When to dive seedlings of tomatoes. When to dive tomatoes in April after germination and how to do it right When to dive tomatoes in April

Picking tomatoes in March 2018 should be done on auspicious days. You should put aside all your affairs and devote time to tomatoes. Accounting for the data of the lunar calendar affects the yield of plants and their shelf life after harvest.

It is best to pick seedlings of tomatoes and other vegetable crops on certain growth days. This information is taken according to the lunar calendar. So, you can choose a favorable day so that the plants grow quickly, are healthy and please with a bountiful harvest. The timing of operations related to sowing, planting and picking varies annually.

A lunar calendar is compiled for various crops. It takes into account the seedling method of growing for certain areas. In 2018, for the first time, you need to dive seedlings on March 20-26. You can also dive tomatoes in April. Favorable days this month: April 19, 20, 26. According to the lunar calendar, any of the indicated days is suitable for this, given that tomatoes are grown in greenhouses or greenhouses.

The lunar calendar is compiled according to the fertile signs of the zodiac. It happens that the manipulations associated with agricultural work have to be performed during the waning of the moon. The most favorable days for various activities related to the cultivation of plants fall precisely on the time of the growing moon. It must be remembered that it is necessary to plant a vegetable crop in a timely manner so that the yield level is high. Operations associated with picking, planting in open ground are performed based on the characteristics of plant growth.

When tomato seeds are sown on any day that coincides with an early date on the calendar, the plant should be dived and transplanted to a specific place, taking into account earlier dates. If you plan to further grow the crop in a greenhouse or greenhouse, later numbers are suitable.

How to dive tomatoes (video)

Landing technology

In the process of growing, the question arises not only of when to dive tomatoes, but also how to do it correctly.

  • First you need to collect the soil in a container of suitable size. Tomato picking should be done with cloth gloves. This will contribute to minimal damage to the plant during interaction. During any manipulations, you need to hold the seedlings by earthen clods or leaves.
  • Proper picking of a tomato involves extracting individual stems from the ground using a small scoop or other improvised tool. Most often, a teaspoon, a fork is used for such purposes, and a toothpick is also suitable. These items allow the earthy coma to remain in sufficient volume, which prevents damage to the root systems on the seedlings.
  • To create favorable conditions for root formation, a small depression must be made in the transplant container. In it, seedlings are placed with earthen lumps. The stem itself should be deepened almost to the cotyledons. If the plant is planted too deeply (cotyledon leaves and even growth points are sprinkled with soil), this will negatively affect the growth process, the duration of growth will increase significantly.
  • You can plant tomatoes in separate small containers or in a common container, the volume of which is quite roomy. In the latter case, the distance between individual seedlings should be approximately 6-8 cm. Secondary picking on the most suitable days of 2018 allows an increase in distances, which should be 15 cm.
  • The soil that surrounds small tomatoes needs compaction, then watering is carried out. Water at room temperature is used.

When picking seedlings is performed for the purpose of planting in a greenhouse or in a larger container, it must be carried out according to the lunar calendar. In 2018, this is done approximately 14-21 days after the first manipulation. The gardener will not have any difficulties with this event.

Picking and caring for adult seedlings (video)

Most often, picking tomato seedlings is not complete without pinching the main root (1/3 of the length). However, it should be borne in mind that such an action is not always justified. Tomatoes need time so that the root system can fully recover (because of this, a slight growth retardation occurs). Even when the stems are removed, it is often impossible to avoid damage to the thin end of the root.

plant care

After picking, tomatoes need quality care. Within 2-3 days after the procedure, it is best for the plant to provide a slight shading. Then the seedlings will again need the optimal amount of bright light for normal growth. When placing containers indoors, you can begin to adapt the plant to fresh air, sunlight. During the day, seedlings should be left on the street (30 minutes). Over time, the amount of time spent outdoors should increase.

During the first 3 days, the daily air temperature should be 20-22°C. At night, it can fluctuate from 16 to 18°C. After the plant is fully established, the temperature drops: 18-20°C during the day and about 15-16°C at night.

Feeding tomatoes is allowed 10 days after picking. In the future, the plant is fed every 2 weeks. For manipulation, complex fertilizer should be used, a solution is also suitable. It is prepared from the following components:

  1. Water - 10 l.
  2. Potassium sulfate - 12 g.
  3. Superphosphate - 35 g.
  4. Urea - 4 g.

Nitrofoska or Nitroammofoska is ideal for fertilizer. For 10 liters of liquid to prepare the solution, you will need 1 tbsp. l. any of these drugs. Seedlings are fed only after abundant watering.

