How to install a bypass in a heating system - installation options and rules. Installing a bypass Where to install a bypass in the heating system

Warmth in the house is what every person needs. Thanks to modern heating systems, you can maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the house and maintain the required temperature, which will be as convenient as possible. Engineers have developed a bypass to regulate the temperature. Bypass - a jumper made in the form of a pipe. It is installed between the return and direct wiring of radiator heating. They regulate the supply of coolant in the water heating system in radiator batteries. Let us consider in more detail the features and principles of operation of this device, as well as some of the nuances of its operation.

Purpose of the bypass

Purpose of the bypass - return of excess coolant into the battery stack when the amount of coolant is measured by an automatic or manual thermostat. In a word, with the help of a bypass, the coolant is transported in parallel to the control and shut-off valves.

If there was no bypass, then it would be impossible to repair the batteries when the heating system is in working condition. The bypass also simplifies the process of emptying and filling the system.

Among other things, the bypass ensures the operation of heating systems, when power goes out. At that moment, as soon as the electricity is gone, the taps that supply the coolants to the pump simply close and the tap opens on the central pipe.

If you use a bypass with a valve, then you will not need to manually close the taps, because everything will happen automatically.

Advice. It is best to choose a bypass with a diameter that is one gauge smaller than the diameter of the pipes.

Bypass Varieties

Bypasses apply in different heating systems so there are two types:

  • without valve

Bypasses with check valves are used for circulation pumps and are used from time to time, as needed. When the pump is turned on, the valve opens and the heat carrier begins to pass under pressure. When the pump is switched off, the valve closes automatically. If scale or rust gets on the bypass, it may deteriorate and exit the working state.

Bypasses without a valve will allow you to make repairs in one part of the heating system without turning it off. Using a valveless pump, you can connect to the heating system there, where there was no radiator.

Advice. It is necessary to choose a bypass for the heating system. Automatic - work offline, and without a valve - manually.

Automatic bypass

It is necessary to choose an automatic bypass one size smaller than the size of the riser pipe, because the coolant will simply stop circulating in the radiator, since the hydraulic resistance in the battery will be greater than in the bypass if the dimensions are the same.

Installation of an automatic bypass is necessary together with circulation pump. Together, they work autonomously even when power fails and continue to work thanks to natural circulation.

Advice. An automatic bypass should only be installed if the water quality is good, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

Bypass installation

To install a bypass, you need use the services of specialists who will make the installation and check the system for defects, defects and leaks.

Install the bypass close to the radiator, but as far as possible from the riser. If necessary, the bypass can be installed additional tap, which will ensure the full circulation of heating systems using a radiator, and not a bypass.

In addition to all the useful functions, the bypass will be a kind thermostat thanks to the ability to regulate the level of hot water. Installation of devices takes place in the direction of the coolant. First, a filter is installed, then a check valve and finally a circulation pump.

Advice. In order to enter the bypass into the riser, near the pump, shut-off valves must be activated. It is best to install the bypass horizontally so that there is no accumulation of air.

When choosing a bypass for a heating system, you should not save on it and choose Chinese ones. In order to choose high-quality and reliable bypass, need to:

  • the product had all the necessary certificates;
  • owner provided copies hygienic and a certificate of conformity with a seal;
  • seams in the place of welding should be without pores;
  • threaded connections must be free unscrew.

In the place of the heating system, where the diameter narrows and the flow rate decreases, only ball valves. Their design consists of a body and a metal ball with a hole of a certain diameter. Thanks to this design of the valve, the clearance will not decrease during its opening. If ball valves become unusable, then they cannot be repaired; they can only be changed.

If ball valves are not used for a long time, they may boil over. In order to avoid such a situation, they need to be periodically crank.

Reduce electricity costs with bypass

It is necessary to install a bypass not only because it is necessary, but also in order to reduce energy costs. Comparing the operation of the flow and closing heating systems, the closing one will supply to the battery, approximately 30-35% less coolant and radiator heat transfer will decrease by 10%.

Using a bypass significantly reduces energy costs and allows you to create a comfortable and convenient atmosphere in your home.

Features of using bypass

Modern heating systems in their design have a built-in pump, which allows you not to think about installing a bypass. Such systems have a number of advantages:

  • They effectively water is distributed over radiators and a pump is simply necessary if there are a lot of batteries or pipes are long;
  • not to be afraid of pipe slope inaccuracies during their laying;
  • not to be afraid of air accumulation.

