitled to a social scholarship and what is the procedure for receiving it?

In this regard, the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Volgograd Region explains.

The procedure for assigning and receiving a social scholarship is determined by federal legislation in the field of education, and social protection authorities provide certificates for receiving a social scholarship.

Students of the following categories are required to receive a social scholarship:

· orphans (left without parental care);

· disabled people of groups I-II, disabled children;

· students exposed to radiation;

· having a disability due to military injury or illness;

· served for at least three years under contract or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, recipients of state social assistance can be low-income families, low-income citizens living alone, who have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. To receive a social scholarship, these categories of the population need to obtain a certificate from the social protection authority at their place of residence, and then submit it to the dean’s office of the educational institution and write an application for a social scholarship. This certificate is valid for one calendar year, therefore, in order to be awarded a social scholarship, it must be submitted annually.

Basic documents that the social security authorities will need to obtain a certificate:

1. Passports of adult family members or other identification documents;

2. Certificate of income level of all family members;

3. Certificate of family composition;

4. Birth certificates of children;

5. Work books (for pensioners and non-working family members);

6. Certificate from the educational institution indicating the form, terms and year of study.

7. Certificate of student scholarship.

A social scholarship for low-income students is a monthly cash payment to students whose average income per family member is below the subsistence level, while a prerequisite for receiving a scholarship is full-time study and budget support. It is received by students of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions. If a student is awarded a social scholarship, then its status can last up to 23 years.

For reference:

In the Volgograd region, the cost of living for the working population is 9898.0 rubles, for children - 9331.0 rubles, for pensioners - 7477.0 rubles. Moreover, a family is recognized as poor if its difficult financial condition is caused by valid reasons (low wages, inability to work due to health problems, etc.).

The amount of the state social scholarship in 2016 is determined by the educational institution independently, but cannot be lower than 2,010 rubles for students of higher education and 730 rubles for students of secondary vocational institutions.

At the end of the first half of 2016, the social protection centers of the Volgograd region issued 406 certificates for receiving a social scholarship.


With the beginning of the new academic year, the questions become relevant again: who is entitled to a social scholarship and what is the procedure for receiving it?

In this regard, the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Volgograd Region explains.

The procedure for assigning and receiving a social scholarship is determined by federal legislation in the field of education, and social protection authorities provide certificates for receiving a social scholarship.

Students of the following categories are required to receive a social scholarship:

· orphans (left without parental care);

· disabled people of groups I-II, disabled children;

· students exposed to radiation;

· having a disability due to military injury or illness;

· served for at least three years under contract or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, recipients of state social assistance can be low-income families, low-income citizens living alone, who have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. To receive a social scholarship, these categories of the population need to obtain a certificate from the social protection authority at their place of residence, and then submit it to the dean’s office of the educational institution and write an application for a social scholarship. This certificate is valid for one calendar year, therefore, in order to be awarded a social scholarship, it must be submitted annually.

Basic documents that the social security authorities will need to obtain a certificate:

1. Passports of adult family members or other identification documents;

2. Certificate of income level of all family members;

3. Certificate of family composition;

4. Birth certificates of children;

5. Work books (for pensioners and non-working family members);

6. Certificate from the educational institution indicating the form, terms and year of study.

7. Certificate of student scholarship.

A social scholarship for low-income students is a monthly cash payment to students whose average income per family member is below the subsistence level, while a prerequisite for receiving a scholarship is full-time study and budget support. It is received by students of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions. If a student is awarded a social scholarship, then its status can last up to 23 years.

For reference:

In the Volgograd region, the cost of living for the working population is 9898.0 rubles, for children - 9331.0 rubles, for pensioners - 7477.0 rubles. Moreover, a family is recognized as poor if its difficult financial condition is caused by valid reasons (low wages, inability to work due to health problems, etc.).

The amount of the state social scholarship in 2016 is determined by the educational institution independently, but cannot be lower than 2,010 rubles for students of higher education and 730 rubles for students of secondary vocational institutions.

At the end of the first half of 2016, the social protection centers of the Volgograd region issued 406 certificates for receiving a social scholarship.

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