The best ointment for muscle pain. Inexpensive pain relieving ointments. What is joint pain

Muscle pain can occur in any person: sometimes they appear under the influence of external factors or due to excessive physical exertion, in other cases it is one of the symptoms of the disease. For their treatment, drugs are used in various forms, the most popular and in demand are ointments for external application.

They have their own classification depending on the principle of action and therapeutic effect; the proposed article will help to understand the variety of modern drugs of this type.

What causes pain in muscles and joints?

Anyone can experience muscle pain, regardless of gender, age, health status or lifestyle.

Among the most common reasons are:

  • Physical overstrain; hard work; too active sports training.
  • Injuries received or vitamin deficiency.
  • Incorrect posture, provoking muscle spasms and leading to accelerated fatigue.
  • Stressful situations: muscle pain can be caused not only by physical, but also by emotional stress.
  • Soft tissue pathologiesth, inflammation of the fibers and damage to various muscle groups.
  • Manifestation of more severe diseases, including rheumatism.

Treating muscle pain

If muscle pain occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist and carry out diagnostic measures, which will allow you to establish the exact cause of the discomfort, make a diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate therapy.

The basic principles of muscle pain treatment are as follows:

  • Drug treatment: drugs for external application are most often chosen, taking pills or taking a course of injections can be prescribed.
  • Implementation of acupressure, physiotherapy exercises, manual therapy.
  • Surgical intervention practiced if muscle pain is one of the symptoms of complex injuries or serious illness.
  • Physiotherapy activity.

Types of ointments and gels for the treatment of muscles and joints

Depending on the mechanism of action, the following types of drugs for the treatment of muscle pain are distinguished:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments - the most common variety; its use can reduce inflammation in the tissues and eliminate severe pain.
  • Ointments that provide a warming effect and a cooling effect, as well as relaxing gels that can relieve fatigue in the legs.
  • Designed to recover from sprains and other types of injuries and used for preventive purposes after sports.
  • Chondroprotectorsdesigned to restore damaged tissue.
  • Homeopathic ointments and remedies, which contain only natural substances and plant extracts.

Ointments and gels for muscle treatment

Post-workout ointments and gels

Muscle pain after active sports training in athletes is considered a normal reaction, but even in its absence, it is recommended to use special ointments and gels for prophylactic purposes. Usually used to relieve discomfort in the calf muscles, neck or shoulders.

Ointment "Kapsikam" is a combined composition:

  • Elimination of muscle pain when applied, it occurs due to the complex effects of dimethyl sulfoxide, turpentine, camphor and nonivamide.
  • The ointment differs from most analogues by its rapid penetration into the treated area and adjacent tissues, while a small amount of active substances penetrates into the hematopoietic system.
  • The cost is 250-350 rubles depending on the volume of the tube.

Ointment "Viprosal":

  • It is one of the most popular ointmentsused to relieve muscle pain after intense sports training:
  • The active ingredients are camphor and salicylic acid; the composition also contains pine oil extract, so the ointment is not recommended for people with a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • average price is 230-310 rubles.

Ointment "Finalgon":

  • Austrian production based on nonivamide and nicoboxil, it can be used to prevent muscle pain after exercise.
  • After its application, there may be a short-term redness of the skin., an increase in its temperature and a slight burning sensation, which is a normal reaction due to the rapid absorption of the agent into the epidermis.
  • Price drug in the pharmacy on average 300-400 rubles.

Flexall ointment:

  • Is a special sports ointment, which is recommended to be used after training for preventive and therapeutic purposes.
  • The product has a natural composition, in which aloe extract, menthol and camphor are present, the ointment is additionally enriched with vitamins E.
  • Purchase it can be priced from 850 rubles.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and pain relieving ointments

Ointments belonging to the NSAID group are the most versatile remedies for the treatment of muscle pain, regardless of its origin.

Some modern drugs are discussed below:

  • is the most popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment. Among the indications for its use are injuries, inflammatory lesions of joints and soft tissues, muscle pain. The ointment can be used to treat children over the age of 6; the cost of a 100 g tube is only 130 rubles.
  • Nikoflex is a Hungarian anti-inflammatory ointment; the drug has a completely natural composition, its active substances are lavender oil and components of capsicum. The ointment has a burning local irritating effect; it is not recommended to use it if you are prone to allergies. The cost is from 300 rubles .
  • "Ketoprofen" available in the form of a cream and gel for topical use, today it is the most effective and fast-acting NSAID, when it is necessary to relieve acute pain in muscles or joints. As a ketoprofen-based product, it requires a prescription from your doctor. The price is 400-550 rubles.
  • "Nimulid" is an Indian drug based on nimesulide, the use of the ointment allows you to get rid of muscle pain and reduce local inflammation; the agent, less often than analogues, causes side reactions. Average price is 220 rubles.
  • has no analogues in terms of the ratio of affordable price and high speed of elimination of muscle pain and signs of inflammation. You can buy a Russian-made drug at a price from 35 rubles.

Diclofenac in the form of a gel Ibuprofen ointment Ketoprofen Nikoflex

Ointment "Indomethacin":

  • Budget Bulgarian ointment based on the substance of the same name.
  • The drug is used not only for therapeutic, but also for prophylactic purposes. to eliminate joint stiffness after waking up in the morning, to increase mobility and range of motion.
  • Prevents the onset of spastic muscle pain after increased physical activity.
  • The cost 40 g of ointment is 70-80 rubles.


Non-steroidal ointments with anti-inflammatory effects are one of the most popular types of pharmacological preparations for topical use.

In most cases, they are prescribed if the patient has the following indications:

  • Rehabilitation or residual discomfort after suffering injuries to tendons and hard tissues.
  • Rheumatic lesions of soft tissues in certain areas of the body.
  • Non-inflammatory and inflammatory lesions of cartilage tissues and joints of various origins, including severe and chronic forms.


The impossibility of using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments is observed only in rare cases; contraindications for their use may be the following factors:

  • Allergic reaction to certain substances and components present in the composition.
  • Some forms of bronchial asthma.
  • Individual intolerance to NSAIDs due to the individual characteristics of the organism and perception.
  • Diseases of the liver or kidneys in severe form or during an exacerbation in chronic forms.
  • Open wounds in the treated areas and violations of the integrity of the skin, especially in the presence of introduced infections or foci of purulent inflammation.

For many ointments belonging to the NSAID group, contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood.

Warming ointments

Below are considered ointments with a warming effect, which are prescribed to eliminate muscle pain:

  • "Venoruton" is a warming ointment, the use of which is recommended for injuries associated with stretching or damage to soft tissues. Applying the product 2 times a day for several weeks allows you to get rid of not only pain, but also swelling. The cost is from 700 rubles.
  • "Deep Relief" is a warming ointment based on ibuprofen with the addition of levomenthol; the remedy is effective in the treatment of severe pain resulting from injuries to tendons or ligaments, as well as muscle damage. The price depends on the volume of the tube, on average it is 350-500 rubles.
  • "Lyoton" Is a highly effective German ointment based on sodium heparin, the main indications for use are local edema, subcutaneous hematomas, a tendency to form blood clots, complications after surgical operations. High efficiency is also noted in the treatment of injuries and bruises of muscle tissue. Price from 750 rubles.
  • Dolobene is another German drug, in its pharmacological action it is close to "Lyoton". The composition also contains sodium heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethyl sulfoxide were added to increase the effectiveness. The cost is 400-450 rubles.