Old heating systems that were installed without a pump begin a new life after installing a bypass and there is no need to completely change everything. The bypass will very effectively allow deal with many problems:

  • mistakes made during mounting heating systems;
  • absence normal circulation in the heating system.

Bypasses can be installed on radiators, but they should only be used if they have a single-pipe heating system. A bypass is installed in this case between the supply and return pipes to regulate the heating of the radiator. In cases where it is necessary to repair a certain section of the heating system or to adjust the temperature in the batteries, bypasses are very convenient and easy to use.

Advice. In order for the coolant to enter the lower part quickly and profitably, the bypass diameter must be the same as that of the riser.

Resuscitation of old heating systems

In order for the old heating system to start working normally, you can install a circulation pump and a bypass. For installation you will need:

  • circulation pump;
  • bypass;
  • two ball valves or check valve.

The installation process is quite simple, but it is best to entrust it to specialists. First, a bypass is installed parallel to the pipe, the circulation pump is installed on the bypass, and two taps are mounted on both sides. If ball valves are used in the installation, they will not do not reduce the speed of the coolant in the pipes, although in the event of a breakdown, they will have to be changed.

Ball valves are considered more reliable than a non-return valve, but they can be installed to automate a heating system so that it runs on its own. If the water quality is very poor, then the check valve will quickly become unusable and will work poorly and incorrectly.

Advice. If the water quality is very poor, then it is best to choose a special pump that will protect against scale and solid particles.

The bypass, although it has a slightly primitive design, thanks to it the house is provided with warmth, comfort and coziness, and low electricity costs will significantly save money.

Bypass in the heating system (video)

Bypass - assembly and tie-in, the most basic thing in this business.

Bypass - assembly.

The purchased bypass, before inserting into the system, must be adjusted to the size of the pump. All parts are laid out on a flat surface - on the table. Adjustment is carried out by winding the main pipe - along the coupling installed on the shut-off valve. It is necessary to wind up until the distance between the threaded connections of the pump and the shut-off valves reaches the minimum distance, about 2 millimeters on both sides, sufficient to insert the pump. Having wound the pump and making sure all sides are level and without distortions, we tighten the clamping nut on the coupling.

At this stage, it is only important to achieve the correct bypass length, since all valves (except the main one) and the pump must be removed again before welding, otherwise their plastic and rubber parts will melt from the heating temperature.

If the distance between the pump and the threaded connections is large, you should not try to wind the pump in the hope that everything will “stretch”. It is better to immediately add an additional drive.

Bypass - tie-in

When all the parts of the bypass are fitted and tightened, you can remove the pump and get ready to insert the bypass into the heating system. According to the correct one, the pump is located a meter from the boiler, on the water return pipe (return). But it is not always possible to implement this in practice, often the boilers are installed close to the wall, wherever it is in the corner of the room, where it will not interfere with anyone, it is unrealistic to insert a bypass in such conditions of the location of the boiler. Craftsmen found a way out. They began to make a tie-in - right above the boiler, the end result does not change at all (except for the aesthetic appearance).

The bypass insert is done as follows: Mark the exact size of the pipe in the right place and cut it out. A good chamfer is removed at both ends of the pipes and a bypass is inserted. When carrying out these works, you need to make sure that chips and other debris do not get into the system. The bypass is aligned, centered on the pipe and scalded. The work is painstaking - it all depends on the skill of the welder, the slightest pores on the weld will inevitably lead to water leaks.

When the bypass is already installed, you can proceed to the final assembly. An important point: All threaded connections must be repacked by winding before twisting. Do not neglect this, otherwise you will have to eliminate water leaks on the spot, and this is not as convenient as if it were done on the table. And also - when assembling, do not forget about the index arrows, on all parts, they should point in one direction.

The assembly itself is no longer particularly difficult - the main thing is to install a coarse filter in front of the pump, and the pump itself cannot be put upside down.

A good person will always press the button

With the help of a bypass, all the main elements are installed in the gas pipeline and heating system of a private house. This simple design can facilitate the repair and preventive maintenance of communication devices connected to the main line, and also increase the economy and efficiency of the heating system. This element in the form of a piece of pipe allows you to solve various problems and therefore is an important part of any scheme.

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    General information

    A bypass bypass is a pipe that serves to pass a heat carrier around a specific section of the heating system or parallel to it.

