Drought tolerant garden plants examples. Characteristics of the main ecological groups of plants. Video "Sun-loving hosts"

Drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed are the best option for growing in a sunny area in the southern regions. Such heat-resistant and dry-resistant ornamental foliage and flowering plants are perfect for arid places in areas characterized by high temperatures and insufficient rainfall.

Drought-resistant plants: general characteristics and care features

Any garden and indoor plants, as well as ornamental perennials and bushes that can live in conditions characterized by a pronounced lack of water and are very resistant to drought are xerophytes. The most famous subgroups of such plants are represented by:

  • plants avoiding soil aridity or ephemera. They have the shortest growing season, which coincides with the period of active natural precipitation;

  • plants that actively store moisture or false xerophytes. The names of representatives of this subgroup are known as succulents, which have thick and fleshy stems or leaves;

  • plants, with a very well developed adaptability to extracting moisture with the help of a highly branched root system;

  • plants that grow in dry areas and tolerate a lack of moisture in a state of suspended animation. Such sclerophytes are characterized by a relatively low water content.

Plants for sandy soils (video)

The natural area in which xerophytes grow under natural conditions can be different. It can be perennial crops, trees and all kinds of shrubs, as well as cereals and various annuals. To choose which drought-resistant plants are most suitable for decorating a garden, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics and cultivation features.

Beautiful drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed in a sunny area

Produces relatively large white flowers. Perennial belongs to the category of aggressive plants, therefore, it is required to strictly observe agricultural technology, which will prevent excessive spread over the site

It forms peculiar rosettes, assembled from relatively short and thick leaves of rich green or dark purple color. In July, a stem with a large flower is formed.


The culture is characterized by a rich choice of variety forms and coloration. After flowering, it needs pruning of the stems, which will allow you to get abundant and lush, long flowering.


Differs in an abundance of variety forms. The aerial part is compact, and flowering is plentiful, from mid-summer to the onset of a strong autumn cooling.


One of the most popular and widespread cereals in home gardening with attractive paniculate inflorescences and hard lanceolate leaves

Drought tolerant trees and shrubs

Such cultures successfully combine unpretentiousness in care, undemanding to growing conditions and pronounced external attractiveness.




A slow growing shrub with attractive leaves and purple, white or pink colored flowers. Decorates the garden space throughout the season, until the onset of cold weather. Easily takes root on many types of soil and does not require much attention

In single and group plantings, creating hedges and near water bodies


An evergreen attractive spiny shrub with flowers and red edible berries. Bushes are used to create thorny thickets and live fences. The height and width of the variety can be one and a half to two meters. Perfectly tolerates formative pruning and retains high decorativeness until the onset of winter. The most popular in the backyard landscape are silver, dwarf and golden barberries.

Spectacular solitary plant, as a background for undersized crops

An evergreen shrubby drought-resistant plant that retains its attractiveness almost all year round. They do best in regions with dry and hot climatic conditions, but can also withstand short frosts with relative ease.

Spectacular tapeworm when filling lawns and decorating recreation areas

A drought-resistant shrub variety widely used for creating hedges, as well as dividing garden space into separate zones. Optimally suited for growing in soil and climatic conditions of the middle lane. The culture is represented by several dozen species and varieties

dwarf euonymus

A stunningly beautiful shrub often referred to as the flaming bush due to the unusual coloring of the foliage. Can be used to create low borders. Prefers sufficiently fertile soils and is characterized by frost resistance sufficient for cultivation in many areas.

Solitary and group plantings, creation and design of hedges, rockeries and retaining walls


Favorably differs in absolute undemanding to leaving and unusually beautiful appearance. It has evergreen flexible branches with tiny needles and scaly needles that spread a pleasant, characteristic aroma.

Great for decorating parks and recreation areas

An original shrubby variety that forms straight, unbranched trunks strewn with large thorns. The foliage is very large, twice or thrice pinnate. The flowers are small, whitish-cream in color, collected in a complex-paniculate type of inflorescence.