Dolobene gel 50 grams Venoruton Deep Relief Lyoton

Cooling ointments

At the initial stage of exacerbation of neuralgic diseases, ointments with a warming effect are contraindicated.

They may show a low degree of effectiveness in the treatment of some forms of muscle pain, in such cases it is recommended to use cooling agents:

  • "Ben-Gay" Is an ointment based on methyl salicylate, the cooling effect is achieved due to the presence of menthol in the composition. The agent has a calming effect, when applied, the intensity and duration of sports activities can be increased without negative consequences for the muscles. Ointment cost from 230 rubles.
  • "Bystrumgel" is a highly effective ketoprofen-based ointment, used to quickly relieve pain in muscle tissues. Application of the product has a slight cooling effect, providing a relaxing effect on the muscles. The cost is 350-450 rubles.
  • "Reparil" is an inexpensive and high-quality German drug in the form of an anesthetic ointment with a moderate cooling effect. The active ingredients are diethylamine salicylate and escin. You can buy the product at a price from 180 rubles.

Ben-Gay Bystrum Reparil

Ointments for the treatment of muscle sprains and ligaments

Sprains of muscles and ligaments are common types of injuries that can occur not only during sports activities, but also in everyday life.

For their treatment, the following ointments are used:

  • Voltaren Is an ointment based on diclofenac, it not only eliminates the main symptoms of sprains in the form of pain and swelling, but also reduces inflammation, contributing to an accelerated recovery. In pharmacies, the drug is presented in packages of various sizes, the price varies from 250 to 600 rubles.
  • "Gavkamen" produced in Belarus, it is an ointment for the treatment of sprains with a natural composition, which contains eucalyptus extract, peppermint and camphor. For sprains, it provides mild symptomatic therapy; the drug is not recommended for patients with a tendency to allergies. You can buy it at the price from 45 rubles.
  • "Apizartron" Is a universal German drug used in the treatment of most neuralgic diseases and injuries, including sprains of muscles and ligaments. The active ingredient is methyl salilate, the composition also contains bee venom, which increases the effectiveness of the product. The average cost of the ointment is 270 rubles.

Apizartron Voltaren Gavkamen

Homeopathic ointments

Homeopathic ointments also show good results in the treatment of muscle pain, among which the following remedies can be distinguished:

  • "Traumeel C" is a German preparation containing a large amount of various natural plant extracts. The tool can be used to eliminate muscle pain; in the treatment of neurological diseases, it is used as an adjuvant. The cost is 450-500 rubles.
  • "Zhivokost" is an inexpensive Russian homeopathic remedy, the use of which allows you to get rid of muscle pain. The composition contains chondroitin, so the drug is also used to restore cartilaginous tissue and the normal state of joints after diseases. The cost in pharmacies is from 100 rubles.

Zhivokost Traumeel

Ointments for children for muscle pain

Muscle pain can also occur in a child, ointments and gels are well suited to eliminate them, since they are easy to use in childhood.

The main requirement for drugs is the minimum risk of side effects and the safety of use; in any case, it is preliminarily recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Among the topical preparations approved for the treatment of muscle pain in children are:

  • Traumeel S contains only natural ingredients, so it can be used to treat children from the age of 5 months.
  • and other drugs based on nimesulide are used to treat muscle pain in children over 2 years of age.
  • »Can be used to treat muscle pain in children over 6 years of age.
  • "Butadion" for topical use is allowed for adolescents over 14 years old.

Diclofenac in the form of a gel Nise gel with a volume of 20 grams Butadion

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable lower back pain. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! Several months ago, I was twisted in the country, a sharp pain in the lower back did not allow me to move, I could not even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. I prescribed some medications, but they did not help, it was unbearable to endure this pain. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, all the time I thought about it that I would be a burden for the family ... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article on the Internet to read. Can't imagine how grateful I am to her for that. This article literally got me out of my wheelchair. In recent months, I began to move more, in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Ointments for muscle pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a prohibition on the use of many pharmacological drugs, including gels and ointments.

Before using them, you should definitely consult with a specialist; the following are considered the safest:

  • Nurofen actually has no effect on the fetus.
  • Traumeel S allowed during pregnancy, if there is no allergic reaction and permission from a specialist has been obtained.
  • "Bishofit" allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation, since it does not affect the fetus and is not excreted in breast milk, the cost is 70-80 rubles.

Traumeel S Bischofit Nurofen

Preventive ointments

With high physical exertion or exposure to other factors that can cause the appearance of muscle pain, it is recommended to use preparations for topical use for preventive purposes.

The following tools are suitable for this:

  • is used for preventive purposes due to its fast action and high efficiency with minimal penetration of substances into the hematopoietic system and a low risk of adverse reactions.
  • "Indomethacin" is inexpensive and safe, therefore its use is recommended before carrying out activities involving physical activity.

Indomethacin Capsicam ointment

Recommendations for using ointments at home

Before using in pharmacy or homepain relieversfor external application, please read the following general guidelines:

  • Do not use multiple products at once without the consent of a specialist, since they can enter into undesirable drug interactions with each other or provoke an overdose if the compositions are similar.
  • Upon receipt of permission from a specialist to use several means at once, their application should be carried out at different times.
  • Before using any product it is necessary to read the instructions attached to it.

Folk recipes for ointments for muscle pain

External remedies for the treatment of muscle pain can be prepared independently at home.

The following are traditional medicine recipes designed to produce effective ointments:

  • Mix a teaspoon of butter with a quarter teaspoon of badyagi in powder form. The application is carried out no more than 1 time a week, since the badyaga has an irritating effect on the skin. The procedure is performed before bedtime, the remedy helps with muscle pains, which are a symptom of a cold or arising from an injury.
  • Mix in equal proportions butter and chopped willow buds. The remedy is effective against muscle pain of any origin; it should be rubbed on the sore spot once a day on the problem area.
  • 150 ml of camphor alcohol, 1 tablespoon of ground red pepper and 250 ml of bile are mixed. All components are thoroughly mixed, the resulting product is kept for a week in a warm and dark place. It is used as a compress by applying it over a gauze treated with sunflower oil and applied to a sore spot.
  • A few tablespoons of butter are mixed with 1 tablespoon of mashed horsetail. The resulting mass is used to apply to the sore spot, after which it is tightened with cling film and wrapped in a warm cloth. Usually 2-3 procedures are enough to completely relieve muscle pain.

List of inexpensive popular ointments

Below are examples and comparisons of topical muscle pain medications that are cheap budget-class medications.

