When to dive tomatoes on the moon. When to dive tomatoes: the procedure after the growth of seedlings. In what volume glasses should you dive tomatoes

Tomato picking is a necessary procedure when growing a crop. But not all gardeners treat it the same way, most often opinions about the benefits of this stage of care differ.

To some gardeners and gardeners, picking tomato seedlings seems to be a necessary and very necessary condition in order to get plants of excellent quality. Others believe that diving tomato seedlings is not worth it, since it will be superfluous, completely unnecessary stress for the plant. Planting seedlings in this case is carried out immediately in large containers.

Why picking tomato seedlings is needed and whether it is possible to do without it, gardeners decide in accordance with their own garden care system. You can hear a variety of opinions and advice on this subject, and even watch a video on how to do a pick correctly (this could be some kind of master class).

Not all crops tolerate transplanting well - some transplants are easy, others have difficulty recovering from it. In this case, there is no need to talk about an increase in productivity.

To determine whether this procedure is necessary in your case, you will need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the process.

Tomato picking is a transplant, the transfer of young plants from a small container, where they were grown from seeds, into a larger pot or container, which is pre-filled with fresh soil mixture.

The process of engraftment of transplanted plants goes much better if you start diving at an early stage of growth.

It is most convenient to do this when two or three true leaves grow on the stem. Do not work on Fridays, Palm Sunday, any church holidays.

Those gardeners who welcome this procedure are trying to figure out how to dive seedlings correctly, looking for new ways to help ensure better survival. A lot of information can be gleaned from the video on the topic. After transplanting into large pots or special cups, the root system begins to develop better in plants, they become stronger and healthier.

When the sown seeds begin to germinate, and then the first leaves form on the seedlings, they do not require a large amount of land. During this period, it is much more important for them that the soil contains oxygen in sufficient quantities. We dive tomatoes carefully, you can put them in 100 ml cups or special mini-pots, which have holes in the bottom. Water during irrigation will not stagnate in them, since its excess will leave through the holes. At the same time, tomato seedlings are provided with good access to oxygen in the soil. As a last resort, we temporarily dive tomatoes into bags with a small amount of land.

At the next stage of growth, the root system begins to develop rapidly in plants. They need more and more space, nutrients are also required in considerable quantities. Small cups become cramped for them. The roots of plants grow, intertwine and even begin to protrude from the receptacle - this is how they try to find the missing nutrients. If the seedling has grown such large roots, it will fade and lag behind in growth. To exclude this situation, the feeding area for seedlings must be increased. They are transplanted into glasses or pots, the volume of which is approximately 0.5 liters.

It becomes clear that it is necessary to dive tomatoes in order to provide the sprouts with sufficient space for nutrition. This gives the plants an incentive to develop a strong root system, enough for the seedlings to be strong, healthy and off to a good start for a bountiful harvest. Picking tomato seedlings can give the expected result without any particular problems.

Some may be interested in the question, why not immediately plant the seeds in a large container. The answer can be formulated as follows. In large containers or pots with drainage, everything is much worse. Excess water cannot flow out into specially provided openings, and most of it remains in the soil. Newly hatched seedlings receive less oxygen. They will not die because of this, but their growth will slow down significantly.

How seeds are sown

In order for seedlings to form even rows of greenery after germination, they are sometimes distributed on toilet paper, sticking to it. After being placed in the ground, the paper gradually soaks, and the seed germinates. How to do this, you can see the video.

When growing seedlings at home, sowing seeds is done as follows:

  1. For sowing, prepare a soil mixture that is not rich in chemical composition. It can be peat, it is mixed with a small amount of ash (this reduces acidity).
  2. The seeds are arranged densely and densely, the method of gluing seeds on toilet paper is hardly suitable here. If, nevertheless, you use this particular method for making crops, try to place the seeds on the toilet paper more densely. The only convenience in this is that when you place the strips in the ground, you then get even rows of seedlings.

Remember that planting work should not be carried out on Palm Sunday.

After germination, they are seated so that they can get more nutrition, light, have a developed root system, and be stronger. Only after the plants have reached the desired strength can they be planted in a greenhouse or soil. We do not dive tomatoes in all cases - sometimes this is not worth doing. A detailed study of the process will help to avoid mistakes.

When picking is required

It is not enough to know how to dive tomatoes - you also need to understand when it becomes a necessity, and in what cases you can do without it. For example, no work should be done on Palm Sunday.

