Pollination of different varieties of cherries for a rich harvest. How do cherry trees pollinate Do cherries and cherries pollinate each other

In most regions of Ukraine, zoned cherry-cherries- Podbelskaya, Shpanka early and cherries - Chernokorka, Griot of Ostheim, also known as Samsonovka. Other varieties are zoned only in certain areas. Each of these areas has 2-5 varieties of cherries, rarely more. Of all the varieties, only one is self-fertile - Lyubskaya, and it is propagated in only two eastern regions. If there was bad weather (cooling) during and after flowering, all non-self-fertile varieties usually reduce yields by several times, even if their pollinators were nearby. Such is the peculiarity of cherries: the pollen of most of its varieties generally quickly loses the ability to germinate, and first of all, it is with a decrease in air temperature.

Although cherries usually have a normal ovary in flower, there is almost always some sterile pollen, and this sterility is enhanced by adverse weather conditions. Therefore, most cherry-cherries do not pollinate each other well. And as a result, in the quarters of industrial gardens, from five or more varieties of the cherry-cherry group, 2-5, rarely 10-15 kg per tree are harvested from large trees. This is not a harvest for the southern zone, where the trees are so powerful. So, in the Crimea, because of infertility, cherries were uprooted in quarters. Throughout the south of Ukraine, its plantings have sharply decreased.

But here's what's interesting, cherry-cherries in the Crimea, fruitless in industrial gardens, bear fruit well in numerous household plots. What's the matter? It turns out - in cherries, which are very abundant here on personal plots. Cherry pollen is much more cold-resistant, it grows well on the stigmas of many cherry-cherries and even a number of simple cherries (though not all of them) and pollinates them well. If cherries grow next to cherries, which pollinate them, then the cold snap is not so terrible. Cherries in any year give a bountiful harvest. Depending on the quality of the soil and the volume of the crown, we harvest 50 or even 100 kg of fruit from ten-year-old Griot Ostheim trees growing at our experimental station among sweet cherries.

It should be noted one important feature of Griot of Ostheim, pollinated by cherries. Its seeds germinate much better, grow faster and give a non-growth cherry rootstock, on which cherries bear fruit earlier and more abundantly than on other rootstocks.

Another example. In recent years, gardeners have been fond of early Chernokorka cherries. They grow it both where it is zoned and where it is not zoned. Griot of Ostheim pollinates it well (although it pollinates itself poorly). And yet, Chernokorka gives a full harvest in rare years only when there is no cooling during flowering or after it. When planted among cherries, Chernokorka bears fruit regularly and much stronger.

It should be noted that for the cherries themselves, the best pollinator among cherries is Lyubskaya, but it blooms four to five days later than the latest flowering cherries. Other cherries (Podbelskaya, Griot Ostgeymsky) do not pollinate cherries well, even if (sometimes) they bloom at the same time.

Our long-term observations led to the conclusion that it is better to place cherries in the garden mixed with cherries or surrounded by them. Although cherries bloom earlier than cherries, their pollen is more durable than cherry, and can be stored for a long time on insects. Therefore, when the cherries bloom, they will be pollinated. But if these two species grow at different ends of even a small garden, then sometimes in very bad weather the cherries are not pollinated by cherries. Unfortunately, sweet cherry is not yet widely propagated in Ukraine, although varieties have been created that regularly bear fruit well.

At the Donetsk Experimental Station of Horticulture, 570 varieties of cherries were tested in the collection in a joint planting with sweet cherries. Well-bearing cherries were distinguished - Turgenevka, Valentina, Malyshka, Shpanka Early; in wet spring - Large-fruited Gorshkova, Melitopol Dessert, etc. Even simple self-fertile cherries - Lyubskaya, Kistevaya, Nefris, Nord Star, Biryulevskaya 4-10, Kelleris are well pollinated by cherries and in the offspring give many seedlings of the cherry-cherry type. But at the same time, the widespread Griot Ukrainian cherry is not pollinated by sweet cherries.

Joint planting of cherries with sweet cherries is possible in most of Ukraine, in the south of Belarus, in vast skin areas where cherries breed. In more northern regions along the border of cherry cultivation, it can be tried to be grafted by budding in July into the crown of 1-6-year-old cherries.

