Family happiness care at home. Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August. Why do flowers turn black

In order for a healthy flower of female happiness to grow, home care must be carried out according to certain rules. There is a legend that the goddess of love kissed the plant, filling it with happiness. Since that time, the flower began to bring good luck and love to girls who believe in its strength.

Women's happiness flower - care

This culture is not too demanding, but there are a number of rules regarding care. Indoor flower female happiness loves the light, but the bushes should be closed from hot rays. It is better to place the plant on the eastern windowsill or on a table by the window. As for the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bat at home, the flower is not picky about this parameter. The optimal indicators are + 20-25 ° С, but in winter the temperature should not be lower than + 15 ° С. A is of secondary importance, especially if proper watering is carried out.

What is the name of the flower of female happiness?

The name "female happiness" is popular, and in the scientific literature the plant is called differently - spathiphyllum. The spathiphyllum flower has an unusual appearance, because it does not have a stem, and the leaves grow directly from the soil. They can be oval or lanceolate. The root system of the spathiphyllum is well developed. Flowers do not smell, but have a beautiful shape.

How to water a flower female happiness?

To irrigate the spathiphyllum, you need to take settled or filtered water, which should not be cold and warm. If you are interested in how often to water a flower of female happiness at home, then here you need to focus on the season, so in summer irrigation is carried out after 1-2 days, and in winter - once every 7-10 days. When the spathiphyllum lacks moisture, the leaves begin to drop. If you need to leave, it is recommended to pour water into the pallets so that the soil does not dry out. Another secret in care is that it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a napkin or spray if necessary.

How to feed a flower female happiness?

For good development, it is recommended to apply fertilizer to the soil. In the period from spring to summer, fertilizing once a week is useful. In winter and autumn, supplements should be made every 2-3 weeks. Many are interested in what female happiness loves a flower, and so, spathiphyllum prefers mineral supplements, but it is better to refuse organics. Use liquid fertilizers for aroids, but they should not have a lot of nitrogen in their composition. During flowering, the introduction of potassium and phosphorus is important.

In order for the flower of female happiness to develop well, home care includes the following recommendations for fertilizing:

  1. The best time for supplementation is on a warm and sunny day, when it is better absorbed.
  2. After the purchase, it is not recommended to feed, giving the spathiphyllum two months to adapt.
  3. Fertilizer should not fall on the leaves, as this will cause a burn.
  4. Water the flower before fertilizing.

How to transplant a flower female happiness?

Transplantation is carried out immediately after purchase, and then the procedure should be repeated every 3-5 years. The need for transplantation is evidenced by the roots protruding on the surface. The best time for the procedure is spring. Transplanting a flower of female happiness at home is carried out as follows:

  1. The flowerpot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous container. It must have holes for excess water to escape. Carefully remove the plant, after watering the soil well.
  2. After that, carefully free the roots from drainage and soil residues. It is important not to tear out the roots.
  3. You will have to cut the flower stalks, as this will allow the plant not to expend energy on flowering and seed formation.
  4. You need to cut off young leaves and those that have begun to fade. Inspect the base, removing the brown, flaky remnants of old leaves that should be cut off. Trim long root threads and rotten areas. Rub the slices with activated charcoal powder or cinnamon.
  5. Lay out a layer of soil, install the plant in the center and cover the root system with the rest of the soil.
  6. Lightly tamp the ground, making sure the socket is secure. It remains only to water the flower well, and spray it.

Flower female happiness - how to propagate?

To increase the number of spathiphyllum bushes, three methods can be used: dividing the bush, planting cuttings and sowing seeds. The third option is the most time-consuming and rarely gives a result. Reproduction of the flower of female happiness is carried out as follows:

  1. The division of the bush. Carry out the procedure in the spring during transplantation. Remove the plant, clean the roots from the ground and separate them. Each part should eventually have a growing point and 3-4 leaves. It is necessary to plant at home in moist soil in a small pot. At first, regular watering is important.
  2. Cuttings. This option gives good results. Cut the socket carefully. If it has roots, then you can immediately plant it in the ground, and if not, then place the stalk in water, dissolving an activated carbon tablet in it, and after the roots appear, transplant.

