The meaning of each digit in the apartment number. Numerology of houses and apartments. Date of birth and address compatibility

Incredible facts

How do you feel in your home?

Does your life seem whole, and everything is in its place, or does the place seem alien to you and does not coincide with your desires and personality?

In numerology each address emits a special energy and becomes a "personality" at home.

Your house numbers are important and can affect several aspects of your life.

See also: Numerology of birth: calculating the most important years in your life

Whether you are looking to move into a new apartment or are looking for a new place to live, you can tell a lot about the atmosphere of this place.

Add up all the digits of your address, including house number and apartment number, and reduce the amount to a single number.

This number is the number of your house.

For example, your address is:

Tverskaya street, 13, apartment 29

1+3+2+9=15=1+5= 6

Your house number is 6

The letters also have a numerical meaning. If you live in an apartment or house that contains a letter, you need to add the numerical value of the letter.

1- A, I, C, b

2- B, Y, T, Y,

3- B, K, Y, b

4- G, L, F, E

5 - D, M, X, Y

6- E, H, C, Z

For example, house 15A

1 + 5 + (A \u003d 1) \u003d 7

By the way, did you know that you can change the vibration at homeby writing another number on your door.

Let's say you live in a house with a 7, but would like to live in a house with a 3.

Add 5 to the inside of the door, and 7 + 5 \u003d 12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3 and you get 3.

Numerology: Number 1

A home with energy 1 is a place where its residents will strive for independence... Such a place will foster innovation, development of personality, ambition, energy and leadership.

Such a house is best suited for individual entrepreneurs and people building their own business. The unit supports independence, self-sufficiency and personal freedom in people. By living here, you will learn confidence, courage, and perseverance.

House problems with number 1

If you like a cozy and soft space, then this house will not suit you. The unit focuses on independence rather than partnership.

If a long-term relationship is paramount to you, it will be more difficult for you to build and maintain reciprocity in the relationship.

Plus, if you can't stand loneliness, a home like this may radiate too much personality and is better for privacy.

Pros:A great place for an active life. Ideal for achieving success, developing independence, individuality and achievement.

Minuses: This house concentrates on the energy of "I", excluding others. One is the number of loneliness.

Numerology: Number 2

Home with energy 2 is a place of love, family and partnership... A home like this will foster engagement, caring, and a loving and safe environment.

The energy of this house fosters loving relationships, commitment to a group and is a very harmonious place to live.

This space is best suited for people looking for a life together - couples, couples with children, best friends. The deuce supports diplomacy, caring for the needs of other people. People living in this house will learn love, relationships, peace, harmony and emotionality.

House problems with number 2

If you are striving for vivid self-expression, this place is not for you. The Deuce encourages and focuses on relationships while suppressing independence and individuality.

If you are looking to advance in your career or move out of a codependent relationship at the moment, you may find it difficult to put yourself first.

In such a house, people become more sensitive and emotionally dependent. If you live in such a house alone, you may feel depressed that you cannot share your life with another person.

Pros: A great place for a family nest. Ideal for building loving relationships and families. Cozy and nurturing space.

Minuses:In such a place, you often want to stay at home away from vigorous activity and can start living in your little world. You may be overly concerned about the problems of those with whom you live.

Numerology: Number 3

Home with energy 3 is a place full of joy and laughter, optimism and cheerfulness. Sociability, emotional expression and creativity reign here.

Its energy fosters communication, inspiration and creative expression. This home supports people who want to start a family, to be innovative and creative. In other words, those who want to live life to the fullest and feel joy at home.

The three can teach people to be more sociable and promote joy and emotion.

Problems at home with number 3

If you are looking for privacy, this is not the place for you. The energy of the troika encourages social activity and joyful self-expression, to the extent of eliminating a more serious approach to life. It will be difficult for you to make time for yourself in such a house.

The people who live here may be overwhelmed with multiple tasks and find it difficult to complete projects and maintain commitments.

Also, you may find money slipping out of your hands. Since the 3 is associated with communication and emotions, you can experience large mood swings and periods of self-doubt.

Pros: A great place to develop creativity and sociability. Suitable for parties and entertainment. A cozy space that inspires others.

Minuses: In such a house, money problems can arise. A person tends to be scattered, and it is difficult for him to concentrate and complete things. If you are not a creative person, you can become depressed and cynical.

Numerology: Number 4

House with vibration 4 is a place of security and stability... His energy promotes hard work, development and implementation of plans, devotion and protection.

Such a house is suitable for the development of business, family and solid investments. The people living here will adhere to traditional values, work hard and practice.

The four will teach people to serve, to set practical goals, honesty and safety.

House problems with number 4

If you prefer a space with free flowing energy, this place is not for you. The four focuses on safety and may not support the lighter and more creative urges.

For people with a desire for sociability and love of entertainment, the energy of a house with a number 4 will be overwhelming.

This is a more serious vibration where stability and order reign. A home like this is very down to earth, and it is good to keep houseplants or grow a garden here.

A person who lives in such a house for a long time can get bogged down in a routine, and it is important for him to learn how to find a balance between work and rest, as well as practicality and emotions.

