What apartment 60 means in numerology. Happy apartment number according to Feng Shui. Lucky apartment numbers and bad numbers

How often do you say “I'm at home” with joy and relief? Any house or apartment can become your quiet haven where you are heading after a day full of worries. You will have to work hard for this, but apartment numerology will help you. Find out the fate of your home - what is it like, what does it promise you? Sometimes a little rearrangement changes everything, and you become happier here. The ancient science of space and energy Feng Shui will tell you how to divide a house into energy zones. To help you, numerology and philosophy merge into one. The magic of numbers will tell you how your apartment treats you. Find out what awaits you by its number and location. This is especially true for those who have just bought a new home. A new life begins, how will it develop in this place? Everything is important - from the street to the floor. There is a simple way - numerological calculation.

Happiness in every home

By the way, happiness is easy. Drop doubts, forget sorrows, stop thinking about the same thing 1000 times in a row. Sit in a comfortable chair, talk to friends, hug your loved ones. Drink your favorite tea, remember all the good things that happened during the day. Isn't that happiness? And where you can do all this - only in your beloved, warm home. It is of the utmost importance that you feel happy at home. If you don't feel, then something needs to be changed. Why do we feel so good in one place, and just suffer in another? Why do you want to run away from your own home?

There can be many answers to these questions, but numerology knows only one - the analysis of numbers, numbers, meanings. By the number of the house and apartment, you can find out everything about her: how is life here, can you and your house find a common language, will there be happiness at home. Numerology's answer is rather advice. Sometimes it happens that there is no need to change anything - everything is already very good. And it happens that the opposite is true. Here feng shui comes to the rescue - an amazing philosophy, the art of harmony. It changes everything in your life, but these changes are for the better. Often the apartment number becomes a kind of sentence for those who live in it.

Your parents were unhappy in it, quarreled, divorced. You come home without joy, and the walls remember everything, absorb emotions like a sponge. It is unbearable to live in such an atmosphere. There is one prime number written on the door, which means a lot for the life of the inhabitants of this house. Where is it built? In old cities, the walls, floor, ground under the house are kept remembering many events:

  • wars, suffering;
  • hunger;
  • of death;
  • regime change;
  • fear.

What was here before, before your building? Maybe 10 years ago, 20, 100? Memories are erased, but the earth remembers everything. Often this negative energy is reflected in today's tenants. Find out why you feel bad at home, don't get enough sleep, quarrel with your loved ones? Numerology has prepared a simple way to calculate the fate of an apartment.

Numerology addresses

What do you need? Apartment number, floor, entrance and house.

For example, your address: Malaya Bronnaya street, house 14, entrance 1, floor 4, apartment 90.

The address already contains the answer to any of your questions. You will need to select all the numbers and just add. Most importantly, make no mistake. Even the most renowned numerologists use a calculator for their calculations.


The calculation itself is extremely simple - you need to add all these numbers. As a result, you get a number from 1 to 9, which will tell everything about the nature of your apartment, its connection with you, your joint destiny. Do not neglect this good opportunity to find out more about the place where you live.

Add 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 0 \u003d 19. The number needs to be simplified, let's carry out one more addition operation 1 + 9 \u003d 10. Simplify 1 + 0 \u003d 1 again. The resulting value is one. We are looking for a decryption for him.

Decoding values

Now do the same, only with your address. Look for the resulting number in the list of values.


You are the first tenant in your apartment. She immediately attracted you. It is very cozy here, you need a minimum of furniture, a lot of air and inspiration. Ideal apartment for an artist, writer. poet. This is where the best ideas and rhymes are born. Well, you somehow immediately became friends, began to live without problems. Cozy, comfortable, everything is at hand. Maintain this friendly relationship all your life and you won't have to change your apartment. Here the walls are very glad to see you.


This house has a special energy. It suppresses those who find themselves in it. Number 2 affects you in this way. The big question is whether you want to stay here for a long time. Perhaps this apartment is notorious - people come to it, and after a few months they leave to look further. The influence of energies is strong here, not every person can cope with it. We are not talking about mysticism or some kind of spirits, it's just hard to live here. In the past, this place was associated with sad, tragic events. Only a person with a strong will and character can change the fate of an apartment, change everything here, redirect energy.


Here you want to be not serious. Parties, parties, friends - it is simply impossible to concentrate on work. A person with a successful career gets here and gets lost in life. This is the influence of the troika. The number 3 in classical numerology means that one of the most important elements is missing. In this case, the influence of Water. Too many things, rubbish, old furniture. Let fresh air in here, establish a Career zone. Wash the floors more often, take out the trash. There must be moving water in the house, otherwise you will ruin your career. Living that kind of life can be fun, though.


The sum of the apartment number, street and floor gives a four. Everything is very serious here. Serious people who chose the most rational things. The house keeps the memory of those who put their career and work above all else. Little spirituality, a lot of material. You have a lot of metal at home, get rid of it. Metal products can be replaced with wooden ones, and something can be thrown away altogether. Not so rational, but you can balance the energy. Otherwise, life will pass, and all that is beautiful will remain behind the curtained windows.


An apartment with a five is very harmonious. It's nice to be here. It is in your power to make it even better. The five always lacks a little noisy fun. It's a balanced number, but it's worth adding a little life to it. For example, children, pets. They will make life in your apartment even happier. All, of course, you can leave it that way, but you yourself already want changes.


The numbers add up to six. A great combination. You are fortunate enough to live where the minimum change is required. What do you want? A successful career? Love, family, children? Find what is missing and add to your life. The space is filled with positive - dreams come true here, loved ones gather. Everything is possible where harmony reigns in your life.


Beware! Here is an energy pit that takes money, strength, ambition. Very often people start drinking in an apartment with the sum of the numbers 7. Cards, wasted time, empty dates - that's what you should be wary of here. If you don't want to ruin your life, then either run away from this house, or take care of its energetic arrangement. The Zone of Help, Glory and Money suffers greatly. Pay special attention to them.


You can tell by the number that successful people live here. They had to work hard to achieve their goals. The apartment was bought with the money earned. Again, same problem as number 4 - more spirituality. Let there be pictures, books, good music at home. Dine by candlelight - add romance. Hona Quarry is very well developed. now take care of the zones Children, Love, Health.


From the high floor you can see everything around. Having settled here, you have chosen the highest floor, which means you broaden your horizons. Amazing things will happen to you here. For those who are passionate about magic. such a combination is the most desirable. The mystical number 9 simply obliges you to open your mind to meet the unknown.

Numerology allows you to identify problems, and Feng Shui will help your home "open up". Sometimes all problems are due to improper energy distribution. From this there may be:

  • quarrels, scandals between family members;
  • tenants' tendency to alcoholism;
  • money "flows" from the house;
  • something breaks constantly, frequent repairs are required;
  • personal life does not add up.

