Massage bed Migan 7000. Massage bed for rent. Design and functional characteristics of the upper and lower case

Physiotherapy massage bed MIGUN HY-7000E.
This bed can be called a whole physiotherapy complex. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs, problems with the spine, general harmonization of the state of the body. This Migan thermal bed is used both for prevention and during convalescence (recovery).

Massage bed Migan MIGUN: How it works

Eastern medicine approaches the treatment of the body a little differently than Western medicine. European doctors are used to treating a specific disease, often causing great harm to the body as a whole. Oriental medicine does not separate the diseased area from the healthy one, it tries to find the true cause of the disease. This ancient medicine attaches great importance to improving immunity, restoring strength, and general improvement of the body. Combining the ancient principles of oriental medicine with modern scientific developments opens up new possibilities for curing a person. Thermotherapy - heat treatment - one of the directions of oriental medicine. This principle operates bed MIGUN Migan HY-7000E. The heat that affects the body during the procedure relieves pain in lumbago and myositis, or even completely relieves it. Infrared radiation heats the body evenly. Jade and helium have an additional therapeutic effect. The amazing properties of these stones were known 5 thousand years ago. In the Massage Beds section of the site, our clients talk about the healing properties of the bed, many of which have been cooperating with us for 3 years.

Treatment and prevention:

Device bed Migun Migan HY-7000E:

Nine reasons to choose the MIGUN bed:


Working modes:

Program 1 (P1).
Basic massage, duration - 35 min. In this mode, thermal massage of the whole body is performed. General strengthening program: gradually works out all the biological points along the spine, relaxes tense muscles, prepares for spinal extension.
Program 2 (P2).
Dorsal massage, duration - 29 min. Thermal massage with special attention to the cervicothoracic region. Restores cerebral circulation, removes clamps and blocks from the intervertebral muscles. Optimizes the functioning of the following organs: brain, eyes, tongue, vocal cords, tonsils, tonsils, thyroid, esophagus, trachea, heart (including valves), coronary arteries, lungs, bronchial tubes, gallbladder, liver, stomach, pancreas, duodenum intestines, spleen, kidneys, adrenal and adrenal glands, ureters, small intestine, lymphatic system.
Program 3 (P3).
Massage of the lumbosacral region, duration - 28 min. Thermal massage with special attention to the lumbosacral region. It optimizes the functioning of the following organs: colon, appendix, genitals, uterus, bladder, prostate gland.

Program 4 (P4).
Reflexology, duration - 24 min. Thermal massage using acupressure techniques, moxotherapy - cauterization of bioactive points) This program removes clamps and blocks on the deepest layer of muscles - short intervertebral muscles, ligaments. Relieves spasmodic pain, reduces pain. It improves blood circulation and metabolism, revitalizes the cells of the body, stimulates the brain. Warms the bone tissue, stimulates the bone marrow. Improves the supply of blood with oxygen, improves the mobility of the spine.

Main indications for use: disorders of nervous regulation, headaches, depression, sleep disturbances, obesity, joint diseases, runny nose, sinusitis, stomach and liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, respiratory diseases, osteochondrosis (sciatica), rheumatism, infertility, uterine fibroids, prostatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, vulgar (simple) acne.

Program 5 (P5).
Sports massage, duration - 14 min. Provides stretching (stretching) of the spine. Releases nerves and vessels from squeezing.
Program 6 (P6).
Massage of the abdominal wall, duration - 16 min. This program strengthens the immune system, cleanses the intestines, stimulates the biliary tract, strengthens the press, counteracts cellulite. Abdominal massage is intended both to provide daily assistance to people with chronic diseases of the genitourinary system: gynecology, urology, proctology, and to form a tightened abdominal press.
Program 7 (P7).
Manual massage, duration - not automatically limited. Control of massage carriages by remote control, manually.

Comparison of massage beds according to the main characteristics:


Rental period Rental price per day (rub.) Cost for the entire rental period (rub.)

