We grow Brugmansia: features of care and methods of reproduction. Brugmansia landing and care in the open field wintering reproduction Brugmansia planting

Beauty Brugmansia is a large shrub in the form of a tree from the nightshade family. The plant owes its popularity to the surprisingly beautiful inflorescences that literally strew the bush, practically covering the foliage. Huge, half-meter gramophones hang in clusters from branches and spread a rich, heavy aroma around them.

The homeland is the humid and warm tropics, but it will not be difficult to grow a beautiful tree in the local climate. Considering the character traits of a chic tropical woman, even an inexperienced grower will cope with the care and reproduction of Brugmansia.

How to care for Brugmansia?

In order for a perennial to feel good and delight with lush flowering, it needs to provide suitable conditions for development, namely:

  1. Comfortable temperature. In the summer, the flower feels good outdoors, but for the winter the pot must be brought indoors. The minimum temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bfor wintering Brugmansia are 5-8 degrees Celsius, with minus indicators, it dies.
  2. Good lighting. In a shaded place, the shrub will grow foliage, but its main decoration - flowering, you can not wait.
  3. Nutritious soil. Brugmansia loves oily and light soil, therefore, the composition of the substrate must necessarily contain humus, as well as peat.
  4. Abundant watering. In summer, especially when you are outdoors, you should moisten the ground often, as soon as the top layer dries. In the evening, spray the foliage, preventing water from getting on the flowers. In wintering conditions in a cool room, watering should be reduced to a minimum, but if the pot is in a warm room, leave the previous mode.
  5. Regular feeding. From the beginning of spring until late autumn, the flower needs complex fertilizers at least twice a month. In the spring, it is good to water Brugmansia with a solution of mullein, and during the flowering period, emphasize. In winter, a single top dressing for a month is enough, but only on condition that the bush hibernates in a heated room.
  6. spring pruning. Starting from the second year of life, the bush in the month of March must be cut annually. Remove dry and damaged shoots completely, and cut the remaining side branches by a third, thus stimulating more abundant flowering.

So that the branches do not break under the weight of the abundance of flowers, put props under them. In addition, it is necessary to avoid places that are blown by the wind.

Reproduction methods

Brugmansia reproduces in three ways:

  1. seeds. In early spring, sow the seeds under the film, and when 5 true leaves are formed on the seedlings, transplant them into separate pots.
  2. cuttings. In March or September, cut off an annual branch with a bud, remove leaves from it and place in a glass of water. When white dots (root buds) form on the handle, root it in the ground.
  3. Air layers. In order for roots to form on the shoot, it is necessary to select last year's lignified branch and cut it in the form of the letter V. Treat the cut with Kornevin and put wet moss on it, wrapping it with a film on top. Moss periodically moisten. After about 2 months, air roots will appear, then cut off the branch, remove the leaves and plant in the soil.

Video on how to grow brugmansia at home

Home care for her will not be the easiest, but the plant will respond to care with a magnificent, unlike flowering.

In nature, Brugmansia are perennial large shrubs or trees growing up to 11 meters tall. It would seem that there is simply not enough space in the room for such a giant, but nothing is impossible for flower growers. An evergreen culture with tubular, fairy-bell-like flowers from 20 to 50 cm long is now available to indoor plant lovers.

How to organize planting and caring for Brugmansia, whose flowers not only amaze with their size and bizarre shape, but also with a variety of colors, as well as a bright aroma that intensifies by night?

Since the plant is very large, before sowing or planting it is necessary to sensibly assess the possibilities and available conditions. Although pruning is required for Brugmansia, correcting the size, the tree must begin to branch before flowering. And up to this point, it takes from 1 to 4 years.

Conditions for the growth of a houseplant brugmansia

Brugmansia, as a native inhabitant of the South American tropics, is very thermophilic and reacts sharply to temperature changes, shedding foliage and stopping the formation of buds. A comfortable temperature is considered to be in the range of 23–28 °C, and the first signs of discomfort are already noticeable when the temperature drops to 8–10 °C. Closer to zero, Brugmansia first stops the growing season, and then the aerial part of the tree dies off.

To maintain the attractiveness of the plant throughout the year, when caring for Brugmansia at home:

  • trying to maintain a constant temperature;
  • protect the plant from drafts;
  • provide bright and long lasting;
  • carry out regular watering and fertilizing, the schedule of which depends on the vegetative activity of the indoor flower;
  • they trim the crown and transplant the plant when it "outgrows" the old pot.

