Homemade filter for the pool. DIY pool vacuum cleaner: device manufacturing process Homemade pool filter from a circulation pump

It's nice to take a dip in the pool with clean and cool water on a hot day. The quality of the aquatic environment is adversely affected by breeding bacteria, dust, plant spores, insects, leaves, as well as cosmetics, sweat and hair of those bathing in an artificial reservoir. After a short time, even perfectly clean water becomes cloudy, acquires a greenish tint and is saturated with microorganisms if it is not regularly cleaned. It is problematic and expensive to frequently renew significant volumes of water. You can maintain cleanliness with the help of self-made filters and chlorine-containing components.

Cleaning methods and types of filters for the pool

The division of filters for pools into types is carried out depending on the principle of operation and the substance used for cleaning.

Pool Cleaning Methods

The functioning of the filter device is based on the following cleaning principles:

  • chemical - disinfection of the aquatic environment is carried out using chemical reagents;
  • mechanical - water purification is carried out in the process of its circulation through a purifying agent;
  • combined - sanitary indicators of water are achieved by a combination of a mechanical cleaning method and the use of chemicals.

Chemical cleaning method

The main advantage of filters, the principle of which is based on a chemical method, is the effective purification of the aquatic environment from the development of microorganisms and bacteria harmful to human health.

The main disadvantages of chemical filters:

  1. Increased dimensions. The bulky design of the cleaning device needs additional space.
  2. The negative effect of chemical reagents on the human skin. The time spent by people in the pool is limited.
  3. The need to shower after swimming in the pool. Chemicals dissolved in the pool should be thoroughly washed off from the skin.

mechanical cleaning

The main advantages of filters that provide mechanical water purification include:

  • compact dimensions;
  • affordable price;
  • effective purification of the aquatic environment.

The main disadvantage of mechanical filters is that they can only be used in small frame and inflatable pools.

Combined cleaning method

Filter devices that combine mechanical cleaning and chemical disinfection are ideal for all types of pools. In the process of water circulation through such a filter, foreign inclusions are simultaneously removed, as well as the destruction of microorganisms and bacteria. The increased cost of the filter limits its use for small country pools.

Filter types

Depending on the type of filler used to filter the aquatic environment, devices are divided into types. For water purification in filters it is used:

  • sand;
  • Earth;
  • special cartridges.

Sand filters

Filters in which water is purified by sand are widespread. Their main advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • simple construction.

The sand filter is a sealed container with sand through which water circulates.

Screened quartz sand allows you to filter out foreign inclusions, the size of which is more than 20 microns. Considering the size of mechanical impurities settling in the sandy massif, these filters are used exclusively in pools with a small area located in summer cottages and in private mansions.

The weak side of sand filters is that when it becomes clogged, it becomes necessary to organize a reverse flow of water to ensure effective filtration.

When choosing a filler for a sand filter, give preference to glass sand. It provides high-quality cleaning and has a long service life (up to 5 years). You can use quartz sand, which must be changed after 3 years.

Cartridge filters

A cartridge type filter is a reservoir that contains replaceable cartridges. They are filled with a substance capable of filtering small particles up to five microns in size.

Charcoal, polyphosphate salt and other special substances are used as a cartridge filler. The filter is easy to operate, as its design allows you to quickly replace the cartridges. The price of cartridge devices, which is acceptable compared to earth filters, allows maintaining the purity of water in private outdoor pools at low cost.

Earth filters

The filter with earth filler (diatomaceous earth) provides the highest degree of water purification and is designed for use in larger tanks.

The filter element of the device contains an earth mixture based on fossil rocks. Cleaning is carried out when water passes through the earthen "cushion". The filler saturated with silica effectively purifies water, because:

  • neutralizes compounds saturated with chlorine;
  • prevents the development of bacteria and microorganisms;
  • retains heavy metals;
  • does not allow algae to grow.

In addition, water with a high content of silicon has a positive therapeutic effect and heals the human body.

The disadvantages of filters with an earthen mixture include the high price and increased toxicity of the spent filler. For replacement, it is necessary to involve specialists. This limits the widespread use of earth filters.

Recommendations for the choice of materials and selection of tools to create your own filter

Sand filters are widely used for cleaning small private pools. For self-production of such a filter, expensive materials and special tools are not required.

Selection of filter materials

To make a sand-filled filter, prepare the following materials:

Tools needed for the job

To make a filter filled with sand, you will need the following tools:

  • electric drill with drills;
  • pliers;
  • set of wrenches;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Performing calculations and schemes

To ensure high-quality purification of the aquatic environment, it is necessary to first develop a filter connection diagram and calculate the intensity of water circulation, which is provided by the pump. You can independently develop a connection option or use a typical diagram.

The capacity of the filter, equal to the performance of the pump, is determined by the formula Q=V/T, where V is the capacity of the tank, and T is the duration of the water exchange cycle (recommended up to 5 hours). If it is necessary to clean the pool with a water volume of 25 m 3, the performance of the filtering system will be 5 m 3 / hour (25 m 3: 5 hour = 5 m 3 / hour). If the filter unit is operated during the day, then the total volume of purified water will be 120 m 3 (5 m 3 / hour x 24 hours). This will provide the required five-fold water purification throughout the day.

When choosing the performance of the pump, consider the volume of the pool and the duration of its operation. To ensure high-quality cleaning during the day, the entire volume of water must be circulated through the filter device at least three times. With an increased number of bathers (more than six people), it is recommended to perform up to five water exchange cycles throughout the day.

For small pools, it is not always advisable to filter the water around the clock. It is enough to turn on the pump daily for 5-10 hours. To do this, you need to choose the right performance. For example, if in a small frame pool with a volume of 25 m 3 the pump will supply water to the filter for 10 hours, then for a five-fold water exchange, it is necessary to pump the entire volume of water through the filter 5 times in 10 hours. Total, 25 m 3 x5 \u003d 125 m 3. To accomplish the task, the pump capacity should be 12.5 m 3 /hour (125 m 3:10 hour = 12.5 m 3 /hour). This will allow to operate the filter unit for less time, providing the necessary circulation intensity to purify water from impurities.

By increasing the performance of the pump in proportion to the duration of operation, it is possible to provide effective water purification in less time.

Table: dependence of the time required for one water exchange cycle on the parameters and loading of the pool

Step-by-step guide to making a pool filter with your own hands

When making a sand filter, follow the device diagram.

The production of a sand filter occurs in stages:

  1. Sift the sand on a sieve, ensuring a fraction size of 0.5-1.4 mm.
  2. Clean the sand from dust and large inclusions by rinsing it with warm water.
  3. Boil sand in a large container filled with water to remove bacteria.
  4. Drill holes in the plastic container to connect the inlet and outlet lines.
  5. Fix the hose connections with glue.
  6. Install the protective grid and filter element inside the plastic tank.
  7. Fill the container with sand, feeding it simultaneously with water.
  8. Connect the filter's top connection to the supply line.
  9. Connect the bottom outlet to the hose going to the pump.
  10. Install a pressure gauge, check for correct connections, and secure the cover firmly to the top of the housing.

Video: homemade sand filter design

Nuances of operation

When purifying water with a self-made sand filter, it is necessary to comply with safety requirements and understand all the intricacies of its work. Periodically, you need to do the following:

Filler replacement

Perform filler replacement activities according to the following algorithm:

  1. Turn off the filter device.
  2. Open the filter cover.
  3. Remove the sand mass using a technical vacuum cleaner.
  4. Rinse the pipes and the inside of the filter.
  5. Fill the filter housing with fresh sand. Pour a large fraction to the bottom, and add fine sand on top.

It is possible to combine sand with graphite powder or coal, which will increase the filtration efficiency and retain finer particles.

How to chlorine pool water yourself

The choice and amount of chlorination agent depends on the temperature of the water and the environment, as well as the level of contamination of the pool.

The amount of chlorine-containing components increases with decreasing water temperature.

To ensure effective water purification using chlorine, it is necessary to control the pH value. It is advisable to dissolve chlorine (according to the recommendations of the manufacturers of chlorine-containing preparations) at a pH value of more than 7 and less than 7.5.