1 month (30 days) 300 9 000
2 months (60 days) 200 12 000
3 months (90 days) 166 15 000

Delivery and installation:

Assembly and installation of a massage bed for FREE!
Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road for FREE!
Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road: 1) up to 20 km - 800 rubles 2) over 20 km - 25 rubles / 1 km

The cost of raising the massage bed to the floor:

If there is an elevator - free of charge
- in houses without an elevator or with a faulty elevator - 150 rubles per floor

Order conditions:

Payment for the order is made on the website or in cash in rubles to the courier upon delivery to the specified address.

This offer is valid for individuals, a mandatory requirement is registration in Moscow or the Moscow region.

If there are free beds in the warehouse, delivery is possible on the day of the order. Delivery is carried out from 8:00 to 22:00 daily.
As a rule, we try to make delivery at a convenient time for the client. Delivery time is negotiated with the manager by phone.
In case of refusal of a massage bed at the time of delivery, subject to its proper quality, courier delivery of 800 rubles is paid.

Migun Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd was founded in 1988 in South Korea and is now one of the world's leading massage bed companies. Her first priority was to take care of people's health. The Company's activity focuses on the development of thermal physiotherapy equipment of a high technical level using the latest achievements in the field of electronics. The company has received numerous awards and enjoys a number of patented industrial property rights. The commercial network of the Company's enterprises only in Korea includes the head office, 25 branches throughout the country and about 300 subordinate subsidiaries. There are 4 branches and about 40 subordinate companies in the USA. The company's branches also operate in China, Canada, England, Germany, Australia and a number of other countries around the world. The worldwide recognition of Migun Company is confirmed by its awards: Chairman of the Board of the Company - Mr. Sang-Bok contributes to the development of the Company's economy, was awarded the Gold Prize for Merit in Industrial Development from the Korean government. Migun was awarded the Golden Prize at the 2002 Geneva International Exhibition and the Golden Tower Prize at the 2001 Korea Invention Exhibition. In addition, in 2001, the Korean government awarded the company with the Gold Award for Industrial Development, the highest national distinction for achievements and initiatives taken in the field of health care services and favorable results.

Thermal massage bed MIGUN HY-7000E is a physiotherapy equipment that serves to prevent and treat many diseases of the spine and internal organs, as well as to improve a person's condition during the recovery period.

Medical indications for use include:

Osteocondritis of the spine;

Prolapse of intervertebral discs;

Arthritis, including rheumatic and metabolic;

Pain and cramps in the muscles;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hypertension 1-2 degrees, obliterating endartritis;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Headache; hearing impairment;

Diseases of the nose, throat;

Bronchial asthma;

Consequences of disorders of cerebral circulation (paralysis, cuts)

Insomnia and other disorders of the central nervous system (neurosis), nervous strain;

Accelerated healing of wounds, bruises, fractures, resorption of hematomas;

Burns, the process of creating new skin; adenoma, prostatitis;

Overweight (obesity), cellulite, etc.

Distinctive features:

Migun has patented the technology of combined use of jade massage heads and non-helium infrared emitters built into them. The infrared beam, focused by special reflectors, affects the body in a strictly perpendicular direction, while heat loss to the environment is minimized. As a result of exposure, a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body occurs.

For manufacturers of similar equipment, the propagation of infrared rays occurs horizontally to the plane of the body, as a result of which thermal energy is dissipated. With such an impact of scattered rays on the body, the therapeutic effect is weakly expressed.

The technology patented by MIGUN, used in the design of 20 internal jade massage heads, is specially designed in such a way that, moving along the spine, it has an effective effect on the back muscles and, in particular, on biologically active points, and through them on human organs.

The spherical shape of the MIGUN massage head imitates a finger effect, which is closest to a point massage, which allows you to more intensively influence the biologically active points of the human body.

