How earthworks are made. Excavation

What is earthworks? What actions relate to them and what determines their cost?

Earthwork can be called any work in which the soil is taken out, then moved and transported. Also, earthworks include the formation of earth mounds and structures. Moreover, it should be noted that earthworks are both permanent and temporary, which is determined by the nature and duration of their use and purpose.

In the dialog box that opens, we set which slides we really want to draw, the path and rendering style of the cross section. After confirming all the entered data, it is still necessary to select the initial surface for the correct description of the corresponding cross sections.

In the drawing area, we select the place where all the required cross sections are plotted. Changing the route, profile, template will lead to cross-sections. Excavation  are determined based on the mathematical difference between the surface of the area and the created surface of the corridor. For their calculation, it is necessary to create a corridor surface, landscape and cross-sectional height.

To permanent earthworks  include structures that have the function of constant use. These are canals, dams, reservoirs, as well as reservoirs of various sizes.
In the construction of permanent earthworks  significantly increases the volume of earthwork and, consequently, their prices. Temporary excavation works include the digging of trenches, pits, which serves to lay communications or erect the foundations of future buildings. In this case, the amount of work is much less than with the construction of permanent structures. Such works have short lead times (during the day) and the prices are low.

On the Prospect tab, select Properties from the Height Groups drop-down menu. On the tab “List of materials” we define materials for calculating cubes of earthwork - material of embankments and excavations. We select the “Add New Material” command. We determine whether it is a quay or a notch and assign individual surfaces that determine the calculation. Additional materials may be added - for example, one for the embankment and another for excavations.

To create tables with the volume of excavation, select "Generate a volume report" or "Add a table" in the "Intersection" menu. Before creating a volume report, you need to determine the route, treble height and material. After confirmation, a volume report will be generated.

Temporary structures also include reserves and cavaliers. Cavaliers- These are special embankments that are built for a short period of time. The basis for the embankments is soil, which subsequently, after laying communications, is again filled in the trench.
  Reservesare pits that serve as a reserve of selected soil. With the help of this soil various kinds of embankments are formed. If we consider the cost of all of the above works, then it can be different and depends on a number of factors, which we will consider below.

The "Add Table" command allows you to add both general tables and volume tables. They are inserted directly into the drawing space. To add a general volumetric and volumetric table, you need to determine its style, route, list of materials and high frequencies.

After confirming the values, table volumes are generated that can be placed in the drawing space. We open the surface drawing of the corridor. In the main menu, select "Crossroads" - "Create cut height". We will choose a route for which we will create section heights.

Earthworks require special terminology. For example, specialists distinguish between the bottom of the notch, the side or bulk walls (slopes), as well as the upper edge of the slope, which is called the edge and the bottom, called the sole. In addition, there is another term called the slope (or slope), which is calculated by the formula
m \u003d h / a ,
Where m is the coefficient, h is the depth or height of the trench or embankment, and the letter “a” indicates the laying of the slope.

We will leave the name of the existing section. We set the height of the cutting height as dividing cross sections - roads. In the “Cutting Tools” section, we select the creation of the cutting height as the stamping method. We increase the selection of sections by 50 m along tangents, curves and crosses.

In the main menu, select Cross Fragments - Create Multiple Views. In the dialog box, leave the existing settings, except for the bar set settings. Choose the command “Edit a set of lines” - “Standard boards” - and in the dialog box that opens, delete the relief size and offset elements.

There are rules according to which it is necessary to carefully study the variety and composition of the soil before starting excavation work. Soil compositionand its variety also affects the pricing of earthworks. All soils are divided into types:

  • Rocky soils. These soils are distinguished by the strength of their particles or grains of which the rock consists.
  • Soils are not rocky. This type of soil is divided into disconnected, cohesive and medium soils. Non-cohesive soils are a mass of unconnected particles. Such soils include pebble or sandy soil. Cohesive soils have a related composition and they include loams and clays. Soils in the middle between incoherent and cohesive soils are called sandy loams.

There is another type of soil that must be taken into account when carrying out excavation work. These are soils containing water. In this classification, wet, wet and dry soils are distinguished. In dry soils, the water content is not more than 5%, wet soils can contain from 5 to 30% water, and wet soils from 30% or more.

