Wushu training at home. Book: Wushu Gymnastics. We start from scratch. And finally, strength exercise

One famous ancient Chinese physician in the 2nd century AD, who practiced with healing and exercise, stated: “When the doorknob is constantly in motion, it does not rust. When a person moves a lot, he does not rot. "

Humanity learned about the existence of wushu from the Chinese, it was they who presented this amazing gymnastics to people. It is designed not only to strengthen the body, but also the spirit and mind. “Through the perfection of the body - to the perfection of the spirit” is the principle of wushu masters. There are practically no contraindications for practicing it. Neither gender, nor age, nor weight, nor lack of basic physical fitness is a hindrance.

But the benefit from wushu is great: it develops flexibility, dexterity, endurance, coordinates movements correctly, making them strong, concentrating maximum attention and quickness of reaction.

In the end, it is simply nothing more than a healthy lifestyle. By the way, the main indicators of a healthy person in the East are not similar to European standards. The powerful tall athlete with prominent muscles is not listed here.

In Asia, this is a well-fed, short person, with a small tummy due to abdominal breathing, and not gluttony; but he has smooth skin, a magnificent shine of hair, he is calm, with a clear look and a smile. Flexible, light, mobile, plastic, brilliantly controls his body and will. The slow pace of performing wushu exercises does not interfere with burning fat, because, nevertheless, a lot of energy is spent.

Features of wushu

You should always start doing gymnastics at first at a slow pace, with a small number of repetitions, and only very gradually increase them. You need to do it on an empty stomach, or, in extreme cases, 2-3 hours after lunch. Listen to your feelings, choosing comfortable ones for yourself.

First, you need to apply the simplest dynamic exercises to develop flexibility, good stretching, and mastering the basic basic stances. Wushu was originally a martial art for adults, the word wushu consists of two hieroglyphs: "u" - military, and "shu" - art.

It was a whole system and philosophy for developing abilities in extreme situations, it restored the body as soon as possible, revealing its possible reserves and capabilities, improving a person.

Each family had their own secrets of this art, passed down in secret for generations. Today wushu is not combat training, it is wushu gymnastics, which everyone can do. It received its special new development especially after the formation of the PRC in 1949.

There are many styles and schools of this gymnastics, for different ages - more than 130 directions, and the Shaolin direction - more than 400 varieties, gymnastics complexes are also no less. Wushu gymnastics for health: for beginners and advanced, there is always one basis for training - the development of endurance and mastery.

The goal is to achieve good flexibility of the joints and body (in the East there is a saying - whoever retains flexibility will delay old age), increase muscle tone and joint health.

At the same time, the state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs improves, the body gets rid of fatigue and stress. Smooth movement eliminates stretching and damage to muscles and skeleton. You should also know that no exercise is related to fighting movements. In fact, wushu is the same as kung fu, but the last direction, according to Europeans, is a martial art (remember Bruce Lee).

Wushu rules

It is advisable to conduct lessons in the morning, having cleansed the intestines. Clothes should not hinder movement and be made from natural fabrics. The face must face north; well ventilated and sufficient space.

The duration of the complex is at least an hour. The minimum number of repetitions of the lessons of the complex is 2 times a week. Thus, gymnastics can be used as morning exercises.

First steps

Any system always has its own basic complex for developing flexibility in the lumbar spine, hip joint and shoulder girdle. Then you need to be able to do different basic stances.

Wushu stands are not standing in one position, not static, but a certain chain of movements and steps. At first, the hands are on the belt, elbows back, fists clenched. The beginning of classes is always marked by a warm-up warm-up.

Main racks

Bingbu- stand straight, legs are connected. Weight evenly on both limbs.

Mabu- feet are parallel to each other, set apart. With a slight extension of the knees, slowly squat with a straight back so that the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Gongbu- bend one knee and make a deep lunge (step) forward. In this case, the toes and heels of the feet are located in one line.

Suibu- spread your legs wide, transfer your weight to one leg, slightly squatting on it. Measure this way for a few minutes, starting at 1-2 minutes and increasing to 10.