Massage heads of other manufacturers of a rotating type, operating according to the "roller" method, do not allow to achieve the necessary intensity of finger impact on acupuncture points to effectively achieve a therapeutic result.

Another distinctive feature of this bed is the ability to massage the legs, as well as the knee joints during massage on the stomach.

The HY-7000E bed is the only medical device that meets the requirements and standards of the FDA - the highest quality standard in the world today! For three years, this model has undergone numerous clinical trials at the California Medical University for compliance with the standards set by the FDA.

None of the manufacturers of similar equipment has carried out such lengthy and thorough tests.

Due to the powerful effect of jade massage heads on the muscles of the back, a pronounced therapeutic effect of skeletal traction occurs (the spine is stretched). After that, the compression of the nerve endings located near the spine disappears, the existing curvatures are corrected and the functions of many internal organs are normalized.

The "roller pull" method used by manufacturers of similar equipment cannot provide the desired effect for skeletal traction.

The MIGUN thermal massage bed was designed specifically for the average height of a person. The length of the bed is 2 meters and its width is 70 cm, which allows the patient to comfortably place his hands on the bed. The weight of a person is not limited.

The linear dimensions of the equipment of other manufacturers are smaller and the weight category of patients is limited.

The 15-track outer jade heads included with the HY-7000E bed provide infrared heat to the stomach, back, and other large exposed areas of the body. And external heads with 2 tracks provide impact on small open areas of the body in the neck, face, head, perineum and other areas with limited access.

Remote devices, included in the set of beds from other manufacturers, have in their design much less than 15 tracks and, accordingly, the area of ​​influence for relieving inflammation and pain of internal organs and joints is significantly reduced.

The HY-7000E has been developed using the latest technology to create a high-tech design with very simple controls. The model provides 6 automatic modes and one mode of manual (manual) control, when the patient can manually move the massage heads under the desired area of ​​the body. It should be noted that only the MIGUN equipment is programmed with the abdominal wall massage mode, which leads to improved blood supply, fat burning and cellulite elimination.

There is no variety of modes in the equipment of other manufacturers.

Clinical trials and effects

Migun has conducted extensive clinical trials of the equipment in South Korea. The results indicate a clear beneficial effect of the apparatus in the treatment of various diseases. In addition, thermal massage beds were tested in four hospitals in Beijing, China, after which more than 50 hospitals in China began to use it as a medical physiotherapy equipment.

Analysis of the effectiveness of a thermal massage bed for two years was carried out at the California Medical University, Irvine, USA. The study of the work of thermal massage equipment showed its high efficiency in various directions, both in terms of health promotion and in terms of impact on other aspects of human life. There are several parameters (standards) for evaluating the results of the effectiveness of the impact, which are collected both in Korea and around the world.

Of course, the Migun company did not stop its laboratory research. Research is ongoing at the main research center of the company to determine the additional effects and benefits of using the HY-7000E thermal massage bed. The company's specialists carry out tireless work in the field of creating more advanced models of thermal massage equipment.


thermal massage bed "MIGUN HY-7000 E"

Please read the product manual carefully.

MIGUN (Migan, Migun) and this Instruction before using the product

General Installation Warnings
and connecting / disconnecting the power supply

Rated AC voltage 220 V / 50 Hz. Make sure there is a contact in the wall socket. If there is a possibility of power surges in the electrical network, use a voltage stabilizer.

Do not connect the MIGUN product (Migan, Migun) to the extension cord at the same time as other devices. A fire may result from overheating of the extension cord. Do not damage or modify the power cord. Do not twist the wire. Do not place heavy objects on the wire. Doing so may result in electrical leakage or electrical injury. If an extension cord is needed, its rating should be as follows: 220 V, AC 15 A minimum, wire length not more than 5 m.

Keep the power cord out of the way of people.

