How to make a machine from paper? Practical advice. Cardboard machine drawings

Weapons fascinate any boy. The young master will be very interested in learning how to make a machine gun out of paper. The process is also very interesting because it is possible to find out what main parts this type of weapon consists of.

Master class: how to make a paper machine

In order to make a machine out of paper, we will need several A4 sheets, scissors, tape and a little patience. Roll two sheets of paper, placed on top of each other, into a tube with a diameter of about 8 cm. To prevent it from unfolding, secure it with tape.

From this pipe we will make the body of the machine gun. Let's make corner folds along the length and give the pipe a rectangular shape. Using scissors, we make a bevel in the upper left part and cut out a window on the side for the shutter lever.

From a sheet folded in half lengthwise, we roll up a tube with a diameter slightly larger than the thickness of the body and flatten it so that these dimensions are equal. We will make oblique cuts in one direction at both ends of the tube. The result is a pistol grip. From a strip of paper folded several times we will make a safety bracket and a trigger, as shown in the figure. We secure all three parts to the body using tape.

Let's make a shutter. Roll a sheet of paper lengthwise into a tube with a diameter of 2 cm. In the center, onto the tube we will glue a small piece of sheet folded in half, the height equal to the height of the machine body, and the length such that when applied it covers the cut-out window in the side of the body. We attach a short strip bent at a right angle to this bar with tape. This is the shutter lever. Let's place the shutter inside the body, as shown in the figure. The lever should be exposed to the window. Cover the back of the case with a strip of paper and secure it with tape.

Let's roll a tube from the sheet with a diameter slightly larger than the shutter. This will be the trunk. Divide another similarly rolled tube in half. Let's stack the short tubes one on top of the other and attach both with tape to the back of the barrel. Let's make a handguard so you can hold on to it when shooting without fear of getting burned on the hot barrel. To do this, we roll up a pipe of such a diameter that three fastened tubes fit tightly into it. We will make slots on the sides to cool the barrel.

Once again we will roll up a tube with a diameter of 2 cm. Cut off a small part from it with oblique cuts. From these parts we will make a gas outlet tube, allowing the machine gun to fire bursts. We put the forend on three fastened tubes, and attach the gas tube to the barrel with tape.

We will make a front sight from a sheet rolled into a cone and attach it to the end of the barrel with tape. Let's connect the two main parts together. To do this, we put the barrel on the bolt, and insert the forend into the body and secure it in a circle with tape. To load the machine gun, you need to pull the bolt back by the lever and return it to its original position.

Let's make a magazine for cartridges. We fold the sheet widthwise and use the bends to give it a rectangular shape. Cut it crosswise into several pieces. We put each part with its upper corner into the previous one. We will fasten all parts with tape.

We attach the magazine with tape to the body. So the machine was made using simple origami techniques.

Boldly go into battle!

Games can be used not only for entertainment, but also for development. It is for this purpose that very often parents and children make toys and various crafts with their own hands - panels, paintings, airplanes, weapons, doll houses and much more. This helps develop imagination, fine motor skills and visual-figurative thinking in children. They treat such toys more carefully.

Paper is a universal material; almost any craft can be made from it, even a machine gun, and you will find out exactly how in our article.

How to make a machine from paper?

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch.


  1. We make 5 tubes with a diameter of 1-2 cm from paper of different colors. To prevent them from unfolding, we seal their ends with glue.
  2. We attach one more to two of them in continuation. We shorten the blue one by 5-7 cm.
  3. We take a sheet of blue paper, wrap it around three tubes folded side by side, so that they move smoothly, and secure it.
  4. We cut off the excess paper and make a rectangle out of it.
  5. On the upper side of the resulting box, cut a rectangular hole to the middle.
  6. And on the brown part of one of the tubes we make a hole so that it is located in the second half of the box. We connect the double parts together with tape.
  7. On the side where the hole is made in the box, glue a small (up to 5 cm) lever to the middle tube located inside it.
  8. We make the following tubular parts from colored paper.
  9. We attach the long parts to the outer tubes located in the box.
  10. From the rest we make a stock and a sight, connecting them with transparent tape.
  11. We make a rectangular box with an open top out of blue paper and attach it to the lower tube of the butt.
  12. We attach a long one to the middle tube, and then a small funnel to it.
  13. Cut out a rectangle from brown paper and twist it as follows. These will be bullets.
  14. The machine gun and shells are ready.

But the question immediately arises: how to shoot from it? It’s simple: we put the cartridge into the hole made in the middle tube, closes the gap by pushing it forward by the lever. Then we blow with all our might into a funnel made near the butt.

Games can be used not only for entertainment, but also for development. It is for this purpose that very often parents and children make toys and various crafts with their own hands - panels, paintings, airplanes, weapons, doll houses and much more. This helps develop imagination, fine motor skills and visual-figurative thinking in children. They treat such toys more carefully.

Paper is a universal material; almost any craft can be made from it, even a machine gun, and you will find out exactly how in our article.

How to make a machine from paper?

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch.


  1. We make 5 tubes with a diameter of 1-2 cm from paper of different colors. To prevent them from unfolding, we seal their ends with glue.
  2. We attach one more to two of them in continuation. We shorten the blue one by 5-7 cm.
  3. We take a sheet of blue paper, wrap it around three tubes folded side by side, so that they move smoothly, and secure it.
  4. We cut off the excess paper and make a rectangle out of it.
  5. On the upper side of the resulting box, cut a rectangular hole to the middle.
  6. And on the brown part of one of the tubes we make a hole so that it is located in the second half of the box. We connect the double parts together with tape.
  7. On the side where the hole is made in the box, glue a small (up to 5 cm) lever to the middle tube located inside it.
  8. We make the following tubular parts from colored paper.
  9. We attach the long parts to the outer tubes located in the box.
  10. From the rest we make a stock and a sight, connecting them with transparent tape.
  11. We make a rectangular box with an open top out of blue paper and attach it to the lower tube of the butt.
  12. We attach a long one to the middle tube, and then a small funnel to it.
  13. Cut out a rectangle from brown paper and twist it as follows. These will be bullets.
  14. The machine gun and shells are ready.