With an increase in the pH index, the consumption of chlorinating compounds or tablets increases. This causes a characteristic unpleasant odor.

Each time the pool is filled during the season, it is mandatory to shock the water with the help of instant preparations. A month later, re-disinfection is carried out. Increasing the concentration of chlorine during shock treatment allows you to destroy microorganisms and neutralize the development of algae.

After chlorination, the filter must be cleaned and the pH value checked with a tester. An indicator of the quality of water containing chlorine is the concentration of the substance in the range of 0.3-0.5 mg / l and the pH level from 7 to 7.5.

Having become acquainted with the methods of water purification, it is easy to independently manufacture a filter unit for an individual pool and ensure its proper operation. Using available materials, with a standard set of tools, it is possible to create an effective filtration system at a low cost and ensure compliance with the sanitary requirements for pools.

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How wonderful it is to swim in the hot summer in your own pool in the countryside. But as you know, sooner or later water begins to become polluted and bloom, so you need to start thinking about cleaning it in advance. Today, there are a large number of devices and filters for purifying water in the pool, which help to effectively get rid of bottom sediment, silt and other contaminants. How to purify water in a country pool with your own hands, and what are the ways to filter it at the present time.

Types of filters for outdoor pools, their types and purpose: advantages and disadvantages

Cleaning of suburban pools is carried out using various filters that purify water in different ways. The principle of their work is that they, passing a large volume of water through their protective barriers, purify it from various types of natural and mechanical types of pollution.

There are several types of classifications of water filtration devices in pools, but we will consider those based on design features and types of materials from which they are made.

  • Sand.
  • Diatoms (earth).
  • Cartridge.
  • Vacuum cleaners.

sand pumping

Today, they are one of the most famous water treatment devices found in many pools. But they are not the most effective among all existing ones. Such a filter consists of a plastic or metal tank with sand, through which a large amount of water passes over a certain time and is cleaned. In these devices, special quartz or glass sand is used as a cleaning material, selected in such a way that it can retain even the most microscopic particles no more than 20-25 microns.

Particles of 35 microns cannot be seen without a microscope.

Thanks to this technology of sand filters, they allow you to maintain the water in outdoor pools in a relative degree of purity.

Since the water that passes through the sand gradually pollutes it, it is necessary to clean it periodically (at least once a week). To do this, experts offer a "reverse cleaning method", which consists in the fact that the water passes in reverse order through the filter, due to which the sand is washed and cleaned itself.

Sand filters are usually installed in small pools where the water changes very frequently.

Cartridge disposable

Cartridge filters are containers with a certain number of disposable cartridges, inside of which there is a special cleaning agent or material. Typically, these filters are equipped with 3 - 4 polypropylene or polyester cartridges and allow you to more thoroughly purify the water in the outdoor pool. Due to the special design of the cartridges, they are able to capture even the most microscopic particles of 5-10 microns. Such filters are much more expensive than sand filters. Also cartridges are designed to be used only once and then they are simply thrown away. But there are also modern expensive cartridge filters that can be washed by reverse cleaning, like sand filters.

Diatoms (earth)

Such filters for reservoirs are one of the most expensive, but meanwhile the most effective. Inside such a device is a crushed powder, which is made from natural plankton (diatom shells). It is one of the most effective and best means, as it can retain the smallest particles of 3-5 microns.

Such a filter is cleaned in the same way as a sand filter by the “reverse cleaning method” or a chemical substance that is produced to dissolve organic trace elements in bulk materials. Such filters often have to be changed even despite their purification (up to 4 pieces per year), which is very expensive. Also, the earth cleaning mixture of the cartridges is very toxic, so it will require the involvement of specialists to replace them.

Types of underwater vacuum cleaners for cleaning pools

Even when using ultra-modern filtering devices with pumps, they are able to clean only water, and not the entire surface of the reservoir and its bottom. Therefore, for more efficient cleaning of the pool, experts also suggest using various types of special underwater vacuum cleaners: manual or automatic. Such vacuum cleaners differ in the method of control, design, operation and price.

  • Handheld vacuum cleaners are the cheapest cleaning devices today. Their design includes a handle bar with a long corrugated hose and a brush. The entire electrical part of the device is located at the top of the reservoir and is not intended to be immersed in water. They work in combination with various filters. The vacuum cleaner, drawing in a large volume of dirty water, delivers it to the cleaning element, and then sends it back to the pool.
  • Semi-automatic underwater vacuum cleaners are more expensive equipment that moves along the bottom of the reservoir, sucks up dirty water and cleans it. They can move in a spiral, or they can move randomly, depending on their design features or program. The brush of a semi-automatic vacuum cleaner has a more complex structure than a manual one.
  • Automatic vacuum cleaners or robots - vacuum cleaners are completely autonomous equipment that is completely immersed in water along with its entire electrical system and moves along the bottom of the reservoir, thoroughly cleaning it in full. The most modern models of such vacuum cleaners are equipped with a remote control that allows a person near the pond to control the work of the robot and direct it to the dirtiest areas of the surface.

Choosing a material to create your own filter: tips

If you wish, you can independently make a filter for a small country pool from simple materials and improvised means. We will make the simplest sand filter with a pump that will help to effectively purify water in a small inflatable or plastic country pool.

For the filter medium, we need quartz or glass sand. The structure of the sand should be loose, slightly whitish in color with polished edges, so that the grains of sand do not stick together and allow for high-quality water filtration.

Particle diameter from 0.04 to 1.8 mm. According to the norms, the presence of clay particles up to 0.12 mm can be allowed in the sand. We recommend taking quartz sand (if possible), as it is quite resistant to alkaline substances and all types of active acids, except for hydrofluoric.

Before using sand, it must undergo certain processing:

  • It is necessary to remove from it all particles that do not correspond to the desired size. To do this, you can use a sieve with cells of the desired diameter. For a small filter, you need to remove all grains of sand from 1 to 1.5 mm.
  • Then it must be thoroughly rinsed with water until it becomes completely transparent.
  • After that, it is necessary to boil the sand for about 60 minutes. This will be enough to kill all bacteria. You can boil sand in a large container (for example, in a 20 or 40 liter can) on the site just on a fire. You can also use chemical disinfectants, but then you have to rinse the sand well for several hours and do the subsequent water analysis yourself.

It is necessary to pour sand into the filter under a large pressure of water. It is also recommended to add some activated carbon to the sand or use graphite.

Drawing and scheme of work

To assemble the filter with your own hands, you need to make your own drawing with the correct calculations or use ready-made diagrams presented on the Internet. We offer two do-it-yourself sand filter assembly drawings from improvised materials.

Drawing No. 1

Drawing No. 2

Principle of operation


For a simple sand filter design, we need:

  • Container with a wide "throat" (plastic or milk can);
  • Quartz or glass special sand;
  • Rotary valve pump with switching modes;
  • Thick corrugated hoses;
  • Shackles with rubber or plastic gaskets;
  • Metal or plastic clamps;
  • Coarse filter;
  • Fixing pressure gauge;
  • Water intake with the smallest mesh.

The power of the pump must match the volume of the pool. The water in it must pass through the filter at least 3 times in 24 hours. So, for example, for a reservoir of 8 cubic meters. (24 cubic meters per day) you will need a pump with a capacity of 40 l / min. Also, the device must have an additional power reserve.