    As a rule, there is some kind of communication device in this place. One end of the bypass pipe in the heating system is connected to a suitable pipe, the other to the outlet.

    Between the bypass pipe and the inlet pipe of the bending device, it is necessary to insert a shut-off valve. It makes it possible to completely direct the flow of the heat carrier through an alternative pipeline or adjust the volume of incoming water.

    In order to make it possible to completely turn off the equipment, shutoff valves are also installed on the outlet pipe - between the bypass and the outlet of the device.

    A bypass is needed in the heating system. Installing this device provides many benefits:

    • facilitates maintenance of the heating system;
    • with a significant number of batteries, the overall efficiency increases and energy costs are reduced;
    • the problem with the airing of pipes and radiators due to their depressurization is solved;
    • you can use the equipment even in emergency situations.


    Main types

    Stop valves must be mounted not only on the inlet and outlet pipes, but also directly on the bypass in the water supply system. Depending on the type of equipment used There are several types of bypass pipes:

    • automatic;
    • with mechanical control;
    • unregulated.

    All types of bypasses have certain features of use and design.

    Fixed bypass pipe

    The unmanaged bypass installation in the heating system is a simple bypass pipe without additional devices. The lumen of the pipeline is open all the time, and the flow of water occurs in an uncontrolled mode. These bypasses are most commonly used during battery connection.

    During the design of the heating system, it must be taken into account that the coolant will pass with minimal hydraulic resistance. Therefore, the flow area of ​​an unregulated bypass pipe, which is installed vertically, must be smaller, in contrast to the diameter of the main line. Otherwise, under the influence of gravity, the coolant will begin to go into the bypass located closer.

    The horizontal scheme works on other principles. The hot coolant tends to rise because it has a lower specific gravity. Therefore, the bypass at the bottom wiring, as a rule, is set equal in cross section to the main pipe of the main, and the branch pipe leading to the battery is smaller.

    The reduced section of the inlet pipe of the battery increases the pressure of the coolant, which contributes to the uniform circulation of the liquid along the circuit.

    A bypass pipe with a ball valve is called a manual bypass. This valve is ideal for bypassing the heating medium as it does not reduce the inside diameter of the pipes when open.

    Accordingly, it does not create resistance to flowing water. The use of a locking mechanism makes it possible to control the volume of fluid that passes through the bypass. If the valve is closed, then the entire flow of the heat carrier will go along the main line.

    It must be remembered that the working elements of these cranes have the property of sticking if the equipment is not used for a long time. Therefore, the tap must be turned regularly, even if it is not necessary.

    The scope of use of manual bypasses in the heating system is the piping of circulation pumps and the connection of batteries in a single-pipe circuit.

    Bypass where to put, and where not.

    Automatic structures

    This bypass is used for the circulation pump. An electric pump is installed in the system to increase the speed of water movement, which reduces heat losses, ensures uniform space heating, and increases overall efficiency.

    The direction of the coolant flow in the automatic pumping system is carried out without human intervention. While the pump is running, water flows through it and the bypass closes.

    In the event that the pump stops, as a result of a failure or a power outage, the water begins to flow through the bypass. The impeller of the device limits or closes the movement of the coolant.

    Automatic bypasses can be of several types:

    • injection;
    • valve.

    In the latter case, a check valve is installed in the bypass pipe, which creates minimal resistance and almost does not prevent the movement of water in gravity mode.

    When the pump is turned on, the flow rate increases. The heat carrier from the outgoing pipe passes into the main and moves in both directions. Then it passes unhindered along the contour, and during the movement back rests against the check valve.

    Since the pressure at the outlet is greater than the inlet, the ball is pressed against the seat and closes the lumen of the pipeline. The disadvantages of the valve bypass include sensitivity to water quality. If dirt gets in, it will break.

    The injection bypass works on the principle of a hydraulic elevator. A pump with a smaller diameter is connected to a large cross-section line at the outlet to the pipeline. When the pump is turned on, part of the flow enters the diffuser of the inlet pipe, passes through this device, receiving acceleration.

    The outlet pipe has a small narrowing, representing a nozzle through which the coolant enters the line at high speed under pressure. A vacuum is created behind the cut of the inlet pipe. Due to this, water is drawn from the bypass. So the entire stream with acceleration passes further along the highway. This directional movement of water prevents backflow.