Name Indications average price
"Indomethacin" Gout, arthritis, backache, inflammation of tendons and ligaments, muscle pain of any origin, soft tissue damage. 80 rubles
Bruises, rheumatism, sprains, joint inflammation, swelling and inflammation of soft tissues, muscle pain due to high physical activity. 20-130 rubles
Mechanical injuries of soft tissues without damaging their integrity, inflammatory lesions of joints and cartilage, muscle pain. 40 rubles
"911 Revmalgon" Gout, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, backache, muscle pain. 80 rubles
"Bishofit" Inflammatory lesions of the musculoskeletal system, muscle pain. 70 rubles
If your back, neck or lower back hurts, do not delay the treatment, if you do not want to end up in a wheelchair! Chronic aching pain in the back, neck or lower back is the main symptom of osteochondrosis, hernia or other serious illness. Treatment should be started right now ...

Arthralgia, or joint pain, can result from many different pathologies and conditions. As a rule, pain syndrome is caused by metabolic, rheumatic, neoplastic, systemic and acute infectious diseases. Also, joint pain is often associated with endocrine and degenerative pathologies.

The pain is caused by an irritating effect on the nerve endings that come from the synovial capsule. Allergens, toxins, salt crystals, osteophytes, etc. can act as irritants.

Causes of pain

The main diseases, the symptom of which is arthralgia, are:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • myalgia;
  • bursitis;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • lymphoblastic leukemia;
  • bone metastases.

Arthralgia treatment should be carried out after consultation with a specialist, who, having determined the root cause of the pain syndrome, will prescribe the necessary treatment tactics. Drug therapy is carried out with the help of various groups of drugs in the form of injections, tablets and means for external use.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \\ "Moscow polyclinic \\".

It is ointments and gels that provide a quick therapeutic effect, exerting a local effect on sore joints.

For treatment, external agents of various medicinal groups are used.

Expert opinion

Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city polyclinic, Moscow. Education: Russian State Medical University, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

Only a doctor can determine which ointments are suitable for the patient and how to smear the painful joint in each case.

The most popular and highly effective group of drugs used to treat joint pain. With a quick healing effect, gels and ointments of the NSAID group help relieve joint pain, relieve inflammation and reduce the effects of irritation of nerve endings in tissues. The analgesic effect is due to the suppression of the inflammatory process and the removal of puffiness.

Anti-inflammatory ointments reduce muscle stiffness and restore joint motion.

The active ingredient of the gel is ketoprofen, which contains 0.75 g in each tube. Additionally, the composition includes lavender oil, ethyl alcohol, macrogol, distilled water and diethanolamine.

Ketoprofen is indicated for local treatment of pain syndrome in musculoskeletal pathologies of traumatic or rheumatic genesis, such as rupture and sprain of ligaments, muscles and tendons, bruises, tendinitis, muscle injuries and spasms, lumbago, etc.

Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal drugs. In addition, the use of this group of funds is not recommended for weeping dermatoses, eczema, infected wounds and abrasions.

The drug is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe body and rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. After applying the gel, a sterile dry bandage is applied over the top. Frequency rate of application - 2-3 times a day, duration of therapy - 7-10 days.

The average price is from 60 rubles.

The active substance of the drug is nimesulide. Additional ingredients include alcohol and thimerosal.

It is indicated for arthritis of any origin, lumbago, osteoarthritis, Bakhterev's disease, arthralgia, myalgia, pain syndrome after trauma, inflammatory pathologies in the tendons. It is also allowed to use the remedy for painful menstruation, articular rheumatism, exacerbation of gout. It is widely used for the symptomatic treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis and sciatica.

Contraindicated in patients with sensitivity to components, bronchial asthma, pathologies of the hematopoietic system, heart failure, with bleeding of various origins. The gel should not be used in renal and hepatic insufficiency, as well as in patients suffering from alcoholism.

Nimisulide is applied externally, rubbing into the skin in the area of \u200b\u200barticular pain. The place of application must be thoroughly washed and dried beforehand. The gel is spread on the skin by squeezing 2-3 cm of the preparation out of the tube. With light circular movements, the gel is rubbed over the surface of the skin. Frequency rate of application - 3-4 times a day, no longer than 10 days.

The average price of the product is from 230 rubles.

The active ingredient is sodium diclofenac, as additional ingredients the drug contains ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, lavender oil, carbomer, trolamine and water.

Diclofenac is used as a therapeutic agent for post-traumatic inflammation, rheumatic pathologies, muscle and joint diseases, which are accompanied by severe pain.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the drug, bronchial obstruction (including a history), rhinitis and allergic reactions to NSAIDs. During lactation and in the last stages of bearing a child, Diclofenac is also prohibited for use.

Diclofenac is intended for external use. It is rubbed into the skin at the site of the pain syndrome 2-3 times a day in an amount that depends on the severity of the pain, but not more than 2 g (4.5 cm). A single dose in patients under 12 years of age should not exceed 1 g (2 cm).

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, does not exceed 15 days.

Cost - from 50 rubles


Gel based on phenylbutazone, which has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis of any origin, sprains, arthrosis, synovitis. It is highly effective in treating lumbago, sciatica, osteochondrosis and pain in joint diseases. It is also used as part of complex therapy for erythema nodosum.

You should not use Butadion for bronchial obstruction, rhinitis and urticaria, which have ever occurred while taking NSAIDs. Also, the drug is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, children under 14 years of age. Do not apply the drug if the integrity of the skin is violated.

Apply the gel for joint pain externally up to 3 times a day, using 2-3 cm of the product squeezed out of the tube. No need to rub. The course of therapy is up to 10 consecutive days.

The average price of the drug is from 160 rubles.

Warming and local irritants

These ointments and gels for pain are made on the basis of capsaicin, bee or snake venom, and various essential oils. Drugs in this group improve blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication and stimulate metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue. Possessing a pronounced warming effect, such ointments effectively reduce spastic pain and activate metabolism in diseased joints.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city polyclinic in Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg.

The effect of using warming ointments is quick pain relief and restoration of joint function.

Consists of benzyl nicotinate, vanillilnonamide, camphor, turpentine and dimethyl sulfoxide. Additionally, it contains polysorbate, bronopol, cetylstearyl sulfate, cetylstearyl alcohol and distilled water.

It is indicated for myalgia, arthralgia.

Contraindicated in diseases of the skin, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children under 10 years of age. If the patient is allergic to the components that make up the product, then its use is unacceptable.

For the treatment of arthralgia and myalgia, 1-3 g of ointment (2-4 cm) is used, which is applied to the painful area and rubbed. It is necessary to apply the ointment 2-3 times a day for 10 days.

The average price is from 280 rubles.

Viprosal ointment contains snake venom (viper venom), camphor, turpentine and salicylic acid. Additionally included are paraffin, petroleum jelly, glycerin, emulsifier, sodium chloride and water.

It is indicated for the treatment of arthralgia of various origins, myalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis and sciatica.

It is not allowed to use it for skin diseases, active tuberculosis, high temperature, general exhaustion. It is also contraindicated in case of circulatory failure, a tendency to angiospasms, functional disorders of the liver and kidneys.

The ointment is used every 8-12 hours, 5-10 g, rubbing into the skin with massage movements. The duration of therapy is on average 10 days.

The average price is from 240 rubles.

The preparation contains levomenthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. Additionally, there is paraffin, petroleum jelly and clove oil.

It is used as a local anesthetic, "distracting" agent in the treatment of myalgia, arthralgia and myositis.

