How to tighten screws. How to tighten screw piles with your own hands: installation methods and features. Start of work on self-production

Building a foundation yourself is an act that commands respect. But many refuse this idea, believing that without special education, heavy construction equipment and a lot of free time, this is impossible. For many, this task seems impossible without the involvement of a team of experienced builders. But few people know what to use screw piles can significantly reduce the cost of construction, and the construction process itself pile foundation with your own hands it will only take 1-2 days.

But, be that as it may, you can’t do without special tools. For work we will need:

  • Screw piles suitable for your structure and future foundation plan. (If you were unable to select the piles yourself, our specialists are always ready to give a detailed and free consultation by phone or in the company’s office) However, let’s assume that you already have the piles.
  • Heads 250*250mm ( if provided for by the project)
  • Pegs for marking a pile field
  • Shovel
  • Roulette
  • White metal marker
  • Magnetic level
  • Water level or level
  • Scrap metal
  • Two levers. ( Pipes 2-3 meters long, mounted on scrap metal)
  • Grinder with cutting discs for metal
  • Welding machine
  • Generator (if there is no electricity on site)
  • Cement, sand, water
  • Mixing container concrete mortar
  • Anti-corrosion coating for weld processing
  • As well as assistants, numbering three people.

Stages of installing screw piles:

Before you start driving screw piles, you should mark the pile field. The structures must be installed at a certain distance from each other (no more than 3 m). If this rule is not followed, the foundation will not gain the required load-bearing capacity and sagging of the strapping beam may occur in the future.

2. Setting the perimeter.

Then follows the setting of the perimeter. First of all, you should measure the diagonals and install pegs in the four corners around the perimeter of the house. The formula for calculating the diagonal is shown in the figure.

3. Driving corner piles.

4. Screwing in the remaining screw piles.

First you need to dig a hole in the place you have outlined. The depth of the pit should not exceed 0.5 - 0.7 meters. Piles should be screwed into the ground to a depth of at least 1.7 meters to avoid bulging under the influence of frost heaving. The process of screwing in screw piles can be done either manually or using special devices.

A crowbar is inserted into the technological hole at the end of the pile. Next, on both sides you should put a larger diameter pipe on it, which will serve as a lever. A magnetic level must be attached to the pile shaft. The angle of inclination should not exceed 1.5- 2 degrees. Otherwise, there will be an uneven distribution of the load, and as a result, deformation of the pile.The reliability and quality of the foundation as a whole depend on the correct tightening of screw piles.

After this, the piles need to be concreted. To do this, you need to use a cement-sand solution of grade M150. Concreting screw piles is only necessary to remove all the oxygen from the cavity of the pile shaft, thereby protecting it from corrosion from the inside. (No oxygen - no corrosion!)

7. Installation of heads.

The final stage of installation is welding the ends. The head needs to be put on the pile and welded. The weld seam should be cleaned and then treated with an anti-corrosion coating.

With proper construction of a pile-screw foundation, it can last for decades. It is important to immediately stop saving on material for building the foundation.

When ordering piles from our factory, you can be sure of their quality. We cooperate with leading metal suppliers. Therefore, we offer optimal prices for the range we sell.

Despite the fact that you can install screw piles yourself, it is sometimes difficult to navigate the sequence of actions. Our factory offers the services of qualified installers. They will install piles efficiently, in accordance with current standards and regulations. The foundation on our screw piles is durable regardless of the type of soil.

We will always help you choose the product by diameter and type. You can also calculate the required standard size of piles for your project. Thus, you will save not only money, but also time. Today, a screw pile is the optimal material for quick and reliable construction of a foundation.

  • What will you need for the job?
  • Stage 2: screwing the piles
  • Step 3: concreting the piles and welding the caps
    • Useful tips
    • Summarizing

You can build a foundation using in various ways. Particularly popular is the one that involves the use of screw piles. Thanks to their use, you can create a foundation for a house in just a few days. At the same time, the finished foundation will be strong, reliable and durable. But not everyone knows how to screw in screw piles. After all, here you need to use a special approach to achieve an excellent result. Instructions for carrying out such work are presented in detail below. Thanks to her, you can perform this process yourself.

