Woodcarving lessons for beginners. The art of wood carving by david esterley What can be decorated with carvings

Each type of craft appeared in a certain area for a reason. On the coasts of the northern seas, where walruses are found, the art of bone carving originated. Blacksmithing is popular near ore deposits. Stone carving is popular near stone caves and deposits of semi-precious stones. Since ancient times, people have wanted to decorate objects around them using the materials available for this. In Russia, vast areas are occupied by forests, therefore, in different regions of our country, art carving for woodwork is developed.

We study various techniques of artistic woodcarving

There are various techniques for this art. The most common are geometric, contour, flat-relief, openwork or slotted, volumetric carving. Each type of carving has its own characteristics, requires different tools and training of the master. So, for geometric carving, only a joint knife is enough, flat-relief carving requires several chisels and files, slotted carving is carried out strictly according to the sketch with a jigsaw or milling cutter, and volumetric technology requires a large set of tools, as well as an idea of ​​​​the volume of the figure and some artistic skills.

  • Geometric carving on a cutting board.
  • An example of contour carving - the drawings are made in the form of a groove cut from the surface of the bar.
  • Flat-relief carving - the background is deepened, the pattern protrudes to the same height.
  • Slotted carving is an example of the work of a master.
  • Volumetric woodcarving is a masterpiece from Russian carvers.

In addition, works made not in one specific technique, but with a combination of them, look very beautiful. The photo shows examples of wood processing in mixed media.

Author's and regional styles of woodcarving.

In different regions, different types of wood predominate, the climate and lifestyle are different. Depending on this, there are numerous directions in this arts and crafts. In addition, some masters who come from certain schools and have achieved success develop their own unique style of carving. Some of them are even noted in specialized books and publications, their works are presented at exhibitions and are known throughout the world.

We analyze Bogorodsk woodcarving: history and differences

The village of Bogorodskoye is located near the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Carving originates in this village from the 15th-16th centuries. At that time, it was mainly ordinary peasants who did this. Now there is a legend in the village about how one of the Bogorodsk carvers made a doll out of wood and sold it to a merchant. The merchant put it in his shop for decoration, but it was immediately bought for a very favorable price for him, after which he ordered a whole batch of the same dolls from the master. Since that time, according to this story, the Bogorodsk school of wood carving was born.

Many Russians from childhood are familiar with such wooden toys as blacksmiths or chickens, which alternately hit the anvil with hammers or peck grains. But not everyone knows that this is also the work of Bogorodsk carvers. With the help of this simple material, craftsmen manage to recreate everyday scenes from the life and life of ordinary people, as well as make wonderful animal figurines. It is known that not only children of peasants, but even boyar offspring and princes played with these toys.

At the beginning of the last century, the Bogorodsk craftsmen united in the Bogorodsky carver artel, and later turned into the Bogorodsk wood carving factory, which still exists and produces wonderful craftsmen.

Consider the history and distinctive features of the Abramtsevo-Kudrinsk woodcarving

It was originally formed in the village of Abramtsevo. Master E.D. Polenova organized a workshop there with a woodcarving school, the hallmark of which was the teaching of painting. Later, one of the natives of this school founded his own workshop in the village of Kudrino, working on orders for the Abramtsevo workshop. This is how the Abramtsevo-Kudrinsky style of carving was formed, the characteristic features of which were the combination of flat-relief and geometric carving. This type of carving is still popular and is easily recognizable.

We study a new author's type of woodcarving - "Tatyanka"

Tatyanka style is a patented author's style. It was developed in 1991 by the carver Shamil Sasykov, and named the style after his wife. The uniqueness of “Tatyanka” is that the works look very beautiful and impressive, the main technique is flat-relief carving with flat-notched elements. The style is reminiscent of Abramtsevo-Kudrinsky, but still has a special cutting technique, in addition, it contains more diverse and numerous elements. There is a website dedicated to this type of carving, as well as a school where master classes and full-fledged training are held.

Some examples of works in the style of "Tatyanka".

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

Woodcarving is an amazingly beautiful and very popular type of manual woodworking in our time. Carved interior details captivate with their magnificent appearance and reflect rich national traditions.