In other areas, it is necessary to carefully study the pollinators of each propagated cherry variety and select only those that are capable of pollinating up to 20% of flowers or more, because such pollination gives a good harvest. But the most important thing is to develop high-quality self-fertile varieties with full self-fertility, which so far distinguishes only Lyubskaya cherry, on the yield of which cooling has a minimal effect, no more than on other fruit varieties.

  1. Around the twentieth of August, active sap flow in fruit trees ends in our area. At the same time, budding is also completed, since, firstly, the separation of the bark from the cambium worsens and, secondly, the wound inflicted before frost ...
  2. I really love cherries, both as an ornamental and as a fruit tree. But in recent years, in the gardens of the Moscow region, it has almost disappeared. In the Serpukhov district, for example, it is almost gone, and those individual trees that ...
  3. We have two twelve-year-old sea buckthorn grown from seeds. From each we shot annually, depending on the weather, 10-15 kg of fruit. And last summer they collected 25 kg each, the harvest, I must say, is unusual. Fruit set in the spring...
  4. Sweet cherries, along with strawberries, open the fruit season and are therefore in special demand by the population. And its fruits, juicy and tasty, contain 12-24% of soluble solids, 8-17% of sugars, of which glucose and fructose predominate ...
  5. A fruit tree can grow in one place for a long time - up to 100 years or more. But every year it will not be the same plant that it was before. It seems to be imperceptible changes, but in reality ...
  6. The favorite of the whole family, juicy and sweet cherry, does not belong to unpretentious trees. It requires a mild climate, regular feeding and care. But compliance with simple rules for choosing seedlings and planting sites, caring for growing trees and protecting ...

Many gardeners, both beginners and experienced ones, are often interested in the question: can cherries be a pollinator of cherries and vice versa. First of all, such concern is due to the fact that very often the tree blooms profusely, and the harvest is very small or absent at all. The thing is that cherry is a tree that needs “company”, that is, a pollinator from which bees and insects will carry pollen to form ovaries. Classification of cherry varieties

True, not all varieties are completely self-fertile. Cherry, like most stone fruits, is a cross-pollinated crop. Its varieties are divided into three groups: Self-fertile (self-pollinated) cherry, that is, which is pollinated independently, with its own pollen. This group includes most of the new varieties and hybrids, but their yield is no more than 40-50% of the number of opened flowers. The most common varieties: Youth, Altai, Crimson, Bolotovskaya, Veteranka, Griot Rossoshansky, Cinderella, Kentskaya, Lyubimitsa, Nord Star, Lada, Rastorguevskaya, Sudarushka, Chocolate. Partially self-pollinating varieties. They can pollinate on their own, but not the whole color, but somewhere only a tenth. That is, with the right pollinator, the yield will be 10 times greater! The most common varieties: Banquet, Bogatyrka, Meeting, Dessert Morozovoy, Lebedyanskaya, Melitopolskaya, Olympic, Kompotnaya, Saniya, Trofimovskaya, Shpanka. Completely self-fertile varieties of cherries (its pollen pollinates 1-3% of the flowers). These include literally all old varieties, as well as hybrids of cherries and sweet cherries - duks, whose berries are very large and tasty. The most common varieties: Vladimirskaya, Griot Melitopolsky, Zhukovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Lebedyanskaya, Beauty of Tataria, Malinovka, Memory of Vavilov, Memory of Sakharov, Polevka, Orlovskaya, Standard of the Urals, Student, Miracle Cherry, Shubinka, Black Large.

Experienced gardeners have noticed that even self-fertile varieties, in the presence of a pollinator, yield 2-3 times more, and the berries are much larger and juicier. Therefore, it is very important to decide which pollinator is required for a tree of a particular variety and how to optimally plant a cherry orchard in order to eliminate under-pollination and have a delicious berry every year. What requirements should the “correct” pollinator for cherries meet? The first requirement: it must be a different variety. That is, even several trees of the same variety will not pollinate each other.

