Ufo lower back. Physiotherapy of the thoracic spine differs from other departments in osteochondrosis. Contraindications to this therapy are

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, widely known to virtually every person. Painful sensations in the back, lower back and neck are more often experienced by elderly people, but young people are not immune from it. At first glance, a harmless disease can have a serious negative effect on the intervertebral discs, causing changes and decreases in their height. It is difficult to say what exactly contributes to the appearance of osteochondrosis, there are only different opinions and guesses. Maybe this is due to trauma or age-related changes in the tissues, or poor segmental blood circulation contributes to this.

It is noted that most often osteochondrosis affects the lumbar spine, and this can cause muscle, headache, impaired blood circulation, and the work of the vestibular apparatus.

Let us examine what physiotherapy is, what are the advantages and types of this method, to whom it is indicated, and to whom such treatment is contraindicated.

What is achieved by physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

Physiotherapy is a modern and effective method to combat osteochondrosis. It acts specifically on the area of \u200b\u200binflammation without touching neighboring organs and tissues. Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is aimed at eliminating pain and restoring the affected vertebrae.

After a number of physiotherapeutic procedures, inflammation is significantly reduced, the mobility of the affected vertebrae is restored, tissue edema is eliminated, and blood circulation is normalized in the inflamed area.

The work of all internal organs returns to normal. The body's immune system is strengthened.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.

Impact on a specific site. In the case of pharmaceuticals, this cannot be achieved, since they are carried by the blood, affecting almost all organs.

There are no sharp exacerbations of chronic diseases. Most of the drugs provoke the appearance of side effects that transfer the disease from a passive state to an active one.

Possibility of use in case of ineffective drug therapy. When extensive inflammation does not make it possible to deliver the active ingredients by the usual methods.

Types of treatment for osteochondrosis

Detensor therapy - using a special mat equipped with elastic ribs, the spine is stretched. Situated on the mat, special ribs begin to act on the spine, muscles relax, spasms are relieved. The correct position of the vertebrae is restored, the muscles of the back come to tone.

Magnetotherapy - low-frequency pulses of a magnetic field affect the tissues. The viscosity of blood changes, edema is removed, blood vessels expand, all this has a positive effect on metabolic processes in inflamed tissues. This procedure is carried out only on an outpatient basis.

Ultraviolet irradiation - special equipment eliminates inflammatory foci, providing a bactericidal effect. Treatment begins with small doses of ultraviolet rays, which are increased with each procedure. But before that you need to do a test for sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

Phonorez - Medicines are injected using ultrasound vibrations. This makes it possible not only to eliminate swelling and inflammation, but also to deliver active substances to the damaged area. Metabolic processes are accelerated, tissues receive the necessary nutrients.

Ultrasound - micromassage of tissues is done, which activates blood circulation, providing anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect.

EHF is a high-frequency therapy that stimulates the active points of the body and does not damage the skin as in the case of acupuncture. After several sessions, the movement of the vertebral discs increases.

Laser therapy - a special laser is sent to the damaged area, it helps to reduce inflammation, pain, and helps the body recover. An improvement in the general condition and a decrease in pain is observed after the first sessions. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Exposure to vibration - treatment is carried out by mechanical vibrations, which are emitted by a belt vibrating massager.

Physiotherapy is probably the most commonly used method of treatment and prevention of the initial stage of osteochondrosis. A special set of exercises is selected for each patient.

The doctor chooses which method to use, having previously discussed this with the patient and conducting the necessary studies of the state of health. For example, for severe pain, laser therapy and phonoresis are indicated, and for osteochondrosis with vascular problems, magnetotherapy. Physiotherapy is prescribed only during the period of remission and remission.

It is believed that over time, physical therapy procedures will replace certain medications. Indeed, even now, using only physiotherapy and physical exercises, you can cure such an ailment as osteochondrosis. Of course, this will be possible when contacting a specialist at the first sign of a problem.

It's important to know

Physiotherapy is not suitable for everyone, it is contraindicated for:

  • people with common severe diseases of the body,
  • patients with oncology, at different stages,
  • those who have serious problems or changes in the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs,
  • people with weakened liver and kidney function,
  • pregnant women,
  • people with skin diseases,
  • having mental disorders.

Noticing the ailment in time and seeking qualified help, you can eliminate it even at the initial stage, before serious problems with the spine and the whole body arise.

Among all the methods of treating diseases with conservative methods, physiotherapy is especially effective. Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is in demand, since it is painless, has practically no contraindications and can be used even for children over the age of 5 years.

What is the effect of physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is performed through various physical means. Thanks to physiotherapeutic treatment, the drug mainly enters the focus of inflammation (deep tissue). With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is directed to the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulders and neck, and in the case of damage to the lumbar spine, to the lower back and buttocks.

The main goals of such treatment include:

  • removal of the inflammatory process;
  • elimination of spasms, painful sensations;
  • stimulating the process of tissue regeneration;
  • increased immunity;
  • elimination of pinched nerve endings.

Physical factors have a positive effect on the human body as a whole. The main advantage of this type of physiotherapy is that it does not cause allergic reactions.

The healing process is accelerated by the combination of physiotherapy with the use of medication.

Types of physiotherapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is the most common pathology of the spinal column, which affects not only adults, but also children. Let us consider in more detail what physiotherapy procedures are used for osteochondrosis. Various physical factors can affect the human body. These include the following types of exposure: ultraviolet rays, vibration, laser radiation and many others.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is carried out under the supervision of a physiotherapist. Before starting treatment, the doctor collects anamnesis, detects the presence of chronic diseases, determines the stage of damage to the tissues of the spine, and only then prescribes the most appropriate method of exposure to a physical factor. Physiotherapy can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment, as well as as an independent method of therapy.


Electrotherapy is a method of physical therapy that is carried out using an electric field of different intensities. Thanks to its effect, the patient's blood circulation is significantly improved. In most cases, electrophoresis is used with lidase or novocaine, which brings an analgesic effect.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is not complete without the use of electrotherapy. The general course is at least 10 procedures, at the end of the course the patient's neck pain syndrome disappears.

Shockwave therapy

Physiotherapy procedures for osteochondrosis are an effective additional treatment. The use of shock wave therapy consists in the effect of an acoustic wave with a frequency of 18-23 Hz on damaged tissues of the joints, which relieves painful sensations, normalizes the blood circulation process. It is used to treat damage to the cervical spine.