Features of foundation screw piles.

What will you need for the job?

Before starting work on screwing in screw piles, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the materials and tools that will be required during its implementation. Their list is as follows:

  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • pegs;
  • heads (250*250 mm);
  • magnetic level;
  • level;
  • white marker for metal;
  • metal scrap;
  • welding machine;
  • two levers (long pipes on which a metal scrap is attached);
  • grinder with metal discs;
  • generator;
  • screw piles;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • container intended for mixing the solution;
  • anti-corrosion agent.

In addition, you will need to prepare a plan for the future foundation and invite several people to help you screw in the screw piles.

Stage 1: carrying out preparatory work

Pile location diagram.

You need to start by marking the so-called pile field. This is required in order to correctly distribute the area. It is necessary to put marks on the basis that the piles should be screwed in at a distance of no more than 3 meters from each other. If this rule is not followed, then the foundation will not have time to gain the required bearing capacity. In addition, this can cause severe sagging of the tied timber.

Marking must be done as follows. First, the diagonals are measured, then pegs are placed in 4 corners along the perimeter of the base of the house. To do this as accurately as possible, it is recommended to first align the two outer pegs along the same line. Then the diagonal is calculated using a calculator. Then the third peg is placed, and the last one is set using a tape measure on which the linear dimensions are marked.

Stage 2: screwing the piles

It should be noted that corner screw piles must be screwed strictly in the center of the beam. This means that if the dimensions of your future house are given at the edges, then you will need to subtract half of the width of the beam, first on one side and then on the other. To make it easier to understand the calculation methodology, we present an example to your attention. So, the dimensions of the dwelling at the edges are 6 * 6 meters, while the first crown of the house is represented by a beam with a cross-section of 150 * 150 mm, accordingly, the corner screw piles will need to be screwed at a distance of about 5.85-5.85 meters from each other.

Based on such calculations, markings are immediately made on the ground. After which a pit is made on each of them. Its depth should not exceed 0.7 meters, otherwise a harness will be needed. In this case, the piles will need to be screwed much deeper - at least 1.7 meters. Then, even under the influence of frost heaving, they will not bulge out of the ground.

But it should be taken into account that the presented depth of screwing of piles is only conditional. They will need to be driven into the ground until they come to a complete stop - this is the basic rule that must be followed.

Construction of a pile foundation.

Otherwise, the foundation will not have a high load-bearing capacity.

But how should screw piles be screwed in correctly? First you need to pay attention to the technological hole. It is located at the end of the pile, you will need to insert a crowbar into it, and then a large diameter pipe is put on it on both sides, it will act as a lever. Next, a magnetic level is fixed to the pile shaft. After this, the angle of inclination should be adjusted. For a screw pile it should not exceed two degrees. If you do not pay attention to this point, then the finished foundation will distribute the loads unevenly. Because of this, deformation of the piles will occur. As a result, you will then have to repair the foundation of the home.

When the pile is inserted into the ground and the lever is fixed on it, it is necessary to begin screwing it. This is done by performing circular movements around its axis. Typically, in 1 revolution the pile goes to a depth of about 200 mm. When it stops rotating, it is already fully installed and is considered to be properly buried. After this, you will need to trim the piles to height. This work must be carried out using a level. Each pile must be trimmed by at least 10 cm, that is, the length of the technological hole, because it does not have a load-bearing capacity.

Step 3: concreting the piles and welding the caps

When the piles are screwed in and trimmed to height, they will need to be concreted. This must be done using cement. Its brand must be no lower than M150. Sand must be taken without impurities. These ingredients are used in the following proportions 1:3. At the same time, when mixing them, be sure to add a little water. The consistency should be the same as sour cream. The prepared solution will need to be poured inside the piles. Each should take about 0.02 cubic meters of cement-sand mixture.

Concreting is necessary in order to protect the piles from corrosion from the inside. That’s why it’s so important to carry it out, because it will guarantee the durability of the finished foundation.

Next you will need to weld the heads. They act as a strengthening platform, thanks to which you get a reliable foundation. At the same time, the heads will allow you to quickly carry out further installation of the timber, since they have special holes for its fastening.