The second requirement is that the flowering period of the pollinator must coincide with the flowering period of the pollinated tree. It is necessary to focus on such a parameter as the ripening period of berries: early, medium and late. This is the answer to the question: is there a universal cherry pollinator - it cannot be, in principle, because the flowering time of different varieties stretches for more than a month. As practice shows, the best pollinators in each category are the following varieties of cherries: For early flowering varieties - Early English, Podbelskaya. For medium-flowering - Anadolskaya, Shpanka large, Lotovka sprawling. For the late ones - Late Lotovka, Large Shpanka. The third point: the optimal distance between the pollinator and the cherry is 3-5 meters. Although, pollination can occur at distances up to 30 meters, provided that between these trees there are no other flowering crops at that time (plums, pears, apple trees), on which insects can leave captured pollen. If you are just going to plant a cherry orchard, then the best choice is to take 3-4 self-fertile varieties and 1 pollinator - just one ripening period. It can do the same with partially self-fertile species. Example: plant the following main varieties: Kharitonoskaya, Lebedyanskaya, Turgenevka, Zhukovskaya, and take the Vladimirskaya variety as a pollinator for them (which will also give excellent yields). For dukes and self-fertile varieties, you need to have 2 pollinator trees on the site.

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How pollination occurs

Yes. Can.​

Chinese black

Cherry Ryazanochka But with the hybrid, Duke Miracle Cherry, I think I will have another "headache" ... But as always, we will practice, experiment and something will work out))). If anyone has experience with this "Miracle", please respond)​

Now I would choose (and most likely I will buy a couple):

Conditions for pollination of cherries

Almost all varieties of sweet cherries are self-fertile, this is a cross-pollinated plant - therefore, several varieties are planted that bloom at the same time. They are planted no further than 7 m from each other (preferably closer). Pollination occurs with the help of insects and wind. To the question "why do they pollinate?" - because insects are attracted to nectar and pollen in flowers. Another example. In recent years, gardeners have been fond of early Chernokorka cherries. They grow it both where it is zoned and where it is not zoned. Griot of Ostheim pollinates it well (although it pollinates itself poorly). And yet, Chernokorka gives a full harvest in rare years only when there is no cooling during flowering or after it. When planted among cherries, Chernokorka bears fruit regularly and much stronger.


Not all varieties have good or sufficient mutual pollination. There are cases when the varieties planted nearby are incompatible, so they practically do not give an ovary. It turns out that any self-fertile variety, although good in all respects, can turn out to be low-yielding without a suitable cherry pollinator.

Types of cherries according to the method of pollination

Rainy weather is also highly undesirable during flowering. Rain may not completely wash away pollen from stigmas and anthers, however, high-quality pollination will not occur and berry set will be negligible. In addition, high humidity can enhance or provoke the development of various fungal diseases that negatively affect not only the crop, but the entire tree as a whole.

self fertile

Cherries can bloom very profusely in spring, however, every gardener knows that this is not at all an indicator of a rich harvest in the future. The key to high fruiting is high-quality pollination of cherries or shrubs by insects or a pollinator plant.

Maybe they can. But the neighbors along our fence grow a few cherries and cherries. There are 3 meters between them. As the taste was, the size of cherries and cherries remained its own.


The most common early maturing variety. It ripens in early June, generously and regularly bears fruit. The tree is very tall with a spreading crown, it begins to bear fruit in the 4th-5th year. The morphological feature of the variety is very large buds - up to 5 mm. The variety is self-infertile. The fruits are large, weighing 6-8 g, one-dimensional, round-heart-shaped, with a pronounced groove. The main color is yellow, half of the fruits are covered with a bright red blush. The pulp is tender, half cartilaginous, juicy, sweet dessert taste. Resistant to cracking in rainy weather, moniliosis and bacterial stone fruit cancer.​

Partially self-fertile

- the variety was obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture. I.V. Michurina. The tree is medium-sized with a spreading, rounded crown, of medium density. Fruits are above average 3.7-4.1 g, oval, dark red with juicy pulp of sweet-sour taste, ripening in the second decade of July. Fruits of universal purpose, medium transportable. The variety is partially self-fertile, it bears fruit better in plantings with varieties Turgenevka, Zhukovskaya. Trees are distinguished by high and annual yields, disease resistance.​

And now I will briefly talk about several of the most popular varieties of cherries and sweet cherries.