This therapy has a number of advantages, the main of which are the ability to monitor the susceptibility of soft tissues during therapy, the implementation of a gradual impact on the affected area and the absence of adverse reactions. The result of the procedure is achieved after 2-3 months of regular treatment.

Vibration exposure (vibration therapy)

The vibration effect includes several procedures associated with mechanical vibrations - ultrasound therapy and acupressure. Such physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis is carried out using a special Vitofon apparatus. Vibrotherapy is based on the impact of high-frequency sounds on the affected area. They restore the deficiency of microvibration in the body.

Physiotherapy with massage for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine has an effective effect. It is carried out by a chiropractor using manual manipulations and a vibrating massager. After such therapy, patients show a significant improvement in blood circulation and relieve pain.

Detensor therapy

Detensor therapy is a physiotherapy for osteochondrosis using a specific bed, which consists of inclined movable rollers instead of a regular mattress. With its help, the spinal column is stretched under its own weight, which leads to a decrease in pressure on the intervertebral discs. Detensor therapy is used for osteochondrosis of both the cervical and lumbar spine. It relieves tension in muscles, improves posture and reduces soreness in the spinal column.

The procedure has a minimum number of contraindications, since it does not injure muscles and joints and does not exert a strong load on the blood vessels. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, it depends on the stage of the disease. In most cases, the result is noticeable after 5 treatments.

Laser therapy

One of the most effective physiotherapy procedures for cervical osteochondrosis is laser therapy. The therapeutic effect is based on the precise effect of special lasers through soft tissues on the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal column. This manipulation promotes the activation of metabolic processes and effectively relieves painful sensations. There is a significant improvement in the functioning of bioelectric impulses.

This is a relatively new method of therapy, but it has already proven itself well in the treatment of lesions of the tissues of the spinal column. One procedure lasts about 10-20 minutes and does not cause discomfort to the patient.


Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis using the balneotherapy method is carried out using healthy water saturated with salt, healing mud and minerals. During the procedure, the patient lies in a special bath, which is equipped with a massage function, which has a positive effect on damaged areas, improves metabolic processes in tissues and the absorption of minerals. Healing water has a beneficial effect on the joints and the musculoskeletal system. The therapy can be used at any time, whether it is an exacerbation of the disease or remission. Saline solutions increase the load on the heart muscle and increase blood pressure, therefore, such treatment is contraindicated for people with essential hypertension.


The essence of magnetotherapy is the use of alternating and constant magnetic fields of different frequencies. During the procedure, the patient lies on his stomach, and the doctor places inductors with a magnetic field along his spinal column, which stimulate the process of tissue repair and metabolic processes, saturates damaged tissues with oxygen. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.

This method of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is quite effective. With the help of a small special device, it is possible to carry out physiotherapy at home (with the permission of a doctor). Due to the widespread use of the method, it will not be difficult to acquire such a device.

Ultraviolet irradiation

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with the help of special equipment that emits ultraviolet light is no less effective. UFO has antibacterial properties, it eliminates pain. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is directed to the back of the neck, as well as the upper part of the shoulder blades. During physiotherapy, biologically active substances are released that promote the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, which significantly strengthens the spinal column. This technique is also used to treat osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine. The duration of one procedure is from 3 to 15 minutes, and the total course of treatment can reach 4-6 weeks.

Diadynamic therapy

Diadynamic therapy (DDT) is the treatment of osteochondrosis with a current (wave), which is directed to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal column. During the procedure, a person experiences a slight tingling sensation and vibration, there are no discomfort sensations. The method relieves muscle spasms well. The therapeutic effect is noticeable after the first procedure, but complete relief of painful sensations occurs only at the end of the entire course. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician, based on the degree of damage to the spinal column.


Acupuncture is a serious procedure that should only be performed by an experienced professional. The treatment is carried out using special thin needles that act on acupuncture points. In total, there are more than 500 points on the body, each of which consists of nerve endings and connective tissue. Irritation of such points allows you to regulate metabolic processes. When the points are exposed, endogenous opiates are produced, which makes it possible to stop pain.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine using acupuncture is carried out only during the period of remission of the disease. During an exacerbation of the disease with a pronounced pain syndrome, it is worth refraining from using this method. Acupuncture is an additional method of therapy, the use of which enhances the effect of medications.

Indications for physiotherapy

Before the appointment of treatment, a comprehensive examination of the body and the spinal column is carried out in order to determine the stage of the disease, to prescribe the most appropriate physiotherapy program. It is indicated for radicular syndrome (compression of the spinal roots), intervertebral hernias, limitation of the mobility of the spinal column.

In general, physiotherapy has a positive effect on blood circulation and muscle tone. Physiotherapy is used for osteochondrosis of all departments (cervical, thoracic, lumbar). This type of procedure speeds up the healing process.

The term "osteochondrosis" refers to a pathological process characterized by the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column. Both adults and children are susceptible to the disease. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of the pathology using conservative techniques. Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis contributes to a speedy recovery. Some of them are designed to inject the drug directly into the focus of the pathology, which also improves the course of the disease. The physiotherapy procedures most often prescribed for osteochondrosis, their methods and contraindications are described below.


This method of treatment has been known to medicine for over 200 years. Its essence is as follows: under the action of an electric current, drugs in the form of ions enter the pathological focus. The active ingredients are able to penetrate the skin, sweat and sebaceous glands.

The advantages of this physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the spine:

  • Minimum consumption of medicines.
  • High degree of effectiveness, since the drug acts directly in the affected area.
  • Minimal toxic effects. This is due to the fact that the active substances immediately penetrate the spine, bypassing the digestive tract and liver.
  • Relieves painful sensations for a long time (up to 15 hours).

This physiotherapy procedure for osteochondrosis (both cervical and lumbar) can be carried out at any stage of the development of pathology. With the help of this technique, the acute stage is stopped, inflammation is eliminated, metabolic processes are normalized and the regeneration of cartilage tissue is started.

Electrophoresis algorithm:

  • The patient lies down on the couch and frees the necessary part of the body from clothes.
  • Small pieces of cloth are impregnated with the drug. Then they are applied to the affected area.
  • Using adhesive tape, the electrodes are fixed to the pieces of tissue.
  • After turning on the device, impulses begin to enter the body. At this time, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation.