After mastering the basic stances with ease of their implementation, a complex of movements begins. They are also not static, but are smooth transitions from one fixed pose to another. The exercises are repeated 10-20 times, the movements are sharp, but comfortable.

Breathing is only nasal. You will need to learn to breathe with the diaphragm (stomach), and not with the lungs, they do not take part in breathing and remain motionless.

For newbies

Wushu gymnastics for beginners consists of a few simple exercises.

  1. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Then stretch one hand forward, the other pull back. Begin to calmly rotate your hands first forward, then backward, and 2 hands are involved simultaneously. The number of repetitions is 20-30 times on each side.
  2. The stance is the same, the arms are bent at the elbows. Try to do a pendulum motion like you would when running. Do it about 50 times.
  3. Stand straight, then you should raise your left leg, bend at the knee and toe. Raise one hand up, opening the palm. The other hand is drawn back. Her fingers are up and gathered in a pinch. This is a static exercise - you need to hold the pose for about 2 minutes. Then repeat with the other arm and leg.
  4. Stand straight, spread your legs wider so that there is at least a meter. Then sit down slowly and smoothly, keeping your buttocks level with your knees. Breathe belly. Also, in this motionless position, you must first hold for a minute, then gradually bring it to 7-10 minutes.
  5. Stand straight with one leg straight and laid back. And the other is raised and bent at a 90 degree angle. Hands on the belt. Looking forward, abdominal breathing. Measure for a few minutes in a pose. Increase static time gradually.
  6. Stand in a basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the support with your hands and bend over, bending over. Gradually increase the amplitude and bend in the shoulder joints.
  7. Keep your legs straight, one leg on a support. Gradually increasing the range of inclines, try to get a sock on a support, while your back is straight. For each leg, 10 repetitions.
  8. Stand with your right side to the support, raise your right leg on the support. Do bends with a straight back. As a result, you should reach the leg lift with your head and the knee with your shoulder. 10 times with each leg.
  9. On the support with a straight leg, stand with your back to the support. Tilts back to the maximum possible. 10 times on each side.
  10. Lean your hands on the support. Bending back, swing your legs back. 10 times.

If you practice systematically, without missing, you will begin to feel better with each lesson and help yourself to improve your health. Muscles will work with pleasure, "muscle joy" will appear. Also, gymnastics can be done to tone up and relieve fatigue.

There are many sets of exercises and they can always be found on the Internet, as your level of fitness increases.

Some practitioners under various pretexts (too busy at work and not having time to complete all reps) try to reduce the number of reps. This is just self-deception. Don't smell the crust after taking it on your chest - don't expect results.

The result will be noticeably lower. Therefore, do not save time on your health. Exercise carefully. Cheerful music, if desired, is not forbidden, but without words, so that the brain is not distracted.

Otherwise, instead of relaxing mentally, you will analyze the next modern masterpieces. There are many complexes for children. Their course is more simplified due to underdevelopment of motor skills and coordination of movements.

Breathing exercise

In addition to physical exercises, wushu gymnastics requires proper breathing. You need to learn how to breathe correctly while performing the complex. According to pundits, deep breathing is believed to reduce frequency and lengthen life.

This position is confirmed in animals: rodents, colic, squirrels breathe very often and their life span is much shorter than, for example, in a turtle. The indicator of healthy vital energy according to wushu is the duration of holding the breath. Therefore, learn a simple breathing exercise several times a day.

Strength will increase and nervous processes will normalize. Frequent breathing is the combustion (oxidation) of the body in a mass of oxygen. Revitalizing breathing can be carried out at any place and time. This is slow but controlled breathing.

The peculiarity is that you partially block the glottis to slow down the movement of air, creating resistance. Due to the tension of the muscles of the larynx, a whistling sound "sss" is heard on inhalation, and a hissing sound "xxx" on exhalation. Inhale quickly with your stomach, and exhale as slowly as possible and stretch.

The time of the whole respiratory act (inhalation-exhalation) should be gradually lengthened, moreover, exclusively by exhalation. But without fatigue in the form of cephalalgia and heaviness in the head, tinnitus and redness of the face. At first, the exercise will take 1-2 minutes, but each week (very gradually) add a couple more minutes.