Pros:A great place to feel stability and security in life. Ideal for a slow and constant process that will stand the test of time. It also promotes knowledge seeking and learning.

Minuses:The atmosphere at home can be too heavy and conducive to constant work. If the person does not make an effort to relax and have fun, the energy at home will be overwhelming.

Numerology: Number 5

Vibration House 5 is a place of party and fun... Fun, fearlessness, adventure and progressive ideas reign here. Its energy promotes variety, flexibility, pleasure and freedom.

The people living in this house will want to live life to the fullest, solve problems recklessly, and never lose heart.

The five will teach you to accept many things, be freer, constantly change and boldly face your fears.

House problems with number 5

If you are looking for a stable and permanent space, this is not the place for you. The 5 encourages freedom and pleasure and does not support seriousness and conservatism.

If the most important thing for you right now is building a stable future, the energy of House 5 will get in the way and won't give the expected results.

A home like this encourages change and diversity and may not be suitable as a permanent residence unless your lifestyle is constantly changing.

It is also worth remembering that the five is the energy of excess, and here you will tend to indulge in excesses in food, physical pleasure and alcohol. If you have an addiction, then you can succumb to various addictions.

Pros:A great place to have fun and spend time actively. Suitable for meeting and meeting interesting and extraordinary people and living on a grand scale.

Minuses: The rhythm of life in such a house can be very fast and you can feel imbalanced. It is a strong energy of fun, pleasure and activity. If children live in the house, then, most likely, it will be very noisy here. You may be too impulsive in such a house.

Numerology: Number 6

The house with the energy of number 6 is a center of beauty and care... This place is suitable for starting a family, and its vibration promotes warm relationships, compassion and service to others.

This is a great place for children, it is suitable for both business development and a family nest.

The people living in this house will always feel cared for, but one must be careful not to give too much to the point of exhaustion. You may also be prone to perfectionism in this home.

This place is suitable for service businesses like massage, consulting, interior design - anything that will help people feel better.

Living in this house will teach you how to help, trust your ideas, love and acceptance.

House problems with number 6

If you're not used to taking responsibility, this isn't the place for you. The six encourages service and does not promote individuality and independence. Home and family are valued here, and it is also suitable for artists.

While living in this house, you need to remember to invite guests and not turn away from the rest of the world.

Pros: A good environment for families and people who value a homely atmosphere. Children and animals flourish here and the home is tastefully decorated and filled with creative energy.

Minuses: In the house of six, you can feel more responsible than ever. It is important to find a balance between caring for yourself and caring for others. You can also spend too much time in your little cocoon and communicate less with the rest of the world. Don't cut yourself off from other people and new experiences outside of your family circle.

Numerology: Number 7

The house with the energy of number 7 is a place of solitude and reflection... Here you will want to start looking for spiritual truths, take time for yourself and develop your intuition.

It disposes to calmness, accumulation of knowledge and introspection. This is the perfect place to go looking for yourself. People living in the home will strive to find faith in themselves and others, and will be able to learn more about a topic that really interests them.

Seven will teach you to trust, develop your spiritual principles, listen to your intuition and discover your own "I".

Problems at home with the number 7

This house is not suitable for those who want to be successful in the material world. The 7 encourages internal development, not practical success. If it is important for you at the moment to increase your earnings or build a career, the energy of this house will hinder this.

Also, the house of seven can be problematic in relationships and marriage, and you will have to make special efforts to connect and communicate effectively with your partner.

Also in this place there is a temptation to withdraw into oneself through addiction. To an extreme degree, a person can begin to live in his head and feel his intellectual superiority over others.

Pros: A great place for writers, scientists, researchers, and anyone who wants to become a specialist in their field. This home creates a sense of refuge and privacy. You may suddenly be illuminated in a home with the energy of 7. To experience a sense of peace and not isolation from others, use the elements of water in the home.

Minuses: You may feel lonely in such a house. If you love a vibrant life, the vibration of this house will not suit you. Since the seven loves to escape reality, it will be extremely difficult for you to deal with addiction to alcohol and smoking in this house.

Numerology: Number 8

A house with the energy of number 8 is a center of power and prestige... The vibration of this house contributes to material wealth, management and achievement. The Eight supports the pursuit of success in the material world.

People living in this house may feel as if money and promotion are their main concern. For this reason, it is important not to forget about emotional communication with family members who may feel left out.

Energy at home strengthens financial skills, and in a higher form teaches you to give to others and integrity.

Living here will teach you power, endurance, management and organization.

Problems at home with the number 8

If you are looking for a calm and understated environment, this place is not for you. Eight encourages financial achievement and material wealth. It will be difficult for you to reflect on the spiritual aspects of the issue and engage in introspection in the house with the energy of number 8.

It is a house of abundance in the areas of life. The figure 8 also demands elegance and gives meaning to the outer gloss.

Pros: If you want to achieve material well-being, this is the ideal place. It often feels like a lot is happening behind the scenes. Perfect for family businesses and business meetings.