Do-it-yourself sand filter manufacturing and assembly steps

  1. In a barrel (metal or plastic), we need to make two holes with a diameter that will correspond to the drives. If the barrel is metal, then the holes can be made with a special tool or an 80 watt soldering iron. We coat the inserted sleds with insulating sealant. Since a collection of purified water will be located at the bottom, the spacing of the surges is not important. From the container with the filter, water will go up through the installed hose, and through the second run it will pour back into the pool.
  2. If there is no water intake, then instead of it we can take an ordinary round plastic bowl, make small holes in it, wrap it in two or three layers with nylon tights. The mesh should be much finer than the sand fraction.
  3. We fill the can with sand and close it.
  4. We take the purchased pump and connect everything into a common system: from the reservoir, the hose will go to the filter, and then to the pump. After that, he falls into a can of clean sand and back into the pool.
  5. Before installing the filter, it is necessary to collect all the sediment from the bottom of the pool using a pump and a hose, on which you need to put on a regular brush from a household vacuum cleaner.
  6. Attach a manometer. If the pressure level in the system increases by 30% more than what was shown at start-up, then this means that it is necessary to clean the sand using the backwash method.
  7. We put the hoses on hot glue. We install a mesh on the injection inside the barrel, which will have to break a large jet, so that the water will evenly fall on the sand.
  8. To wash the sand, we just need to swap the hoses. Thus, water from the pump will go to the “outlet” of the filter, and all contamination will be removed through the “inlet”.
  9. If the lid on the barrel is loose, then it can simply be torn off under great pressure. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to strengthen the factory fastening of the lid, as well as rearrange the hoses so that the pump does not pump water into the barrel, but, on the contrary, removes it.

The nuances of operating a sand filter

After we have assembled a reliable filter, it is necessary to install it correctly and start operating it.

  • The most important thing is to ensure good water circulation in the pool. If there are a large number of “dead zones” in the reservoir, then a large amount of dirt and microorganisms will accumulate there. Then all filter work will be simply inefficient.
  • The filter should take water to a greater extent from the very top of the water in the pool, since it is on it that a lot of dirt, microorganisms and large debris accumulate. We can place the drainage system anywhere in the reservoir and at any depth.
  • A person must have free access to the cleaning filter, not blocked by other devices, otherwise we will not be able to timely replace the sand.

Video: how to make a regular sand filter

Video: homemade sand cleaner

Video: homemade sand barrel cleaner

How to chlorinate pool water yourself: basic principles and features

Water chlorination is the most well-known and frequently used method of water disinfection in large reservoirs. Chlorine almost instantly destroys almost all pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi, and in addition retains all the properties of pure water for a long time, so the chlorination process is rarely performed. It is carried out manually or automatically.

Water is purified by chlorine itself or its chemical compounds. In today's market, you can find chloride substances in various substances: in the form of a powder, large tablets, granules or liquid. Since chlorine is an aggressive chemical agent, it must be used in the exact dosage indicated by the manufacturer, since in case of an exaggeration of the dose, water dechlorination will have to be carried out.

The chlorination process consists of several stages:

  1. The first is shock chlorination. To do this, you can take chlorine tablets. We add the drug to the pool at the rate of 1 tablet (20 grams) per 1 cubic meter of water. In order for the chemical reaction of chlorine and water to complete, it is necessary to wait about 10 hours. That is why shock chlorination is best done in the evening, so that by morning, the water is already normal.
  2. The second stage is the addition of two to three grams of liquid chlorine per 1 cu. meter of water or 1-2 tablets per 10 cu. meters. This procedure is carried out once every three days. The level of chlorine content can be checked with special testers, which are sold in special stores. It is necessary to lower one test strip into water, and then compare its color with the color scale on the box. Depending on this, you can further regulate the degree of chlorine in the water. The pH level in the water should be between 7.2 and 7.6.
  3. Third stage. After you make sure that the level of chlorine in the water is stable, it is necessary to check its content with a tester once a week and, if necessary, add chlorine-containing preparations.

It is also necessary to take into account during chlorination that the solubility of chlorine in water decreases with an increase in its temperature. So, for example, at a temperature of 0 ° C, 14.8 g of chlorine will dissolve in 1 liter of water, at 20 ° C, 9.6 g of chlorine will dissolve in 1 liter, and at 25 ° C - 6.5 g. Thus, the higher pool water temperature, the less chlorine will be needed for disinfection.

Water purification in an outdoor plastic or inflatable pool is the main guarantee of a great pastime on hot summer days. In clean warm water, various pathogenic bacteria and harmful microorganisms that can cause the development of serious diseases will not accumulate. That is why it is necessary to take a responsible approach to this issue and choose the most effective and acceptable method of water purification for your reservoir. And you can easily make a simple sand-based filter with your own hands.

The purity and beauty of the water in the pool directly depend on a good filter.

To choose a high-quality filter, it is necessary to take into account such important points as the volume of the pool and the type of pump installed in it. And you can get rid of unwanted bacteria and algae with the help of chemistry.

Types of pools

Modern pools are presented in a huge assortment.

The simplest and most cost-effective type of artificial reservoir is an inflatable pool.

Its appearance is very primitive - a PVC bowl and reinforced polyester mesh. The inflatable edging, located around the entire perimeter of the structure, just became the reason for its name. The installation of such a pool will be quick and unlikely to cause any difficulties.

But it is difficult to talk about the duration of the service life - it can be either 1 month or 3 years, everything will depend only on the operating conditions. If there is no skimmer and filter in the inflatable pool, then additional care will be required.

The most durable pool model is a collapsible design. For the manufacture of the side walls of these structures, metal sheets are used, and the finish and waterproofing layer are made of PVC film.

Each such pond has its own water filtration system (skimmer, liquid return nozzle, hoses) and a convenient ladder.

The most attractive appearance has a stationary pond, for the construction of which you need to allocate a special place, because such a pool cannot be moved.

In the manufacture of such structures, a variety of building and finishing materials are used, any desired shapes and sizes are realized. In addition, it is possible to install additional functions: hydromassage, waterfall, lighting and more.

The construction of such a pool is not cheap, but it will delight you for a very long time.

If pools are classified according to the type of overflow, then skimmer and overflow pools can be distinguished:

  1. Overflow mechanism requires grating around the edges of the pool. Thanks to this system, the impression of the boundlessness of the reservoir is achieved, because when the water reaches the edge of the pool, it begins to overflow, falling into special storage tanks.
  2. Skimmer system allows you to fill the pool to a certain level (below the edge) and filter the water in the process. The use of skimmer mechanisms is acceptable both for a stationary reservoir and for a mobile structure.

Also, various finishing materials can be used for the pool:

  1. Film of various colors and shades: blue, light blue, turquoise, white. It is used for making inflatable pool and prefabricated bowl pool, and as a waterproofing material for mobile structure.
  2. Polypropylene- a material with high strength, resistance to aggressive environments and good folding. In this area, it is mainly used as an insert in a stationary pool.
  3. Tile with low water absorption. Typically, such a finishing material is used in pools intended for general use.

About water purification and disinfection methods

In the water with which we fill country pools, one can find numerous chemical elements and organic impurities.

Many people think that as an alternative, you can try filling the pool with artesian water, but this is also not the best option.

In order to get completely harmless water, you need to start using modern purification systems.

For a person, water with a neutral pH level is considered optimal, but tap water used to fill the pool never has such an indicator.

So, you need to start just with the establishment of the optimal acid-base balance for the human body. The generally accepted pH value of 7.2 - 7.4 will not allow the development of corrosion and the rapid reproduction of microorganisms, which not only cause discomfort to a person, but also disrupt the normal operation of the filtration, heating and lighting system of the pool.

You can get rid of all kinds of organic matter using the following effective methods:

  1. Water chlorination, is the most popular, effective and affordable method. As a result of disinfection with chlorine, almost all microorganisms and bacteria die.
  2. Ozonation- the most environmentally friendly way, because ozone is a strong oxidizing agent that can destroy any kind of pollution and pathogenic microbes in water, and after it enters the air, it becomes one of its standard components.
  3. Water irradiation ultraviolet light can lead to the complete destruction of all harmful microorganisms. The only drawback of this cleaning is the fact that in order to achieve the desired effect, it must be carried out daily - severe water pollution is beyond its power.
  4. Ionization- purification of water using a system whose operation depends on non-ferrous metal ions such as copper and silver.
  5. Water purification active oxygen is the most effective method for use in the private sector and in pools with a small volume.

Ozonation is the most environmentally friendly way to purify water

The right choice of water treatment method will allow you to enjoy the carefree use of the pool for many years.

The main types of filters used

Water filters are different.

Sand filter is the most popular option

Sand filter consisting of drum, valve, separator, pressure gauge and sand bed.