Contraindicated in patients with high sensitivity to the substances of the drug, in case of skin diseases, violation of the integrity of the skin and children under 10 years of age.

Ointment for joint pain is applied to the painful area and rubbed into the skin. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.

The average price is from 70 rubles.

Features of the use of warming drugs

When using ointments and gels with a warming effect, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  • You must first conduct a sensitivity test by applying a certain amount of the drug to the area near the wrist, under the knee or on the elbow. If, within 3 hours, allergic rashes appear at the application site or alarming symptoms appear in the patient's condition, the drug should not be used.
  • The use of drugs of this group is prohibited in inflammatory pathologies.
  • Use in children is unacceptable.
  • If the product gets on the mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with running water.
  • After applying the drug, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Do not use ointments of this group just before going to bed.


Local chondroprotectors, which include glucosamine and chondroitin, are used in the treatment of degenerative, dystrophic pathologies of the skeleton... Active substances help to eliminate inflammation, stimulate tissue regeneration. The use of chondroprotectors helps to stimulate the synthesis of synovial fluid and restore connective tissue, thereby reducing pain.

The use of ointments of this group leads to the restoration of bone tissue in a natural way.

The ointment contains 50 g of chondroitin sulfate, and additional ingredients are dimethyl sulfoxide, petroleum jelly, lanolin and water.

The drug is indicated for the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

This remedy cannot be used for acute inflammation, skin disorders, tissue necrosis and drug sensitivity.

Apply ointment for joint pain twice a day on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bpain localization, rub in for 2-3 minutes. As a rule, the therapeutic course is 15-25 days.

The average price is from 100 rubles.

It contains chondroitin sulfate, dimexide, propylene glycol, isopropanol, ethyl alcohol, sodium metabisulfite, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, carbomer, flavor, and distilled water.

Chondroxide is used for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine and osteoarthritis of the peripheral joints.

Cannot be used with increased sensitivity and damage to the integrity of the skin. Due to the lack of data on the safety of use in children, pregnant and lactating women, it is not recommended to use the ointment to treat joint pain in this category of patients.

The ointment is applied to the site of the inflammation 2-3 times a day by rubbing a small amount of it until it is completely absorbed. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 3 months.

The average price is from 400 rubles.

Contains chondroitin, glucosamine, dihydroquercetin, calcium carbonate, willow bark extracts, horsetail, dandelion.

A contraindication to use is the intolerance of the components.

The average price is from 300 rubles.

Salicylic acid ointments and gels

Nizhvisal V

Used to treat pain with pathologies of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems.

Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, skin pathologies, fever, active tuberculosis.

The ointment is applied in parts to the area of \u200b\u200bpain syndrome, 5-10 g 1 time per day for 10 days.

The average price is from 200 rubles.


Used to treat arthralgia, sciatica, neuralgia, myalgia, radiculitis.

It is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity, circulatory insufficiency of the brain, tuberculosis, fever, renal and hepatic failure. Also, the drug is contraindicated in case of general exhaustion and a predisposition to angiospasm.

Use once a day, rubbing up to 10 g of the drug into the skin over the joint area. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

The average price is from 310 rubles.

Combined drugs

Outdoor equipment of this category relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and promote tissue regeneration... They also have antimicrobial and antithrombotic effects. Quickly penetrating into the articular tissue, such ointments destroy blood clots in the capillaries, which helps to improve blood microcirculation in the affected area.

The use of combined ointments for joint pain contributes to the regression of the inflammatory process, relief of pain syndrome and restoration of the motor functions of the joint.

The ointment contains heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide.

It is prescribed for the treatment of hematomas and edema, inflammatory processes in muscles, tendons. It is also recommended for closed joint injuries, shoulder epicondylitis, tendenitis, tendovaginitis and bursitis. It is also used to treat neuralgia and polyarthritis.

Contraindicated in acute disorders of the liver and kidneys, bronchial asthma, open wounds. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Also a contraindication is the sensitivity to the substances of the drug.

Dolobene is used externally, covering the skin in the affected area with a thin layer. It is necessary to use the product no more than 4 times a day for 10 days. After applying the ointment, doctors advise you to wait a few minutes and cover the area with an airtight bandage.

The average price is from 320 rubles.


Contains sodium heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide, dexpanthenol, macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate, carbomer, isopropanol, lemon, rosemary and pine oils, distilled water.

Indications for the use of the ointment are polyarthritis of the shoulder joint, hematomas and inflammatory processes in soft tissues, tendons, ligaments. Also, the drug is recommended for the treatment of bursitis, deforming osteoarthritis, neuralgia, tendenitis and tendovaginitis.

You can not resort to using the drug with sensitivity to its components, with bronchial asthma, renal and hepatic insufficiency. Hepatrombin is not advised to use for pregnant and lactating women, children and patients with open wounds on the skin.

The gel is applied to the skin area above the painful area under the bandage. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

The average price is from 270 rubles.

Homeopathic remedies

External homeopathic remedies have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.

The ointments are based on mineral and plant substances.

It is used in the complex treatment of inflammatory pathologies of organs and tissues. It is most widely used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and post-traumatic conditions.

Traumeel is not suitable for patients with tuberculosis, leukemia, collagenosis and multiple sclerosis. It is also banned for use with high sensitivity to the drug, HIV / AIDS, autoimmune diseases.

The remedy is applied externally, rubbing a small amount of gel into the skin over the painful joint. The frequency of application is 2-3 times a day, the duration of therapy is 10-15 days. It is advised to wear a gauze bandage over the applied preparation.

The average price is from 450 rubles.

The tool is contraindicated for people with intolerance to the components and violation of the integrity of the skin.

There is no data on the use of the ointment in pregnant women, lactating women and children, so its use in this group of patients is not recommended.

Apply the product externally, rubbing a small amount into the skin over the painful area 4-5 times a day. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

Average price - from 675 rubles.

Shark oil

Cream for joint pain based on animal fat, widely used for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the joints and spine. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, helps to restore the normal metabolic process, activates blood circulation and restores joint mobility.

The product includes:

  • squalene;
  • squalamine;
  • alkoxylglycerides;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements.

Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

A sensitivity test should be performed before starting treatment.

Apply "Shark fat" 2-3 times a day, rubbing into the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected joint. The duration of therapy is 4-6 months.

There are many varieties of the drug, among which "Shark fat and mustard with honey" is highly effective for joint pain.

The average price is from 1200 rubles.

The most effective ointments

According to reviews of external drugs for the treatment of joint pain, the most effective ones can be distinguished:

  • Dolobene;
  • Capsicam.

Contraindications to the use of ointments

In addition to the contraindications specified in the annotation for each drug, all external agents are prohibited to use when:

  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • various skin pathologies;
  • oncological diseases of the skin.

Is preventive use possible?

The use of ointments and gels as prevention of joint pain should be agreed with the attending physician.

Making an ointment at home

You can prepare a healing ointment for joint pain at home. One of the most effective ointments is camphor and mustard.

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • 75 g camphor;
  • 75 g mustard powder;
  • 75 ml of alcohol;
  • the yolk of 1 chicken egg.