Sometimes a simple feng shui rearrangement helps to get rid of most problems. It becomes easier to breathe, you get great sleep at home even for 5-6 hours. This is not magic, not witchcraft or enchantments, but the most common energy. You can write books about what miracles the introduction of this science into your life does. You will surely find thousands of stories about how people lived after they seriously took up rearrangements. Most importantly, everyone can do it.

The apartment will become truly yours only when you feel at home there. Even if it is temporary housing, rented apartment. Solutions can be found for any budget, even the most modest one. Many things can be created from the materials at hand, with your own hands. Amazing discoveries await you - what a house is capable of, where the energy of the elements is correctly distributed.

Harmony of 8 energies

If you are passionate about magic, then you already know that the forces of the elements rule in our world. These are Fire, Water, Earth and Air as standard. Four opposites that combine in a variety of combinations, making up more and more new elements. Eastern philosophy added two more elements: Wood and Metal. Feng Shui insists that there is something from every element in your apartment. Moreover, the elements are distributed in a special way. This is how the harmony of energy comes. This means that balance reigns inside the apartment, it is pleasant to be there, and to live well.

Surely you have met such houses. Came in, sat for 15 minutes and fell in love with the atmosphere here. I don't want to leave. There, as a rule, there are always guests, pleasant conversations, a relaxed atmosphere. do you want it to be like that in your home? Then Feng Shui guide will help you. If you do not have time, or do not feel enough strength in yourself for the correct orientation of the elements, contact a professional. Today, many people are serious about arranging a new apartment or redeveloping an old one. It removes so much negativity in one fell swoop that it changes your own life.

Career, family, children, recreation and development - this is what everyone who decides to start changes from their home will get. It doesn't matter when, the main thing is to start. Even if you have lived in this house for 10 years, it is not too late to change everything. A numerological map of house and apartment numbers will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problems, and Feng Shui will help you solve them. Here the two sciences work in tandem.

Feng Shui changes space

Get an accurate compass to get started. You need to divide the whole apartment into 8 equal zones - there should be enough space for each of the elements. These are your "places of power" in the house. Each of the zones is responsible for some part of life. If you have balance, then everything will go well. You should not pile up one of them, and forget about others. For example, personal life does not stick. You begin to focus on the zone of Love, furnish it, spend every day there, bring all the new things. They forgot about the other. Hence new problems.

Feng Shui is the science of harmony. She teaches us to be restrained, to see more, to feel more. She teaches us moderation. Distribute your shot evenly between the zones. Let each of them have your favorite things. Your feeling in each zone matters. If there is discomfort, you need to change something.

The zones are allocated as follows:

This does not mean that all the camps in your house will become multi-colored. In this direction it is worth placing something resembling an altar. This can be a shelf on which there will be a fountain with moving water, and nearby objects, blue figurines. As you can understand, we are talking about the element of Water, the direction of the North. It is responsible for the development of your career. Moving water stimulates the constant movement of energy. Do not place standing water there, it will only slow down your development.

In the Love zone there should be a tree that you will water, take care of it. It can be in a pink pot. Size matters here. In the zone of love, you just see a tree. It means that it will grow upward, develop, can grow as large as you like. In the zone of Wealth there is a Tree (m). This is a small tree. A person who wants to be really rich doesn't have to be greedy. Bonsai is most often placed there - a small but sturdy tree that you have grown with hard work, giving it a special shape. Such a tree can be bought, although they are not cheap.

In your house, everything matters: the apartment or floor number, the location of objects, people and their thoughts. You can change the fate of your home by giving it a cozy atmosphere. Home is where you want to come back again and again.

According to Chinese teaching, a person himself determines his lucky numbers. You can make sure that your favorite number accompanies everyone throughout life. Experts believe that the Feng Shui apartment number determines the fate of the person living in it, since it carries its own energy. Whole secrets can be hidden behind simple numbers.

Influence of numbers

Not only the apartment number, but also the Feng Shui house number determine the fate of the residents. Numerology helps to calculate the place where a person in his life will be most happy and successful.

The magic of numbers has attracted attention at all times, but it was in China that this belief manifested itself especially strongly.

In this country, the number 4 is traditionally avoided, since the hieroglyph when written is very similar to the sign "death". There is a whole cult in China: a beautiful number for a car causes fierce bargaining, the Chinese are ready to pay a fortune for the combination of lucky numbers.

Experts in Chinese studies think over the setting, colors and combination of elements in the room, taking into account the direction of the flow of information and energy. Negative impacts are smoothed out by an increase in the impact of individual strong zones. Professionals do not focus on individual places in the home, but consider the whole picture as a whole, even the location of streams, roads and trees in front of the facade of the house are taken into account.

In Chinese philosophy, the goal of organizing space is to realize one's life purpose and maximize life success.

Apartment numbers values

If the address contains a letter with a letter designation, it is recalculated using a special table, in which each letter has its own number.

For example, the family lives in the house at number 72, letter A, apartment 25.

The meaning of the numbers in the apartment according to Feng Shui is calculated as follows: 7 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 5 \u003d 17.

The number is responsible for a certain set of characteristics, depending on the character of the person, each will have their own ideal apartment number.

1 - energy and creativity

The Sun protects one unit, it gives a very strong energy and helps to realize the creative potential.

The one brings joy to the life of easy, positive people, this number best matches residents with a creative profession, such as:

  • artists;
  • writers;
  • actors;
  • composers.

There is always an atmosphere of lightness in such housing, guests are welcome here. According to Feng Shui, apartment number "1" multiplies the positive, does not allow its owners to stagnate in one place and periodically throws life tests to its owners.

The residents have an interesting life full of various events. The meaning is suitable for leaders who walk their own path and lead others to better change.

By the state of the apartment, one can understand the energy of its tenants: the good owners have cleanliness in the room, it smells good, it is comfortable to be there, thoughts are bright and optimistic.

If the owners are angry, envious, their home will reflect the spiritual filth... In such rooms it is uncomfortable, there are unpleasant odors, there are often a lot of insects that you cannot get rid of, such as:

  • flies;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • bugs.

A unit of happiness will not bring such tenants, since the ease inherent in this figure in these people is deformed into carelessness and disregard.

2 - harmony and comfort

The deuce is ruled by the moon... This is the best option for a family raising small children, for musicians, cooks, cleaning staff.

Two is an excellent number of housing for newlyweds, since the family created in it will be harmonious, and the relationship in a couple will be easy, full of mutual understanding, building a family life will be effortless and will be based on compromise and concessions.

