Leek is an annual or perennial plant. Leek, perennial onions, garlic. New from users

The leek is often referred to as the king of onions. It is a perennial plant with a two-year development cycle. It has long been introduced into human culture. It was grown in ancient Egypt, it was widely eaten by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Currently, in Western Europe, in the USA and Canada, it is grown in large quantities.
Outwardly, it looks like broad-leaved garlic. In the first year, it forms a rosette of leaves, the lower parts of which close, forming a bleached false stem - the main productive part of the plant up to 50 cm long and up to 3-4 cm in diameter. Its leaves grow until late autumn, when other green onions no longer give.

Depending on the variety, an adult plant has 6-13 flat, linear leaves located in the same plane and fan-shaped extending from the false stem. In the second year, it throws an arrow up to 150 cm or more high.
Leek is quite cold-resistant, when covered with snow, it can withstand wintering in the open ground and frosts down to minus 5-6 ° C. If there is no snow, then already at a temperature of minus 15 ° C, it dies.

Of the leek varieties, the most common is the old Karantansky variety, which has a significantly higher frost resistance. It winters well with sufficient snow cover or covered with straw, but is demanding on soil fertility. The height of the false stem (“legs”) reaches 30 cm with a thickness of up to 6 cm.
For cultivation in our conditions, the early varieties Bulgarian Giant, Goliath, Kilima, Lincoln, medium-early varieties Columbus and Lancelot, mid-ripening varieties Argenta, Vesta, Sizokryl and Tango, mid-late varieties Autumn Giant and Premier, etc. are well suited. The mass of individual plants in varieties Columbus and Autumn giant reaches 400 g.
For the cultivation of leeks, well-lit fertile areas with a deep arable layer are selected, on which large doses of organic fertilizers were applied under the predecessors. Acidic soils are generally unsuitable for him. It is very picky about fertilizers, especially nitrogen.

In autumn, the site is dug up to a depth of at least 25 cm, after making a 1 sq. meter for 1 bucket of rotted manure or compost, two liter cans of rotted sawdust, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate (chlorine fertilizers can not be used). In the spring, add another 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate for harrowing.

Leek seeds retain the ability to germinate for only one year. Therefore, every year it is necessary to obtain fresh seeds.
The growing season for leeks is very long (up to 180 days), so even in the central regions it is grown in seedlings. At the same time, it is very important to observe the temperature regime: before germination 22-24 ° C, the first week after germination 15-17 ° C during the day and 12 ° C at night, then before planting in the ground 17-20 ° C during the day and 10-14 ° C at night.
At higher temperatures, the risk of flower arrow formation in the first year increases. In favorable conditions, in a leek, as in a biennial plant, a flower arrow is formed only in the second year of life after overwintering.

In the middle lane, it is better to grow leek seedlings without picking in peat pots or cubes.
But it is often grown in greenhouses, sowing seeds at the end of April under additional film cover. After 6 weeks, young seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. By the time the seedlings are planted, they should have three leaves. Before planting, the seedlings are watered, and then the leaves and roots are cut to a third of the length. In this case, it is useful to dip the roots in a mash of clay and mullein.

Seedlings are planted in pre-prepared furrows 10-12 cm deep with a distance of 35 cm between them and 15-18 cm between plants. The bottom of such a trench should be well loosened and fertilized with well-rotted manure or compost. But fresh manure does not like leeks. After such a planting, the furrows remain half filled.
Leek care consists of regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil. The first top dressing is carried out 15 days after planting the seedlings, and then every 15 days, alternating organic and organomineral fertilizers. The leek especially loves the infusion of chicken manure.

The most important technique is gradual hilling - a necessary operation to obtain a tender stem. To do this, as the plant grows, the groove is filled up, hilling the plant, and in early August, it conducts a second, already real hilling, falling asleep the stem to the level of the first true leaf.
This is necessary so that the lower part of the stem becomes white and juicy. After the second hilling between the rows, new grooves are obtained (like potatoes) that can be used for irrigation.
Some leek varieties have very long stems. In this case, bleaching can be done using a black film that wraps around the stem of the plant.