Why does not the flower of female happiness bloom?

Many spathiphyllum owners complain that the plant does not bloom. The flower of female happiness does not bloom when home care is carried out incorrectly, and here are the main reasons:

  1. Drafts are the enemy of culture, so choose the right place.
  2. Flowering may be absent if the flower is planted in the wrong size pot.
  3. Stress for female happiness is, therefore, without a reason, it is better not to carry out this procedure. If you are interested in how to make a flower of female happiness bloom at home, then it is recommended to loosen the soil so that the roots receive oxygen.
  4. In proper care, top dressing is very important, but if used in a large and concentrated form, it can lead to poisoning.

Flower female happiness - diseases

There are a number of reasons why plant problems occur and how they can be dealt with.

What is it - Women's happiness? Unpretentious, very beautiful, flowering and fragrant. This is all about him, about a houseplant, to which amateur flower growers and esotericists attribute many wonderful properties. The article contains big and small secrets of a wonderful plant.

Spathiphuillum wallisii came to Europe in 1824 from the Colombian jungle. The plant was first described by Gustav Wallis. The researcher handed over several plant samples to Brussels, where the plants underwent adaptation and from where they began their march through the greenhouses of Europe

After 100 years, Spathiphuillum wallisii has become a universally recognized favorite of amateur flower growers. In Russia, the plant is known as

  • Spathiphyllum / Spathiphyllum
  • Sail
  • Flagolist
  • Woman's happiness


  • Evergreen stemless perennial, up to 60 cm high
  • The leaves are glossy, dark green; grow directly from the soil, forming a dense bunch; leaf shape varies - from oval to elongated lanceolate
  • What many consider to be a white flower is actually a lanceolate perianth (bract) wrapped around the inflorescence. Spathiphyllum inflorescence is an ear, the color of which varies from yellow to cream. Over time, the bracts and cob turn green
  • The plant blooms after 6 months of growth. Each flower lasts 5-6 weeks

Flower Women's happiness: how to care for it to bloom

To stimulate the appearance of new flowers, the peduncle with the withered cob and veil is cut off with a sharp knife or pruner. This should be done as close to the ground as possible.

The flowering of spathiphyllum is also affected by light, temperature, air humidity and the size of the flower pot.


In summer - partial shade, in winter - full light. Never keep the plant in direct sun. Given the natural habitat of Spathiphuillum wallisii - the grassy layer of the rainforest - it is not surprising that the plant prefers diffused sunlight and thrives on north-facing windows.

General care

Wipe the leaves with a damp sponge and do not use flower polish


In winter - not lower than 13⁰С, the optimum temperature is about 16-18⁰С. In summer - within 18-21⁰С. The higher the temperature, the higher the humidity should be.

Important: the plant is afraid of drafts! Even in summer!


At temperatures above 21⁰С, the plant requires daily spraying.

The rest of the time:

In winter - 2 times a week

In spring and autumn (at a temperature of 15-20⁰С) - 3 times a week

Advice. If for some reason you cannot provide the plant with daily spraying, place the plant pot in a container (tray) with wet expanded clay or pebbles. Make sure that the bottom of the pot does not touch the water to avoid waterlogging the soil.

flower pot size

Abundant flowering occurs only after the root system of the plant braids the entire pot. Experienced flower growers say: "The tighter the pot, the more colorful the flower" and this simple truth applies to all flowering houseplants.

How to water a flower Women's happiness?

In summer - 2-3 times a week

In winter - once a week

Important: Water for irrigation should be at room temperature

Do not use distilled, bottled or filtered water. Ordinary tap water is a perfectly suitable liquid for watering houseplants.

With some caveats:

  • before watering, the water should stand for 24-48 hours. In this case, the liquid must be in an open vessel. This will allow the chlorine, which unfortunately is present in tap water, to evaporate.
  • aroid plants, incl. spathiphyllums do not respond well to hard water

How to soften water for watering indoor plants?

