Hints and tips. "Battle of Castles": how to evolve heroes. Hints and tips Castle Battle when is the best time to evolve

The 2nd chapter has opened in Conquest of the Sword, it is called Agent Shinigami and is dedicated to the evolution of the main character.

This chapter consists of 4 difficulty levels with 15 stages each. You need to go through them one by one (you cannot select difficulty level 2 without clearing the 1st one). You can go through 1 difficulty 1 time for free per day and up to 2 more times by paying in gold to reset the stages.

Each stage has a condition that must be met in order to complete it.

When you complete all 15 stages, you will receive an email with Universal Promotion Fragments, which are used to create and then improve the quality (by color from white to orange) of illusory equipment. To move the parameters of a weapon to the next level, you need to pump up the current characteristics to the maximum.

For completing each individual stage you can get: A Chest of Illusory Fragments (the type of chest depends on the difficulty), a Universal Illusory Fragment (the amount depends on the difficulty) or an Illusory Spiritual Stone Fragment.

When you open a chest of illusory fragments, you will be given fragments to improve your illusory equipment (weapons, belt, boots, etc.)
Universal illusory fragments are the 2nd component of enhancing illusory equipment.

You will need an illusory fragment of a spirit stone to increase the bonus from spirit stones for the main character.

Make the most successful Evolution of the main character!

Leveling up characters is not limited to increasing levels for , although this is exactly what it may seem at first glance. There is another way to improve performance - evolution. Let's take a closer look at how to carry out this manipulation and why it is needed.

How to evolve a hero

If you tap on the character icon in "Heroes" menu, which is located at the bottom of the screen, will open a page where you can read a brief background and view statistics.

First of all, we are interested in the band "Killing Bosses for Evolution" at the very top. The required number of bosses is different for each hero, and the minimum is for Inquisitor Hana. If you consider that there is one boss per level, it is easy to understand that the number of bosses killed will be equal to the total gaming level(number next to the location name in the upper left corner of the screen). That is, in the case of Hana, for the first evolution we need to get to Level 155.

When evolution becomes available, the character icon in the “Heroes” menu will become animated and “Evolution” will appear on it. Transformation will cost you some gold.

Why is evolution needed?

Leveling up a hero in this way is a very labor-intensive process, and you won’t be able to directly speed it up using in-game or real currency. What advantages does the evolution of heroes give the player?

The point is that after Level 700 new ones stop opening skills, and without them, leveling up some heroes (especially those at the beginning of the list) for gold makes virtually no sense. They cause relatively little damage, but require quite substantial investments. After evolution, the list of skills will open again, and don’t let the hero’s first level scare you. All old ones will be saved along with the rest of the squad, and the amount of damage per second will increase quite well.

The lower the hero is in the general list, the more bosses he will need to kill (see screenshot above). Keep in mind that their number is not calculated for the entire squad, but for each hero individually - the later he joined you, the longer it will take to catch up.

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Castle Battle is one of the most popular real-time strategy games for smartphones. The creators of the game are adding new features to it, one of which is the evolution of heroes. It allows you to significantly improve the character’s characteristics, and the hero himself gets a new look.

How to evolve heroes in Castle Battle

The game is over five years old and there are a large number of people who have been playing it since it was first released. Over such a long period of time, any gamer who spends at least 10 minutes a day on average on the game can, even without donating, pump up all the heroes to the maximum level, which is two hundred, despite the fact that the developers add a new fighter to the strategy every month. A few years ago, the development company IGG - the company that created the game - decided to introduce a new category called "Hero Evolution". From this moment on, many players began to wonder: how to evolve heroes in the “Battle of Castles”?

It should be noted that this can only be done with a legendary character who has a tenth star. You can evolve a fighter from level 180 to 200. At the same time, the experience spent on leveling up the hero at the tenth star will return in the form of 263 purple volumes, which add 500 thousand experience units each. The cost of one such volume is 12 thousand badges of honor. After the character is promoted to the tenth star, instead of the inscription “Improve”, the inscription “Evolve” will appear on the fighter’s icon. Clicking on it will open the evolution window.

Materials for evolution and its cost

Before evolving heroes in the “Battle of Castles”, you need to make sure that the following elements are available:

  • rune of evolution;
  • red crystals;
  • repeats of heroes or green crystals.

The Evolution Rune can be purchased for 1000 points of glory in the “Glory Exchange” section if you open “Buy Items” in the warehouse. are earned in a mode called “Battle Royale”. Green crystals can be obtained by completing quests, dungeons and waves. Hero cards can be redeemed for gems.

The evolution of heroes in the “Battle of Castles” is not a cheap pleasure. Since to implement it the hero must move to the tenth star, the player must have at his disposal 814 thousand badges of honor, which will be needed during the improvement of the hero.