Variety compatibility

- Youth

cross pollination! pollinated by bees, flies and other flying insects!​

It should be noted that for the cherries themselves, the best pollinator among cherries is Lyubskaya, but it blooms four to five days later than the latest flowering cherries. Other cherries (Podbelskaya, Griot Ostgeymsky) do not pollinate cherries well, even if (sometimes) they bloom at the same time.

In most regions of Ukraine, zoned

Video “Pollination of cherries. Promising varieties»

When laying a garden, you should choose several varieties. It is important that cherry pollinators are close in terms of flowering, fruiting, fruit ripening and the longevity of the plant as a whole.


Pests and diseases

A strong wind will not give insects the opportunity to focus on high-quality pollination. In windy weather, the bee collects significantly less pollen, and, therefore, processes fewer flowers, in addition, returning the bee to the hive with a burden in such weather is difficult.


The process of pollination consists in the ingress of ripe pollen on the stigma of the pistil of the flower. The pollen grain then germinates in the pistil column, penetrating the ovary, which contains the unfertilized ovule, and thereby fertilization occurs, which subsequently leads to the appearance of ovaries. The transfer of pollen to the stigma from the pistils of the flower is pollination.


I doubt it - they bloom at different times.

Joint planting of cherries and sweet cherries to increase fruiting - Miracle Garden

Valery Chkalov

Cherry Cherry- low bush, 2 m, self-fertile, a good pollinator for many varieties, since in her "parents" she has the well-known Vladimirskaya and Lyubskaya, fruitful, winter-hardy, comes into fruiting for 3-4 years, ripens somewhere at the end of July .​

Spring has come into its own

Our long-term observations have led to the conclusion that it is better to place cherries in the garden mixed with cherries or surrounded by them. Although cherries bloom earlier than cherries, their pollen is more durable than cherry, and can be stored for a long time on insects. Therefore, when the cherries bloom, they will be pollinated. But if these two species grow at different ends of even a small garden, then sometimes in very bad weather the cherries are not pollinated by cherries. Unfortunately, sweet cherry is not yet widely propagated in Ukraine, although varieties have been created that regularly bear fruit well.​


An approximate most optimal combination of common varieties and pollinators Alpha (Vladimirsky, Griot, Shubina), Chernokorka (Lyubskaya, Yaroslavna, Donchanka, Aelita cherries), Ashinsky (Ruby, Altai swallow, Nochka), Zhukovsky (Lyubsky, Vladimirsky).​

Cherries are divided according to the ability to fertilize their own pollen into: self-fertile, self-fertile and partially self-fertile. In practice, varieties of cherries that set about 5-6% of fruits are classified as self-infertile. Self-fertile cherries are able to form 40-50% of the fruits of the total number of flowers on the plant, partially self-fertile - within 7-20%.

Generally, pollination is done by bees or other insects and the wind. There are situations when pollination has to be done manually. For example, if cherries bloom too early, when there are still not enough insects, or if the tree grows in a greenhouse, where access for pollinating insects is completely limited. First, they check the readiness of pollen for fertilization by running a finger over the anther, looking to see if yellow lumps remain. After that, the optimal time is selected - this is the middle of the day, after several days of settled warm and dry weather. And daily until the end of flowering, it is advisable to carry out manual pollination with a brush or cotton swab.

What do you think of this, are you going to plant seeds from fruits? If not, then it will probably be surprising for you to know that the taste and composition of the fruit does not change at the same time, the genetic content of the stone changes and you can find out by planting and growing a tree.

One of the most respected early-ripening sweet cherries. The tree is vigorous, has a pyramidal crown at a young age, after several harvests the crown becomes spreading. The fruits are large (7-9 g), and in the south when watered - 12-15 g. The drupes are round-heart-shaped, dark red, almost black in color, there is a gray dot on the top of the fruit, a mound in the groove. Juice and pulp of fruits are painted in intense red color, the fruits are very tasty. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases, but has a low winter hardiness of flower buds.