In single and group plantings, when creating impenetrable highly decorative hedges


Deciduous or with berry-like fruits. It has not only drought resistance, but also frost resistance, unpretentiousness to different types of soil, long-term preservation of decorative attractiveness

As a tapeworm, in group and border plantings, when creating hedges


Deciduous shrub or small tree. It has stipules modified into styloid appendages or spines. Flowers of a typical moth type. The formation of pod fruits is characteristic. Frost-resistant, very photophilous and undemanding to the type of soil

Standard forms as tapeworm, when creating hedges


A deciduous shrub that produces spectacular large white or pink fruits that remain on the plant throughout the winter. Fast-growing culture unpretentious, photophilous, perfectly adapted for shearing and shaping

Tapeworms, in group plantings, in the design of hedges and borders

Drought-resistant perennials and annuals: options for use in garden design

Ornamental cereals, flowering and drought-resistant shrub crops are great for decorating a garden space. Such unpretentious plants are able to grow well on any type of soil.

Cereals look very beautiful and original not only in single plantings, but can be a worthy addition to yarrow, catnip, goldenrod or rose bushes. Trees and shrubs serve as an excellent background, used in the design of group and single plantings. and perennials are great for flower beds, flower beds, lawn and border decoration.

What drought-resistant flowers to decorate a flower garden (video)

Any drought-resistant varieties are ideal for decorating garden space and various types of flower beds. Such crops take root perfectly on almost any type of soil and are able to serve as a worthy decoration for the landscape of a backyard or garden plot.

Deserts are such natural areas that are characterized by high temperatures, lack of humidity, almost complete absence of precipitation and a strong drop in temperature at night. Deserts are not associated with fertile soils where fruits and vegetables, trees and flowers grow. At the same time, the flora of these natural areas is unique and diverse. It will be discussed in this article.


Botanists still do not have reliable information about how desert plants have changed. According to one version, some adaptive functions were acquired by them millions of years ago due to environmental changes. Therefore, representatives of the flora were forced to adapt to adverse conditions. So, during the rain, the processes of growth and flowering are activated. So, what are the characteristics of desert plants?

  • The root system is very deep, it is highly developed. The roots penetrate the soil to a great depth in search of groundwater. By absorbing them, they transfer moisture to the upper parts of the plants. Those representatives of the flora that have this feature are called phreatophytes.
  • The roots of some plants, on the contrary, grow horizontally to the surface of the earth. This allows them to absorb as much water as possible during periods of rain. Those species that combine both of the above features are best adapted to life in desert regions.
  • For representatives of the flora growing in deserts, it is very important to accumulate a large amount of water. Absolutely all parts of plants, especially stems, help them in this. These organs not only perform a storage function, but are also the site of photosynthesis reactions. Simply put, stems can replace leaves. To keep moisture longer in the body of the plant, the stems are covered with a thick layer of wax. It also protects them from the heat and the scorching sun.
  • The leaves of desert cultures are small, they contain wax. They also store water. Not all plants have leaves. In cacti, for example, they are represented by prickly thorns. This prevents the waste of moisture.

So, there are properties created by evolution that allow representatives of the flora to exist in the desert zone. What plants can be found there? Below is a description of the most popular of them.

Cleistocactus Strauss

This plant is often called woolen torch. It has to do with his appearance. Cleistocactus can grow up to 3 meters. Its stems grow vertically upwards, have a gray-green color. The ribs of the culture are dotted with medium-sized white areoles, located at a short distance from each other. It is about 5 mm. Thanks to this, the plant seems woolen, which is why it got its "folk" name.

Flowering occurs at the end of summer. At this time, dark red flowers are formed, which have a cylindrical shape. Cleistocactus can be grown at low temperatures that reach -10 ° C. The territory of Argentina and Bolivia is considered the birthplace of culture.


This desert plant, described in this article, is one of the rarest conifers in the world (discovered in 1994). It can only be found on the territory of such a mainland as Australia. Wollemia is considered one of the oldest plant species. Most likely, the history of the tree began at least 200 million years ago, and today it belongs to the relic.