Unlike onions, leeks are almost never affected by diseases and pests. The leek does not have a summer dormant period, its leaves grow until late autumn, when other species no longer produce greenery.
Therefore, from July until the end of the growing season, plants are in great need of water, so they are watered abundantly 3-4 times. In July, ripe compost is poured around the plants and lightly embedded in the soil. Good top dressing and slurry (1:10). And pure nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied to the soil at this time. Before the onset of frost, preventing the leaves from turning yellow, dig up the leek, cut off the roots and outer leaves. It is stored in the basement in a vertical or semi-inclined position in the sand at a temperature of 0-1 ° C and an air humidity of 90%. In this form, it is stored for 5-6 months.

At home, leeks can be stored in open plastic bags for up to 2 months, and pre-chilled and then packed in plastic bags, leeks can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
Leek has the richest chemical composition. The dry matter content in it reaches 15%, incl. sugars - up to 4.8%, proteins - up to 2.8% (much more than in ordinary onions), fiber - up to 1.5%. The content of vitamins in it is almost the same as in onions - "C" - up to 40 mg%, "B1" - 0.1 mg%, "E" - 2 mg%, etc. But unlike most plants, the content of vitamin C during winter storage in the bleached false stem not only does not decrease, but even increases.

Leek has a lot of various mineral salts: potassium - 220 mg%, calcium - 50 mg%, magnesium - 14 mg%, phosphorus - 60 mg%, iron - up to 4 mg%.

Another richness of the leek is the presence in it of a large number of essential oils with a characteristic odor, which contain a significant amount of sulfur. These oils stimulate the appetite, increase the separation of gastric juice, inhibit fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines. They regulate the work of the intestines, improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. That is why leeks are very useful in dietary nutrition.
Due to the high content of potassium salts, leeks have a strong diuretic effect, have the ability to purify the blood, and are used in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, etc.

The most valuable part of the plant is the bleached base of the false stem, which has a slightly spicy taste and is a dietary product.

Fresh leek juice is taken orally, starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually increasing it to 1 tablespoon, 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for kidney and bladder stones, gastritis with low acidity, influenza, sore throat, bronchitis, etc.

With flu, bronchitis and sore throat, inhalations with leek pairs are useful. It should be carried out 2-3 times a day for 7-8 minutes. From a cough, an infusion of leeks in milk helps well. To do this, the bleached false stem of one plant, together with the roots, must be boiled in 1 glass of milk, insisted in a warm place for 4 hours. Take a decoction of 1 tablespoon every 2 hours.

But leek is especially necessary for metabolic disorders associated with age-related changes, and for people who are overweight and have diabetes.
For the treatment and prevention of diabetes, an infusion of leeks in wine is used. To prepare it, bleached false stems of two plants should be poured with 0.5 liters of dry red wine and insisted in a dark, cool place for 10-12 days, shaking occasionally. Take 0.25 cups 30-40 minutes after eating.

Leek also finds its use in cosmetics. Juice from a bleached false stem is rubbed on the skin of the face to improve blood circulation in it, smooth wrinkles, remove freckles and blackheads. After 12-15 procedures, the skin is renewed and acquires a beautiful color.

Perennial onion (name genus in Latin Allium) has excellent decorative, nutritional, medicinal properties.

The genus includes about 500 species. However, about 200 of them are grown in Russia. Mostly in the gardens you can find garlic, shallots, leeks, onions. Such perennial onion varieties, like fragrant, slime, chives, wild garlic, batun, oblique, multi-tiered, etc., unfortunately, do not enjoy such popularity.


Varieties of perennial onions differ not only in taste, but also in the characteristics of cultivation, appearance, ripening periods.

They can be planted in flowerbeds and rabatka - some varieties are in no way inferior to ornamental plants in their aesthetic qualities.

Most gardeners appreciate varieties of perennial onions (photo some of them can be seen in the article) their ability to ripen early. Indeed, only young juicy shoots of onions stand out noticeably in the landscape that has not yet turned green in early spring.

This plant is rich in vitamins, essential amino acids. As a rule, planted. After all, the substances that it contains have a positive effect on metabolic processes and immunity, and essential oils improve digestion. In folk medicine, the properties of these plants have long been known to increase hemoglobin, to help remove excess cholesterol from the body.

perennial bows many summer residents are also planted for decorative purposes. Plants perfectly complement the flower bed, borders along the paths, alpine hill. Flowers attract pollinators, so nearby crops will not be deprived of the attention of bees.


perennial bows frost-resistant - they are able to withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees. Plants are practically not susceptible to diseases, resistant to pests. In addition, the culture for 3-5 years gives a good harvest even with multiple cuts.