So, the procedure is necessary in the following cases:

  • when you are going to get seedlings with a strong root system, picking helps develop lateral roots better;
  • if the seeds were originally sown not in separate small containers, but in a common container, diving tomato seedlings in this case helps to protect the roots from tight interlacing, which in the future makes it easier to plant seedlings on the ridge;
  • diving is useful when more seeds unexpectedly sprouted than expected during sowing (during the procedure, only completely healthy seedlings are selected and the excess is discarded);
  • if plants affected by the disease are marked, they dive in order to protect the sprouts that have not had time to become infected (the causative agents of most diseases are in the soil, and replacing it can help save tomatoes);
  • diving tomatoes helps to slow down growth if the seedlings are too long - even an adult can be tried to transplant when it outgrows (this helps to restrain too rapid development a little).

Tomato seedlings: from picking to planting (video)

The right approach to diving

Before you dive the stretched tomato seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with the details of the process. Diving tomatoes is performed in one of the following ways.


To properly dive tomatoes, seedlings must first be shed with warm water. This is done a couple of hours before the procedure. So the process of extracting plants can be greatly facilitated. The containers intended for planting are filled with the prepared soil mixture by about 3/4. Then, a recess is pressed through the soil with a finger - such that the root of the transplanted sprout can fit in it entirely.

The seedling, together with an earthen clod, is taken out of the former container. To do this, you can use a teaspoon, a toothpick, a pencil or a sushi stick. When removing the sprout, hold on to the earthen ball or leaves. Do not hold on to the stem. After taking out the spine is freed from the ground.

In some cases, you can slightly pinch the main root, the one that is longer than all the others: this stimulates the growth of lateral roots. After that, the seedling is placed in the prepared hole and sprinkled with earth. Press the earth around with your fingers. If the seedlings are stretched out, you can deepen it to the cotyledon leaves.

When the picking is over, the tomato seedlings must be watered. If you do not know how to properly water seedlings that are very small, you can put the cups in a pan of water and spray the plants. After the procedure, protect the plants from bright light for several days. Before diving the elongated tomato seedlings, keep it dry for several days.


This method has the following advantages: in dived plants, the roots are not damaged, adaptation is much faster, the development of seedlings does not slow down. Tomato seedlings should be stopped watering two or three days before transplanting: this way it will be more convenient to take out an earthen clod. If the container is large, it must be filled with earth by about 1/3.

The whole process can be described step by step as follows:

  1. Turn the glass with the stem of the plant upside down, while the ground part should be passed through your fingers. Gently press on the bottom and carefully remove the glass. After manipulation, the plant should be in the palm of your hand, along with an earthy clod.
  2. After that, the plant, together with the earth, is placed in a pot.
  3. When voids form, they are covered with earth. Then, abundant watering is carried out and placed in the shade for a couple of days, so that it is more convenient for the transplanted sprouts to adapt.

This method does not impair the development of the root system. It can also be used for transplanting especially capricious crops. With the subsequent planting in a greenhouse, plants with natural, natural light and favorable conditions can bring a rich harvest.

Tape sowing method (video)

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When they make a pick

Plant picking is carried out in order to select the strongest plants with a well-developed root system, while rejecting weak, diseased plants and plants with a thin root system.

Containers with a volume of 0.7-100 ml and a height of 12-15 cm;

In simple words, picking is the transplantation of seedlings that have reached a certain size in a container, the volume of which is much larger than the previous ones. The primary goal of the procedure is the culling of weak shoots. But also picking tomatoes is necessary so that the roots develop correctly and fully, and the seedlings do not stretch.

solar hardening

  • regular plastic bottles
  • cardboard cups;
  • A video on how and when to dive tomato seedlings correctly.
  • Then we place each plant in a hole in a prepared container. It should be planted with a deepening to the cotyledon leaves themselves - this is how you stimulate the formation of a branched root system. We crush the soil around the plant a little.
  • It may happen that the soil you used to germinate the seeds will be contaminated with pathogens, and your young plants will start to get sick. Then picking will become a surgical operation to remove infected plants and transplant healthy ones into new soil. With this event, you will save the rest of the seedlings and stop the disease at an early stage, because exceptionally strong plants are needed for an excellent harvest.

How to dive correctly

If you are growing tomato seedlings at home, then all stages of the process are important, from seed selection to planting in the ground. However, the most responsible of them, according to qualified gardeners, is the picking of tomatoes.

Tomatoes, or, as we call them, tomatoes, respond very well to a pick.

Transplanted seedlings by transshipment. To do this, you need to take a new container and make holes in each to drain water. Then you should fill in fresh soil for about 1/3 of the container. After this, it is necessary to remove the seedlings, trying not to damage the root system. To do this, we remove the pre-moistened soil with a paska from the cup and put it in a new dish. With the remaining soil, we fill the space between the walls of the container and the earthy clod with tomato roots.