The plant looks mysterious and unusual. So its trunk is shaped like an ascending chain. On each tree, female and male cones are formed. Wollemia perfectly adapts to adverse environmental conditions. It tolerates fairly low temperatures, dropping to -12 ° C.

desert iron tree

This plant can be found in North America, namely, in height it can reach 10 m. The diameter of the trunk, on average, is about 60 cm, but in some places it can expand or narrow. The plant can be either a bush or a tree. Its bark changes color over time. The young tree has a smooth, shiny gray bark, and later it becomes fibrous.

Despite the fact that this plant is considered an evergreen, at low (colder than 2 ° C) temperatures, it loses its foliage. With a long absence of precipitation, the leaves also fall off. The flowering period begins in late April - May and ends in June. At this time, pale pink, purple, purple-red or white flowers appear. The density of a desert tree is very high, it exceeds that of water, which is why the plant sinks. It is solid and heavy. Since the wood is strong and fibrous, it is used to make knife handles.

Euphorbia obese

Because of its unusual shape, it is often called the "baseball" plant. This representative of the flora is common in South Africa, namely in the Karoo desert.

Euphorbia has a small size. So, its diameter is about 6 - 15 cm and depends on age. The shape of this typical desert plant is spherical. However, it becomes cylindrical over time. In most cases, Euphorbia obese has 8 facets. They have tiny bumps on them. The flowers of this representative of the flora are commonly called cyathias. This plant can store water for a long period of time.


These desert plants are often referred to as "cholla". They can be found in the United States, namely in the southwestern regions and in the Sonoran Desert. This representative of the flora is a perennial. Its entire surface is covered with sharp silver needles. Their size is 2.5 cm. Due to the fact that the cylindric densely covers all free space, the plant can be confused with a small dwarf forest. A large amount of water accumulates in a thick trunk, which allows the culture not to suffer much from the hot desert climate. The flowering period begins in February and ends in May. At this time, greenish flowers form on the plant.


What other desert plants exist? These include This representative of the flora can reach truly gigantic sizes. So its height is about 15 m. This plant grows in the United States, in the state of Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert.

The flowering period of Carnegia is in the spring. An interesting fact is that the cactus flower is the national symbol of Arizona. Thanks to the presence of thick spikes, the culture saves precious water. Carnegia is a long-liver. Her age can reach 75 - 150 years.

african hydnora

One of the strangest desert plants common in Africa is due to its unusual and very extravagant appearance, not all botanists classify this organism as a representative of the flora. Hydnora has no leaves. The brown trunk can merge with the surrounding space. This plant becomes most noticeable during the flowering period. At this time, spherical flowers form on the stem. They are brown on the outside and orange on the inside. In order for insects to pollinate the plant, hydnora emits a pungent odor. Thus, she continues her race.


Known to many, it belongs to the genus Adansonia. Its homeland is the African continent. This tree is most often found in the southern region of the Sahara desert. Most of the local landscape is represented by the baobab. By the presence of this plant, you can determine whether there are nearby sources of fresh water in the desert. Adaptation of plants to adverse conditions can occur in different ways. So, the growth rate of the baobab directly depends on the availability and amount of groundwater or precipitation, so the trees choose the wettest places for their life.

This plant is long-lived. The maximum age ever reached by representatives of this species is 1500 years. Baobab is not only a guide through the desert, but it can also save lives. The fact is that not far from this tree you can find food and water. Some parts of the plant can be used as medicines or sheltered under a spreading crown from the heat. People from all over the world compose legends about this representative of the flora. It attracts many tourists. Previously, the names of scientists and travelers were carved on it, but now the tree trunks are defaced with graffiti and other drawings.


A desert plant may look like a shrub or a low tree. It can be found on the territory of such states as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and China. Often, several trees grow near each other at once. In this case, they form a kind of forest.

Saxaul is a desert plant that can reach a height of 5 - 8 m. The trunk of this representative of the flora is curved, but its surface is very smooth. The diameter varies within one meter. Massive, bright green crown looks very noticeable. The leaves are represented by small scales. With the participation of green shoots, the process of photosynthesis takes place. When strong gusts of wind act on the tree, the branches begin to flutter and cascade down. During flowering, pale pink or crimson flowers appear on them. In appearance, one might think that saxaul is a very fragile plant that is not able to withstand bad weather. However, this is not so, because it has a very powerful root system.