Creative people who simply “itch” their hands to do something very interesting and useful should pay attention to woodcarving. Girls and women may think that this is only a male occupation. And they will be wrong, because there are no less women masters of woodcarving than men.

About woodcarving for beginners

To decorate the interior and exterior space, various types of carvings and techniques for implementing the plan can be used. If you are interested in this type of needlework, then you should understand that you need to master the methods and techniques of woodworking, acquire the necessary tools and improve your carving skills.

In the modern world of smartphones and tablets, a wooden stand decorated with wood carvings looks very original.

Skillfully executed carving in the form of simple and ornate patterns and ornaments seems to enliven the world and endows it with sophistication, charm, emphasizes the taste of the owner of luxurious things and the talent of the master.

The works of the best carvers adorn the temples. Pay attention to the photo of the iconostasis of the upper church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, which is located in Moscow, in the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Fili.

Modern masters with a delicate taste create real masterpieces.

And thanks to the technologies of finishing and protecting the finished product from the destructive effects of mold and insects, these carved wood crafts have been serving people for hundreds of years.

Pay attention to the magnificent carved pieces of furniture:

Stylish doors:

Amazing handmade figurines:

Very often, connoisseurs collect handmade carvings. Wonderful chess worthy of any collection.

Perhaps, over time, your masterpieces of woodcarving will be carefully kept by collectors or decorate temples.

Types of woodcarving

Of all types of woodcarving, the most interesting openwork or through thread on a tree, which has some transparency, in which only the image remains, without a background. An example is an overlaid carving - this is an ornament that is attached to a finished background after being made by a master.

Geometric carving on wood this is a type of carving in which a pattern is formed using many simple geometric shapes (often a diamond is used).

Oriental carving on wood is distinguished by bizarre forms. Egypt is the cradle of oriental wood carving.

relief carving on wood. In this technique, the image is located above the background or at the same level with it. These are carved panels of various shapes with a three-dimensional image.

- This is a flat-relief carving, but distinguished by an abundance of carved and stucco decorations, various flowers, curls, leaves, figures of people in unnatural poses, fabulous fantastic animals.

It originated in the village of Kudrino. Well-known products in this type of carving are caskets, vases, dishes, ladles, and home decor items. The main element is a floral ornament: rosettes, curls and twigs.

Volumetric (sculptural) carving Great for making sculptures, animal and human figurines, toys. - a subspecies of volumetric thread. This is the main craft of the village of Bogorodskoye in the Moscow region. The famous Bogorodsk toys are figurines of animals and people made of linden and alder.

Most often used to decorate wooden Scandinavian churches. With images of Gods and various animals, wood carvers decorated inside and outside church buildings.

- the simplest and rather peculiar type of carving. On a flat background, the master cuts grooves - grooves, forming a pattern. Carved landscapes - images of landscapes on a tree.

All these types of carving are rather conditional. Each master chooses the most acceptable of them, taking into account work experience, wood quality and creative inspiration.

What can be carved?

The simplest staircase is transformed, decorated with carved balusters. Balusters- these are curly columns in the form of columns, a stylish and noble decoration of the stairs. Wooden balusters look organic with a spiral wooden staircase.

Bas-relief. Another name for "low relief". This is a sculptural image on a plane. Most often these are figures of people and animals. .

Choosing wood carving tools

As in every business, wood carving has its own secrets, nuances that allow you to reveal the beauty of wood in a wonderful ornament. It is necessary to pick up special tools for woodcarving and stock up on the necessary blanks and sketches for woodcarving, which will be embodied in the form of drawings, borders, lace or genre scenes.

Basic Toolkit

Very high demands are placed on the quality of carving tools. Of course, craftsmanship plays an important role, but well-chosen and sharpened tools will help bring your idea to life. Experienced carvers at first glance at the tool will tell about its quality, and beginners are lost in the store from a huge selection.

The basic set for woodcarving includes:

  • several knives and chisels;
  • needle files;
  • hacksaws for metal;
  • vise;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill with several types of drills;
  • bars.