It is necessary to dive tomato seedlings depending on which variety you decide to grow and when the seedlings were planted.

tomatoes. Solar hardening is directly direct sunlight. For 30-40 minutes a day, the plant is taken out in the sun, then placed in a shady place. So, do a few days (5-7). It is believed that after solar hardening, tomatoes grow faster.

Which need to be cut off by 10–15 cm. It will be cheaper than buying cups in a store.

peat cups;

Do you need or not a pick of tomato seedlings? Opinions on this matter vary today. Many gardeners claim that even without picking, with proper care, tomatoes can give an excellent harvest. So the pick is not needed at all. Other gardeners believe that picking tomatoes is a must. And you can spend it not one, as is customary, but two or even three times as the plants grow. Based on this, gardeners decide for themselves whether to dive tomatoes or not.

Immediately after picking, tomato bushes need to be watered. Repeated diving of tomato bushes is carried out if there are 2 true leaves in a large container or if there is not enough space - in the same boxes, only with the replacement of soil and a row spacing of at least 15 cm. The process is similar to that described above. Growing tomatoes also deepen into the ground to the initial leaves. A tool for forming holes for tomato seedlings.

Even if you have wonderful seedlings, but it developed too early for planting in the ground (the seeds were sown early, the weather let us down, etc.), then picking can slow down the growth of plants. Overgrown tomato seedlings will be very painful to move to a permanent landing site.
If you first encountered the term "tomato pick", then this process means shortening the main (tap) root of plants in order to stimulate the development of a branched root system in seedlings.

It is necessary to dive tomatoes in the phase of the appearance of two true leaves. In this case, the central root should be pinched by one third for the development of the root system. The stem should be buried in the ground to the cotyledon leaves. When planting in a pot (cup), the earth should not reach the edges. It is necessary to leave free space so that in the future it will be possible to make additional soil filling.​

This picking method is more labor intensive. However, the result lives up to expectations and the seedlings are strong and have a stocky appearance. This ensures the integrity of the roots of the stems, which, in turn, allows you to increase the yield.

First you need to prepare the container for growing seedlings in it.

In general, tall varieties of vegetable crops should be transplanted 2 times, and undersized and medium height bushes - once.

The room where the seedlings are located must be ventilated and maintain a temperature of 15–18 degrees.

Video "Picking homemade tomatoes"

The soil for picking a tomato is a mixture of humus, earth and peat. Some gardeners also add sawdust. A solution of mineral fertilizers is added to this mixture, which includes acidic potassium, superphosphate, saltpeter and magnesium sulfate. This solution is abundantly watered with a mixture of earth, peat and humus.


Picking a tomato, a video of the correct picking

plastic cups;

Seedling picking is transplanting seedlings into larger containers. This allows you to strengthen the root system, prevent the stem from stretching out and, finally, get rid of weak seedlings.

Although picking is not the most time-consuming process, some gardeners do without it at all. Growing tomatoes at home without picking is quite possible, and seedlings are no worse than picking.

How to properly dive tomatoes

Gardeners recommend using the lunar calendar to determine the best time to dive tomato bushes. Now we will directly consider the main process of how to dive tomatoes correctly. Watering tomato seedlings before picking. Not all vegetables planted on seedlings without exception are recommended to dive, but in a particular case for tomatoes, this is a necessary process, which, along with root processing, also includes transplanting vegetables into a separate container, more spacious than the one where the seeds germinated. If the seedlings were originally grown in peat tablets, this will avoid damage to the root system during picking: the plant dives along with a clod of peat.

There are cases when the picking of tomatoes, carried out correctly and on time, stops the growth of the stems.

Container for seedlings and soil

To ensure good aeration and removal of excess water after watering, holes should be made in the containers. Then you can fill them with soil. For growing tomatoes, a regular mixture is suitable, which goes on sale marked "For seedlings." After that, the picking of tomatoes can be carried out.

  • The first picking of tomato seedlings should be carried out 10-14 days after the day when the crop seeds were planted in the ground. At this point, the stems will have a pair of true leaves. The container must be chosen deeper than the initial volume. The second procedure for transplanting seedling sprouts can be done after 20-22 days. Beforehand, it is worth preparing a container, the volume of which will be 1.5-2 times more than the previous one. In order for the seedlings to be accepted and fully developed after the procedure, it is necessary to water the plants abundantly in a day.
  • After picking tomato seedlings, you do not need to water it for 5-7 days, allowing it to take root. At the same time, we must not forget that tomatoes should not be watered often. They like abundant watering, but rare. Even 2 days of dry soil, tomatoes tolerate very easily, unlike constantly wet soil. If the soil is always wet, then the tomatoes
  • Prepare a spatula, a sliver or an ordinary toothpick. They will be needed to dig up the plant and carefully pull it out of the box without damaging the roots of the tomatoes. It’s good if a lump of earth remains on the roots along with the plant - this will allow
  • plastic bottles
  • At first glance, this procedure is simple and not a problem, but it should be noted that without knowing how to dive tomatoes correctly, you can harm the plants.

