Hydromassage foot bath contraindications. Massage foot bath: indications, contraindications, selection rules. Beurer hydromassage bath FB50

Legs are our treasure! Because thanks to them we can walk. Therefore, it is very important to provide them with all kinds of care. There are many ways to do this. And one of them is the hot tub for the feet. These type of foot baths are very popular. This is not only massage, but also foot care. With this bath you can enjoy your feet on your own and as often as you like.

This bathtub has, firstly, four built-in magnets. Secondly, massage foot supports, which are presented in the form of indentations. Thirdly, there are three interchangeable attachments used for foot care. Fourth, the massage attachment. Fifth, the brush. Sixth, a device designed to remove corns. Seventh, there are three functional levels of massage. This is hydromassage, vibration massage and water heating. And, eighth, the timer.

What will a hot tub for your feet give you?

During a foot massage, not only your legs are relaxed, but also your entire body from the pleasure that you experience. The fact is that there are four useful points from the hydromassage of the legs.

  • First, the blood supply is stimulated.
  • Secondly, cell regeneration is accelerated.
  • Thirdly, fatigue is removed and well-being of the legs is restored.
  • Fourth, tense muscles relax.

For example, if you take warm foot baths with arnica, rosemary, or sea salt extract, you will stimulate blood flow. And if you take a mildly warm bath using lavender or thyme, they will have a beneficial effect on your tired legs.

Contraindications for foot whirlpools

Hydromassage foot baths have contraindications, like many other body care products. For example, if you have an open wound on your legs, swelling, fungal skin lesions or allergies, muscle trauma, then you should not use foot baths at least until you recover.

Also, if you have reduced sensitivity of nerve endings, for example, polyneuropathy, then you do not want to massage because of possible burns or hypothermia. If your circulation is impaired, or you are pregnant, use this foot bath with caution.

It is very important to consult a professional before using a foot spa. So he can advise to do not too cold and hot baths. In case of vascular disease, diabetes, joint pain, thrombosis, varicose veins or oncological diseases, before using a foot bath, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

In general, the most important recommendation will be the following: how do you feel after a hydromassage of your feet? If the condition worsens, then you need to consult a specialist, and the use of whirlpool baths may be contraindicated for you.

The device and operation of hydromassage foot baths

for feet with hydromassage are widely used for relaxation. These trays are made of plastic. A balloon and a pump are built into them. There are also trays in which infrared lamps or magnets are also built.

With the use of hydromassage foot baths, you can use cosmetic and hygienic foot massage. Such a massage will perfectly relieve fatigue and swelling, restore normal muscle tone, and improve blood circulation. In addition, there is also stimulation of points, which are called biologically active. They are located on the feet and are a projection of the internal organs. It turns out that by doing only foot massage, you stimulate the work of the whole organism.

The hydromassage baths have a function of air bubble massage. This is one of the nice features. With force, the air is pushed into the water, which creates intense massage vibrations. They penetrate deeply into tissues. This massage helps to increase blood flow, thanks to which more oxygen and nutrients enter the body, in addition, it stimulates metabolism, that is, whirlpool baths can help restore your normal weight.

Another type of massage is a water jet massage. These trickles are pressurized for a pleasant sensation. If you suffer from low blood pressure, this type of massage is for you, as it stimulates the increase in pressure.

How to choose the right foot spa?

The question of how to choose a foot bath is very interesting. And you can find the answer to it if you go through the models and types of baths, thinking about what they have and what you need.

  • So, firstly, you need to pay attention to whether the bath provides its own heating. It is desirable that this option be present.
  • Secondly, massage can be carried out with or without water. This opportunity gives the bath more widespread use. What you also need to pay attention to when choosing.
  • Thirdly, when choosing, it is important to see what modes the whirlpool has. For example, the most common is vibration massage, which leads to general relaxation. But such a massage for those with heart problems may be contraindicated. Therefore, before choosing such a foot bath, consult your doctor.
  • Fourth, if we talk about the cosmetic benefits of the bath, then it must have attachments in order to do a pedicure. Also, for example, a rotating pumice stone can be embedded in such a bath.
  • And fifthly, of course, it is also important that the bath does not slip, that is, it must have rubberized legs, and the cord must be long enough so that there are no problems with a short circuit

Also, the baths can have an infrared mode, that is, the water effect is complemented by the thermal effect. In this case, the elasticity of the muscles improves. This mode can become indispensable for a cold, as it is an alternative to soaring feet.

A working day on our feet, a long walk, a shopping trip, an intense workout in the gym ... every day our legs are subjected to serious stress. We, however, most often simply do not pay attention to fatigue and pain, believing that everything "will pass by itself." But the legs are our main support and support in the truest sense of the word. A hydromassage bath will help your legs stay beautiful and healthy as long as possible.

In its simplest form, a hydromassage foot bath is a plastic container with massage rollers. After filling it with water and turning it on, in a matter of seconds you can enjoy the massage right at home. Different manufacturers offer models with vibration, bubble, air, mechanical and other massage modes. The bath helps to quickly warm and steam the feet, while simultaneously affecting the acupuncture points of the feet.