Top dressing of tomatoes (video)

When caring for tomatoes so that they grow healthy, it must be remembered that the vegetable crop does not tolerate excessive moisture. Waterlogging can provoke the development of various diseases (black leg, late blight). To avoid this, you need to water the plant in sufficient quantities. There should be gaps between waterings. Be sure the upper layers of the soil must dry out, and water stagnation should not be provoked in the soil.

  • Picking seedlings should be carried out after some preparatory steps. A few days before the start of the event, the tomatoes are watered. This will avoid the severity of the soil, which will not damage the seedlings. If you do not water the soil at all, it will crumble, and thin roots will be exposed.
  • Tomato seedlings need good soil. When planting tomatoes that dive, biohumus, superphosphate, potassium sulfate are added to the soil. The amount of fertilizer should be small. To create favorable conditions, the soil is watered just before planting with a solution of potassium permanganate (10 l of water, 0.5 g of the drug). Fertilizers can also be added to the wells themselves when picking tomatoes.
  • The optimal number of picks is 2. For the first time, seedlings dive into pots, the size of which should be 6 by 6 cm. At this time, the seedling should have several formed leaves. Next time, 12 by 12 pots are used for the event. Now the plant should have about 4 leaves. The appearance of up to 10 leaves, the presence of several or 1 inflorescence signals the need to transplant seedlings into greenhouses, greenhouses. The soil temperature should be at least 10 degrees, so that the seedlings are comfortable, they have successfully taken root.
  • Giving preference to the right pots is very important. If the space unoccupied by the root system is very large, then the soil may turn sour. It contains a pathogenic fungus. It provokes growth retardation, increases the risk of various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the correct vessel in advance, then transplant into an even larger container.
  • Stepson and pinch the vegetable crop as needed. Not all days of the event may be useful. Gardeners can focus not only on favorable times on the moon, but also on acceptable agricultural terms.

Focusing on favorable days, it will be possible to achieve a better development of the plant, to achieve an increase in productivity. The main thing is not to let the seedlings outgrow. If it grows in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then you can not bring it to the beginning of flowering.

Picking a tomato: timing, methods. How to navigate the development of seedlings for picking a tomato into the ground? Read in today's article, when can tomato seedlings dive in March? Rules for the preparation and picking of seedlings.

Pick - the next stage in growing tomato seedlings after planting and germinating seeds. Picking dates are determined both by the calendar method and by visual indicators. . In the first case, the planting of seeds and the picking are adjusted in such a way as to send the formed seedlings to the heated soil. The second option involves flexible care and possible rearing of seedlings in a greenhouse or holding several stages of picking before planting in the garden.

The most common month for picking tomato seedlings is March. During this period, the soil mixture in most regions warmed up sufficiently, and the day and night temperatures evened out. Of course, if winter does not recede and the necessary criteria for growing seedlings do not match the real indicators, you need to wait with a pick. Make sure that the tomato seedlings do not outgrow -

When in March you can dive tomato seedlings:

  • 8 and 9 March.
  • 10 and 11 March.
  • From 13 to 15 March.

Selected pick dates tomato seedlings correspond to the calendar method, but you can also navigate by the state of a particular seedling. For example, your tomato seedlings have grown by 10-15 cm, formed from 4 to 6 leaves and did not stretch out. Great! You can prepare seedlings for picking.

Another way, how to determine that it's time to dive tomato seedlings- This is an orientation on the timing of the development of seedlings. From the moment of emergence of shoots to picking, 10-18 days should pass, depending on the type and variety of tomato. It is advisable to take into account all of the listed criteria in order to determine the timing of the pick.

Picking tomato seedlings in March according to the lunar calendar

Another auxiliary calendar - phases of the moon for picking seedlings . Depending on the specific position of the moon, the picking is carried out or postponed. Why? At the new moon, the juices of the plants pass into the shoots, and the root system receives less herbs when picking. The waning moon, on the contrary, promotes the development of roots, so the latter are easily damaged and take a long time to recover.

Picking tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar in March:

  • March 5-7.
  • March 15th.
  • 20th of March.
  • March 24-25.

How to prepare tomato seedlings for picking: water in 2 days, loosen the soil on the day of picking. Roll the pot on its side or dig with a spatula each seedling that is in the common container. Plant in prepared soil.