Minuses: Although the 8 attracts money, there is also the energy of risk, which can lead to losses. You need to understand that you will have to have a certain margin of safety in such a house. You may feel a constant urge to build up in the home, or improve its appearance to showcase to others. People living here can become workaholics. Finding a balance between work and play is important here.

Numerology: Number 9

Home with 9 energy is a place of humanity... Its vibration promotes charity, creativity, spirituality, selflessness, and forgiveness. In this home, it is important to strive to change and improve the world.

People living in this home may feel like they want to contribute and share with those in need. This is the place where you need to be able to let go, where you can help yourself and others.

This house attracts others, and those living here often become spiritually advanced.

Living here will teach you to give wise advice, compassion for others, comprehend universal truth and let go of the past.

Problems at home with the number 9

This place is not suitable for those who want to concentrate on themselves. Nine encourages love, compassion, acceptance of others. If at the moment you are striving for personal achievement, the energy of this house will interfere with this.

This is where your intuition becomes very strong. You may feel that others are more likely to turn to you for advice. People are attracted to your home by the energy of love and bestowal.

Nine is also a "worldwide" number, and you will tend to travel more often or receive guests from other countries.

It is also a haven for healing from past wounds, where you have the opportunity to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. It is important to express your emotions and creativity here.

Pros:This is a great place for humane purposes. The house is suitable for teachers, artists, psychologists, musicians and patrons of the arts. This place attracts spiritual growth.

Minuses:Home is good for those who are willing to compassion and sacrifice. At times, it can become a house of loss. Nine is the energy of completion and transformation. Here you will experience personal and spiritual growth, but the path will not be easy or easy.

No wonder they say that each home has its own, unique energy. And, probably, everyone had to feel changes in mood, having already entered the hallway of someone else's apartment. House and apartment numbers have a huge impact on the energy in a room. This influence is incredibly powerful and multifaceted. Quite often, the numerology of an apartment predetermines not only the emotional atmosphere in the room, but even the fate of the people living in it.

What does apartment number mean in numerology

Numerology has a special relationship to the numbers of houses and apartments. There are no good and bad numbers. They all have strengths and weaknesses. If a person falls under the influence of the desired number, then he will be able to reveal talents, find himself in life and attract what he wants. Numbers will also help you overcome life's problems and setbacks.

In numerology, not only the numbers in the apartment number matter, but also their number. The unambiguous number is the simplest. He points out that everything is easy in the life of an apartment owner. He himself knows how to react to current events and in what direction to move through life.

A two-digit number indicates the dependence of the apartment owner on his desires. He has a hard time going through setbacks and difficulties.

A three-digit number in numerology indicates that a person will be completely satisfied with his own life if he manages to develop 3 areas: health, mind and feelings.

Important! With the help of numerology, you can track a person's entire life.

Numerology of a house and an apartment: how to calculate

First, in numerology, the number of houses is calculated, and then apartments and, as a result, they are summed up. For example, consider the address: st. Universitetskaya, 15, apt. 122.

The numerological number of the apartment is 2.

The meaning of apartment and house numbers in numerology

When the numerological apartment number has been calculated, you can begin to decipher the results.

Number 1

A unit in the numerology of a house and an apartment in Feng Shui pushes a person to constant self-affirmation and an endless search for a place in the sun. This is a suitable option for people who stubbornly go to their goal. Energy in this case will help them conquer new heights. In an apartment with a numerological number 1, it is easier to survive loneliness. Here, mental strength is quickly restored after parting with the soul mate.

For those who have not yet decided on their purpose in life, the energy of the home will allow them to do this accurately and in the shortest possible time. She will push you to discover new talents and develop them.

Living in an apartment with a numerological number 1, you can become purposeful, learn to set high goals for yourself and gradually achieve them. These qualities will make a person a leader who is confident in himself and can rally a team around him.

However, the unit is not without its drawbacks. In numerology, it is believed that it leads to self-confidence and pride. She also does not predispose to finding a soul mate. Often in the room with numerological number 1, family scandals occur, because everyone wants to be leaders, and no one wants to fade into the background.

Number 2

It is good for large families to live in an apartment with numerological number 2, since here all its members will get along well with each other. This is a good option for newlyweds. Under the influence of a deuce, the grinding of characters will happen painlessly. The energy of the home will help lonely people meet their soul mate. Personalities tough and scandalous, living in such an apartment, will become softer and more compliant, and too timid and shy will find faithful friends and assistants. Inspiration will come to creative people here.

As for the disadvantages, a dwelling with a numerological number 2 will prevent its owner from becoming self-sufficient. In this case, there is no need to talk about leadership qualities at all. Being under the influence of a deuce, one should prepare for the fact that obstacles will arise already at the beginning of any undertakings. This is not the most suitable place to live for convinced loners, as they can become depressed here.

Important! If a person lives in one apartment, but is registered in another, then you need to look at the value of the number of the dwelling in which he is regularly located.

Number 3

Owners of a home with a numerological number 3 will always have fun. They will always (sometimes even against their will) fall into the cycle of interesting and exciting events. It is ideal for bohemian personalities who like to host and party.