Many people know about the Shaolin Monastery in China, films were shot about it and wrote in books and newspapers.

Everyone knows that the monks of this monastery possessed an unusual martial art.

So, the homeland of the martial art of wushu is the Chinese province of Henan. Namely, the origin took place in the famous Shaolin monastery.

What it is

Wushu is translated from Chinese means - "to stop aggression or martial art", in the West it is called kung fu (kung fu). A person who knows wushu techniques is called wushuist.

The creator of this unique oriental martial arts was the former patriarch Bodhidharma in the middle of the 6th century AD, he was also the creator and laid the foundations in the chen sect, called Zen in Japan.

When Bodhidharma came to the Shaolin Monastery, he began to talk about the new teaching.

And then he saw in the 1st lesson that many students are weak in body and spirit, that is, they fall asleep during lessons.

And so he decided to create physical and psychological training for special exercises called "18 movements of the hands of arhats" (an arhat is a superman or demigod, translated from Sanskrit - worthy).

In these 18 simple combinations, they first stood up in defense, then a blow was struck, as a result, then there were a lot of combinations, about several thousand.

Even before the creation of wushu in the 2nd - 3rd century, a famous physician named Hua-to developed therapeutic gymnastics - the Games of five animals, which included a bear, a bird, a tiger, a monkey, a deer, that is, imitation of these animals.

But it was also used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in combat. When he died, he left behind a vast and scientific legacy.

This gymnastics exists at the moment, you can watch it in this video:


Soon, the Shaolin monks began to develop styles of animals and insects, to imitate the elements of water, wind, fire and air.

Now there are several thousand wushu styles. For example, the names of famous wushu styles - the most famous is Taijiquan (fist of the Great Reach), it includes slow and plastic movements that fascinate with their beauty, the beauty of these movements is not only external, but also internal, that is, a person feels in himself all the beauty in his body.

There is also a wushu style Tanglangquan or Praying Mantis Style created by master Wang Lan from Shandong province.

Tanglangquan includes fast movements, flexibility, grips.

Using it, you will know all the beauty, and in order to know, you need desire and willpower, then you will reach the heights of perfection itself.

Now the martial art of wushu exists almost everywhere, someone uses it in martial arts, and someone also for medicinal purposes. Wushu is also a kind of gymnastics. Sports wushu sanda is also distinguished - a free contact fight.

You can start doing it if you want to get to know him better, here is the title of the book - the author of I-Shen - “We start from scratch in Wushu gymnastics”. Read, use and be healthy!

Watch a video about the martial art of Wushu:

Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch

A perfectly wise man makes no mistakes. No one in the world understands the meaning of his words, he keeps his thoughts in deep secrecy.

Guan Tzu (1st century BC)

Gymnastics wushu, in my opinion, are available not only to experienced athletes, but to everyone who seeks to strengthen their own health and get rid of a whole baggage of chronic diseases.

From time immemorial in Russia, and in many other civilized countries, a stereotype of a healthy person has formed: of course, tall, with an athletic torso, and impressive muscle relief. But the East is a "delicate matter", or rather, thin and small. Therefore, in Asia, the ideal of a healthy person is a small man, quite well-fed, even with a small abdomen (because of abdominal breathing, and not love, it is tasty and a lot to eat). In addition, a healthy person, above all, should have pink satin skin, shiny hair, a smile and a calm, radiant look ...

The main signs of a healthy person in Eastern culture differ from European ones. This, of course, flexibility, mobility of joints and tendons, plastic movements, proper breathing and the ability to control your body and will. That is, there is, or rather, on the body, the harmony of the spirit and the carnal principle! Fourteen centuries ago, the founder of the famous Shaolin wushu school, Bodhidharma, educated his disciples according to the principle: "Through the perfection of the body to the perfection of the spirit."

Wushu is not only a martial art and sport, it is, first of all, medical and health-improving gymnastics, psycho-training and, oddly enough, a philosophical system. Before developing the physical abilities of their bodies, Chinese teachers called for the improvement of the personality, for the search for human harmony with the outside world.