    Transfer of hydraulic fracturing to bypass

    Purpose of the bypass section

    Any device that is connected with a bypass can be removed from the main line by simply closing the inlet and outlet valve. After this procedure, the entire flow of water will begin to pass through the bypass pipe.

    A device that is disconnected from the mains can be easily repaired or serviced. And you do not need to turn off the entire system or completely drain the water.

    In a private heating system bypass pipes are used in such cases:

    Taking into account the place of use, connecting the bypass with your own hands has certain features.

    For heating batteries

    Batteries are connected using a bypass only in a single-pipe connection scheme. For collector and two-pipe wiring, inserting bypass pipes does not make sense. The radiators in this case are connected in parallel and a coolant of the same temperature from the main line is suitable for each. Breakdown of one of the heating circuits during the installation of valves will not affect the operation of the entire system.

    With a single-pipe scheme, as a result of connecting the batteries in series, the water is cooled, taking into account the passage along the circuit. The greater the heat transfer of the radiator, the colder the coolant will be at the outlet.

    If there are no bypasses in the single-pipe circuit, then the first battery will take the greatest amount of heat, and cold water will go to the last one.

    When connecting pumping equipment

    It makes sense to connect the pump using a bypass only in a system that is adapted for the gravity movement of the coolant.

    A collector must be mounted, all required slopes must be made and a pipeline of the required section must be installed. A pump in this system is required to improve work efficiency.

    If the heating system was originally conceived as forced, then during a power outage or pump failure, it will not work in any case. Water cannot circulate without distillation equipment. Therefore, with this wiring diagram, the pump is mounted without a bypass - directly on the main line.

    The main feature of connecting the pump using a bypass is the possibility of a backflow in the bypass and the appearance of a vicious circle of fluid passage along the pump-bypass circuit. Therefore, a shut-off valve - a check valve - must be located in the bypass pipe.

    During the operation of the pump, this equipment closes the lumen of the pipe with a bypass. If the pump stops working, the check valve opens and the natural movement of the liquid begins.

    Installation of the circulation pump. Bypass welding. With Your Hands. DIY

    The bypass pipe during the organization of underfloor heating is considered one of the elements of the mixing unit. Therefore, it is installed constantly, and without it, floor heating will not be able to work normally.

    The liquid in the main line can reach up to 85 °C, and in the water floor circuit - no more than 50 °C. To prepare the heat carrier, a mixer with a three-way valve is used that allows only the required volume of hot water to pass through.

    The other flow enters the bypass, mixes with the outgoing cold liquid from the collector and is sent further along the main pipeline to the boiler.

    Mounting Features

    Installation of bypasses of various types in the heating system has certain features. When connecting radiators:

    • it is forbidden to install a crane on the bypass in multi-storey buildings;
    • the jumper must be placed as close as possible to the battery;
    • the cross section of the bypass pipe is selected to a size smaller than the pipeline of the main line.

    Bypass installation on batteries can be done both when arranging a new heating system, and during the modernization of an existing one. To do this, you need to prepare pipes of the required section, valves and 2 tees.

    On the inlet pipe You can install one of several hardware options:

    A shut-off or ball valve is mounted on the outlet pipe. All parts are connected to each other by welding or threading. It is necessary to ensure the tightness of the connections, after installation, perform a test run and eliminate leaks.

    When connecting the pump, the bypass is usually part of the main line. Since it provides the passage of water in a natural mode, it is forbidden to narrow its internal section.

    For installation, it is most convenient to buy a ready-made pumping unit of the required configuration. This will allow you to correctly position all the elements and ensure the reliability of the joints.

    A fairly simple engineering device - a bypass - makes it possible to make the heating system more efficient and achieve the necessary thermal conditions in a house or apartment. The failure of certain parts of the main highway or a power outage will not cause significant problems. Hot water will circulate, and the rooms will be constantly warm.

A bypass is a jumper in the form of a pipe segment that is installed between the return and direct wiring in a heating radiator.

The bypass must have a transverse diameter smaller than the diameter of the supply pipe.

This system plays an important role in a complete heating system. Creates a comfortable microclimate.

With the help of a bypass, you can easily regulate the heat in the radiator batteries, which simplifies the task for the homeowner.

Without a jumper, it would not be possible to repair the battery while it is running. Installing a bypass allows you to simplify the process of emptying and filling the system with water.

In the event of a shutdown, the heat will be stored in the house. Because the jumper controls the operation of the pump without light.