The head is placed on the pile and welded. The weld seam will need to be cleaned and then coated with an anti-corrosion agent. After which you can begin tying and building the house, because the foundation on screw piles does not require shrinkage.

Useful tips

To ensure that the installation of screw piles proceeds quickly and without unforeseen situations, you should follow these recommendations:

Scheme of types of pile foundations.

  1. Before you begin creating such a foundation, make sure that there are no underground pipelines, cables or other communications lines nearby. They are usually indicated by signs located near the site.
  2. If during the work you notice that the pile has gone to the side or has stopped screwing in altogether, while the depth of 1500 mm has not yet been reached, then you will need to remove it. This suggests that she has hit an obstacle. Therefore, you will need to move it a little, and then start screwing it in again.
  3. It is necessary to make markings for screwing in piles with special care and accuracy. The permissible error here can only be 2 cm.
  4. It is necessary to level the pile at the first moment, as soon as it touches the ground, because with each screwing in it will be much more difficult to do this.
  5. For levers, you can use a pipe 3 meters long or a square 50*50 cm.
  6. If the pile does not fit into the ground well, then it will be necessary to provide additional load pressing on it. It can be created by your assistants. Have them push down on the pipe to apply a vertical load.
  7. In order for the work to be more effective, a group of 5 people should be assembled to carry it out. One of them will have to stand in control when 4 people do the screwing.
  8. If it is noticed that the place where the crowbar was placed has begun to deform, this indicates that the pile has already reached dense layers of soil. Therefore, work can be completed here.
  9. Be sure to use pegs for marking. They will help you carry it out efficiently and avoid mistakes.
  10. To ensure that the piles are trimmed quickly, use not a hacksaw, but a grinder with special discs. This work must be carried out at a horizontal level. It is recommended that the distance from the ground be about 60 cm.
  11. If you want to save on creating a foundation, then use a channel instead of a head.

How can you not screw in piles?

In order to avoid mistakes when carrying out such responsible and important work, you should know what is prohibited during it:

  • unscrew the pile to adjust it to the level. This is done by smoothly shifting it in the ground. Otherwise, the pile will not be able to withstand the design load and will eventually sink into the soil;
  • screw in at an angle from the axis exceeding 1 degree;
  • create recesses for piles of more than 500 mm;
  • insert them into the ground to a depth of less than 1500 mm;
  • carry out lengthening of screw piles that were twisted crookedly;
  • use low-quality products or those that have severe damage to the coating.


This is how the piles are screwed in. It should be noted that this is a rather labor-intensive and complex process that is full of nuances. Here it is necessary to take into account even minor details, because the success of the work done will depend on this. It is necessary to start performing it only after all the materials and tools have been prepared, and a group of people has been assembled, since such a process simply cannot be handled alone.

Be sure to follow the step-by-step instructions and the listed tips during its implementation. They will help you complete the job quickly and do everything efficiently. This means that you will be satisfied with the result, because you will be able to create a high-quality foundation for your home. Happy building!

Screw piles: how to screw them in with your own hands?

Screw piles: how to screw them in with your own hands? To complete this work, you must familiarize yourself with step by step instructions. What materials will be required for this?

A pile foundation in some cases is the only available solution. But perhaps few people know how to tighten screw piles with their own hands. Moreover, some people believe that it is simply impossible to cope with this task without additional special equipment.

Therefore, developers who want to do most of the work themselves in order to save as much as possible on the construction budget often begin to consider options for renting equipment. And they even doubt whether they will be able to lay the foundation without professionals. This article is intended, firstly, to dispel doubts: you can screw in piles, but not alone, but with the help of assistants. And secondly, to warn you: this work is hard, requiring precise calculations and good physical preparation.

How to tighten screw piles with your own hands, we learned from people who have successfully built houses on such a foundation. We offer you their experience so that you know what difficulties await you, what you need to be prepared for and what you will have to face.

A little theory: soil

A pile foundation can be erected on almost any land except rocks. And on some types of soil, only it can provide you with reliable housing. When screwing in piles, even if the soil in the area is not rocky, problems may arise with the pile leaving the design line. This is due to the collision of the propeller and an obstacle, which may be stones and large roots (less often, unidentified deposits from previous generations of owners of this site).