Literal translation of the term "ush at"-" martial art ". Having emerged several millennia ago, wushu represented the techniques of hunting and self-defense from animals and enemies. But later, the ancient Chinese came to the idea that, having such a powerful weapon as wushu in their arsenal, a person should be strong in spirit and master the skill of using it so as not to harm the weak and defenseless. This can only be achieved through training, not just the body, but also the spirit.

Now, when hostilities are conducted with the help of completely different weapons than wushu, two new directions have emerged: self-defense without weapons and a system of preventive and therapeutic gymnastics.

The healing and health aspects of Wushu are an integral part of traditional medicine. It is known from numerous Chinese sources that “ who has mastered the wushu systems increases the protective properties of the body ... constant training gives practical skill in achieving good health and prolongs life ... then a person does not need whole pots of medicines". Art wushu develops on the basis of psychophysical training, during which a person activates and mobilizes the latent capabilities of the body.

Most widespread wushu received after the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Teaching was introduced from the first grade in primary and secondary schools wushu as compulsory physical training.

Wushu is the most massive national type of physical and sports training in China, and today not only in it. Wushu is not limited to physical education and sports. Wushu is a fusion of gymnastic complexes and respiratory gymnastics, which include elements of acupressure and have health-improving and therapeutic-prophylactic significance, this is both sport and martial art, this is psychophysical training, and visual arts, it is a philosophical system that determines the view of the world and even the very way of life.

Conventionally, three directions can be distinguished in wushu: health-improving, sports and military-applied, and each next direction includes the previous ones as an integral part.

In my book, I will acquaint readers with the first direction, which is only a small tip of a huge iceberg called wushu.

Wushu of a health-improving orientation includes complexes of gymnastic exercises, basic movements of the body (hips, arms and legs), exercises for working out plastic movement, breathing exercises and massage complexes.

I will not dwell on the philosophical foundations of Wushu, which are complex and related to the ancient and modern religious systems of China. The main task of my book is to introduce you to Wushu remedial gymnastics, which allows you to develop strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, improve health and, most importantly, is available to people with different levels of physical fitness.

Mastering these gymnastic complexes and basic movements will help you acquire the skills to use your strength when performing various hard work, develops coordination of movements and dexterity. These exercises can also be used as gymnastics to relieve fatigue and invigorate during intense mental and physical work, and most of them do not require additional space and special conditions.


Everyone should understand that wushu is not an easy out-of-town walk in the fresh air, therefore, before embarking on complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by diseases and idleness.

The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. Performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all joints, muscles, tendons, but also "work out" the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.

If you are an extremely busy person and you do not have enough time to complete the whole complex, you, of course, can reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as, " taking on the chest", Forget" smell the crust". The effectiveness of the training will decrease significantly. Therefore, if you are seriously thinking about your health and plan to bring your body to perfection, you should not save time in the classroom, especially the initial ones. Remember that even a trained gymnast who has a lot of stress during warm-up can be injured.

The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the more positive effect you will achieve. And although wushu originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I have given in this book are not imitations of martial movements. Therefore, do the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, tendon and muscle injury may occur.

A few important tips before you start doing the initial set.

It is best to do these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash, brush your teeth, empty your bowels).

Clothing for classes should be loose. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, open the collar of your shirt, and remove your watch.

Don't exercise when you are hungry; do not exercise earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Usually, according to the Chinese tradition, the exercises are performed while facing north.

Observe a gradual load, exercise regularly (preferably a little, but regularly).

Standing exercises

You can turn on cheerful music, preferably without words or with words in a foreign language, so as not to be distracted by comprehending the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics of the song are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing , will be forced to work on the analysis of the unanalyzed).

Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.

Exercise 1

Starting position: legs apart, arms down.

For each count 1–4, we tilt the head forward, backward, right, left.

Exercise 2

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with brushes.

Exercise # 3

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.

Exercise 4

Starting position: legs apart, in the hands of a gymnastic stick or jump rope.

Raise your straight arms up above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the left and right.

Exercise 6

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the right leg, left leg, forward, by 4 we return to the starting position.

Wushu is a generalized name for the martial arts that exist in China. The name consists of two hieroglyphs - "u" and "shu", which means "military art" in Chinese.