Having mixed the ingredients well into a homogeneous mass, it must be placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Use 2-3 times a day for 10 consecutive days.

In a nutshell

  1. Only a specialist can prescribe a specific remedy based on the patient's diagnosis.
  2. Gels and ointments of the NSAID group: Ketoprofen, Nimulid, Diclofenac, Butadion.
  3. Warming and local irritating ointments: Kapsikam, Viprosal, Gevkamen.
  4. Chondroprotectors: Chondroitin-Akos, Chondroxide, Artrocin.
  5. Combined ointments: Dolobene, Hepatrombin.
  6. Homeopathic remedies: Traumeel, Zel T, horse power balm, shark fat ointment.
  7. Rules for use: conduct a sensitivity test, do not use in childhood, if it gets on mucous membranes, rinse with water, do not use on open wounds, do not apply before bedtime, be sure to wash your hands after use.

If a person has recurrent spinal pain, many people believe that it is associated with muscle spasms associated with manifestations or pinching intervertebral hernia or sciatic nerve ... Indeed, as a rule, such sensations are associated with diseases of the spine or with the surrounding muscles and nerves.

However, often the cause of pain in the lumbar region is diseases of the internal organs: these can be lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, uterus, prostate. Pain in the kidneys can be given to the back area, this is sometimes manifested, urolithiasis disease ... That is why it is possible to apply any ointment for the back only when the person knows the reason for the development of unpleasant sensations.

With the modern rhythm of life, people move so little that already in their youth, a person very often has problems with the musculoskeletal system. Even schoolchildren are often diagnosed with spinal diseases.

Many factors negatively affect the health of the spine:

  • improper diet, when unnatural products prevail in the diet;
  • sedentary work and lifestyle in general;
  • ecological situation;
  • workouts that many people start abruptly without a proper warm-up.

As a result, all negative factors are poorly reflected on different systems of the body, as well as on the function of the immune system. Often, people who complain of discomfort and severe back pain report that the spine hurts during the cold season, when there are sudden temperature changes.

Modern medicine has a wide range of different methods of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is about , massage , physiotherapy exercises , as well as the use of a variety of medications. Anesthetic, anti-inflammatory creams, gels, balms, ointments, and homeopathic remedies are used for the back. In some cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

What means can be used in a particular case, and how to use this or that medicine, you should ask your doctor. Local medicinal preparations can be prescribed as independent means and as preparations as part of a complex treatment. If used correctly, such a remedy can significantly improve the patient's condition, providing an effective anti-inflammatory effect and pain relief.

Types of topical preparations

All ointments for back pain can be divided into several groups, which produce a different effect depending on the substances that are part of such drugs. Each ointment for back and lower back pain is prescribed for a specific disease and condition.

About which ointment is better for back pain, the doctor can say for sure after conducting research and establishing a diagnosis.

  • Homeopathic ointments, balms - used for inflammatory diseases.
  • Local irritants - it is advisable to use when there were injuries, strong physical exertion, hypothermia.
  • Chondroprotectors - appoint at osteochondrosis , also use hondoprotective drugs for spinal hernia.
  • NSAIDs - use as directed by a doctor for severe pain of various origins. You should not use such drugs on your own, as they have a large number of contraindications and side effects.
  • Combined funds - anti-inflammatory, massage, pain relievers.

The list of drugs, the names of which are provided below, are provided for informational purposes only, any of them is best used after being prescribed by a specialist.

Homeopathic ointments

Local homeopathic remedies provide an improvement in metabolic processes, stopping the process of destruction of cartilage tissues and ensuring their more active restoration. The anesthetic component of the action of such funds is also noted. However, some experts are skeptical about homeopathic medicines, believing that they are not effective. Therefore, one of the important conditions for the use of such drugs is the factor of faith - a person must be sure that the homeopathic medicine will help him.

Two such remedies are currently offered: recommend to use as an ointment from osteochondrosis , used as an ointment from, sciatica , that is, with the development of inflammatory processes.

Hell (Germany)... The composition contains fourteen ingredients that provide a complex chondrostimulating, chondroprotective, metabolic, analgesic effect.

The tool helps to strengthen the ligaments, stimulates the restoration of cartilage and bone tissue.

Indications: used for osteochondrosis , polyarthrosis , scapular periarthritis , inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of ODS, , lumbosacral disorders , lesions of the bone tissue of the limbs and spine.

Contraindications: do not apply in case of high sensitivity, in particular to sumach poison, Compositae extracts.

Application: It is necessary to rub into places where pain develops, 3-5 times a day. Also, bandages with ointment are applied to the affected areas. During pregnancy, it can only be used under medical supervision.

Side effect - allergy.

If there are serious diseases, it is advisable to use this drug only in combination with other medicines or as an auxiliary treatment.

Price - from 500 rubles.

Combined product, manufacturer Hell (Germany).

The ointment provides anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunomodulating effect.

Indications: at radiculitis , lumbago , sciatica .

These drugs belong to the class of new generation sulfonamides. Currently, this ointment for low back and back pain is one of the best and provides effective relief.

An ointment is used for pain in the back and lower back, for inflammatory, degenerative diseases of ODA - lumbago, bursitis, rheumatism, sciatica, bursitis, exacerbations , radiculitis, osteoarthritis, neuralgia, etc.

Contraindications: high sensitivity, pregnancy and breastfeeding, skin infections, dermatoses. Use with caution in children under 7 years of age, patients with renal, hepatic, heart failure, aspirin asthma, ulcers of the digestive tract

Side effects: itching, hives, flaking. If large areas of the skin are treated with the agent, systemic negative effects may develop: diarrhea, heartburn, headache, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, etc.

Application: apply the product to dry and clean skin. For one application, you need to squeeze out a column of 3 cm, apply in a thin layer 3-4 times a day. Do not use drugs for more than 10 days without consulting a specialist.

The cost of Nise - from 160 rubles, Nimulid - from 270 rubles.

The substance Diclofenac is part of the funds, Dyclogen , Dicloran , Ortofen (orthophenic ointment )

Application and contraindications are the same as for drugs containing Nimesulide.

Side effects: skin rash, eczema, allergies, contact dermatitis, burning, itching, .

Application: apply the product in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. You cannot use more than 8 g of the product per day. Treatment can last up to 2 weeks. If an anesthetic aerosol is used, the foam is squeezed out by pressing for 1-2 seconds, use it 3-4 times a day, applying it to the body and gently massaging the place where the pain appears.

The cost Diclofenac - from 50 rubles, Voltaren - from 300 rubles, Diklak - from 200 rubles, Ortofen - from 40 rubles.


This active ingredient contains funds Piroxicam .

Treats pain in osteoarthritis, juvenile arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, treat muscle pain in sports injuries.

Contraindicated: with high sensitivity, under the age of 14 years, in the third trimester of pregnancy, with renal failure.

Use with caution in COPD, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma.

Application: apply 1 g of gel 3-4 times a day, rub in gently. It can be used for up to 3 weeks.

Side effects: itching, peeling, skin inflammation, allergies, redness.