The duration of the physiotherapy procedure for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is 15 minutes, of the cervical spine - no more than 17. The strength and frequency of impulses are determined by the doctor on an individual basis.


Ultrahigh-frequency therapy is extremely effective for osteochondrosis. Physiotherapy helps to eliminate spasms and swelling of tissues, improve the blood circulation process. In addition, after the UHF, the severity of painful sensations decreases. In most cases, a course of physiotherapy is prescribed during the period of remission.

The procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The patient is placed on a couch. Only wooden furniture should be used for UHF. At the same time, the room is strictly screened. This need is dictated by safety rules.
  • Condenser plates are placed on the patient's body. They are installed in such a way as to reduce the rate of energy dissipation.
  • The doctor connects the device to the power supply. Dosing of electromagnetic flows is carried out according to the patient's heat perception.

The duration of the physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is from 5 to 15 minutes. By the decision of the doctor, it can be increased.

Vibroacoustic therapy

This physiotherapy is prescribed for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or lumbar zone in the event that the course of the pathological process is accompanied by the appearance of neurological manifestations.

The essence of the method lies in the effect on the affected area of \u200b\u200bmicrovibration of sound frequency. The procedure is carried out using the "Vitafon" apparatus. The device has several circular emitters (vibraphones) of different diameters. Each of them comes into contact with the skin during the session, but they do not exert significant pressure on it.

The doctor can move vibraphones during treatment, but most often they remain motionless. Infrared radiation is often used during the procedure (it is generated using the "Vitafon-IR" apparatus).

The frequency exposure mode is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. The specialist takes into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe required impact and the patient's sensation. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes.

The positive effect of vibroacoustic therapy:

  • Reducing edema.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Normalization of lymph and blood circulation.
  • Relief of painful sensations.

In addition, local immunity is strengthened and the conductivity of neurons improves.


Most often, this physiotherapy procedure is prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis. The essence of the method lies in the impact on the affected area of \u200b\u200bmagnetic waves. As a result, the patient's headaches and a constant feeling of weakness disappear, the mobility of the spine improves, and the muscles relax.

This effect is due to the positive effect of magnetotherapy on the body. After treatment, the lymph and blood circulation is normalized, the viscosity of the liquid connective tissue decreases, and the vessels are strengthened.

During the procedure, magnetophores or micromagnets are used. In the first case, the plates are fixed for a rather long time directly above the lesion. Micromagnets are miniature devices that the doctor attaches to painful areas with a patch. Such devices create an alternating field.

Laser therapy

Currently, this is an extremely popular physiotherapy procedure for osteochondrosis. Reviews of doctors and patients confirm the high degree of effectiveness of the method. Laser therapy is prescribed even with advanced forms of pathology.

The essence of the method is to start the body's self-healing process. This is due to the impact on the focus of the pathology of laser beams of low power. They, in turn, provoke the occurrence of biochemical reactions, during which the body begins to heal. After the course of treatment, the damaged cartilage tissue is restored, the painful sensations recede.

Laser beams do not damage the skin; during the session, the patient does not experience discomfort. At the same time, the pronounced effect is noticeable after the first session.

The course of laser therapy consists of several stages. The task of the initial period is to "wake up" the body, to tune it to active work. A month later, the second stage begins. This is a direct treatment. The final stage is several laser therapy sessions aimed at consolidating the positive result.


This term refers to treatment with mineral waters. The latter can be used in different ways, but with lumbar osteochondrosis, physiotherapy involves the external application of liquid.

Mineral water differs from ordinary water in that its composition is represented by gases and chemical elements. Such a liquid has a number of physical qualities, due to which its use significantly speeds up the healing process.

Baths, wraps and showers can be:

  1. Cold. Under the influence of low temperatures, nerve cells and blood vessels are irritated. The body experiences a kind of shock, due to which the internal organs are oversaturated with liquid connective tissue and metabolic processes are activated.
  2. Warm and hot. Exposure to medium and high temperatures accelerates metabolic processes, helps relieve spasms, and eliminates painful sensations.

There are many mineral waters of different composition. For osteochondrosis, in most cases, calcareous and earthy are used. They are rich in gypsum and sulphate (or carbonic) chalk, against the background of which the healing process is accelerated.

Detensor therapy

This is a German technique, the essence of which is to stretch the spine. The patient lies down on a special structure that looks like an ordinary bed. However, instead of a mattress, it has movable rollers.

Many patients are interested in what physiotherapy procedures for cervical osteochondrosis are most effective. Detentor therapy is an advanced technique that experts consider one of the most effective. With cervical osteochondrosis, after a course of treatment, headaches and other uncomfortable sensations disappear.

The main advantage of the detensor therapy is that the method has practically no contraindications, and the degree of its effectiveness is considered to be as high as possible.

UHT is a method of influencing the focus of pathology, during which an electrical impulse is converted into an ultrasonic acoustic wave. At the same time, the skin and muscle tissues are not damaged.

Already after the first procedures, patients notice a significant decrease in the intensity of painful sensations and good mobility of the spine. Most often, shock wave therapy is prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis.

Diadynamic therapy

The method involves the impact on the pathological focus with Bernard currents. These are diadynamic impulse currents of low frequency and voltage. They have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the painful sensations disappear after the first session.

Physiotherapy is carried out using a diadynamic. This is a device that is even sold in a portable form, thanks to which it can be used at home.

Algorithm of carrying out: electrodes of various sizes and shapes are attached to the patient's body. After that, the doctor connects the device to the power supply, the current supply begins. The strength of the latter is regulated by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.


This is a proven method of treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Its essence lies in the introduction of stainless steel needles into acupuncture points, thereby improving the course of the disease and faster recovery.

This effect is due to the sharp production of endorphins in the body, which is also a potent analgesic. After the course of treatment, painful sensations are significantly weakened or completely recede.

Simultaneously with endorphin, the process of cortisol production starts. It is a hormone that helps control inflammation.

Duration of therapy

Treatment of osteochondrosis with physiotherapy is an effective, but long-term process. The disease does not recede after one session, only the intensity of clinical manifestations is weakened.