At perennial onion a false bulb is formed. Under favorable climatic conditions, it continuously produces leaves. The rest period is quite short, so crops can be grown indoors or on protected ground.

In open space, a plot isolated from the main crop rotation is perfect for perennial onion (pictured below you can see where the culture grows). This site will be used for about 5-6 years. It is important to protect it from flooding in spring and autumn.

Onion roots are string-shaped. They lie at a depth of about 20-30 cm. Accordingly, the soil on the site should be highly fertile, slightly acidic or neutral (pH 6-7), have a light composition. Rhizome and rhizomatous weeds will interfere with growth very much, so they must be removed. If horse sorrel or horsetail is present on the site, then liming is necessary before planting onions.

Perennial onion: cultivation and care

Soil preparation is carried out in the same way as for onions. In the autumn, manure, compost or humus is introduced for digging at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m 2. Phosphate-potassium fertilizers are also used. In the spring, nitrogen nutrient mixtures are added under the rake.

perennial bows can be sown, but can be propagated by divisions. Seeds of crops are small (especially schnitt) and are characterized by low germination. It is recommended to plant fresh seeds. If they lie down, germination will drop below 80%. In this case, it is necessary to increase the seeding rate. Before entering the soil, the seeds are disinfected.

Growing perennial onions in general, it is not accompanied by difficulties. Seeds are placed on ridges, ridges or a flat surface. It depends on the type of soil. The first two methods are used on cold ground and in lowlands. Sowing in open ground begins in April-May. At the same time, it is necessary to mulch with humus or peat in the ratio of 0.5 kg per 1 m 2 of soil. In the spring and summer, delenki and seedlings are planted.

In the second and subsequent years, you need to regularly feed the culture. In early spring, as well as after cutting, 10 g / 1 sq. m. potassium and nitrogen mixtures and 15 g of phosphorus.

During the first year, a plant is formed with 1-3 branches. Next year, flower arrows with spherical inflorescences will begin to appear in the same amount.

By the end of April - beginning of May, batun, chives and multi-tiered onions are the first to appear. A little later, fragrant and slime sprout.

To obtain a crop in the winter, from the fall, you need to select three-, four-year-old planting material and dig it out. Plants are placed in boxes, sprinkled with peat or earth. Before disembarkation, they must be stored at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees.


Varieties of perennial onions so many. We will focus only on some of them. Start with chives.

This variety is also called a chisel or skoroda. Schnitt is used primarily for decorative purposes. It is grown by many gardeners in most of the country.

The average life cycle of chives is 3-5 years. This plant reproduces well by seeds, self-sowing, tufts of bulbs, forms an overgrown turf.

Bulbs are small in size. They are not used for food. Value in this plant are narrow piped, slightly rough feathers. Their width is about 2-7 mm, and their height is about 40 cm. Onion greens will remain tender and will not coarsen if cut in a timely manner.

Schnitt flowers are spherical. Shades are very diverse - from pink to purple. Flowering does not affect the quality of the life cycle. This period falls on May-August.

Chives are a very hardy plant. It successfully takes root in the northern regions. However, this culture requires abundant watering.

Some gardeners plant it exclusively for greenery, others use the plant to decorate the site. Islands of chives effectively emphasize the borders; they look great on the alpine slides. In the latter case, it is preferable to plant onions from the eastern and southern sides.

Schnitt varieties

They are selected depending on the climatic features of the region:

  • Crocus and Bohemia bear fruit beautifully. They do very well in regions with warm winters.
  • Vitamin, Medonos, Sonnet are resistant to frost.

Preparing for winter

In preparation, the plant is cut almost to the root. It can be transplanted into a pot and left for 2 months. In winter, the seedling will produce fresh greens.

Schnitt is one of the first to appear after the snow melts. In early spring, the leaves of the plant are very soft, and in early summer they become rough and hard. By the beginning of the flowering period, they become pungent and almost never eaten.