Proportions are given for 1 liter of ordinary tap water. Choose the option that suits you

  • 0.1-0.2 g oxalic acid
  • 3 g wood ash
  • 2-3 drops of vinegar (9%)
  • 0.3-0.4 g citric acid
  • 0.1 ml sulfuric acid
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice

Add the selected substance to the water and leave to settle

Important: do not use boiled water for irrigation (even at room temperature)! Exposure to high temperature deprives the water of the air dissolved in it. The use of such water can also cause putrefactive processes in the root system of the plant.

How to fertilize a flower Women's happiness?

In the summer, feed the plant with a liquid houseplant (flowering) fertilizer. Feeding frequency: 1 time in 2 weeks.

Liquid fertilizers can be purchased at specialized stores. In the instructions for use, manufacturers must indicate the required concentration of liquid fertilizer. Please read this information carefully!

Land for a flower Women's happiness

The ideal soil for the plant is a mixture consisting of 1 part fertile clay soil and 1 part coarse sand (not building or marine)

Most companies specializing in the production of soils and substrates for indoor plants, as a rule, indicate on the packaging information about which plants the soil mixture is made for. Feel free to purchase a substrate formulated for aroid or flowering tropical plants.

The plant should be transplanted immediately and after purchase. Then spathiphyllum needs to be transplanted every 3-5 years

The need to move the flower to a freer pot is evidenced by the root system of the plant protruding to the surface.

Flower growers recommend transplanting plants in the spring, which is associated with the natural biological rhythms of flowers. But spathiphyllums have slightly different rules and requirements. The main condition is the air temperature within + 20⁰С (not lower!), And the time of year does not matter.

  1. Prepare a flowerpot for transplanting. Its diameter should be 2-3 cm larger than the diameter of the previous flowerpot. Be sure to pour boiling water over the pot from the inside
  1. Carefully remove the plant from the previous flowerpot. To simplify the extraction process - wet the soil well in the flower pot

  1. Be sure to free the plant roots from drainage (if used) and soil residues

  1. Unfortunately, flower stalks need to be cut off. This will allow the plant not to waste time and energy on flowering and seed setting.

  1. Too young leaves and leaves that begin to fade are subject to removal. Brown scaly remnants of the bases of old leaves also break off

  1. Be sure to carefully examine the root system of the plant. Too long root threads and areas with traces of decay are subject to pruning. Sprinkle root sections with powdered activated charcoal or cinnamon.
  2. Check that the flowerpot you have chosen has through holes at the bottom (such holes serve as a kind of drainage system). Another prerequisite for the flowering life of a plant: the presence of a drainage layer at the bottom. Drainage may consist of small pebbles, brick fragments or expanded clay. The latter can be bought at any store specializing in the sale of indoor plants. The thickness of the drainage layer is 1.5-2 cm. And only now can the soil substrate be poured into the flowerpot (half the volume of the flowerpot)
  3. Place the plant in the center of the container. Try to evenly distribute the spathiphyllum roots, filling the entire surface of the soil. Cover the plant's root system with the remaining soil.

  1. Note! In its natural habitat, spathiphyllum has a developed system of aerial roots. Aerial roots are also present in indoor plants. No need to deepen them into the soil!

Left: what the aerial roots of a spathiphyllum look like. Right: position of aerial roots in a correct plant transplant
  1. Lightly compact the soil substrate. Check that the flower rosette is securely anchored in the ground. Water the soil well. During the first heavy watering, it usually settles. To compensate for subsidence, add a little more soil to the flowerpot

Flower Women's happiness: how to transplant
  1. After transplantation, pamper Women's happiness with spraying

Tip: if you can't wait to see the spathiphyllum bloom again, arrange a mini-greenhouse for it. Wrap the flower in transparent polyethylene to prevent moisture from evaporating quickly and create an ideal microclimate. Water and spray the flower as usual

Tip: flowers are best transplanted during the growing moon

Female happiness (flower): reproduction

Flower Feminine happiness multiplies by division. This means that flower transplantation is quite compatible with reproduction.