Everyone who grows tomatoes in this way claims that the process of plant adaptation when planting in the ground is faster and painless. In this method, in comparison with the classical method of growing home seedlings, differences arise already at the first stage of sowing seeds. The well-known vegetable grower Alexander Ganichkin recommends watering the seedlings abundantly a few hours before the start of the process to make your work easier and increase the elasticity of the plants. Earlier watering, as well as immediately before transplanting, will not be correct. In the first case, the earth will be dry, and so the root can be damaged during extraction, and in the second case, earthen clods will stick, and there will be a high probability that the stem will break. Such options do not suit us, so we water, wait 2-3 hours and proceed.

The first time you can pick tomatoes when the first 2 leaves have developed well on the plant - usually this is around 7-10 days after seed germination. Professionals recommend using the lunar calendar when growing and picking tomatoes. The calendar will tell you exactly when to carry out certain procedures. After picking, you should reduce the lighting by 2-3 days. This is a period of adaptation. After this period, the seedlings should receive as much light as possible to prevent the seedlings from stretching. Tomato seedlings should be watered rarely, but plentifully. And it is imperative to harden the seedlings before planting them in open ground. Firstly, the growth of seedlings may stop if they were picked directly into the cold ground. To stimulate the further development of seedlings, you need to overlay containers with seedlings with bottles, filling them with hot water.

It is worth noting that it will be possible to transplant tomato sprouts with minimal damage to the roots, if the soil is well wetted in advance (for 1-2 days). Thus, when you start the procedure, the plants will be freely removed from the soil. Some summer residents may have a question why it is worth diving tomato seedlings at this particular time. The answer to it is based on the characteristics of the development of seedlings. So, for example, if plants are transplanted earlier than the specified period, then the root system that has not yet strengthened can be injured. If you transplant later, the roots can also be damaged, especially if the planting was group, and the seedlings of the vegetable crop were placed very densely.

do not touch the plant itself

pick tomato

The main condition When does it come time to pick a tomato? This should be done when the first 2 leaves appear on the plant. Usually the first 2 true leaves appear in tomatoes in 10-12 days. It is at this time that you need to make a pick. If you miss this period and linger, then the plant will be Tomatoes in this case are sown immediately in separate containers, so you will need a sufficient number of them, you also need a relatively large space to accommodate all the seed. If you have a heated greenhouse, then this method is perfect. The choice of the desired container is not limited, the main thing is that it has drainage holes. Therefore, it is also worth taking care of the presence of a pallet.

Similar situations also arise when the soil turns sour. You can prevent this by sprinkling the soil on top with a small layer of ash and thoroughly loosening the surface. Now you should take each prepared container with soil and make a recess to the very bottom with a pencil. Then pour water at room temperature into the hole. It will take about 100-200 ml, depending on the size of the container. While the water has not yet been absorbed into the soil, we place the seedling and compact the soil around it. Lower the sprout into the hole should be up to the cotyledon leaves. As previously mentioned, picking tomatoes can be done using one of several existing methods. Today we will describe the two most common:​

Or a black leg, from which tomatoes can die.

And its root. So that the plants are free. The diameter of the container for tomatoes should be at least 10 cm. This will create good conditions for the plant for its further development. The root system will not suffer and will actively develop, therefore, the plant itself will gain strength. It is more difficult to take root

The soil for tomatoes should be loose and fertile. Because you will use the soil throughout the entire cultivation of seedlings, then before packaging it in a container, you need to carry out a disinfection process (you can just ignite it in the oven).

First, we dig up the plants from a box with a clod of earth.

There are a number of conditions under which picking is recommended:


How and when to dive seedlings of tomatoes?

  • How to do it right: pinching the main root and deepening into an individual glass almost to the cotyledon leaves. A glass should be taken 500 ml, do not add 3 centimeters of earth to the edge and use a long stiletto stick for planting so that you can make a hole almost to the bottom of the glass. New roots will form on a buried stem - a guarantee of good plant development. Compact the soil around the stem and water so that there are no air gaps.