If there are a lot of stones and their occurrence is shallow, a pile foundation will have to be abandoned. If the fragmentary rocks are fragmentary, in most cases this type of foundation can be laid on the ground. The owner, who is not familiar with the nature of the soil on the site, will have to start drilling: several wells in different places will clarify their composition. In addition, wells can be started to be drilled at the site where the house is built.

Selection of piles

Screw supports are produced by the most different sizes. Let's decide which piles are needed for your building.
  • Typical diameters range from 47-108 mm. Thicker ones are already made and delivered to order. Diameter up to 76 mm - these are supports for a fence or auxiliary for strengthening buildings.
  • Under light small houses and frame structures, you can install a pile with a cross-section of 90 mm and higher.
  • The most popular of the standard ones is the diameter of 108 mm. One pile can support a weight of 3.5 tons. That is, the foundation on such supports will support a fairly large structure - except for two-story (and higher) stone ones.
  • The minimum length of the pile should be equal to the freezing depth. On average it is 1.5 meters. However, longer supports are taken - it is easier and more reliable to trim it than to extend it. The most popular are 2-2.5 meter specimens.


You won’t be able to do without any of the tools listed below.

  • Shovel. Land work is underway, without it - nowhere.
  • Magnetic level. It needs to be adapted to the pile in order to control the verticality of its entry.
  • Hydraulic level for leveling horizontal lines.
  • Roulette.
  • Crowbar - will serve as the basis for leverage.
  • Screwing levers: two pieces of pipe, approximately 5 cm in diameter and 2.5 m long.
  • Garden drill. They not only check the soil, but also make a starting hole for the pile.
  • Twine for marking.
  • Grinder with circles (installed supports are trimmed with it).
  • Plus an extension cord to supply the equipment with electricity or a generator if there is no outlet nearby.

Screwing in piles

An accurate marking of the future foundation and the location of the supports under it are made.
  • The holes are marked with a drill. They must meet two conditions: be less deep than the intended entry of the pile, and have a smaller diameter than the support. Otherwise, the pile screw will not be secured in the ground.
  • Installation of supports begins from the corners. The pile is placed in the hole, and a level controller is attached to it. A crowbar is inserted into the pile and screwing begins.
  • As the pile digs into the ground, it becomes harder to screw it in. When it is no longer possible to turn it with a crowbar alone, pipe-levers are put on it. Both participants need to lean on them with the same force, otherwise the departure from the vertical and from the marked location point will increase.
  • The technology itself is simple. However, not a single pile will go in smoothly and accurately: different soil resistance and small obstacles deflect it to the sides. Tricks developed by experienced pilers are used.

Subtleties and nuances

Difficulties with screwing in screw piles can be associated either with the deviation of the support from the vertical, or with its refusal to enter the ground when it bumps into something. You can overcome problems in the following ways.
  • When the support deviates from the vertical, its top falls in the direction where it is moving, and the pile is screwed in several turns in this position. Afterwards it straightens and the correctness of its position is checked. If the pile is already level, screwing continues as normal. If it is still not vertical, the procedure is repeated.
  • If the screw hits an obstacle, the first thing you can try is to increase the pressure. The grinding noise that accompanies screwing in should not frighten: if the pile with resistance, but enters into place, it means that an obstacle has been encountered of the kind that it is able to destroy.
  • The lack of progress indicates that the rock fragment is strong. The pile is removed from the ground and attempts are made to bring it to the surface.
  • If the pile is screwed in just a little, but is already stuck, most likely it has hit a layer of hard clay. You can try to at least partially go through it with a drill.
When, when the support has not passed the depth of freezing, but it is neither possible to overcome the obstacle by force nor to remove it, the pile is left not completely screwed in - if it has entered, at least a meter deep and is not angular. Yes, it will not hold as firmly as the others, but among 20-30 neighbors, one pile that does not go deep enough will not make a difference. It is simply cut to level when all the supports are screwed in.