This species is considered one of the delicacy. Shallots are valued for their delicate aroma and sweetish taste of the leaves. The bulbs of the plant, although rare, are also eaten. The plant is especially popular in France.

Usually shallots are grown for greens. It has a lot in common with onions. At the same time, shallots are more branched, and small oblong bulbs form nests. They are easy enough to separate when digging. On the next planting, they reproduce very well. The ability to quickly update allows you to grow shallots on an industrial scale.

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Shallot, unlike a number of other perennial onions, is a demanding plant. It needs a special section. Shallot is not suitable for cultivation for ornamental purposes. Neighborhood with annual onions can lead to the rebirth of shallots and the loss of taste.

The most common varieties in Russia can be considered Siberian yellow, Sprint, Friendly family, Banana, Delicacy.

Most of the shallot varieties are suitable for planting in the middle zone of the country. In addition, he perfectly tolerates the cold; its bulbs remain viable even at very low temperatures. Therefore, it can often be seen in gardens in the Far East and Siberia.

Bulbs for the next planting are dug up, as a rule, at the end of summer. To get juicy greens, it is recommended to sow immediately after the snow has melted. For the ripening of the bulbs, sowing is carried out under the first snow, in the fall.

Perennial onion batun

It is considered one of the most common types. Batun is grown in almost every garden. This species is also called Tatarka or piped.

As a rule, the batun is planted in a separate bed. The plant grows well next to flower crops.

The batun has a very branched bush, with juicy, long, fistulous leaves. Their height reaches 60 cm. You can cut greens from spring until the end of the season.

In terms of taste, batun is in no way inferior to onions, but in terms of the amount of useful substances, it is the undoubted leader. Batun contains ascorbic acid, potassium salts, riboflavin, etc.

The culture reproduces well by seeds obtained after flowering. The plant can be grown in one area for 6 years if properly watered and fed regularly.

The most common varieties are Baikal, Emerald, Trinity, Totem, Molodets, Russian Winter, Maysky, April, etc.


It is also called a drooping bow. Slizun rises immediately after the snow melts. In early April, the greens are already suitable for eating.

Slizun is considered one of the earliest species and the leader in the amount of iron. Onions have a rich, mild flavor that does not change throughout the season.

Slizun grows in a low bush. Its leaves are juicy, pale green in color. After cutting, they quickly recover. It blooms in purple large single balls.

Compared to other perennial onions, slime yields are not very high. The average life cycle is 4 years. Upon completion, the plant is transplanted and well fed.

Reproduction is carried out by seeds.

Among the main varieties, Vitaminnaya Polyana, Leader, Wellness of Health are especially popular.

Slime is often grown for ornamental purposes. It is planted on alpine slides, in flower beds.


This species is rarely found in the areas. Uksun is also called mountain garlic. Outwardly, it is close to garlic. It has the same thick stem, from which alternately flat leaves depart. Their thickness reaches three centimeters. However, vinegar blooms like all onions.

This culture is distinguished by its taste properties. It tastes like garlic and onion at the same time. The leaves are ready to eat at the end of May. However, by the end of the summer period, the leaves become stiff. They are used instead of garlic in preservation.

Tiered Bow

This species is the only viviparous. Its bulbs mature above the ground and release new leaves. A multi-tiered bow is also called Egyptian, horned, walking.

During the first year, it resembles a batun. The following years, the development of the bow occurs with the help of arrows.

Greens can be consumed throughout the season. All summer it does not lose its properties. Tiered onions have a spicy, spicy taste.

The bulbs can also be eaten. They are also used for seeding. Bulbs do well in the ground. They form nests like shallots.

Main varieties: Memory, Odessa Winter, Likov, Gribovsky 38.

It is worth saying that a multi-tiered onion is not planted for decorative purposes and next to other varieties.


This species has become popular due to its early ripening period. In early April, you can eat the first greens. Ramson is also called wild garlic or bear's onion.

After the end of flowering, the active growth of the culture stops. Bulbs of wild garlic are not used in cooking. The leaves of the plant are similar to the leaves of the lily of the valley.

The most popular varieties are Medvezhonok, Bear's ear.

Wild garlic is not grown as a decoration of the site. At the same time, she feels great next to berry and fruit crops. The plant contains phytoncides - substances that repel pests.