After removing the plant from the flowerpot, you should carefully and slowly divide the main rosette of the plant into several divisions. Make sure that each of them has a viable segment of the root system

Flower Women's happiness does not bloom: what to do?

Pay attention to possible problems

  1. Not enough nutrients and the plant needs additional feeding
  2. The plant has not been transplanted for a long time.
  3. The plant has too large a container
  4. Too dry air (most common)

Flower female happiness: leaves turn yellow and black

Yellow and black leaves speak of two completely different problems. And these problems have different solutions.

  • The yellow leaves of the plant indicate the presence of too much bright sunlight in your pet's life. Provide the plant with partial shade and everything will work out
  • Sometimes the appearance of yellow leaves can indicate a red spider mite infestation. In this case, a cobweb may appear on the back of the sheet plate. Be sure to treat the plant with a systemic insecticide, which can be purchased at flower shops.

Important: If you have a lot of plants, you will have to process them all!

  • Pay attention to which leaves turn yellow, old or young. For old leaves, yellowing is part of the natural process of dying.
  • The appearance of dry black tips on the leaves indicates insufficient moisture. Unfortunately, in a city apartment, this is a common occurrence even if the plant is sprayed frequently.
  • Blackening, which affects a large area of ​​the leaf, may indicate hypothermia of the root system (especially in winter), excess moisture in the soil (overflow), overfeeding with fertilizers

Why does the flower Women's happiness wither?

  1. Many flower growers make the same mistake: they dry out the earthen ball. By watering the flower in the conventional way (from above), you only moisten the topsoil. This may not be enough for the normal life of the plant, because the main root system is at the bottom. And moisture may not reach the lower layers of the earthen coma. That is why the soil in flowerpots is moistened in a very interesting way: they simply put the container with a flower in a bucket or a deep bowl of water. Thus, the soil is moistened from the bottom up, saturating the root system of the plant and the drainage layer with moisture. A sign of sufficient saturation with moisture is the formation of a wet halo around the flower outlet.
  1. Another reason for the withering of the spathiphyllum is oversaturation with moisture and, as a result, the occurrence of rotting of the roots. The main sign indicating the decay of the root system is constantly moist soil (even with rare watering). The plant needs to be transplanted immediately! How to do this is described at the beginning of the article.

How to save a flower Women's happiness. Flower female happiness disease

First determine the cause of the disease and only then take measures to save the plant

Why is a flower crying Women's happiness

There is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. For tropical plants, it is vital to be able to remove excess moisture. This is exactly what you observe when your spathiphyllum allegedly "cries." The process of guttation (release of moisture through the tips of the leaves) is especially active before rain. The liquid secreted by the plant is not poisonous, and the process of guttation is completely unrelated to the psycho-emotional state of the flower owner.

Flower Women's happiness: signs and superstitions

Spathiphyllum has become a worthy successor to the once popular calla lilies. Along with popularity, spathiphyllum inherited magical properties.

  • The flower is considered to be a female amulet, capable of not only protecting its mistress and her house from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, but also helping to make the right decisions.
  • Esotericists argue that the spathiphyllum should be in the matrimonial bedrooms and children's rooms, since the energy of the flower strengthens family ties.
  • There is an opinion that the plant helps a woman to become more confident and attractive, awakening hidden energy reserves in her.

Is it possible to give a flower Women's happiness?

Women's happiness is the perfect gift for a woman. However, never give your own Feminine happiness (even to a very close person). Only selling your own flower is allowed, for example, for 10 kopecks

Video: Spathiphyllum. Care and reproduction

Many plant lovers believe that spathiphyllum has magical powers that can attract female happiness. This explains the popular name of the flower. Would you like to grow one at home? We will tell you everything you need to know about the flower Women's happiness - care, features and subtleties of transplantation.

Indoor flower Women's happiness: how to care

Consider the main factors for healthy plant growth:

  • Temperature.

Spathiphyllum refers to heat-loving plants that are hard to tolerate cold and drafts.