Care for pickled seedlings: moisten in a corner of a container or pot. The first fertilizer is carried out 2 weeks after picking - you can use liquid mineral components on the sheet or top dressing in the ground. About other procedures:

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In winter and spring, all gardeners and gardeners are mainly busy preparing for the new season: they purchase the missing seeds, fertilizers, inventory, clean the garden, pruning, etc. But the main and more time-consuming process of preparation is the cultivation of seedlings, or rather the sowing of seeds and the dive of sprouts.

Seedling picking - means transplanting sprouts from a common container where the seeds were planted into separate pots. Yes, this occupation is, so to speak, troublesome and takes a fairly large amount of time from the gardener, especially if the garden plot is spacious, and a lot of seedlings are required to cultivate it. In principle, not all horticultural crops need picking, many do not even like it and cannot tolerate it, but it is simply necessary for growing healthy and strong tomato seedlings.

Why do tomato seedlings need this dreary transplant? Let them grow in one box before planting, you can just sow the seeds with a large indent, and there will be enough space for everyone, or you can initially sow in separate pots. There are several reasons for picking tomatoes:

  1. Firstly, transplantation prevents the development of emerging diseases in the ground. It is clear that you can simply pull out a diseased sprout from the general container and forget about it, but many diseases go into the ground and infect neighboring plants. Therefore, when replacing the land with a new one, there is a lower risk of losing seedlings.
  2. Secondly, diving allows the gardener to choose from all the sprouts the strongest and most developed, of course, provided that more seeds were planted earlier.
  3. Thirdly, after transplantation, young seedlings get more space for their development and light, and all the nutrients from the soil go to one seedling, and not to a whole bunch, so each transplanted sprout will receive all the necessary elements in the right amount.
  4. Fourthly, picking saves the sprouts from stretching, since after this operation their growth in length is inhibited, while the weak stem thickens and becomes stronger.
  5. Fifth, the timely movement of tomatoes into separate pots has a good effect on the development of the root system, stimulating it to lateral root formation.

All gardeners and gardeners have heard this calendar. Most of them try to sow, pick and plant seedlings in accordance with his recommendations. The fact is that it contains the phases of the moon for the whole year, as well as the constellations in which it is located.

It is no secret that the Earth's satellite affects all living organisms on our planet, and plants are no exception. The lunar calendar indicates all favorable and unfavorable days for certain garden work.

Looking at the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2017, you can determine the most favorable dates for transplanting tomatoes (the time in brackets is Moscow, so the calendar is applicable to any region of Russia):

2.04 (21:27) - 5.04 (01:13). Growing Moon in Cancer;

April 7 (07:19) – April 9 (15:34). Growing Moon in Virgo;

12.04 (20:42) - 14.04 (13:27). Waning Moon in Scorpio;

17.04 (02:04) – 19.04 (13:51). Waning Moon in Capricorn;

21.04 (22:42) - 24.04 (03:32). Waning Moon in Pisces;

April 27 (05:56) – April 28 (04:39). Growing Moon in Taurus;

30.04 (04:48) – 30.04 (23:59). Waxing Moon in Cancer.

It is better to dive tomatoes on the growing moon.

Particularly unfavorable dates on which it is forbidden to pick are the phases of the new moon and full moon. Seedlings transplanted these days have a high probability of not taking root or getting sick.

In April 2017, the full moon will come on 10.04 (18:24) - 12.04 (20:42), and the new moon - 25.04 (05:02) - 27.04 (05:56).

Soil preparation for transplanting

The picking of tomato seedlings is mainly carried out in March - April, and its planting in most cases - on various dates in May or even in early June (depending on planting in a greenhouse or open ground, as well as on the climatic zone in which the site is located). Therefore, the sprouts will spend quite a long time in new containers.

Taking into account this fact, it is necessary to ensure transplantation into the soil containing all the necessary substances for the normal growth and development of young seedlings.

The soil can be bought ready-made at a gardening store or you can make it yourself by mixing peat, garden soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 0.5, respectively. In addition, it is recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the mixture: superphosphate and phosphorus-potassium.

Preparation and filling of individual containers for seedlings

Pots for transplanting can be peat, which in the future will somewhat facilitate the planting of seedlings in a permanent place, or plastic.