The course of treatment includes 5 to 10 procedures. At the discretion of the doctor, the patient can be assigned up to 20 sessions.


The effect of physiotherapy will be maximum if the doctor's recommendations are not ignored. They are to ensure that the patient takes into account all the existing restrictions on the conduct of therapy. Otherwise, the procedures will not only not benefit, but also cause significant damage to health.

Major osteochondrosis:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Severe general condition of the patient.
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms.
  • Heart pathology.
  • The tendency to develop bleeding.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Epilepsy.
  • High blood sugar.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Purulent processes.
  • Severe diseases of the respiratory system.

The list of contraindications can be expanded in the course of consultation with your doctor. It is important to take into account all the features of the patient's health in order to prevent the development of complications.


Osteochondrosis is a pathology, the course of which is accompanied by the progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine. The cartilage tissue becomes thinner, resulting in a pronounced inflammatory process. The main clinical manifestations of the disease are intense painful sensations and poor mobility of the spine.

Currently, there are many ways to treat osteochondrosis. Physiotherapy is considered one of the most effective. Its use, along with drug treatment, significantly speeds up the healing process.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of the course of treatment, it is necessary to take into account all existing contraindications and take a responsible attitude to the implementation of all the recommendations of a specialist. Only the doctor decides on what physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed to the patient for cervical osteochondrosis or lesions of the lumbar spine.

Many people are familiar with lower back or back pain on the left, right and side. In order to cure an aching back, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis, which is complicated by the presence of many diseases with a similar symptom: degenerative diseases in the lower spine, pinched nerves, complications after injuries and even an ovarian cyst. After exertion, the situation worsens, and then back pain radiates to the leg, sometimes so much that it interferes with walking.


In addition to pain on the right or on the left side of the back, general weakness in the legs, frequent “creeping”, slight numbness and cramps at night may disturb. The leg, where the pain radiates more, suffers more.

Elena Malysheva and her assistants talk about the causes of back pain radiating to the leg:

Note that sometimes soreness in the lower back and legs are of different origins and are unrelated. Examine the vessels on the legs carefully: pain may appear due to poor blood supply.

According to statistics, elderly people and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle are most susceptible to the appearance of pain in the lower back: office workers, drivers, active computer users.

Causes of pain syndrome

To determine what exactly is required to be treated, it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist. There are many diseases characterized by back pain radiating to the leg, and here are some of them:

Radicular syndromes

It manifests itself in the compression of the spinal roots (nerves). The most common cause of this syndrome is osteochondrosis, that is, destruction of the spine, from the intervertebral joints and discs, to the vertebral bodies themselves. As the pathology develops and the areas of inflammation near the roots of the spinal cord increase, the sensitivity of some areas of the skin decreases and pain syndrome increases.

According to neurologists, in most cases, degenerative diseases of the spine are the source of pain in the lower back.

The development of symptoms and their manifestation depends on the location of the pathology. If your back hurts and radiates to your leg, then the inflammation occurs in the lumbosacral region of your spine, which is responsible for the functioning and sensitivity of the leg muscles.

A kind of cyclical process is formed: the muscle spasm arising from pain leads to an increase in nerve compression, which increases the pain.

There are several reasons for the appearance of radicular syndrome in addition to osteochondrosis:

  • Spine injury.
  • Herniated intervertebral discs and their protrusion. Manifested in the bulging or prolapse of some areas of the intervertebral discs beyond the edge of the vertebrae.

  • Heredity.
  • Specific infections leading to inflammation. Examples of such infections are spinal tuberculosis and syphilis.

Sciatica (sciatica)

It is not an independent disease. Rather, it is a complex of symptoms caused by degenerative changes in the spine. Due to the compression of the sciatic nerve roots, the patient may experience painful sensations along the entire length of the nerve: in the side, in the thighs, under the knee, in the ankle.

Despite the fact that the pathology develops in the lumbosacral region, the pain is concentrated at the place where the sciatic nerve exits - the buttock.

With sciatica, the patient has difficulty in performing physical exercises, is unable to focus on the affected leg, and simple bends and squats become impossible. Slight numbness of the affected leg is also possible, which can spread to the tips of the toes.

More details

Lumbago (lumbago)

Acute back pain, radiating to the leg, appears due to excessive physical exertion, followed by a sharp cooling of the body. Even minor physical efforts only worsen the condition, often the patient is not even able to move independently.

A couple of days of rest will remove the lumbago, although they will not be able to completely cure it.

In the popular TV program about health "Living Healthy", the problem of lumbago was consecrated. See this video for more details:


It is accompanied by pain in the lower back, edema of the soft tissues around the spine and decreased sensitivity of the legs. It appears due to the erasure of the intervertebral discs after severe injuries or prolonged stress on the spine.


Severe and sharp pain restricts a person's movements and prevents them from standing on their feet. Posture changes: the body leans forward, the back bends in the thoracic region. Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of numbness in the right or left leg and a feeling of heaviness in the limb.

Lumbolization and sacralization

Both pathologies are a congenital defect:

  1. With lumbolization, the number of vertebrae is reduced due to the fact that they grow together in the lumbar region and sacrum.
  2. With sacralization, the number of vertebrae increases.

Aching sensations in the back appear by the age of 20 and intensify with physical exertion on the defective areas of the spine.

Pinched sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is the largest in our body because it is formed from the nerve roots of the sacral and lumbar spine.

Pinching is caused by:

  • injuries and their incorrect treatment;
  • hypothermia;

  • physical exercise;
  • progression of spinal hernia and osteochondrosis.

In the treatment of pinching, muscle spasms and pain are primarily eliminated. Medication is prescribed by a doctor and includes various drugs that relieve pain: anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and others. For further recovery, physiotherapy and dosed physical exercises are prescribed.

Other reasons

Back pain radiating to the leg is not always associated with spinal lesions. The causes of this symptom can be:

  1. Renal pathology.
  2. Gynecological diseases in women (inflammation of the appendages, ovarian cyst).
  3. Severe infectious diseases (HIV infections).

  1. Long-term contact with pesticides, radiation.
  2. Certain surgical conditions.
  3. Alcohol and drug abuse.

Also, this symptom occurs in pregnant women, and quite often.

Back pain radiating to the leg appears early in pregnancy and often goes away only after childbirth.