The optimum temperature at which a flower should grow is 22-23 ° C. The minimum limit is 18 °C.

  • Watering.

Due to its dislike for the cold, the flower Women's happiness does not require abundant watering.

Especially carefully and moderately you need to water it in winter. If you overdo it, the roots of the plant will freeze.

Use distilled water. Before getting into the pot, it must stand for at least 12 hours.

  • Spraying.

To keep the leaves green and fresh, spray them with room temperature water.

  • Make-up.

In order for the indoor flower to be fed with moisture, place a tray with moistened sand under the pot. Natural moss is perfect.

  • Lighting.

Spathiphyllum is unpretentious. He feels good both in the sun and in a shaded corner.

However, sometimes the plant does not have enough light. This can be judged by the leaves. If they stretched out and became smaller, it is worth putting the flower closer to the sun.

But don't overdo it. Under direct sunlight, the plant has every chance to burn the leaves.

  • Fertilizer.

In order for the spathiphyllum to grow and bloom, it needs top dressing. Add fertilizer once a week - this is enough to grow a strong beautiful flower.

In the cold season, you can use fertilizer every few weeks.

If you have figured out how to care for a flower and done it right, your plant will bloom.

  • Care during flowering.

It lasts a couple of months. At this time, you should be especially attentive to the plant.

Cut off dried leaves and inflorescences in a timely manner, provide the flower with regular watering and access to light.

Flower Women's happiness: transplantation and reproduction

The plant should be repotted every spring. For a year it grows, and it becomes crowded in an old pot.

This may be one of the reasons why Women's happiness does not bloom.

The ideal soil for transplanting a flower is a mixture of: sand; humus earth; parts of peat soil; sheet parts; two parts of soddy soil.

In order to successfully transplant Women's happiness, it is recommended to fertilize the flower and soil with brick crumbs and charcoal.

Before transplanting the flowers, make sure they have faded.

Then follow the instructions:

  1. Select and rinse the selected pot.
  2. Water the spathiphyllum an hour before transplanting to easily remove it from the old pot.
  3. Remove rotten pieces of roots.
  4. Pour a thin layer of soil into the pot.
  5. Position the plant and add soil until the flower is firmly fixed.
  6. Water generously and leave in the shade for a week.

Every day the flower must be sprayed. After 7 days, the plant can be returned to its usual place.

If you want to propagate a flower, you need to do this during the transplant process.

After removing the spathiphyllum from the old pot, separate one or more bushes from it, and then transplant each into new pots according to our recommendations.

Flowers love care and respect. Even such a hardy and unpretentious plant as spathiphyllum needs love and tenderness.

If you give the flower everything it needs, it will grow and bloom, and with it, female happiness will come.

Absolutely any novice florist can organize care for which at home. Small flowers of Spathifluum are located on an elongated inflorescence, which vaguely resembles a young corncob. Around the inflorescence, a white bract-veil is very gracefully "thrown", similar to the collar of the queen's dress. From this material you will learn why spathiphyllum is so popular among women, and photos and names of different types of this home plant will help you choose the option that is most suitable for the interior of your room.

Perhaps you already know that the people call spathiphyllum "Women's Happiness". There is a belief that this flower brings harmony and home comfort to the family hearth, contributes to the birth of a baby in women who have long dreamed of getting pregnant, and helps unmarried women to quickly find that one and only beloved man with whom they don’t want to part all their lives. But it is believed that in order to fulfill these desires, "Women's Happiness" must be presented by a person who sincerely wishes a woman happiness and goodness.

The spathiphyllum inflorescence, wrapped in a bract-blanket, is located on a long pedicel, which grows directly from a rosette of leaves on a rhizome, and this plant does not have a stem. If you provide proper care for the spathiphyllum at home, then the plant will delight your eyes with luxurious white flowers twice a year, comparable in beauty only to the amazing flowers of the Phalaenopsis orchid, which we talked about in a previous article.

