Country house construction schemes and dimensions. Projects of country houses: we are looking for an economical and durable option. Projects of small country houses

Our step by step instructions We will divide the construction of a frame house into several stages:

It is worth noting that each stage of the construction of a frame house deserves a separate article, in addition to everything, if you describe all the possible options for foundations, roofs, etc., you can get a whole book. In this regard, to improve readability, some steps in construction are described in detail in separate articles, but here - only what concerns the features specifically. frame house.

Step number 1: Preparatory work for the construction of a frame house

The preparatory work for the construction of any house is the same and includes:

  1. Site preparation
  2. House layout

Site preparation

First you need to clear the site of vegetation, if not all, then at least the place where the house will be built. This will greatly facilitate the markup and make it more accurate.

If the construction site has a large slope, then, depending on the type of foundation and desire, it can be pre-leveled on the horizon using special equipment.

Attention! Do not neglect this procedure, spending 1-2 hours on clearing, in the future you will greatly facilitate your work, and measurements in the grass can be with a large error.

House layout

Marking is a very important stage, because the layout and evenness of the corners of the walls depend on it. With inaccurate markup, it will be very difficult to correct this error in the next steps.

Marking the foundation of a frame house, as well as any other, as a rule, includes a preliminary placement of pegs (all external walls are marked), as well as marking all internal walls.

If you want to know how to properly mark the foundation for a house with your own hands, and so that all walls and corners are even and in line with the project, I advise you to read my article about this. Given the large amount of information, I had to take it out separately.

Step number 2: Do-it-yourself foundation for a frame house

The great advantage of a frame house is that almost any type of foundation is suitable for its construction. The only limitation is the type of soil on the site and your capabilities.

It is worth saying that laying the foundation for a frame house with your own hands deserves separate topics of discussion and is included in separate articles. Moreover, there are several types of suitable foundations, and which one to choose is up to you.

Here I will briefly talk about suitable foundations for a frame house, and about the cases in which each of them is used, as well as give links to their detailed description.

The most common type of foundation for a frame house is a pile-screw. This is practically the easiest and cheapest option for such a house, especially since it is not difficult to install a pile-screw foundation with your own hands.

Such a foundation is suitable for almost any soil, except for rocky ones. Particularly well suited for swampy soils, where dense soil rocks are deep and other types are very expensive.

In general, all the pros and cons of pile-screw foundations are discussed in another topic that will help you decide on the choice of support for your home.

Shallow strip foundation

Shallow strip foundation, also used for construction quite often. This is due to the relatively low cost of laying it, as well as the possibility of using concrete floors in the house.

Such a foundation, due to its relative fragility, requires precise adherence to the laying technology.

As a rule, a shallow strip foundation is used in good soils, and is strictly contraindicated on soil with a very high level of groundwater and swampy soils.

Slab foundation for a frame house

Recently, a slab foundation is gaining more and more popularity for the construction of a frame house with their own hands. Despite its low cost, it has obvious advantages, such as versatility, reliability, durability, and it can also be used as a subfloor in the house and not be spent on it separately.

Often, instead of a classic monolithic slab, a slab foundation with stiffeners is used. This allows you to save a little on laying, and also strengthens the entire structure as a whole.

Step number 3: Do-it-yourself frame house flooring

The floors in a frame house are not much different from the floors of other types of houses and can be wooden or concrete. The choice depends entirely on the type of foundation, capabilities and desires.

In this step-by-step instruction, we will consider in detail only a wooden floor, concrete - in a nutshell, since it is used less often, and it is not possible to fit everything in one article.

Concrete floor installation

It is worth noting that the concrete floor in the frame house is arranged, in cases of a slab foundation, or a strip one. Everything is clear with the slab - the slab itself will be the floor of the first floor.

But if the foundation is strip - the concrete floor is made of lightweight concrete, such as expanded clay concrete, for example.

Wooden floor installation

Let's look at the device of a wooden floor using the example of a pile-screw foundation. For a tape, in principle, everything is done in exactly the same way, with the exception of the lower trim, it can be from a thinner beam. But first things first.

Tying the foundation of a frame house

The device of a wooden floor begins with the binding of the foundation. As a rule, the strapping is made of timber 150x150 or 150x200, depending on the thickness of the wall and the distance between the piles. The greater the distance, the thicker the beam must be to avoid sagging.