Deuce increases the experience, it multiplies love, harmony and mutual help, but in people prone to depression, such feelings will also grow. To neutralize such emotions, it is advisable to place running water in the apartment. It can be fountains, an aquarium, or just water periodically flowing from the tap.

It is advisable to use a lot of mirrors in the design of apartments at number 2. Creamy light shades should prevail in the interior.

3 - movement and change

The patron saint of the troika is Mars. Such an apartment is not recommended for lazy and passive people, since Mars always throws up trials: either the sewer is clogged, or something of the technology breaks down. Such housing is ideal for energetic people.

Troika is the best housing for realizing its potential, it promotes career growth. If the tenants of the apartment are active and purposeful, money will always be found in their family.

It is advisable to use red in decoration and decoration, this is especially true for the hallway and bathroom.

4 - career growth

For the Chinese, the four is a negative sign, the patron of which is the planet Mercury. Such an apartment is best suited for careerists, since financial issues and career growth are the primary tasks for the owners of such premises. Other family members will have to come to terms with putting work first, not the common good. Also, the four is great for the office.

You can not be afraid of honest and sociable people, but for those who lie or have an unclean soul, the figure will add problems that will return to them like a boomerang. For decoration, the best colors are blue, gray, blue and yellow.

5 - consolidation and expansion

Five is ruled by Jupiter - a planet symbolizing expansion.

This number is the best for politicians, for people united by a common idea.

Five brings a lot of energy into the house, so even people who don't like to travel begin to move more, and introverts tend to get out of their cozy shell more often and expand their social circle.

The figure gives strength on the physical and spiritual plane, such apartments should not be cluttered with unnecessary things and furniture - the more empty space, the better the fresh energy circulates.

It is desirable to use purple colors in the decoration, and the best decorations will be bronze dishes, telescopes, and globes.

6 - peace and tranquility

The six is \u200b\u200bpatronized by Venus, the planet of love.

The interior has a lot of soft sofas, armchairs, flowers grow well there, and residents, as a rule, love animals. If the owners of the apartment are initially kind, the figure enhances these qualities, and the number of scandals and conflicts among the evil and aggressive.

It is better to use beige and brown tones in the decoration.

The number is a symbol of harmony, it is optimal for people who receive clients at home, for example, such professions as:

  • hairdressers;
  • seamstresses;
  • massage therapists.

For them, a six can mean a signal to leave a hired job, it will allow them to work fruitfully on their own. Clients in such premises feel as comfortable and comfortable as possible, willingly move into the category of permanent ones.

7 - finding the path of life

Seven is ruled by Saturn. The figure brings certain tests to its owners in financial terms, but for those who are economical, it contributes to the accumulation of capital and allows them to make a successful career.

She requires constant work on her mistakes. An increase in the amount of money and an improvement in the situation in the family of those living under this number indicates that the mistakes of life have been corrected, and the lessons have been successfully completed and will not be repeated in the future.

8 - spiritual growth

Number 8 obeys Uranus... Residents who practice spiritual practices such as:

  • clairvoyants;
  • astrologers;
  • priests.

Eight stimulates inspiration and increases the feeling of mutual assistance, however, sometimes it pushes you to rash actions.

Materialists will have a hard time in such an apartment. To mitigate the negative impact of the number, it is recommended to always keep the windows clean and carefully handle the devices.

In the design of the apartment, it is advisable to use shades of sky color

9 - solitude and wisdom

Ruled by Neptune, Nine is considered a difficult place to live. People who often go on business trips feel best in such an apartment. Neptune is exacerbated by any bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism. In dwellings under this number, special care is required when in contact with water: do not leave small children unattended in the bathroom, carefully isolate the electrician next to sinks and bathrooms, and also pipes and water and sewage distribution systems require increased attention.

Correction of unfavorable numbers

Feng Shui teachings were created with the aim of improving human life.

Its history goes back over 3000 years. According to Chinese philosophy, all the surrounding elements affect a person's life. Five energies such as metal, wood, fire, earth and water can correct a bad apartment number.

But you can do it easier. If the Chinese have a bad Feng Shui apartment number, they use a simple trick. To correct luck, take a sheet of paper, a fountain pen and add the necessary number to the initially bad number. For example, in apartment 35, which, when summed up, gives a nine, the Chinese can add one if he needs to get the number 1.

To do this, he takes a sheet of paper, adds the necessary number "+1" and fixes this sheet next to the serial number of the apartment.

So, in order to reduce the influence of a heavy number, it is necessary to attach a piece of cardboard next to the number of the front door, writing any number on it. It is not at all necessary to change an apartment or move to a new home.

Because of its simplicity, Feng Shui is now popular not only in China.... The main principle of the teaching sounds like this: any thing must harmonize space. If reality does not correspond to this statement, then the thing must either be thrown away or changed.

Incredible facts

How do you feel in your home?

Does your life seem whole, and everything is in its place, or does the place seem alien to you and does not coincide with your desires and personality?

In numerology each address emits a special energy and becomes a "personality" at home.

Your house numbers are important and can affect several aspects of your life.

See also: Numerology of birth: calculating the most important years in your life

Whether you are looking to move into a new apartment or are looking for a new place to live, you can tell a lot about the atmosphere of this place.

Add up all the digits of your address, including house number and apartment number, and reduce the amount to a single number.

This number is the number of your house.

For example, your address is:

Tverskaya street, 13, apartment 29

1+3+2+9=15=1+5= 6

Your house number is 6

The letters also have a numerical meaning. If you live in an apartment or house that contains a letter, you need to add the numerical value of the letter.

1- A, I, C, b

2- B, Y, T, Y,

3- B, K, Y, b

4- G, L, F, E

5 - D, M, X, Y

6- E, H, C, Z

For example, house 15A

1 + 5 + (A \u003d 1) \u003d 7

By the way, did you know that you can change the vibration at homeby writing another number on your door.

Let's say you live in a house with a 7, but would like to live in a house with a 3.

Add 5 to the inside of the door, and 7 + 5 \u003d 12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3 and you get 3.

Numerology: Number 1

A home with energy 1 is a place where its residents will strive for independence... Such a place will foster innovation, development of personality, ambition, energy and leadership.

Such a house is best suited for individual entrepreneurs and people building their own business. The unit supports independence, self-sufficiency and personal freedom in people. As you live here, you will learn confidence, courage and perseverance.

House problems with number 1

If you like a cozy and soft space, then this house will not suit you. The unit focuses on independence rather than partnership.

If a long-term relationship is paramount to you, it will be more difficult for you to build and maintain reciprocity in the relationship.

Plus, if you can't stand loneliness, a home like this may radiate too much personality and is better for privacy.

Pros:A great place for an active life. Ideal for achieving success, developing independence, individuality and achievement.