In the summer, when there is no danger of frost, cold wind or rain, it is useful to take the pot of Brugmansia out into the fresh air.

Brugmansia loves the sun and feels great not only on the east or west, but also on the south side. Only on the sunniest days, at noon, the plant can droop slightly, which is easy to fix by watering and moving the pot a meter deep into the room.

If the Brugmansia indoor plant is indoors all year round, from autumn to spring, and also when located away from the window, the flower needs additional illumination. In winter, cold content, for example, in a basement with a temperature of about 10 ° C, light is not required at all.

Brugmansia soil, transplanting and pot selection

In a pot, Brugmansia grows rapidly, and for a full-fledged vegetation, it needs a nutritious light substrate.

Such a mixture can be made on the basis of:

  • 2 parts lowland;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part of garden soil.

If necessary, pre-washed sand, perlite and vermiculite are added to the soil for Brugmansia, as a prophylaxis against fungal infections and putrefactive bacteria, it is useful to introduce a little crushed charcoal.

A pot for Brugmansia is chosen based on serious dimensions. Due to the rapid growth, it is better to take a container "with a margin", otherwise the bush will have to be replanted several times a year.

Transplantation is carried out in early spring, before the awakening of the main points of growth. Small specimens are transferred to a larger container, and in adults, Brugmansia change the top layer of soil.

Before planting, a layer of expanded clay, pebbles mixed with charcoal or other material is poured onto the bottom of the pot. Then, a rooted cutting or a specimen requiring transplantation with an old earthen clod is transferred to a small layer of soil.

When it comes to transplanting, the roots of Brugmansia are cut off a little along the contour of the pot, simultaneously removing dead or rotten rhizomes.

At the end, all the voids in the new pot are filled with a nutritious, pre-sterilized mixture, which is carefully compacted and watered.

Watering and feeding houseplant Brugmansia

Brugmansia has a well-developed crown, which:

  • protects the soil under the flower from overheating and evaporation;
  • participates in photosynthesis and helps the plant to receive the necessary nutrition;
  • to maintain tone, especially in hot sunny times, it requires a lot of moisture and nutrients.

Therefore, Brugmansia in a pot is regularly and plentifully watered, reducing watering only during cloudy weather and wintering. Watering the flower is carried out with warm soft water, soaking the entire earthy Komi and be sure to drain the excess for 30–40 minutes accumulating in the pan.

For tropical plants, especially young specimens, the humidity of not only the substrate, but also the air is important. However, contact with moisture on flowers and leaves can cause burns. To prevent this from happening, they use to humidify the air:

  • irrigation when the plant is in partial shade or in the evening;
  • placing a container with water nearby;
  • placing the pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay;
  • household humidifiers.

Top dressing is carried out throughout the growing season. First, immediately after spring pruning, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, which activate the growth of greenery, then they switch to complex mixtures that stimulate the formation of buds and lush flowering.

In warm weather, when caring for at home, Brugmansia is fed at intervals of 7 to 14 days.

Growing Brugmansia from seeds at home

Today, flower growers have the opportunity to grow Brugmansia in various ways, including seed. If the seed is obtained independently, there is no certainty about what the young plants will be like. As a hybrid houseplant, Brugmansia does not retain parental traits. Another thing is seeds from a trusted manufacturer.

In this case, getting varietal Brugmansia from seeds at home is not difficult. Sowing is carried out from January to early spring. In this case, the seedlings appear with an increasing daylight hours and quickly grow. Base soil can be used as a substrate, but a mixture of equal parts of peat, sand or perlite works just as well. Seeds are laid out on the surface on moist soil and sprinkled with a layer of soil from 5 to 12 mm.

In a greenhouse at an air temperature of 22–25 ° C and high humidity, seeds will need from 1 to 10 weeks to hatch and show sprouts, depending on the freshness of the seed.

All this time the container is in the light and moistened as necessary. Picking Brugmansia when grown from seeds is carried out at the stage of 4–5 true leaves. In the future, caring for plants differs little from caring for adult specimens.

One has only to remember that up to a year, non-lignified shoots resist heat and dry air worse, they are more afraid of pests and fungal infections.

Propagation of room brugmansia by cuttings

Cuttings make it faster and easier to get a flowering plant than when planting Brugmansia with seeds and caring for tiny seedlings. Instances grown from segments of half or completely lignified shoots bloom in the second year after planting. For seedlings, this takes 2 to 4 years.

You can get hardy, ready-to-root cuttings from spring to early autumn, the main thing is that there are growth points on such pieces of the stem. Branched cuttings bloom earlier than regular, straight ones.