The latter can be made independently if there are containers left, for example, from under sour cream, you just need to melt holes in the bottom with a hot awl or nail. The volume of each container for transplantation must be at least 300 ml.

Plastic pots should be well washed and disinfected if any seedlings were grown in them last year. After all the previous preparations, you can start filling them with earth, which is poured into each pot in portions, slightly compacting at the same time.

It is important not to overdo it here so that the soil does not become heavy. The container should not be filled to the very top, otherwise watering will be difficult: water will flow out over the edges of the cup.

Watering seedlings before picking

In order for the young root not to be exposed during the separation of the sprout from the total mass, the seedlings are well shed the day before transplantation. Watering is not recommended immediately before picking, as a heavy earthen lump can come off the stem along with the root. Overdried soil is also undesirable, as the lump will simply scatter.

Planting hole preparation

This refers to making indentations with the index finger or the back of a fork in a new substrate for transplanting sprouts. They need to be made in each pot, and then spilled from a room watering can with settled water.

The most interesting stage of transplantation, at which the gardener is required to be extremely careful. For convenience, each tomato sprout from the total container is taken out with a lump of earth using a fork.

When transplanting, the seedling should be held either by this earthen ball or by the leaves. Tomatoes really do not like it when they grab onto their stems.

When moving, the sprout can be buried down to the cotyledon leaves, it will not rot. It is important that the root and part of the stem immersed in the ground sit there evenly; when these parts are bent, the tomatoes get sick.

Falling asleep with earth and pressing

This point is very important, because seedlings can get sick if air voids are left at the root. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully cover all the unoccupied space of the hole with earth until a flat surface is formed, and then lightly press it down around the seedling.


After all the above manipulations, all pots with transplanted tomatoes are shed with settled water from a home watering can.

If, after the emergence of seedlings, the sprouts did not receive the necessary amount of light, and this often happens, because the weather in March is still quite cloudy, then the young seedlings begin to stretch: the stalk is slightly colored, long and thin.

It is clear that such a “dead man” is not even able to withstand his own leaves. Just for such seedlings, transplantation is a real salvation. There are several tricks, thanks to which the sprouts will not only get stronger, but will also have a well-developed root system:

  • when digging out one elongated specimen from the total mass, it is recommended to expose its spine and pinch it with your nails. It is clear that everything is good in moderation, so the very tip of the spine comes off. This technique stimulates the development of the root, while growth in length will stop, and in width it will begin;
  • deep transplantation on cotyledon leaves. These are the very first rounded leaves that appear on seedlings. The stem will begin to grow, as it were, again, while the entire underground part will turn into a root and will start lateral shoots.

Yes, these methods will slow down the development of the entire aerial part of the tomato for some time, but they will help maintain the required amount of seedlings, which will be strong and healthy as a result.

How to dive stretched tomato seedlings: video

  1. Watering. It should be moderate and carried out only so that the earth does not dry out. Tomatoes do not belong to the "water drink", but they should not arrange a drought either. If the weather is not sunny and gloomy, then watering is replaced by loosening. Due to an excess of moisture, fungal diseases such as black leg appear in tomatoes.
  2. Top dressing. The first of them, after picking seedlings, is carried out only after 10 ... 14 days. Subsequent fertilizations are recommended every two weeks. Moreover, the composition of dressings should be complex. Humates (sodium, potassium) are usually used, which are diluted in the amount of one cap per bucket of water, as well as various combinations of nitrogen-containing and phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers. You can also purchase ready-made dressings in specialized stores that have the inscription "for seedlings", they are usually packaged in small bags that are convenient to dissolve in a small watering can. If yellowing of the leaves is observed after transplantation, the plants need to be fed with calcium and iron.
  3. Prevention of fungal diseases. If pre-sowing soaking of tomato seeds in a fungicide has not been carried out, then it will be necessary to carry out prevention by spraying the Fitosporin solution from a spray bottle. Thanks to this, newly minted seedlings will develop resistance to the occurrence of rot and black leg disease.
  4. hardening. It is carried out in order to increase the resistance of seedlings to temperature extremes and other stresses. Hardening is carried out in fairly warm weather, closer to mid-late April, and consists in placing tomato seedlings on the balcony (if any) or opening windows in the room where there are containers with seedlings. As a result of hardening, the stems thicken, acquire a dark green color, and closer to the root - even a bluish tint. Seedlings that have passed this operation can be considered completely ready for planting in a permanent place.