Then I realized how strong flowers are

They are like tenderness, like love, like children,

Stronger than evil, stronger than anything in the world,

Stronger than death and stronger than war.

Kirimize Zhane

Flowers are a decoration of the yard, but they require a thoughtful approach from the grower both to the arrangement of flower beds and flowerbeds, and to the combination of plants. In many cases, due to weather conditions, there is not enough moisture, and we, always busy and in a hurry, do not have the opportunity to water flower beds enough times. Not every plant is able to fully survive in such extreme conditions. But there is a way out, and this way out is drought-resistant plants.

Drought-resistant flowers, grasses and ornamental shrubs feel great even on soils with a minimum moisture content and are not at all happy with moisture-saturated soil. With an excess of moisture, drought-resistant plants can get sick or even die.

Of course, site drainage can come to the rescue here. This is a troublesome and costly business, but without it - in any way. The topic of drainage is a topic for a separate article.


The ease of care for annuals, their ability to bring new and new colors into the flower garden every year, the most amazing forms and their inexhaustible variety attract and will attract flower growers.

Among flowering annuals, plants such as:

    • Zinnia (Zinnia)- an annual flowering plant with a height of 30 to 90 cm. The leaves are located opposite each other, the stem and leaves are stiffly pubescent. It blooms in temperate latitudes from June to frost, the inflorescence is a basket, there are a wide variety of shades, the seeds have time to ripen, do not lose their germination for 2-4 years. Based on two types of zinnias - elegant and narrow-leaved, many varieties are currently bred for growing in flower beds.
    • Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia)- an annual or perennial flowering plant. Leaves oval below, lanceolate above. The flower is a basket with tubular and reed flowers. Tubular flowers form a brown tubercle, characteristic of this species. The flowers are similar to daisies, usually yellow or orange. Seeds are tetrahedral, small.
    • Cosmos- a tall flowering plant imported from South America. The leaves are doubly pinnate, giving the plant an openwork appearance. The flowers are large, on long bare stems, white or pale pink to purple. Seeds ripen very well, propagated by self-sowing.
    • decorative types sunflower (Helianthus annuus) – annual high, up to 2.5 m, plant. The leaves are heart-shaped, arranged alternately. The stem and leaves are rigidly pubescent, the flower is a basket with dark tubular flowers and yellow petaled flowers. Seeds wedge-shaped, smooth, slightly pubescent.
    • Decorative poppy (Papaver rhoeas) - annual with many varieties with a variety of colors. This light-loving plant is planted in separate group plantings on a lawn or flower bed, as well as in a group of different varieties.

decorative poppy

ground cover plants

These drought tolerant perennials are short, up to a maximum of 35 cm, and very attractive. Forming dense, growing curtains, they are perfect for alpine slides and rocky gardens. Tolerates bright sun very well. They are best suited for light, low-moisture soils. You can list sun-loving perennials for a long time:

      • Young (Sempervivum): cobweb, hybrid, roofing, offspring - they all form dense rosettes of purple or green. In summer, large flowers of pinkish, yellowish, red flowers look spectacular against this background.
      • stonecrops (Sedum)- an amazing variety of shapes and colors. The leaves are yellowish, green, purple. Flowers crimson, orange, yellow, pink. They bloom from June to August, form extensive thickets.
      • Carnation (Dianthus) Well, how could it be without her. Carnation grass and gray, with simple flowers or double flowers of stunningly beautiful colors - from white-pink to raspberry-red.
      • Arabis (Arabis)- low creeping plant with rooting stems. May be annual or perennial. The leaves are pubescent, the flowers are white, yellow or pink, double or not, in pedicel inflorescences. The fruit is a pod.