Keep the mains plug clean - a broken or dirty mains plug may result in electrical leakage or electrical injury. Do not pull on the cord to remove the plug from the outlet, damage to the cord may cause electrical injury or fire. Do not remove or insert the mains plug with wet hands to avoid electrical injury. Disconnect the mains plug before cleaning or servicing the product to avoid electrical injury. After disconnecting the power cord, please wait at least one minute before reconnecting it, otherwise the product may be damaged due to overload.

The product MIGUN (Migan, Migun) is blocked by a key on a zipper. In normal use, do not open the lock. Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the product yourself, as this may result in fire or electric shock.

Unplug the power cord from the outlet during a thunderstorm and when you are not using the product, this will prevent electrical leakage or fire.

Location and surroundings

Install the MIGUN product on a level surface, otherwise the operation may be noisy and your spine will be poorly positioned. The temperature in the room should be in the range from 10 to 30 degrees Celsius, humidity 35 - 80%.

Do not place the product near a fire or heating apparatus, as this may cause electric shock or fire.

Do not place the product in dirty and damp places, do not work with a wet product - electrical injury or rapid damage to the product may occur.

Do not place the product in direct sunlight as it may damage the product.

Do not place combustible materials near the product, as fire may result.

Materials such as acid should be stored away from the product, as their influence may cause product corrosion and malfunction.

Do not place anything on the product for storage.

Do not let small objects (paper clips, staples, etc.) fall into the product, as this may cause damage or malfunction.

Do not place drinks near the product, liquid spilled on the product may cause malfunction or fire due to short circuit.

Do not smoke near the product, as the ash may fall on the product and cause a malfunction or fire.

Child protection

Keep children away from the MIGUN product (Migan, Migun) in its on and off state. Careless attempts to operate the product may result in fire or electric shock.

Do not let children play on the product.

If a child falls on the product, they may hit the edge of the product.

If a child wraps a cable or cord around their neck, they may suffocate.
If a child bites or scratches the power cord with a knife, they may receive an electric shock or cause a fire.
If the outer cover of the mat is open, the child may tear off the sponge and swallow it.
The skin of children is more delicate, if a child touches a jade spotlight heated to a high temperature, he may get burned.
The child may drop the external jade probe and injure his legs.


For one person, the MIGUN product (Migan, Migun) can be used no more than three times a day for 40-60 minutes with an interval of at least 4 hours.

Do not use the MIGUN product for purposes other than health promotion.

Do not use the MIGUN product (Migan, Migun) if you have not yet taken the correct position on it - the product may suffer serious damage.

In order to properly position yourself on the MIGUN bed (Migan, Migun) in the supine position, sit down on the side of the bed support frame at the junction of the upper (long) and lower (short) mats. The legs are bent at the knees. Then rest your hands and soles of your feet on the solid wooden frame of the bed and evenly transfer your weight onto the bed, lowering your pelvis into the "hollow". The head rests on a pillow. Check if you are short (150-160 cm), then from your crown to the edge of the bed there will be about 8 fingers (two palms with thumbs clamped), with an average height - the distance will be equal to one palm. The legs will fall into their "hollows". If you are taller than average, you may need to further adjust the position of the bottom mat (horizontal stretch).

Do not apply excessive force to the MIGUN product (Migan, Migun) when working with it, as this may cause damage or malfunction in its operation.

In order to properly position yourself on the MIGUN bed (Migan, Migun) in the prone position, (Program 6), rest your palms and knees on the contour of the bed and evenly fit your stomach into the “hollow”. The legs will fall into their "hollows". For the first 2 minutes, while the internal massage heads move to the abdomen, lie down, leaning on your elbows, protecting your chest from injury. After 2 minutes, you can completely lie down and relax, placing your hands as convenient: under the head, along the body, etc.

Do not leave the MIGUN bed (Migan, Migun) in operation. Do not get up from the product during its operation - if necessary, interrupt the session, pre-set the pause mode or turn off the product.

Listen to your body. The first reactions are not always associated with pleasant sensations. An individual reaction depends on the general condition of your spine, internal organs and nervous system.