The high density of the filter composition allows you to trap dirt particles with a lower density in the filter. How well the water in the pool will be filtered depends on which pump is used.

Perfectly pure water can only be achieved if there is a pump capable of carrying water through the filter with minimal pressure.

Once every 2 years, it is necessary to replace the sand filling in the filter, otherwise there may be a risk of damage to the separator, as the sand eventually turns into stone.

The sand filter works in the following sequence:

  • the pump supplies water through the skimmer and bottom drain to the filtration system;
  • jets supply the filtered water back to the pool.

The sand filter is equipped with a pressure gauge that reports the pressure level: 0.8 bar normal pressure, 1.3 bar high pressure, requiring backwashing of the filter.

Diatom Filtration Plant

This is the best filtration system, since the degree of water purification is 1 micron. The unique filter material - diatomaceous earth allows the filter to remove even the smallest impurities.

This advantage is far from the only one in the piggy bank of a diatomaceous filter. It is also an achievement of the latest developments and a unique skin rejuvenation technology.

The principle of operation of the diatom filter is based on the microporosity and absorption properties of the fossil powder of diatomaceous earth, which is obtained from the fossilized skeletons of radiolarians and algae.

This filter is capable of ultra-fine water purification in combination with the destruction of all microorganisms and bacteria.

Water purified in this way has ideal drinking and aesthetic qualities, rejuvenates and heals the human body, improves immunity, skin condition, and also gives a feeling of cheerfulness.

The diatom system consists of:

  • filter barrel resistant to chemical attack and ultraviolet;
  • pressure gauge;
  • valve;
  • diatomaceous layer, evenly distributed on flexible filter elements, outwardly very similar to long sleeves.

As pollution levels increase and pressure increases, diatomaceous earth filter elements become shorter. Stopping the pump results in zero pressure, allowing the elements to return to their original shape. The result is agitation and self-cleaning of the contaminated filter bed.

Cartridge systems

Cartridge filter, in which the cleaning element is a propylene membrane. The normal functioning of the system is ensured by frequent replacement and flushing of this element, although this cannot be called a disadvantage, since the cost of this spare part is minimal.

The main criterion that you should pay attention to when choosing an installation is the filter performance or the volume of water that the cleaning component is able to pass through itself for an hour.

And the main advantage of the design is its small size, allowing you to install it outside the pool.

Mounted systems

To purify water in a fully built or outdoor pool, where it is no longer possible to place equipment normally, you can use a hinged textile filter.

You can mount the mounted filter as follows: simply glue in place all the details of the structure delivered disassembled.

To achieve the desired result, it is also better to use a mounted skimmer connected to a sand filter.

This system works as follows: water is taken from the surface of the pool, then it is cleaned by means of a filter element and sent back to the supply nozzle, the location of which is the lower part of the filter housing.

The sequence of creating a sand filter

To make a sand filter for the pool with your own hands, you must first choose a plastic barrel of the optimal shape and the required volume. The most important thing is that it should have a wide upper entrance.

The basis of the filter is a barrel with a wide mouth

Then, sand is poured into a barrel installed near the pool under a stream of running water. It should not be too small, quartz is ideal.

The filter with three layers of cleaning material is considered optimal, which can also be used as activated carbon or graphite.

You also need to stock up: squeegees with gaskets, clamps, hoses, a container with a coarse water filter, a pressure gauge, a fine mesh water intake, and a pump.

  1. Mounting sleds requires the manufacture of two holes in the barrel of the appropriate diameter. You should not buy a special tool, you can get by with an ordinary 80-watt soldering iron. Each run should be additionally isolated with a sealant.
  2. Gauge installation. This element is necessary to determine the pressure: if it has increased by 30% or more, then it is necessary to clean the sand by backwashing.
  3. Hose fixing done with hot glue. On the inside of the barrel, on the side from which the injection will be carried out, you need to install a grid, thanks to which water will evenly flow onto the surface of the sand.
  4. For washing sand it is necessary to swap the hoses, since the water from the pump must be supplied to the “outlet” of the filter, and the dirt must be removed through the “inlet”.

Filling of quartz sand

Installed filter, ready to go

A slight disadvantage of such a system is the need for its daily cleansing. To do this, the pump must be turned off and put into flushing mode for 5 minutes. The sand must be compacted, and then the filter must be switched back to filtration mode.

Summing up

The purchase or construction of a private pool depends only on your individual wishes and possibilities. Water, as it turned out, contains many substances that cause rapid pollution of an artificial reservoir.

But, for the modern world, this is not a big problem, because the development of technology and human ingenuity have led to the creation of various water filtration systems in the pool, which can be purchased at a store or even made by hand.

Enjoy your holiday in a clean and beautiful pond with water that is healthy for the body!

How to make a sand filter for the pool with your own hands: video and photo

Functions of filters for the pool. What are the types of filters and how do they work? Step-by-step instructions for making a sand filter for a country pool.

How to make a pool filter with your own hands: the basic principles of water chlorination

How wonderful it is to swim in the hot summer in your own pool in the countryside. But as you know, sooner or later water begins to become polluted and bloom, so you need to start thinking about cleaning it in advance. Today, there are a large number of devices and filters for purifying water in the pool, which help to effectively get rid of bottom sediment, silt and other contaminants. How to purify water in a country pool with your own hands, and what are the ways to filter it at the present time.

Types of filters for outdoor pools, their types and purpose: advantages and disadvantages

Cleaning of suburban pools is carried out using various filters that purify water in different ways. The principle of their work is that they, passing a large volume of water through their protective barriers, purify it from various types of natural and mechanical types of pollution.

There are several types of classifications of water filtration devices in pools, but we will consider those based on design features and types of materials from which they are made.

sand pumping

Today, they are one of the most famous water treatment devices found in many pools. But they are not the most effective among all existing ones. Such a filter consists of a plastic or metal tank with sand, through which a large amount of water passes over a certain time and is cleaned. In these devices, special quartz or glass sand is used as a cleaning material, selected in such a way that it can retain even the most microscopic particles no more than 20-25 microns.

Particles of 35 microns cannot be seen without a microscope.

Thanks to this technology of sand filters, they allow you to maintain the water in outdoor pools in a relative degree of purity.

Since the water that passes through the sand gradually pollutes it, it is necessary to clean it periodically (at least once a week). To do this, experts offer a "reverse cleaning method", which consists in the fact that the water passes in reverse order through the filter, due to which the sand is washed and cleaned itself.

Sand filters are usually installed in small pools where the water changes very frequently.

Cartridge disposable

Cartridge filters are containers with a certain number of disposable cartridges, inside of which there is a special cleaning agent or material. Typically, these filters are equipped with 3 - 4 polypropylene or polyester cartridges and allow you to more thoroughly purify the water in the outdoor pool. Due to the special design of the cartridges, they are able to capture even the most microscopic particles of 5-10 microns. Such filters are much more expensive than sand filters. Also cartridges are designed to be used only once and then they are simply thrown away. But there are also modern expensive cartridge filters that can be washed by reverse cleaning, like sand filters.

Diatoms (earth)

Such filters for reservoirs are one of the most expensive, but meanwhile the most effective. Inside such a device is a crushed powder, which is made from natural plankton (diatom shells). It is one of the most effective and best means, as it can retain the smallest particles of 3-5 microns.

Such a filter is cleaned in the same way as a sand filter by the “reverse cleaning method” or a chemical substance that is produced to dissolve organic trace elements in bulk materials. Such filters often have to be changed even despite their purification (up to 4 pieces per year), which is very expensive. Also, the earth cleaning mixture of the cartridges is very toxic, so it will require the involvement of specialists to replace them.

Types of underwater vacuum cleaners for cleaning pools

Even when using ultra-modern filtering devices with pumps, they are able to clean only water, and not the entire surface of the reservoir and its bottom. Therefore, for more efficient cleaning of the pool, experts also suggest using various types of special underwater vacuum cleaners: manual or automatic. Such vacuum cleaners differ in the method of control, design, operation and price.