With proper use, a high-quality hydromassage after the first use will give you an improvement in mood and well-being, a surge of strength and a feeling of lightness in your legs. It will bring even more benefits with regular use. The list of beneficial effects of hydromassage is extensive:

  • a combination of contrast baths and impact on the acupuncture points of the foot will strengthen the immune system, relieve headaches and disorders of the nervous system;
  • massage in warm water using essential oils will help you relax after a hard day. This procedure is also recommended for those who have trouble sleeping;
  • the skin of the feet after the hydromassage will become soft, take on a well-groomed appearance;
  • if the device has an infrared lamp or built-in magnets, it can be used as one of the means in the complex therapy of joint diseases;
  • after using the hydromassage bath, you can do a pedicure - the cuticle will be removed easily and painlessly;
  • if in the morning or at the end of the day you feel tingling or numbness in your feet, massage will help to cope with discomfort by improving blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • mechanical massage will relieve leg swelling and muscle spasms;
  • the combination of massage with strengthening exercises will help prevent the development of degenerative diseases of the feet, as well as speed up the recovery process in case of various injuries.

Hydromassage baths are:

  • contrasting. In such baths, cold and hot water is used simultaneously. The change in temperature tones the body, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities, gives a feeling of lightness in the legs and strengthens the immune system;
  • cleansing. With the help of special rollers and brushes, these baths remove not only dirt, but also dead skin cells, making the feet healthy and well-groomed;
  • tonic. Some appliances are equipped with a container for essential oils. The simultaneous effects of massage and aromatherapy have a tonic effect on the body. For example, essential oils of the citrus group will help to cheer up and cheer up;
  • medicinal. Acting on the acupuncture points of the feet with the help of several types of hydromassage and special nozzles, such baths have a therapeutic effect on the body. There are also devices with magnets built into the bottom. They create a low-frequency magnetic field that can reduce pain, relieve tissue edema and accelerate regeneration processes. However, it is important to remember that a whirlpool bath is not a specialized medical device, and it does not replace a visit to a physiotherapy room.

How to choose

The number of proposals on the market for hydromassage baths is impressive. Before proceeding with the choice, it is worth considering several important points:

  • the more modes a device has, the more ways you can use it. Vibration massage will help the muscles to relax, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a general tonic effect on the body. The presence of magnets will have a beneficial effect on joints. The infrared mode will help to cope with the onset of a cold;
  • some baths can be used without water, for massage with special attachments. The more versatile the device is, the better;
  • if you like to add herbs and salt to the water, be sure to check if the bath you have chosen allows this possibility;
  • when purchasing a device for cosmetic purposes, you must make sure that the kit contains special attachments (pumice, nail files, brushes);
  • read carefully what kind of massage the bath can do. Vibration massage is performed using special rollers. Hydromassage - with air bubbles. Not all models support both modes.

It is also worth checking the device for compliance with the following parameters:

  • sustainability. It is very important that the tray does not slide on the floor, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use. Check if your device is equipped with special rubberized feet;
  • heating function. Water poured into the tray can cool quickly. It is very convenient when the device can maintain and, if necessary, increase the water temperature;
  • convenience of switching on and selecting the operating mode. Sitting on the sofa and relaxing in anticipation of the massage, I absolutely do not want to bend into three deaths and look for the power button on the body. Make sure the bathtub comes with a remote control. Program switching should be done using buttons, not rotary switches. This makes it easier and more convenient to choose the required mode;
  • additional functions. If you buy a bath not only for cosmetic, but also for medicinal purposes, be sure to make sure that the selected model has the necessary functions. For example, a built-in infrared heating lamp or magnets mounted in the bottom for magnetotherapy. And if you are afraid to fall asleep during a relaxing procedure, choose the model with a timer;
  • convenience of storage and transportation. Think in advance about where you will store the bath, and based on this, choose a model of larger or smaller dimensions. Check if the tray is equipped with compartments for storing additional attachments and a power cord, if it has handles for carrying.

Video: Some of the functions and characteristics of the whirlpool tubs using the example of the Beurer FB50

How to use

All trays are easy to use:

  1. Before the start of the hydromassage, the bath is filled with warm water. If desired (and if the model allows), you can add sea salt or a few drops of essential oil to it.
  2. Next, the required operating mode is selected.
  3. To avoid damage to the device, the bath should not be used for heavily soiled feet. If, for example, you walked on the beach before taking a bath and your feet are in the sand, you should rinse them before starting the procedure.
  4. Remember that you cannot get up in the bath. After checking the water temperature, sit down and place your feet in the container.
  5. In order for the massage to be beneficial and enjoyable, during the procedure you need to forget about business for a while and just relax.
  6. Do not unplug the tub while your feet are in the water.
  7. After the massage, dry your feet with a soft towel and let them rest. It is better not to strain relaxed feet for at least half an hour, so you should not immediately break down and run towards business. Allow your body to get the most out of the procedure and slowly tune in to further activities. Also, after bathing, avoid drafts and do not overcool.
  8. To enhance the effect of the hydromassage, after the procedure, you can use special cosmetics that soften and relieve fatigue in the legs. For example, creams.