- this is the first berry that appears in our garden in summer.

Belongs to the plum genus, it is one of the most common perennial fruit trees in our country.

- Brunette


How is the cherry pollinated? Who pollinates it? Why is it pollinated?

Tatyana Guseva

Not only in southern countries and regions, and many gardeners are already determined (or just wanting) to plant a new garden, update an old one, or add a couple of varieties of fruit trees and shrubs to their plots. And I really understand them. She herself bought another cherry (a pollinator variety) for the existing ones and a cherry seedling (also as a pollinator for the Duke Miracle Cherry).

Irina Shabalina

At the Donetsk Experimental Station of Horticulture, 570 varieties of cherries were tested in the collection in a joint planting with sweet cherries. Well-bearing sweet cherries were distinguished - Turgenevka, Valentina, Malyshka, Shpanka Early; in wet spring - Large-fruited Gorshkova, Melitopol Dessert, etc. Even simple self-fertile cherries - Lyubskaya, Kistevaya, Nefris, Nord Star, Biryulevskaya 4-10, Kelleris are well pollinated by cherries and in the offspring give many seedlings of the cherry-cherry type. But at the same time, the widespread Griot Ukrainian cherry is not pollinated by cherries.​

Elena Gubaidullina

- Podbelskaya, Shpanka early and cherries - Chernokorka, Griot of Ostheim, also known as Samsonovka. Other varieties are zoned only in certain areas. Each of these areas has 2-5 varieties of cherries, rarely more. Of all the varieties, only one is self-fertile - Lyubskaya, and it is propagated in only two eastern regions. If there was bad weather (cooling) during and after flowering, all non-self-fertile varieties usually reduce yields by several times, even if their pollinators were nearby. Such is the peculiarity of cherries: the pollen of most of its varieties in general quickly loses the ability to germinate, and first of all, it is with a decrease in air temperature.

Garden. Cherries and cherries.

The fine-dusted Kanzan cherry, of a shrub type, will bear fruit well if such self-pollinated varieties as Turgenevka, Molodezhny, Podbelsky are planted no further than 10-15 meters from it. And a self-pollinating cherry variety, like Ashinsky, requires proximity to late-flowering cherries, in which case the yield will be much higher. others.​

Not all cherries are capable of self-pollination; to ensure cross-pollination, they must be planted with other varieties capable of self-fertilization with their own pollen.

Cherry is generally a self-pollinating plant and it doesn’t care whether it grows nearby or not, but cherries need a pollinator, but I don’t think it’s necessary for your neighbor to grow it in your garden, and cherries can also be a pollinator.

Cherry is incredibly healthy due to its composition: water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starch, unsaturated fatty and organic acids, dietary fiber. In addition, the berry contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, important trace elements, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. Here is such a rich "symbol of summer", the calorie content of which is 52 kcal per 100 g of product. Cherries adorn our garden, its burgundy, red and golden berries seem to draw multi-colored patterns against the background of green leaves. This is an unforgettable sight.​
It is difficult to resist her, she beckons with her color, smell and taste. In the summer season, new portions of juicy cherries appear in the kitchen every day. It is the most popular berry, and, in addition, it is also very useful. Summer is the time when you can easily get rid of extra pounds, eating tasty, full and saturated with vitamins. Appreciate the moment and replace sweet cherries.​