The optimal period for transplantation

Just the other day, I picked a tomato, although I planted them this year a little later than usual, not at the end of February, but at the beginning of March. The pick is carried out when the plant has two true leaves, that is, not two very first cotyledons, but two more. Before picking, the seedlings are watered so that it infuses and becomes more elastic, strong. Boxes with earth are prepared in advance, which are pre-treated from pests and fungus, and this earth is also spilled with water. Then, with a narrow spatula, we remove the plant from the ground and place it in a specially prepared hole. At the same time, we pinch the main root simply with our nails for a third of the length. We plant the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves and slightly compact the ground around the seedlings. Then again we water and clean for 2 days from the sunny side.

It is not recommended to immediately moisten the soil with a dived stem. In order for the sprout to take root well, the liquid that you poured into the recess will be enough. The first watering after transplanting seedlings should be done after 4-7 days. Further, you can moisten the soil with tomato seedlings 1 time in 5-6 days, depending on the growing conditions.

The "traditional" picking method used by most gardeners;

Many gardeners, when picking tomatoes, pinch the roots of seedlings, this allows the root system to grow in width. Thanks to this, the plant will receive more moisture and nutrition. Please note that you need to pinch no more than 1/3 of the spine. But then it should be taken into account that after pinching, the root system will recover a little longer, and such a plant should be planted in the ground later.

Try not to touch the leaves of the plant - keep the seedlings near the root. Before picking seedlings, you can water the soil in cups with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Now carefully place the plant in a glass of earth prepared in advance.

Transplant procedure step by step

What container will be needed? These are cups made of paper or cardboard, which are good because they are already large plants.

  • , it will be weak and give you a much smaller harvest than it could give.
  • ​In each container with moistened soil, 3-5 germinated seeds are placed to a depth of no more than 1 cm, then watered from a sprayer. Seedling care is standard.​

The "traditional" way of transplanting

Remember to do this carefully. You can use any handy object: someone digs with a pencil or a sushi stick, someone helps a teaspoon - choose what is convenient for you.​

If your goal is to get a powerful root system from grown seedlings, then picking will provide you with this by forming a wide network of lateral roots;

  • Tomato seedlings should be dived when the plants have 3-4 true leaves. This must be done in order to provide the plant with more favorable conditions for growth and development. It is necessary to choose a larger box and plant the plants less often or place each plant in separate containers. When transplanting, you can pinch the central root by about a third, then lateral roots will develop better. When transplanting, seedlings can be deepened to seven-lobed leaves, additional roots will form on the trunk. After transplantation, the plants must be removed from the sun, they can be treated with an immunostimulant for growth, for example, epin, zircon, silk.
  • When and how to dive tomato seedlings?

With this method, tomato seedlings are transplanted, the seeds of which were originally planted in separate containers. As a rule, plastic disposable cups are used for these purposes. Tomato picking should be carried out, as in the previous method, when the sprouts reach the age of 10-14 days. By this time, each stem should already have a pair of full-fledged leaves.

A more modern method used for plants planted in separate containers.

We add that tomatoes love moist soil and dry surfaces, as well as hot and dry air.

To do this, with a pencil or stick, make a hole in the soil almost to the very bottom, then pour water into it, and when it is well absorbed, lower the seedling. Make sure that the roots do not bend or break. Deepen the seedlings into the ground to the leaves, as shown in the video at the end of the article.

no need to repot

Transplanting sprouts germinating in separate containers

Please note that before you dig up the seedlings, the tomatoes must be watered abundantly - this will protect the fragile and delicate roots from damage. If the earth is dry, then it will simply crumble from the roots, and they may be damaged. And if you water them just before picking, then an earthen lump that has become heavy from water can come off along with the spine. Therefore, they need to be watered a day or two before picking.

When the plants sprout and grow a little, they need to be thinned out, leaving 2 of the most viable in each glass. At the same time, unsuccessful shoots are recommended not to be torn out, but carefully cut off.

  • The second step is to separate the plants. It is safe to use a toothpick. Try to touch the seedlings with your hands as little as possible, especially the leaves. It is not necessary to completely clear the earth from the roots - this way the plant will better tolerate the transplant.
  • If you did not sow tomato seeds separately in each container, but in a large box, then picking is recommended with transplanting into individual cups for their further healthy development, which will also contribute to the good adaptation of plants when planting in the ground. If you leave the seedlings like this and develop in a bunch in a box, then the plants will be weak, and their roots can intertwine so much that it will not be an easy task to plant them later without damage.