In numerology, it is believed that the three relieves a person from shyness and shyness, allows him to become the soul of the company. For those who want to climb the social ladder, it will attract useful acquaintances who will help to break out into people.

However, everything is not always so rosy. If a person was initially frivolous, then under the influence of the troika he will become a real reveler. At the same time, the apartment itself will turn into a courtyard, where there will never be peace. At the same time, the home owner will be constantly distracted from work and household chores. A lonely person or an introvert may feel emptiness and frustration with life here.

Number 4

Anyone who moves into a room with a numerological number 4 must eradicate frivolity and become more serious. Otherwise, it will come into conflict with the energy of the home.

It is a favorable place for entrepreneurs and those who are determined to make a stable profit. For those who have a high working capacity and strive to get rich, the energy of the home will bring success and prosperity. Even a lazy person will feel uncomfortable here, and in the end he will have to overcome his vice and start working at full strength. Only in this way will he get rid of complexes and chronic problems.

The psychological atmosphere here is calm and harmonious. Family members try to support each other in everything. In numerology, it is believed that the four attracts beautiful, cozy and comfortable things. These things will give the room a special charm and emphasize wealth.

But, unfortunately, the number of apartment 4 does not always have a positive numerological value. In such a room, it will be difficult for workaholics to switch from work to rest, which will ultimately lead to severe fatigue.

Important! In a room with a numerological number 4, a variety of things will accumulate in large quantities. If the desire for accumulation is not controlled, they will literally fall out of the closets.

Number 5

The number 5 in numerology indicates that the life of the apartment owners will be filled with bright events, frequent moves and acquaintances. New people will constantly appear in their lives, and interesting prospects will never end. The energy of such an apartment will make even a calm person fidget.

This dwelling is ideal for an energetic person who leads an active lifestyle or has a profession associated with frequent travel and contacts with a large number of people.

For introverts, the energy of the four will be detrimental. This will lead to increased anxiety and nervousness. Even with a strong nervous system, people cannot withstand constant haste and excessive communication, they face severe fatigue. Therefore, in order not to be exhausted at all, you need to set aside time for rest and at least sometimes be alone and quiet.

In numerology, it is believed that the energy of the five interferes with establishing a calm life. Therefore, a person will be haunted by chaos and confusion.

Number 6

The owners of a dwelling with numerological number 6 can count on a calm, stable and well-fed life. There will always be prosperity in their home, and warm relations between family members. The energy of this apartment will contribute to the accumulation of resources necessary to cover the needs of residents. Moreover, in this case, we mean not only material resources, but also spiritual ones. There will always be present not only delicious food, but also interesting books, old figurines and unusual objects. The tenants of this apartment will have few friends. However, they will be permanent and reliable. Scandals between spouses and divorces are extremely rare here.

At the same time, experts in numerology assure that not everyone will like a monotonous and stable life. After a while, many will still wish for variety, but the number 6 will protect from this in every possible way. As a result, a person can be sucked in by the routine, and each day will resemble groundhog day. It is very difficult to get out of this state.

Important! Numerology does not call for the change of existing housing. If a person bought this or that apartment, then it was necessary. In this case, numerology will tell you in which direction to move on.

Number 7

A person living in a room with numerological number 7 will always have time to think about the meaning of being. Lovers of philosophy, esotericism, scientists and just peculiar people will magically be attracted to him.

The energy reigning here will tune even the most mundane and pragmatic person to the sublime. In such a home, thoughts of wealth and luxury will fade into the background. At the same time, spiritual growth and development will be observed.

In numerology, seven is the ideal number for people whose spiritual aspirations prevail over the desire to get material goods. Poets, writers, painters, photographers and researchers will feel most comfortable here. However, the entrepreneur will most likely not like living here. Business acumen may disappear and he will feel out of place.

There will be no active exchange of emotions, and family members may become disconnected. Moreover, even the strongest families can expect such a turn of events. In addition, the seven can attract a large number of material problems that will fully declare themselves.

Number 8

Anyone who lives in a dwelling with a numerological number 8 will definitely learn to dream boldly and confidently fulfill their desires. Usually the tenants of this apartment have to spend large sums of money for family needs. However, this is not a reason to be upset. Most likely, the income here will be above average.

Numerologists say that the figure eight attracts situations, thanks to which you can get rich. This is ideal for a person who knows what he wants and is ready to do a lot to start living in abundance. Eight fills a person with energy, ambition and desire for leadership.

For those who are afraid of changes and do not want to take risks, it is better to refuse to buy this home. Otherwise, he will be constantly haunted by a sense of anxiety, danger and insecurity. The situation is quite different with those who are filled with ambitious hopes. In their case, it will be possible to make the most cherished dreams come true.

However, do not forget that too much ambition can be the source of many problems. Often, tenants of premises with numerological number 8 overestimate their capabilities and demand too much of themselves. This leads to failure and disappointment.

Important! The number 8 can provoke dangerous and risky situations. Therefore, only cautious and prudent individuals can buy such an apartment.

