How to make a machine gun out of paper? Practical advice on how to make a paper machine diagram

Paper crafts are notable for their diversity and ease of creation at home. Today we will look at interesting options for making a paper machine. Other materials that are found in everyone’s home will also be used. The article shows different types and options for assembling weapons, so everyone will find a version to their liking.

Variants of paper weapon models

There are many different ways to create paper weapons with your own hands. Among them, two types of crafts stand out: a model of a real weapon and a toy model with a firing mechanism. The first type includes, for example, rifle-shaped crafts made using the origami technique according to drawings, models with dimensions and outlines. like real weapons, smaller copies of different types of weapons.

Models with firing mechanisms usually bear little resemblance to the real thing, but have practical applications, such as a single-shot pistol that fires homemade bullets or paper balls. The article describes in detail how to make one. One of the most interesting options in this category is the M4 semi-automatic rifle, which has the appearance of an existing weapon and at the same time fires paper cartridges. The next master class will be dedicated to its creation.

Making an M4 assault rifle that shoots out of paper

To make such a craft, we will need paper (we used A4 sheets of two colors), cardboard, rubber bands, hot-melt glue and a gun for it, as well as a glue stick or tape and a ruler for marking. First you need to make the tubes that will make up the weapon parts:

  • First of all, you need to make thin long tubes. To do this, place a white A4 sheet with an angle towards you and roll it into a tube, at the end we glue it with glue or tape.
  • We will need 5 pieces of such blanks.
  • We make the following parts from green paper. We lay the A4 sheet horizontally and screw it onto the tube we made earlier. Having twisted to the end, glue or fasten with tape.
  • We need 5 such elements.
  • Next we need three more white parts. Two two-layer ones, just like the green ones, can be made using the very first tubes as a base. The third three-layer one is made using the same method, but is screwed onto the existing green part and is slightly larger in diameter. In the end, they all stick together in the same way.
  • You will need another white tube, and to make it, the sheet will first need to be turned into a square. To do this, fold it diagonally and cut off the excess strip.
  • We also twist the finished sheet, starting from one of the corners, into a tube, gluing it at the end.
  • It remains to prepare two more white elements. To do this, you need to cut out two squares measuring 10 by 10 centimeters and roll them into tubes using the same method (starting from the corner) as in the previous step.
  • Now you need to make parts from cardboard. Black material is good for this. On the sheet we mark two rectangles, with sides 6 and 3.7 centimeters. The distance between them is 0.7 centimeters.
  • We cut out the resulting blank and bend it in the marked places.
  • Now you need to take the tubes, made last of all from 10-centimeter squares. They need to be divided into 3 elements and glued to one of the halves of the part just made. We also glue the second plane of the same part to the tubes. As a result, we get a moving part of the magazine, which will be used at the very end in the process of loading the weapon.
  • Next, mark out the next piece from cardboard. It also consists of rectangles measuring 6 by 5 centimeters, but the distance between them is 0.8 centimeters. In addition, there are additional protrusions on both sides - 0.8 by 6 centimeters.
  • We cut out the part and bend it again in the designated places. We glue it together to create a stationary part of the weapon magazine.
  • Now we begin marking the previously prepared parts. Take two green tubes. On the first one we mark segments of 5 centimeters in length. You will get 5 segments, and there will be one slightly shorter length left, but it will still be useful. On the second green tube we mark a segment 12 centimeters long.
  • Cut the tube according to the markings. Now the parts obtained are used to make up the handle of the future weapon. The 12-centimeter tube is located above all, then there is a 5-centimeter part, it needs to be aligned to the right edge and glued. The remaining parts are glued with an offset of approximately 1 cm to the left.
  • Now you need to make a butt for the machine gun. To do this, you will need two long thin white tubes at once. One needs to be inserted into the other and glued together.
  • We bend the resulting tube to the shape of the butt, but it is not necessary to make it from the entire tube; you can leave a small section for the trigger. We glue the finished stock together and cut off the excess part.
  • Next, we make the trigger of our weapon. To do this, take the remaining tube from the butt and drag it through the upper 12-centimeter part of the workpiece so that it protrudes 1-1.5 centimeters from the left edge.
  • After this, we bend the right side of the element twice and insert it into the part under a 12-centimeter tube. The trigger should move smoothly inside both tubes. If, when fully pressed, it begins to come out of the lower part, it needs to be shortened.
  • Now we glue the butt to the protruding part of the top green tube.
  • We take another green tube and put two marks: the first is at a distance of 9 centimeters from the left edge, the second is at a distance of 5 centimeters from the first. You should also draw a line between the marks.
  • We cut a hole along the marks and pass one of the thin tubes through our part.
  • We take the stationary part of the magazine, made earlier, and install it in the slots of the green tube. The white tube will prevent the magazine from going too far and will keep it in the desired position, so you need to glue the black part not to it, but to the edges of the green tube.
  • On the finished barrel we mark 5 centimeters from the edge to which the magazine is closest, and attach the marked 5 centimeter part of the barrel to the 12 centimeter tube of the workpiece with the butt.
  • We take another thin white tube and insert it into the part located below the element with the trigger. The part should not stick out on the left side. We make a mark 5 mm from the place where the inserted tube intersects with the magazine.
  • We bend the tube up at the intended location and cut it off at its intersection with the trunk. Glue the resulting bracket to the magazine.
  • The part remaining from the previous element must be thoroughly flattened to make it easier to work with.
  • We bend it according to the shape of our machine from below, applying it to the necessary parts if necessary.
  • We attach the resulting part to the weapon.
  • Shorten another white tube of smaller diameter by 6 centimeters. Glue it to the trunk, aligning it to the left edge.
  • We mark the remaining white tubes of larger diameter. We need 3 elements of 9 centimeters each. If the original part is shorter than 27 centimeters, it is permissible to use other sizes, but all resulting parts must be the same length.
  • The blanks turned out to be of different diameters, because one of the tubes was larger, but this is not so scary. You need to stick them around the barrel, aligning them with the magazine.
  • We bend the decorative parts from the remaining thin white tube, gluing them in the right places. First, you need to lay an elastic band on top of the magazine, as shown in the photo. Next, we take the remaining white element of a larger diameter, put it on the end of the barrel and attach it.
  • Now we mark 9 centimeter sections on the last green tubes and cut them off.
  • Glue the resulting parts into the spaces between the newly glued white parts around the barrel.
  • We have one thin short white tube left. We take it and place it on the workpiece so that its end is approximately in the middle of the magazine. We make two marks on the left edge, the first at a distance of 4 centimeters from the edge, the second at a distance of 5 centimeters from the first.
  • We cut a piece from the workpiece along the first mark and bend the part along the second. We put elastic bands into the resulting bend and seal it so that they do not fall out.
  • We insert our bolt into the receiver tube, and throw the rubber bands over and hook them to the front sight in the front of the weapon. Then we cut the elastic band twisted in half over the magazine and tie it so that it is not very tight, but at the same time holds onto the magazine.
  • Now you need to make cartridges. To do this, you can take a regular sheet of paper and mark stripes of variable width for each charge. The length of the workpiece is 15 centimeters, the width is 4 cm on one side and 4.7 centimeters on the other. We cut out the resulting part and twist it, starting from the side 4.7 cm wide.
  • Now we glue the resulting cartridge. You can shoot.
  • We turn the machine gun over with the magazine facing up and put a few bullets in there. Then we insert the movable part of the magazine, made earlier, into the same place and secure it in the middle with an elastic band. As a result, cartridges will be automatically fed into the barrel of the weapon when the bolt is retracted. We retract the bolt by hooking it onto the tube from which the trigger comes out. When you press it, the bolt should jump off and fire the cartridge from the machine gun. To debug the process, you can pour a little glue at the end of the trigger element (to ensure the bolt engages). The bolt part can also be strengthened with glue. As a result, the mechanism will work flawlessly.