It is recommended to do the massage for 15–20 minutes if you are using warm water. In cold water, it is better to shorten the duration to 5-7 minutes. However, the most important thing is to listen to your body. If during the massage you feel unwell, you need to stop the procedure.

Video: a review of the Vitek bath, how to use and whether it is worth buying

Contraindications and precautions

Before buying a bath, be sure to make sure that you do not have permanent contraindications to the use of this device. These include:

  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins in the later stages;
  • serious cardiovascular disease;
  • severe hypertension;
  • trophic ulcers of the extremities.

There are also temporary contraindications. This is primarily:

  • heat;
  • open wounds of the lower extremities;
  • skin conditions (such as cracks or fungal infections);
  • inflammatory diseases of the feet at the stage of exacerbation;
  • severe swelling of the legs;
  • the first days after injuries, when massage and exposure to heat are prohibited.

If you have any doubts whether it is possible to use the whirlpool bath for you, you should consult your doctor before use.

If there are no contraindications, you can safely proceed to the most pleasant - a relaxing massage. However, when using the bath, do not forget about safety precautions:

  • read the instructions carefully before use. Many people neglect this boring occupation, but your device may have features that are not obvious at first glance;
  • remember that the tub is an electrical appliance. Do not leave it unattended during operation. Always unplug the appliance when not in use, filling it with water, removing water, washing it or carrying it to another location. Do not use the massager in the bathroom or anywhere where it might be submerged in water. Make sure your hands are dry before removing the plug from the outlet. Do not unplug the appliance while your feet are in the bath;
  • never use the hydromassage for washing.

Review of popular models

Let's consider several popular models of different price categories, which were rated 5 out of 5 according to Yandex.Market data.

Sanitas SFB07

The Sanitas SFB07 model is an inexpensive, but, judging by the reviews, a high-quality bath of the German company Beurer. Its functionality is simple and consists of several programs. The function of maintaining the temperature will keep the water cool, and three massage modes will give you variety. A very pleasant bonus is the ability to use salts and herbs.

Bath characteristics:

  • vibrating massage;
  • vortex massage;
  • maintaining water temperature;
  • massage insole;
  • massage nozzle;
  • anti-slip rubber feet;
  • splash protection;
  • simple control;
  • you can add salts and herbs to the water;
  • network connection: 220-240 V, 50 Hz;
  • power: 60 W;
  • dimensions: 38 x 34.5 x 13 cm;
  • weight: 1.3 kg;
  • manufacturer: Hans Dinslage GmbH, Germany.


Beurer FB20

The FB20 model is another hydromassage from the German manufacturer Beurer. Has a low price. Equipped with infrared light points, has three pedicure attachments and supports dry massage function.


  • vibrating massage;
  • infrared light points;
  • 3 replaceable pedicure attachments and a hanger for storing them;
  • massage insole;
  • the possibility of dry massage;
  • removable splash guard;
  • non-slip rubber feet;
  • cable winding;
  • power 120 watts;
  • 3 functional modes;
  • size: 35 x 38 x 18 cm;
  • power supply: 220 - 240 V;
  • manufacturer: Beurer GmbH, Germany.

ADVANTAGES: multifunctionality. DISADVANTAGES: there are none yet. A lot of good things have already been written about the Beurer FB 20 foot bath. I can only confirm that this device really helps to relax at the end of a working day and gives pleasant sensations. But I also found a use for it for the prevention and treatment of flat feet in a child. There are many pimples at the bottom of the tub, as well as scrolling elements that activate all the cells on the baby's foot when the baby touches or moves the legs. Also, our baby really likes hydromassage with bulbs. When I tell him that we are going to massage the legs, he immediately carries a chair, runs to the location of the bath and always throws his little toys there. The Beurer FB 20 foot bath is our indispensable companion.


ADVANTAGES: Inexpensive. Nice appearance. Massage with and without water. DISADVANTAGES: Plastic. Not very comfortable attachments. My mom really loves to steam her legs in warm water in the evenings. For the next holiday, it was decided to buy her a foot bath as a gift. Chosen in the store in the price limit of 2 thousand rubles. This bath attracted by its pleasant appearance, white-pink color. It has all the features you need for non-professional home use. It's nice to pour warm water there and massage the legs. The bath can massage the feet without water, so when you are too lazy to mess around, pour and clean, you can just tickle your heels without water. Has three attachments. They are removable. It is not very convenient to change the attachment you want to use every time. Has 3 massage modes, you can choose according to your mood. We use it with the whole family. I recommend a very inexpensive model for those who like to steam the legs.



Beurer FB50

The Beurer FB50 whirlpool bath is more expensive than most similar devices, but for this money, judging by the product description, we get "everything at once". Infrared points, magnets built into the bottom, support for dry massage function, removable massage rollers, temperature maintenance, timer, 3 operating modes ... However, upon closer examination it becomes obvious that this device is not ideal either. For example, the lack of a drain makes it difficult to care for the bath. The need to lift a heavy container with water, not equipped with comfortable handles, cannot be attributed to pluses either.


  • infrared points;
  • massage with or without water;
  • there is a timer;
  • maintaining the temperature regime from 35 to 48 C 0;
  • magnets built into the bottom;
  • removable roller massage attachments;
  • intuitive and convenient control;
  • power: 400 W;
  • 3 operating modes;
  • dimensions: 39 x 22 x 50 cm.