Evolution can be of the first and second levels. The conditions for evolving heroes in the “Battle of Castles” both the first and second time are the same. The only difference is the cost. For the first evolution you need 1 evolution rune, 1 thousand red crystals and 1 copy of the hero (20 thousand green crystals). For the second evolution, the gamer will have to spend 5 runes, 2 thousand crystals and three heroes or 20 thousand green crystals for each missing fighter.

The feasibility of evolution

Of course, evolution is necessary. Beginners and players who do not invest money in the game should first evolve such heroes in the “Battle of Castles” as Gargul, Anubis, Shooter, Dracula, Skull and Guardian.

For example, a Guardian on the second evolution with maximum pumping will have more than half a million hit points. And pumped-up Anubis and Gargul with Karasik and Slonyara as pets can destroy almost any dungeon.

Best characters

Each fighter in the game is good in his own way. Experienced gamers have found a use for almost every character in one game mode or another. The list of the best heroes in Castle Clash will depend on where they are used.

For example, Gargul is suitable for almost all modes except Guild Battle. It needs to be downloaded first. Then Dracula should evolve, without which it is almost impossible for a beginner to go through the coming of demons.

And then you need to make a choice which mode is most important. For the “Battle of the Guilds”, you can evolve Warlock and Death so that they eliminate the opponent’s heroes, and then finish off the buildings, using the unleveled Prince Pumpkin to disperse them. For lava, you should pump up Death, Murderer, Ares and Treant. In the battle against the Archdemon, many gamers use Drake and Chimera.

Aug 11, 2016 Game guides

When you first turn on Castle Clash, you might think that the first thing you need to do is build a strong base, recruit dozens of soldiers, and build as many walls as possible to protect your precious resources. Wait! Before you start mass construction, take care of the real strength of your army - the heroes!

Heroes- This is a special type of troops. Unlike standard soldiers, heroes cannot be hired for mana in an army camp - to hire them you need to use special game resources: hero crystals, gems or badges of honor. As you probably already guessed, getting these resources is much more difficult - unless, of course, you invest real money in the game. However, you can still get enough good heroes from the very beginning of the game - for example, after starting you immediately have a melee fighter,Executioner. The Executioner is not the most powerful of the heroes, but belongs to the elite category and can greatly help you out in the early stages of the game. Also, at the time of writing this guide, the reward for the first entry into the game is a legendary heroDruid, which attacks from a distance and heals itself well after landing a certain number of hits. In total, at the moment you can start the game with two heroes: an elite melee hero and a legendary ranged hero. Moreover, together with the Druid you will receive a set of 10 books of experience and 10 essences of crystalline ectoplasm - the first will increase the amount of experience by 1000 points apiece, and each of the latter will improve the hero’s skill by 600 points.

But first things first.

Hero ranks

There are 4 character tiers in Castle Clash: Sacrifice, Regular, Elite and Legendary.

Sacrificescannot be used in battle. There are four such heroes in total:Slime(brings 100 experience points),Crystalline ectoplasm (brings 600 experience points),gelatinous knight (brings 3000 experience points) andGreat slug(brings 15,000 experience points). They, as their name says, can only be used as a sacrifice to upgrade the skills of other heroes. These heroes have analogues in the form of the aboveentities -items that are stored in the warehouse and can also be used as sacrifices to increase the skill level of another hero.

Regularheroes are the weakest of the heroes capable of participating in battles. These heroes are cheaper than others and have the simplest and weakest skills. There are only eight of these heroes:Angel, Raider, Hill Giant, Engineer, Hellebore Witch, Dryad, Alchemist And Sniper.One of the most useful regular heroes in the early stages of the game can be called Angel, since he is the only regular hero who can heal himself and surrounding allies. The Witch, who can slow down enemies, and the Engineer, who can deal high damage to multiple targets, also have fairly good characteristics.

Eliteheroes are significantly ahead of ordinary ones in terms of efficiency and can sometimes compete with legendary ones. There are nine such heroes:Executioner, Assassin, Werewolf, Cyclops, Shaman, Destroyer Panda, Snake Queen, Ice Devil And Triton.As stated above, each player receives an Executioner at the start of the game. This is a good melee hero, capable of stopping opponents for a few seconds - as a result, he copes well with enemy heroes, especially in one-on-one combat. Also notable for their qualities are the Snake Queen, who is capable of inflicting huge long-term damage to all surrounding enemies, the Shaman, who reduces the enemy’s attack, and the Ice Devil, who slows down enemies.