The strapping is necessary, firstly, in order to give rigidity to the foundation, and secondly, to evenly distribute the load on the foundation, and thirdly, it will serve as a support for the future floor of the frame house.

In order to easily carry out the strapping process with your own hands, we divide it into several stages:

  1. The beam is laid out along the perimeter of the foundation, the length of the walls and diagonals are checked. At this stage, the final and accurate marking of the walls is carried out, according to the project. By the way, do not forget about waterproofing, which we put under the harness in the form of roofing material.
  2. The next step is to outline the points of joining the timber, they should be located on the pile, as these will be the weakest points that should not “hang”. This applies to houses whose walls are longer than the length of the purchased beams.
  3. The beam is joined with an overlap of 20-30 cm, as shown in the photo. To do this, the so-called "locks" are cut out from the end.
  4. The corners are joined in almost exactly the same way. This is clearly visible in the photo.
  5. The beam is attached to the foundation with bolts or studs. To do this, it is necessary to drill holes, both in the head of the foundation and in the beam itself. For ease of further installation, protruding parts - bolt heads or nuts with studs - must be deepened. The joints are additionally punched with nails of 150 mm or 200 mm, depending on the size of the beam.
  6. Once the perimeter is ready, we move on to the final step - tying the foundation under the inner walls of the frame house. This bar, to the already installed outer one, is attached in the same way. For reinforcement, you can additionally apply mounting metal corners.

When the binding of the foundation of the frame house is ready, we proceed to the next step in our instructions - the construction of the floor frame.

Floor frame in the house

It is worth noting that already at this stage it is desirable to provide for all communications entering the house, such as water and sewerage. Electricity and gas can be supplied later, but if everything is foreseen in advance, there will be much less problems later.

The next step is to install the lag, on top of the harness. If the distance between the supports is about 4 meters, then it would be better to use a beam measuring 100x200mm or 100x150mm. You can use a board 50x200mm or 50x150mm, stitching them in two.

If the distance is less than 3 meters, you can use a board with a size of 50x150mm or better 50x200mm.

Installing a log is a simple step in assembling a frame house, but there are some nuances that need to be provided for in this manual:

Do-it-yourself waterproofing and insulation of the floor of a frame house

It should be noted that waterproofing, as well as vapor barrier, must be installed with an overlap, according to the instructions for the material, while eliminating the ingress of moisture into the insulation, both from the outside and from the inside. And the insulation itself fits tightly, without cracks.

So we reviewed the instructions for arranging the floor of a frame house, now it's time to start on the walls.

Step number 4: Arranging the walls of a frame house

The next step of our instructions will be installing the walls with your own hands. Just like with the floor, we will fasten all boards and beams with nails and (or) mounting metal corners, some fastenings can be made with studs.

It should be noted that almost the entire frame is assembled from a board measuring 50x150mm or 50x200mm, depending on the required wall thickness and the required thickness of the insulation.

Some people think that it would be better to install a beam at the corners of a frame house, but this is not entirely correct, and why - a little later, during the installation process, I will tell you about everything.

So, let's start assembling the frame of the walls of the future house.

For a better understanding and assimilation, we will divide our instructions for arranging the walls of a frame house into several stages:

  1. Assembling the walls of a frame house. Windows and doors
  2. Installation and fastening of walls vertically in place

Assembling the walls of a frame house with your own hands. Windows and doors

We will assemble the walls on the finished floor of the frame house, this is the most convenient option. But it must be taken into account that in this case, it is necessary that all dimensions are accurate so that the walls do not turn out to be longer or shorter than the already arranged floor.

To understand what I'm talking about, first look at sectional wall of a frame house and then I'll talk about everything in order.