First of all, in this case, the soreness of the back on the right or on the left is due to the increased load on the spine due to the increased mass and displacement of the center of gravity of the abdomen due to the development of the fetus. However, if the pain persists for a long time even after childbirth, then you should consult a doctor.

Ambulatory treatment

Unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible to seek help from a specialist. In this case, there are several ways that can alleviate the patient's condition:

  • Passive rest. One of the most important points. If you are bothered by back pain radiating to the right or left leg, you must abandon any stress on the spine.
  • Correction of nutrition. A balanced diet will provide your body with the nutrients it needs. By eliminating cell starvation, you will have the strength to fight the disease.
  • Massages. The main task of the massage is to relieve inflammation and tension in the muscles of the back and legs. Massage will improve the blood supply to the tissues, which will have a positive effect on health.
  • Warming up procedures. Heating pads, ointments, and warm baths can help reduce pain.
  • Dosed load. Physical therapy, swimming and stretching will develop problem areas and improve their circulation. Carefully monitor your feelings during exercise: you should not feel pain, and when it appears, you need to immediately reduce the degree of stress.

Professional advice

Despite the effectiveness of "home" methods, if your back hurts and gives in to the leg, then the best way out is to contact a specialist. Based on the results of a complete diagnosis, the doctor will identify the cause of the disease. The most effective method of dealing with the disease will be an integrated approach: a combination of medicines, proper nutrition, gymnastics and ointments will give the best result.

Joint treatment More \u003e\u003e


It is always easier to prevent the development of a disease than to cure it. Preventive measures will help you avoid spinal disease and consolidate the benefits of the treatment.

In order not to experience aching pains in the lower back, it is enough to fulfill only two conditions:

  1. Regular physical education. Do yoga, swimming, Pilates, walk more, or just do a warm up every morning. Running, step, and other active sports are best postponed, as sudden movement can be painful.
  2. Reception of chondroprotectors. This type of preparation contains the same substances that are found in cartilage. Chondroprotectors protect the intervertebral discs and slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue.

Remember, human health is exclusively in his hands! Simple exercise, frequent check-ups with doctors, and early treatment of the disease will help you never think of low back pain again. But, unfortunately, if you do not have a desire to be cured, then the best doctor will not help you.

Valery Vladimirovich Kramar, neurologist-vertebrologist, chiropractor, homeopath, leading specialist of the multidisciplinary clinic "Soyuz", tells about the methods of treating pain in the back and sciatic nerve in this video:

How to choose and use ointment for back and lower back pain: a modern look

Pain in the back can knock you out of your usual way of life, throw you out of emotional balance and even drive you into depression. It can be caused by a pinched nerve, progressive illness, or sprain.

Back pain is, in most cases, a symptom of a progressive degenerative-dystrophic disease. Most often we are talking about osteochondrosis.

Every third inhabitant of the planet is faced with one of the types of this disease. Its essence is to change the structure of the vertebrae and their location.

As a consequence, osteochondrosis can be aggravated by protrusion or hernia. Rheumatism, radiculitis, Schmorl's hernia, bursitis, neurological ailments, trauma can also cause back pain.

Only comprehensive and competent therapy will completely eliminate this annoying discomfort, but for local effects, in order to at least temporarily get rid of back and lower back pain, various ointments - analgesics are used.

Groups of agents for local effects on the spine

To find out the cause of back pain, you should consult a specialist. After diagnostic procedures and diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a complex therapy, in which one or another cream or ointment will definitely be present.

These drugs are designed to reduce pain or even completely stop it, but only a few of them can completely eliminate the focus of the inflammatory process. There are several groups of medicinal ointments, which differ in composition and method of exposure to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe back:

Ointments with a warming effect

Warming back ointments are available in a wide variety of pharmacies. Their "hot" effect is due to the constituent components. The tissues around the site of inflammation are filled with decay products.

The warming gels cause local irritation, which allows cellular debris to be flushed out and left the body. Blood flow to the affected area increases, helping tissues to regenerate and diseases to recede.

The main indications for the use of such funds:

The main component of a warming ointment can be: bee or snake venom, red pepper extract, methyl salicelate, dimethyl sulfoxide and others. The minor constituents are vanillinonamide, camphor and turpentine oil.

Popular and effective local warming agents include:

  • Apisatron;
  • Viprotox;
  • Mellivenon;
  • Gevkamen;
  • Finalgon;
  • Dolpig and others.

If the cause of discomfort in the back lies in a recent injury, then warming drugs can be used only during the rehabilitation period. The first 1-2 days after injury, it is necessary to use only, on the contrary, coolants.

Some mild warming ointments can be used to prevent sprains and injuries. This is true for athletes and people who experience high physical activity every day.

The scheme of use is indicated in the instructions for the drug, but usually the first intake is recommended at night. In case the next morning a positive effect will be felt and side effects will not appear, then the frequency of application increases to three per day.

Strong gels and ointments such as Finalgon, Capsicam and Dolpig should be applied with extreme caution. One dose should not exceed the size of a grain of rice. The drug forms a film on the skin, therefore, before each next application, thoroughly wash the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body and wipe it dry.

It is necessary to exclude the possibility of contact with mucous membranes. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after use.

Pain relievers

Most back gels and ointments are designed to relieve pain. A special composition helps them to achieve this effect. The medication can warm the affected area or cool it to block painful discomfort. There are also combined agents that affect the inflammatory process.

Indications for use are neurological diseases, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the back, sprains and injuries.

Anesthetic back ointment should contain such active ingredients as: ibuprofen, nimesulide, heparin, ketoprofen, capsaicin, methyl salicelate and others. They have different effects, but one goal is pain relief.

Popular local analgesics:

To select a specific tool, you should contact a specialist. There are ointments used for prophylactic purposes, but they should not include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Long-term use of the gel should be agreed with your doctor. The frequency of administration varies from 2 to 4 times a day, depending on the active ingredient.

Not all topical medicines are suitable for children. From the presented list, Solcoseryl and Fastum gel are suitable for small patients.

They provide moderate pain relief and, due to their composition, have a low likelihood of an allergic reaction. Despite this, you must carefully study the instructions before use.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are indicated for almost all back diseases, the symptom of which is pain. These drugs have a number of contraindications and are not recommended for use over 14 days. Due to the deep effect on the inflammation focus, the discomfort disappears in a matter of minutes after application.