  • Handheld vacuum cleaners are the cheapest cleaning devices today. Their design includes a handle bar with a long corrugated hose and a brush. The entire electrical part of the device is located at the top of the reservoir and is not intended to be immersed in water. They work in combination with various filters. The vacuum cleaner, drawing in a large volume of dirty water, delivers it to the cleaning element, and then sends it back to the pool.

Choosing a material to create your own filter: tips

If you wish, you can independently make a filter for a small country pool from simple materials and improvised means. We will make the simplest sand filter with a pump that will help to effectively purify water in a small inflatable or plastic country pool.

For the filter medium, we need quartz or glass sand. The structure of the sand should be loose, slightly whitish in color with polished edges, so that the grains of sand do not stick together and allow for high-quality water filtration.

Particle diameter from 0.04 to 1.8 mm. According to the norms, the presence of clay particles up to 0.12 mm can be allowed in the sand. We recommend taking quartz sand (if possible), as it is quite resistant to alkaline substances and all types of active acids, except for hydrofluoric.

Before using sand, it must undergo certain processing:

  • It is necessary to remove from it all particles that do not correspond to the desired size. To do this, you can use a sieve with cells of the desired diameter. For a small filter, you need to remove all grains of sand from 1 to 1.5 mm.
  • Then it must be thoroughly rinsed with water until it becomes completely transparent.
  • After that, it is necessary to boil the sand for about 60 minutes. This will be enough to kill all bacteria. You can boil sand in a large container (for example, in a 20 or 40 liter can) on the site just on a fire. You can also use chemical disinfectants, but then you have to rinse the sand well for several hours and do the subsequent water analysis yourself.

It is necessary to pour sand into the filter under a large pressure of water. It is also recommended to add some activated carbon to the sand or use graphite.

Drawing and scheme of work

To assemble the filter with your own hands, you need to make your own drawing with the correct calculations or use ready-made diagrams presented on the Internet. We offer two do-it-yourself sand filter assembly drawings from improvised materials.

Principle of operation


For a simple sand filter design, we need:

  • Container with a wide "throat" (plastic or milk can);
  • Quartz or glass special sand;
  • Rotary valve pump with switching modes;
  • Thick corrugated hoses;
  • Shackles with rubber or plastic gaskets;
  • Metal or plastic clamps;
  • Coarse filter;
  • Fixing pressure gauge;
  • Water intake with the smallest mesh.

The power of the pump must match the volume of the pool. The water in it must pass through the filter at least 3 times in 24 hours. So, for example, for a reservoir of 8 cubic meters. (24 cubic meters per day) you will need a pump with a capacity of 40 l / min. Also, the device must have an additional power reserve.

Do-it-yourself sand filter manufacturing and assembly steps

  1. In a barrel (metal or plastic), we need to make two holes with a diameter that will correspond to the drives. If the barrel is metal, then the holes can be made with a special tool or an 80 watt soldering iron. We coat the inserted sleds with insulating sealant. Since a collection of purified water will be located at the bottom, the spacing of the surges is not important. From the container with the filter, water will go up through the installed hose, and through the second run it will pour back into the pool.

The nuances of operating a sand filter

After we have assembled a reliable filter, it is necessary to install it correctly and start operating it.

  • The most important thing is to ensure good water circulation in the pool. If there are a large number of “dead zones” in the reservoir, then a large amount of dirt and microorganisms will accumulate there. Then all filter work will be simply inefficient.
  • The filter should take water to a greater extent from the very top of the water in the pool, since it is on it that a lot of dirt, microorganisms and large debris accumulate. We can place the drainage system anywhere in the reservoir and at any depth.
  • A person must have free access to the cleaning filter, not blocked by other devices, otherwise we will not be able to timely replace the sand.

How to chlorinate pool water yourself: basic principles and features

Water chlorination is the most well-known and frequently used method of water disinfection in large reservoirs. Chlorine almost instantly destroys almost all pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi, and in addition retains all the properties of pure water for a long time, so the chlorination process is rarely performed. It is carried out manually or automatically.

Water is purified by chlorine itself or its chemical compounds. In today's market, you can find chloride substances in various substances: in the form of a powder, large tablets, granules or liquid. Since chlorine is an aggressive chemical agent, it must be used in the exact dosage indicated by the manufacturer, since in case of an exaggeration of the dose, water dechlorination will have to be carried out.

The chlorination process consists of several stages:

  1. The first is shock chlorination. To do this, you can take chlorine tablets. We add the drug to the pool at the rate of 1 tablet (20 grams) per 1 cubic meter of water. In order for the chemical reaction of chlorine and water to complete, it is necessary to wait about 10 hours. That is why shock chlorination is best done in the evening, so that by morning, the water is already normal.

It is also necessary to take into account during chlorination that the solubility of chlorine in water decreases with an increase in its temperature. So, for example, at a temperature of 0 ° C, 14.8 g of chlorine will dissolve in 1 liter of water, at 20 ° C, 9.6 g of chlorine will dissolve in 1 liter, and at 25 ° C - 6.5 g. Thus, the higher pool water temperature, the less chlorine will be needed for disinfection.

Water purification in an outdoor plastic or inflatable pool is the main guarantee of a great pastime on hot summer days. In clean warm water, various pathogenic bacteria and harmful microorganisms that can cause the development of serious diseases will not accumulate. That is why it is necessary to take a responsible approach to this issue and choose the most effective and acceptable method of water purification for your reservoir. And you can easily make a simple sand-based filter with your own hands.

How to clean the water in the pool with your own hands - filters, chlorination and other options with photos and videos

How to clean the water in the pool yourself. Selection of filters, handmade. Water chlorination.

Do-it-yourself sand filter for the pool: device, diagram, photo. How to make a filter for the pool with your own hands?

Modern pools are usually equipped with a closed water supply system, which significantly reduces its consumption and affects the cost of operation. They try to implement the same principle in the independent manufacture of the structure, but it is very important to properly organize the cleaning of the liquid. Therefore, the question of how to make a pool filter with your own hands is very relevant.


Modern pools have two types of filters. The first of them is designed to purify the water that is supplied to the tank. At the same time, it can work like a return feed system, and a pump is used for its operation.

However, most often a do-it-yourself pool filter is created in order to clean the surface of the liquid. This allows you to remove debris that accidentally fell into the tank, or to remove the products of water bloom.


There are several varieties of such products, which differ from each other in reliability and cost. At the same time, they use different materials to hold small particles. Therefore, when creating a filter for the pool with your own hands, you should study all the varieties.

earth construction

This type of device is considered one of the most reliable and high-quality. However, it is he who is also the most expensive, since the cleaning filler is made from plankton of different fractions and some types of algae.

Given the complexity of the design of such products and the need for special components, it is almost impossible to make such a filter for the pool with your own hands. Therefore, it does not make sense to consider it separately.

Cartridge system

It is believed that this type of product is the most optimal in terms of quality and cost. At the same time, replaceable cartridges can have different fillers and structure. Therefore, you can always choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Very often, when creating a filter for a pool with their own hands, they use the body of such systems. However, this greatly increases the cost of the final product.

sand filter

This system is one of the cheapest and most affordable. Most often, it is sold together with the pool itself, assuming that the user himself will fill it. However, some products do not have such additions, and you have to create them yourself.

It should be noted right away that making a sand filter for a pool with your own hands is quite simple. However, a number of factors must be taken into account, ranging from the intended level of filling to the organization of access for replacing the filler.


Currently, you can buy a lot of different products of this kind, which have a relatively low cost. At the same time, the range of designs is so large that it is possible to choose the most suitable system for a specific tank model. Therefore, when making a sand filter for the pool with your own hands, you need to understand that it is sometimes much easier and more economical to purchase ready-made products.

However, if all the necessary components are available, and you do not need to buy parts, it is worth getting to work on your own. The same solution suggests itself if the design of the pool itself is unique and requires a separate approach.