It happens that questions still remain after the master class. Then watch the video, which will definitely help.

Weapons fascinate any boy. The young master will be very interested in learning how to make a machine gun out of paper. The process is also very interesting because it is possible to find out what main parts this type of weapon consists of.

Master class: how to make a paper machine

In order to make a machine out of paper, we will need several A4 sheets, scissors, tape and a little patience. Roll two sheets of paper, placed on top of each other, into a tube with a diameter of about 8 cm. To prevent it from unfolding, secure it with tape.

From this pipe we will make the body of the machine gun. Let's make corner folds along the length and give the pipe a rectangular shape. Using scissors, we make a bevel in the upper left part and cut out a window on the side for the shutter lever.

From a sheet folded in half lengthwise, we roll up a tube with a diameter slightly larger than the thickness of the body and flatten it so that these dimensions are equal. We will make oblique cuts in one direction at both ends of the tube. The result is a pistol grip. From a strip of paper folded several times we will make a safety bracket and a trigger, as shown in the figure. We secure all three parts to the body using tape.

Let's make a shutter. Roll a sheet of paper lengthwise into a tube with a diameter of 2 cm. In the center, onto the tube we will glue a small piece of sheet folded in half, the height equal to the height of the machine body, and the length such that when applied it covers the cut-out window in the side of the body. We attach a short strip bent at a right angle to this bar with tape. This is the shutter lever. Let's place the shutter inside the body, as shown in the figure. The lever should be exposed to the window. Cover the back of the case with a strip of paper and secure it with tape.

Let's roll a tube from the sheet with a diameter slightly larger than the shutter. This will be the trunk. Divide another similarly rolled tube in half. Let's stack the short tubes one on top of the other and attach both with tape to the back of the barrel. Let's make a handguard so you can hold on to it when shooting without fear of getting burned on the hot barrel. To do this, we roll up a pipe of such a diameter that three fastened tubes fit tightly into it. We will make slots on the sides to cool the barrel.