Knives should be made only from high-quality steel. It is better to buy them in specialized stores for creativity. Although at the initial stage, just sharply sharpened knives will do. Knives from Tatyanka, Narex, Kogatana and others will serve as an excellent start.

It is not necessary to choose an expensive foreign-made instrument, because domestic instruments can be of the same good quality, but much cheaper.

With the growth of skill, you may need a set of tools, a milling machine, a drill, etc.

Chisels for carving

Sometimes, instead of a chisel for woodcarving, a sharpened screwdriver or file is used.

Flat chisel- This is a long rod, at the end of which there is a flat cutting edge. Very often it is used for the primary processing of wood.

Chisel semicircular It is one of the most important tools for the job. They differ somewhat in the degree of roundness, that is, they are medium, round and sloping.

Still happens V- a figurative version of chisels. It can be useful for geometric woodcarving, which we will introduce you to below.

For beginners, a small set for woodcarving, but of good quality, is enough to immediately get used to the correct movements and pressure.

In this video, a wonderful master A. Yuriev shared with us which tools to choose for carving.

How to protect yourself from injury when carving wood

Any tool of a master carver can be compared with a straight razor, therefore, when working with it, safety measures must be strictly observed. The material must be positioned so that the knife or chisel can be worked freely, eliminating the possibility of a sharp edge hitting the hands.

The place to work should be comfortable and clean. All unnecessary tools at the moment should be neatly folded, because they are very sharp and can cause injury.

Work materials

Each type of wood for carving has its pros and cons. It is easy to work with soft wood, but there can also be a lot of marriage. These are aspen, linden, birch. For beginners, this wood is best suited.

Oak, boxwood, mahogany are more expensive and complex woods. It is hard and durable, so it is difficult to carve from such wood. Very often there are troubles when working with such types of wood. Either the instrument or the master may be damaged.

An experienced carver can easily work with various woods, including juniper. Well, for beginners it is better to use inexpensive materials - spruce, pine, pear or birch.

Whatever tools are chosen for woodcarving, safety precautions must be strictly observed!

Geometric thread technology

Geometric wood carving is considered the easiest and is great for beginners. To create a conceived drawing, you need to have a small set of tools for wood carving and clearly withstand the drawing. For geometric woodcarving, symmetry and repetition are of the utmost importance. This achieves a wonderful play of light and shadow.

Cutting boards in this technique, wooden panels look great in the kitchen.

Geometric carving consists of sequential sawing out of simple geometric shapes: rectangles, triangles, squares, rhombuses. But the result is a wonderful ornament that looks different in different lighting conditions.

Execution sequence any wood carving is like this:

  • First, a blank is made of wood (board, deck, blank).
  • Next, rough leveling of the surface of the workpiece, in which all defects and roughness are removed.
  • Then a decorative relief is formed with special cutters.
  • After the completion of the main thread, finishing - grinding, impregnation, painting, varnishing.

You can not work with the workpiece on your knees! The master must have a table to work with.

Master class "Geometric woodcarving on a cutting board"

Tools. You will need 2 wood carving knives: a triangular joint knife and a pen knife, a ruler, a compass, a pencil.

A triangle joint knife is needed for cutting triangular shapes of various configurations, as well as for cutting long straight lines. To cut long lines such as a petal or a groove, a pen knife is used. Carving knives should be sharp and comfortable.

First stage. We make a sketch of the pattern on the board. It can be applied with a compass and ruler. Or you can print the patterns for carving taken on the Internet and transfer them to the prepared cutting board using a carbon paper.

Second phase. Cut out the petals. We use a pen knife.

During operation, the thumb is firmly pressed against the board, and the index finger lightly touches the wood. This will help to adjust the depth of entry of the knife into the surface and the angle of inclination. And the thumb will help move the blade smoothly. First, cut in one direction at an angle, then turn the board over and cut on the other side.

If the shavings curl in a “string” - the knife is good, sharp. It must be periodically undermined with a piece of leather with GOI paste.

Third stage. Cut out the triangles with a cutter. With a “heel”, at an angle of 45 degrees, we cut the knife into a tree, without bringing it to the edges of the pattern on three sides. The slots should join on all sides in the shape of a pyramid. The sliver, falling out, forms a beautiful triangle.