In fact, wushu is the same as kung fu. However, according to the Russian tradition, the term "kung fu" refers to martial arts, and "wushu" - gymnastic exercises, which are the basis of both physical and spiritual development.

Historically, the art of wushu was born as a system of knowledge that allows for human survival in any conditions. Such preparation helped develop the ability to make the necessary decisions quickly and take immediate action. However, wushu is intended not only for combat training: the techniques that art uses also make it possible to develop the hidden abilities of the body, quickly restore expended resources, and achieve recovery and self-improvement.

Wushu gymnastics

Wushu gymnastics is a set of exercises that include physical and breathing practice, excluding spiritual and meditative ones. It aims to achieve flexibility, develop muscles and joints, maintain endurance and improve the body's health.

Wushu gymnastics has the following advantages:

  • In connection with the presentation in wushu of special requirements for the flexibility of an athlete, exercises contribute to the development of not only muscles and tendons, but also joints. As they say in the East, “the one who retains flexibility will postpone old age”;
  • Gymnastics effectively develops the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body. This is due to the need to perform exercises for flexibility and muscle relaxation;
  • Wushu classes have a positive effect on the development of the musculoskeletal system, the formation of posture;
  • The athlete's rhythmic and at the same time smooth movements relieve emotional and muscle tension.

Despite the fact that wushu was originally formed as a martial art, gymnastic exercises are not imitations of movements in combat, they are performed smoothly and gently to avoid sprains and tendons.

Before you start gymnastic wushu classes, you must follow several important tips:

  • It is best to practice wushu early in the morning or in the evening, after cleansing the intestines;
  • Do not exercise on a full stomach or when you are very hungry;
  • During gymnastics, use loose clothing made from natural fabrics that does not restrict movement;
  • According to the ancient Chinese tradition, wushu should be practiced while facing north;
  • In the exercises, use the principle of gradualness, observing moderation in the load;
  • Practice Wushu regularly - at least twice a week.

Regardless of whether you are a beginner or a person who has been practicing wushu all his life, each training session should begin with practicing basic techniques. It includes exercises to develop flexibility:

  • shoulder girdle;
  • hip joint,
  • lumbar spine.

After the warm-up exercises, wushu classes involve the performance of stances and strikes. Stands are not static positions, but dynamics in action, special steps that, depending on the situation, differ in shape and length. In the initial period of studying wushu racks for beginners, the following position of the hands is assumed: the hands are pressed to the belt and clenched into fists, the elbows are laid back.

Basic wushu stances:

  • Bingbu. Legs together, back straight, weight evenly distributed on both limbs;
  • Mabu. The most important stance in wushu. It is used not only to practice technical actions, but also to train breathing, strength of leg muscles, and increase endurance. Legs are set shoulder-width apart, feet are directed forward and parallel to each other. The athlete squats, bending the knees so that the thighs are parallel to the surface. The back is straight, the abdomen is pulled in, the knees are turned outward;
  • Gunbu. The stance allows you to quickly maneuver, making it possible to deliver a powerful blow, both in motion and on the spot. One leg takes a long step, the leg bends at the knee. The toe of the forward standing leg is in line with the heel behind the standing limb;
  • Suibu. The stance is used for kicking, retreating with a block and breaking the distance. Legs apart. We sit down on one leg, bending it at the knee, transferring all the weight of the body onto it. The toe of the front foot is in line with the heel of the back foot.

After the student has learned the stances, wushu for beginners involves mastering the technique of moving in stances both in the forward direction and in the back direction. The student's task is to learn how to move from one stance to another, taking into account the correct position of the body, arms and legs.

Wushu for children

Studies have shown that wushu classes improve the mental health and physical fitness of children. The implementation of complex-coordinated movements of the Wushu complex contributes to the formation of such qualities as endurance, discipline, poise, concentration, attention, memory, quickness and speed of reaction. Children engaged in this type of gymnastics are characterized by energy, optimism, and a state of emotional satisfaction.

During training, children perform exercises aimed at stabilizing breathing, as well as relaxation (nerve and muscle) after exercise.