Cherry grows in the form of a tree or bush, reaches a height of 1.5 to 5 meters. The tree begins to bear fruit approximately 4-5 years after planting. Cherry fruits are dark red, burgundy in color, sour in taste. Cherry is actively used in various cuisines of the world, it is used for a variety of dishes and drinks: these are pastries, desserts, jams, preserves, juices, compotes, wines. It contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, copper, iron, cobalt. The pulp and juice of the fruit is recommended for anemia, arthritis, high blood pressure. Due to the beautiful flowering period, cherry is also used as an ornamental crop.
- a tree 2.5 m, self-fertile, in the "parents" Zhukovskaya, productive, excellent taste, early-growing - for 3-4 years, ripens at the end of July, disease-resistant, winter-hardy. and the best pollinator for most cherries, DYuKs (hybrids of sweet cherries and cherries), but this variety itself is self-infertile, so that this Iput does not grow with me "just like that", I selected the Revna cherry variety for it. In theory, Iput should have Bryansk pink (in all reference books it is written that this pair-combination of varieties is well cross-pollinated with each other), but after reading and listening to experienced people and any horticultural literature, I realized that Bryansk pink, although an excellent cherry, but in taste and habit (usually tall) I somehow don’t really ...
Joint planting of cherries with cherries is possible in most of Ukraine, in the south of Belarus, in vast skin areas where cherries breed. In more northern regions along the border of cherry cultivation, you can try to graft it by budding in July into the crown of 1-6-year-old cherries.Although cherry-cherries usually have a normal ovary in a flower, there is almost always a little sterile pollen, and this sterility in adverse weather conditions conditions is enhanced. Therefore, most cherry-cherries do not pollinate each other well. And as a result, in the quarters of industrial gardens, from five or more varieties of the cherry-cherry group, 2-5, rarely 10-15 kg per tree are harvested from large trees. This is not a harvest for the southern zone, where the trees are so powerful. So, in the Crimea, because of infertility, cherries were uprooted in quarters. Its plantings have sharply decreased throughout the south of Ukraine.​
The video shows promising pollinating varieties of cherries. The process of pollination and its importance in fruiting are highlighted. Most self-fertile cherries have a very unusual flower structure: the height of the stamen with the anther, in which the pollen is located, and the pistil, from which the fruit is subsequently formed, are practically the same. Due to this, pollination occurs inside the flower, even before it opens. In self-fertile varieties, pollen retains the ability to germinate for 13-16 days, which contributes to a large number of ovaries. A large number of these cherry varieties have a relatively high percentage of germination even at 20-25 days. For comparison, ordinary cherry varieties lose their ability to germinate in cool weather at a temperature of 10-14C.

Different varieties of cherries have different flowering times. Only those trees whose flowers bloom at the same time are able to adapt to cross-pollination. With the help of special benefits, you can get all the necessary information to select the most suitable variety. However, not all cherries in the same flowering time group are capable of such pollination.

For pollination of sweet cherries, a different variety is needed, since there are practically no self-pollinated ones. Cherry is pollinated to a weak degree and their flowering time is different. Although this year everything will bloom at the same time.

Good luck, friends and fellow gardeners.

Precocious Cherry Vladimirskaya

- Shakirovskaya

The Revna variety is also pollinated by the Iput variety, and it can also pollinate this variety itself, and it bears fruit well, enters faster, and is lower in height and the fruits are the way I want). To be honest, I went (there are several nurseries in the garden center) for the Fatezh and Chermashnaya varieties, but they weren’t there at all and they told me that I was unlikely to find them in St. Petersburg. And jaaaal. Well, do not go to Moscow! Although these are! varieties of sweet cherries, with so many positive characteristics and feedback from gardeners that I’m directly upset that local nurseries “deprived” me. up to 20% of flowers or more, because such pollination gives a good harvest. But most importantly, it is necessary to develop high-quality self-fertile varieties with full self-fertility, which so far distinguishes only Lyubskaya cherry, on the yield of which cooling has a minimal effect, no more than on other fruit varieties.

But here's what's interesting, cherry-cherries in the Crimea, fruitless in industrial gardens, bear fruit well in numerous household plots. What's the matter? It turns out - in cherries, which are very abundant here on personal plots. Cherry pollen is much more cold-resistant, it grows well on the stigmas of many cherry-cherries and even a number of simple cherries (though not all of them) and pollinates them well. If cherries grow next to cherries, which pollinate them, then the cold snap is not so terrible. Cherries in any year give a bountiful harvest. Depending on the quality of the soil and the volume of the crown, we take 50 or even 100 kg of fruits from ten-year-old Griot Ostgeimsky trees growing at our experimental station among sweet cherries. Due to the harmful activity of the nematode, the seed and commercial qualities of tubers that rot during storage are reduced ... Saying goodbye to garden pests → Mole, bear, Colorado potato beetle ... Which of the gardeners does not know how difficult it is to keep the harvest of vegetables and potatoes from them ...​
They are all (cherries, cherries) relatives, cross-pollination is possible with any cherry if they bloom at the same time. So that neither diseases, nor pests, nor the weather spoil the enjoyment of your garden!