Now we will analyze step by step how to assemble all the walls of a frame house with our own hands:

  1. First of all, we need to decide on the height of the ceiling in the house. Let's say that the height of the draft ceiling will be 280cm. This means that the vertical racks of the frame walls should be 280-15 = 265cm. The diagram shows where 15 cm came from.
  2. The distance between the uprights, as a rule, is selected based on the width of the insulation sheet, as a rule, its width is 60 cm. If the insulation is on a cotton basis, then the distance is reduced by 2 cm, for closer contact.
  3. The top and bottom boards of the wall are laid out on the floor and the places where the vertical posts will be nailed are marked. Then the racks themselves are laid out and pierced with nails 120-150mm. You can additionally fasten them with corners.
  4. It is worth noting that each wall will be less than the thickness of the wall than the length of the floor. This is clearly visible on the diagram.
  5. If the length of the wall is greater than the length of the board, then the wall is assembled from several parts. This is also done in cases where there are few helpers, because the whole assembled wall will have a lot of weight.
  6. As a rule, jumpers are mounted between the racks to stiffen the entire structure. There are no strict rules on the number and frequency of installation, it all depends on the length and height of the walls, but usually they break through one or two per gap between the racks. The second option is better and is visible in the photo, in the case when they break through one at a time - they are mounted in a checkerboard pattern (one at the bottom, the next at the top). This can be done later, when the walls are installed. Most often, jumpers are made with the expectation that they will serve as a joint for plywood or osb-boards, depending on further work.
  7. Window and door openings in the wall of the frame house are arranged as shown in the diagram.
  8. This is what it looks like in real life.

The most common mistake when assembling the walls of a frame house is that many people forget to take into account the thickness of the board in the calculations, thus the wall is not as long as we would like.

Putting the walls in place

It is worth noting that when assembling the walls, it is necessary to use a cord, pulling it from one corner to another, otherwise, the corners will be even, but the walls will not.

Upper harness and structural reinforcement

So, the wall frame is assembled, now it is necessary to make the upper trim from the same board as the walls.

The upper trim is necessary, first of all, for a stronger adhesion of the corners, and also gives unity to all parts of the frame walls and distributes the load between them.

To do this, it is necessary to pierce the board with nails 120-150 mm over the walls, around the entire perimeter, including internal bearings, so that all joints are blocked with an overlap of at least 25-30 cm. Except for corners where the overlap will be equal to the thickness of the wall.

The next step in our instructions will be to strengthen the entire structure as a whole. There are several options, the most common is reinforcement with plywood or OSB-plate.

As a rule, having broken one side around the entire perimeter (internal or external) with sheets of OSB-plate, the frame of the house already becomes very rigid.

Internal partitions of a frame house

The device of internal partitions is almost no different from the device of external walls, except that they have softer requirements in terms of thickness and insulation.

  1. Internal partitions, unlike external walls, can be made thinner. Everything will depend on preferences and comfort for soundproofing.
  2. The insulation, inside the partitions, will serve, first of all, as a sound-absorbing material, rather than as thermal insulation.
  3. It is allowed to insulate internal partitions without waterproofing and vapor barrier materials.

These are all the main differences between the internal walls and the external ones, otherwise they are arranged in exactly the same way.

Step #5: Frame House Roof

The roof of a frame house is practically no different from the roof for other houses, be it concrete, brick or any other. I will even say more, the installation of a roof for a frame house will be less laborious than, for example, for a block or brick house, because its fastening to the walls will be much easier.

It is worth noting that the construction of a roof is a very responsible process, but if you do not have a complicated layout of the house, then you can easily do it yourself.

Building the roof of any house, including a frame house, is a very big topic, where there are many nuances. Firstly, there are many types of roofs, and it is not possible to describe everything in detail in one article. And secondly, in order not to confuse you, I, perhaps, will transfer this topic to a separate article.

Step number 6: Warming the frame house

So we got to the final stage of building a frame house - its insulation. Everything needs to be insulated - the floor, walls and ceiling.

You can read more about the insulation of a frame house with your own hands in another step-by-step instruction, here we will discuss only general points.

When choosing a heater for the walls of a frame house, it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the heater itself, but also the features of the tree, with which not all types of insulation will interact well.