Minuses: This house concentrates on the energy of "I", excluding others. One is the number of loneliness.

Numerology: Number 2

Home with energy 2 is a place of love, family and partnership... A home like this will foster engagement, caring, and a loving and safe environment.

The energy of this house fosters loving relationships, commitment to a group and is a very harmonious place to live.

This space is best suited for people looking for a life together - couples, couples with children, best friends. The deuce supports diplomacy, caring for the needs of other people. People living in this house will learn love, relationships, peace, harmony and emotionality.

House problems with number 2

If you are striving for vivid self-expression, this place is not for you. The Deuce encourages and focuses on relationships while suppressing independence and individuality.

If you are looking to advance in your career or move out of a codependent relationship at the moment, you may find it difficult to put yourself first.

In such a house, people become more sensitive and emotionally dependent. If you live in such a house alone, you may feel depressed that you cannot share your life with another person.

Pros: A great place for a family nest. Ideal for building loving relationships and families. A cozy and nurturing space.

Minuses:In such a place, you often want to stay at home away from vigorous activity and you can start living in your little world. You may be too preoccupied with the problems of those with whom you live.

Numerology: Number 3

Home with energy 3 is a place full of joy and laughter, optimism and cheerfulness. Sociability, emotional expression and creativity reign here.

Its energy fosters communication, inspiration and creative expression. This home supports people who want to start a family, to be innovative and creative. In other words, those who want to live life to the fullest and feel joy at home.

The three can teach people to be more sociable, it promotes joy and emotionality.

Problems at home with number 3

If you are looking for privacy, this is not the place for you. The energy of the troika encourages social activity and joyful self-expression, to the extent of eliminating a more serious approach to life. It will be difficult for you to make time for yourself in such a house.

The people who live here may be overwhelmed with multiple tasks and find it difficult to complete projects and maintain commitments.

Also, you may find money slipping out of your hands. Since the 3 is associated with communication and emotions, you can experience large mood swings as well as periods of self-doubt.

Pros: A great place to develop creativity and sociability. Suitable for parties and entertainment. A cozy space that inspires others.

Minuses: In such a house, money problems can arise. A person tends to be scattered, and it is difficult for him to concentrate and complete things. If you are not a creative person, you can become depressed and cynical.

Numerology: Number 4

House with vibration 4 is a place of security and stability... His energy promotes hard work, development and implementation of plans, devotion and protection.

Such a house is suitable for the development of business, family and solid investments. The people living here will adhere to traditional values, work hard and practice.

The four will teach people to serve, to set practical goals, honesty and safety.

House problems with number 4

If you prefer a space with free flowing energy, this is not the place for you. The four focuses on safety and may not support the lighter and more creative urges.

For people with a desire for sociability and love of entertainment, the energy of a home with a 4 will be overwhelming.

This is a more serious vibration where stability and order reign. A home like this is very down to earth, and it is good to keep houseplants or grow a garden here.

A person who has lived in such a house for a long time can get bogged down in a routine, and it is important for him to learn how to find a balance between work and rest, as well as practicality and emotions.

Pros:A great place to feel stability and security in life. Ideal for a slow and constant process that will stand the test of time. It also promotes knowledge seeking and learning.

Minuses:The atmosphere at home can be too heavy and conducive to constant work. If the person does not make an effort to relax and have fun, the energy at home will be overwhelming.

Numerology: Number 5

Vibration House 5 is a place of party and fun... Fun, fearlessness, adventure and progressive ideas reign here. Its energy promotes variety, flexibility, pleasure and freedom.

The people living in this house will want to live life to the fullest, solve problems recklessly, and never lose heart.

The five will teach you to accept many things, be freer, constantly change and boldly face your fears.

House problems with number 5

If you are looking for a stable and permanent space, this is not the place for you. The 5 encourages freedom and pleasure and does not support seriousness and conservatism.

If the most important thing for you now is to build a stable future, the energy of House 5 will get in the way and will not give the expected results.

A home like this fosters change and diversity and may not be suitable as a permanent residence unless your lifestyle is constantly changing.

It is also worth remembering that the five is the energy of excess, and here you will tend to indulge in excesses in food, physical pleasure and alcohol. If you have an addiction, then you can succumb to various addictions.

Pros:A great place to have fun and spend time actively. Suitable for meeting and meeting interesting and extraordinary people and living on a grand scale.

Minuses: The rhythm of life in such a house can be very fast and you can feel imbalanced. It is a strong energy of fun, pleasure and activity. If children live in the house, then, most likely, it will be very noisy here. You may be too impulsive in such a house.

Numerology: Number 6

The house with the energy of number 6 is a center of beauty and care... This place is suitable for starting a family, and its vibration promotes warm relationships, compassion and service to others.

This is a great place for children, it is suitable for both business development and a family nest.

The people living in this house will always feel cared for, but one must be careful not to give too much to the point of exhaustion. You may also be prone to perfectionism in this home.

This place is suitable for service businesses like massage, consulting, interior design - anything that will help people feel better.

Living in this house will teach you how to help, trust your ideas, love and acceptance.

House problems with number 6

If you're not used to taking responsibility, this isn't the place for you. The 6 encourages service and does not promote individuality and independence. Home and family are valued here, and it is also suitable for artists.

While living in this house, you need to remember to invite guests and not turn away from the rest of the world.

Pros: A good environment for families and people who value a homely atmosphere. Children and animals flourish here, and the house is tastefully decorated and filled with creative energy.

Minuses: In the house of six, you can feel more responsible than ever. It is important to find a balance between caring for yourself and caring for others. You can also spend too much time in your little cocoon and communicate less with the rest of the world. You don't need to cut yourself off from other people and new experiences outside of your family circle.

Numerology: Number 7

The house with the energy of number 7 is a place of solitude and reflection... Here you will want to start looking for spiritual truths, take time for yourself and develop your intuition.

It disposes to calmness, accumulation of knowledge and introspection. This is the perfect place to go looking for yourself. People living in the home will strive to find faith in themselves and others, and will be able to learn more about a topic that really interests them.

Seven will teach you to trust, develop your spiritual principles, listen to your intuition and discover your own "I".

Problems at home with the number 7

This house is not suitable for those who want to be successful in the material world. The 7 encourages internal development, not practical success. If it is important for you at the moment to increase your earnings or build a career, the energy of this house will hinder this.

Also, the house of seven can be problematic in relationships and marriage, and you will have to make special efforts to connect and communicate effectively with your partner.

Also in this place there is a temptation to withdraw into oneself through addiction. To an extreme degree, a person can begin to live in his head and feel his intellectual superiority over others.