How to dive tomatoes (tomatoes): video

Thus, tomato seedlings, dived in accordance with the recommendations of the Lunar calendar according to all the above rules for transplanting, as well as providing proper care for it, can be considered one of the completed points on the path to obtaining a rich harvest of tomatoes.

What are the favorable days for planting and picking tomatoes this year? Pinching the root is always carried out somewhere from one third of the root, so that the root grows in length in the future, and not on the sides. Plus, you need to pick up on time so that the root system still has time to recover while it is young.

You can take specific growth days that are suitable for growth. If you know how to choose the best dates, then any crop, including tomatoes, after each manipulation will be healthy, grow actively during the season and in the future please with a good harvest.

For agricultural crops, depending on whether they bear fruit on the ground or already on the bush, various favorable lunar dates are determined. Also, when planting and picking seedlings, one cannot ignore the climatic features of each particular area. So, this year, dates in March were suitable for diving tomato seedlings - 12-13, 16-17, and also the 21st. In April, the Lunar calendar pays special attention to such auspicious days as April 9, 12-14.

Considering specific dates in April 2017, you need to understand that dates for open ground and greenhouses will be slightly different. The optimal time in the second month of spring, after the dates already mentioned above, is April 19 and 20, 24, and also April 27 and 28. When compiling the picking calendar, not only the phase of the moon is taken into account, but also the position of the satellite of our planet relative to the zodiac constellations.

Interesting! Some activities related to the cultivation of garden plants should be carried out on the waning moon. But landing and picking, as a rule, takes place on the growing moon. But for each crop there may be its own characteristics, which the gardener must take into account if he wants to get an excellent harvest.

Care after picking

When the pick is made, the to-do list is not reduced, but increased. Because, for young tomato bushes, this is a trauma and you need to help survive the rehabilitation period as easily as possible. During the first three days after picking, put the tomatoes in a shaded place, then you can transfer the seedlings to grow in a place with the optimal amount of bright light.

When choosing a new place for already dived tomatoes, it is important to consider that direct sunlight will not benefit the seedlings, but there should be a lot of light during the day. It is already possible to start preparing seedlings for transplanting into open or closed ground, for which every day leave for 30-60 minutes in the fresh air, constantly increasing the time of such ventilation.

Advice! During the first two or three days after picking, the air temperature in the room where the seedlings are kept should be 20-22 degrees Celsius, dropping to 16-18 degrees at night. After that, the temperature during the day is reduced to 18-20 degrees and to 15-16 degrees at night.

As for top dressing, it should be carried out no earlier than the tenth day from the date of the pick. Further top dressing is carried out every two weeks with complex fertilizer. Fertilizers are being prepared based on ten liters of water, 12 grams of potassium sulfate, 35 grams of superphosphate with the addition of four grams of urea.

Correct picking technology:

  • Separate stems need to be removed from the ground using a convenient improvised tool. These items will leave a sufficient amount of earthy clod on the roots, which will prevent them from severe damage (you can take a regular teaspoon or a table fork).
  • In order for the roots to form actively later, a deepening is required in the new container. Send seedlings with earthen lumps there, deepen to the cotyledons. Do not plant the plant too deep: this will negatively affect its growth.
  • Disembarkation can be carried out both in separate containers and in a common container. In the second situation, it is imperative to leave a distance of at least six centimeters between the seedlings; with a secondary pick, the distance between the bushes should be from 15 cm.
  • The soil will definitely need to be compacted immediately after picking, then moistened with water at room temperature.

If the picking is carried out in order to immediately plant seedlings in a greenhouse or simply plant large enough bushes, it is extremely important to focus on specific favorable dates of the lunar calendar. In April, there will not be many such days, but they are both at the beginning and at the end of the month. So, it is important to decide exactly when to carry out the manipulation and how to do everything correctly so that the bushes do not experience stress and begin to grow actively and quickly immediately after planting, delighting in the future with abundant flowering and an excellent harvest.

One of the important stages of growing tomato seedlings is diving. Tomatoes, fortunately, tolerate this delicate procedure well. The main thing is to produce it in a timely manner, for this it will not be superfluous to know the dates when to dive tomatoes for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

Pick features

A pick is a transplant of young tomato sprouts into larger containers. When sowing seeds in a common box, seedlings germinate densely. Plants that are in close proximity receive less nutrition, sunlight. The lack of one or another element leads to the withering of the sprouts and their stretching. Therefore, a pick is needed - so that each sprout receives the necessary amount of the necessary elements for healthy growth.