Fragrant onion

It is rich in fiber, vitamin C. The leaves of the plant are belt-shaped.

During the first year, 2 shoots are formed with 3-6 leaves on each. Their length is about 30 cm. Flower arrows form in the second year. Flowers of white color are collected on them in a simple umbrella. They smell good.

Stargazer is popular among the varieties. The dark green leaves of this plant grow up to 60 cm rather quickly. The width of the leaves is 1.5 cm. A promising (new) mid-season variety called Spicy has also been introduced. It has more vitamin C and is more resistant to frost.

Most summer residents traditionally grow onions, and they pay little attention to perennial onions, of which there are a great many in nature.
They grow and winter well in our zone: multi-tiered onions, onions - batun and onions - slime, chives - onions, leeks.
They are valuable in that their fresh, juicy, green leaves, in which there is a lot of ascorbic acid and essential oils, can be had on the table in early spring, when the snow has just melted, and there are practically no other vegetables from the open ground. Perennial onions are good - fresh, fried. They are an excellent seasoning for a wide variety of dishes.

The leaves of a multi-tiered onion are similar to onion feathers and have a rather sharp taste. Fresh leaves are used in salads, on sandwiches, good as a filling for pies. Air bulbs have a sharp taste and are used in a processed form.
In the middle of summer, an arrow begins to grow behind the last leaf - a powerful, thick-skinned and hollow, and at the end grow in several rows of bulbs - onions.

Bulbs and basal bulbs are good material for propagating onions. The end of August, the beginning of September are the best dates for planting a multi-tiered onion. Bulbs have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.


Onion-batun is popularly called winter onion, onion - Tatar, piped.

It is perhaps the most winter-hardy, growing in early spring. The batun does not form a large bulb; the fistulous leaves and thickenings of the lower part of the stem are used as food.
July is considered the best time for sowing batun: the plant shoots less compared to early spring sowing. With vegetative propagation - dividing the bush - it can be planted at the end of August, and with warm autumn and later.
Care consists in loosening the row spacing, weeding, thinning in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. Leave the distance between plants 4-6 cm. When sowing in summer, it is impossible to cut the leaves in the first year so as not to weaken the plant before wintering.
In early spring, after overwintering, when there is no more snow, but the soil has not yet thawed, the bed must be cleared of last year's leaves, loosened, and full mineral fertilizer applied. Then the rapid growth of leaves will begin. And if the bed is poured with warm water and covered with a film, they will grow 2-3 weeks earlier. The leaves are ready for harvest at a height of 30-35 cm. They are cut every 25-30 days. During the season, the greens are cut 3-5 times with a part of the false stem at a height of 5-7 cm above the soil, if lower, then the yield is reduced.
In the fourth year, the leaves coarsen, but by this time one plant has formed up to 50 daughter plants. Bushes divide and lay a new plantation.

Onion - slime

The slime onion probably got its name for the slimy consistency of its juice, and it is also called glandular - there are a lot of iron salts in its leaves. It is very useful for both adults and children suffering from anemia. Its flat leaves grow back in early spring, almost do not coarsen, it is less sharp than onions, slime is unusually decorative, beautiful during the flowering period.
It is better to propagate the slime in July - August, separating the false bulbs from the mother plant. In the second year, 3-4 more from this bulb, in the third - 10-15. Leaves are cut no more than twice a season.
Once you plant this onion, you will have early greens and planting material for many years to share with your neighbors.

Schnitt - onion

Schnitt is an onion or chives, so named for its small tubular leaves.

It is valued both as an early vitamin product and as an antiseptic anthelmintic. Schnitt - onions are suitable for filling pies, salads, first and second courses. Schnitt bushes strongly and it is also better to propagate it vegetatively - by dividing the bush and do it after three years. Then the green grows very quickly and can be cut many times over the summer. As an ornamental plant - it blooms with beautiful lilac-pink inflorescences, chives are planted in various flower beds, by the way, its flowers are very attractive to bees.


The latest supplier of vitamins is leeks with unusually tasty and healthy white “legs”.