There are bypasses with valves that allow you to close the taps without manual assistance, but in auto mode.

Advantages and Specifications of Bypass

The advantages include:

  • automatic switching;
  • protects the boiler from overheating;
  • can prevent sticking in the system;
  • provides easy maintenance;
  • universal mounting.

Bypass specifications

Characteristics of Russian bypass models

Bypass types

They can be:

  • with valve;
  • without valve.

Bypass with non-return valve

It is automatic and is used for circulation pumps. Resumes work if necessary.

After turning on the pump, the overpressure valve opens and lets in the heat carrier.

When the pump is switched off, the valve closes automatically.

A significant disadvantage of a bypass with a check valve is failure when rust or scale enters.

Bypass without valve

Such a jumper will allow you to carry out repair work on the necessary section of the system in a house where a radiator has not been installed before.

How the bypass works

A complete bypass kit, which is rarely found in homes, should contain at least 3 taps in order to save money.

The first tap must be installed on the bypass itself. In the new heating, it can be on the pipe, in the old one - in the place of the jumper with the return pipeline from below.

In new heating, as a rule, it is installed, and in the old one - a three-way one, playing the role of a tee.

This tap is necessary in order to shut off the water at any time or reduce the flow - to regulate.

The other two faucets must be mounted on a horizontal supply line at the heating device.

One valve is on the return pipeline, the other is on the supply.

If suddenly, the pipe leaks, then with the help of these taps, you can shut off the water and prevent the flood.

In an old house, usually, the first faucet is missing, therefore, in case of a leak, it is necessary to shut off the entire riser, which significantly interferes with the residents.

It is with the help of the first tap that you can repair the battery without turning off the neighbors' water. Thus, you will not cause inconvenience to anyone, and the nerves will be in order.

Do-it-yourself bypass installation

Installing it is not difficult, because it has a simple design, so special skills in knowledge are not important here.

How to install bypass:

  • redo the highway;
  • screw on the ball valves;
  • install a tee;
  • assemble the bypass;
  • install.

In order to redo the line, you need to increase the distance of the threaded ends where the pump was screwed on.

Assemble the pump and assembly around it and screw on the ball valves.

The pump has detachable connections, so you can easily mount it on the pipeline.

Immediately after the taps, install a tee with a diameter equal to the diameter of the pipeline.

The tee should be selected based on the type of pipeline. Basically, they are selected according to the type of material.

We cut the pipeline and insert the knot. To make it convenient, you can remove the pump and connect the remaining 2 parts of the pipeline to the line.

Part of the bypass is already assembled and you can install the pump in its place.

Raises the pipeline up from the tees so that it does not interfere with the pump.

Bring the 2 pipes together with a twisting motion. The jumper and tap are easy to install with threaded lugs and a plug-in connection.

The pipeline can be positioned vertically or horizontally. This does not affect the operation of the bypass in any way.

Provided, of course, that it is designed, mounted and debugged correctly, it is a very complex “organism”, in which each “organ” performs a certain important function. Often, the owners of houses or apartments do not even think about what role is assigned to this or that element of the system: everything works - and okay ...

And meanwhile, to own such information will never be superfluous. It is rightly said that knowledge is arming, and it is much easier for a person who has an idea of ​​the purpose and importance of any of the devices or devices of the system to operate it without leading to emergency situations. He knows exactly what performance to expect from his equipment. And, in the end, he is much less likely to become a “victim” for unscrupulous plumbers (and sometimes even complete crooks) who are ready to “slip off” unrealistic money for completely trifling work with a deliberately important look.

For example, many have probably heard the tricky name "bypass", but they have a very vague idea of ​​what it is and what it is for. Meanwhile, the role of this simple, in principle, element is difficult to overestimate. Let's take a closer look at the bypass in the heating system, what it is, and what functionality is assigned to it.

What is the principle of bypass

Indeed, for a Russian-speaking person, this name sounds very unusual. But it is precisely in the meaning of this term that the purpose of the element is clearly indicated.

If you try to translate the word “bypass” from English literally, then dictionaries give a lot of all kinds of currents, which, however, come down to one fundamental concept - the nouns “bypass”, “bypass”, “bypass”, the verbs “bypass”, “flow around” , "choose a different direction" and the like. So, it is reasonable to assume that we mean some kind of device that allows not direct, but alternative movement.