The vast majority of gardeners believe that diving is the key to getting a bountiful harvest. In the process of diving, you can select more viable seedlings by removing frail sprouts that still will not give good offspring. Strong and healthy specimens are planted in separate pots, where they will develop much faster, since all the food and space will belong to only one tomato bush. Relocated seedlings by the time of planting to a permanent place will have a well-developed root system, a strong stem, and this will lead to abundant fruiting.

Benefits of picking:

  • Selection of higher quality specimens. During the procedure, you must immediately remove all weak shoots, so that later you do not waste time and effort on them, because they still will not give a good harvest.
  • Development of the root system. After transplantation, the roots begin to grow intensively with lateral shoots, which contribute to the growth of a healthy plant. To stimulate a large number of shoots, the main root should be cut.
  • Minimizing the chances of developing diseased plants. When the seedlings are in a common container, the risk of various diseases on the seedlings increases every day. In addition, there is little space for sprouts, their roots are intertwined, and there are not enough nutrients. After picking, these problems disappear by themselves.
  • Getting an earlier harvest. Seedlings that grow in large containers can calmly “wait” for optimally favorable moments for planting in the garden without the risk of overgrowing.

Many beginner summer residents are afraid of the dive procedure. Seedlings may die if the seeding mechanism is disrupted or an unfavorable moment is chosen for picking. It is important to take into account a few basic rules for this action, and then all fears will remain in the past.

When to dive tomato seedlings

The term for picking is assigned based on when the seeds were sown. Usually tomatoes are sown in March or early April. When planning the procedure, you can refer to the lunar calendar or determine the moment by the appearance of the seedlings.

Tomatoes are planted when two blossoming leaves appear on the seedlings (10-14 days after germination). It's not worth the hassle of transferring. It is better to transplant as soon as possible, without fear that the seedlings at this point look too small. Crowding has a bad effect on the growth of young tomatoes. And an early and correctly carried out pick will do them good.

Note: the first leaves appear on seedlings 5-7 days after germination. But at this time the root system is still too weak for transplantation.

Therefore, you should wait another 5-6 days for the roots to more or less develop. However, the waiting process should not be delayed - after 15 days, the roots of neighboring sprouts will intertwine and it will be extremely difficult to transplant, without causing injury to the plants.

In what cases seedling picking is required:

Preparing for a dive

Diving begins with the preparation of additional devices so that the procedure goes as quickly as possible.

For seating you will need:

  • many spacious containers for tomato bushes. They can be made from any material. For undersized varieties, containers with a volume of 0.2 liters (for example, plastic cups) are suitable. Tall tomatoes, respectively, should grow in larger containers. However, it is undesirable to use too large containers, since dangerous microflora can arise in excess land;
  • new soil. The soil mixture should include organic and mineral fertilizers. Before planting, the ground is disinfected with a solution of manganese or calcined in the oven. The soil should be light, drained (a hole is made at the bottom of the container) and, of course, well moistened. It is also worth making sure that the soil temperature is appropriate for good absorption of seedlings;

note: new primer is used for picking. It should be more nutritious and fertile.

  • teaspoon or spatula. Any tool with which you can pry off the sprout without damaging the roots will do.

Important! The day before the picking, seedlings can be treated with Epin or Zircon. These drugs will help reduce the stress of plants during the seeding period.

Dive tomato seedlings can be done in two ways:

  • Transplantation.

The procedure must be carried out in well-moistened soil, so that when pulling the plants out of the ground, do not break them. To do this, seedlings are abundantly watered with water a couple of hours before picking. You should choose only the strongest specimens. The sprout is carefully removed from the ground with a spoon along with a clod of earth. The seedling must be supported by the roots or leaves, but in no way by the stem, otherwise it will simply break.

Advice: handle seedlings only with gloves, as sprouts react to human body temperature, which is too high for them.

The earth is removed from the roots as much as possible and the main root is pinched (no more than 5 millimeters). This will contribute to the rapid growth of the lateral roots. The seedling is lowered into the depths in a new container (the sprout is placed in the ground to the cotyledon leaves), sprinkled with earth and slightly compacted so that the roots adhere to the soil.

Advice: after picking, pull the seedlings by the leaf - if the plant immediately came out, then the picking was done incorrectly.

After diving, the seedlings are watered with water and left for several days in a shaded, warm room.