Determination of the volume of earthwork. Click on the “List of materials” tab. Choose the Add New Material command. Named after adding certain materials such as embankment and earthworks. We install Excavations for the first material added as a quantitative type. We confirm the choice of route, the height of the high frequencies. A confirmation will create a volume operator.

In the main menu, select “Crossroads” - “Add Tables” - “Total Volume”. We confirm route selection, section height and material list. Set the behavior as dynamic. Select the location of the table in the drawing space. The table is automatically displayed.

When carrying out earthwork it is extremely important to classify soils according to the degree of their complexity during processing. This classification is very important in practice and is taken into account during the mechanical treatment of the soil.

So, we can conclude that all soils can be divided into those that are easy to process and those that are difficult to process. The first type includes sandy loams, sands and loess soils (the first and second groups), and the second includes loams, clays and rocks (the third and fourth groups).

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The beginning of almost any capital construction is earthworks. Earthwork is a set of measures related to the processing of the soil, that is, its development, moving, laying, as well as compaction for the purpose of laying the foundation. This stage is actually quite laborious. However, it is not the most expensive. In order to reduce labor and material costs during earthworks, when developing projects planned for the construction of structures, the existing terrain in which they will be built is always taken into account.

Excavation works include extracting trenches and pits, moving soil, building embankments, compacting the soil, backfilling pits and trenches after laying foundations and laying pipes, surface planning, etc.

Today, most types of earthworks are performed mechanically using specialized equipment and modern technology. Manual labor is also used. It is not possible to completely abandon it due to the fact that at some facilities there are hard-to-reach places where equipment cannot go. With insignificant volumes of work, attracting special equipment is also not always advisable. In addition, in some cases, hydraulic or explosive excavation methods are used. With the hydraulic method, the bottom of the face is washed away with a jet of water, which causes the soil to collapse. Some rocks are developed in most cases exclusively by explosive method.

Soil properties   have a significant impact on the complexity of earthwork, the nature of their development, as well as the choice of special equipment necessary for this. In this regard, when choosing a specific type of machine for excavation, it is necessary to take into account the properties and condition of the developed soils.

The time schedule and cost of excavation directly depends on the time of year and weather conditions. Start building houses in the winter is absolutely useless. After all, when the earth is frozen, it is much more difficult to develop pits and make embankments. For this reason, the most optimal time for the production of earthlings the works are spring or summer (depending on the geographical location of the construction area). As we indicated above, everything will depend on the soil condition of the land allotted for construction.

When performing earthwork mechanically   use earth moving and earth moving vehicles. Earth-moving machinery carry out the cutting of soil and its movement over short distances with unloading onto vehicles or dump. These machines include various types of excavators.

Due to its versatility and very good maneuverability, shovel excavators are most used in construction. The capacity of their buckets in most cases can vary from 0.15 to 2 cubic meters.

It should be noted separately that construction on soft soils requires fixing. The fastening may be permanent or temporary. For permanent fixing of soils, their cementation, polymerization, silicatization, bitumenization and some other methods are often used. Permanent soil consolidation is widely used in, as well as the restoration of monuments.

The arrangement of trenches and pits in water-saturated soils is carried out with the removal of ground and surface water. To do this, use artificial water reduction or open drainage. Open drainage provides for the pumping of water entering the trench or pit using pumps. However, when applying this method, water will constantly be present in the excavation, which will greatly complicate the work and reduce the stability of the walls of the excavation due to liquefaction of the soil. The essence of artificially lowering the groundwater level is the constant pumping of water from specially drilled wells located near the place of work.

Excavations, trenches, as well as other structures resulting from earthwork must be reliable, stable and durable. This is ensured by uniform layer-by-layer distribution and compaction of the soil. The thickness of the layer, depending on the type of soil, the required degree of compaction, as well as the mass of the sealing machines take mainly from 150 to 800 mm. Soil compaction generally begins immediately after laying and leveling.

The mechanical strength of the soil increases sharply as it freezes, which leads to a significant increase in the cost of time and labor for its development. This in turn leads to an increase in the cost of the work. In this regard, if necessary, carry out earthwork in winter period  measures are taken to protect the soil from freezing. Development begins to be carried out only after thawing or loosening.

Earthwork is allowed to be carried out only if there is an agreed and approved project for the production of work. Prior to excavation, the location of existing underground