Here is a small instruction for warming a frame house with your own hands:

  1. Outside, over the OSB sheets, a special waterproofing membrane is stretched. Which side - should be in the instructions for it.
  2. Inside the house, between the racks, insulation is laid, in several layers, depending on the requirements for the house and the thickness of the wall. Each layer is laid with an overlap on the joint of the previous one in order to avoid cold bridges.
  3. Floor insulation works in the same way.
  4. It is better to insulate the ceiling from the attic, after filling the vapor barrier film from below onto the ceiling beams and hemming them with a board or plywood.
  5. After laying the insulation, it is necessary to fill a vapor barrier film on top of it, it will protect the insulation from moisture from the inside.
  6. Depending on the needs and further finishing work, sheathing material is stuffed on top of the film on the walls - a board or slats, but most often - OSB sheets, on top of which, in the future, a fine finish is carried out.

As you can see, there is a lot of text. But, I believe, all stages of construction have been described in detail here. do-it-yourself frame house, despite the fact that some points have been moved to separate topics, but this is only for your convenience.

I hope that by following this step-by-step instruction, you will be able to acquire a warm, cozy and reliable home without much difficulty and at minimal cost.

Now it is not at all necessary to chase after prestigious houses, building a palace, because it is difficult to surprise with this now. It is much more interesting to create a small, but cozy and atmospheric house, from which you will not want to leave. Having carefully worked on the creation and design of a country house, you can build a place for physical and mental relaxation. Having built a country house with your own hands, you can embody all your dreams and childhood fantasies in it to create an ideal vacation spot.

Choosing the best location

If you start building a house on a land plot, then you must follow the generally accepted building rules, so you should not rush to dig a foundation pit ahead of time. According to legal acts, the house must be located in accordance with the following location requirements:

  • no closer than five meters from the street;
  • at least three meters from the roadway;
  • the distance to the neighboring building is 3 meters or more.

Now you need to roughly see what happens, since this should be carefully monitored. If the construction site fell on a lowland, then you need to look for an alternative option, since you cannot put a house in a pit. By placing a house in a lowland, you can doom it to constant flooding from melt and rainwater. Ideally, you need to find a place on a hill, preferably in the northwestern side of the land. If the terrain is flat, then a drainage system will have to be built.

Variants of successful projects

You can build a small house, but this does not mean that it will not be comfortable. Having a small area at your disposal, you can be able to properly dispose of it in such a way that all the necessary rooms are present in the building. The veranda is one of the obligatory attributes of a country house, because the family will spend all their gatherings there.

The most popular option for a country house is a one-story building with an attic. This option has long been time-tested and has a further development perspective. With the help of the attic, you can refuse to build additional outbuildings. Outdoor terraces are often attached to houses of this type, where you can have a great time in the summer, equipping them as outdoor dining rooms.

By building an attic, you can increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, while you do not need to build a second floor, it will be enough that the roof will be modified and slightly raised up. In this case, it is best to place the bedrooms on the second floor, and leave the first under the kitchen and living room.

Also the best option would be a hi-tech house. The topic of twin houses remains relevant. Two houses are placed on the land plot, one of which is a small copy of the second. Such houses are especially popular for those who like to relax with a large company, because you can give a smaller part for guests, while not embarrassing each other.

Country house from a bar

An excellent option for the construction of a country house, as it is cost-effective, in addition, the construction of such a structure will not require global finishing work. In addition, it will be environmentally friendly, which means it will always be comfortable inside. However, despite this, there is a significant drawback - the complexity of construction. That is why it is unlikely that you will be able to build it yourself, you will have to resort to the help of professional builders.

Stone country house

A country house built of stone is an unbearable luxury. Naturally, this is the most durable and durable option, but it is also the most expensive. Whether it is worth it or not is up to the one who wants to start building a personal country house for the rest of the family. As a material can be used:

  • brick;
  • gas and foam concrete blocks;
  • shell rock;
  • natural stone.

It is almost impossible to build such a house on your own and quickly. If you do not delay construction for decades, leaving an incomprehensible structure on the site, then you should turn to specialists (masons) who will do the work for the owner many times faster.

prefabricated structure

Recently, these houses have ceased to be unattractive and boring, because now manufacturers offer original architectural buildings on one or two floors with an improved layout. Building such a house is a pleasure. In fact, this is an original and large constructor, which is easy to assemble, and special skills and knowledge are not required.

On a positive note, communication systems are already in place, including:

  • electrical wiring;
  • ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • water pipes.

Thanks to this, the beginner avoids various mistakes that would be possible and will be able to build a house with his own hands. There are also built-ins here:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • rest room.