Important! 10% of beginners, usually of a dense build, experience serious discomfort, for example, in the coccyx area. The procedure can be continued by pressing the "Pause" button and placing a soft towel or sheet under the painful area.

An audible signal will notify you of the end of the selected programme. Wait for the internal massage heads to stop. Do not allow the body to jerk upward. Do not lean on the massage heads, as this can damage them. Rise slowly, having previously rolled the weight of your body onto the supporting contour of the bed.

Do not roll over while lying on the MIGUN product (Migan, Migun). When changing programs, for example, from Program 6 (Abdominal massage) to Program 4 (Reflexology), after completing Program 6, it is necessary to get out of bed from a prone position, then comfortably lie down in a supine position and then turn on Program 4.

Temperature regime

The MIGUN product (Migan, Migun) has a hot surface. People who are not sensitive to heat should be careful when choosing a temperature regime. Start with the lowest possible temperature setting (min 40 degrees Celsius) and increase the temperature gradually to avoid burns (recommended max 65 degrees Celsius).

If you feel an uncomfortably high temperature, lower it.

Do not use high heat treatment at one point in Program 7 (Manual) to avoid burns.

Be careful not to fall asleep while using the MIGUN product (Migan, Migun) unless you are sure that the selected temperature intensity will not harm you.

Equipment Features

After the completion of Program 6, a "hump" remains on the bed. In order to prepare the MIGUN bed (Migan, Migun) for a new session, you must turn on Program No. 1 (RUN, MODE, 1), wait until the massage carriages move back to their places (the bed will straighten out in 1-2 minutes) and turn off the Program No. 1 (STOP).

Set the temperature to 70 degrees. Celsius for a long time is not recommended - this significantly reduces the life of the thermal board. The optimum temperature of 50 degrees Celsius is set by the manufacturer by default.

It is unacceptable, in order to change the position of the body, to lean with the feet on the central part of the MIGUN bed (Migan, Migun), - the internal mesh may break, under which the internal massage heads slide, or more severe damage to the mechanism may occur. Until the damaged elements are replaced, the bed will not work.

In order to maintain personal hygiene, it is not recommended to lean external jade probes (spotlights) against open areas of the body; you must use a diaper, napkin, and a clean handkerchief. After the procedure(s), the external probes and the leather contour of the bed are wiped with a disinfectant wipe.

Once a month, MIGUN sheets (Migan, Migun) are rinsed in Loc solution.

When used at home, once every two months, the covers of the upper and lower mats are unfastened, the inner nets are removed, rinsed in a weak Loc solution, and dried. The open mechanism is vacuumed with a portable car vacuum cleaner, wiped with a damp cloth. The nets are set in place. Covers are closed. A Migun sheet is fixed on top.
When used in the Demonstration Center, the specified product maintenance procedure is carried out monthly.

The massage and therapeutic complex Migun (Migan) HY-7000E has long gained popularity all over the world due to its extraordinary healing properties, which are based on 6 therapeutic effects.

Today, most experts believe that the Migun HY-7000E complex is one of the most high-tech in the world, which is capable of fully activating the protective functions of the human body at home.

Now you also have the opportunity to use the Megan massage bed and feel its healing power!

Doctor reflexologist Shilenkov G.L. about the Megan massage bed and back treatment.

The main modes of operation of the Migun massage bed

MTK has 6 special modes that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, which in turn leads to positive changes in the entire human body:
- the first mode (massage) - the built-in internal mechanism includes jade heads, which, like the hands of a massage therapist, move along the spine, stretching the main muscles of the back;
- the second mode (chiropractic) - provides for the correction of the spine due to the active effect on the ligaments and muscles of the back;
- the third mode (acupuncture) is the treatment of diseases by pressing on the main biologically active points of the whole organism;
- the fourth mode (maxotherapy) - resembles cauterization of biologically active points of the body. In other words, this method of treatment provides for the rational distribution and use of heat from the burning of certain types of injuries, in order to ultimately increase the energy of the whole organism;
- the fifth mode (mineral therapy) - involves the use of jade for healing purposes. If you delve a little into the history of the ancient East, you can find out that it was jade that was given the honorary title of “stone of life”. Today, the Migun therapy bed incorporates jade massage heads and hemispheres;
- the sixth mode (penetration of infrared rays) - involves the use of infrared rays to activate the internal forces of the body, which are able to penetrate inside the object due to its specific structure.