Price for Piroxicam Verte - from 150 rubles, Finalgel (360-420 rubles)


Like other NSAIDs, gel and ointment are used for pain in the neck, knee, legs, and spinal pain, while also having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Contraindications: high sensitivity, skin wounds, dermatosis, eczema. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Application: the cream is applied with a strip of 5-10 cm and rubbed thoroughly into the affected area. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day, the treatment can last up to 3 weeks.

Side effects: allergies, burning, skin flushing. If used for a long time, systemic side effects may appear.

Dolgit's price - from 150 rubles, Ibuprofen - from 35 rubles, Nurofen - from 165 rubles.


Contained in products Phenylbutazone

Indications and side effects are the same as for other NSAIDs.

Contraindications: allergic rhinitis, bronchial obstruction, first and third trimesters of pregnancy, lactation period, child's age up to 14 years, high sensitivity. Use with caution in old age.

Application: apply in a thin layer, use a 2-3 cm strip for one application, treatment lasts up to 10 days. If pain persists, a doctor should be consulted.

Butadion cost - from 210 rubles.

Combined ointments

In pharmacies, you can also buy a combined ointment for joint pain in the back. Such an ointment or cream not only helps against pain, inflammation of the joints, but also produces thrombolytic, resorbing and other actions. There are also products based on herbal ingredients (cream, etc.). But funds like Effektum, having a large number of indications, are still used as an additional therapy.

The composition of the tool includes dexpanthenol, dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium heparin.

It not only relieves pain, but also produces a thrombolytic, resorption effect, antiexudative, anti-inflammatory effect, improves the process of tissue regeneration.

It is used for wounds, bruises, acute neuralgia , arthritis , swelling of the face and body, inflammation of the tendons and muscles.

Contraindications: liver and kidney damage, asthma, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 5 years, skin disorders in the places where the agent needs to be applied, heart and vascular diseases.

Application: apply to the skin 2-4 times.

Side effects: itching, burning, redness, allergies, garlic odor from the mouth may appear.

Cost - from 280 rubles.


Thus, topical agents - pain relieving ointments, creams, gels - are considered one of the most convenient treatment methods. However, it should be borne in mind that pain relievers and anti-inflammatory ointments have an effect only through blood flow ... Since only a small amount of the active ingredient enters the bloodstream, solutions for administration are still considered more effective means, and tablets are also effective.

However, the main benefit of using topical remedies is that any pain relieving ointment for joints and muscles causes much fewer side effects compared to oral agents and injections. Therefore, some topical preparations can be used when pregnancy , at lactation ... If the correct anesthetic cream or anesthetic ointment for the back and legs is selected, then such a remedy can significantly alleviate the condition and relieve pain.

The list of joint and back gels is wide and many are available over the counter. In addition, you can buy any spray or cream for back massage at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. How much such a drug costs depends largely on the manufacturer: if it is Russia or Ukraine, the drug, as a rule, is cheaper than imported analogues. But even the best ointment can produce side effects, and users need to keep this in mind. Therefore, the guide to purchasing the drug should not be a recommendation of users that a certain ointment is very good, and not a rating on the network, but a prescription from a specialist.

But, nevertheless, many people are accustomed to buying such funds themselves and using them uncontrollably, while the doctor should prescribe anti-inflammatory ointments after a thorough examination and finding the cause of the pain. It should be borne in mind that anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointments without a doctor's prescription can be used for only a few days, which is usually written about in the instructions.

Any anti-inflammatory joint ointment, even if it is a herbal cream, should be applied regularly as directed by your doctor. Only then will it be possible to achieve the most pronounced positive effect.

Often, pain in the back area interferes with a habitual lifestyle.

Many factors contribute to this discomfort:

  • Sedentary work, for example, in the office or driving
  • Improper nutrition drinking and smoking
  • Household injuries (fractures, sprains)

All these reasons as a result lead to diseases of muscular and osteochondral tissues. Most of the discomfort is caused by muscle spasms, as a result of diseases of the spine, such as radiculitis, herniated disc or osteochondrosis.

When pain occurs, a person, first of all, seeks to get rid of it, and not to find the cause of its occurrence. Usually, pain relieving medications are used: pills, injections, ointments.

What are the ointments for back pain?

Now on the markets there are a huge number of ointments for back pain. The essence of the action for them is almost the same for all of them: when applied, the active components penetrate through the pores of the skin into the painful focus and remove it.

Some of them are based on natural ingredients of plant or animal origin, while others are based on synthetic ingredients that can block pain.

To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the classifications of pain relieving ointments that help with back pain. But you should be aware that pain relief is not always a cure.

Therefore, if discomfort occurs, you must visit a doctor who will prescribe tests and establish the true cause of the pain. Of course, in critical situations, you can run to the pharmacy to purchase an analgesic ointment, but as soon as possible - to the doctor.

Homeopathic ointments

This is a group of medicines that improve the metabolism in muscle and bone-cartilaginous tissues. The components of homeopathic ointments slow down the natural process of cartilage destruction, thereby helping to restore them.

These ointments contain many different homeopathic ingredients. But in order to achieve a result, with the ointment of this group, you need to use it for a long time.

Accordingly, in case of advanced diseases or acute pain, such drugs are ineffective. Although at the same time, many people use such ointments and give them positive feedback.

The most popular among homeopathic ointments:

  • T. This is a German-made drug with fourteen active ingredients in its composition. All of them in combination have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and muscle-soothing effects. It should be applied to painful areas of the body up to once a day. Cover with a bandage if possible. Side effects include allergic reactions associated with intolerance to one of the components.
  • Traumeel S. This ointment has mostly anesthetic effect and is widely used in sports medicine, as an "ambulance" for injuries. Traumeel has practically no contraindications, thanks to which it is very popular.

Ointment irritating, distracting, warming action

The main components of ointments that save you from irritating back pain are substances that instantly cool, warm and have a blocking effect on pain syndrome:

  • snake poison
  • bee venom
  • red pepper (Espol ointment)
  • nicoboxil
  • nonivamide
  • capsaicin

These components warm up the site of application and increase blood circulation in it. As a result, the metabolism is accelerated, since the blood flow activates the nutrition of the bone and cartilage tissue.

As a result of this process, pain decreases or disappears altogether.

It is important to use such ointments for the following diseases:

  • Myalgia is muscle pain resulting from muscle tone from overexertion. Typically, the disease affects muscles that obey the central nervous system (corrugated muscles).
  • Lumbago - sharp pain in the lumbar region, characterized by lumbago. It usually appears as a signal about problems in the support - motor system.
  • Low back osteochondrosis, which can lead to a hernia. It often arises under heavy loads.
  • Hypothermia or hypothermia. As a result of prolonged stay in conditions of low temperature, joints can be very painful, which must be rubbed and warmed up.
  • Sciatica. This disease can arise from inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It is accompanied by sharp pains in the lower back and ridge area. Sometimes gait and coordination of movements may be impaired.