Due to the fact that there is electricity and heating, the use of the house is possible even in winter. Having filled the house with the necessary plumbing and furniture, you can safely move into it and live at any convenient time or on a permanent basis.

Frame house

Frame country houses are a low-budget option that you can build yourself. The construction technology is simple, which means you can handle it yourself. Although, sometimes you still have to use a couple more free hands, but you don’t need to hire specialists for this, just ask 1-2 friends for help. If you get involved in the construction site with your head, then in 2-3 weeks the house will be completely ready.

Do-it-yourself frame house construction


If it was flooded by the previous owners, then it is lucky and all that remains is to adjust the required perimeter using columnar technology. The former foundation must be protected, for this you need to dig a trench around it to a depth of half a meter and apply a waterproofing compound to the walls of the foundation, and then overlay it with hydroglass.

If the foundation is being laid from scratch, then it is necessary to clear the construction site of fertile soil, moving it to the city in order to use it rationally. Instead of earth, you need to fill in sand, after which you can dig a moat, filling it with the necessary material. The frozen foundation must be waterproofed and covered with hydrostekloizol. For the basement in the foundation, vents are made for anchors with studs (9-12 pieces). The plinth must be made of brick, its height is 1 meter.

After the stage with the foundation has been completed, it is necessary to start assembling the basement, it is best to do this according to the "platform" scheme, which is made of beams or wooden beams.

Walls and their output

The walls are assembled on the surface of the finished floor, the modules must be fixed to the bottom of the bar trim. The frame walls are large enough, so it’s better not to install them yourself, but to ask the help of your comrades to do it collectively. The total installation time for all the walls of the house is 1 week. The main thing here is to correctly connect the corner zones with the transverse strapping and securely fix them with spikes or staples. After the walls have been set, it is necessary to strengthen the frame with the help of braces and braces, which plays no small role.


The structure of the roof of a frame house consists in the rafter system and the roofing part, the second part includes:

  • draft coating;
  • layers of vapor and waterproofing;
  • decorative coating.

The rafter system must be assembled according to a carefully designed project, the height of the attic is 1.5 meters. The optimal shape of the roof is 4-pitched, the installation time of the roof is 5-7 days.

wall cladding

The frame of the house must be sheathed with an inch board. In order to give the structure additional reliability, part of the skin is attached at an angle. A more expensive option is to use cement-bonded particle boards instead of boards. Sheathing work should begin with the facade, continue with the side walls and finish with the back of the house.

This is followed by the final work on the exterior of the country house, which includes:

  • roofing;
  • output of pipes and chimneys;
  • installation of a ridge aerator;
  • wall cladding and decor;
  • fixing cladding panels.

If you set a goal and go fast towards it, then in 3-4 weeks you will be able to admire your finished work in the form of your own country house, built by yourself. Now you can do the interior work and filling the interior to your taste. Here you can realize all your ideas and desires by filling the house with original furniture, stylish decorative gizmos and other things that seem necessary.

Tags: https://www..jpg 662 991 Nuke https://www.pngNuke 2017-11-19 15:58:11 2017-11-19 15:59:46 Do-it-yourself country house

Good day, dear users of the site. The warm season is coming and we cannot sit at home. Or gardening work, then cleaning the garden plot. And there are few worries on your site in a village, village or dacha. Sometimes, after the labors of the righteous, you just want to sit down and relax, drink tea or coffee, listen to music, and so on. In your yard, you can simply take out the chairs and sit, or it is better to build a structure specially equipped for recreation. Therefore, I would like to present to your attention another summer guest house. This building is ideal for summer holidays, and even in the cold season, if you install a stove in it, it will be quite comfortable. The assembly process is quite simple and will not be difficult for those whose hands grow from the right place.

To begin with, the author of this building prepared a place for the construction of the building. I started, as usual in such cases, with the foundation. The author made the foundation columnar. Eight foundation blocks were used for each column. This is what the finished foundation looks like. Easy to build and not very expensive. Bricks can be used instead of foundation blocks.

The next step of the author is strapping, i.e. erection on the foundation of the foundation of the future structure. For this, the author used a bar with a section of 150x150 mm. Before installation, treat the timber with fire protection.