This onion is used not only with legs, but also with foliage that can be chopped, salted and stored in a cool place. Use the blank when cooking soups and borscht.
"Bleached" legs are well preserved in plastic bags or in wet sand in the cellar. A small amount of onion can be stored in the refrigerator.
The positive quality of leek is that it is not afraid of autumn frosts and can be left in the garden until the soil freezes.

What do bows love?

All onions love fertile light soil, therefore, in spring, fertilizing with nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, loosening the soil and sufficient moisture are required.
Perennial onions are unpretentious, practically do not get sick, after cutting they give fresh greens.
If there are such onions, then onions can be grown only on turnips.
In September, with the onset of cool weather, two - three-year-old chives and
slime onions can be dug up with a root for winter forcing. It is necessary to prepare containers of at least 8-10 liters, on the bottom of which pour drainage, then a layer of river sand of 10-15 cm, and then light fertile soil.
Cut the excavated plants, leaving "stumps" 2-3 cm high and plant in groups of 3-5 pieces in a container, water, compact and cover with peat. Until severe frosts can be kept on a glazed balcony. With the onset of stable cold weather, bring into the room closer to the light and water regularly. The feather is usually cut off once or twice, and then the roots are thrown away.
Small bulbs of multi-tiered onions can also be planted at home in flower pots and have green onions on the table in winter.

Leek is currently distributed in Russian garden plots not as widely and diversely as its onion counterpart. And absolutely in vain. Leek is an incredibly useful product for the human body, which is not recommended to be ignored in the most urgent way.

Description of culture

Leek is a perennial onion, which in practice most gardeners prefer to grow as an annual. The fact is that it is in the year of planting that the plant forms a leg, which is a false bulb, and leaves, for the sake of which, in fact, the culture is grown. As for the foliage, they are eaten only while they are young.

Depending on the growing conditions and varietal characteristics, the height of the onion can vary from 1 to 48 cm, and the stem diameter can vary from 3 to 10 cm.

Leek leaves are most similar to garlic. But they are somewhat wider and longer. In the first year after planting the seeds in the ground, at least 12 leaves are formed.

The culture is stored with cut roots and leaves in cool conditions (cellars, cellars or refrigerators).

In the second year of vegetation, the parel (leek) gives a seed arrow with a spherical corolla (just like garlic). The culture begins to bloom in July. The flowers of the plant resemble a pinkish zat. The seed ripens closer to September.

Important! Leek seeds remain viable for two (sometimes three) years.

Popular varieties

There are not too many varieties of leek, but gardeners still have a certain choice (which leek to plant). Consider the most popular varieties.

Variety Columbus belongs to the early ones. Its maturation occurs on average on the eighty-fifth day after disembarkation. The culture grows up to 80 cm in height, its false stem has a length of up to 13 cm. It is permissible to plant Columbus in almost any Russian region, whether it be Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow Region or the Krasnodar Territory, which is milder in terms of climate. The leek of this species is characterized by frost resistance. This is a very productive variety.


Another popular onion variety that many people prefer to plant in their garden is Winner. This variety belongs to the middle-season. The usual aging period is 130-160 days from the moment when the planting was carried out. This type of leek is characterized by an average height and low weight (no more than 200 grams per plant). The Winner variety is especially valued for its excellent taste characteristics. It is quite tender, very juicy, with a slight spiciness.

Vesta (West)

Variety Vesta (or Vest) refers to early ripening and is considered one of the best. You can grow a culture in just 120 days. Seed material is planted in March (first in a container), transplanted into open ground after 70 days. The plant requires quite serious care - it should be regularly hilled and fertilized. The leaves of West are distinguished by a light green tint with a noticeable waxy coating. The white stalk can be up to 30 cm long. It tastes sweet and juicy. Vesta belongs to varieties with a high yield.

Goliath is another early variety of leek. Its maturation occurs four months after planting. Stem height is average. The white part (bulb) reaches 30 cm with a width of 60 mm. The average weight of one fully ripe plant cut from the garden is 150 g. The variety is excellent both for fresh consumption and for drying. The yield is high.


Gardeners speak well of the Elefant variety. This is a medium-early crop that can be removed from the garden on the 130th day after planting. The variety itself is quite large. Individual plants can grow up to 85 centimeters. Onion leaves are very wide, rich green with a bluish bloom. The weight of one plant is about two hundred grams.