As a rule, the flowering period lasts for two weeks in the spring. Many florists recommend placing an unpretentious spathiphyllum to decorate a residential or office space, as it fits perfectly into interior design and harmoniously looks against the backdrop of such popular indoor plants as Benjamin's ficuses or Marginata's dracaena in the form of an exotic palm tree.

A very popular variety is Mauna Loa, belonging to the species Spathiphyllum Abundantly flowering. A plant with unusual inflorescences and beautiful bedspreads on long petioles, as well as large dark green leaves with a relief pattern, has long won the hearts of our indoor plant lovers. But if the dimensions of your room are not very large, then we recommend paying attention to Wallis's Spathiphyllum (spatifillum wallisi), which blooms very beautifully (see photo below), and grows no higher than 25 cm in height.

According to many flower growers, caring for "Women's Happiness" at home can be compared with caring for anthurium at home in terms of complexity. If you follow the few recommendations that will be discussed below, then your houseplant will always be beautiful, healthy and blooming every year!


Location and lighting.

Despite the fact that spathiphyllum belongs to light-loving plants, the lack of constant good lighting will not affect its health in any way. But constant shading can lead to a deterioration in the shape of the leaves and a decrease in size. The best location is on a flower shelf or on a stand near the window on the north side of the home. It is not necessary to put a flower on the windowsill. You can put the pot on a stand or a table near the window. Scattered light has a beneficial effect on the growth and timely flowering of spathiphyllum at home. If direct sunlight hits the plant during the hot summer period, be sure to shade the window glass;

Temperature regime.

The plant will feel comfortable at room temperature 15-20 ° C. In summer, it calmly tolerates temperatures of 20 - 27 ° C and a short-term increase above 30 ° C. In winter, it can withstand 13 ° C for a long time, but it should not be watered at a low temperature;

Air humidity.

It is believed that the optimal level of humidity for the normal development of spathiphyllum is 50-60%. But if watering is properly organized, then an increased or decreased level of humidity will not affect the normal development of the plant;


Water for watering the spathiphyllum is soft, settled for at least 10 hours. If possible, water with clean rainwater. Often it is necessary to water the plant only during the flowering period, trying not to get water on the inflorescence. Spray the leaves of the plant regularly with warm, settled water. Be sure to empty the water from the pan after watering;

Earth mix and top dressing.

To prepare the substrate, take sphagnum peat, humus, leaf soil and river sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1. For optimal aeration and high-quality drainage, add dried and chopped coniferous tree bark, brick chips and charcoal to the pot with the substrate (all components - no more than 10% of the total mass of the earth mixture). Mix everything well to get a loose fertile substrate.

It is advisable to feed the spathiphyllum with fertilizers once a month in the fall. In winter, you can not fertilize at all, and in the spring-summer growing season, you can increase the frequency of adding fertilizers to two. For top dressing, add about one and a half grams of mineral fertilizers to settled water. From March to October, you can alternate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with organic ones;


Young plants up to the age of three are preferably transplanted annually in the spring into a new pot with a diameter of 3 cm more. Choosing a flower pot that is too large can result in spathiphyllum blooming infrequently. Do not remove the earthen ball during transplantation and do not cut the old roots so that the flower takes root faster in a new container. Mature plants (4-5 years old) should be transplanted every 3-5 years.

Spathiphyllum transplant - photo instruction for beginners:
(click on photo)


Reproduction of spathiphyllum at home occurs with the help of cuttings. In the process of transplanting the plant, a part of the bush with 2-3 leaves is separated. It is desirable that the division had a root 2-3 cm. But if there is no root, then you need to keep the process in soft water until it takes root. Delenka is planted in a pot with a diameter of 13-15 cm with earth mixture.


In order for the spathiphyllum to have flowers on time, apply fertilizers to the substrate in a timely manner, especially during the growing season;

Regularly wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge and do not forget to spray them with water 2-3 times a day during the hot period;

The frequency of watering depends on the temperature and humidity of the air. Most importantly, do not allow the earthen clod to dry around the root system;

Avoid sudden temperature changes, direct sunlight on the flower, constant drafts and directed hot air from heaters;

Water the houseplant only with warm, soft and settled water. Otherwise, the spathiphyllum will begin to weaken and be vulnerable to various diseases.