Number 9

In numerology, the number of an apartment 9 indicates that creative inspiration will often visit its tenants. It is recommended to live here for individuals whose profession or hobby is related to art. Such apartments are ideal for singers, dancers, actors. Often, even an ordinary person, settling in this dwelling, discovers in himself some talents and abilities.

However, those who have material well-being in the first place in life should refuse to buy this apartment. Her energy will interfere with the implementation of the planned plan. Although this does not mean that a person will sink into poverty. Money can come to the creative people living here as a result of grandiose creative accomplishments.

In numerology, the energy of the nine contributes to the development of altruism and selflessness in a person. Thus, he may have a desire to make the world kinder, change it for the better. Having settled here, a person may find that his intuition has increased. Particularly sensitive people may begin to have prophetic dreams.

However, a person with a weak character can be made too divorced from reality by the energy of a nine, and he will plunge into dreams and fantasies. In the most advanced cases, he may develop bad habits and various addictions. If impracticality is inherent in a person, then under the influence of a nine, this quality will increase many times.

Apartment floor numerology

In numerology, great importance is attached not only to the numerological number of the dwelling, but also to the number of the floor on which it is located.

This is how the floors of a house are interpreted in numerology:

  • 1 - this number endows a person with ambition and striving for the ideal. The first floor is ideal for careerists.
  • 2 - this figure forces people to show great tolerance towards others. Often, residents of the second floor suffer from depression and are in the clouds.
  • 3 - the energy of such a number will direct a person to power and wealth. This will help to achieve a high position in society.
  • 4 - residents of this floor are often unhappy with their own lives. They constantly complain about their fate and cannot adequately perceive criticism.
  • 5 - according to housing numerology, this number contributes to rapid career growth and profits.
  • 6 is the ideal floor for families. Peace, prosperity, comfort, cohesion and spiritual closeness - this is what those who settle here will receive.
  • 7 - this floor is recommended for creative and spiritually developed people. Even when pragmatists and people with a mathematical mindset settle here, they begin to change over time.
  • 8 is a bad floor in every sense of the word. Usually maximalists with a limited vision of the world live on it. They divide the world into black and white.
  • 9 - in dwelling numerology, that number with strong energy. Having settled here, a person will be able to achieve his goal, whatever it may be
  • 10 is the floor for real leaders. Living on it, a person will always strive for a higher position, both at work and in the circle of relatives and friends.
  • 11 - the energy of this number is able to endow a person with a strong character. This floor is suitable for ambitious and original people.
  • 12 - in numerology, it is believed that the energy emanating from this floor spoils a person's character. As a result, he becomes insecure and constantly seeks support.
  • 13 is the right floor for innovators. Usually unusual personalities live here who strive to create something new. However, their ideas are often misunderstood.
  • 14 - money becomes the meaning of life for the residents of this floor. It is ideal for those looking to get rich.
  • 15 - the energy of this number makes a person charismatic, so others will always be drawn to him.
  • 16 - according to numerology, this floor makes a person gambling and risky. The people who live here are often traveling and looking for adventure.
  • 17 - the inhabitants of this floor are very distinctive. They are not looking for ideals and always decide for themselves what is good and what is bad.
  • 18 - the energy of this floor gives strength to achieve goals and realize desires. Often people living here are aggressive and hot-tempered.
  • 19 - in numerology, it is believed that this number gives a person an imperious character. This can negatively affect his relationships with others if he does not learn to control his leadership qualities.
  • 20 - the inhabitants of this floor are mired in illusions. They are not adapted to the difficulties of real life.
  • 21 - the energy of this number contributes to material thoughts. For those who settle here, dreams come true in the shortest possible time.
  • 22 - vibrations on this floor will make a person insecure and timid.
  • 23 - the residents of this floor want a lot from life, but do nothing to achieve their goals.
  • 24 is the number of mental suffering and emotional instability. Living here, a person becomes submissive and patient, takes a negative attitude towards himself for granted.
  • 25 - the energy of variability and instability reigns here. Its residents are in search of something new and regularly go from one extreme to another.


The numerology of an apartment is able to harmonize a person's life, influence his fate and bring happiness. Knowing the meanings of various numbers, a person can become more confident in their plans and desires. Those who are just looking for housing should take into account numerology when choosing an apartment. This will multiply the positive impact and minimize the negative.

Each apartment has its own energy, which depends, among other things, on its serial number. It has a special influence on people's lives, and thanks to numerology, everyone will be able to interpret its meaning.

The serial number of the apartment can tell a lot: why there are troubles in the family, where the money goes and what needs to be done to get rid of the problems. The site experts suggest everyone to make a simple calculation that will help answer pressing questions.

How to calculate the numerology of an apartment

The energy of an apartment depends not only on its number, but also on the floor. The calculation is simple: you need to add the serial number of the floor to the apartment number and add them until you get a single-digit number. If the apartment number is 9, and the floor is 3, the following is obtained: 9 + 3 \u003d 12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3.

The same can be done by residents of apartments with a three-digit number, living on high floors. Calculation of the apartment number 153 and 16 floors will look like this: 1 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 6 \u003d 16 \u003d 1 + 6 \u003d 7.