It is even better to use root layers for propagation of Brugmansia, which now and then appear at the base of an adult plant. They are separated at the time of transplantation, like stem cuttings, treated with a root stimulator and dropped into a light substrate with a high nutrient content or immersed in water with the addition of a few pieces of charcoal or activated charcoal.

The average length of a brugmansia cutting is 15–20 cm, which is enough to awaken 1–3 growth points. In a room greenhouse, roots form in 4–7 weeks, after which the seedlings can be transferred from their own pots.

Brugmansia in a pot - video

But at first glance, a plant with such an unusual name resembles a dope, at the behest of an unknown wizard, increased several times to the size of a tree. The first impression, as often happens, turns out to be correct: Brugmansia and Datura are the closest relatives, which biologists have only recently separated, making Brugmansia an independent genus.

The plant is distinguished by originality and sophistication. The special beauty, originality and charm of Brugmansia are given by numerous huge flowers, which, moreover, smell great. Such an exotic beauty, which does not require much effort to grow, is a welcome decoration for a house, terrace or winter garden, where it coexists well with plants such as abutilon , bougainvillea , tillandsia, frisee, neoregilia. In tropical climates, Brugmansia is planted outdoors.

The only "disadvantage" of Brugmansia when grown at home is its size: it takes up a lot of space. Therefore, having a branched powerful root system, it needs a large capacity with a substrate. But some new varieties bred do not have impressive dimensions and growth speed and are quite suitable for apartments, for example, Cordata red or Culebra varieties (the latter differs, moreover, from others in narrow leaves).

Systematics and names

The genus Brugmansia is a member of the family Solanaceae (Nightshade) from the class Dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Previously, Brugmansia was attributed to the genus Datura, but the life form and some morphological features made it possible to distinguish it into a separate genus.

The scientific Latin name Brugmansia was given to the plant in honor of the Dutch scientist Sebald Justinus Brugmans. The folk names of Brugmansia are mainly associated with the shape of its flowers: angelic trumpets, trumpets of the archangels, the horn of the Archangel. Some are based on similarities with Datura: Datura Tree, Datura Tree, Tree Datura.

Morphological structure

The life form of Brugmansia is evergreen shrubs and small trees 3-11 m high with a sympodial type of branching.

The leaves are simple, oval or ovate, pointed at the end, green. There are variegated varieties. Brugmansia develops two types of leaves: large, up to 50 cm, in which the edge of the leaf blade is even, and slightly smaller leaves, the edges of which are indented. Leaves on long petioles. The surface of the sheet is matte, slightly velvety to the touch. Microscopic hairs, creating a "velvet effect", protect the leaf tissue from sunburn, allowing Brugmansia to grow under the rays of the tropical sun.

The root system is pivotal, powerful, branched, with a large number of additional roots.

In the photo: Brugmansia fragrant / fragrant, variety "Flamenco"

The flowers are large, reaching half a meter in length and 20 cm in diameter, have a double perianth. They grow and develop very quickly: sometimes, in a day, a flower can grow by 6-8 cm. The tubular corolla is formed by five fused petals, the color of which can be white, yellow, red or cream. Selected cultivars have petals in every color available for flowers, from cream or pink to purple or cobalt. There are varieties with double flowers.

Flowers are pollinated by insects, which are attracted to the smell. The aroma of flowers is especially strong in the evening and at night. The fruits are boxes.

Growing conditions

Brugmansia is a heat-loving plant that does not withstand the frosts of the temperate climate zone, even if it is covered for the winter. Therefore, here Brugmansia is grown either indoors (greenhouses, winter gardens, living quarters), or a combined version is used. That is, from the middle or end of spring to the beginning or middle of autumn, the plant is taken out into the street, after accustoming it to new conditions, and in the cold season, Brugmansia is indoors.

In the photo: a rare variety of Brugmansia "Culebra" with narrow long leaves and divided petals, in all other varieties and species the petals are fused.

The best summer temperatures for Brugmansia are plus 22 -28 degrees. Average winter temperatures can be below 15-18 degrees, in which case Brugmansia will be at rest, stop blooming and actively vegetate. Brugmansia can also withstand temperatures of + 8-10 degrees, while it partially or completely sheds foliage. This is normal when the temperature drops. However, this is a less desirable way of overwintering.

When it comes to maintenance, there are a few other things to keep in mind. 1). The plant does not like sudden changes in temperature and drafts. 2). In the hot sun, Brugmansia may look wilted, but by the evening they look magnificent again, so it is not worth pouring it. 3). To reduce overheating of the plant from the open sun, it is grown in light large tubs, for adult specimens with a volume of at least 15 liters, which are placed in partial shade in summer.