When 2-3 true leaves appear at the seedlings, then it already needs to dive. To do this, take small pots (I take 200 ml disposable cups), fill them with earth, pour warm water over them and leave for a while so that the earth is saturated with water. With one hand, grab a fake tomato leaf, and with the other hand, using a stick or spoon, pull out the sprout along with a clod of earth. Transfer to a glass and deepen to the cotyledon leaves.


To dive tomato seedlings, you need to prepare:

This method of picking tomatoes is used when the seedlings were planted in one container. When group planting, it is correct to transplant seedlings into large containers with the appearance of the first pair of leaves. As mentioned above, this happens about 10-14 days after the sowing date.​

It is very good to feed the plants every two weeks with urea, superphosphate or sodium sulfate.


When and how to dive tomato seedlings?

In order for the earth to settle a little, it is necessary to slightly crush it. Then pour plenty of water over the tomatoes, not cold, but room temperature water. It is better if it is melt or rain water. It is not necessary to water the seedlings from above. In order for the roots to take root faster, it is advisable to place the dived seedlings in a dark (shady) place for 1–2 days. And then we put the container with the plants in the brightest place in the room. These are window sills or a greenhouse if it is heated. Remember to turn the cups towards the light every day.​

Try to do all the work in accordance with the phases of the moon. Then your seedlings will build up a strong root system and develop properly, and the plants planted in a permanent place will delight you with a good harvest.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2017

(for greenhouse)

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

If you plan to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, sow the seeds from late February to mid-March. Remember that the day before sowing they need to be soaked in warm water.

Picking tomato seedlings

Under optimal conditions (temperature 25-27°C and high humidity), tomato seedlings appear on the 5th-8th day after sowing. 15-20 days after their appearance (when the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves), pick

Feeding tomato seedlings

During the growing period, tomato seedlings are fed twice. First feeding seedlings are carried out 1-2 weeks after picking. It is best to add chicken manure diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1:20 to this top dressing (the mixture should be allowed to brew for 2 hours). If there is no litter, prepare a solution of mineral fertilizers at the rate of 35 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 5 g of urea per 10 liters of water. The rate of application of fertilizers - as in normal watering.

Second top dressing carried out 2 weeks after the first. The nutrient solution is prepared more concentrated than for the first feeding. To do this, 50 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of urea are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. You can also use ready-made complex fertilizers, such as Kemira-universal, Mortar, Rost-II (according to instructions).

Planting seedlings and growing tomatoes in a greenhouse according to the lunar calendar in 2017

Planting tomatoes in a permanent habitat in a greenhouse is usually done 50-60 days after germination. Seedlings ready for planting should be strong and healthy, 25-35 cm high. Each plant should have 8-10 well-developed dark green leaves and 1 flower brush.

When to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Tomato seedlings are planted in the greenhouse when the temperature in it stays at around 20 ° C during the day and 18 ° C at night for several days. The holes are dug out a little larger than the root ball and 20 minutes before planting they are well spilled with water. Plants are buried to the cotyledons or the first pair of true leaves and immediately tied to pegs or trellises to make them more stable. The first 2-3 days planted seedlings are recommended to shade.

Pasynkovanie tomato in the greenhouse

If you want to get a good harvest of large tomatoes, you simply cannot do without pinching. This is an extremely important procedure, during which excess shoots are removed from the leaf axils.

You can start pinching tomatoes as early as 10-14 days after planting seedlings in a permanent place (provided that stepchildren have already appeared in the axils of the leaves). It is held throughout the season at least once every 10 days.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

The first watering is carried out 14-17 days after transplanting the plants into the greenhouse. In the future, tomatoes are watered rarely (about 1 time in 10 days), but plentifully. Moreover, they should be watered exclusively with warm water and under the root, avoiding drops on the leaves.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse

You need to start feeding tomatoes in the greenhouse a few days after planting. There is no clear instruction on the number of top dressings and the time of fertilization. It all depends on the fertility of the soil and the condition of the plants. Normally developing tomatoes are fed 3-4 times per season. For those who are lagging behind in growth, the number of top dressings is increased. And problematic plants that develop poorly and get sick are fertilized every 10-14 days.

Harvesting tomatoes in a greenhouse

In order for the fruits not only to please with their amazing taste, but also to be stored longer, it is also important to be guided by the days suitable for this type of work when harvesting.

Tomatoes in greenhouses start fruiting at end of June - the first decade of July and continues until late August.