Pros: A great place for writers, scientists, researchers, and anyone who wants to become a specialist in their field. This home creates a sense of refuge and privacy. You may be suddenly illuminated in a home with the energy of 7. To experience a sense of peace and not isolation from others, use the elements of water in your home.

Minuses: You may feel lonely in such a house. If you love a vibrant life, the vibration of this house will not suit you. Since the seven loves to escape reality, it will be extremely difficult for you to deal with addiction to alcohol and smoking in this house.

Numerology: Number 8

A house with the energy of number 8 is a center of power and prestige... The vibration of this house contributes to material wealth, management and achievement. The Eight supports the pursuit of success in the material world.

People living in this house may feel as if money and promotion are their main concern. For this reason, it is important not to forget about emotional communication with family members who may feel left out.

Energy at home strengthens financial skills, and in a higher form teaches you to give to others and wholeness.

Living here will teach you power, endurance, management and organization.

Problems at home with the number 8

If you are looking for a calm and discreet environment, this place is not for you. Eight encourages financial achievement and material wealth. It will be difficult for you to reflect on the spiritual aspects of the issue and engage in introspection in the house with the energy of number 8.

It is a house of abundance in the areas of life. The figure 8 also demands elegance and adds value to the exterior.

Pros: If you want to achieve material well-being, this is the ideal place. It often feels like a lot is happening behind the scenes. Perfect for family businesses and business meetings.

Minuses: Although the 8 attracts money, there is also the energy of risk, which can lead to losses. You need to understand that you will have to have a certain margin of safety in such a house. You may feel a constant urge to build up in the home, or improve its appearance to showcase to others. People living here can become workaholics. Finding a balance between work and play is important here.

Numerology: Number 9

Home with 9 energy is a place of humanity... Its vibration promotes charity, creativity, spirituality, selflessness, and forgiveness. In this home, it is important to strive to change and improve the world.

People living in this home may feel like they want to contribute and share with those in need. This is the place where you need to be able to let go, where you can help yourself and others.

This house attracts others, and those living here often become spiritually advanced.

Living here will teach you to give wise advice, compassion for others, comprehend universal truth and let go of the past.

Problems at home with the number 9

This place is not suitable for those who want to concentrate on themselves. Nine encourages love, compassion, acceptance of others. If at the moment you are striving for personal achievement, the energy of this house will interfere with this.

This is where your intuition becomes very strong. You may feel that others are more likely to turn to you for advice. People are attracted to your home by the energy of love and bestowal.

Nine is also a "worldwide" number, and you will tend to travel more often or receive guests from other countries.

It is also a haven for healing from past wounds, where you have the opportunity to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. It is important to express your emotions and creativity here.

Pros:This is a great place for humane purposes. The house is suitable for teachers, artists, psychologists, musicians and patrons of the arts. This place attracts spiritual growth.

Minuses:Home is good for those who are willing to compassion and sacrifice. At times, it can become a house of loss. Nine is the energy of completion and transformation. Here you will experience personal and spiritual growth, but the path will not be easy or easy.

It is not for nothing that they say that every living space, be it a private house or apartment, has its own special energy. Each of us had to feel a sharp change in mood after crossing the threshold of someone else's home. The serial numbers of the street, house and apartment have a strong influence on the energy field of a room. And this impact is strong and multifaceted. Numerology at home often determines not only its emotional atmosphere, but also the fate of the people living in it.

How to choose the right house or apartment number

Esotericists engaged in numerology argue that the address at which a person lives carries an important semantic load. Moreover, the influence is also exerted by the country, city and street of residence - their numerological code is calculated by letter in the name. To calculate the numerological code, you can use the alphanumeric correspondence table below.

For example, the numerological code of Russia: 9 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 6 \u003d 25 \u003d 2 + 5 \u003d 7. Now let's look at what seven means in numerology, what is its nature, positive and negative sides. From this information, it can be concluded what problems, prospects and opportunities unite all Russian citizens, which path they must follow in order to fulfill their karmic mission.

The numerological code of the city and street is calculated and deciphered by the same principle. Their influence is quite generalized, but, nevertheless, it also needs to be taken into account. It is clear that the most specific information is carried by the apartment number, or house number (if it is a private sector).

Any number, as you know, emits its own individual vibration, which can affect each specific person in different ways. And how positive or negative this influence turns out to be, depends on how harmoniously the numerological code of the house is combined with the number of the life path of its tenant. After all, some numbers are at war with each other, others, on the contrary, are friends.

The life path of a person in numerology is determined by summing the numbers of his day, month and year of birth. For example, if a person was born on 12.03.1998, then the main number that affects his fate is 1 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 \u003d 6. Let's say he lives in apartment number 5. This number carries inconstancy and change, and it does not fit well with the number 6, which loves peace and stability. It follows that this person may not feel very well in his apartment - he will often be haunted by a feeling of anxiety and insecurity.

Therefore, the best option is when the number of birth coincides with the number of a house or apartment. In this case, the proverb fully justifies itself: "My home is my fortress." In a house with a related numerical vibration, a person is fed with energy, feels calm, confident and protected.

Numerology of a house or apartment - meaning

A house or apartment often has two or even three digit numbers. In this case, all the numbers must be added to get one number, from 1 to 9. For example, if the apartment number is 34, then its numerological code is 3 + 4 \u003d 7. So, let's take a closer look at all the numbers.

House or apartment number 1

Key values:

- bright personality;
- independence;
- self-sufficiency;
- independence;
- initiative;
- high business activity;
- ambition;
- striving for self-affirmation;
- leadership skills;
- courage;
- optimism;
- openness;
- strength of will;
- self improvement;
- self-confidence.


If your house or apartment number is 1, it will dispose you to self-affirmation, to actively search for your place in the sun. This is a suitable home for determined and ambitious people who never stop at what they have achieved and constantly strive to conquer new life heights. Another plus of house 1 is that it is relatively easy to survive the period of loneliness in it, to recover from the loss or separation from a loved one. If you are busy with self-determination and self-improvement, House 1 will help you understand your purpose, push you to develop existing talents and abilities. Living in an apartment with such a serial number, you can learn purposefulness - the ability to set ambitious goals and achieve their fulfillment. House 1 can make you a leader - confident, ambitious and ambitious, able to rally others around you.

House problems 1

Such a home can make you so self-sufficient that you start to ignore your friends and family. The energy of apartment 1 is not very conducive to finding a soul mate, so for a young man there is a risk of remaining a bachelor (a girl can sit up in virgins). There are often rivalries and power struggles between the residents of House 1, as none of the household members wants to play second fiddle.

House or apartment number 2

Key values:

- mutual assistance;
- calmness;
- patience;
- the priority of family values;
- a harmonious combination of opposites;
- search for the golden mean;
- the desire for cooperation and compromise;
- inspiration and intuition;
- emotional openness;
- home comfort;
- sociability;
- sensitivity and emotionality.