In some years, it is ready for consumption on May 18-20. The tree is vigorous with a rounded crown, well leafy. The fruits are quite large - 5 g, round-heart-shaped, red in color, sweet and sour taste. When ripe in rainy weather, drupes can crack and rot.

- an old variety of folk selection. The tree is medium-sized, bushy type with a rounded, dense crown. Fruits are medium 2.5-3.0 g, round, dark red, almost black, with sweet and sour pulp, slightly tart, excellent taste. The fruits are transportable, universal purpose, the average yield of an adult plant is good. A variety of medium ripening, self-fertile, it is pollinated by varieties Turgenevka, Shubinka. The variety is moderately resistant.
- a low bush, 1.5 -2 m, self-fertile, very early-fruiting - bears fruit for 2-3 years, winter-hardy, productive, medium-early ripening, well cuttings, resistant to diseases.

Cherries can also pollinate cherries, they can .... often ...., but not always. But cherries will NEVER pollinate cherries. This must be remembered.
L. Taranenko

cherry blossom
​Flower meadow → What guides non-professional gardeners when buying another vegetation for the house? That's right, fantasy, beauty and desire. But desire is not always the best solution... Flowers on the balcony→ Climbing and falling plants are best suited for planting windows and balconies. Curly-colored peas, loach, Turkish beans ...​

Partially self-fertile include: Meeting, Malyshka, Maksimovsky, Long-awaited, Turgenevka, Ruby, Shpanka Donetsk, Alai swallows and others.
​To obtain an optimal yield, weather conditions during flowering are of great importance.​

No, cherries are cherries, and cherries are cherries)) Cross-pollination is impossible, you can graft cherries on cherries, and there will be a result, only more than one year will pass. It’s easier to buy a cherry seedling and you will be happy.))​

Cherries are pollinated by cherries (if the flowering time coincides); the presence of sweet cherries in cherry plantations increases the yield of cherries. But the cherry itself cannot be pollinated by cherries, it needs a different variety of cherries.

Can cherries and cherries mutually pollinate?

Elena Akentieva

Felt cherry


You can still list the varieties of cherries, but having shoveled a bunch of scientific and pseudo-scientific opinions))), I chose for myself those that I listed above. You can still stop at Shokoladnitsa, a good self-fertile variety, in the "parents" Lyubskaya and the black consumer goods hybrid, but its yield is less than I have listed and is not so resistant to diseases and frosts. Although the taste of the fruit is excellent and may pollinate some varieties of cherries. I grow Zhukovskaya and Kharitonovskaya. Zhukovskaya is not very self-fertile, the rest of the characteristics are good, Kharitonovskaya is self-fertile, mutually pollinated with Zhukovskaya, frost resistance is average, and so it is a good cherry variety.


I would also buy a couple of cherries, but this time already self-fertile varieties. (When I planted the first cherries 3 years ago, somehow I didn’t choose quite correctly, most likely I didn’t know much.

sss aa

Sweet cherries are pollinated by bees by cross-pollination - you need multi-varietal trees of only one ripening period, but there are self-fertile varieties that do not need cross-pollination

Polina Shubina

It should be noted one important feature of Griot of Ostheim, pollinated by cherries. Its seeds germinate much better, grow faster and give a non-growth cherry rootstock, on which cherries bear fruit earlier and more abundantly than on other rootstocks.


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The Scarlet Flower

All of the above varieties are suitable for growing in farms and household plots. To obtain better compatibility, one should be guided by the zoned assortment of fruit crops and the information of special reference books.​

Anatoly Yakovlev

Too hot or cold and rainy spring weather adversely affects flowering. At very high air temperatures, the susceptibility of the stigma of the flower decreases, and at low temperatures, its tender part is damaged. Moreover, both at low and at too high temperatures, the years of bees and other insects stop.

what kind of cherry is pollinated by black early cherry?