ADVANTAGES: Not found. DISADVANTAGES: Unreliable, cannot be used with saline - clogged. It is inconvenient to pour out water due to the fact that there is nothing to grasp, the body is rounded and has no handles for carrying. I bought it for use with sea salt, but the bath is not suitable for this. The bath is constantly clogged and the bubble massage stops working. It is inconvenient and unpleasant to use massage attachments. In order for them to spin, you need to press hard on them, and the massage turns into an unpleasant procedure for rubbing corns. It is inconvenient to pour out the water, because the body of the bathtub is round and strives to pop out of the hands, and the handle is only on one side. How it was possible to make a handle on one side is generally incomprehensible, because it is clear that you have to pour out the water. The massage spikes are unsuccessful, unpleasant for massage. The massage rollers are also poorly shaped and also unpleasant for massage. The appearance and material of the bath did not cause delight. A very high price for a useless item! I expected more from her, the purchase disappointed.


ADVANTAGES: relieves fatigue, relaxes, gives a feeling of lightness to the legs DISADVANTAGES: a bath full of water, quite heavy in weight. Firstly, the Beurer company is a purebred German. And it is not customary to doubt this technique. Secondly, even outwardly, this bath won among its other competitors. It is also a reliable, pleasant silvery plastic. And rounded, tapered sides, thanks to which the water does not splash. And a large number of functions: vibration massage, hydromassage, bubble massage and magnetic therapy. Not to mention 3 attachments for additional foot massage. To use them, you just need to slightly press on such a massage roller with your foot. Without this, it will not work. It will not work to use 3 massage attachments at the same time, since the slot for them is only 1. But they can be replaced at will, in the process itself. The display is convenient, simple and straightforward. In working order, the bath produces a minimum of noise, which is very convenient. Since, firstly, its use does not bother anyone, and secondly, excess noise does not distract from pleasant sensations. I didn't measure the length of the cord, but in all our rooms, it freely reaches out to the sockets. The only negative, as for me, is that after such a wonderful procedure, you have to get up and carry to pour out and wash a bath full of water.

Ann starling


Medisana FS 885

The Medisana FS 885 model can be attributed to the middle price segment. It is suitable for those who are ready to allocate up to 10 thousand rubles for the purchase of a bath. For this money, you will receive a spacious bath (the manufacturer promises that people with a 46th foot will be comfortable in it) with a jacuzzi effect and vibration massage. The device is equipped with special rollers for massage the inner part of the foot and removable massage rollers. A nice feature of this model is a regulator that allows you to heat water to the required temperature (from 28 to 48 degrees Celsius). The device also has a timer.


  • there are both fixed and removable rollers;
  • several modes of hydromassage are available;
  • the ability to change the temperature from 28 to 48 degrees;
  • overheat protection;
  • there is a timer;
  • the size of the bath allows you to use it for people with a foot size up to 46th inclusive;
  • voltage / frequency: 220 V / 50 Hz;
  • power: 390 W;
  • dimensions: 46 x 39 x 24 cm;
  • weight: 2.9 kg.

Advantages: Large - suitable for almost any person; heated water is much more convenient than maintaining the temperature; well assembled - there are no gaps, water does not get inside during operation. Additional rollers in the center are pleasant to the touch and do not chafe feet. Disadvantages: The purpose of the small red light on the top of the bath is not very clear - the instructions say that this is a healing red light, but the effectiveness of this device is questionable. It is difficult to shake out the water immediately after use. Well, the downside of volume is that it's hard to endure when full. If this is not a problem for a man, then women should be more careful. Commentary: In general, a very convenient and useful device, it relieves stress well after a working day.



Table: comparison of different models

ModelOperating modesMaintaining temperatureAbility to use
salt and herbs
Overall dimensionsWeightTimerInfrared lampsMagnets"Underwater rocks"approximate price
Sanitas SFB072 yesyes38 x 34.5 x 13 cm1.3 kgnotnotnot 2000
Beurer FB203 yesyes35 x 38 x 18 cm2.5 kg packednotyesnot 3300
BEURER FB503 yesyes39 x 22 x 500 cm5.2 kgyesyesyesAccording to reviews, it is cramped, there is no drain and comfortable carrying handles.8990
Medisana FS 8853 yesyes46 x 39 x 24 cm2.9 kgyesnotnotThere is no separation of bubble and vibration massage.6470

Having studied the range of hydromassage baths, one can come to the conclusion that in choosing a device, the price is not yet an indicator of quality. Expensive models are more likely to have a larger volume than fundamentally differ from cheaper ones in terms of a set of functions. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, it is worth deciding what exactly you expect from the bath and choosing a model with the functions that are right for you.

A hot tub is not only a great way to unwind after a busy day, but also a useful tool for caring for your feet. It can help relieve leg fatigue and headaches, strengthen immunity, and even alleviate certain conditions. If you take your choice seriously, find a high-quality device and use it wisely, the bath will become your indispensable assistant and will only bring benefits and positive emotions.

To get rid of the unpleasant consequences of long walking or sedentary work and give your legs rest and health, it is recommended to use special devices - hydromassage foot baths.