If your house or apartment number is 2, then the larger your family size, the better. It is highly likely that all household members will get along well with each other and support each other in all matters. Apartment 2 is an ideal place of residence for a young married couple, as in a dwelling with such a serial number, grinding will take place easily and imperceptibly. Single people living in house 2 have every chance to quickly find their soul mate. Living in such an apartment will make tough and selfish people become softer, more flexible, more tactful. House 2 will turn out to be a good place of residence for a shy and timid person - he will never be left alone, people will be attracted to his life, who will become faithful friends and helpers for him. If you are creative (write poetry, music, books), within the walls of your home, the desired inspiration will often come to you.

House problems 2

Residents of an apartment with such a serial number find it difficult to gain self-sufficiency and independence, let alone become a leader. If you live in house 2, be prepared for the fact that your individual endeavors will meet many challenges along the way. House 2 is not the most suitable housing for convinced singles, bachelors. A lonely person in such a house can develop severe depression.

House or apartment number 3

Key values:

- enthusiasm;
- love of life;
- optimism;
- inexhaustible energy;
- creative flight;
- fun and joy;
- passion;
- romance;
- dynamism;
- constant search for new ideas;
- development and promotion;
- spontaneity;
- impulsivity.


If your house or apartment number is 3, you will never be bored and sad. For you, even against your will, will always be in a whirlpool of interesting and exciting events. House 3 is suitable for people with a bohemian temperament, who like to receive guests, arrange a variety of parties and celebrations. If you prefer to lead a quiet and measured life, such an apartment will not be the best place to live for you. But it is completely different if you have a friendly, outgoing character and love society. In this case, your home can become a place where a variety of people will gather for pleasant social interaction. The energy of house 3 can cure a person from shyness, make him a universal favorite, a party star, a darling of fate. If you want to climb the social ladder, your home will attract useful acquaintances to you, help you get out of the shadows and get out into people.

House problems 3

In the worst case, such a dwelling can become a real walk-through yard, where people will always crowd, and there will never be peace and quiet. If you do not restrain the flow of guests, constant communication with friends will distract household members from work and family affairs. If a person who prefers loneliness or does not have time for regular communication with friends settles in house 3, he may feel a spiritual emptiness and dissatisfaction with life.

House or apartment number 4

Key values:

- ability to plan:
- reliability and stability;
- striving for certainty;
- priority of material interests;
- cosiness and comfort;
- thrift and hoarding;
- taking care of physical and mental health;
- strict discipline;
- organization;
- balance;
- calmness;
- hard work.


If your house or apartment number is 4, then your attitude towards life should be serious and by no means frivolous. Otherwise, you will come into conflict with the energy of your home. House 4 will feel great for people doing business and determined to receive stable profits. An apartment with such a serial number can bring you success and prosperity if you strive to get rich and at the same time have good working capacity. A bummer in house 4 will feel very uncomfortable. He will have to overcome his laziness and become a hard-working person in order to get rid of complexes and constant problems. The psychological atmosphere in apartment 4 is usually calm and harmonious. Households try to support each other in all endeavors. And in your home there will be many solid, high-quality things that create a feeling of comfort. House 4 literally attracts everything that symbolizes prosperity and wealth.

House problems 4

Residents of apartment 4 can find it very difficult to relax and switch from work to leisure. But if you do not rest for a long time, terrible fatigue can gradually accumulate. It is also a problem that you may have if you live in house 4, it is the excess of things that will literally fall out of the closets. To keep free space in the home, it is necessary to control the passion for hoarding.

House or apartment number 5

Key values:

- continuous development;
- desire for change;
- agility and enterprise;
- mental energy;
- the predominance of mind over feelings;
- independence;
- easy attitude to life;
- developed business flair;
- openness;
- awareness;
- competence;
- broad outlook;
- a wide range of interests;
- sociability.


If your house or apartment number is 5, your life will be filled with change, adventure, acquaintance and travel. New people will constantly be attracted to you, and there will be no end to interesting prospects and opportunities. The energy of house 5 can make an active fidget even of the calmest tenant. A place of residence with such a serial number is suitable for a business, energetic, enterprising person who leads an active lifestyle. In apartment 5, people whose work is connected with constant travel and communication (businessmen, politicians, journalists, truck drivers) will feel comfortable. It is not recommended for uncommunicative introverts and slow phlegmatic people to choose a house for life. 5. For a person who is not accustomed to living at a fast pace, the energy of such a home can have a bad effect: cause a feeling of anxiety and nervousness.

House problems 5

The constant rush and excess of communication can be very tiring in the end. If you do not want to be exhausted, try to find time to rest, and allow yourself at least sometimes to be alone and quiet. The second and second serious problem of house 5 is that it is quite problematic to establish a calm and stable life in it. In the worst case, the tenants can face chaos and confusion.

House or apartment number 6

Key values:

- beauty in all forms;
- cosiness and comfort;
- financial stability;
- harmony between material and spiritual;
- a developed sense of duty;
- loyalty and devotion;
- stability and immutability;
- care and dedication;
- romance;
- economy and homeliness;
- security and safety.


If your house or apartment number is 6, you can count on a calm, stable and secure life. There will always be plenty of everything in your home, and your relationship with your household will be warm, even and calm. The energy of house 6 contributes to the gradual accumulation of material resources necessary to meet any needs of its residents. This takes into account that needs can be not only material, but also spiritual. Therefore, in addition to delicious food and beautiful things, books, musical instruments, antique figurines and other objects may also appear in apartment 6, depending on the taste of the household. If you decide to settle in house 6, get ready for the fact that your circle of friends will not be very wide, but unchanged. It's not even worth talking about divorces and partings - in apartments with such a serial number, they happen extremely rarely.

House problems 6

Not all people are satisfied with a monotonous and stable life - many want some kind of variety. But, alas, changes are very rare for apartment 6. In the worst case, you can be sucked in by a routine that will be very difficult to get out of. If you adore unpredictability, like to change your job and social circle often - run away from home 6. Because in it you will feel shackled hand and foot.

House or apartment number 7

Key values:

- the priority of the spiritual over the material;
- secrecy and isolation;
- mystery and incomprehensibility;
- inspiration;
- restraint in expressing feelings;
- developed intuition;
- strategic thinking;
- firmness of character;
- integrity;
- rich inner life;
- developed intelligence;
- the desire to learn the secrets of the universe;
- refinement, sensitivity.