Elefant is characterized by a high yield.


The leek variety Karantansky refers to late-ripening. This useful product matures in an average of 150-200 days. Moreover, fresh greens, which will decorate almost any salad recipe, can be collected before the first frost. Preparation for harvesting onions can begin as early as September. At the same time, the mass harvest is carried out throughout October. The mass of the plant varies from 200 to 325 grams.

Leek variety Summer Breeze is another of the most popular late-ripening types of crops. It is characterized by wide and spreading green leaves with a characteristic waxy coating. The mass of one plant after ripening varies from 200 to 340 g. At the same time, its height can reach one meter.

In cooking, the culture is used fresh, dried and processed. Especially recommended for freezing for the winter.

Important! Each gardener decides for himself which variety of leek to cultivate. But many prefer the seed material of the Aelit agricultural farm.

Useful properties and contraindications

Knowing everything about a leek is not only about knowing how to properly seed it, how seedlings are grown, or how to soar and freeze it for the winter. It is equally important to understand what the benefits of culture are.

Leek is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, carotene, as well as salts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, and, moreover, in a fairly tangible amount.

Interesting. Leek has one amazing property that other vegetables do not have. The content of ascorbic acid in the white stem does not decrease during storage, but increases, and more than one and a half times.

The benefits of leek when used regularly in food are as follows:

  • restoration of impaired digestion (coarse fibers contained in the plant improve the functioning of peristalsis);
  • getting rid of inflammation (as a complex therapy);
  • reducing the risk of cancerous tumors (and slowing down the growth of those identified);
  • the fight against anemia (due to the content of iron in the composition);
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • fight against atherosclerosis (onion stalk fibers act as an oxidizing agent);
  • prevention of SARS (due to the presence of essential oils in the composition).

The cosmetic benefits of leeks are no less important. Helping appearance does not consist in applying green masks or rinsing the head with an infusion from the root of the plant, but in regular consumption of the product. The fact is that ascorbic acid, contained in large quantities in culture, improves the synthesis of collagen fibers, of which at least half of the human body consists.

As an experiment, experts in the field of cosmetology suggest that their clients eat at least one serving of leek salad and evaluate how the skin will look after a month. And it will differ very significantly, and without the use of expensive creams. With the help of leeks, the body will be able to produce the required amount of collagen on its own.

Previously, it was believed that the harm of leeks can only occur if they are regularly abused. But not so long ago, experiments have shown that the plant can be detrimental to health in a number of other cases.

Most often we are talking about the following situations:

  • with individual intolerance to nickel, the content of which is high in leaves and stems;
  • increased acidity;
  • when breastfeeding (may spoil the taste of milk);
  • with diarrhea (the culture can aggravate the existing problem);
  • in case of urolithiasis during an exacerbation.

And yet, leeks are more useful than harmful. It is enough just to closely monitor the state of your health, know your diseases and not abuse the product.

Pests and diseases

The onion fly poses the greatest danger to leek plantings. In this regard, it is strongly recommended to plant different onion crops as far as possible from one another, and sow in early spring.

Important! The onion fly is repelled by the smell of carrots, so it is recommended to plant it in a garden adjacent to a leek.

Spraying at the beginning of the growing season with insecticides will also be effective: Vantex or Connect

The second treatment will need to be done in the summer - in July, when the next generation of flies appears.

onion leaf

Onion psyllid can infect not only onions, but also other vegetables, so the fight against this pest should begin immediately after the first symptoms appear. This insect feeds on plants and spreads viral diseases.

Powdery mildew is a disease that affects many garden plants. And leek is no exception to the general rule. With this disease, a white coating appears on the foliage. The leaves are gradually dying off. The disease develops especially actively in dry and hot summers.

To protect the plant, do not plant leeks in the same place two years in a row. Return to the previously used landing site is allowed only after a year.


Another problem that leek growers often face is alternariosis. The disease causes the most significant damage in warm rainy weather. In addition, plants that are already affected by other pathologies are susceptible to diseases: fusarium or powdery mildew. Nitrogen fertilizers in large quantities can also contribute to the infection of the plant.

Disease control is most effective with the same fungicides used on onions. We are talking about the drugs Signum, Kurtaz or Quadris. Seeds before planting will not be superfluous to treat with a tool like Inshur Profi.