In order to make a homemade pool filter with your own hands, you will need:

  • capacity of 40-50 liters with a wide neck and a lid;
  • 150 W pump-pump;
  • as a filler, you can use quartz sand or graphite with coal;
  • polypropylene pipes and hose;
  • clamps and fittings;
  • a coarse filter may also be required, which will create additional protection for the pump;
  • float system that maintains the end of the hose at a certain level below the surface of the water;
  • water intake segment with a metal fine mesh.

Filler selection

Usually instructions describing how to make a pool filter with your own hands recommend using medium-sized quartz sand. It does an excellent job and can hold particles as small as 20 microns. Some masters at the same time prefer to use broken glass of fine fraction, but this is unsafe when making the structure on their own.

It is believed that it is best to do a combined filling of the filter. First, a layer of sand is laid, then graphite or coal is placed on top of it, which is again covered with sand. However, maintaining such a product will be very inconvenient.

Experts advise using a special filler, which can be purchased at the appropriate store. Its cost is relatively low, and maintenance will not cause difficulties. With this in mind, a do-it-yourself sand filter device for the pool is created, taking into account the volume of the substance and its composition.


  • The container must be installed close to the structure. Therefore, if you are making a filter for an inflatable pool with your own hands, it is advisable to use a barrel with handles or create them yourself.
  • Next, we attach a water intake to the hose or pipe, which is immersed to the bottom of the tank. In this case, the second end is attached to the pump. A coarse filter should be installed between the filter and the pump.
  • The next step is to fill the barrel with sand. It must be distributed evenly, trying to keep the water intake in the center. It is worth noting that the container is filled with sand by about two-thirds.
  • Next, a hose or pipe is connected to the barrel, through which water will flow from the pool. The second end is made in such a way that, being located inside the structure, it allows collecting liquid from the surface with a certain filling.
  • Another hose is attached to the pump, through which water will return back to the pool.


If you create a do-it-yourself filter scheme for a pool, then all the difficulties associated with the work are how to place the water intake hose. It is usually recommended to use a float in this case, which would allow the capture of liquid from the surface. It also creates a large pocket to make collecting water easier.

The second hose, through which the liquid flows back, can be lowered into the pool. Then just turn on the pump and the process will start. However, for maximum efficiency, it is recommended to place both hoses as far apart as possible.


Such a filter needs periodic cleaning. It is carried out once a week so that the garbage does not have time to penetrate too deep. Therefore, it is very important to have a wide neck at the container.

To perform this process, you need to supply water in the opposite direction. So the debris from the depths of the system will rise to the outside, and it can be easily removed. However, it must be remembered that this method leads to a large flow of liquid, which is not very economical.

  • It is best to use hoses for the job, as they are flexible and more practical. However, when placed inside the filter itself, it is worth using a piece of polypropylene pipe. Then problems with pressure drops and bends will be eliminated.
  • First, it is worth creating a small drawing, according to which a filter for the pool will be made with your own hands. A photo of the finished product cannot display all the subtleties of such designs and cannot serve as a guide to action.
  • The metal mesh in the coarse filter can be additionally wrapped with rags. This will almost completely eliminate the ingress of small particles into the pump. However, this will require more frequent preventive maintenance.
  • Some craftsmen prefer to install not a mesh intake, but a structure in the form of branched branches. It is more efficient and productive, although difficult to manufacture.
  • It is worth purchasing special substances that can be added directly to the sand to improve the properties of water and disinfect it. However, you need to carefully read the instructions for use and choose the appropriate brand of the drug.
  • Before using sand as a filler, it should be boiled for several minutes in water. This will eliminate the risk of contamination of the pool with various bacteria that could get on the material earlier.
  • A float system is much more practical than a mounted water intake unit, since it always allows you to do its job, even when the volume of liquid changes.

Given the ease of manufacture of such structures, it may immediately seem that making the filter yourself is the best option. However, if it is possible to purchase a finished product, you can immediately understand that the difference between the costs will be almost imperceptible. It should also be taken into account that it is sand systems that lead to high water consumption and are less efficient.

Do-it-yourself sand filter for the pool: device, diagram, photo

Modern pools are usually equipped with a closed water supply system, which significantly reduces its consumption and affects the cost of operation. They try to implement the same principle in the independent manufacture of the structure, but it is very important to properly organize the cleaning of the liquid.

Baths, saunas and pools

It is difficult to imagine a modern country house without a pool. But hardly anyone wants to swim in dirty water. Therefore, for each pool, the main thing is the presence of a good filter. The easiest way to become the owner of a quality pool filter is to purchase it in the store. Modern industry offers consumers the widest range of such products. Finding the right filter is easy. Or you can go the other way and build a filter with your own hands.

The fight for clean water. Main types of filters

The main problem of all open reservoirs, including pools, is surface pollution. Dirt, foliage, grass, bird droppings, all kinds of small debris get on the surface of the water. To combat such problems, the pool is equipped with a waste collection overflow. The use of a conventional net for collecting debris from the surface also brings considerable benefits. However, it is not possible to cope with the problem 100%. A significant part of the pollutants dissolves in water and settles to the bottom.

In addition, the water itself is a habitat for many microorganisms and algae. Under the influence of light and heat, algae bloom and actively multiply. Dying, they sink to the bottom, increasing the already fair amount of bottom sediments.

For each type of pollution, there are separate cleaning methods:

  • The surface of the water is cleaned with a net or with the help of a garbage collection overflow.
  • Dirt is removed from the bottom of the pool using a special device - a water vacuum cleaner.
  • To purify the rest of the water, it is necessary to completely filter it. In one part of the artificial reservoir, it is necessary to arrange a water intake. The pump is used to pump out water. It is cleaned by passing through the filter elements. Purified water is returned back.
  • Modern industry offers the consumer three main types of water filters based on the principle of their operation:

Mechanical. In filters of this type, water is purified by passing it through a layer of filter medium. It can be sand, fossil plankton particles, polypropylene and many others. This type of filtration purifies water from debris, microorganisms. Mechanical filters are the cheapest. And they don't take up much space either. However, they are only suitable for small private pools.

Depending on the filter medium, mechanical filters are divided into:

Chemical. Such filters contain installations that provide one or more functions for water disinfection. As a result, all bacteria and microorganisms are destroyed. Unfortunately, all of the above procedures have a far from beneficial effect on human skin. So, the time spent in chlorinated water is strictly limited. Taking a shower afterwards is a must. The more expensive the filter model, the more gentle the method of chemical water treatment it uses.

Chemical filters are very bulky.

Combined. Combination of chemical filter and pump with mechanical filter. Ideal type filter. However, very expensive. Almost never used in private pools.

Ground filter for swimming pool

The most high-quality and reliable mechanical filter is diatomaceous earth. It consists of several cartridges filled with a special mixture.

  • The composition of the mixture is millions of ultrafine particles of fossil plankton. As a result, earth filters retain particles of debris about 3 microns in size. Earth filters are cleaned using a reverse flow of water.
  • Along with the advantages, the main of which is the highest quality of water purification, this type of filter also has a number of disadvantages:
  • High price. Earth filters are much more expensive than sand and cartridge filters.

Service inconvenience. Maintenance of the earthen filter is carried out as follows:

  • Open the filter.
  • Remove the grids.
  • Clean the filter from the earth mixture that has exhausted its resource.
  • Nothing complicated. The main thing is to properly dispose of the mixture unsuitable for further use. The fact is that it is a very dangerous waste.
  • It is because of the dangerous properties of the earth mixture that consumers resort to the services of specialists when cleaning diatomaceous filters.

Cartridge pool filter

This type of filter is a container containing several cylindrical cartridges.

Cartridges are filled with a special material capable of retaining the smallest particles of debris. The filter will retain even particles as small as 5 microns.

The main advantage of the cartridge filter is ease of maintenance. Dirty cartridges can be easily removed. They can be cleaned with a special solution or simply rinsed with water. Worn-out cartridges must be replaced.

And the cost of a cartridge filter is pleasantly different from the cost of an earth filter.

Sand filter for swimming pool

This is the cheapest type of filter for the pool today. And it is the low cost, and, consequently, the availability to a wide range of consumers, that has made the sand filter very popular. Unfortunately, low cost is almost the only advantage of the sand filter.