It should be noted that the Migun HY-7000E massage bed treats the cause of most chronic diseases, and not their consequence. You will forever be able to get rid of the disease of the spine, as well as the nervous system.

How the Korean bed Migun works on the human spine

MTK Migun acts on the human body in the following way: That part of the nerves that was squeezed is completely released from the compression effect, the useless and chaotic energy consumption of the nervous system of the body is eliminated, thereby improving blood circulation and all internal metabolic processes. Thus, a complete supply of oxygen and various nutrients to the nervous system is ensured.

It is not for nothing that the Migun device acts specifically on the spine, since the state of all other internal organs of a person is connected with it. Improvement of the spine leads to the fact that all other organs also begin to function in the desired healthy mode.

For example, the impact on the cervical spine helps to overcome frequent headaches, various diseases of the eyes, nose, ears, thyroid gland, pain in the neck and hands.

The state of the organs of the respiratory system, digestion, and the cardiovascular system depends on the work of the thoracic part of the spine. Pneumonia, mastitis, various types of colds and even asthma can be cured in a similar way.

The lumbar spine affects the functioning of the stomach, liver, and genitourinary system. In addition, a direct effect on the sacral and coccygeal parts of the spine helps to get rid of various ailments of the genitourinary system, joints, and the digestive tract.

How does the Migun massage bed affect the human body as a whole?

Laboratory studies have shown that if a person undergoes a full course of treatment with the Migun therapeutic bed, he will be able to achieve the following results:

- Spine. Most patients note that after the course of treatment, they completely lost the feeling of stiffness, pain in the back, arms and legs disappeared. In addition, sleep and appetite have improved significantly, as well as increased efficiency. - Joints. Due to the use of a therapeutic bed, most of the patients experienced an increase in local blood flow, improvement in the condition of the joints, a decrease in pain and swelling of the extremities, and an increase in the range of motion.
- Vessels. Patients with hypertension, after undergoing a course of treatment, note that their blood pressure normalizes, sleep improves, and their general mood improves. - Respiratory organs. Doctors state the regressive properties of such diseases as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis. The lungs after treatment increase their capacity, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.
- Digestive tract. After the course of treatment, the trophism of the abdominal organs improved in patients. As a result, even such a disease as a stomach ulcer could be completely cured. In addition, there was a disappearance of heartburn, pain, and also decreased pain in chronic gastritis. - Skin. In people suffering from psoriasis, after undergoing a course of thermal massage, the formation of psoriatic plaques, as well as pain and inflammation decrease.
- Urogenital system. After the course of treatment in patients with prostatitis, there is most often a decrease in pain and inflammation, the complete disappearance of nocturnal diuresis, and the cessation of sexual dysfunction. In addition, women, after they were subjected to infrared procedures, said that they got rid of cervical erosion, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometritis, cystitis, urethritis and other similar diseases. Due to the cleansing of the body of toxins and various toxins after the course of treatment, people experienced an improvement in kidney function, as a result of which edema completely disappeared. - Immunity. The infrared heat that the Migun bed is able to produce helps to increase circulation in the muscles, as well as increase the flow of oxygen to the internal organs. As a result, the potential energy of the cells of the body, the level of immunoglobulin increase in a person, and the body can fight against negative environmental factors.

It is also worth noting that the Migun thermal massage bed effectively cope with colds, asthma, pneumonia, various injuries, diabetes, toxicosis, and cellulite.