Of this series, the following are considered the most effective drugs:

  • Finalgon, where the active ingredient is Nikboxyl. The ointment is most often used for injuries resulting from physical exertion, muscle pain, bursitis, lumbago and neuritis. The tool enhances metabolism and relieves pain.
  • Capsicam. This ointment is based on gum turpentine, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. There were no side effects when using this drug, so everyone is allowed to use it, except for women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Efkamon contains red pepper extract, which accelerates blood and at times increases the metabolism of bone and cartilage tissues. As a result, the pain subsides in a short time.
  • Apizatron acts like efcamon, only the active ingredient in this ointment is bee venom. No wonder our ancestors treated the loins by planting live bees on it. Their poison is able to penetrate deep into tissues and restore them, while relieving inflammation. Acting on the nerve endings, the ointment has an immediate analgesic effect.


This is a class of ointments in which the main active ingredient is Chondroitin sulfate. This is a similar substance found in human bone and cartilage tissues and helps to replenish fluid in the joints.

Thus, preparations that contain chondroitin promote the regeneration of cartilage and inhibit their growth and deformation.

Such drugs nourish the tissues around the spine and are one of the best remedies for osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

The most popular among consumers are considered to be such ointments containing Chondroitin in their composition:

  • Honda cream. This drug is prescribed for bone and cartilage insufficiency and dry joint fluid. The active ingredient chondroitin sulfate is obtained from the bone tissue of cattle. It promotes the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissues and the renewal of joint fluid. For back pain, the drug is rubbed into the skin for two minutes 2-3 times a day. Allergies are possible from side effects.
  • Teraflex M dilates blood vessels, as a result of which blood circulation improves. As a result, muscle tone is increased and the regeneration of cartilage tissues is accelerated.
  • Nise, the action is identical to the previously described preparations, but it contains sea buckthorn oil, which serves as a conductor. Due to it, all the components rather penetrate into the pores of the skin and reach the painful focus. Plus, sea buckthorn oil is a natural antiseptic, which simultaneously disinfects the skin and has an antibacterial effect.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

Drugs in this group are considered the most effective for the following problems:

  • Exacerbation of sciatica, which is accompanied by acute pain
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • Pain associated with trauma - fracture, bruises, sprains
  • Hypothermia
  • Sciatica
  • Lumbago

The most popular and active substances in non-steroidal drugs:

  • Piroxicam
  • Ibufen
  • Nimesulide
  • Diclofenac
  • Ketoprofen

Such ointments are great for short-term use, but it is not recommended to use them for a long time, because they have a number of contraindications.

One of the most popular gels in this category is Fastum, which is widely used for low back pain caused by various factors, including recurrent menstrual pain.

Combined ointments for back pain, lower back pain

This group of drugs is called "combined" for a reason, which means that the composition is rich in components of various actions.

Such ointments can simultaneously have several actions:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Thrombolytic
  • Healing and soothing
  • Antiseptic
  • Decongestant

Most of these drugs not only block pain syndrome, but also produce tissue regeneration. For example, Dolobene gel has an anti-inflammatory effect, which instantly relieves pain, and at the same time has a resorbing effect.

Massage ointments

Massage ointments are specially designed for use in therapeutic massage of the back and limbs. Their use is important for muscle tension, to relieve fatigue at the end of the day and to prevent spinal diseases.

Such ointments are very fatty in consistency, and can be quickly absorbed, delivering active substances to the painful focus.

Effect of massage ointments:

  • Relieve inflammation
  • Relax your muscles
  • Regenerate tissues
  • Relieve swelling and inflammation in muscle mass

It should be remembered that every medicine has contraindications and side effects.

Pay special attention to this before use. Most often, there are allergic reactions caused by one of the components in the cream or ointment.

You need to be careful, because some get off with a two-day rash, and some come to bronchospasm and asthma.

In no case should such drugs be used for kidney failure, asthma, chronic diseases of the respiratory system or skin. Also, these drugs are prohibited for children under 14 years old and women during pregnancy and lactation.

Applying ointments for back pain

Almost all ointments have the same method of application. Apply a small amount to painful areas, and rub in with massage movements. Some drugs require additional wrapping - this is necessarily written in the instructions.

Which ointment is better to choose?

I would like to note and emphasize! If you don't have a medical background, don't diagnose yourself. See your doctor, because back pain is not a toy. Of course, you can apply the product at home to relieve your condition and hold out for the trip to the hospital.

But everyone, appreciate your health and any remedy that you are going to apply on your back, discuss with your doctor. No one better than a specialist will prescribe a course of treatment for you and will not advise you on what ointment to treat your back with.


There is not a single tool that has 100 percent positive feedback in surveys. Everything is individual. Traumeel helps some with back pain, Diclofenac is more suitable for others.

Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist with your problem, who will prescribe an ointment that is suitable specifically for you.

Ointment prices

As for the pricing policy for ointments for back pain, it is impossible to say specifically.

It all depends on the composition, type of exposure, manufacturer, volume, etc. Here are the approximate prices of the most popular ointments that are used for back pain:

  • Diklak 170 rub. (analogs - Diclofenac 90 rubles, Diklovit 80 rubles, Diclofenacol 40 rubles, Ortofen 30 rubles)
  • Nimulid 120 rubles.
  • Nise 120 rub.
  • Fastum gel 180 rub.
  • Chondroitin "Sophia 180 rubles.
  • Chondroxide 260 rubles.
  • Finalon 270rub.
  • Traumeel 280 rub.

Ointment for pregnant women

It's not a secret for anyone that during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), mothers need to be very careful with medications. All pregnant women have back pain, and this is a fact.

The muscles of the whole body have a great load, as a result of which every second pregnant woman literally howls from back pain.

In no case should pregnant women use warming ointments, which include camphor, red pepper, bee or snake venom.

Traumeel's analgesic ointment is very popular among "pot-bellies". But before using it, be sure to consult your doctor.

Joint pain ointment - types of topical preparations

Specialists identify several main groups of drugs designed to eliminate atralgia:

    Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with analgesic effects based on non-steroidal analgesics (diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, etc.). This group of drugs includes ointments and creams Nise, Finalgel, Ketonal, Diclofenac, Indomethacin ointment and others. The use of these funds allows you to block the production of prostagladins - the main substances responsible for the development of the inflammatory process. Local preparations based on NSAIDs provide an analgesic effect that lasts for 4-5 hours, helps to reduce swelling and other signs of inflammation. At the same time, such drugs can provoke the development of allergic reactions and other side effects and have a number of restrictions on their use.

  • Ointments with a warming and local irritating effect. Among them, products based on bee venom, snake venom, red pepper, essential oils or synthetic components that provide a "burning", warming effect (Apizatron, Finalgon, Kapsikam, Nikoflex, Golden Star balm) are especially popular.
  • Chondroprotectors for local use. This group includes local remedies designed to relieve pain in arthrosis of the knee joints (Chondroitin, Chondroxide, Arthrin). The composition of the preparations includes components that contribute to the restoration of the structure of cartilage tissue. Using knee pain ointment allows you to slow down degenerative changes and slow down the progression of arthrosis. Chondroprotectors are well tolerated and practically do not cause side effects. They are applied to the sore joint twice a day for 2 to 3 months.
  • Preparations based on salicylic acid and its derivatives. This group of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects include ointments and creams Viprosal, Nizhvisal, Efkamon.
  • Other combined and homeopathic remedies with complex therapeutic effects (analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating). Among them are the ointments "Comfrey", "Sabelnik", Dikul's balm.