  • Transshipment.

This method is more gentle. Its essence is that the seedlings are transferred to a new container along with the old earth. At the same time, the roots are practically not damaged, and the seedlings do not get sick.

The technology of this method boils down to the fact that a couple of days before the pick, the seedlings are no longer watered so that the earth dries well. The shoots are taken out of the old pot by pressing on the bottom of the container. Since the earth is dry, it is easy to separate from the walls of the container and the plant will come out with a large clod of earth, which must be placed in a large container and sprinkled with new soil. After transshipment, the seedlings are watered abundantly so that the old and new earth grapple with each other, and the roots are freed from dry captivity.

Note: this method is mainly used for the second picking of tall varieties of tomatoes.

Care after picking

Picking causes stress in plants. In the first days after the procedure, the seedlings may get sick: the leaves will wither, the sprouts will droop. In order for tomato seedlings to quickly regain their healthy appearance, they need to be provided with competent care.

The next three days after planting in the room where the seedlings are located, the optimum temperature is set: during the day - 20-23 degrees, at night - 15-18 degrees.

After four to seven days, when the bushes rise, the temperature is slightly lowered.

Tomato seedlings need plenty of sunlight, at least 10 hours a day.

If there is not enough natural light, then the tomatoes are illuminated with the help of fitolamps.

Advice: do not place an artificial light source closer than 50 centimeters to the seedlings.

In the afternoon, when the sun is active, the seedlings should be slightly shaded so as not to cause leaf burns from excessive ultraviolet radiation. In order for the bushes to receive their portion of light and not lean to one side, the seedlings must be periodically turned in different “barrels” towards the sun during the day.

Watering the seedlings is enough once a week as the earth dries out. It is important to prevent the formation of a dry crust on the soil surface, and also to ensure that the soil is not too waterlogged.

After 7-10 days, the seedlings will begin active growth. During this period, the root system of tomatoes develops, so it is so important to provide seedlings with an abundance of light and fresh air. If it is not too cold outside, then the seedlings can be periodically taken out to the veranda or balcony for a short time, gradually increasing the walking time.

An important component of the healthy development of tomato plants is the application of fertilizers. For the first time top dressing is applied 10-12 days after the dive. Use complex fertilizers, which include urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Two weeks later, additional feeding is carried out with the same composition.

Advice: top dressing should be accompanied by watering, otherwise the aggressive composition of fertilizers can “set fire” to the roots. Immediately after moistening, the soil must be loosened to ensure the best access of oxygen to the roots.

After 2.5-3 weeks, the second dive phase begins for tall tomatoes. This procedure must be followed, as indent varieties develop much faster, and therefore their roots gradually need more and more space. If the plants do not have enough food and space, then the stems will begin to stretch.

Other types of tomato seedlings can also be dived in cases where the seedlings have begun to outgrow (too thin stems can bend), the root system is too poorly developed (transplantation will stimulate the development of the underground part, while the aboveground will slow down its growth).

Terms of picking seedlings in 2018, favorable days

When planning a dive date, many gardeners rely on the sowing calendar. This yearbook contains a timetable for the movement of the Moon, which significantly affects many processes on Earth, including the development of flora. Depending on the phase in which the celestial body is located, plants grow more rapidly or vice versa, freeze. Having a lunar calendar at hand, you can determine favorable days for land work.

During periods when the moon is growing, tides occur on Earth. This is the most favorable time for a tomato - all the moisture goes to the aerial part of the shoots, and they begin active growth.

Judging by the lunar calendar, it can be understood that in March it is best to dive seedlings on the following numbers: 5, 6, 7, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25

Based on this, it is possible to plan in advance the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings so that by these favorable dates two or three leaves appear on the seedlings - the moment of plant development, when it is possible to transplant.

If the seeds were sown at the end of March, then in April the picking should be carried out from the 16th to the 18th and from the 24th to the 27th.

Land works are not recommended during the full moon and new moon. It is believed that during these periods the plants stop their development. If you carry out any manipulations with plants on such anxious days, then the harvest will be poor, and the fruits will not taste good.

In the calendar for 2018, such unfavorable days include:

Timely gardening work will allow you to grow strong and healthy seedlings. Proper planting of seedlings in the garden will contribute to a good harvest. In the spring, a gardener needs a lot of strength and energy in order to be able to enjoy his work in the summer - tasty and fresh tomatoes.