Fourth stage. What could not be cut off, we carefully clean it so that the edges are frequent and even. By the same principle, we cut grooves and triangles around the perimeter of the board.

Fifth stage. We grind everything with sandpaper, process it with natural impregnation. All! The work is done. We decorate the kitchen with a useful and beautiful cutting board with wood carvings.

Drawings for woodcarving

To perform wood carving, photographs, drawings and sketches are simply necessary. A large pattern for wood carving is used for dimensional products: for the facades of houses, interior decoration with carvings of churches, windows.

For interior items and furniture, carvers use small patterns, which are carefully worked out by the master.


We offer you an archive of . Choose, print, create.

Video wood carving workshops for beginners

Of course, the wood carving looks especially impressive in the video. Channel "HAND-CARVED WOOD" shows the features of geometric carving for beginners.

Women's view of woodcarving. Channel tatiankacarving shows us how to make flower petals and leaves.

Konstantin Belyaev on his channel he talks in detail about the cutters for woodcarving.

And on this video Ivan the Builder shows how to make relief plane carving:

We will be very happy if this article inspired you to take up woodcarving!

Wood has traditionally been a material that has been used for exterior and interior decoration of residential premises. And today openwork woodcarving, photos drawings and sketches which can be found in colorful art publications and on the Internet, amaze the imagination with its beauty and grace.

People who like to make decor with their own hands are able to master the art of artistic cutting. Wood allows you to create genre paintings and decorative compositions that you can decorate your own home and give to friends. Favorite skill in the hands of a connoisseur of the beauty of natural material can become the main profession. Demand for wood carvings today is higher than ever.

Tools for the job

In order to get started, you will need to pick up special tools and study the features of the technology. This business has its own nuances that allow you to more reveal the beauty of wood in the ornament.

You also need to stock up on suitable blanks and sketches that will be repeated on the tree in the form of patterns, lace, compositions or genre scenes.

For his work, the cutter uses a large set of tools:

  1. knives;
  2. jigsaws;
  3. needle files;
  4. chisels;
  5. electric drill;
  6. drill;
  7. bars;
  8. bits;
  9. spoon cutters;
  10. milling machine;
  11. drill.

Newbie tip :PWhen choosing tools for work, it is necessary to focus on the quality and durability of such products. In the early stages, you can get by with a small number of devices.

For a beginner, a special set of tools is intended. It is enough to master the basics of artistic processing of wooden blanks.

You will also need raw materials from certain breeds. The quality of the product will depend on this. There are hard and soft varieties of trees. Each type has its pros and cons, in each case a specific processing technology is selected.

Soft breeds include:

  1. Linden;
  2. birch,
  3. aspen
  4. pine;
  5. juniper.

Soft material is easier to process, but it is easier to spoil it with one wrong movement of a knife or chisel. Another thing is hardwoods. These include:

  1. Red tree;
  2. boxwood.

Solid raw materials are expensive, but products from it are beautiful, durable and in demand. Experienced craftsmen work with expensive rocks, who know how to process a hard surface so as not to break the tool or get injured. Therefore, beginners should start with a cheaper and more malleable material.

When choosing raw materials, it is necessary to take into account not only the hardness, but also the color of the wood. For beginner carvers, birch will be an ideal option for creativity. It can be cut in different directions, lends itself well to drilling and cutting. When choosing a product sketch, it must be borne in mind that over time, light birch wood may darken.

Conifers are suitable for products with a large number of slots. The soft material of pine, spruce, cedar allows you to apply large drawings and create an intricate ornament. Beginners can start with conifers, as well as linden, birch and aspen.

A novice carver should learn the basics of craftsmanship from simple ornaments. For the first job, you need a small set of tools. First you can get by with a jigsaw, an awl and a knife.

Before you start cutting, you should organize your workplace with good lighting. Having picked up a suitable workpiece with a flat surface and without knots, it is necessary to transfer the selected pattern to the surface of the workpiece. To do this, you can use tracing paper. When the stencil is translated, it is varnished on top so that it does not disappear or deteriorate during work.

A beginner will need knives, chisels, an awl. For through cuts, it is better to use a jigsaw or a manual milling machine, this will save time and effort.