Regular hydromassage procedures allow:

  • remove swelling, improve blood circulation,
  • reduce sweating of the feet,
  • accelerate the removal of toxins, salts from the body,
  • normalize metabolism,
  • delay the manifestations of varicose veins,
  • prepare the soles and nails for a pedicure.

The whirlpool tub is made in the form of a plastic container made of heat-resistant material. The bottom is covered with pimples for acupuncture foot massage.

There are also attached roller nozzles, their surface is also ribbed or with rounded spikes. When the bath is turned on, the rollers begin to rotate, and the body of the device vibrates.

Additional accessories for water procedures are called attachments. They are removable or fixed on the bathtub, and have a massage and cosmetic effect.

The more nozzles there are, the higher the functionality of the hydromassage unit.

Types of attachments:

  • Roller. They are made in the form of cylinders with characteristic projections. Such attachments need to be rolled with your feet to obtain a massage effect. Their number depends on the model, there are rollers on both sides of the bottom of the bath.
  • Ball - are a round drum with a massage surface. The nozzle rotates, and the ball massager gently affects the feet.
  • Pumice. The working surface of this nozzle is made of a piece of coarse-grained pumice. It polishes feet well and removes rough skin.
  • Brush. This attachment is suitable for cosmetic purposes to soften skin and exfoliate dead skin particles.
  • Sponge attachments, loofah pads.

It is difficult to attribute such attachments to massage attachments, but they are great for foot skin care.

In the middle of the bath recess is partition... It contains a control panel with buttons and switches. Sometimes manufacturers place compartments on the partition wall for additional attachments or pedicure devices.

At one end, the container of the bath is covered with a special visor. During operation of the device, it prevents splashing on the floor.

Some models under the visor have storage recesses pedicure brushes, polishes, attachments or compartments for aroma oils.

Hot tubs are electrical appliances, they are powered by the network. As a rule, these cosmetic devices consume little electricity, so their operation is possible in almost any conditions.

There are appliances that require high power - these are baths with a lot of additional options.

Bath control is carried out using buttons or rotary switches.

  • Push-button control implies the assignment of individual operating modes to its button. The advantage of this type of control is that the user can choose more than one mode, but set a combination of types of massage and impact on the legs.

Such devices are found in models with more functionality and, as a rule, are more expensive.

  • Rotary switches are a common type of control found in simple and mid-range models. The advantage of such a system is its low price, but when choosing an operating mode, the user will have to limit himself to one option.

Number of operating modes a standard whirlpool tub has 2 to 8 programs. One mode can provide for a separate bath program, for example, whirlpool only.

This is typical for models with a turntable switch, where one program corresponds to each position. There are also such models where 2-3 programs are combined in one mode: vibration massage, jacuzzi and aromatherapy.

These are push-button models. It is better to check with the seller for the exact parameters of the bath, then there will be no surprises when using the hydraulic unit.

There are the following types of bath operating modes:

  • Hydromassage is one of the main programs. A stream of water is directed to the legs and promotes their relaxation.
  • Vibration massage occurs due to boiling water and body shaking. An additional effect is provided by the embossed bottom, the protrusions and nozzles of which affect the biological points of the foot.

Sometimes the design of the bath provides for a movable bottom, then only it vibrates, and the body remains stationary.

  • Jacuzzi effect. With it, water bubbles are added to all vibrational movements, which rise from the bottom of the container.
  • Mechanical massage takes place by rotating the roller attachments.

At the same time, the body of the device does not move, and its stability is ensured by rubber Velcro feet.

  • Dry massage is a type of program that does not require the use of water. In this case, the usual foot massage takes place.

Premium models have built-in display... It is a monochrome matrix that displays information about the state of the device, malfunctions, temperature parameters of water, operating modes.

The remote control and timer are useful gadgets. The remote control allows you to switch programs without bending over to the bath. The timer is suitable for those who accidentally fall asleep during the procedure.

Hydromassage baths are used and for medicinal purposes... For this, certain models are supplied with:

  • infrared emitter (improves blood circulation),
  • ozonizer (disinfects water),
  • magnet (improves blood circulation and removes heaviness in the limbs).

How to use the hot tub? The required amount of water (preheated) is poured into the container, the device is connected to the electrical network, the desired mode is selected and the legs are immersed in water.

The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes.

Finally, the switch is turned off and the power cord is turned off after the person reaches their feet. The used water is drained and the bath is rinsed with clean water.

It is only necessary to do hydromassage while sitting, since the bath capacity is not designed for the weight of the human body. It is forbidden to leave the device unattended when it is plugged in.

And one more precaution - the feet are lowered into the filled bath only after plugging into the mains. The ease of use of the hydro bath allows you to combine this pleasant procedure with reading books, watching TV or even handicrafts.

The way of using the whirlpool bath is determined by the effect that the consumer wants to get. By appointment, the following types of baths are distinguished:

  • Toning - used to improve the general condition of the body. For this, sea salt, herbal infusions or aromatic oils are added to the water.
  • Contrasting - help to improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of varicose veins. In such devices, streams of warm and cold water alternate with each other.