    • Rock Alyssum (Alyssum saxatile)- a plant of the steppe hills and mountains of Siberia. A small herbaceous shrub with woody shoots. The leaves are ovate, strongly pubescent, with a gray tint. The flowers are yellow, form a brush. It needs calcium rich soil.
    • Saxifrage (Saxifraga)- perennial plant with a well-developed root system. The flowers look like an asterisk, form inflorescences. The leaves are thick, with a glossy leathery sheen, exude lime along the edge of the leaf. Thickets of saxifrage form sod covers.
    • Phlox subulate (Phlox subulata)- a plant with lying shoots and prickly sharp leaves, forming evergreen turf coverings. It blooms very profusely, flowers of various shades. It grows well on stony soils, on hills and mountainous surfaces.
    • Felt sapling (Cerastium tomentosum)- herbaceous plant up to 30 cm tall, with white flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences. Leaves are silvery green and pubescent. Inhabits mountainous, hilly regions.
    • Mesembryanthemum (Mesembryanthemum)- one-year or two-year creeping or creeping succulent up to 15 cm high. Flowers resemble daisies, open at noon. On the stems, vitrified cells in the form of dew drops are visible from above.

Felt jar


You can continue the list of drought-resistant perennials. Unpretentious and hardy, they feel great in the sun, grow well between the stones of alpine slides and rockeries:

    • Wormwood (Artemisia)- a perennial herbaceous semi-shrub plant with a tart bitter aroma of shoots. Leaves are green to silvery grey, dissected. Flowers in racemose or paniculate inflorescences, the fruit is an achene.
    • Euphorbia (Euphorbia)- perennial herbaceous or shrubby plant. In addition to seeds, it propagates by root shoots. All representatives have milky juice on the cut, very poisonous. The flowers are solitary or collected in rosettes, the inflorescence is surrounded by a sort of goblet.
    • Yarrow (Achillea) -perennial plant with baskets with many flowers, it would be more correct to say "yarrow". Widely used in folk medicine, Stems up to 50 cm high. Yarrow extracts sulfur from the soil and distributes it around the area.
    • Lavender- has a wonderful aroma, its purple thickets beautifully decorate garden paths.
    • Daylily (Hemerocallis)- a plant with high arrows, at the ends of which flowers - has a great variety and is completely unpretentious.


drought tolerant herbs

Making a flower garden without herbs and cereals cannot be considered complete. From decorative drought-resistant grasses you can plant:

    • Byzantine Chistets (Stachys byzantina)- a bluish-green plant with fluffy leaves.
    • Elimus (Elymus)- another name - grate. An unpretentious herbaceous plant, usually propagated by shoots from a rhizome. The inflorescence forms a panicle resembling an ear of rye or wheat; it remains dried on the stem for a long time.
    • Gray fescue (Festuca glauca)- perennial plant up to half a meter tall. The rhizomes are creeping, the inflorescences form panicles with spikelets, the fruit is a caryopsis. The leaves are lanceolate and may be green to silver in color.
    • Double source (Phalaroides)- perennial grass up to 120 cm high with striped linear leaves. It blooms with spikelets collected in panicles. The leaves do not wilt even from severe frosts. Usually with the help of vegetative shoots from the rhizome it grows very strongly, it can become a difficult weed.

Byzantine chistets

These herbs will add charm to your flower garden, give it sophistication and attractiveness.

tall plants

First of all, among tall drought-resistant plants, I would like to note decorative bow, mallow. Each of these plants is beautiful in its own way. Double flowers of stock-rose captivate your heart with their richness of shades - from burgundy to snow-white. Mallow blooms all summer - from June to almost frost. And these plants grow up to two meters in height.

Not far behind them is the decorative Allium bow. Up to one hundred and seventy centimeters, its spherical inflorescences of pink and white shades rise.

Yellow is the color of the sun, and it is not for nothing that yellow flowers are a symbol of joy and happiness. They bring warmth to any corner of the garden ...

drought tolerant shrubs

It is often very difficult, when building a landscape, to do without ornamental shrubs. Shrubs - this is the note that makes the garden sound for real, gives completeness and visual completeness to the improvement of the territory, on which you put so much of your strength, your imagination, your desire for beauty.

Juniper Cossack (Juniperus sabina) out of competition. Does not need additional care, quite steadfastly withstands adverse conditions. Attractive, evergreen, we can say about this shrub that if there are charismatic plants, then this is about him. Juniper with its presence brings a special charm and beauty to the landscape.