The sand filter device is not difficult. This is a large tank filled with sand. Thanks to the pump, water is pumped through the tank, filtered through the sand and returned to the pool. Dirt and other impurities settle in the sand. The sand filter is able to retain particles that are about 20 microns in size. Of course, this indicator is not as effective as that of an earthen filter. However, for a private pool of small size, this quality of cleaning is quite enough.

The maintenance of the sand filter is not very convenient either. Sand cleaning is carried out due to the reverse flow of water. This leads to significant consumption. For a pool with limited water flow, this may not be acceptable.

A variety of sand filters are multi-layer filters. These are sand and gravel filters. Filters that use gravel, sand and carbon anthracite. Filters that use several types of sand of different sizes. Such combinations allow to achieve the best quality of cleaning.

When choosing a sand filter, pay special attention to:

  • Type of sand used:
  • Quartz sand. Serves about 3 years.
  • glass sand. More expensive than quartz, but better quality. Perfectly cleans water and lasts twice as long.

Filter power. There are filters:

  • Industrial sand filters. Their capacity is more than 10 m3 per hour.
  • Medium power. Up to 10 m3 per hour.
  • Low power. Up to 3 m3 per hour.

For a small pool in a private house, a low-power filter is quite suitable.

Is there a six position tap. A very important element. Thanks to him, it became possible to wash the sand without replacement.

Intex is rightfully the leader in the production of filtration equipment. The quality of the goods of this manufacturer has not been satisfactory for more than a year. And the widest range of products will allow you to choose the perfect filtration equipment for any pool.

So for water purification in inflatable pools, the company has released a number of special sand filters. The choice of filter model is carried out depending on the diameter of the pool and its volume. For example, for a pool with a volume of more than 18,000 liters and a diameter of more than 488 cm, the Intex 28648 sand filter pump is perfect. Excellent equipment that requires a minimum of maintenance time. Sand is replaced every three years. Productivity - 6000 liters per hour. Relatively low price.

Installing a pool filter

It is not enough to purchase a quality pool filter. An important role is played by its correct installation. Whatever type of filter is chosen: submersible, mounted or some other, the main criterion for its correct installation is the quality of water purification.

When installing the filter, special attention must be paid to water circulation. It is unacceptable to have a "dead zone" in which water will not be taken. In such places, water does not just stagnate and deteriorate. It will also contaminate clean water around. Thus, all cleaning work will only be a waste of time, energy and filter life.

Water intake for filtration should be from the surface. It is on the surface of the water that most of the debris and microorganisms accumulate.

But the requirements for draining water into the pool are not so categorical. Purified water can be let into the pool anywhere.

Access to the filter must be absolutely free. Never allow it to be blocked by other systems.

DIY floating filter

You can make an elementary floating filter with your own hands. Of course, its efficiency cannot be compared with filters produced by the industry. But the cost of its device is minimal:

  • Purchase replacement cleaning cartridges. Choose with a diameter of about 50 mm.
  • Purchase polypropylene pipes of the same diameter as the cartridges. Its length is about 2 m.
  • Do not forget to get a piece of threaded stud and an angular turn of the appropriate diameter.
  • Gather together all of the above items.
  • Insert a pin into the turn and plug. Pre-drill holes for it. For external fixation, use a nut.
  • Attach an ordinary aquarium pump to the second side of the structure. When choosing the power of the pump, pay attention to the volume of the pool. A pool of 300 m3 is perfect for a 30 watt pump.

  • A piece of foam attached to the pipe will allow the structure to stay on the surface of the pool.
  • If desired, use not one, but several cartridges. Connect them in series, one after the other. This will greatly improve the quality of the filtration.
  • The principle of operation of this design is very simple. At a depth of about 0.5 m, water is sucked in. It passes through the pipe and enters the cartridge. Water after cleaning immediately goes back to the pool.
  • The homemade filter must be cleaned daily. Take out the cartridge. Rinse thoroughly under running water.

A homemade floating filter is the purity of the pool water with minimal effort and money.

DIY sand filter

You can make a sand filter with your own hands:

  • Take a medium sized container. A barrel or canister with a volume of about 60 liters is perfect. Mandatory is the presence of a wide upper entrance.
  • Install it near the pool bowl.
  • Fill the prepared container with sand. Fine sand is not suitable for use in the filter. He is able to clog the entire filtration system. Prepare coarse sand to fill the container. Quartz is best.
  • Close container very tightly.
  • Connect to it a pump equipped with a special mode valve.
  • Connect the second end of the pump with a hose to the sewer drain.
  • Like any industrial design, a do-it-yourself filter requires regular cleaning. Cleaning a homemade sand filter is very easy. It is necessary to perform the following manipulations:
  • Turn off the pump.
  • Turn on the pump in flush mode. The operating time in this mode is about 5 minutes. During flushing, all contaminants will merge into the sewer.
  • Tamp the cleaned sand.
  • Re-enable filtering mode.

Tip: in addition to sand, an additional layer of activated carbon or graphite can be added to a homemade filter. The result is a multilayer sand filter. It is not recommended to use more than three types of filler in the pool filter.

Do-it-yourself sand filter for the pool, Construction Portal

Baths, saunas and pools It is difficult to imagine a modern country house without a pool. But hardly anyone wants to swim in dirty water. Therefore, for each pool, the main thing is

Installing a pool is half the battle. Any body of water requires care so that it is pleasant and comfortable to swim in it. After some time, the water becomes polluted with small and large debris. Of course, the water can be drained. But, large volumes of water are difficult to drain regularly, otherwise you can turn the site into a swamp. A filter will help solve the problem.

Types of filtration plants

To purify water, you can use different methods:

  • waste collection overflow;
  • mechanical cleaning with a brush and net;
  • water vacuum cleaner.

However, such methods help to deal with large debris such as leaves or midges. The most difficult thing is to get rid of small contaminants. Such debris is difficult to see with the naked eye and will not be caught with a net, but over time a large amount of it can cause the water to become cloudy. Specially designed filters that capture the smallest debris and purify the liquid from any impurities.

Pool Water Filtration System

The purification process can take place in several ways. Chemical cleaning takes place through the use of disinfectant solutions that destroy bacteria and microorganisms. During mechanical cleaning, the liquid is passed through special membranes that capture debris. Combined devices combine these two methods and are the most effective, as they guarantee almost complete sterility of water. However, these devices are quite expensive. Therefore, the most popular method is mechanical, in particular.

Mechanical cleaning systems

Mechanical cleaning involves not only the use of sand, but also cartridges or earth.

The sand aggregate is the cheapest. They are mainly used for reservoirs of small or medium dimensions. For pool filters, sand, a mixture using carbon, anthracite or gravel are used. They are quite whimsical in care, they must be regularly cleaned under the pressure of water. They clean all particles over 20-25 microns, which helps to fight impurities, pollution, but does not save from algae and bacteria.

The cartridge filter for the pool has a higher efficiency, as it captures particles larger than 5-10 microns. The unit consists of removable cartridges with special membranes that must be washed with water or special cleaning solutions. Such devices are of average cost.

The most expensive and most effective diatomite filters. They capture particles from 3 microns, thus the liquid is freed from everything that can pollute it - algae, bacteria and microbes. Such devices allow you to almost completely abandon the use of chemistry. But, due to their high cleaning ability, they often become clogged and require regular replacement, they cannot be cleaned. It is almost impossible to replace them yourself, you need to call a specialist.

Diatomaceous earth filter Waterco Fulflo

Sand filter device for the pool: instructions for use

How does it work in practice? The sand rig consists of a durable plastic housing that contains quartz sand. It is equipped with a pump that drives liquid through the components. The device also has a pressure gauge that controls the pressure inside and prevents breakage.

Sand filters for swimming pools cannot be filled with plain sand, so you can simply break the device. If you need to replace the sand, quartz can be purchased at hardware stores. They use quartz 0.4 - 0.8 mm. The larger the volume of your reservoir, the larger the sand tank should be.