After we have done the binding of the foundation, we install more between the main bars. This is for the floor. Next, the author begins laying the floor itself.

Please note that the author, when making the floor, does not put it in front of the building, since there will subsequently be a small terrace with a porch. The author decided to insulate immediately, without erecting walls. I used for this "Izospan V", a 5-cm insulation.

Further, after the author has covered the "rough" floor with insulation, he puts the main floor on top of it.

Next, the wall frame is assembled and installed on the base.

Further, the author installs ready-made doors, upholsters the frame of the walls on the outside with isospan and upholsters everything with an imitation of timber.

This is how the walls at this stage of construction look from the inside.

The next step is preparing the roof. The author puts a heater and sews up everything with boards.

After the author has prepared the ceiling, he assembles and installs skates on the roof. He fastens them with the help of building corners.

Next, boards are nailed for the subsequent installation of insulation on them and covering the tile roof.

After all the boards are stuffed, we insulate the roof with isospan-D from above

Now the author begins to insulate the interior of the future guest house. For this, materials such as "Izospan A", insulation, lining are used.

City dwellers usually try to get away from the dusty city and city worries to their country houses. If your choice is in favor of living in a country house only in the summer, then there is no need to build a house using expensive materials and equipment.

Before starting construction, you need to consider all the options for country houses, so as not to regret later on the time and money spent.

Material selection

On the construction market, there are proposals for the construction of country houses from solid logs, from profiled and glued beams. They require a strip, pile or column foundation.

The choice in favor of one or the other is made on the basis of the load on the base and the characteristics of the soil. Ultimately, houses made of logs and timber turn out to be not at all a cheap and time-consuming option for building a country house.

Most summer residents dream of a cheap summer house with minimal budget losses and in a short time. Such requirements will be met by a house made of wood, since this material is natural and, accordingly, environmentally friendly.

For a small suburban area, the best option would be a frame-panel house, cheaper among frame structures. Even non-professionals in the construction business can build such a building.

The most successful location for the house will be the northeastern part of the site. Thanks to this position, the house will be maximally protected from the cold wind and receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Windows are best placed on the south and southwest sides.

Construction stages

If you are wondering how to make a summer house, we recommend that you pay attention to the following features. Small buildings with dimensions of no more than 36 square meters without a basement are built using a columnar foundation.

A clear advantage of it can be called ease of installation and relatively cheap cost. The disadvantage of the supporting-columnar foundation will be the possibility of its use only on stable soils. Only then will such a foundation be stable and durable and become a reliable support for the structure. Otherwise, the entire building may be skewed.

In addition, the support-column foundation has a low bearing capacity, and therefore, it is recommended only for one-story buildings. Among the significant shortcomings is the impossibility of arranging the basement.

Door and window openings should be provided in advance by constructing a crate of timber, since the panel materials may not support their weight. When fastening prefabricated shields with nails (during the construction of walls), we recommend using connecting plates. Sheets are nailed to the frame with the first layer, then the insulation goes and the second layer is sewn up.

In order for the summer cottage to be resistant to moisture, it is necessary to include waterproofing of floors and roofs in the project, and sheathe the facade of the building. Sheathing with plastic panels and siding, for example, with imitation of wood, brick, natural stone, will greatly decorate the appearance of the house.

The only drawback of such a structure is that it needs to be insulated if you plan to live there in the winter. Advantages in the simplicity and speed of construction, literally within a week, and the variety of architectural solutions.


When planning to equip a place where the family can relax in nature, a veranda is laid in the house project. Those who prefer to make preparations for the winter need an attic and a basement. In advance, it is worth considering a pantry for storing garden tools.

Having decided to build a summer house with a veranda, place it along the facade of the building so that the front door of the house is sheltered from bad weather and the rays of the sun. The size of the veranda is usually selected based on the personal preferences of the owners.

The structure is supported by foundation columns located under the corner posts of the frame. In pre-dug trenches, lay a concrete foundation for the posts.

Finished country houses

Most summer cottages are small summer houses, a photo selection of which you can see above. They are economical and require minimal effort and time to build. They are delivered to the object ready to be assembled in just a few days, and the next day the house is ready for occupancy.