You cannot ignore a support that has sunk by less than a meter: the entire structure can slide. A particularly alarming symptom is several such piles. There can be two ways out of the situation: either hire special equipment to screw them in to the required depth (which is quite expensive), or equip another foundation (which means even greater losses). However, such cases are rare: knowing how to tighten screw piles with their own hands, and having carried out high-quality preliminary reconnaissance, people usually, albeit with difficulty, cope with the task.

Screw-pile foundations are quite long time used by military builders to create structures in any area in the shortest possible time. This engineering and technical solution has become widespread in civil engineering with the improvement of technology and materials. When constructing such a foundation with your own hands, the central issue is compliance with the technology of screwing screw piles.

Pile-screw foundation: advantages and disadvantages

Constructing the foundation of a house using piles is an interesting, and in some cases, the only technical solution. The design of such a foundation has a number of advantages:

  • Strength characteristics are at the level of structures made of brick or reinforced concrete.
  • The cost of constructing such a foundation is lower compared to other foundation options, since the installation of piles does not require labor-intensive earthworks using special equipment. The construction of a pile foundation does not involve the need to remove waste at the construction site. High speed of foundation construction and minimal need for labor force also lead to a reduction in the estimated cost of work.
  • When carrying out construction on weak or heaving soil, this foundation design is irreplaceable.
  • Possibility of building houses in difficult conditions.
  • Work can be carried out all year round. They can continue without stopping after the construction of the foundation, since the piles are not subject to shrinkage.
  • The bearing capacity of the structure is at a high level, and during the process of screwing in the piles, the soil is compacted. The design of the blades allows for even distribution of loads and prevents heaving of the soil when it freezes.
  • If the installation technology is followed, the foundation can last about a hundred years.

It should be noted that screw piles have one drawback - the material from which the piles are made. Due to the fact that they are made of metal, there is a high risk of corrosion processes. Therefore, you should pay close attention to the quality of the piles.

Another disadvantage of a pile foundation: if there are layers of hard limestone, in stony or rocky soil, construction work is impossible. It is also impossible to build a basement in a house with such a foundation. If we provide for the presence of a basement, then the costs will be equal to the cost of constructing a strip foundation.


Requirements for piles

When choosing piles, it is important to understand what requirements are imposed on them:

  • the production of piles requires only the use of new pipes;
  • the pile shaft must be seamless;
  • the thickness of the blades must be at least 5 mm, and the diameter of the blade must be at least 300 mm;
  • Defects are not allowed on the weld connecting the body of the pile and the blade;
  • V technological process In the production of piles, sandblasting should be included before coating with an anti-corrosion compound, which contributes to reliable adhesion of the blade and the soil.

Types of piles


Depending on the production technology, piles can be cast, combined and welded.

Cast. Precise models are used to cast the tips. Cast blades are reliable in operation.

Combined. They consist of a blade and a cone. The tip can withstand loads of up to 50 tons.

Welded. The design is a metal pipe, the end of which is pointed. The blades are welded to it. Plasma cutting blanks ensures high precision of the product and improves its quality.

Soil research

When constructing a pile foundation, soil restrictions should be taken into account. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out diagnostic work on the site in order to determine the characteristics of the soil.

In addition to existing restrictions, the occurrence of obstacles when screwing piles cannot be ruled out. This may cause the pile to come out of line. Some risk is inevitable, but the situation is fixable. When a pile goes out of order, a head is used, which allows for partial alignment of the line.

If there is rocky soil or a large number of stones are identified at various levels, it is necessary to abandon the construction of a pile foundation. With a relatively small number of stones and their shallow location, management construction work allowed.

The type of soil is important

To determine the characteristics of the soil on the site, it is recommended to carry out geological surveys on your own. They consist of test drilling, which, in addition to clarifying the nature of the soil.

Starting work blindly can lead to unnecessary labor and time. In case of failure, the consumption of piles increases.

If in doubt, it is advisable to contact a specialized laboratory to clarify the data.

Pile driving technology

Choosing tools

An important step when manually tightening screw piles is the choice of tool. This will simplify the work and reduce time. You will need:

  • a shovel will be required to level the surface of the earth at the point where the pile is installed;
  • plumb line to control the verticality of piles;
  • building level, for setting marks in the horizontal plane;
  • tape measure for taking measurements;
  • hammer or small sledgehammer;
  • two pipes and a crowbar, for use as levers;
  • rope or twine for marking;
  • an angle grinder equipped with discs for cutting piles;
  • other tools available on the farm.