So it really is. In plumbing systems, a pipe section is called a bypass, installed in such a way that for a liquid (a coolant, if we are talking about heating, or water for water pipes), a path is opened not only through any device, but also bypassing it. This "short-circuited" flow can be uncontrollable when the bypass is kept permanently open and the fluid flow obeys only the laws of hydraulics. Often, control devices are placed on the bypass - from simple valves to automatic devices that change the cross section of the passage depending on changes in external conditions.

If we are talking only about heating systems, then the bypass can be installed:

  • In the piping of radiators, which is more typical for single-pipe heating systems.
  • In the piping of the circulation pump - in autonomous systems.
  • In the mixing units of water "warm floor" systems.
  • To create a "small circulation circuit" in the piping of boilers (typical for units running on solid fuels).

Bypass as an element of the heating radiator piping

What is the bypass on the radiator for?

To understand the meaning of the installed jumper on the battery, you need to imagine how it works in a multi-storey building. And it is most often organized according to the one-pipe principle - it is both cheaper and easier to implement.

The point is that the radiators are arranged in series on the same pipe. The supply and return manifolds are usually located in the basement of the house, where a heat station with an elevator unit is organized. A riser will rise from the supply manifold. There are two options here. In the first, the riser rises to the highest point, and from where the coolant descends down the pipe, on which all the radiators stand, from the top to the bottom floor (this is called a top-feed riser). A slightly different scheme is also used, with the so-called bottom supply, when, already on the way up, the coolant begins to give off heat on successive radiators, and then also on the way back. In any case, this ring closes on the return manifold. Both of these schemes are clearly shown in the illustration below.

You probably don’t need any special knowledge to mentally simulate the situation that will happen in the event of a failure ANYONE from radiators in such a "chain". Turning off the emergency device immediately interrupts the entire circuit, and it becomes inoperative. And to remove the battery, you will also need to completely drain the water from the entire riser.

And the problem is solved very simply - each of the radiators installed in such a circuit must have a jumper between the supply pipes, not far from the tie-in points - the same bypass. The scheme practically does not change, but its "survivability" increases dramatically.

If certain rules should still be followed with the diameter and location of the bypass, then not a word is said anywhere about the height of this jumper. That is, it is a completely acceptable and workable solution.

But, of course, you should not go to extremes. It is difficult to understand what guided the master who made the “masterpiece” shown in the illustration below.

Sometimes on the Internet you stumble upon such "still lifes" ...

Yes, such a strapping will work, and the “specialist”, apparently, is very far from the issues of aesthetics of the work performed by him. But where did the owners of the apartment look?! Or is it so specially conceived by them?

Briefly - about other cases of bypass application in heating systems

Bypass, as an element of the piping of the circulation pump

Not so long ago, autonomous heating systems in private houses were mainly created on the principle of natural circulation of the coolant along the circuits. This was caused, to a large extent, by a large shortage of pumping equipment and the high cost of such pumps. And at present, the situation has changed dramatically, and many owners are even redoing their old forced circulation floor systems, fortunately - this is not at all difficult.

The use of a circulation pump provides a lot of diverse advantages, but there is one very significant drawback - this is energy dependence. In those settlements where power outages happen quite often, certain measures have to be taken so that in the event of a long power outage, you will not be left without heating at all.

Prices for the circulation pump

circulation pump

The design of the pump unit may differ slightly - it can be assembled independently or purchased ready-made. The main thing is in its essence. For natural circulation, a direct passage of the liquid through the pipe is provided (usually the unit is placed on the return line in the vicinity of the boiler, but this is not a mandatory requirement). When the pump is operating, the coolant passes through it, and the direct path is blocked. Everything is simply impossible!

The change in the direction of the flow of the coolant can be carried out manually - then a shut-off ball valve is installed on the straight section of the pipe. Instead of such a tap, there may also be an automatic valve - it will itself operate on the absence of a forced flow through the bypass, opening the main passage. There are schemes with the so-called injector, however, they have not gained wide application.

Well, the pump on the bypass is also surrounded by taps on both sides - they are necessary for the free dismantling of the device, if necessary. With the taps closed, the pump can be removed without having to empty the entire system circuit.

Why is it necessary and how to choose and install a circulation pump?

A heating system with forced circulation of the coolant is more profitable in all respects - it is more economical, easier to manage and easier to fine-tune. How it works, with what criteria to approach its choice, is it difficult to install it yourself - read in a special publication of our portal.