When to sow tomatoes for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2017

(for open ground)

In order for the seeds to please with good shoots, it is recommended to germinate them. To do this, you will need a piece of gauze, rags or a paper napkin. Moisten the material, spread it on a plate and pour the tomato seeds on it. From above, cover them with the free edge of a cloth or napkin, and then place the plate in the bag.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

In the middle lane, tomato seeds for open ground are usually sown from March 10 to April 15. But these dates may be slightly shifted depending on the weather. If the spring is early and warm, sowing can be carried out a few days earlier, and if in March, on the contrary, there are still frosts, it is better to postpone sowing for 7-10 days.

Picking seedlings of tomatoes

You can start picking tomato seedlings as soon as the plants have 2-3 true leaves. Remember that when transplanting tomato seedlings, you need to deepen to the very cotyledon leaves, otherwise it will not take root in a new container.

When to Feed Outdoor Tomato Seedlings

If your seedlings look healthy - the plants have a strong stem and developed dark green leaves, then you need to feed the seedlings once, usually 10 days before planting in a permanent place.

Planting seedlings and growing tomatoes in the ground according to the lunar calendar in 2017

In order not to worry about how successful the planting process will be, and what percentage of seedlings will take root, protect yourself in advance. A few days before the planned transplant, stop watering the seedlings, and just before planting, water abundantly, and so that the soil is wet. This will make it more homogeneous and, accordingly, preserve the integrity of the root system.

Planting tomato seedlings in the ground

Seedlings for open ground are planted in the garden 60-70 days after emergence. The holes are dug a little larger than the containers in which the seedlings were grown. Seedlings of standard sizes (25-35 cm high) are planted vertically, deepening to the cotyledon leaves or the first pair of true leaves (if the cotyledons were removed during the growing process). Overgrown seedlings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees so that the lower leaves are located at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. It is desirable that the roots are directed to the south, and the trunk - to the north.

Pasynkovanie tomato in the open field

Stepping is recommended throughout the season as shoots appear in the axils of the leaves (about once a week). Sprouts should be removed while they are still small (no more than 5 cm long). So that a new one does not form in place of the broken stepson, it is not broken out at the base, but leaving a stump 1-2 cm high.

Watering tomatoes in the ground

Cold water can cause root rot in tomatoes. Therefore, it is desirable to heat the water for irrigation in the sun. Plants need to be watered only at the root. If water gets on the leaves (especially in hot weather), this can cause them to burn, as well as provoke the development of late blight.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the ground

Feeding tomatoes is recommended in dry weather, and this should be done in the morning before sunrise, or in the evening after sunset. In no case do not fertilize dry soil, otherwise you can burn the roots. Before feeding, always water the tomatoes with warm water, and if the solution gets on the leaves, rinse them with clean water.

When to harvest tomatoes outdoors

In tomatoes planted in open ground, the fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. In general, the plants continue to bear fruit until mid-August. The last harvest should be taken as soon as the temperature drops to 10°C at night. If by this time not the entire crop has ripened, green and brown tomatoes must also be removed. They can be left for ripening or used for seaming.

Watching how tomato seedlings grow and develop, summer residents ask a number of questions: “Do I need to dive tomatoes? Is it necessary to do this? When and how to dive tomatoes? Let's try to answer these questions.

Do I need to dive tomatoes?

Previously, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to dive tomatoes was unequivocal - of course it is necessary! Today, however, opinions differ. Many gardeners argue that when growing tomato seedlings, picking is not necessary at all. Growing tomato seedlings without picking, you can get excellent results. The main thing is to decide in advance how you will grow tomatoes - with or without a pick. The technology of planting tomato seeds for seedlings and caring for seedlings depends on this. You can read about how to grow tomatoes without a pick.

Others, on the contrary, believe that when growing a tomato, picking is indispensable. Since tomatoes tolerate picking quite well, some gardeners do it not once, but twice and thrice as the plants grow.

When to dive tomatoes?

You need to dive tomatoes when the seedlings have a couple of true leaves. This usually happens 7-10 days after the emergence of tomatoes.

How to dive tomatoes?

  • Prepare containers for planting tomatoes and fill them with soil. For picking a tomato, you can use plastic or peat cups. In the latter case, it will be possible to plant tomato seedlings in the ground directly in them.
  • A day or two before picking tomatoes, water the seedlings. If you water the tomatoes just before picking, the earth will be very heavy and during the transplant process it may turn out that the earthen lump formed around the root will come off along with a piece of the root system and damage it. If the tomato seedlings are not watered before picking, the dry earth will crumble from the plant, again injuring the roots.
  • With the help of a dive peg, which can be quite successfully used as a toothpick, remove the tomatoes from the seed box.

It is even better not to touch the green part of the plant at all, but in the process of picking, hold the tomato by the ground around the root.