Pile field marking

The preliminary stage before marking the pile foundation is to calculate the number of supports.

Technically competent placement of piles will ensure the reliability and durability of the building as a whole. When carrying out calculations, the following general principles are adhered to:

  • when constructing lightweight structures, the interval between piles should not be increased by more than 3-3.5 m;
  • for heavier structures, the supports are located at a distance of less than 3 m, and in the presence of wind load - up to 2.5 m;
  • during the construction of frame structures or log buildings, it is possible to install piles at intervals of 3 m;
  • in the case of block construction, the distance between supports should not exceed 2 m.

The implementation of calculations on the construction site, that is, marking, must be carried out with special care. To do this, it is necessary to determine a basis that will serve as an accurate reference.

Carrying out field marking work

Any side of the foundation is selected and a perfectly straight line is drawn (parallel to the road or fence).

Next, at a distance that depends on the design features of the structure, the twine is pulled between the driven rods (pegs). In this case, the marking line is slightly longer than the size of the foundation. As a result, when the lines intersect, the dimensions will be larger than required. This feature will avoid interference caused by the rods and will make it easier to control the correct screwing of the piles.

Methods for installing piles

Screwing screw piles can be done manually or mechanized. The use of mechanization is necessary if the diameter of the piles exceeds 108 mm. An increase in mass makes manual labor unproductive and the risk of deviation from the vertical increases significantly.

When carrying out construction work in difficult soil, it is impossible to do without special equipment and the use of guides. It is almost impossible to mount piles within the permissible deviation from the vertical position (it is 2°).

Technique used

The construction of large objects is carried out only by special equipment, the operation of which is subordinated to an on-board computer.

The increase in pile dimensions is only one of the reasons for the need to mechanize the screwing process. Another is that obstacles may arise when passing through the ground.

During the course of work, it is possible to identify defects in piles, which leads to a deterioration in the reliability of the foundation. Most often, manufacturing defects are observed at the junction of the blade and the pipe, that is, due to the poor quality of the weld.

Screwing screw piles by hand

Holes are dug in accordance with the markings of the pile field. A shovel or drill is used for this. The holes act as guides, so there is no need to go deeper than 400 mm.

As reference points for the entire structure, the corner piles are installed first. They are inserted into the holes and sprinkled with soil, which is compacted at the end of the work.

This stage is critical and requires giving the piles a strictly vertical position. Before starting the process of screwing the piles, prepared levers are inserted into special holes in it. Two people are enough to do this job. Having the skills will reduce the time for twisting to 15-20 minutes.

Manual work

The screwing process continues until the blades reach a depth exceeding the freezing level. Throughout its entire length, constant monitoring is carried out over the perpendicularity of the position of the pile.

If an obstacle arises in the path of support, the efforts should be increased. If the depth has reached a depth of one meter, it is allowed not to take any action and leave everything as is. At shallower depths, the screw-in point should be moved. In critical cases, the entire foundation is transferred.

When the required depth is reached, the pipe is cut using a grinder at the required distance. Concrete grade M300 is used to fill the shaft. This process occurs until the entire length of the pipe is filled.

When constructing a foundation for a temporary structure, pouring is not performed.
Next comes tying the head to the barrel and anti-corrosion treatment of the surface and seams.

Installation of the general frame

To evenly distribute the loads, a grillage is constructed. It is a structure that combines piles.

The overall frame is assembled using a method that depends on the material used. The design of the grillage is influenced by the type of structure and the magnitude of the load on the foundation.

Frame installation

To make the frame the following can be used:

  • rolled steel;
  • wooden beam;
  • concrete or reinforced concrete.

A metal grillage has great rigidity and strength. However, when building a house made of wood, it is preferable to use timber. During its installation, it is necessary to place waterproofing between the pile and the beam.

The grillage made of wood is assembled with bolts, screws or brackets. The metal structure is mounted by welding or threaded connections.