An anti-inflammatory back ointment is used in the following cases:

  • osteochondrosis of all types;
  • lumbago;
  • radiculitis;
  • myositis and soft tissue injuries.

Anesthetic ointments based on NSAIDs may contain an active ingredient: diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen, nimesulide, oxicam and others. In tandem with one of these substances, the composition can contain heparin, menthol, essential oil of plant origin, or ketoprofen.

Effective ointments of the NSAID group:

  • Voltaren;
  • Ketonal;
  • finalgon ointment;
  • Nise gel.

It is recommended to apply the gel in a strip of 5 to 10 cm and rub in a circular motion into the affected area. If itching and redness appear, remove the remnants of the substance with a dry cloth and consult a doctor. The frequency of use is 2-4 times a day.

Do not exceed the indicated frequency, as an overdose may occur. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of medicines that are not compatible with taking local NSAIDs.

Homeopathic topical preparations

Topical preparations belonging to the homeopathic group are full of variety. They reduce pain by acting specifically on the site of inflammation. The essence of homeopathy is to treat like-like, but in smaller doses.

There are many indications for use: lumbago, neurology, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis of all types and stages, sprains, fractures, injuries and others.

As part of any homeopathic ointment there is a matrix tincture. It is an aqueous or alcoholic extract from plant or animal raw materials.

Thanks to a special production technology and the right proportions, such drugs are combined with absolutely all methods of therapy and medical devices. The ointment is based on lanolin or petroleum jelly. Often, the composition is supplemented by one or another essential oil.

On pharmacy shelves, you can see the following products of this group:

  • Traumeel S;
  • Fleming's ointment;
  • Objective T;
  • Bryony;
  • Ledum and others.

They have detailed instructions, but there are a minimum of contraindications for admission. Such a remedy can even be used by children, but pregnant women should first consult with a specialist.

It should be applied in a thin layer and in a strip up to 10 cm in length. Rub in with massage movements until completely absorbed. The frequency of use is up to 5 times a day.


To stop the degenerative process in the cartilage tissue and to accelerate its regeneration, chondroprotective ointments are used. By reducing inflammation, improving blood flow and metabolic processes, pain is reduced.

This drug group, first of all, aims to stop the destruction of cartilage and stimulate its restoration, if possible. Pain relief occurs as a result of tissue repair, so the pain will not disappear from the first dose.

This drug group is used for all degenerative-dystrophic diseases, such as: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, sciatica, gout, intervertebral hernia and others.

Chondroitin sulfate is part of any hydroprotector. This substance penetrates into tissue cells and restores metabolic processes in them. Minor ingredients include camphor, glucosamine hydrochloride, and lanolin.

Popular chondroprotectors include the following ointments:

  • Toad Stone;
  • Arthra;
  • Teraflex M;
  • Chondroxide;
  • Sophia.

The course of treatment is usually 14 days and a week later it is repeated again. The effect of therapy will be noticeable within 3-5 months. Most of these ointments are contraindicated in children under 15 years of age. During pregnancy, the reception is also undesirable, although the corresponding studies, as a rule, have simply not been carried out.

The frequency of admission varies from 2 to 4 times a day. Chondroprotectors are applied in a thin layer and do not require thorough rubbing.

Massage balms, gels and ointments

Massage can reduce painful sensations and improve the emotional state of the patient. This method is used as part of complex therapy in the fight against back diseases. There are no contraindications for massage.

Massage gels usually contain essential oils, herbal extracts, and camphor. Herbal tinctures and aromatic oils are also used. The base is petroleum jelly or lanolin.

Popular massage gels:

  • We weigh;
  • Orthophyte;
  • Muravivitis;
  • massage balm Valentin Dikul for the spine and back.

They can be used by children from three years of age and pregnant women. The frequency of admission is set individually, but usually it should not exceed 5 times a day.

A light massage with the presented means will not only reduce pain in the inflamed area, but also relieve tension from the body, invigorate and improve overall well-being.

Combined funds

Many ointments are difficult to attribute to any particular group, since they act on the disease from several sides at once, i.e. combined. Indications for use are osteochondrosis, bursitis, neurological diseases, rheumatism, radiculitis and others.

These products usually include ibuprofen, ketotifen, or nimesulide. These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to them, icecaine, methyl salicelate and red pepper extract may be present.

Components of plant origin, such as: extract of "live" mustache, extract of cinquefoil, royal jelly and others. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are the regenerating ingredients of some combination ointments.

Among the best, the following drugs should be distinguished:

  • Dolobene;
  • Apizartron;
  • Nikoflex.

The course of application should not exceed 14 days. Combined ointments that include NSAIDs require special care. They enter the bloodstream, which means that from excessive use they can cause unpleasant side effects.

The use of children under 7 years of age and pregnant women is contraindicated. Apply to clean skin with a thin strip 5 cm long. The substance should be distributed in a thin layer, without achieving complete absorption. Before the next use, the skin will need to be cleaned.

Point of view

A couple of reviews about back ointments, which may help to draw a conclusion.

Topical medications can help relieve back and lower back pain, but the choice should be taken very seriously.

Only a specialist will be able to prescribe the best treatment option. With a disease of cartilage and bone tissue, complex treatment is required, which is not limited to the use of ointment.

Without the advice of a specialist, only homeopathic and massage gels and balms are allowed. They have a minimum of contraindications, but they are not able to stop severe pain.

How to treat back pain in the lumbar region

The pain and stiffness in the lower back can be so severe that it is not only difficult to work, but also to lie down. The cause of such an unpleasant symptom can be inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the spine or the usual overwork. In any case, you need to know how to get rid of pain yourself, and how to treat diagnosed pathologies.

  • Causes of back pain
  • Pain relief with medicines
  • Physiotherapy for the lumbar back
  • Home treatment
  • When to see a doctor
  • Prevention of back pain

Almost every person, from a child to the elderly, has periodic pain. This may be the result of injury, shock, inflammation, the onset of a chronic process. In each case, lumbar back treatment will include drug therapy, physical therapy, exercise therapy and lifestyle changes.