Influence of the floor and apartment number on people's lives

Unit.According to numerology, the unit carries the energy of renewal. A person living in an apartment with such a number must be ready for life changes. This apartment is not suitable for a measured life without worries and worries. Residents need a lot of willpower, ambition and a desire to achieve goals so that they feel comfortable in the apartment. People with a weak will will feel uncomfortable in such a home.

The apartment with number one is dominated by solar energy, so it is decorated with lighting fixtures, accents are made on red, orange and yellow colors in the interior.

Deuce.This figure is responsible for harmony in relationships. Deuce protects the union of two hearts from troubles and disagreements. This number allows you to feel unity with your partner, acquire heirs and live a happy life. In such an apartment there is no place for lies, so a married couple can separate if one or both partners begin to hide the truth from each other. Lonely people in an apartment with such a serial number will be uncomfortable, but if the tenant has talents for cooking or art, then it will be easier for him to realize himself in a business environment.

The deuce is closely related to the energy of the moon, so it is worth decorating the apartment with images of a night luminary, keeping the interior in calm colors. Decorative fountains or an aquarium will be useful: the energy of water will attract good luck and prosperity.

Troika.Several generations of one family, as well as elderly people, will feel great in an apartment with such a number. The energy of the home is favorable for those who wish to maintain family ties and take care of each other. It will be difficult for young couples in such an apartment due to the fact that housing has difficulty letting go of the owners and accepting new owners. The ideal option would be to purchase such a home for parents or elderly relatives who do not need to move and expand their living space.

Seven. The energy of such an apartment is ideal for those who like to reflect and are engaged in mental work. For those who work in the field of journalism or law, write books or articles, such a home will be very useful. Vibrations of the seven help everyone to achieve excellent results in a career, whose profession is associated with high mental stress.

The apartment number is associated with Mars, the energy of which gives people perseverance and patience. It is important to maintain the interior of the home in bright warm shades with elements of red, purple and ocher.

Nine. Nine in numerology is a symbol of wisdom and spirituality. A dwelling with such a number is perfect for spiritualized people, teachers and mentors, as well as philosophers and musicians. Vibrations of the nine often lead to the fact that residents see prophetic dreams, in which they receive answers to questions of interest, as well as warnings. Those who lead a secluded lifestyle are likely to have nightmares in such an apartment.

The number nine is associated with Neptune, and various lamps and candles will be appropriate in an apartment with this number. Subdued light will help you relax and recharge.

Thanks to numerological calculation, you can easily change your life for the better: for example, plan the acquisition of a home with the serial number that best matches your aspirations and personal preferences. In addition, numerology will answer many questions, including those related

According to Chinese teaching, a person himself determines his lucky numbers. You can make sure that your favorite number accompanies everyone throughout life. Experts believe that the Feng Shui apartment number determines the fate of the person living in it, since it carries its own energy. Whole secrets can be hidden behind simple numbers.

Influence of numbers

Not only the apartment number, but also the Feng Shui house number determine the fate of the residents. Numerology helps to calculate the place where a person in his life will be most happy and successful.

The magic of numbers has attracted attention at all times, but it was in China that this belief manifested itself especially strongly.

In this country, the number 4 is traditionally avoided, since the hieroglyph when written is very similar to the sign "death". There is a whole cult in China: a beautiful number for a car causes fierce bargaining, for the combination of lucky numbers the Chinese are ready to shell out a fortune.

Experts in Chinese studies think over the setting, colors and combination of elements in the room, taking into account the direction of the flow of information and energy. Negative impacts are smoothed out by an increase in the impact of individual strong zones. Professionals do not focus on individual places in the home, but consider the whole picture as a whole, even the location of streams, roads and trees in front of the facade of the house are taken into account.

In Chinese philosophy, the goal of organizing space is to realize life's purpose and maximum life success.

Apartment numbers values

If the address contains a letter with a letter designation, it is recalculated using a special table, in which each letter has its own number.

For example, the family lives in the house at number 72, letter A, apartment 25.

The meaning of the numbers in the apartment according to Feng Shui is calculated as follows: 7 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 5 \u003d 17.

The number is responsible for a certain set of characteristics, depending on the character of the person, each will have their own ideal apartment number.

1 - energy and creativity

The Sun protects one unit, it gives a very strong energy and helps to realize the creative potential.

The one brings joy to the life of easy, positive people, this number best matches residents with a creative profession, such as:

  • artists;
  • writers;
  • actors;
  • composers.

There is always an atmosphere of lightness in such housing, guests are welcome here. According to Feng Shui, apartment number "1" multiplies the positive, does not allow its owners to stagnate in one place and periodically throws life tests to its owners.

The residents have an interesting life full of various events. The meaning is suitable for leaders who walk their own path and lead others to better change.

By the state of the apartment, one can understand the energy of its tenants: the good owners have cleanliness in the room, it smells good, it is comfortable to be there, thoughts are bright and optimistic.