If your house or apartment number is 7, there will definitely be time in your life for deep reflection on the meaning of life. Strange and peculiar people who are fond of philosophy, psychology, esotericism, as well as various serious sciences will be attracted to your house. The atmosphere in apartment 7 can tune even a down-to-earth and practical person to lofty thoughts. In such a dwelling, concern for daily bread is relegated to the background, but spiritual life blooms and flourishes. House 7 is suitable for people whose lofty aspirations prevail over the desire for material wealth. Writers, poets, researchers will feel comfortable in such a dwelling. A clever businessman is unlikely to like living in house 7 - his business acumen may at the root disappear. A person who prioritizes material values \u200b\u200bwill feel uncomfortable in such an apartment, as they say, not at ease.

House problems 7

The energy of apartment 7 is not very conducive to an active exchange of emotions. For this reason, its residents can move away from each other and become strangers. Only very close-knit and strong families are insured against such a turn of events. Another negative aspect is that if you ignore material problems for a long time, then they can eventually accumulate and declare themselves loudly.

House or apartment number 8

Key values:

- energy;
- the desire for power;
- charisma;
- courage;
- propensity to take risks;
- vitality;
- independence;
- reliability;
- purposefulness;
- practicality;
- developed business flair;
- penetrating abilities;
- ambition and ambition.


If your house or apartment number is 8, you will certainly learn to set global goals and achieve their fulfillment. As a rule, residents of apartment 8 have to spend a lot of money on their family needs. But on the other hand, living in such a house, one can expect that incomes will be above average. Inhabitants of apartment 8 often get the opportunity to get rich. This is an ideal home for a person who knows well what he wants from life and is ready to do much to achieve what he wants. Building 8 charges its residents with tremendous energy, ambition and desire for power. If ambition is alien to you, and you avoid any risk, then it is better for you to look for yourself another home. Otherwise, you will constantly feel in danger. But it is quite another matter if you are full of ambitious hopes. Then settling in apartment 8, you will get a chance to realize all your grandiose plans.

Trouble at home 8

Do not forget that excessive ambition often causes serious problems. People living in house 8 tend to overestimate themselves and set the bar too high for themselves. This is fraught with frustration and failure. In addition, residents of apartment 8 can face risky and even dangerous situations. Therefore, living in such a house is shown only to cautious and prudent people.

House or apartment number 9

Key values:

- the predominance of emotions over reason;
- seething feelings;
- creative inspiration;
- dreaminess;
- enthusiasm;
- elevation;
- search for harmony;
- kindness;
- the ability to sympathize and empathize;
- friendliness;
- a tendency to self-sacrifice;
- inspiration;
- strong intuition;
- discernment;
- a creative approach to any business;
- generosity and breadth of soul.


If your house or apartment number is 9, creative inspiration will be your constant guest. Living in an apartment with such a serial number is recommended for representatives of art: artists, musicians, actors. The most ordinary person, settling in house 9, may soon discover unexpected talents and abilities. But if the purpose of your life is to increase material well-being, you are not recommended to live in such an apartment - its energy will not contribute to the fulfillment of your plans. However, residents of house 9 are often rich. But money comes to them as a result of grandiose creative achievements. House 9 also promotes the development of altruism and selflessness. So do not be surprised if you suddenly have a desire to make this world happy and change it for the better. If you live in apartment 9 for a long time, your intuition will increase. It is even possible that you will begin to see prophetic dreams.

House problems 9

If a person has a weak inner core, excessive passion for dreams and fantasies can make him disconnected from reality. In the worst case, living in apartment 9 contributes to the acquisition of bad habits and addictions. If you are impractical, your home can enhance this quality many times over. Therefore, it is recommended to live in house 9 only for people who know how to soar with their souls in heaven, but with their feet firmly on the ground.

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What does the house number say in numerology? How does the meaning of a house number affect a person's life?

The numbers around you carry information that cannot be ignored. Understanding the meanings of the numbers will make your journey through life smoother and less dangerous.

Among the most important and significant numbers in your surroundings is the house in which you live. This number can predict some of the events, both happy and not so, that are likely to happen to you while you live in this house. One way or another, it is important to calculate the number of houses before you move there. Naturally, there are many other considerations when choosing a home, but it is very important that its energy resonates with your own, personal energy.

In order to find out the number of your house, you need to add up all the numbers that make up the house number and apartment number until you get a single-digit number. For example, if the house number is 26 and the apartment is 22, then the house number will be 3 (2 + 6 + 2 + 2 \u003d 12 \u003d\u003e 1 + 2 \u003d 3). If you live in a private house, then only the house numbers add up.

House number: interpretation of values

House number 1

It is a home for independent, self-confident people. A home with a number 1 will support the individuality, courage, determination and honesty of those who live in it. This is a wonderful home for those who are ready for personal entrepreneurship. If you are too tired of caring for others, then this home is for you, if only you are ready to be alone again.

House problems "1"

A sense of isolation and loneliness can arise in this house, even if other people live in it. If you are an addict, then house 1 can be very problematic for you: it will require independence from you. He can also teach you a lesson in tolerance, which can be another problem. In House 1, you will have to want to become independent. And one more problem: in the house with the number 1, everyone is gentlemen, but there is not a single servant!

Key aspects of the house "1": independence, courage, honesty, activity, new beginnings, innovation, personality, leadership.

House number 2

House number 2 is a calm, lovely home for two. In fact, this is a home where it is good to share everything that you have, because there is such a strong desire for peace and harmony. Aggressive, intolerant person in this house will not be good, because house 2 requires patience and supports sensitivity and kindness. In addition, it will require thoroughness and willingness to cooperate.

People living in House 2 can be very attached to each other because they are highly attuned to energy and feelings. This is a good home for partnership or marriage - but not for those who want to live alone. The number 2 best represents a sense of camaraderie.

House problems "2"

In a house with a number 2, there may be a tendency to hoard things - too many things. After all, how many seashells or salt shakers do you need in a house? In addition, any conflict or disagreement will become a problem for those who live in the vibration of this home.

In extreme cases, the vibration of the number 2 can attract people prone to petty nit-picking or criticism (after all, 2 gives importance to details, right?). The house with the number 2 strongly requires balance in the relationship.

Key aspects of the house "2": tolerance, cooperation, warmth, tact, attention to detail, sensitivity, balance of opposites.

House number 3

It is a fun home where you can feel the confidence of life as enthusiasm and charm pervades the number 3 home. Creative abundance can be found here. This home supports self-expression, communication, creativity and feelings. This home is where you expand your vision of life.

Here you will find a natural sense of confidence, which will of course lead to positive results. House 3 is a conduit for active creative, sexual and spiritual energy. House 3 will expand your social life. In the house with the number 3, romance flourishes magnificently, however, requiring honesty and loyalty.