Euonymus (Euonymus)- a beautiful, very bright, even somewhat picturesque shrub. It is difficult to look away from the euonymus, surrounded by properly selected low-growing plants. In the summer months, its openwork, dark green foliage attracts, but autumn comes, and such a riot of colors embraces the crown of the bush - you can’t take your eyes off it. Many species are quite drought tolerant. This applies to, and others.

A good example of unpretentiousness and drought tolerance is barberry (Berberis). Yellow and bright red leaves adorn the long, thorny branches. Barberry loves the sun and feels great under its rays. Details of caring for this shrub can be found here Euonymus

  • Carefully thought out which plants should grow nearby. In no case do not plant a drought-resistant plant next to a moisture-loving one. It will be very difficult to organize watering.
  • When planting plants, the correct distance should be established between them. For plants that like to grow too much, root limiters should be used - they should be planted in containers without a bottom, buried in the ground, there will be no horizontal spread of roots further than expected.
  • Watering such flower beds should be rare, but plentiful.

Not every plant is able to fully develop and grow without sufficient moisture. They can react to its lack in different ways: some slow down in growth, others lose leaf turgor, and others dry out completely. But what if in hot, dry weather there is no way to often water the flower garden? In this case, an excellent solution to the problem will be the selection of drought-resistant plants for decorating a flower garden, which, even with insufficient moisture, do not lose their attractiveness, delighting those around them with lush flowering and a wonderful aroma.

When designing flowerbeds from drought-resistant plants, you can adhere to standard planting patterns, in which the foreground is filled with undersized flowers, and tall handsome men are planted as a background in the background.

Decorative flower beds are able to act as a spectacular decoration of the site and serve as a source of aesthetic pleasure for their owners.

When creating a flower garden that will decorate the site for more than one year, a number of points must be taken into account:

  • Place of arrangement. Drought-resistant flowers feel comfortable on depleted soils. But they do not tolerate swampy soils, where there is no sufficient outflow of moisture. On flooded soils, they simply rot and die. Reliable soil drainage is a prerequisite for the arrangement of flower beds. When laying out flower beds, the illumination factor of the site is also important, because some drought-resistant flowers love sunny areas, while others love shady places.
  • Plant combination. When selecting compositions, it is important to take into account the conditions for growing a particular species. Plants with different moisture needs may not feel comfortable in close proximity. And with such a combination of plants, the grower may have difficulty with watering.
  • Creating conditions for growth. For the arrangement of reliable drainage, a sufficient amount of gravel and sand must be introduced into the soil. Watering is desirable to carry out only in the morning, thereby reducing the loss of moisture in the daytime.

It is necessary to plant plants at a sufficient distance from each other, leaving room for the free growth of their aerial parts.

Since most drought-resistant plants naturally grow on depleted soils and nutrient-deficient soils, it is best to limit the amount of organic fertilizer when preparing a flower garden.

The opinion that drought-resistant plants look inconspicuous against the background of their sun- and moisture-loving counterparts is erroneous. Among the drought-resistant plant species, you can find many bright and showy decorative flowers. Beautifully flowering drought-resistant perennials are unpretentious in nature and are able to grow even on depleted soils.

Many flower growers love drought-resistant plants, not only for their unpretentiousness and beauty. Around the beds with these plants there is always a pleasant aroma that attracts insects that pollinate the flowers.

But even among the variety of beautiful drought-resistant plants, clear favorites can be distinguished, which, even with insufficient care, can delight with lush, unique flowering throughout the season.

Using tall and short drought-resistant grasses in the design of compositions, you can even create real masterpieces of landscape art.

Plants that are unpretentious in care can feel comfortable both in sunny and slightly shaded areas. Periwinkle, wormwood, spurge, arabis, stonecrop and yarrow grow beautifully between stones. They are indispensable for the design of dry slopes, as well as for arranging and.

Among the ground cover and low-growing drought-resistant flowers, the most decorative are: styloid phlox, gaillardia, alissum, saxifrage

Lilac lavender bushes, planted along garden paths and exuding a magical aroma in the area, can literally transform the territory of the site

Irises, beloved by many flower growers, are also not particularly demanding in their care. Most of them bloom in the spring for 3-5 weeks, but some varieties bloom again with the onset of autumn.