If the owners are angry, envious, their home will reflect the spiritual filth... In such rooms it is uncomfortable, there are unpleasant odors, there are often a lot of insects that you cannot get rid of, such as:

  • flies;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • bugs.

A unit of happiness will not bring such tenants, since the ease inherent in this figure in these people is deformed into carelessness and disregard.

2 - harmony and comfort

The deuce is ruled by the moon... This is the best option for a family raising small children, for musicians, cooks, cleaning workers.

Two is an excellent number of housing for newlyweds, since the family created in it will be harmonious, and the relationship in a couple will be easy, full of mutual understanding, building a family life will be effortless and will be based on compromise and concessions.

Deuce increases experience, it multiplies love, harmony and mutual help, but in people prone to depression, such feelings will also grow. To neutralize such emotions, it is advisable to place running water in the apartment. It can be fountains, an aquarium, or just water periodically flowing from the tap.

It is advisable to use a lot of mirrors in the design of apartments at number 2. Creamy light shades should prevail in the interior.

3 - movement and change

The patron saint of the troika is Mars. Such an apartment is not recommended for lazy and passive people, since Mars always throws up trials: either the sewer is clogged up, or something of the technology breaks down. Such housing is ideal for energetic people.

Troika is the best housing for realizing its potential, it promotes career growth. If the tenants of the apartment are active and purposeful, money will always be found in their family.

It is advisable to use red in decoration and decoration, this is especially true for the hallway and bathroom.

4 - career growth

For the Chinese, the four is a negative sign, the patron of which is the planet Mercury. Such an apartment is best suited for careerists, since financial issues and career growth are the primary tasks for the owners of such premises. Other family members will have to come to terms with putting work first, not the common good. Also, the four is great for the office.

You can not be afraid of honest and sociable people, but for those who lie or have an unclean soul, the figure will add problems that will return to them like a boomerang. For decoration, the best colors are blue, gray, blue and yellow.

5 - consolidation and expansion

Five is ruled by Jupiter - a planet symbolizing expansion.

This number is the best for politicians, for people united by a common idea.

Five brings a lot of energy into the house, so even people who don't like to travel begin to move more, and introverts tend to get out of their cozy shell more often and expand their social circle.

The figure gives strength on the physical and spiritual plane, such apartments should not be cluttered with unnecessary things and furniture - the more empty space, the better the fresh energy circulates.

In the decoration, it is desirable to use purple colors, and the best decorations will be bronze dishes, telescopes, globes.

6 - peace and tranquility

The six is \u200b\u200bpatronized by Venus, the planet of love.

The interior has a lot of soft sofas, armchairs, flowers grow well there, and residents, as a rule, love animals. If the owners of the apartment are initially kind, the figure enhances these qualities, and the number of scandals and conflicts among the evil and aggressive.

It is better to use beige and brown tones in the decoration.

The number is a symbol of harmony, it is optimal for people who receive clients at home, for example, such professions as:

  • hairdressers;
  • seamstresses;
  • massage therapists.

For them, a six can mean a signal to leave a hired job, it will allow them to work fruitfully on their own. Clients in such premises feel as comfortable and comfortable as possible, willingly move into the category of permanent ones.

7 - finding the path of life

Seven is ruled by Saturn. The figure brings certain tests to its owners in financial terms, but for those who are economical, it contributes to the accumulation of capital and allows them to make a successful career.

She requires constant work on her mistakes. An increase in the amount of money and an improvement in the situation in the family of those living under this number indicates that the mistakes of life have been corrected, and the lessons have been successfully completed and will not be repeated in the future.

8 - spiritual growth

Number 8 obeys Uranus... Residents who practice spiritual practices such as:

  • clairvoyants;
  • astrologers;
  • priests.

Eight stimulates inspiration and increases the feeling of mutual assistance, however, sometimes it pushes you to rash actions.

It will be difficult for materialists in such an apartment. To mitigate the negative impact of the number, it is recommended to always keep the windows clean and carefully handle the devices.

It is advisable to use shades of heavenly color in the decoration of the apartment.

9 - solitude and wisdom

Ruled by Neptune, Nine is considered a difficult place to live. People who often go on business trips feel best in such an apartment. Neptune is exacerbated by any bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism. In dwellings under this number, special care is required when in contact with water: do not leave small children unattended in the bathroom, carefully isolate the electrician next to sinks and bathrooms, and also pipes and water and sewage distribution systems require increased attention.

Correction of unfavorable numbers

Feng Shui teachings were created with the aim of improving human life.

Its history goes back over 3000 years. According to Chinese philosophy, all the surrounding elements affect a person's life. Five energies such as metal, wood, fire, earth and water can correct a bad apartment number.

But you can do it easier. If the Chinese have a bad Feng Shui apartment number, they use a simple trick. To correct luck, take a sheet of paper, a fountain pen and add the necessary number to the initially bad number. For example, in apartment 35, which, when summed up, gives a nine, a Chinese can add one if he needs to get number 1.

To do this, he takes a sheet of paper, adds the necessary number "+1" and fixes this sheet next to the serial number of the apartment.