In the photo: An outstanding variety of tree-like Brugmansia "Knightii", awarded by the British Royal Horticultural Society. It has a long flowering and two-tier snow-white flowers.

Since in nature many Brugmansia grow in the equatorial zone, they will also feel good in culture at uniform annual temperatures. In this case, Brugmansia can bloom without ceasing, remaining attractive all year round.

Wherever brugmansia grows: in a winter garden, on a balcony or on a windowsill, it needs good lighting with direct sunlight for at least a couple of hours a day. At the same time, very bright sun for a long time can make its flowers dull. In apartments, Brugmansia is best placed on the southern or western windowsills. In summer, on a hot afternoon, the plant needs shading.

Indoors, away from the window, it is necessary to provide Brugmansia with additional light. To do this, use lamps with the appropriate wavelengths of light, the so-called phytolamps. In the autumn-winter period, additional lighting is also desirable. If the plant hibernates in a room with a low temperature (5-7 degrees), then it can be in complete darkness.

In the photo: Brugmansia in the open field, Crimea

Brugmansia prefers to grow on nutritious, organic-rich substrates of medium to light weight. It is loyal to the different acidity of the soil, it is important that the soil for the plant is well aerated and passes water.

In order to prevent stagnation of water in the container and protect Brugmansia from root rot, drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot when planting. Expanded clay, small stones, shards, pebbles can serve as drainage. Since the growth rate of many varieties is high, the plant must be replanted annually in the spring, changing the soil and the pot to a larger one, or growing new specimens from cuttings. In large plants that are difficult to transplant, they change the top layer of soil to a new fertile one.

Humidity and watering
With a huge leaf surface, Brugmansia loses a large amount of water, which evaporates through the stomata. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the plant does not dry out, especially if Brugmansia is growing in a pot. But Brugmansia is also very sensitive to excess water: it can rot its roots. Therefore, you need to make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pan. A good option for summer growing is to bury Brugmansia in the substrate along with the pot. Sometimes Brugmansia is completely planted out of the pot into the ground, and returned to it for the winter for wintering. But this is possible only in the southern regions of the country.

When watering, you need to make sure that water does not fall on the leaves and flowers. When grown indoors, Brugmansia provide sufficient air humidity. You can increase the humidity:
by spraying water near the plant;
placing a container of water next to it;
setting a pot of brugmansia on a pallet with wet expanded clay;
placing several plants next to each other (in groups, plants store moisture better);
by installing a special device near the plant that increases the humidity of the air.

In the photo: a young shoot of Brugmansia, a fork is visible in the lower part. Open ground. Crimea.

Fertilization is carried out 4-6 times during the growing season, if Brugmansia grows in open ground. And if the plant does not leave the premises, then fertilizers are applied from spring to the end of summer once every seven to ten days. The better the Brugmansia eats, the stronger and longer it will bloom, and its flowers will be brighter.

Even if Brugmansia is kept in the same temperature conditions all year round, they do not feed in late autumn and winter.

Fertilizers can be used liquid, which are dissolved in water and watered over the plant, or solid, which are introduced into the substrate, where they slowly dissolve and give macro- and microelements. In the second case, Brugmansia can be fertilized 1-2 times per season. It is good to alternate the use of organic and mineral components, giving preference to phosphorus-potassium elements.

Care should be taken to feed the plant: in case of an overdose or excess of the concentration of active substances, Brugmansia will receive a toxic burn.

Depending on the conditions and goals of cultivation, Brugmansia is pruned. By pruning, you can adjust the height and shape of the plant (stem or bush), the number of shoots and branches, maintain a neat general appearance, thin out thickened specimens. Cut brugmansia in the fall. Below the fork, the shoots are not shortened - this delays flowering. In tub plants, all new shoots emerging from the ground are removed.

In the photo: tub cultivation of Brugmansia, bole.

Preparing for the winter
In some cases, if Brugmansia is grown outdoors in the summer, cuttings are cut from its shoots, which are grown at home for the next season, and the old plant is thrown out at the end of autumn. In this case, Brugmansia is cultivated as an annual crop, as we often do with.

More often choose another option for wintering. Brugmansia is dug up, cutting off the roots to the size of the pot in which it is placed. At the same time cut (cut out) part of the shoots. In this form, it is easier for the cut roots to nourish the plant.