Irises - amazing plants, numbering in tens of thousands of varieties, amaze the imagination with an exquisite flower shape and a variety of colors.

Echinacea is also great for decorating dry areas. A native of warm countries is interesting with bright inflorescences of pink, yellow, burgundy and purple hues.

In addition to decorative appeal, miniature "suns" can also have a healing effect: they help boost immunity, as well as cure colds and flu.

The original texture of the garden will help to give the Byzantine cleaner. The plant, popularly referred to as "lamb's ears" is interesting due to the silver foliage, which has a velvety texture.

Byzantine Chistets is a herbaceous perennial with a height of 30-40 cm. As it grows, it creates elegant soft “pillows” with a silvery sheen

Crocosmia - an unusually beautiful plant, numbering about 50 species, is of South African origin. The aroma of its flowers is somewhat reminiscent of saffron, widely used in cooking.

Crocosmia, decorated with spikelets with star-funnel-shaped flowers, is famous for its abundant and long flowering, which can last from mid-summer to late autumn.

This drought-resistant plant looks great in open flower beds.

Among the tall, drought-resistant beauties, one can distinguish mallow, miscanthus, and decorative onions. Reaching a height of two meters, they are able to create elegant screens that will act as a bright decoration of the site throughout the season until the first frost.

Graceful stems of stock roses can decorate about a dozen semi-double or double flowers of various shades, from snow-white, rich yellow to dark purple and burgundy.

These showy plants are perfect for a low maintenance garden. It is enough just to sow the seeds in the ground at a distance of 50 cm from each other on fertile and well-drained soil - and after a year or two you get the opportunity to enjoy the amazing flowering of mallow from June to late autumn.

Allium or decorative bow deserves special attention. Throwing out flower-bearing arrows 80-170 cm high in spring (depending on the variety), he dresses up in spherical inflorescences of stunning beauty.

Large balls of allium inflorescences, smoothly swaying on thin arrows, are strewn with star-shaped flowers of white, pink and light purple shades.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, due to the specific “onion” smell, allium is able to protect not only itself, but also its neighbors in the flower bed from harmful insects.

drought tolerant herbs

When designing a flower garden, a special place should be allocated to drought-resistant herbs. The most attractive among them are: gray fescue, dvukistnik and elimus.

Compact bushes of gray fescue, whose height does not exceed 20-25 cm, outwardly resemble a sea urchin with bluish needles

Such "hummocks" look spectacular against the background of reservoirs, in rocky gardens. Gray fescue grows best in sunny areas with a fertile, well-drained substrate.

Dvukistochnik - a rapidly growing ornamental grass that forms high "pillows" collected from white-green variegated grass

Attractive for its pointed bluish-gray leaves and ornamental grass elimus.

Since elimus grows quickly and behaves somewhat aggressively towards neighboring plants, it is better to plant it in a flower garden, limiting the roots with a container without a bottom.

Ornamental trees and shrubs

The beautiful barberry shrub is a clear favorite due to its unpretentiousness and drought tolerance. Its thorny stems, which grow up to 1 meter high, are decorated with elegant yellow, pink-brown and bright red leaves.

Among the variety of barberry varieties, Golden Ring with red small leaves in a yellow border and Rose Glow with pink-brown leaves with a fancy pattern in the form of white strokes and droplets are the most decorative.

Branched barberry shrubs love the sun, but can also grow in slightly shaded areas. Some varieties of barberry also delight with edible bright red fruits by autumn.

Euonymus - a bright and unusually beautiful shrub is attractive with a beautiful openwork crown and small elegant foliage.

The plant, whose foliage has a rich dark green color in the summer months, with the onset of September, is covered by an "autumn fire", turning into orange, purple and violet hues.

The pinkish fruits, strewn over the euonymus stems, open as they ripen, and bright red-orange seeds peep out of them. Amazing spectacle! But it is worth remembering that ripened fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.

The silver goof shrub is no less decorative. He feels most comfortable on very depleted soils, enriching and improving them with nitrogen.