So, in order to reduce the influence of a heavy number, it is necessary to attach a piece of cardboard next to the number of the front door, writing any number on it. It is not at all necessary to change an apartment or move to a new home.

Because of its simplicity, Feng Shui is now popular not only in China.... The main principle of the teaching sounds like this: any thing must harmonize space. If reality does not correspond to this statement, then the thing must either be thrown away or changed.

It's no secret that every living space has its own energy. The well-being of the living space and its inhabitants is influenced by many factors, not the least of which numerologists consider the apartment number.

Numerology is the science of the energetics of numbers and how they can change life. Representations of her can be found in the folklore of various peoples. So, in many countries, the number 13 is called unlucky. And, for example, in Japan, the number Four brings troubles and misfortunes.

The power of numbers, however, is not limited to omens and superstitions. Thanks to numerological knowledge, you can calculate the numerological characteristics of your apartment. From it you will learn what to look out for, and in what, on the contrary, you will be lucky. After all, each number, according to numerology, has many positive aspects.

How to calculate the numerological number of a house by apartment number

This is quite easy to do. Numerology operates only with single-digit numbers, so if your apartment number is the first, second and so on, up to the ninth, you simply take this number as the numerological number of your house.

Well, if the apartment number is more complicated, you need to add the numbers that make it up. For example, apartment number 345.3 + 4 + 5 \u003d 12. 1 + 2 \u003d 3. Three is the numerological number of your apartment.

Interpretation of the numerological number of the apartment

Unit.The number of beginning, movement, change. In an apartment with such a numerological number, active people who strive to move forward feel well. These can be eternal travelers, extreme lovers, businessmen, into whose life business flights are firmly established, as well as people who simply do not want to sit still. Even couch potatoes, having moved to such an apartment, over time, more and more often feel the desire to "walk" and begin to amaze others: "Did you say that you are an introvert - are you looking for tickets again?"

Deuce.The number two, on the other hand, strives for privacy and comfortable living. It combines different principles in itself. It is difficult to quarrel in such an apartment, and enemies can come to reconciliation, just by meeting on the territory of the Two. Such an apartment is well suited for those who want to build a family nest and not let strangers into their lives.

Troika.Number Three is ideal for those who have linked their lives with creativity. In such an apartment, writers feel comfortable, artists create, poets write poetry. Often, it is there that creative meetings gather and disputes about the future of music or cinema take place. But such an apartment will also benefit those who do not in any way associate themselves with the world of lofty matters. After all, a creative approach to business is not superfluous and helps to look at many problems from an unexpected angle.

Four. The most stable number. Four is a stable structure (hence the four corners of the square). In such an apartment, people are confident in themselves and in the future. A good option for those who want to make a career and for those who do not like to take risks, and also strive for material well-being.

Five.Another apartment for dynamic individuals who are not ready to stop there. Even adventurers can live in such a house. Such people never get confused in an unexpected situation and know how to use even not the most advantageous circumstances for their own benefit.

Six.Cozy home for couch potatoes or small friendships. In such an apartment it is good to meet old age, it is good to plan a family or raise children. The energy of housing delays everything that is good and positive. But it will be difficult to live there alone. To avoid apathy and sad thoughts, it is necessary to invite guests into the house from time to time or have a pet.

Seven. This number charges with eccentricity and even shocking. The artistic natures who have settled in such housing may even "tear down the tower" a little. But you will not be bored in such an apartment. Meanwhile, the number Seven is also a sacred one, conducive to spiritual search and enlightenment. Just by visiting an apartment with a suitable number, you can clarify a lot for yourself.

Eight. Number Eight is global in each of its manifestations - simultaneously two stable Fours and a symbol of infinity. This figure promises great success, but the falls can be quite tangible. However, the Eight helps not to retreat in the face of difficulties and to achieve an unprecedented result. It also attracts finances and is considered a money number.

Nine.It combines three Threes in itself. It inspires change and gives charisma to those living under the roof of such an apartment. People who live there are usually active and active. They can find themselves in charity and social activities, they often strive to be in the thick of things. And even being couch potatoes or phlegmatic, deep down they are not indifferent to many global things and are able to leave a mark for posterity.

If the numerology of your home causes you fears or other negative emotions, do not rush to get upset. The energy of a living space is made up of many factors, not the least of which will always be your attitude. If you focus on the negative, even the most favorable numerological characteristics will not help. And vice versa, if you pay attention to the characteristics of your apartment number, you can find out where it is better to play it safe and be more careful. Weak aspects will help you fix talismans.

Numerological knowledge will perfectly complement feng shui - the eastern teaching on the harmonization of living space. On our website you can use this knowledge to make your apartment happy, attracting good luck and prosperity.

Finally, the knowledge of our Slavic ancestors will also be used. Find out more about the patron saint of the house. You can negotiate with him by appeasing him, and then no troubles are terrible for your home.

So that harmony does not leave your home, throw away unnecessary and old things in a timely manner. Then new ones will come in their place, and positive energy will constantly be in full swing in life. Consider the number of the floor on which the apartment is located, as well as the number of the house, which you can calculate in the same way as you calculated the number of the apartment before. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and