If there is a real threat of the spread of bacterial diseases, you should additionally use drugs that include copper (for example, Horde).

But the most important thing in the prevention of any disease is to observe agricultural technology and provide the plant with proper care. The result of caring for leeks will be an excellent crop crop. It can be eaten fresh and stored for the winter, when the body especially needs vitamins and nutrients.

This bow is versatile. It is used fresh, many delicious dishes are prepared from it, salted, marinated, dried, frozen. It acts both as an independent product, and as a seasoning and additive to vegetable preparations. The plant easily adapts to different environmental conditions: therefore, it is widely cultivated throughout the world, mainly in the temperate zone. Leek is very popular in Western Europe and is valued there as an important supplier of vitamin C.

"Asparagus for the Poor"

So christened the leek writer Anatole France in the story "Crainquebil" (1901). Indeed, dishes with this onion can even be tastier than with asparagus!

Leek is grown for the sake of a bleached false stem - “legs”. Plants can be eaten at any stage of development. Tender young leaves with a slightly spicy flavor are great for salads. Due to the high content of potassium (up to 250 mg/100 g wet weight), leek helps to activate the metabolism, and it is recommended to include it in the diet of overweight people. The low content of burning essential oils allows the use of leeks in dietary nutrition.

Grow heroes

Leeks are grown by direct sowing of seeds into the ground and through seedlings. To obtain marketable products (stem diameter ≥1.5 cm), 6-7 months of vegetation are needed, therefore it is better to grow leeks in our zone through seedlings. The sowing culture is used mainly to obtain beam greens, which are harvested from July. The sowing date (several dates) is chosen depending on the harvesting period.

Leek develops well on many types of soils, provided they are loose and highly fertile. Medium loams are best suited. When preparing the site in the fall, it is imperative to dig the soil to the depth of the arable layer.

Leek is responsive to organic fertilizers, but manure or compost is applied under the previous crop. The best predecessors are cucumbers, cabbage, legumes, early potatoes. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring.

Leek is very sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil. In drought, plant growth stops, after watering (at least 20 liters of water per 1 m2) it quickly resumes. Furrow irrigation is most effective.

Leek is unpretentious: care comes down to weeding, loosening the soil, hilling. Mulching of plantings with peat, chopped dry straw or tops of plants is also practiced. This helps retain moisture and inhibits weed growth. Leek plants in the first half of the growing season develop slowly, therefore, in household plots, leeks are often grown in combined plantings, alternating with rows of radishes, lettuce and other green crops, as well as beets and even cucumbers.

Recruitment to the "guard"

Onions are harvested as needed until late autumn. Plants are dug up with a shovel or pitchfork, shaken off the ground and placed in boxes in an upright position or tied in bunches. It is desirable that during these operations the false stem is not clogged with soil particles. In the collected plants, damaged and contaminated leaves are removed, the roots are cut to 1 cm in length and the leaves are cut by about one third. If necessary, the leek is washed and dried, and then packed in nets, plastic bags or plastic boxes.

Due to the high content of dry matter, leeks are an excellent object for drying. Both the false stem cut into rings and the leaves are dried. At home, this can be done in a moderately heated oven or in a ventilated area at room temperature. Leek is also canned and frozen.

On guard of our health

Leek, especially late varieties, is well stored, this is facilitated by the high content of dry matter in plants. When stored for up to three months, the chemical composition of the products practically does not change due to the outflow of nutrients from the leaves. For a long time, leeks were buried in cellars in river sand, where they remained until the end of winter at a temperature close to 0 ° C and a relative humidity of about 80%. Such storage conditions make it possible to avoid the growth of roots and leaves, as well as stretching of plants.

One of the best ways to store leeks for a short time is in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic wrap. Before storage, the plants are sorted, cooled to storage temperature, then packed in perforated plastic bags, 5-7 pcs. (up to 1.5 kg). The optimum storage temperature is from -2 to 2 °C, with a relative humidity of about 80%. It is desirable to maintain the temperature at a constant level. For a short time, leeks can be stored on the balcony. At temperatures down to -5 ° C, plants do not freeze, but frozen leeks are quite suitable for cooking. However, thawing and re-icing of products is best avoided.