You can divide the bush into parts according to the number of shoots, plant each division (shoot with roots) in a separate pot and transfer it to the room until spring.

In winter, Brugmansia is watered very sparingly.

Reproduction of brugmansia

Brugmansia is propagated vegetatively and generatively.

Generative, or seed, method of reproduction Brugmansia can lead to the plant losing its varietal qualities, especially in the most decorative hybrids, although seed reproduction exists in nature. In a culture, however, the offspring will not necessarily resemble the parent forms. Therefore, for sowing, it is better to purchase seeds in specialized stores, and not use collected from your plants. When choosing a variety, it must be remembered that varieties with simple flowers are easier to grow, they bloom faster than terry ones.

Seeds are sown in the period from January to March (so that the seedlings respond to an increase in daylight hours). The composition of the substrate should be something like this: peat + sand (perlite) in a ratio of 1:1. But variations are possible. The main thing is that the soil for planting seeds is light enough, nutritious and moist.

The depth of seed placement is 1.0-1.3 cm. After planting, they are covered with a film with holes made in it for aeration. The temperature required for seed germination is + 22-25 degrees.

After seed germination, the film must be raised to a height of 40-60 cm from the soil level. The presence of the film will provide the necessary air humidity (75-85%). Maintain humidity by spraying water into the air. Lighting should be bright, without direct sunlight.

Transplanting seeds into pots is carried out when the seedlings start up three or four normal, not cotyledonous, leaves.

Vegetative reproduction carried out by rooting green or semi-lignified cuttings taken from young shoots with a developed growth point. It is better to carry out cuttings in July-August during flowering (cuttings are not cut from non-flowering shoots). Less than a year later, plants from semi-woody cuttings will bloom. Green cuttings will allow you to get flowering Brugmansia only after a year. Propagation by root cuttings gives a good result, they can be taken obtained during plant transplantation.

Another feature must be taken into account when harvesting planting material. Brugmansia forms buds only after a fork is formed on a young stem (usually at a height of 80 cm), buds are not laid below. Therefore, cuttings with a fork are so valued, because they will soon bloom. If you take a cutting above the fork, then on the plant obtained from it, flower buds will be laid lower.

Shoots up to 20 cm long (photo 1), cut with a sharp knife or secateurs. From long shoots, you can get several cuttings at once.

For better rooting, the lower leaves from the shoot must be cut off (photo 2).

Then the cuttings are placed with the bottom part in the water. To prevent the appearance of putrefactive bacteria, activated charcoal (1-3 tablets) is added to the water. Water is periodically changed, dissolving coal in it.

Brugmansia shoots can also be rooted in the substrate using a rooter (photos 3 and 4). 1-4 cuttings are planted in a pot, if necessary, a plate with the name of the variety is placed, if there are several of them involved in reproduction (photo 5). When growing, the same conditions are observed.

Brugmansia: diseases and pests

insect pests

whitefly - a small insect that looks like a small white moth. A dangerous pest that feeds on plant sap. Most often, the whitefly infects plants of closed ground. When it appears, it is necessary to treat Brugmansia with an insecticide, repeat the treatment after 4-5 days. Preparations: "Admiral", "Aktara".

Aphid - small insects living in groups, affecting Brugmansia growing indoors and outdoors. More often the plant is affected by green aphids, not black. Insects suck nutrients from all parts of the plant, but prefer buds and young leaves.

When aphids are found, Brugmansia is treated with an insecticide or folk methods are used (tobacco tincture or soap solution). Preparations: "Commander", "Aktofit", "Fitoverm". It is necessary to carry out 2-3 treatments. If brugmansia grows on the street, then you need to pay attention to the nests of ants located nearby and destroy them. Ants cultivate aphids, so it is very difficult to get rid of the pest in their presence.

In the photo: golden brugmansia

caterpillars affect Brugmansia growing in open ground. Large caterpillars can be collected by hand, but if there are too many butterfly larvae, you need to use an insecticide, for example, Avant, Decis Pro, Lepidocide. To combat caterpillars, which are the larval stage of butterflies, biological control methods can also be used, for example, to attract birds to the garden.

Brugmansia pests belonging to other systematic groups

spider mite - a very small pest belonging to arachnids, which, at times, can only be seen with a magnifying glass. When affected by a tick, the leaves of Brugmansia wither, curl, lose color. A characteristic feature is the presence of a web. spider mite - one of the most dangerous pests, which is very difficult to deal with. 3-4 treatments with acaricidal preparations are needed, for example, Apoplo, Borneo, Envidor, Kleshchevit, Omite 57, Marshal (highly toxic).
In order to prevent Brugmansia, it is necessary to take it out into the fresh air, and in case of very strong heat and dry air, spray the leaves.