The carver must master all the techniques that he will then use in his work on the product. With the help of various ways of decorative processing of wood, you can create artistic masterpieces.

Artistic themes and uses

The cutter uses various sketches in his work, from which he takes an image and transfers it to the surface of the workpiece. Today, it is not necessary to use a freehand pencil image for this. Modern technological advances make it possible to use photographs and scanned digital images that can be taken on the Internet.

Ornament sketch

Samples for artistic wood processing are distinguished by decorative and thematic diversity. On the Internet, on sites dedicated to this applied craft, a large selection of topics for cutting is presented. The facade of a wooden house is decorated with wooden patterns. This decor will look great on the doors and on the walls. Artistic cutting is used for the production and decoration of furniture and utensils.

Kitchen utensils and interior wooden products, decorated with intricate openwork, are very popular with buyers. In each case, the master selects the material, creates a sketch of the future product and gets to work.

Drawings are varied in their subject matter. Geometric floral motifs are used. Often the wooden surface is decorated with genre scenes depicting animals, people and trees. Wood is a very plastic material, and in the hands of an experienced carver it turns into a real artistic canvas.

For each type of artistic cutting, a special surface treatment technology is used. Using different techniques, the master creates a three-dimensional canvas on which you can notice the smallest details of the image.

Variety of tricks

For the artistic processing of wood, various technologies are used. In each case, the choice of method determines the product itself, its purpose and the type of wood from which it will be made. During the existence of this applied art form, several cuttings stood out:

  1. flat-relief;
  2. embossed;
  3. excavation, or geometric;
  4. slotted;
  5. contour;
  6. voluminous.

The pattern can be through, flat, embossed, three-dimensional, small and large. The choice of finishing directly depends on the size and functionality of the wooden product. For large items, such as decorative carvings for house facades, a large pattern is used. For interior items and for furniture, craftsmen apply small patterns to the product, which are carefully worked out.

Flat wedge pattern

Such an image is distinguished by a small relief. The image has the shape of a silhouette, and all the details are located in the same plane. For execution, an oval contour, a pillow and a matched background of the pattern can be used.

How subspecies of this technology are distinguished:

  1. contour,
  2. bracketed
  3. geometric (trihedral).

To perform the contour technique, in-depth lines are used that run along the main background.

Staple technology uses special notches in the form of staples to create a finish. When using geometric carving, the master draws a contour using trihedral pyramids and pegs. Repeatedly repeated in different versions, the type of cutting allows you to create a variety of relief decors that are slightly recessed into the general background. This technique is characterized by numerous compositions of geometric shapes in the form of rhombuses, triangles, honeycombs, viteyek, etc.

Openwork or through technique

When creating openwork images, the complete removal of wood from the center of the product is used. This drawing has no background. This type of thread technology is called through. It can be simple and openwork. With an openwork design, the decor is made of different heights.

Volumetric, contour and geometric wood carving are one of the most ancient methods of decorating a wide variety of products. By and large, nothing is needed for work, except for a wooden blank and a fairly sharp knife: with proper skill, a carved casing, a beautiful toy, or any other product can be obtained.

Of course, you will get masterpieces only after many years of practice. But you can start mastering carving from the simplest details: just study this article and understand the basics.

Thread types

Despite the fact that the simplest tools are used in working with a tree, and the processing techniques are not difficult, the result can be very different. Depending on the appearance of the treated surface, the following types of threads are distinguished:

  1. contour thread- perhaps the simplest (outwardly, not in terms of execution technique). The pattern is applied to a flat surface with shallow lines, forming the contours of the pattern.
  2. Geometric carving- the most common due to ease of development. Unlike contour, patterns are formed not by lines, but by a combination of geometric shapes, most often wedge-shaped recesses.

  1. Flat serrated thread - the technology of applying an ornament or pattern on a flat board. At the same time, recesses are cut out on a flat background, which form the pattern we need.

A variation of this technique is also considered a through thread, in which not only recesses, but also holes are formed in the workpiece.

  1. sculptural carving(volumetric) - the most difficult technique. A chock, branch or root is taken as a blank, after which the part is given the desired shape. Here it is important not only the skill of the carver, but also how competently the wood is selected.