Legendaryheroes are the most desirable of heroes. They are the most expensive and the most powerful, and there are the most such heroes in the game. As many as 37! In addition to the fact that such heroes are much more powerful than others, they are also capable of evolving - when you reach the “ceiling” in their development, you can use special runes, red crystals and copies of heroes to achieve a new degree of evolution and further develop the heroes’ abilities. There are two stages of evolution in total, and during each of them the hero changes his appearance, acquires new skills and becomes even stronger. Also among the legendary heroes, there are those who can only be bought for real money or obtained only randomly - sometimes obtaining such heroes turns into the goal of the game for some players. At the beginning of the game you will be able to get one legendary hero -Druid, which, as mentioned above, can attack from a distance and heal allies. Try to level up your Druid as quickly as possible - with his help you can easily score your first thousand Strength points in a couple of hours of play!

Ways to get heroes:

Of course, my first hero,Executioner, you will get it just like that. But how to get the rest?

There are several ways to get new heroes:

  1. Daily Rewards . This is how you will get your legendary Druid - visit the game section daily and receive rewards. You'll be able to accumulate the 150 gems needed to buy a hero in just five days - and at the end of the month you'll be able to get an additional hero. In total, in a month of playing you can easily get 7 heroes, which will already strengthen your defense and diversify your game on offense. This method of obtaining heroes is completely free and least expensive, but the chance of obtaining legendary heroes is very small.
  2. Purchase with gems . You can use the game's donated currency to buy a random hero. The game offers two buttons - buy 3 heroes at the same time for 450 gems or one for 150. This method of obtaining heroes will allow you to get a legendary hero with a fairly high probability and an elite one with an extremely high probability.
  3. Purchasing with badges of honor . By fighting in the Arena or participating in raids, you will receive badges of honor. These badges can be spent on a random hero - one hero will cost you 500 badges, with a subsequent increase in price by 100 badges. The next day the price will again be 500 badges. Despite the fact that this method is the easiest to implement (it is not difficult to accumulate badges of honor), it is not recommended - the probability of dropping a Slime or, at best, an ordinary hero is extremely high.
  4. Purchase for Hero Crystals . This is the only way to buy a hero not randomly. Collect Hero Crystals by going into Dungeons and participating in various game modes (or buy them) and choose the character you need. Please note that not every hero can be purchased this way - some are only random drops, and some can only be purchased with real money.

From the description above we can draw the following conclusion: it is most reliable to use Hero Crystals for purchase. The problem is that this resource is the most difficult to earn in the game and can only be obtained by visiting Dungeons, successfully defending against five waves in the “Coming of Monsters” mode, or completing tasks from the “Message Board”. Since the last two game modes will not be available to you immediately, it is recommended that you complete all available Dungeons to obtain Hero Crystals. Please note that in those Dungeons that feature a blue tower, the chance of dropping Hero Crystals is higher, as is the difficulty.

Leveling up heroes

In this section, I will try to give some tips on leveling up heroes in Castle Clash, which may be useful for novice players.

The first rule to follow is to try to upgrade one hero at a time. By releasing more than one hero onto the battlefield, you divide the experience gained equally between them. It would seem - what's wrong with that? But everyone swings at once! The problem will arise later - having reached the first experience ceiling (level 20), the heroes need to buy an upgrade for gold, lights and badges of honor. If you are unlikely to have any problems with the first two points, then you may not be able to quickly get several thousand experience points for several heroes. It is much more effective to quickly level up one hero, simultaneously earning badges of honor for him in the Arena and in Dungeons, and then move on to another. Also, when leveling up many heroes at once, there may be a risk that you will spend sacrifices or experience books on skills that will not be useful to you later - thoughtful play for one hero will allow you to thoroughly study and feel his strength, speed and special skills and decide in what role would you like to use it for? Sometimes some heroes can be immediately sacrificed to others, similar and stronger - and this will make leveling up even more effective.

Don't forget to place and replace heroes on the Altars in your castle! They will help you effectively repel enemy attacks, especially if you position the Altar correctly (for example, the Altar with a ranged hero can be surrounded by walls, and a defensive tower placed next to it).

In addition to gaining experience points, also use sacrifices to increase the hero's skill level. Heroes' skills are their most powerful weapons, and sometimes the high skill level of one legendary hero can be more useful than several additional smaller heroes - don't be afraid to sacrifice them.

If your goal is no longer simple pumping, then try to combine heroes - assemble squads that would have a couple of melee heroes, a couple of ranged heroes, some could slow down enemies, and some could heal allies. Some heroes are not so good alone, but in combination with others they are simply wonderful. So, for example, the Hellebore Witch does not deal particularly high damage, but can slow down the enemy - this is an excellent reason to use it in a game with fast characters that can deal a lot of damage, for example, with the Hitman or the Snake Queen. Even a powerful enemy simply won’t have time to kill you!


Heroes are the most powerful troops in battle. Proper leveling and proper use of heroes gives you the opportunity to destroy cities with just a couple of units - and it's fun! Don’t neglect heroes and don’t be greedy for gems - buying a good hero will allow you to become an effective player and reduce the time it takes to develop your fortress by several times. Heroes are good!