But the question immediately arises: how to shoot from it? It’s simple: we put the cartridge into the hole made in the middle tube, closes the gap by pushing it forward by the lever. Then we blow with all our might into a funnel made near the butt.

Making crafts with your child is a fun and useful activity. During the process, creative thinking and motor skills develop, and new knowledge is absorbed. Today we will tell you how to make a machine from paper. This topic will interest not only boys, but also their fathers. After all, there will be an opportunity not only to have fun with your child, but also to show off your knowledge - to tell what the components of a given type of weapon are.


Paper machine gun AK-47 made from paper

In order to arm yourself with a completely realistic machine gun, prepare the following materials:

  • sheets, A4 size;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • black marker or felt-tip pen.

Let's start to act:

  1. Take 2 sheets of paper, place one on top of the other and wrap it into a tube. Its diameter should be approximately 8 cm. Secure the structure with tape.

  2. Next, form a body from the resulting tube. To do this, lightly press the workpiece on both sides to outline a rectangular shape, and then, pressing your fingers against a hard surface, make clearer fold lines. Take scissors and cut along the bias at the top left. On the wide side, use scissors to make a specific niche shape. The shutter lever will be placed there.

  3. Fold 2 more sheets one on top and roll into a tube that should not exceed the thickness of the body. It needs to be pressed down a little to make it fit. Make an oblique cut (in one direction) on both sides of the tube with scissors. This blank should look like a pistol handle. Then fold a sheet of paper several times to make a bracket and a trigger. Attach all received elements to the main part with tape.

  4. Now it's time to make the shutter. Take a sheet of paper and roll it lengthwise into a tube again so that its diameter does not exceed 2 cm. Next, fold a small piece of the leaf so that it matches the height of the body, and the length so that it covers the niche in the side. Glue this piece in the center of the tube that you made before. Glue a short strip of tape here, from which you need to make a right angle. The result is a shutter lever. Push the bolt into the middle of the main part and the lever should be visible in the niche. Cover the back of the case with a small piece of paper and tape.

  5. Making a barrel: make a pipe from a piece of paper so that the valve is slightly smaller than its diameter. Roll up another tube and fold it in half. Wrap small tubes one on top of the other with tape, and then secure them to the back of the trunk.

    Again, roll up a tube from a sheet of paper (the diameter should be such that 3 small tubes fastened together can fit there) for the forend. Make a small cut on the side so that the barrel can be cooled like in a real weapon.

  6. Roll another tube so that its diameter does not exceed 2-2.5 cm. Use scissors to make oblique cuts and separate them into elements. Make a special tube out of them, thanks to which the machine plays a queue. Pull the forend over small tubes connected together and tape it to the barrel with tape.

  7. Roll the sheet into a cone, from which you make a front sight and fix it on the back of the barrel. Fasten the resulting parts to each other: place the bolt in the barrel, insert the fore-end into the main part and wrap it with tape.

    Advice! To load the machine gun, move the bolt by the lever and then return it to its original position.

  8. It wouldn't hurt to make a store, too. Fold a piece of paper from left to right (put it in front of it with the long side facing you), run your palm along the folds. The result is a rectangle. Use scissors to make several separate elements out of it. With the connected part facing up, fold them so that they are inside each other. Secure the workpiece with tape.

  9. Now it's time to attach the magazine for cartridges to the body. Do this, write the appropriate name with a black felt-tip pen, and you can use the machine in your own way.

A paper machine that shoots

Prepare for work: colored paper, glue, tape, scissors.

Let's start making the toy:

  1. Take multi-colored paper and roll up 5 tubes so that their diameter is from 1 to 2 cm. Secure the ends with glue.

  2. Continue two of them with more tubes, from one of which you should cut about 5 cm.

  3. Take an A4 sheet of paper of any color and wrap all the tubes at once, but not quite tightly so that they have the opportunity to move. Secure with tape.

  4. Cut off the unnecessary part of the sheet and form a rectangle out of it.

  5. Cut a rectangular window on the wide part of the workpiece.

  6. On one of the tubes, also make a window so that it coincides with the other part of the box. We tape the double elements to each other using tape.

  7. From the side of the window in the main part of the craft, glue the lever to the tube in the middle.

  8. From other colors of paper, roll the tubes again.

  9. Fasten the made parts together with those in the box.

  10. Also make the butt and sight from tubular parts. Use tape to attach them.

  11. Fix a rectangular box at the bottom of the butt (its top should be open).

  12. Attach a longer recess to the tube in the middle, and then a smaller one.

  13. To make bullets, take brown or gold paper and twist it so that there is a wide neck at the top and the paper meets at the bottom.

  14. Work on the machine gun with bullets has come to an end.

Advice! To fire a shot, do the following:

a) insert the cartridge into the recess located in the middle of the tube;

b) move the lever forward and close the gap;

c) take in air and blow as hard as you can into the recess located next to the butt.

The remaining bullets can be stuffed into the lower part of the stock.

Video instructions

There are several ways to make a paper machine. We provide several of them for you to choose from. Choose the one where it is easiest for you to get materials and where the work flow is clearer for you.