  • Cleansing - designed to prepare feet for a pedicure and act on the soles with brushes or pumice. Baths for this purpose are suitable for people with a tendency to sweating.
  • Medicinal - have a general strengthening effect on the legs and the human body. They are equipped with special rollers, the bulges on which correspond to points on the foot, and several modes of hydromassage.

The device is supplemented with an infrared emitter, ozonizer or magnet.

Functionality of whirlpool baths:

  • Heating water. This function allows you to pour cold water into the bath and bring it to the desired temperature using a heating element.

This function has another plus - at very high water temperatures, the heating element is automatically turned off. This saves the body of the bath from overheating, and the legs from burns.

  • Maintaining the water temperature. Unlike the previous function, this mechanism keeps the temperature of the liquid at the desired level throughout the entire procedure.
  • Water temperature regulation. It is enough to set the desired value once and in subsequent steps you will no longer have to adjust the temperature regime.
  • Aromatherapy. For the use of aromatic oils, the bath has special compartments for essential oils. The dispenser sprays them into water and air, and aromatic vapors have a beneficial effect on the body.

Dispensers are divided into manual (in this case, the ether particles are sprayed after pressing the mechanism) and automatic (they themselves spray portions of ether at regular intervals).

Before using aromatic additives, you should consult with a specialist, since the use of oils has its own contraindications.

  • Function of automatic rotation of nozzles. The advantage is that the nozzle starts working when you press it with your foot. With a normal device, you have to lean towards the switches to start the rotation mode.
  • The automatic shutdown timer stops the bath after a specified time. Therefore, you can safely enjoy the massage procedure.

In some models, only one time parameter is set, in others, the duration of the procedure can be adjusted.

How to choose a massage foot bath

Before purchasing a spa bath, you should consult with a physiotherapist or a beauty salon specialist.

  • The number of programs and modes of use. The more of them, the wider the functionality of the device, the wider the range of pleasant sensations you can get.
  • Admissibility of using herbal and saline solutions. Not all devices have the corresponding properties.
  • The presence of a protective visor that protects against splashes.
  • The presence of rubberized feet, so that the tray is firmly on the floor, and there is no risk of accidental overturning of the device.
  • If the bath is purchased for the purpose of cosmetic foot care, it should come with special attachments and pedicure devices.
  • Dimensions. When choosing a model, you should make sure that there is a place for it at home.

  • The presence of a compartment for the electrical cord.
  • The ability to carry out anhydrous (dry) massage.
  • The presence of a drain hole and its location. In some models there is no drain, then you will have to pour the used water over the edge. If there is a drain, there is not much difference where it is located: below or on the side.
  • Trademark. All models are worthy of good reviews, it is difficult to give preference to devices from a particular manufacturer.
  • Price. The price range of whirlpool baths varies within 10 thousand rubles. But even in the middle price range, the selection of high-quality, functional devices is quite large. And practically everyone can afford baths up to 5 thousand rubles.

The best massage foot baths with hydromassage

A foot bath with a hydromassage effect replaces a visit to the spa. This is a great option for relaxing and relieving fatigue from your feet at home. It has two purposes: reflexology and tonic massage.

Thanks to its high power, it makes the bubble effect and vibration massage really noticeable.

The best-in-class model is characterized by the presence of illumination, infrared heating, dry massage function.


  • power 85 W,
  • 3 massage modes (bubble, vibration, combined),
  • 500 massage points,
  • mechanical control,
  • water temperature maintenance,
  • weight 2 kg,
  • mains cable length 1.7 m.


  • easy to operate,
  • nice design,
  • low noise level,
  • inexpensive price.


  • there are contraindications.

The best baby foot massage baths

The use of massage baths for children is not contraindicated. For immunocompromised children who often have respiratory problems, it will be helpful to have regular foot baths.

There are biological points on the foot that are associated with almost all organs. Massage touches of the relief surface of the nozzles and the bottom of the container will stimulate regenerating and healing processes in the body.

A distinctive feature of the best item is the adjustable angle of inclination of the massage surface, which will allow you to set the most comfortable position for the child.


  • power 90 W,
  • 3 modes (bubble, vibration massage, acupuncture),
  • 5 attachments,
  • mechanical control,
  • weight 2.3 kg,
  • infrared function,
  • water temperature support.


  • good relaxing effect,
  • additional device included - electric massager,
  • convenient mechanism for draining water,
  • the bubble effect is pleasant for children.


  • noisy,
  • not very large capacity.

The best therapeutic massage foot baths

brand, model Manufacturer country Description
Meditech FBM-2000USAThe most powerful
Beurer FB25GermanyThe most stylish
Medisana WBWGermanyThe most voluminous
Polaris PMB 3704ChinaThe most comfortable
VT-1795AustriaThe most functional
Bremed BD 7500ItalyThe easiest to use

Hydromassage baths have a therapeutic effect in the following cases:

  • the first signs of varicose veins,
  • swelling, nagging in the legs,
  • arthrosis, joint pain,
  • deterioration of metabolism,
  • sleep disorders
  • decreased immunity.

A feature of the best model is the presence of additional "healing" options: infrared radiation, magnets, ozonizers, special acupuncture nozzles, the ability to add herbal infusions to water.