Bypass, as an element of the mixing unit of the water "warm floor"

Rapidly gaining popularity among homeowners, water "warm floors" require a special temperature regime. And this means that a special unit is needed, where the coolant will be brought to "condition", that is, to the level of heating allowed in the circuits laid in the thickness of the floor. An element of such a unit is always a bypass - a jumper, which serves to ensure the admixture of the cooled coolant from the return pipe into the flow from the supply line.

As a rule, the bypass in such schemes is tied to a three-way valve or a thermostatic regulator. It is this device that “controls” the amount of cooled coolant from the return, which is fed through the bypass to the mixing unit.

The explanation is, of course, somewhat simplified, but this is because on the pages of our portal, special attention is paid to the manufacture of a mixing unit for a floor heating system.

Is it possible to assemble a mixing unit for a "warm floor" on my own?

Yes, and this is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. If you decide to assemble, then follow this link to the corresponding article-instruction.

A bypass jumper can also be placed on the “underfloor heating” collector or wiring along the contours of heating radiators - it often connects the “combs” of the underlying and return collectors. Here the bypass has a slightly different role.

The fact is that the pump creates a total pressure in the manifold, and it has to be adjusted for each circuit separately, depending on its features: diameter, length, etc. – for this, special balancing valves are provided. During operation, the automation of the circuits can cover or even completely block temporarily some of them. But so that these drops do not affect the operation of the pump, so that unnecessary areas of high pressure or, conversely, rarefaction are not created, in order to prevent even the likelihood of a water hammer, a device is needed that levels all such drops. This function is taken over by the bypass between the supply and return manifolds.

Bypass, as an element of the heating boiler piping

Another case of using a bypass in a heating system is the creation of a so-called "small boiler circuit".

We note right away that such a circuit is far from always needed - it is more typical for, since it is in them that the temperatures created in the combustion chamber are most difficult to control. And this is especially important if the boiler is equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger.

Why? The combustion temperatures of wood are several times higher than those of natural gas, and in addition, the process is accompanied by a very large emission of combustion products with a complex chemical structure, which are deposited in the form of soot.

The most "dangerous" period of operation of the boiler is the time of its warming up. Due to the very high temperature difference characteristic of solid fuels, a large amount of condensate falls on the heat exchanger and in the chimney system, to which soot sticks like glue. But this is still not the worst thing.

Imagine that it is necessary to warm up a large volume of coolant for the entire heating system. This will take a lot of time, and during this period the boiler heat exchanger will experience tremendous stress, since cold liquid enters its lower part, and in the upper part the temperatures are of a completely different order! The internal stresses of the walls on this cycle reach a maximum, and cast iron, as you know, does not have the proper ductility, and such “thermal shocks” can crack. Such temperature differences are not very useful for a steel heat exchanger - \u003d this is a direct way to accelerate corrosion processes.

In a word, in order to maximize the durability of the equipment and raise the level of safety of its operation, it is necessary to minimize this warm-up cycle itself, when the difference between the temperature in the "return" and at the outlet of the boiler reaches the largest values. For this, a small boiler circuit is created using a bypass jumper.

Pay attention to the illustration below. A jumper is installed between the supply line coming out of the solid fuel boiler and the “return” pipe (it is circled with a white ellipse). In its lower part, instead of a tee, a thermostatic device is installed - it can be a three-way valve set to a certain response temperature (for example, 60 degrees).

When the boiler is started, while the temperature in the "return" is low, the three-way valve completely blocks the outlet to the general circuit of the system, that is, the coolant circulates only through a small system, through the bypass. Naturally, such an insignificant volume warms up quickly, and the boiler heat exchanger will not experience the negative that is mentioned above for a long time.

When the desired temperature is reached in the small circuit, the three-way valve begins to slightly open the inlet from the "return" pipe, that is, the coolant from the general heating circuit is gradually involved in the circulation. And so it will continue until the boiler very smoothly reaches the set heating power. During the entire warm-up cycle, a liquid of approximately the same temperature enters the boiler heat exchanger, and the entire heating system starts up evenly and smoothly, without completely unnecessary jumps.

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So, the main cases of using jumpers-bypasses in heating systems were considered. If the reader is convinced of the importance of this element, got an idea of ​​the principle of its functioning, then the author believes that by writing this publication he has achieved his goal.