House problems "3"

The problem here is too much excitement, too much enthusiasm, and too many friends: the job of number 3 is not to spray your energy. House 3 is at times in chaos, sometimes called "creative disorder." This house will be tiresome for someone whose essence is expressed by a strong number 4. It is better to live in such a house for carefree people!

Key aspects of the house "3": creativity, openness, optimism, happiness, brilliance, friendship, imagination, love of life.

House number 4

This is your home if you need security and stability: House 4 gives integrity, solidity and practicality. This is a good place to build a solid foundation for your future, because this house requires order and economy.

House 4 gravitates towards the stable work of those who live in it. In addition, it is the best fit for people or work groups working for a common goal.

This house is suitable for any building, gardening and anything related to land. Family affairs and the problems of relatives will require common sense and practicality from you. Last but not least, House 4 has a severe vibration type and will therefore be a safe haven for those who are not afraid of hard work and discipline.

House problems "4"

At times, living in House 4 can feel like a busy job. It may develop a tendency towards accumulation or rigidity and inflexibility. Relax - there are many other numbers in life that can help you. How about a jaunty little car with the number 3? Or triplets in a phone number?

So, when moving into a house with the number 4, get ready to do a certain amount of work so as not to come into conflict with this house. After all, 4 is hard work that you can't evade in this house.

Key aspects of the house "4": reliability, plans for the future, organization, discipline, down-to-earthness, frugality, hard work.

House number 5

If you feel like you're standing still, this is the home for you. House 5 is the house of activity, movement and change. Here you will find a lot of travel, continuous phone calls (the top five is the number of sales and retail chains) and an extremely busy daily routine.

House 5 is the center of activity. It stimulates communication, gathering of life experience and information, especially concerning ethnic cultures.

It's hard for a routine to get started and stay in house 5, where everything is constantly changing. Lots of people come and go, unexpected things happen, and anything but boredom can happen.

House 5 stimulates ingenuity, enterprise and encouragement. Diversity is the norm here, and at times leads to chaos and hectic life. In this house, no conditions persist long enough. There are many romantic stories going on in House 5, because those who live here have special magnetism, impulsiveness and enthusiasm, are much more talkative and, perhaps, more competitive. Anyone familiar with numerology would not be surprised to see 5 talkative traders full of enthusiasm in the house.

House problems "5"

Life in this house can sometimes seem like a chaotic whirlwind. More. Than for sure, hasty, but nevertheless, thanks to a heightened instinct, the right decisions will be made here. And yet, before making a decision, it is better to slow down and think it over well.

It is difficult to feel rested here, and if you decide to keep your virginity and stay alone - run from this house, it is not for you. And finally, due to the excessive spirit of change, building 5 can be characterized by a high turnover of inhabitants.

Key aspects of the house "5": change, diversity, activity, personal magnetism, sociability, trade, press, risk taking.

House number 6

Your nest and family are the symbols of this house, and for this it suits perfectly. Love for children, pets and family traditions is a classic at 6 and is also good for those who want to develop their artistic abilities.

Money, comfort and good things are simply attracted to this house, and life in it is filled with the energy of goodness and a humanistic spirit. Plus, it's a great home for homeschooling or home counseling because the energy of home 6 is warm, nurturing, and reliable. An intimate, loving relationship will fill your life in this home.

House problems "6"

Excessive feedback and care can upset the balance. Giving too much to others and taking too little for yourself can make you a victim. This situation is not harmonious, and under the influence of the vibrations of the number 6, you will have to correct it.

In house 6, duty and responsibilities will always come first. And if you rebel against the rules, this house is not for you. At the same time, in house 5, you can learn a lesson in responsibility - so maybe you, in the end, will stay here.

Key aspects of the house "6": beauty, children, balance, love, care, homeliness, teaching, advice, service, responsibility.

House number 7

The number 7 house is a retreat, a refuge for those in need of rest, recuperation, reflection or inner work. This house is just for those who want to be alone, reflect and seek divine inspiration. Education, study, science are successful here, and house 7 will bring joy to the writer, scientist or student, because it is completely focused on deep research.

Good luck in this home comes from knowledge, skill and specialization. The vibration of the seven enhances intuition, daydreaming, telepathic abilities, spiritual development and metaphysical exploration. This is a home for very private people.

House problems "7"

This house is not for those who want to achieve material well-being or business advancement. He is also a labor for matrimony. Partnerships or cohabitation. Seven is mainly looking for solitude, so this house is not for those who cannot live alone or want to socialize regularly.

Key aspects of the house "7": inner life, solitude, analysis, reflection, recuperation, specialization, closedness, uncommonness, study or science.

House number 8

If you are ready to put in order the material side of your life. Move to a home with an 8. It will keep you organized, visionary, and financially managed. With discipline and discernment, you can seriously strengthen your position while living in 8.

8 brings public recognition and respect for your good work; with the vibration of this house, success and material wealth are possible. Here you need intelligence, strength and determination.

House 8 is not a home, but rather a place of business activity. It attracts people of power, money, business thinking and success, because strength, money and success are the three hallmarks of number 8. Eight is also the number of self-improvement, so in house 8 you may find that your spiritual aspirations increase material achievement.

House problems "8"

Under the vibration of the number 8, money goes and comes. Usually there are big expenses in a house of 8 - and it's no wonder you need an influx of big bucks! The problem with this house is staying focused and organized as long as you are aiming for material wealth.

Accurate financial management, honesty, decency and fairness - all this will have to be learned while living under the powerful vibration of the eight. This is not a home for extravagance - poor financial management under vibration 8 will get you unhappy.

Key aspects of the house "8": material prosperity, power, leadership, self-improvement, business, common sense, prosperity, skillful money management.

House number 9

It is a house of compassion and tolerance, a huge space for humanity. If you are free of racial or social prejudice, you are a philanthropist, or are eager to help the world, this is your home. The vibration of the number 9 will allow you to see opportunities, to be above limitations and pressures. This is a home for broad minded people. In this house, you will receive a reward for your past efforts.

House 9 is a good place to do something, to heal all sorts of wounds, or to gain a deeper understanding of other people. Intuition, dreams, healing, spirituality, art, theater, philosophy and even metaphysical teachings will all be a source of inspiration for those who live in House 9. Living in House 9, you will find people and money that will be attracted to you thanks to your humanistic views, compassion and wisdom.

House problems "9"

Passionate, dramatic emotions can accompany a 9 home. Since 9 controls strong feelings, you may fear that their intensity will break loose in the unbridled display of emotions.

Nine also signifies impartiality and universal love, because the greatest benefit for the largest number of people you can overlook those with whom you live. 9 is a very powerful number that requires powerful feelings and lessons for those under its influence.

Key aspects of the house "9": dedication, fulfillment and completion, liberation, tolerance, wisdom, art, strong feelings, favor of fortune.