Spider mite.
Signs: the appearance of long thin white cobwebs on the underside of the leaf plate with tiny reddish spiders.
What to do: wipe the sheet with a weak tobacco infusion with laundry soap with a sponge. After two hours, wash the leaves with warm water and spray;

Signs: the appearance of small insects of a gray-green color, sucking the juice from the leaves. The leaves lose their shape and begin to curl.
What to do: if there are few insects, it is enough to wipe the leaves with a sponge and soapy water. If it doesn’t help, then spray the leaves affected by aphids with Aktellik’s solution (15 drops / L. of water), and after 15-20 hours thoroughly wash the plant, covering the substrate in the pot with a film;

Signs: the appearance on the upper and lower side of the leaf, as well as at the base of the leaf rosette of small insects with waxy shields.
What should be done: thorough treatment of the entire plant with soapy water or tobacco infusion. Then wash the plant with warm clean water, covering the substrate with a film;

Signs: small insects appear on the leaves with a white coating, similar to cotton wool.
What to do: in most cases, it is enough to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth several times.


Question: Why do my spathiphyllum leaves turn black?

Answer: The leaves begin to turn black if the irrigation regime is disturbed or if unbalanced fertilization occurs for a long time. As a result, the root system of the plant rots and begins to die. First you need to carefully pull out the plant and see what condition its roots are in. The rotten roots must be cut off, and then the whole plant should be transplanted into a new pot with the prepared earth mixture.

Question: What should I do if the spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow?

Answer: Evenly yellowed leaves indicate that the plant lacks moisture. Do not forget to spray more often and water the spathiphyllum on time, especially during the growing season. You can bathe the plant once a week in warm water. If only the tips of the leaves turn yellow, most likely you are watering the plant with too hard water. Yellow spots on the leaves may be the result of pest activity.

Question: Why do spathiphyllum leaves dry?

Answer: The most common reason is too dry indoor air for a long time. In this case, the tips of the leaves begin to noticeably dry, and even frequent spraying of the plant does not correct the situation. The solution to the problem is to increase the humidity of the air to at least 50%. Sometimes the leaves begin to dry out due to too low a temperature for an extended period.

Question: Why does my spathiphyllum never bloom?


- Perhaps your flower is still too young and its root system has not filled the pot enough;

The pot is too big. Spathiphyllums refuse to bloom until the measles system fills almost the entire volume of the pot;

Unfavorable conditions during the flowering period. Most likely, the temperature in the room is too low during this period or the air is very dry. Low temperatures will promote the appearance of flowers only on the eve of the flowering period;

In rare cases - lack of fertilizers.



How to make "Women's Happiness" bloom at home.

The homeland of the spathiphyllum is the humid tropics, so captivity should take into account the characteristics of those places. Our flowers grow there under the canopy of tall trees in partial shade. The wind does not touch them, the air is humid and the leaves are adapted so that excess moisture does not linger and drain from the pointed lanceolate leaves. For decorative care, spathiphyllum plant care must comply with the requirements of nature.

Care from acquisition to reproduction

So, the symbol of well-being, the keeper of female happiness, the spathiphyllum flower is acquired. The placement requirements are simple. New plant:

  • does not tolerate drafts;
  • does not like direct sunlight in summer;
  • comfort temperature in winter 16 0, in summer up to 23, blooms well at 18;
  • watering plentiful, but without stagnant water;
  • spraying the leaves during the day;
  • annual transplants, and light slightly acidic soil.

Under these conditions, the plant will certainly please with annual flowering.

If you purchased a spathiphyllum, how to care for it? The flower must undergo acclimatization and quarantine for two to three weeks. If he lowers the leaves a little, watering is required. A place for a plant is chosen immediately and for a long time, he does not like change, a homebody. The east and west window with shading from direct rays fit perfectly, the north one - the flower endures in summer, backlighting is needed in winter. With artificial lighting, the plant can grow well in the depths of the room.