Special hydromassage programs help to improve blood circulation, activate recovery processes, and improve the condition of muscle tissues and joints.

A pleasant bubble massage allows you to relax, while the effects of herbs or aromatic oils have a calming effect on the nervous system.


  • power 90 W,
  • bath capacity 4 liters,
  • 4 modes of exposure (bubble, dry, hydromassage, combined mode),
  • 72 holes for creating bubble-jacuzzi,
  • 234 massage spikes.


  • roomy,
  • easy to use,
  • bottom relief is comfortable for the arch of the foot,
  • good power.


  • average noise level,
  • when the appliance is operating, water enters the program selector knob.

The best inexpensive massage foot baths

A hot tub is not necessarily an expensive unit. The stores offer a large selection of massage devices in the price range up to 5 thousand rubles.

The best inexpensive foot bath has all the basic functions: hydromassage, vibration massage, replaceable nozzles.


  • power 80 W,
  • 3 massage modes (bubble, vibration, turbo),
  • 1 roller nozzle,
  • weight 1.8 kg.


  • economical energy consumption,
  • pleasant appearance,
  • low noise level,
  • inexpensive price.


  • limited functionality,
  • low power (affects the quality of massage).

The best massage foot baths for varicose veins

One of the most serious diseases of the legs is varicose veins. It delivers unpleasant. To prevent the manifestation of varicose veins, you must take timely measures.

A best-in-class massage bath should have the following features:

  • combine several types of water massage,
  • have the function of temperature regulation of water,
  • have a thermal, tonic effect on the skin, tissues, muscles.


  • power 390 W,
  • 2 modes (bubble, vibration massage),
  • 4 built-in magnets,
  • 8 infrared emitters,
  • regulation of water temperature from 35 to 48 degrees,
  • timer from 20 to 60 minutes,
  • weight 5 kg.


  • good power,
  • stands steadily on the floor,
  • the ability to add herbal infusions to the water,
  • the kit includes additional nozzles,
  • availability of additional options.


  • average noise level,
  • price.

The best heated foot massage baths

Heating is a great feature to keep your feet in warm water throughout the entire whirlpool session. It is also useful when there is no hot water source at hand. It is enough to pour cold water into the bathtub and press the heating button.

In the best device, heating occurs up to a certain temperature (no more than 40 degrees).

So there is no risk of burning your feet. Also, this function implies automatic shutdown when a critical water temperature is reached.


  • power 50 W,
  • 4 modes of exposure (bubble, vibration, vortex, magnetic),
  • 2 attachments,
  • weight 2 kg.


  • water heating function,
  • ease of management,
  • volumetric water tank,
  • nice design.


  • not found.

The best foot massage baths with infrared emitter

Modern models of foot baths are equipped with an infrared radiator. The best hot tub with IR heating has the following effects:

  • improves blood circulation,
  • normalizes metabolism,
  • improves the water and electrolyte balance of cells,
  • activates immune processes.


  • power 120 W,
  • 3 modes (bubble, vibration massage, dry massage),
  • 3 attachments,
  • infrared emitter.


  • good power of the device provides a tangible foot massage,
  • has a healing effect,
  • sold at an affordable price,
  • has an attractive design and a comfortable device.


  • the attachment for additional nozzles is located on the side of the bath, which is inconvenient when draining or storing.

The best foot massage baths for arthritis

The peculiarity of the hydromassage device is that it helps relieve attacks of joint pain, pain in arthrosis, arthritis, and gout.

Hydromassage improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, tones and improves the condition of tissues, muscles and joints. Therefore, the use of baths for various diseases of the limbs, in particular for arthritis, is very useful.


  • power 140 W,
  • 4 massage modes (bubble, vibration, point, roller),
  • 6 additional attachments,
  • sleep timer.


  • infrared function,
  • water temperature maintenance,
  • functionality,
  • pleasant appearance,
  • remote control.


  • mounts for additional nozzles and a remote control are located on the sides of the bath, which is inconvenient when draining water or storing,
  • price.

Taking care of your feet is an important factor in maintaining your physical well-being.

This question is relevant for both the female and male half of humanity, because the rapid pace of modern life makes both those and others accelerate. People are in a hurry, overcome considerable distances in solving various problems, and many of the girls go through life beautifully - in high heels.

Outwardly, such a sight, of course, is impressive. But what do tired legs feel when they put on comfortable indoor slippers in the evening? Fatigue. Accumulated. Layered. Often permanent.

Home relaxation remedy

An effective device for restoring the energy spent in the hustle and bustle of the day, as well as for a pleasant relaxation procedure, is an excellent tool - hydromassage baths. The benefits and harms of such devices have long ceased to be a controversial issue, because many manufacturers, in an effort to maximize their product in the competitive market, endow it with positive qualities. Such devices are attractive in appearance, as they are made in a modern design style. They are easy to use and do not require any special knowledge. Their functionality is available even to those who do not like or do not know how to communicate with technology. It is enough to draw water and turn on the device. And, of course, it is recommended that you read the instructions at least to understand all the possibilities of the miracle technology.