The branches of the shrub, decorated with silvery foliage, are covered with miniature flowers during flowering, spreading a pleasant aroma, thanks to which they are widely used in the perfume industry.

In place of flowers, fruits are later tied, which by autumn grow into yellowish berries with astringent sweetish pulp.

Flexible branches of an evergreen shrub are decorated with tiny needles and scaly needles, spreading a pleasant resinous aroma around them.

An amazingly beautiful forest dweller, who can withstand adverse conditions, with his person is able to transform any place on the site. It will act as a spectacular addition to a rocky garden, a multi-level flower garden, a mixborder, and framing a garden path.

Drought-resistant plants - ideal for decorating a garden and flower garden. They take root well and serve as a worthy decoration of the site.

Everyone can have a beautiful and colorful plot, even a not very experienced gardener. And even if it is not possible to provide daily watering and they need to be planted in an open, arid area, it does not matter. Consider some drought-tolerant plants as examples for planting in a sunny bed that will bloom, delight in lush greenery, and make your garden cozy.

drought tolerant herbs

When making a sunny flower bed, you should pay attention to which will help to complement your flower garden with juicy greenery and give it volume.

Examples of such drought-resistant plants:
  • meandering meadow- forms tussocks of thin blades of bright green color. It is not picky and tolerates frost well and is great for planting in an open area;
  • tonkong gray- low drought-resistant grass of green-gray color, which is the reason for its name. It takes root well in sunny areas and does not need any specific care;
  • reed canary Grows well in both sunny and shady areas. Its main feature is its white leaves;
  • - an excellent plant that absolutely does not need watering and loves sunny places. There are many varieties of tenacity, which differ in a variety of colors.
  • Sun-loving flowers for the flower bed

    In nature, there are a lot of plants that we can plant in a sunny flower bed. And in the search for drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed, we advise you to pay attention to those that do not need to be sown every year. Another plus in favor of perennials is the factor that they are quite unpretentious and do not need special care.

    • In April-May, you can land cornflowers. They prefer sunny places and are unpretentious to soils. These perennials must be planted at least 30 cm apart, otherwise the plants will shade each other. Cornflower does not require special care after planting and is resistant to pests and diseases. In order to keep your sunbed looking tidy, you need to remove flowers that have faded.

      Did you know? Cornflowers are perennials that are widely used in classical medicine. They are part of antiseptics and preparations for the treatment of diseases of the eyes, liver and biliary tract. In folk medicine, inflorescences are used to make various tinctures that help in cosmetology and even gynecology.

    • Sunny mood in your flower bed will create doronicum. While the rest of the plants are only gaining strength, and the bulbs have already faded, doronicum will delight you from May to June. More than 40 species of this plant are known. The flower adapts perfectly to any conditions, so a sunny flower bed is perfect for planting it. When leaving, it must be taken into account that the plant has a superficial root system, and weed and loosen the soil with care so as not to damage the perennial.
    • Lush and bright, which are also planted during this period, are not only unpretentious, but also bloom twice: in June-July and August-September. You can plant them either one by one or in groups of 2-3 plants, in which case in a couple of years you will get powerful. The root system of this plant is very strong and goes to a depth of 1 meter. It should be borne in mind that the seeds of this perennial are poisonous and it is necessary to cut the flower stalks in time. But the stems of faded lupine will be perfect for your flower bed.
    • The list of colors that are great for an open sunny bed includes small-petal blooming throughout the summer. This plant is deservedly preferred by novice gardeners and designers. Indeed, when choosing this perennial, you get fluffy green bushes that also bloom profusely. Small-scale frost-resistant, not capricious and sun-loving perennial.
    • You can also land at the end of May. This herbaceous plant with bright flowers has about 90 species, it can be both upright and ampelous. The plant does not require special care, but during flowering it is desirable to provide moderate watering. And, of course, to maintain the well-groomedness of your flower bed, dried flower stalks should be removed.
    • It has many colors and is perfect for a sunny flower bed. In addition to the abundance of colors, it also has a pleasant aroma. All varieties of cloves are perfectly combined with other plants in the flower bed, not capricious to the neighborhood.