Wushu for children involves studying a simplified course, without overloading physical exercises, given the lack of motor skills and coordination of movements in a child.

The homeland of the eastern practice of wushu is China. Every morning millions of Chinese take to the streets, courtyards, squares and parks and do various physical wushu exercises. What prompts them to do this? This, of course, is the belief that regular exercise in this gymnastics protects against disease and prolongs life. Such an attitude to wushu is based on deep national traditions, culture, ideas rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy, which considers man in unity with nature. The book will introduce you to wushu, but not as a martial art, but as a set of physical exercises to improve health. Regularly practicing wushu will help to introduce you to a healthy lifestyle.

A series:Healing practices of the East

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The given introductory fragment of the book Wushu gymnastics. Starting from scratch (I-Shen) provided by our book partner - Liters company.


Everyone should understand that wushu is not an easy out-of-town walk in the fresh air, therefore, before embarking on complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by diseases and idleness.

The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. Performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all joints, muscles, tendons, but also "work out" the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.

If you are an extremely busy person and you do not have enough time to complete the whole complex, you, of course, can reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as, " taking on the chest", Forget" smell the crust". The effectiveness of the training will decrease significantly. Therefore, if you are seriously thinking about your health and plan to bring your body to perfection, you should not save time in the classroom, especially the initial ones. Remember that even a trained gymnast who has a lot of stress during warm-up can be injured.

The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the more positive effect you will achieve. And although wushu originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I have given in this book are not imitations of martial movements. Therefore, do the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, tendon and muscle injury may occur.

A few important tips before you start doing the initial set.

It is best to do these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash, brush your teeth, empty your bowels).

Clothing for classes should be loose. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, open the collar of your shirt, and remove your watch.

Don't exercise when you are hungry; do not exercise earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Usually, according to the Chinese tradition, the exercises are performed while facing north.

Observe a gradual load, exercise regularly (preferably a little, but regularly).

Standing exercises

You can turn on cheerful music, preferably without words or with words in a foreign language, so as not to be distracted by comprehending the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics of the song are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing , will be forced to work on the analysis of the unanalyzed).

Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.

Exercise 1

Starting position: legs apart, arms down.

For each count 1–4, we tilt the head forward, backward, right, left.

Exercise 2

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with brushes.

Exercise # 3

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.

Exercise 4

Starting position: legs apart, in the hands of a gymnastic stick or jump rope.

Raise your straight arms up above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the left and right.

Exercise 6

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the expense of 1-3, we alternately make springy tilts of the body to the right leg, left leg, forward, by 4 we return to the starting position.

When bending down, try to reach the floor with your fingertips or palms.

Exercise 7

Starting position: wide stance, legs apart with the body tilted forward, arms to the sides.

For each count, we make turns of the body to the right and left.

Exercise 8

Starting position: legs apart, hands on the waist.

At the expense of 1-4, we make circular movements with the body to the right, 5-8 - to the left.

Exercise 9

Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.

On the count of 1, bend over backward, slightly bending your knees, touch your heels with your hands.

On count 2 - return to starting position.

Exercise 10

Starting position: legs apart.

We perform swings with the right and left feet forward, hands in front of us, slightly apart to the sides.

Lying exercises

« If you're in your apartment, lie on the floor, three or four", - Vladimir Vysotsky sang once; but even if you are at home, you do not need to lie down on a bare floor, lay a foam mat on it. And don't forget that you didn't go to bed to take a nap or unwind! You lay down to cheer up and shake off the remnants of sleep.

Perform all exercises seven times. Finish with running, walking and breathing exercises.

Exercise 1

Starting position: lying on your back, hands to the sides, palms down.

1. Lower your raised straight leg to the right, then to the left.

2. The same with both legs at the same time.

3. Finally, make circles with both feet.

Exercise 2

Starting position: lying on your stomach, rest your palms on the floor.

Straightening your arms, arch your head and body.

Clasp your hands behind in the "lock". Bend over without lifting your legs off the floor.

The same, but hands behind the head.

Exercise # 3

Starting position: lying on your back.

Bend your legs, straighten at a 45-degree angle, lower.

Raise your straight legs, bend them and return to the starting position.