In the photo: Fragrant white Brugmansia is one of the species that showed itself best in gardening. Its advantages are unpretentiousness, long flowering and delicious aroma.

Slugs - Pests belong to molluscs. The prerequisites for their development are usually dampness, an abundance of moisture, and poor drainage. Slugs mainly infect Brugmansia growing in open ground. To combat slugs, specific preparations are used, and, if possible, they change the conditions for keeping Brugmansia (transfer from a damp place, cut off part of the branches). Drug: Thunderstorm.

Fungal diseases of Brugmansia

Most often, the above-ground parts of Brugmansia affect gray rot And powdery mildew . The prerequisites for the development of diseases are wet weather, water on the leaves, and a sharp cold snap.

At the first signs of disease - the appearance of a gray coating or white powdery coating on the leaves or buds, the plant must be treated with a fungicide ("Quadris", "Maxim", "Topaz", "Vectra"). The number of treatments depends on the degree of damage to the plant, but there must be at least two. In case of severe damage, the infected parts of the plant must be removed.

Prevention measures:
when the temperature drops, reduce watering;
make sure that when watering, water does not fall on the leaves and flowers;
Brugmansia can be sprayed only during warm and dry weather;
for preventive purposes, treat with fungicidal preparations.

Root fungal rot develops when water stagnates in the container, with poor drainage and with a sharp change in temperature. When a disease occurs, the affected roots are removed, and Brugmansia is treated with a fungicidal preparation, for example, Gliocladin can be used.

Interesting facts about Brugmansia

Brugmansia has long been revered and revered by shamans. Flowers were used for dressing up, brewing tea, performing rituals, believing that the plant helps to predict the future, summon the spirit of the deceased, and help in the search for gold. Such a belief, most likely, arose due to the toxicity of Brugmansia, which can cause a semblance of a drunken frenzy in a person.

Nevertheless, the presence in the plant of atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolomane confirms the antispasmodic, analgesic, narcotic effect of Brugmansia. In the countries of growth, the leaves of the plant are still applied externally to problem areas of the skin and inflammation of the joints.

Currently, all work on planting, caring for or breeding Brugmansia is recommended to be carried out with gloves and closed clothing.

On sale, the plant can be found under the name "Pipes of Angels" (Angel Trumpet).

it is a flower with a woody stem up to five meters high. The flowers of the plant are up to seventeen centimeters in diameter, their length varies from 25 to 50 cm, they can change color during the day. The smell of flowers during the day is barely audible, because the flowers are half-covered, as the blooming, the smell intensifies. Brugmansia leaves are placed in two tiers. In the first row, the leaves are elongated, their edges are even. In the second row, the leaves are smaller with jagged edges. The length of the sheet reaches 50 cm, they are large with distinct veins. Brugmansia is propagated by both seeds and cuttings.

Did you know? Because of the tubular shape of the flower and the incredible smell, brugmansia got a second name - angel's trumpet..

How to grow brugmansia from cuttings, when to start

Propagation of Brugmansia with green cuttings is carried out when the plant is one year old. Cuttings are carried out in autumn (September) and spring (March). Experienced gardeners prefer spring cuttings. In the spring, the flower wakes up, the period of sap flow resumes, and at the same time the cutting takes root better. Since it is easier to propagate Brugmansia with cuttings than fiddling with seeds, most gardeners prefer to use this breeding method.

Important! Brugmansia is a poisonous plant, so all work with it is carried out with gloves.

How to prepare brugmansia cuttings

Growing Brugmansia from cuttings has its own advantage: the plant takes root better and blooms earlier. Many puzzle over how to prepare brugmansia cuttings, in fact, the process is quite simple. The stems are cut with a sharp pruner from the top of the plant, which have reached a height of 15-25 cm, having their own apical point of growth. From long shoots, several cuttings are obtained. The lower leaves of the cuttings are cut off, and half of the upper leaves are cut off.

It is worth noting that the preparation of planting material should be taken from a plant that has reached a height of more than eighty centimeters, since the buds are not laid below. In addition to stem cuttings, you can also resort to root cuttings. A bush grown by root cuttings adapts better.

Did you know? On one seedling of Brugmansia, about a hundred flowers can be located.

How to root brugmansia cuttings

Rooting of cuttings of Brugmansia is carried out in two ways: in the substrate and in water. Everyone chooses a convenient way for themselves. Rooting Brugmansia in the substrate will require less time resources. At cut stems, the lower leaves are cut off if they are long, divide them into cuttings 15-20 cm in size and placed for rooting in water or a substrate.