The benefits and harms of which are actively discussed by consumers of this product are intended for daily care of their own health. This is a real rest for tired legs and a great opportunity not only to have a pleasant rest, but also to improve health, strengthen strength, and restore health.

The device of hydromassage baths

What is a hydromassage This is a plastic container of a certain shape, equipped with:

  • a device for heating water and monitoring the maintenance of its comfortable temperature;
  • built-in pump;
  • an aerator, the function of which is to saturate water with air;
  • nozzles located at the bottom of the tub and supplying water.

Some whirlpool baths, the benefits and harms of which worry about their health, are equipped with additional heads, which expands the range of their capabilities.

An important factor is the power of the bath. The higher its indicator, the better the water heater will maintain the required temperature. The lid of the bath must reliably protect against splashes so that you do not have to clean up after the procedure.

There are a number of things to keep in mind when purchasing a spa bath: the buttons on the control panel should be positioned so that you do not have to bend over when switching them. Therefore, it is recommended to choose models in which the buttons can be switched by foot or remotely.


The main function of the foot spa is that it is produced by the action of special spikes located at the bottom of the device. Some models are equipped with an acupuncture surface, with the help of which a massage effect is performed on biologically active points on the soles of the feet.

The massage can be performed both with air bubbles and water jets. Both procedures are incredible pleasure. Air, forcibly pushed into the water column, creates powerful vibrations that penetrate deep into the tissues. This effect activates blood flow and normalizes metabolism. Exposure to streams of water, which are supplied under a certain pressure, has a positive effect not only for tired legs, but also for the body as a whole.

Additional features

A hot tub for feet, reviews about the possibilities of which encourage many consumers to acquire such a useful device, can also be equipped with magnets. The field they create is shown for performing procedures for muscle and joint pain, as well as for healing the whole body. Some models have built-in infrared lamps, the radiation of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and also increases muscle elasticity and improves blood flow. Such whirlpool baths, the benefits and harms of which are an important topic in health promotion, can be used with or without water: the result in both cases will be positive.

The hydromassage procedure is recommended to be carried out while sitting. Firstly, this position will allow you to relax as much as possible and enjoy a relaxing procedure. Secondly, such devices are not designed for heavy weight to stand in them.

benefit and harm

Why is hydromassage of feet useful? This procedure, which is becoming increasingly popular for home use:

  • relieves accumulated fatigue;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • normalizes blood flow in tissues;
  • enhances immunity;
  • strengthens the health of the whole body;
  • removes congestion;
  • renews tissues and cells;
  • accelerates the treatment of colds;
  • relieves headaches;
  • reduces joint pain;
  • relaxes muscles and ligaments;
  • relieves spasms;
  • energizes;
  • improves mood.

The average duration of a foot hydromassage is 15-20 minutes. This time is quite enough to get the maximum benefit for your body. After the end of the procedure, the healed legs need to be wiped dry with a towel and lubricated with nourishing cream.

Hot tub: benefits for the body

Horse chestnut is effective in cases of frequent leg swelling. It is recommended to add some to the water in case of excessive sweating. Chamomile is beneficial for sensitive skin. The use of essential oils will transform your wellness treatment into a pleasant aromatherapy session. By the way, many models of hydromassage baths are equipped with containers for cosmetics, which is a very convenient factor for consumers.

Contrast for legs

According to reviews of hydromassage lovers, contrast will help to increase the overall tone of the body and improve blood circulation. For such a procedure, you should have a couple of baths. One needs to be filled with hot water, the second with cool water. The legs should be alternately immersed first in one container, then in the second. After the procedure, which should be carried out no more than 2 times a week, you need to dry yourself with a towel.

Hydromassage of legs not only relieves fatigue, but also has certain medical indications.

It is actively used in reflexology, affects the points responsible for the functionality of vital organs.

Contraindications for home hydromassage

A hydromassage foot bath, the benefits and harms of which are a favorite topic of many housewives, is not available for everyone who wants to improve their health. Fungal lesions, muscle injuries, allergic manifestations, wounds on the legs, tumors are factors in which massage should be abandoned. It is recommended to use this procedure with great caution during pregnancy and circulatory disorders. With varicose veins, joint pain, diabetes mellitus, you should definitely consult a doctor.

According to consumer reviews, you should always monitor your well-being after taking a bath. If it worsens, the procedure must be stopped.

to the list of tips

Useful Tips

What kind of massage foot bath has contraindications.

What are the contraindications for whirlpool baths?

Of course, like any other effective treatment, the massage foot bath has certain contraindications. Of course, the negative factors in their application are very small. Still, it's worth knowing about them. For example, if you suffer from varicose veins, severe kidney or cardiovascular disease, as well as fever or hypertension, it is better to refuse to use such baths. However, with such indications, it is generally better to avoid hot baths. However, knowing this simple rule, you can significantly reduce the risk of complications of these already unpleasant diseases.

What can such a bath help with?

Surprisingly, it is with the help of a hydromassage bath that such complications can be avoided. For example, high blood pressure or the development of varicose veins. It is enough to use this amazing device from time to time, especially if at work you have to walk or stand a lot, as well as be nervous and worried, then such an acquisition will be a real boon for you. In this case, the foot massage bath will completely cure the contraindications.