Of course, this classification is very arbitrary, but it gives an idea of ​​where you can strive to improve your skills.

What do you need to work?

Carver's tools

To make wooden toys, carved frames, architraves and other decorative objects, the craftsman needs the right tools. In addition to the usual carpentry (saw, drill, file), you need to use special tools:

Illustration Tool Purpose

joint knife A versatile tool that is used for both geometric woodcarving and sculptural work.

Chisels The most extensive group of tools used to form recesses. Depending on the shape of the edge, the following varieties are distinguished:
  • flat;
  • semicircular;
  • corner;
  • bracketed.

Cranberries Special chisels with a curved working part. With their help, a relief carving with a strong deepening is performed.

Spoon cutters As the name suggests, special tools for making wooden spoons. The special shape of the blade (ring or semi-ring with one-sided sharpening) allows you to effectively select large volumes of wood.

The price of professional cutting tools is quite high. And yet, a novice master should not save money: it is better to purchase several knives and chisels of decent quality. Then the first experience will not be spoiled, and it will be possible to focus on mastering the techniques and techniques of carving.

Choice of wood

Artistic carving requires the formation of a fairly clear relief. And for this you need not only suitable tools, but also the appropriate material. Not every wood is suitable for carving, and if you are just starting to master the technique, then you need to be very meticulous in choosing:

  1. Linden- Ideal for the beginner. The material is soft and homogeneous, therefore it is better to master the most complex patterns for woodcarving on linden.
  2. Alder (red and black)- also a very good option, albeit more dense. Ideally cut, almost does not warp when dried. The main downside is hard to find!

  1. Birch- firmer and more resilient, but at the same time quite suitable for learning the basics of carving. When dried, it can be deformed, therefore, small products are usually cut from birch.
  2. Oak- a great option, but only for an experienced master. The relief is perfect, but you need a very sharp tool and a confident hand.

  1. Pear- wood with high density and good uniformity. The structure of the material allows you to make the thinnest products.

From a tree of these species, it is first necessary to cut blanks, dry them, and, if necessary, process them rough. Only after that, drawings and sketches are applied to them, according to which carving is carried out.

Techniques and techniques for geometric carving

In fact, all work on a carved detail comes down to three operations:

  1. Preparation- selection and roughing of the workpiece, transferring the pattern.
  2. Actually carving- drawing a relief pattern.
  3. Finishing- elimination of defects, grinding, varnishing, etc.

Instructions for performing basic threading operations are shown in the table.

Wood carver Grinling Gibbons, who lived in the 17th century, is often referred to as the most eminent craftsman in his field. Contemporary author David Esterly is less well-known but no less talented. A case prompted him to take up carving, but now David cannot imagine himself without his favorite pastime and creates real masterpieces.

In the 70s of the last century, David Esterley went into one of the London churches and was struck to the core - but not by the divine liturgy, but by a part of the altar, which is a plant pattern masterfully carved from wood, created in the 17th century by Grinling Gibbons. David could not leave the work of this man without attention and decided to write a book about him. In order to better understand the master, he bought a piece of wood and tools and began to master the basics of carving himself. It did not turn out very well, besides, Esterly always believed that he did not have artistic abilities. But he didn't give up, trying again and again. Soon, wood carving fascinated him so much that David forgot about the book he was going to write, and the art of carving became the main business of his life.

Many years later, David nevertheless returned to the original idea and wrote the book "Grinling Gibbons and the Art of Carving", but this was already the work of not a simple admirer of the great master's talent, but his student - even centuries later - and follower.

In 1986, a fire broke out in Hampton Court (the former country residence of the English kings), and it was David Esterley who was invited to restore the damaged Gibbons carving.

There is an expression that "a person who copies the Iliad does not copy Homer." It would be pointless to talk about David Esterly if his works were exclusively copies - even if perfect ones - from the works of Gibbons. David himself understands this, so he always tries to bring something new, modern into his works: “Revive old vessels,” the master says, “but pour new wine into them.” Based on the old tradition of carving, Esterli confidently creates new masterpieces.