For a purchased greenhouse plant, it is necessary to transplant into a special soil, or create the land for the spathiphyllum yourself:

  • sod land - 1 hour;
  • leaf humus - 1 hour;
  • - 1 hour;
  • sand -1 hour;
  • bark of coniferous trees, charcoal, brick chips, in the amount of 1 tsp.

In addition, expanded clay or ceramic chips and pebbles will be required to create a drainage layer.

The plant should be watered, removed from the container, gently cleaned of greenhouse soil, placed on a layer of earth over drainage bedding, roots straightened and gradually sprinkled with a new mixture, shaking and tamping with a finger or a stick. Pour the earth with warm settled water, wait until the layer settles and add more. In this case, it is necessary to leave 2 cm to the edge of the pot and not to fill the plant above the neck. After transplanting, do not water the plant until new leaves appear, but spray the leaves 2 times daily. You can create a mini-greenhouse on top, but provide holes for ventilation.

You need to water abundantly, but at the same time, first wait until the top layer of earth in the pot dries out, and only then water it from above or through the pan. Slightly drooping leaves indicate that the plant needs watering.

How to feed the spathiphyllum so that it starts blooming faster, beginners ask. It should be fed 2 times a month with liquid fertilizers for aroids, while the composition should not prevail. Occasionally, you can pamper the flower with a weak solution of an extract from mullein or bird compost. To maintain the humidity of the air around the plant, you need to create a comfort zone. Install an aquarium or a tray nearby with expanded clay and sphagnum moss placed in it, they constantly evaporate the water poured onto the bottom of the tray.

The flower is growing:

  • layering grown next to the main plant from the ground;
  • cuttings;
  • planting thickets;
  • rhizomes;
  • seeds.

The procedure for planting plants with roots does not differ from transplanting purchased specimens. If there are no roots, then the petiole can be rooted in the sand, covering it with a transparent cap.

Why does the spathiphyllum not bloom?

If the spathiphyllum receives the wrong care, it will not bloom. There may be several reasons:

  • the pot where the plant is planted is too voluminous until it is filled with roots, there will be no flowering;
  • low ambient temperature, insufficient humidity;
  • the plant is starving, has not been transplanted for a long time and does not fertilize;
  • the plant is old or diseased.

Blackening, drying out or yellow leaves will become signs of trouble for the plant. In this case, it is necessary to find problems and eliminate them without bringing the plants to death.

So, if the petioles of the leaves rot, then this is stem rot, when the ground is wet and cold. The plant needs to be transplanted into another pot, removing the rotting parts and sprinkling the cut points with crushed coal.

If a lot of leaves turn yellow, then waterlogging is possible, but if there is no rotting, this is a sign of a lack of nutrition or excessive lighting. If only the lower leaves turn yellow, watering should be adjusted. However, if the plant stands close to the battery in winter, the leaves can also dry out.

Blackening leaves signal both underfilling and overflow. Perhaps there is not enough nitrogen in the earth. If the tips of the leaves dry out, this indicates dry air, or the plant has not yet taken root after transplantation. Such colors can be prescribed a weekly shower in the bathroom.

Some hobbyists use liquid wax to make the leaves shine. The wax will clog the pores and the leaves won't be able to breathe. The result is clear.

Pests and diseases

These include well-known flower pests:

  1. Aphids, this leaf sac is very prolific and can kill the plant if left unchecked. At home, you can use a soapy solution for washing off, a shower, and the least dangerous drug for humans, fitoverm.
  2. Thrips breed very quickly too. They appear in the summer, brought in through an open window. White puncture spots appear on the leaves. Spray the back of the plate with insecticide.
  3. A spider mite will announce its presence by a web that appears on the underside of the plate, in which larvae run like in a cradle. The female is red, the male is almost invisible. Destroy the emerging pest with insecticides and rinse under the shower, this is a resident of dry air.

Pandura or springtails can start in a pot, another kind of aphid, shield aphid, can grow on the leaves. But whatever the pest, the plant takes on an oppressed appearance and stops blooming.

Spathiphyllum care video