Igor Goncharuk

The one that blooms at the same time as the cherry. Nobody can tell you for sure. A few years ago in the magazine "PX" there was an article by an expert that cherries planted among cherries increase the yield of the latter. So hope that pollination and fertilization will still occur.



Elena Akentieva

The most common early maturing variety. It ripens in early June, generously and regularly bears fruit. The tree is vigorous with a spreading crown, bears fruit in the 4-5th year. It has very large kidneys (up to 5 mm). The variety is self-infertile. The fruits are large, weight - 6-8 g, one-dimensional, round-heart-shaped, with a pronounced groove. The main color is yellow, half of the fruits are covered with a bright red blush. The pulp is tender to half, cartilaginous, juicy, sweet dessert taste. Resistant to cracking in rainy weather. The variety is resistant to moniliosis and bacterial stone fruit cancer.

- a shrub from 1 to 3 m high, the branching of the trunks begins at the soil itself, it is easily recognized among other cherries by its leaves: they are corrugated, on very short petioles no longer than 5 mm, covered with thick whitish hairs below. The fruits are light pink to dark red in color, weighing up to 3 g, in varietals up to 5 g, sweet-sour taste, reminiscent of cherries. Felt cherry blooms early, before the leaves bloom. Its flowers are bisexual, pollinated by insects, mainly bees, but cherry varieties are self-fertile, they need other pollinating bushes. Ripening is non-simultaneous, from the second half of July to the end of August. The average yield of an adult plant is good, annual. Precocity is high: 3-4 g after planting, grafted plants for the 2nd year. Winter hardiness is average - wood and buds are sensitive to frost. It prefers areas protected from the wind, in low places it requires bending and hilling with snow.

Cherry breeding

Unlike berry trees, which give an excellent harvest even when only one tree is planted, the majority of fruit crops are completely self-pollinated. In other words, trees simply will not bear fruit if their inflorescences are pollinated by their own pollen.

In these cases, you need to plant at least a few trees nearby to create cross-pollination. The most striking example of the absolute impossibility of self-pollination is sweet cherry. And almost all fruit crops have a much better harvest if several types of trees are planted nearby. Naturally, with the condition that the flowering of these crops will be simultaneous, and the inflorescences have high-quality pollen.

Cherry pollination: types and features

When choosing varieties for planting, find out about pollinators in the relevant literature. Pollination is the movement of pollen from the stamen to the pistil, which creates fertilization and the formation of a fruit. As a rule, pollination is carried out by bees and other insects, as well as with the help of wind. Often there is a need for self-pollination of cherries. Many fruit crops have both male and female flowers. But a number of trees, for example, hazel, have only female or only male inflorescences.

Some fruit crops can self-pollinate, that is, they are fertilized by their own pollen. Others are unable to self-pollinate and must be grown at the same time as another species of the same crop to create pollination. Pollinators are various types of apples, apricots, peaches and pears, which can be divided into groups based on the time of flowering. The first category includes species that are capable of cross-pollination, since their inflorescences appear simultaneously. The second group includes the so-called varieties of mutual incompatibility. Since not all species of the same variety of fruit trees can cross-pollinate, even if they are of the same group. In these species, fertilization is impossible either when pollinated by pollen of the same type of crop, or when pollinated by other trees of the same variety.

These varieties are capable of pollination with crop species from other groups with the condition of the simultaneous appearance of inflorescences. Many types of sweet cherries are considered mutually compatible, but they are ineffective as a pollinator. The reasons are different. Many types of fruit trees are diploid, their pollen has a sufficient number of chromosomes. Triploid species have 2 times more chromosomes than the required number. The triploids of the variety are weak pollinators; they need to be planted near two diploid trees, so they will pollinate the triploid as well as cross themselves.

Features of self-pollination of cherries

The best time for fertilization is the middle of the day after a week of dry weather. With a brush, you need to carefully transfer the pollen from the stamens to the base of the pistils. Cotton wool wrapped around a match is also suitable for this. If the inflorescences of the tree are dioecious, a different method is used. Having determined the readiness of pollen, tear off the petals from the male inflorescence and press its middle to the middle of the female inflorescence. Pollination by hand must be done daily until the end of flowering.