Once again we will roll up a tube with a diameter of 2 cm. Cut off a small part from it with oblique cuts. From these parts we will make a gas outlet tube, allowing the machine gun to fire bursts. We put the forend on three fastened tubes, and attach the gas tube to the barrel with tape.

We will make a front sight from a sheet rolled into a cone and attach it to the end of the barrel with tape. Let's connect the two main parts together. To do this, we put the barrel on the bolt, and insert the forend into the body and secure it in a circle with tape. To load the machine gun, you need to pull the bolt back by the lever and return it to its original position.

Let's make a magazine for cartridges. We fold the sheet widthwise and use the bends to give it a rectangular shape. Cut it crosswise into several pieces. We put each part with its upper corner into the previous one. We will fasten all parts with tape.

We attach the magazine with tape to the body. So the machine was made using simple origami techniques.

Boldly go into battle!

The more you get involved in creating paper crafts, the more you are captivated and captivated by this ancient activity. There are items that can be easily and quickly made thanks to the art of origami, and it will not require a lot of effort from you. But there are some things that require not only a lot of time, but also a lot of patience and effort to make. However, no matter how difficult the process of making this or that paper craft may seem to you, origami will ultimately give you an unforgettable feeling of joy that cannot be compared with anything else. Do you know, for example, how to make a machine gun out of paper?

Let's start with the fact that we need A4 paper for crafts, a sheet of which we will place with the long side facing us, and then roll it into a roll, but not too narrow. To achieve the most even surface, you can use a rolling pin, which must be placed on the paper after you have rolled the sheet. Later you can remove it and seal the edges and middle of the sheet with tape.

Now we need another sheet of paper of the same size. To do this, you need to put the first sheet on it and roll it into a tube again, securing it with tape. As a result, we have two finished rolls of paper, one of which should fit easily into the other. They are inserted into each other a few centimeters, after which they are secured. In general, everything is quite simple, even if you didn’t know before how to make a machine from paper.

These steps must be repeated so that we have two identical long rolls that will form the basis of the barrel of our machine gun. Having placed them side by side and placing the edges at the same distance, we will secure them with tape, after which we will cut out a piece measuring 7-12 cm in one of the rolls. This is necessary to divide the machine gun into a barrel and a piston.

Next we have to make the magazine and the butt, for which we will proceed according to the previous scheme, folding the A4 sheet from the long side and securing its ends with tape. The resulting roll must be flattened by placing it on the table, since we need to get square, not rounded elements. A quarter of the resulting part is cut off, after which an oblique cut is made with scissors on either side to allow the part to be attached to the trunk. By attaching it to the base, we get a butt. With the magazine, which we will make from a longer part, we need to do the same procedure, then securing it approximately in the middle of the machine using tape.

The production of our machine is completed. Now you know how to make a paper machine. In general, its production does not require much time. To achieve a more natural appearance, it is best to use yellow, brown or black sheets of paper. Once completed, you can color it with markers. If you consider yourself an experienced origami lover and have enough free time, along with perseverance and patience, then you can turn to specialized literature and learn in more detail about how to make a paper machine.

Games can be used not only for entertainment, but also for development. It is for this purpose that very often parents and children make toys and various crafts with their own hands - panels, paintings, airplanes, weapons, doll houses and much more. This helps develop imagination, fine motor skills and visual-figurative thinking in children. They treat such toys more carefully.

Paper is a universal material; almost any craft can be made from it, even a machine gun, and you will find out exactly how in our article.

How to make a machine from paper?

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch.


  1. We make 5 tubes with a diameter of 1-2 cm from paper of different colors. To prevent them from unfolding, we seal their ends with glue.
  2. We attach one more to two of them in continuation. We shorten the blue one by 5-7 cm.
  3. We take a sheet of blue paper, wrap it around three tubes folded side by side, so that they move smoothly, and secure it.
  4. We cut off the excess paper and make a rectangle out of it.
  5. On the upper side of the resulting box, cut a rectangular hole to the middle.
  6. And on the brown part of one of the tubes we make a hole so that it is located in the second half of the box. We connect the double parts together with tape.
  7. On the side where the hole is made in the box, glue a small (up to 5 cm) lever to the middle tube located inside it.
  8. We make the following tubular parts from colored paper.
  9. We attach the long parts to the outer tubes located in the box.
  10. From the rest we make a stock and a sight, connecting them with transparent tape.
  11. We make a rectangular box with an open top out of blue paper and attach it to the lower tube of the butt.
  12. We attach a long one to the middle tube, and then a small funnel to it.
  13. Cut out a rectangle from brown paper and twist it as follows. These will be bullets.
  14. The machine gun and shells are ready.

But the question immediately arises: how to shoot from it? It’s simple: we put the cartridge into the hole made in the middle tube, closes the gap by pushing it forward by the lever. Then we blow with all our might into a funnel made near the butt.