To understand whether the sand filter needs cleaning or replacement, you need to look at the pressure gauge. Since all the filtered debris remains in the body itself, over time the pressure will rise as more force is needed to push the water through. When the pressure approaches the red border, it will be necessary to clean the filter. How often sand installations will be polluted depends on the individual characteristics of the reservoir: frequency of use, water pollution, location of the reservoir.

Some units are equipped with a valve that periodically circulates the water in the opposite direction, thereby cleaning the system itself. In this way, the need for cleaning and sand replacement can be significantly reduced.

How the sand filter works

The disadvantage of such a system is that it takes quite a lot of water and time to clean it. Therefore, despite their affordability, such devices are not recommended to be installed in areas where there is no sufficient water supply.

Device care

To flush the sand filter, turn the valve to the back pressure position and turn on the pool pump. After the installation has been cleaned, the sand compaction mode is activated, a lot of pressure is created for a minute, after which the pump turns off and turns on automatically for normal operation. In order for the reservoir not to become cloudy, it is necessary that all the liquid passes through the filter at least 2-3 times a day.

When using a sand filter, the following rules must be observed:

  • never switch the valve when the filter is under pressure;
  • when switching the valve, make sure that it is firmly in its position in the grooves, otherwise the valve may break under pressure;
  • you can switch the mode only when the filter pump for the pool is turned off;
  • the pump needs air, so do not cover it with any objects;
  • it is recommended to install the pump no closer than 1 meter from the reservoir itself.

Varieties of sand filters

Despite their simplicity, sand cleaning systems come in many varieties. As a filtering agent, not only quartz, but also other mixtures, or quartz of different fractions can be used. Usually they are laid out in layers from large fractions to smaller ones. Thus, more efficient cleaning occurs.

Different fillers have different properties and service life. The simplest and cheapest option - quartz sand - will last you about 3 years. Glass filler will cost more, but it will only need to be replaced after 5-6 years.

Since sand installations can be used for both private and public water bodies, they come in different capacities. The simplest models clean 3 m3 per hour, more powerful ones are able to pass more than 10 m3 per hour.

Glass Sand for Pool Filter

Sand filter installation

How long and qualitatively the filter installation will serve directly depends on the correct installation. According to the type of installation, the devices are submersible, mounted and floating. If the filter is not installed correctly, it will not be able to fully work, and, accordingly, clean it.

If the pond is bizarre in shape or has turns, you may need more than one filter, but several. The device must be placed in a place where it can capture the maximum amount of water. Sometimes "dead zones" can form, that is, places where the liquid is not drawn in. Because of this, contaminated areas of the reservoir can be a source of infection for the entire reservoir.

The liquid trapping pipe should be placed closer to the surface, as this is where all the debris usually accumulates. Returns can be placed anywhere. Equipment should be located so that it is easily accessible for repair or cleaning.

Pool filter installation

How to connect the installation:

  1. Pump to the sand tank. The strong pressure pushes the liquid out of the sand tank and all impurities remain in the sand.
  2. Sand filter pump. In this case, the water is drawn out of the sand tank by a pump, the supply of a new portion of water is ensured by vacuum.
  3. Installing a pump after the sand filter, which is connected to the pool itself. The pump drives out already clean water, and the liquid enters the cleaning installation itself by gravity.

Most often, store systems involve the first connection system.

How to DIY

To save money, many decide on. Of course, such a device will not have the same filtration capacity as the manufacturer, but it's better than nothing.

To create a case, you need a plastic container: a barrel, canister or other convenient container of at least 60 liters. Coarse quartz sand should be poured into the body. Small is not suitable for independent use, as it can clog the entire system. To improve the cleaning properties, graphite or activated carbon can be laid out in layers. The case must be airtight, but at the same time you need to take care of a wide neck for entry.

You need to connect a pump to our home-made cleaning apparatus. Doing it yourself is unlikely to succeed without special skills. The pump must have a six position valve. It is necessary to clean such a home-made device in the same way as a production one. It is necessary to switch the valve to the opposite position, rinse the sand under a large set of water, tamp and switch back.

The problem of water purification is relevant to all owners of artificial reservoirs. There are many ways and methods, the use of which has a different degree of efficiency and labor costs. Pool cleaning can be mechanical (nets, filters, frequent water changes) or using special equipment for pools. The most budgetary and uncomplicated will be a do-it-yourself pool vacuum cleaner. It is quite easy to install and can be used even by an inexperienced user due to its safety and ease.

What is a Pool Vacuum Cleaner

This device is a conventional pump that recycles and purifies water at the same time. The pump contains several filters that purify the water. A hose is connected to the pump inlet, at the end of which there is a handle with a brush. This brush has holes for water intake with dirt.

Pool vacuum cleaner

The principle of operation of this device is the same as that of a conventional vacuum cleaner, with the difference that it sucks in water and not air.

The main types of vacuum cleaners for the pool

The use of chemicals (chlorine, ozone, ultraviolet, oxygen, etc.) requires special care, as it is fraught with negative consequences for the composition of the liquid, and in this way it is possible to get rid of not all types of contaminants. Distillation pumps are one of the expensive cleaning methods that can solve the problem of water pollution, but such equipment removes garbage poorly.

The most effective and easiest way was to use an underwater pool vacuum cleaner. According to the functional and design features, there are three types of such equipment:

For small (children's) and medium volumes (10-20 cubic meters), a handheld vacuum cleaner will become the most affordable and relevant in terms of efficiency. Of course, it is available for purchase in a store for several hundred (thousand) dollars, but its device is so primitive that even a slightly experienced master is able to build a device, which reduces the cost of caring for a swimming pool several times.

How to assemble a pool vacuum cleaner with your own hands

The principle of operation of the device is that a person brushes over the surface of the balia (along the surface of the water, walls, bottom, steps), and the automatic device absorbs all the dirt and plaque. Dirty water passes through the hose to the pump, where it is cleaned using filters. There can be one or more filters, and in heavily polluted artificial reservoirs, several filters are used for one cleaning. Seems costly? Then count the number of cubes of water that will have to be poured out every two weeks so as not to turn a place for bathing people into a paddling pool. Yes, and you can cope with a yellow-brown coating only by washing all surfaces with chemicals. After them, only a specialist can say whether the pool is safe for swimming children.

Therefore, the manufacture of a handmade device has become almost a cult for private traders. Special skill and technical skills are not required.

Choosing materials for the manufacture of a vacuum cleaner

First, we determine what our nozzle for the bottom vacuum cleaner will be made of. There are several brush options:

  • a brush for cleaning furniture from a conventional vacuum cleaner (narrow and therefore ineffective);
  • production from a polypropylene pipe.

The first option can be used if there is no link to the duration of the cleaning process. But the second one - speeds up cleaning at times, but will require some time for installation.

For self-production of the nozzle, you will need a piece of polypropylene pipe 25-30 cm, sawn into two parts and a slit of 4 mm. Then these parts are inserted into the p.p. tee for plumbing and soldered. The remaining opening serves as a place for a pipe connecting the hose to the brush pump.

An important issue is the safety of use. Therefore, plugs must be installed on the slots, leveling the possibility of surface damage. All sharp edges are processed with emery, a file.

For better efficiency, such a unit can also be improved with improvised materials by attaching it to self-tapping screws or gluing the gum of a car wiper, a narrow strip-brush. The glue is taken of high quality so that the structure does not fall apart upon contact with water.

The question of how to connect a pool vacuum cleaner with your own hands is solved by using a conventional plunger or a rubber sewer adapter, which are mounted to the water intake from a corrugated siphon hose. For convenience, a handle can also be made from a p.p. pipe.

How often should the pool be cleaned

In order for the cleaning process to be effective and not laborious, experts recommend that it be carried out at least once a week, starting from the walls, then moving to the water surface and to the waterline and bottom. Those pools that are covered at night are less polluted. And after each drain of water, it will not be superfluous to walk with a stiff brush over the surfaces using non-aggressive detergents.

A vacuum cleaner for cleaning the pool with your own hands is a guarantee of the health of all family members, a pleasant pastime and the aesthetics of the reservoir.