Rooting in the substrate

Since not all varieties of Brugmansia root in water, they resort to rooting cuttings in the substrate. Before planting a Brugmansia cutting in a pot, you need to prepare a planting pot. Drainage (vermiculite, polystyrene) is placed at the bottom of the pot, then the substrate is poured. A recess is made in the substrate and a cutting is placed. The earth around the cutting is slightly crushed, then covered with a jar, creating greenhouse conditions. When planting in the substrate, root growth stimulants are used. Up to four blanks are inserted into the pots. In a month, the plant will be ready for transplanting to a permanent habitat.

Rooting cuttings of Brugmansia in water

For rooting cuttings in water, settled warm water is used. In order for the stems placed in water not to rot, an activated charcoal tablet is diluted in it. A little water (3-5 cm) is poured onto the bottom of a jar or a plastic cup, and the cuttings prepared in advance are placed in a container, then transferred to a warm, well-lit place. Not only water, but also oxygen is involved in the formation of roots, so the water level should not be high. The container with the handle is covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm, bright place. After 10-15 days, the first roots will appear.

Important! Activated charcoal must be added to the water in order to avoid root rot.

How to care for brugmansia cuttings

When propagating a flower, the question is not how to prepare Brugmansia cuttings, but how to save them. The main methods of caring for Brugmansia cuttings are proper watering, comfortable temperature and sufficient lighting.

Caring for cuttings in water

In order for the leaves of the cuttings not to wilt, they are periodically irrigated with a sprinkler. Mandatory is the daily airing of the mini-greenhouse. They also control the condition of the water. At the slightest turbidity of the liquid in the vessel, it is replaced with fresh.

Did you know? Brugmansia is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of tumors and eye infections..

How to care for cuttings in the ground

First of all, when caring for a cutting of Brugmansia, you need to monitor the soil moisture. The soil should not be waterlogged, but it cannot be completely dry either. The pot is placed in partial shade so that the plant does not get sunburn through the jar. The jar is periodically removed from the jar for a few minutes to ventilate the plant. When the cutting takes root and grows, start hardening it.

Brugmansia is an amazing find for those who love the exotic. This plant is stunning in its beauty, shape, size and unusualness. It is impossible not to fall in love with him at first sight. It comes from South and Central America, which significantly affects the growing conditions of Brugmansia.

However, Brugmansia cannot be called a garden plant, since it can only grow in the middle lane in the open air in the summer. During the winter, an ideal habitat for a plant will be a winter garden or greenhouse.

Brugmansia: general description and appearance of the flower

This is a large, luxuriantly flowering and very beautiful tree-like shrub, reaching 5 meters. Its flowers have a special decorative effect, which outwardly resemble giant bells, the length of which is 50 cm and the diameter is 20 cm.

The buds have a pronounced aroma that intensifies at night. It was this feature that contributed to the fact that Brugmansia was sometimes called Datura.

In addition to the bright smell, the plant is striking in the variety of colors and shades that nature has endowed it with: pink, orange, peach, cream, yellow and yellow-green. There are varieties with double flowers.

In many countries, the plant is also referred to as "angel's trumpets". This is due to the almost incredibly fast growth of Brugmansia. Dope flowers grow by 3-4 cm per day! And if the conditions are favorable, then even by 6-7 cm!

Brugmansia propagation methods: cuttings, layering, seeds

There are several ways to propagate this plant. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Air layering - in this way, Brugmansia begin to propagate in the spring. To do this, a healthy and seemingly well-developed shoot is selected in its upper part, on which a kidney incision is made. After it is treated with a stimulant for root formation, it is wrapped in moss, which must be regularly moistened.

After 60 days, the moss can be removed and the shoot can be separated from the adult plant. After the separated shoot is planted in a separate container with nutritious and light soil. After 2-3 weeks, you can transplant it into a large pot - the permanent residence of the new Brugmansia.

  • Cuttings - for plant propagation in this way, annual shoots are needed, selected from the top of the crown. Their length should reach about 15 - 25 cm, they should also have an apical growth point.

Cuttings are best done in late spring or early summer. After pruning, the shoots are placed in a vessel with settled water and exposed to a bright and warm place. To prevent shoot rot, add an activated charcoal tablet to water. By the end of the second week, the cuttings should give roots. When they reach a length of 5 cm, they are transplanted into the ground.