As you raise your straight legs, try to touch the floor behind your head with your feet.

Exercise 4

Starting position: lying on its side, the left hand creates support in front of the chest, the right one behind the back.

Perform circular motion with a straight right leg.

Raise your straight legs.

Put your hands behind your head, lift the body.

Exercise 5

Starting position

Pulling your feet towards you on the floor, raise your pelvis - the "bridge" on your shoulder blades.

Place your palms on the floor. "Bridge" based on hands, feet and head.

The same, straightening the arms, with support only on the legs and arms.

Exercise 6

Starting position: lying on your stomach.

Raise your straight legs alternately.

With your hands on your ankles, bend.

Lower your arms along your body, palms down. Leaning on your hands, raise your straight legs.

Exercise 7

Starting position: lying on your back.

Move to a seated position without using your hands.

Spread your legs wider, hands should be on the back of your head.

Move to a sitting position, make a tilt to the floor.

The same, but straight arms behind the head.

Move to a sitting position with a tilt to the leg.

Exercise 8

Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head.

Perform leg movements that imitate pedaling - "bicycle".

Crossed movements with straight legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees - "scissors".

Circles with straight legs in opposite directions.

Breathing exercise

We live at the bottom of the atmospheric ocean, which is about 100 kilometers deep. The air pressure is approximately 1 kilogram per square centimeter.

We know that you can live without food for more than 30 days and survive. But we can do without air for only a few minutes.

Many scientists state that the deeper a person breathes, the less breaths he produces in 1 minute, and the longer his life. People who breathe more often live shorter lives. This statement finds its confirmation in the animal world: rabbits, guinea pigs and all other rodents are frequent breathing, producing many respiratory movements in 1 minute. They do not live long.

And the main indicator health reserve organism, according to many Chinese masters wushu, is the duration of breath holding. Therefore, periodically during the day, you need to perform a simple breathing exercise, which will not only allow you to improve your health, but also give you strength, make you balanced, and accelerate nervous processes.

The more vital energy a person has, the longer his breath hold, the better the conditions for concentration.

The ancient Chinese sages argued that the higher a person's level of consciousness, the more spiritual energy in him, the less he needs to destroy anything in order to preserve himself and in general in material, including food, water, and most importantly, oxygen ... It is clear that the opposite is also true: the more vitality a person has, the more concentrated he is, the less he breathes, less sickness, and the slower he ages.

Most of the processes in the human body are "tied" to breathing. Alas, due to improper breathing, we burn (oxidize) in the fire of oxygen that we breathe. The oxygen that sustains our lives can harm our body if the body's defense mechanisms are malfunctioning. To tune your breathing and strengthen your defense mechanism against the harmful effects of oxygen, you need to perform breathing exercises.

This exercise can be performed at any time while sitting, standing, lying down and while moving. This is a normal, slow, measured breathing. Control over it is the essence of the exercise and consists in focusing on breathing.

A distinctive feature of the breathing exercise is the partial blockage of the glottis for the purpose of some air inhibition. For this, the muscles of the larynx are slightly tense. Breathing is accompanied by a slight hiss. On inhalation, a whistling sound is heard “ sss", On exhalation - hissing -" xxx". But remember: the sound is not generated by the vocal cords, not by the friction of air against the palate, as with snoring, but precisely due to the narrowing of the air passage. The source of the sound is not the bronchi or the nose, but the upper part of the larynx, located just above the Adam's apple.

Inhale quickly (a few seconds), mainly with your stomach.

You should try to stretch the exhalation as much as possible, make it slow, even, steady.

The duration of breathing (time of inhalation and exhalation) should be gradually increased, but only at the expense of the time of exhalation. In this case, no violence against the body is needed. Don't get tired of it. All attention is concentrated on a faint hissing sound.

Heaviness in the head, tinnitus, fever in the body, facial flushing, lethargy, fatigue, depressed mood after exercise are all evidence of overwork. If they are, therefore, you overdid it.

At the beginning, the duration of the breathing exercise should be a few minutes, add 1-2 minutes weekly. Subtlety consists in creating resistance to the air passing through the respiratory tract.