  • In accordance with generally accepted recommendations for picking, the main root of the seedling should be pinched 1/3 of its length. However, many consider this procedure superfluous, because during the picking process, the tomato root system is already damaged. And if you also specifically pinch off the root, the tomato will need to spend additional time restoring the root system, which will affect the timing of the seedlings' readiness for planting in the ground. Here, each gardener decides for himself how to dive seedlings: to pinch the root or not.
  • Transplant the seedlings into individual containers, deepening the tomatoes almost to the very cotyledon leaves.
  • Using the same toothpick, straighten the tomato roots and press them to the ground.
  • Fill the hole with soil and lightly press it down at the base of the stem.
  • Water the pickled seedlings generously and place the tomatoes in a cool place with high humidity away from direct sunlight. When the seedlings take root, the seedlings should be returned to the windowsill again. This usually happens after a couple of days.

You can read about further care for tomato seedlings.

Dive of young seedlings of tomatoes - transplanting their young seedlings from boxes or small pots, where seeds were sown, into a box filled with fresh soil mixture. But this process is not a simple mechanical transfer of seedlings to a large container.

What is it for?

Picking is an important technique, it is needed in order to turn the tap root system into a fibrous one.

The fact is that with a rod system, the roots go deeper, into a nutrient-poor one, and the fibrous roots formed after picking penetrate the upper fertile soil layer.

A large number of small suction roots allows young tomatoes to grow quickly, and an adult plant to bear fruit abundantly.

In addition to the fact that such an event causes active growth and rapid development of the root system, picking seedlings also helps to increase its resistance to adverse effects, preparing tomatoes for subsequent planting in open garden soil.

Optimal timing and signs

The manuals for amateur gardeners indicate that the dive of tomato seedlings is carried out "when the plant forms the first true leaves."

These well-marked signs - the first two or three leaves - usually appear on tomato seedlings around the fifth or seventh day, but it is advisable to wait another one or two days after their appearance so that the plant gets stronger - they are quite easy to irreversibly damage when transplanted.

Therefore, 7-10 days after germination is the optimal time for picking tomatoes.

It will be possible to sow seeds, dive and plant them in open ground, guided by the gardener's lunar calendar for 2018, which shows the most favorable and unfavorable days for these events:

Sowing lunar calendar for 2018
The most suitable dates for sowing seeds, planting and transplanting garden plants
February March April May June July
, And 18, 23 8-11, 19-23 10-12, 21-24
, And , 19-22 18, 20, 21 8-10, 20-23 19-24
, to the root 19-23, 27 9-11, 19-23 21-23
Parsley for pasture greens, 20-24 22, 23, 25, 26 20-25 19-25
, leguminous plants ( , ) 19, 20, 23-26 19-24
onion on turnip, 20-23 11, 20-23, 26 5-8, 20-24 8, 9, 10, 20-24
Corn, 20-24, 25, 27 8-11, 19-23 11, 19-23
, on the root, 27, 28 20-24 19-23
, mustard 20-25, 27 5-8, 20-24 19-22, 24 21-24
Dates unfavorable for sowing seeds, planting and transplanting garden plants
16, 17, 18, 30, 31 16, 17, 29, 30 15, 16, 28-30 13, 14, 27-29 26, 27, 28

Did you know? By planting tomatoes of several varieties with small fruits of different colors, lovers create beautiful landscape compositions on their plots.

How to dive tomatoes

  • Each transplanted plant has two or three true leaves.
  • When transplanted, each seedling had at least a small, thimble-sized lump of "native land".
  • Each plant is sunk into the ground almost under the cotyledon leaves.
If these rules are followed, the plant will endure the pick painlessly and after a couple of days it will confidently start growing.

Important! Picking causes stress in the plant, poorly performed, it can lead to a delay in the development of plants for a whole week. Dive tomatoes carefully, slowly.

What you need

When it's time to dive tomatoes, you'll need the following:

  • Actually seedlings of tomatoes - suitable age and watered in advance.
  • The containers in which the plants will be transplanted are pots or boxes.
  • Fresh soil mix for filling these boxes or pots. A peg or spatula, with which the plants are removed from the ground and a hole is prepared for the seedlings.
  • If the earth mixture needs to be further fertilized - a small amount of potassium sulfate, and a pinch.
  • Attention and patience.

Important! It is necessary to water the seedlings before picking them ahead of time - a day or two before transplanting. If you water on the same day, a lump of wet and heavy earth may accidentally break off along with thin roots, but if you do not water it, the dry earth will immediately crumble and expose the roots, which in this case are also injured during transplantation.

Process description

The procedure for diving tomato seedlings, in general, is not complicated.