The house does not need a major foundation, since wood is a lighter material than concrete or brick. Wooden houses are recognized as environmentally friendly. In addition, they perfectly retain heat, maintain optimal humidity and create a favorable microclimate in the room.

DIY photo of summer houses

Having bought your plot outside the city and decided to build a summer house on it, you will face many questions related to the choice of layout, selection of suitable materials and construction. However, you have one advantage - a small summer house is much easier to build with your own hands than a solid mansion with a complex layout. Thanks to our tips and step-by-step guides, you can build your own house by choosing the right photo of the future building on the net. Such a house will become any vacation spot for the whole family and will not require significant financial investments from you in its construction.

Features and differences of the flight house

As a rule, a summer house is a compact one-story building or a building with an attic floor. Nevertheless, even a small summer cottage should have all the conditions for a comfortable pastime - a kitchen, rooms, a veranda, and preferably water supply with sewerage. As for the bathroom and shower, when building a country house, which is designed for living in the warm season, you can get by with a separate restroom and a summer shower on the site.

Unlike a full-fledged country house, inexpensive and lightweight building materials are usually used for the construction of a summer house, which can be assembled by hand without the involvement of construction equipment. Another advantage of using such materials is the ability to equip a shallow, light foundation. So you can save both on materials and on the volume of earthworks.

Tip: for the construction of summer houses, wood is the best material. Installation is best done using frame technology.

Country house project

On the net you can find a lot of photos of country houses, from where it becomes clear that this building can have completely different dimensions, design and layout. The choice of one or another option depends on the size of the suburban area, the number of people who will live in the house, financial capabilities.

If you look at the planning schemes of summer houses, you can see that their dimensions usually do not exceed 5x6 m or 6x4 m. Larger houses are built for the purpose of year-round use.

When designing and building a country house with your own hands, you should consider its proper fit on the site. When choosing a place for a house, the following regulatory gaps should be observed:

  • The building should be located at a distance of at least 3 meters from the border of the territory of neighbors. From the border of the site, which runs along the street or driveway, the house should be located at a distance of at least 5 meters.
  • It is also worth observing fire breaks from residential buildings in neighboring areas. These gaps depend on the materials from which both buildings are made. So, between two stone houses it is worth observing a gap of 6 m, between a stone and a wooden house - 10 m, between two wooden houses the distance should be at least 15 m.
  • Distances from outbuildings on your site to the house being built are not standardized.

Most often, a one-story building project with a veranda or terrace is chosen as a summer house, on which it is very pleasant to relax on quiet summer evenings. The veranda or terrace can be open or closed. Under the roof of a one-story house, an attic space is set up, which can be used to store country utensils, garden tools, etc.

If the plot area does not allow for a larger structure, and in a small one-story house it is not possible to carve out enough space for all family members, then a summer house with an attic floor will be the best option. In the photo on the network you can see how beautiful and proportionally such houses look. At the same time, on the ground floor, you can equip the kitchen and living room, and allocate the attic floor for bedrooms for all family members.

Some owners of country houses dream of making a fireplace in it. This product will not only create a cozy family atmosphere on a quiet evening, but also heat the room on cool nights, which sometimes happen even in summer.

Tip: if you decide to make a fireplace with your own hands, keep in mind that you need to lay a good foundation under it. You can lay out a refractory brick fireplace, but it is very difficult to do it yourself. But to install a metal factory fireplace is quite realistic.

Material selection

At the stage of choosing a layout, it is worthwhile to select in advance the materials from which the construction will be carried out. To build a summer house, you can use the following products:

  1. The traditional material for the construction of a country house is wood. It is environmentally friendly, easy to process and install, affordable price. In addition, wood walls create a favorable microclimate in the room, regulating humidity and saturating the air with healing phytoncides. A wooden house can be built from timber, logs or sheet materials using frame technology. The only drawback of such buildings is their increased fire hazard.

Important: in order to protect a wooden building from fire, rot and damage by insects, materials must be treated with special impregnations (antiseptics and flame retardants).