The construction of a concrete grillage occurs over the entire area of ​​the foundation, which is filled with mortar.

Such a frame is acceptable for the construction of any structures of any size.

Thus, understanding the scope of application of a pile-screw foundation and its main characteristics will help prevent mistakes during construction.

Building a house on certain soils requires the use of a pile foundation. Currently, a large selection of screw piles are available, which are not driven, but screwed into the surface. Driving screw piles under the foundation yourself allows you to save on renting expensive special equipment without losing the quality of the foundation.

But there are several nuances on how to tighten screw piles with your own hands.

List of required tools

Before starting work, in addition to the piles themselves, you need to ensure that you have the following tools:

  • shovels;
  • magnetic level;
  • hydraulic level or level;
  • roulette (regular or laser);
  • scrap;
  • two pipes with a diameter slightly larger than scrap, about 2 m long each;
  • twine or rope;
  • marking elements - pegs.

Depending on the situation, you may need: a garden drill, a welding machine, a power source (generator or connection to the local network) and a grinder saw with metal blades. If you do not want to tighten the screw piles manually, manual labor can be replaced with a powerful 1.5 kW drill and an attachment - a geared wrench.

Pile field marking

The process of screwing in screw piles always begins with marking the pile field for the future foundation. It is necessary to mark the field to accurately record the number of piles required and their proper placement so that the structure does not sag or collapse in the future.

There is a large selection of ready-made screw tongues on the market, the specifications of which indicate the maximum load that they can withstand. The caliber varies from 47 to 108 mm. Under construction one-story house There are 108 mm structures, each of which can withstand a maximum load of 3.5 tons.

It is necessary to choose piles from trusted suppliers. It is undesirable to save money; this is fraught with loss of foundation strength and collapse of the entire structure.

The formula is as follows: S = M/N, Where S– number of piles, M- designed mass of the building, N- load-bearing capacity of one pile. If the result is a fractional number, it is rounded up.

Then you need to draw a diagram of the field on paper or in any suitable program. Mark the location of future buildings. Piles must be placed under the foundation in the corners and along the perimeter of the building. The maximum distance between adjacent points is 3 m.

Then the field is marked on the territory. The installation points for screw piles under the foundation can be marked with metal rods or pegs driven into the ground. To avoid mistakes, twine is pulled between the marking elements, checking it with a tape measure and level.

Installing piles manually

After marking the field, tightening the screw piles begins from the corners of the future foundation. Using a garden drill (if its diameter is less than the “caliber” of the pile) or a shovel, you need to make a pit 0.5–0.7 m deep, so that the metal pole fits tightly into it and holds on its own.

After this, using a ladder (if the support is long), you need to insert a strong crowbar into the technological holes on the top of the pile. A trim piece is placed on the ends of the crowbar on each side metal pipe at least 2 m long each. These are the arms of a lever structure designed to facilitate the process of screwing in screw supports. The longer the shoulders, the easier it is to twist.

Driving the piles under the foundation requires the efforts of 2–3 people. Two rotate the lever structure, moving around it in a circle, the third from time to time checks the angle of deviation of the metal pole from the vertical using a magnetic level. The support must enter the ground strictly vertically, without the slightest deviation, otherwise the strength of the foundation will be at risk.

You can do without a third person if you attach a magnetic level to the pile.

After installing the corner supports, screw in the remaining foundation supports around the perimeter.

Installation using improvised tools

If the process is difficult, and the above-ground part of the pillar does not exceed human height, you can make the work easier by using a powerful hammer drill with a power of at least 1.5 kW. You will need an attachment - a geared wrench, which increases the force by reducing the number of revolutions.

To the top of the support you need to attach a structure made of a large-caliber bolt welded to a powerful flange base. This flange is bolted to the top. Using a drill with a wrench attached to the head of the bolt, the pile can be driven into the soil alone. To prevent it from moving to the side, a channel is used as a support.

Immersion depth

The pile is screwed into the ground until it stops, until it stops going in even with extreme effort. This means that a layer of such density has been achieved that it can withstand the support under load. You can lay the foundation.

After this, the supports are cut, maintaining the cutting height according to the level.