Let's take a closer look at what diseases cause pain in the lumbar spine and what to do in each case. Starting from the age of 15, a teenager can be diagnosed with juvenile osteochondrosis or a hernia of the spine, therefore the issue of back pain relief is relevant at any age.

Causes of back pain

At first, severe low back pain can be associated with overwork, the specifics of work, long walking, but over time, these risk factors can lead to serious problems. The main and most frequent consequence of hypodynamia and an unhealthy lifestyle is osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Already, it can lead to more serious problems with the spine, if timely treatment is not started. The back can hurt against the background of an inflammatory process, muscle strain, circulatory disorders. In this case, it hurts a person to walk for a long time, to sit and relaxation comes only in the lying position.

The back in the lumbar region can hurt for the following reasons:

Among the diseases that cause lower back pain, it is possible to distinguish intervertebral hernia, muscular dystrophy, pathology of the pelvic organs, obesity, osteochondrosis.

Back pain can be different, and the spine should also be anesthetized by other methods, depending on the causative disease. Symptoms can be primary and secondary. In the first case, we are talking about pathological conditions that directly give pain symptoms. Secondary symptoms occur remotely from the spine and do not depend on its condition; it can be either sick or completely healthy.

Lumbar pathologies causing primary pain symptoms:

  • intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine;
  • protrusion, as the initial manifestation of the dystrophic process in the lower back;
  • spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis and spondylolisthesis.

Secondary symptoms of pain can be associated with the spine, cardiovascular system, joints, special conditions of the body, including pregnancy, postoperative period, overweight.

Secondary symptoms of pain are given by such back diseases:

  • muscle strain, cramps after physical exertion;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs, including cancer and ovarian cysts;
  • fractures, bruises of the spine;
  • anatomical features of the lumbar spine, congenital anomalies.

To start adequate treatment, you will need to undergo an examination, after which the doctor will give recommendations and prescribe a course of therapy. Local medicines and oral pills will be prescribed for back pain relief. Additionally, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, acupuncture, spinal traction, diet and medical gymnastics under the guidance of a specialist are prescribed. At home, you can also anesthetize your back, but we will analyze this and all of the listed methods in order.

Pain relief with medicines

Well-known analgesics can be used to anesthetize the lower back, but with severe pain, the doctor can prescribe steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and even narcotic analgesics. Additionally, with severe pain against the background of degenerative disorders in the spine, chondroprotectors are prescribed. These are drugs that help restore destroyed cartilage tissue.

Medications for lower back pain relief:

  • meloxicam, ibuprofen, acyclofenac;
  • muscle relaxants - midocalm;
  • antispasmodic drugs - no-shpa, papaverine, drotaverine;
  • sedatives are prescribed to relieve stress and relieve pain;
  • anti-inflammatory to reduce inflammation in the sore lower back.

In addition to drugs, vitamins of the B group are prescribed for spinal diseases. They are necessary for the normal restoration of the affected tissues, elimination of pain and spasms. B vitamins also have a positive effect on the nervous tissue, which suffers from osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.

Drugs such as nicotinic acid, antiplatelet agents, and pentoxifylline may be prescribed to improve tissue nutrition and pain relief. To relieve severe pain, a spinal block can be performed, as well as the introduction of local analgesics by injection.

The best drug for pain relief should be the muscle relaxant mydocalm. It works broadly to relieve pain, spasms and muscle tension. Local anesthetics lidocaine, ultracaine can also be used for analgesia, but this is extremely rare.

Physiotherapy for the lumbar back

Undergoing physiotherapy procedures is the best option not only for pain relief of the lower back, but also with the aim of a speedy recovery. All of them have indications and contraindications, they are prescribed by a doctor. This includes massage, manual therapy, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, mud wraps, laser treatments, paraffin treatments and many others.

The benefits of physical therapy are as follows:

Physiotherapy can be carried out for each person both for treatment and for the prevention of inflammatory-dystrophic pathologies of the lumbar spine. Thermal procedures, which can also be carried out at home without the help of a specialist, have an especially positive effect on a sore lower back.

Acupuncture or acupuncture has proven itself well for pain relief. During this procedure, nerve endings and muscle tissue are stimulated directly in the affected area. After the procedure, the lower back stops hurting, fatigue goes away, more energy appears.

Manual therapy is a manual impact on a person's back, in which a specialist, "feeling the problem with his hands," eliminates unpleasant symptoms without the use of additional funds. This is a dangerous technique in its own way, and you cannot resort to it when there are diseases in the acute stage. After such a procedure, the lower back will still hurt, but the symptoms will completely disappear after the entire course of treatment is completed, which is about 5-10 sessions.

Home treatment

Traditional medicine also offers many ways to combat low back pain. These are medicinal compresses, decoctions and tinctures for oral administration, self-massage, ointments and natural gels.

Effective folk methods for eliminating lower back pain:

These traditional medicine recipes are not universal, and to find your own, you need to try several options. In addition to using these recipes, at home you need to do medical gymnastics for the back, monitor nutrition. It is advisable to sleep on an orthopedic pillow and a hard mattress.

When to see a doctor

Back pain cannot always be managed on your own. A serious complication may occur, and then there will be a need for an operation. To avoid serious complications, you should know for what symptoms you need to go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

Dangerous symptoms in the lumbar region:

  • increasing pain while walking, inability to sit for a long time;
  • pinching of the spine, lumbago, when it is impossible to straighten the back;
  • acute trauma to the back, especially the lumbosacral region;
  • pain accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • a sharp deterioration in health, pain radiating to the legs and other parts of the spine.

Several diseases are characterized by such symptoms, which at any time can become complicated and lead to compression of the spinal cord. The consequences can be the most severe, up to disability, so do not ignore the pain and try to cope with it yourself.

Prevention of back pain

When it is known which disease gives pain, you need to follow all the recommendations for preventing complications and improving the condition of the spine. It will include changing the diet, normalizing the daily routine, improving sleep, quitting bad habits, wearing a special bandage that aligns and supports the spine. The lumbar region is the most prone to various diseases, since it has the greatest load. To keep it safe, you need to create a strong natural muscle corset. For this, gymnastics, selected by a doctor or independently, is suitable.