  1. A country house built of brick will cost much more, but it will turn out to be more durable and durable. However, if heating is carried out in such a house or a stove is built in it, then the building can be used even in winter. The process of building a brick house is longer and requires you to have the appropriate skills, although if you wish, such a structure is also easy to build on your own.
  2. A cheaper alternative to brick can be foam blocks and gas blocks. In addition to an acceptable price, this material has a low specific gravity, which facilitates its transportation and installation. A gas-block house is warm enough, but it needs external cladding to protect the walls from moisture, since the material is quite hygroscopic. Subject to the arrangement of the heating system in such a house, you can also live in the winter.

Separately, it is worth talking about the materials for arranging the foundation. Their choice depends on the design of the walls, the type of foundation, geological and climatic conditions in the construction region. If we are building a house from piece stone materials (brick, foam blocks or gas blocks), then it is better to choose brick, concrete or reinforced concrete for arranging the foundation. So:

  • Under a brick house, you will have to make a recessed monolithic strip foundation made of reinforced concrete. This is the most expensive option for arranging the base. The depth of the foundation footing must be below the freezing point of the soil.
  • For walls made of light materials (aerated concrete, foam blocks and wood), it is possible to equip a shallow strip foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete, a columnar foundation made of concrete, stone, factory blocks, steel pipes or processed logs.
  • On heaving soils and when building on a slope, it is advisable to make a base on screw piles. They are made of steel pipes with a helical blade at the end. Pipes can be screwed into the ground manually. Depth of laying - below the freezing point.

As for the materials for arranging the roof, they are no different from those used in the construction of a traditional residential building. Wooden beams are used for the rafter system, the lathing is made of boards or OSB (in the case of laying soft roofing material). The roof covering can be made of corrugated board, metal tiles, rolled flexible tiles, slate, etc.

Construction technology

Since the most inexpensive country house will be a frame building on a columnar base, we will describe step by step how to build such a house with our own hands.

  1. After preparing the site and completing the markup, we dig holes for the poles. It is worth noting that the pillars are made under all external and internal load-bearing walls with equal spacing (1-1.5 m). The dimensions of the column depend on the material from which it will be made. Brick pillars for a frame house can be 380x380 mm in size.
  2. After digging holes to a mark below the freezing point of the soil, a sand cushion is made at the bottom. A layer of sand 10 cm high is wetted with water and carefully compacted.
  3. Then, pillars of the required height are laid out of brick using cement mortar. The outer surface of the columns is plastered.
  4. On the upper horizontal surface of the pillars, waterproofing is carried out from two layers of roofing material.
  5. Next, strapping beams (beam 150x15 mm) are laid on the pillars. In the corners, they are fastened together and fixed to the poles with anchors or steel brackets.
  6. We fasten logs to the strapping beams with an equal step (70 cm).
  7. Next, we mount the frame of the walls. It can be collected on the ground and lifted onto a beam or erected directly on the harness. The second option is more suitable for self-fulfillment. For the frame, it is worth taking bars with a section of 50x150 mm. In the corners of the house, double bars are installed to increase rigidity.
  8. We mount the vertical racks of the frame at the location of window and door openings, as well as along the entire plane of the walls with equal spacing.
  9. After that, the upper strapping beam is mounted. Horizontal beams of the frame are fixed above the window and door openings. In the corners of the house, to increase the rigidity of the frame, oblique struts are mounted on both sides.
  10. Now the frame of the house is sheathed with sheet material (OSB, chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood) or clapboard. In the space between the two layers of sheathing (inside the frame), it is worth laying heat-insulating material (mineral wool, basalt insulation, extruded polystyrene foam).
  11. Let's move on to the construction of the floor. We attach subfloor boards to the lags on the underside. On top of them, bending around the logs, we lay a waterproofing membrane. Then we put a heater in the gap between the lags. After that comes a layer of vapor barrier and finishing floor boards.
  12. We install floor beams above the vertical racks of the wall frame. For a snug fit, grooves are cut at their edges. Beams are additionally fixed to the frame with steel corners.
  13. Now we are installing the truss system. We fasten the extreme pairs of rafter legs on the ground and mount them on the walls as gables. We connect these pairs of rafters with a ridge beam. After that, you can mount the remaining pairs of rafter legs and install them with equal spacing, connecting them to the strapping beams and ceilings.
  14. Next, a vapor barrier film is spread over the rafters. It is fixed with staples and slats of the counter-lattice on the rafters.
  15. Next, the crate is performed and the roofing material is laid.