Subsequently, the container with seedlings moves to a warm place. Within two weeks, while rooting occurs, it is recommended to spray the seedlings.

  • Seeds - this method of reproduction will not allow the transfer of varietal characteristics of the plant to offspring. But if this detail is not important to you, then it is necessary to sow the seeds of Brugmansia in the ground from January to March. The sowing depth should be 0.5 - 1.0 cm.

After the seed container is covered with plastic wrap or glass and placed in a warm place (25 degrees Celsius), with diffused bright light. The first sprouts will appear in 10 - 50 days. When this happens, it is necessary to remove the film and spray the seedlings (2 times a day). At the same time, when watering the sprouts, one should be careful: one should not overmoisten or, conversely, allow the soil to dry out. After the formation of the first leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into large pots.

Brugmansia bloom (video)

Summer Care for Brugmansia

  • The choice of a place in the garden is based on the fact that Brugmansia is a southerner, and, accordingly, prefers sunny places, protected from the wind. The plant also loves light fertile soils: a mixture of loam, humus or compost and 2 parts of peat. The mixture is stirred and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use ready-made soil, but it is better to add humus or compost to it to increase fertility.
  • If the weather is hot in summer, then the "datura" needs daily and plentiful watering, in cloudy weather this is done from time to time. It is also recommended to spray the plant in dry weather.
  • In this case, you should carefully monitor and not overmoisten the beauty. So that rotting does not occur, the soil must be drained.
  • From planting until mid-September, complex fertilizers intended for flowering plants should be applied to the soil once a week. This complex usually contains ash, potassium and phosphorus. The described species is very sensitive to the lack of these elements. With their deficiency, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. By the end of the summer period, the dose of fertilizers is reduced, and in September, feeding is completely stopped.
  • Also, do not forget about pruning shrubs, which is best done no later than March. Do not remove Y-like shoots on which flower stalks are formed. It is necessary to cut off only damaged and diseased shoots, it is enough to shorten the rest. In addition, you do not need to cut off the small lateral shoots of the upper part of the crown, which grow horizontally. After all, they are the key to the formation of a beautiful crown of a plant and are the basic peduncles.

Brugmansia care in winter

Already in autumn, when the temperature drops to 5 degrees Celsius, it must be moved indoors. It is best to choose a cool, bright place, to provide less intensive than summer watering.

At the same time, even in the harsh winter time, the shrub does not sleep, it can be grown using artificial lighting. Increase the light day of the plant to 14 - 15 hours and raise the temperature in the room to 15 degrees. Do not forget also about regular feeding, watering and spraying, if the air in the room is dry.

It is worth remembering that the room should be ventilated from time to time, while avoiding drafts. The best options for wintering Brugmansia will be a greenhouse or apartment. If you put it near the window, the plant will continue to bloom.

Brugmansia is a very beautiful plant that requires additional care. But she can not be called too capricious. And therefore, having shown due patience and attention to the plant, you can admire the beautiful flowers of this queen from spring to autumn, as well as enjoy its magical aroma.

Reviews and comments

(3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

Nina 16.01.2016

My Brugmans will be in their third season. We have a little shady place, and there is no way to dig them into the shadows. Therefore, we made such large boxes, put a pot or a bucket with a plant there, fill the remaining space with expanded clay. You have to water twice a day - morning and evening. After it began to mulch the surface with a thick layer of cut grass with watering, it became freer, but these plants are very fond of top dressing, so once a week a diluted mullein infusion is the law. And they love the shower on the leaves. Of course, when the morning sun has already left this place.

Tatyana 11.03.2016

I don't like tall varieties either. because they require a mandatory garter. And these varieties are more like a greenhouse, where there is protection from the wind. I usually plant undersized tomato varieties. By the way, it is easier to grow their seedlings of the required condition: it does not outgrow much (well, if it is sown too early), and it does not suffer so much when planting in the ground.

Christina 18.02.2017

A very informative article, but it would be nice to add how to save seedlings for cuttings in the winter.

Zoya 09.11.2017

My Brugmansia is the third year old, in winter the whitefly attacks the house, and in summer the flowers do not smell, they are cream-colored. Why don't they smell?

Zhanna 18.03.2018

They gave me a brugmansia stalk with roots last fall. In the spring, I planted it in the ground, but it was too early - it was beaten with frost. She recovered and, at the very least, grew in the summer, but not at all quickly and was not going to bloom. In the autumn she transplanted it into a pot, now it winters again at home. I have not yet noticed her beauty at all, and I still don’t understand what kind of plant this is.

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