When choosing physical exercises, you need to take into account the degree of comfort so that during their implementation there is no severe pain. Exercise needs to be done daily, exercises are performed in several approaches throughout the day, and only then there will be real benefits for a sore back.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a highly effective method of treatment with minimal stress on the patient's body. Exposure to a specific section or the entire spinal column relieves pain and inflammation, improves tissue nutrition and blood circulation. Physiotherapy does not affect the work of all organs and systems, because it acts selectively on the site of the lesion.

A high result is achieved due to the effect of cold, heat, magnetic fields or currents on the patient's body. This method of treatment allows you to accelerate recovery, shorten the duration of drug therapy and prevent the development of the disease into a chronic form.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy

The main goals of such treatment are the elimination of pain syndromes and the elimination of the inflammatory process, swelling. Physiotherapy also has the following effects:

  • relaxes muscle fibers;
  • restores metabolic processes in the body;
  • activates the functions of neurons;
  • improves blood flow;
  • stimulates the immune system.

Physiotherapy increases patient mobility and improves the condition of many organs and systems. It is prescribed in conjunction with drug treatment.

Indications and contraindications

With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, physiotherapy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • limited mobility of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • muscle contractures.

Despite the rather high efficiency of such treatment, there are a number of contraindications to the appointment of procedures. Physiotherapy is not used for:

  • oncology (suspected or diagnosed);
  • mental disorders;
  • eNT diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines and heart;
  • metastases and tumors in the spine;
  • skin rashes and wounds in the areas of therapy;
  • pregnancy;
  • osteochondrosis in the acute stage;
  • metal structures and pacemakers present in the body;
  • diabetes.

On a note. Physiotherapy is prohibited for alcohol or drug intoxication.

Types of physiotherapy

With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, one or several types of procedures may be prescribed. Usually this:

  • laser therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy (DDT);
  • CMT therapy;
  • darsonval therapy.

In specialized medical institutions, most often located in resort areas, you can undergo balneotherapy and mud therapy. In the first case, the patient is placed in a bath with mineral water, you can also splash in the pool or take a therapeutic shower. Mud therapy is an effect on the spine with therapeutic mud, which contains many components. They relieve inflammation, nourish the vertebral cartilage, and improve blood circulation.

Laser therapy

The task of such therapy is to improve microcirculation and metabolism in the affected areas by exposing them to low-frequency laser light beams.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with a laser is carried out in stages. Initially, the patient undergoes 10 procedures, then they take a break for a month and again carry out a 10-day course. In total, 12 such repetitions are needed.

The treatment is long, so you need to be patient. Laser therapy gives the first results after just a few sessions:

  • normal blood circulation is restored;
  • pain syndrome, spasms, edema and inflammation go away;
  • the immune system is stimulated;
  • improved oxygen supply in the area of \u200b\u200bexposure;
  • the growth of cartilage tissue is stimulated;
  • metabolism is activated.

One laser therapy session lasts no more than 15 minutes. During the procedure, the doctor acts with a light beam from both sides of the spinal column in the lumbar region. This method of physiotherapy has advantages over the others - it reduces the need for taking medications, eliminates pain after the first procedure.

On a note. The laser beams do not harm the skin, do not injure it.

Diadynamic therapy

DDT is an effect on the affected area with double continuous currents and medications. The doctor increases the strength of the current effect gradually - until the sensation of light vibrations appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe procedure.

Sessions are held daily for 10-20 minutes. In case of severe pain, the doctor may prescribe 2 procedures per day. The course of treatment is 10 days. Already after 1-2 procedures, acute pain subsides, muscle tension is relieved and radicular syndrome is eliminated. A full course of diadynamic therapy allows you to restore muscle tone and improve the mobility of the spine.


During the procedure, the affected areas are affected by wave magnetic fields. There are 6 types of them: low-frequency and high-frequency, constant and variable, continuous and pulse. Any of these fields helps to increase blood circulation.

Magnetic therapy:

  • normalizes lymph outflow;
  • reduces the size of the focus of inflammation;
  • relaxes the muscle tissue of the back;
  • relieves swelling of soft tissues;
  • restores nerve cells, cartilage and bone structures;
  • reduces pain.

A total of 10-15 magnetotherapy procedures are required. The duration of each is 20-25 minutes.

CMT therapy

Treatment of low back osteochondrosis with sinusoidal modulated currents has its advantages. Amplipulse therapy stimulates metabolism and releases peptin-like morphines in deep tissues. After 1-2 sessions, pain relief occurs, inflammation and spasms are relieved.

The essence of SMT therapy is the effect on the affected areas with CT currents. Modular variable frequency currents are used, supplied with short pauses. They penetrate deeply into tissues, but do not cause discomfort and skin irritation.

On a note. Physiotherapy CMT is successfully used not only for lumbar osteochondrosis, but is also used to relieve pain and inflammation in the cervical spine.


This method is associated with the impact on the problem areas of the lower back of high-frequency pulse currents. Darsonval physiotherapy is prescribed at any stage of the development of the disease. It gives a high degree of efficiency and has a complex effect on the patient's body with the help of:

  • ozone;
  • heat that occurs under the influence of current in the lumbar region;
  • high-frequency current;
  • oscillatory effect;
  • high-voltage corona discharge.

Already from the 2nd session, it is observed:

  • relieving spasms;
  • vasodilation;
  • removal of inflammation from the nerve;
  • restoration of cartilage tissue.

On a note. Darsonvalization has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, antispasmodic and sedative effects. One procedure takes 5-15 minutes. In total, 12-15 sessions are required.


The treatment is carried out with the use of mineral water, which has a positive effect on the inflammation zones, activating metabolism, improving blood flow. Balneotherapy has a tonic and stimulating effect.

The most effective for osteochondrosis of the lower back are baths with the addition of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfide. Showers and pools with mineral water are equally useful.

Mud therapy

It is highly effective for lumbar osteochondrosis, however, it has many contraindications. It is important to undergo a comprehensive examination before going to the sanatorium in order to find out whether it is possible to be treated with mud or whether it is better to choose some other method of physiotherapy. Wraps and applications with therapeutic mud will be useful for the back. The duration of one procedure is from 20 to 60 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 sessions.

How the mud treatment is carried out, see the next video.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar, as well as the cervical and thoracic spine is not a sentence. Complex therapy with the use of physiotherapy, drugs, medical gymnastics gives a high result and helps to achieve a stable remission of the disease.