Why does joint pain occur?

There are many reasons why strong painful sensations appear in the joints. In medicine, a number of diseases are distinguished, the characteristic symptom of which is arthralgia (joint pain). These include:

  • Arthrosis (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, etc.);
  • Arthritis (rheumatoid, gouty, reactive, septic);
  • Bursitis (diathesis, tuberculous, gonorrheal, brucellosis, traumatic);
  • Systemic pathologies (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, vasculitis, Lyme disease, etc.);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Mechanical injuries (sprains, dislocations, bruises).

This is not a complete list of the reasons contributing to the occurrence of joint pain. To understand what becomes the source of pain syndrome can only be done by an experienced doctor.

When treating pathological processes in the joints, local preparations (ointments, gels, creams) are of particular priority. Let's dwell on the therapeutic properties of medicinal products and present a small overview and a list of effective ointments for joint pain.

The best ointment for joint pain

    Fastum gel.Representative of NSAIDs with active ingredient ketoprofen . Its action is aimed at eliminating pain in the muscles and joints, stopping the inflammatory process, improving blood circulation in the affected area. The list of indications for the use of the drug includes diseases of the ligamentous apparatus and soft tissues, acute and chronic lesions of the joints. The gel base of the drug facilitates the penetration of active substances to the affected area, and helps to relieve morning stiffness in arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joint, reduce pain and swelling in sprains, injuries, bursitis or gout. The gel is used to treat the affected area twice a day for 10 days. The drug is not addictive and does not cause systemic side effects. The average price for Fastum gel is 220 rubles.

    Diclofenac (gel) - a popular representative of NSAIDs, provides elimination of pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints, relieves swelling, relieves post-traumatic and postoperative inflammatory processes. The drug has proven itself well as ointments for pain in the joints of the hands, with arthrosis of the knee joint. The gel is applied to the focus of inflammation 2 to 3 times a day, for 10 to 14 days. The cost of the drug is from 60 rubles.

    Voltaren Emulgel - the drug has been considered a leader among NSAIDs for several years in terms of the effectiveness of eliminating the inflammatory process in bone, muscle and connective tissue. The active ingredient - diclofenac provides relief of inflammation and pain in conditions caused by trauma and damage to the musculoskeletal system. The drug helps to quickly relieve the condition in chronic diseases (atritis, arthrosis) or in emergency situations (with dislocations, sprains). The average cost of a medicine is from 200 rubles.


    Chondroxide -the active ingredient of the drug is chondroitin sulfate. Its penetration through the skin to the affected joints is facilitated by an auxiliary substance - dimethyl sulfoxide, which acts as a conductor. The ointment prevents further destruction of the cartilage tissue of the joint and stimulates its recovery and tissue regeneration. The gel is released in tubes of 30 and 50 g, it is recommended to apply the drug to the affected area several times a day. The therapeutic effect of Chondroxide lasts for 5 hours. The cost of the drug is from 180 rubles.

    Chondroitin - Akos- It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, activates regeneration processes, reduces the activity of enzymes that cause damage to cartilage tissue. The drug helps to improve the processes of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, prevents the loss of calcium and thereby restores the mobility of the affected joints. The remedy is used to eliminate the painful symptoms of osteochondrosis and arthrosis. it the best ointment for joint painin terms of price, since a domestically produced drug will be much cheaper than foreign analogues. A 30 g package of ointment costs an average of 80 rubles.

Warming up preparations

Warming ointments are designed to eliminate pain in muscles and joints, they are prescribed as part of the complex treatment of sports injuries, bruises and sprains. Moreover, it is impossible to use drugs with a warming effect immediately after an injury, they are used in the rehabilitation period. Such funds cope well with the elimination of edema, bruising, and manifestations of the inflammatory process.

    Dolobene (gel).The basis of the preparation is sodium heparin, from the excipients the gel contains natural plant components (rosemary and citronella oil), which provide a warming and toning effect. The gel relieves pain, eliminates swelling, swelling, promotes the resorption of hematomas and reduces inflammation. It helps well with sprains, bruises and other closed injuries. The average price for a package of Dolobene (50g) is 320 rubles.

    Finalgon (ointment).It has a complex effect, rapidly expands superficial vessels, activates blood circulation processes. Soon after using the drug, warmth is felt in the affected area and an analgesic effect is noted. The ointment should be used carefully, in exactly accordance with the instructions, avoiding overdose, otherwise it can cause irritation of the skin. The price for a Finalgon tube with a volume of 20 g averages 320 rubles.

    Capsicam (ointment). It is a warming preparation with a pronounced local irritant and analgesic effect. The ointment consists of benzyl nicotinate nonivamide, gum turpentine and camphor, which provide a warming effect. By improving blood circulation and improving tissue nutrition, there is a decrease in the severity of inflammation and pain. The drug is recommended for use in diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, muscle pain. It is believed to be the most effective ointment for pain in the joints of the legs, therefore it is recommended for athletes to warm up the muscles before training. The cost of the drug is from 290 rubles.

Joint pain ointments with cooling effect

Cooling ointments are used immediately after bruising, stretching or other mechanical damage to the joints. These are first aid drugs that have an effective analgesic effect and prevent the development of edema and other inflammatory manifestations.

The composition of such drugs contains components with anesthetic, anticoagulant, sedative and cooling properties (menthol, essential oils).

  • Ben-Gay (ointment). Contains menthol and methyl salicylate, it is used to relieve pain in muscles and joints, relieve inflammation and eliminate morning stiffness. This drug is often used after sports training associated with high physical activity, as the ointment relieves muscle fatigue well. The price of the drug is from 250 rubles.
  • Fast gel. This drug, along with ketoprofen, contains lavender and neroli oils, which provide a soothing and cooling effect. The gel is used for traumatic joint injuries (dislocations, sprains, bruises). In addition, the drug is included in the complex treatment of bursitis, arthritis or lumbago as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. A small volume of the gel is applied to the sore spot twice a day and rubbed in until completely absorbed. To enhance the effectiveness, the drug can be applied under a dry bandage. The cost of the gel is on average 220 rubles.

Pain medications

Medicines in this group contain analgesics that effectively relieve pain in case of joint lesions.

    Nise gel... It has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates edema, improves blood circulation in the affected area. Menthol in the preparation provides a calming and cooling effect. The drug is recommended to be used up to 4 times a day for 7-14 days. The gel is quickly absorbed, so it is not necessary to rub it in, it is enough to apply a thin layer of the drug to the affected area. The average price of Nise gel is 180 rubles.

    Ketonal - a powerful pain reliever based on ketoprofen. It prevents the production of prostagladins, which are the main mediators of inflammation, eliminates pain syndrome, and reduces swelling. Anesthetic ointment can be used up to 3 times a day for two weeks. The price for a 30 g tube of ointment is 280 rubles.

Ointments based on salicylic acid or its derivatives
  • Viprosal -completely natural remedy to which there is no addiction. The preparation contains snake venom, salicylic acid, pine resin and camphor. Helps eliminate pain and inflammation in trauma and chronic joint diseases. The drug is capable of provoking allergic reactions, therefore, the ointment should be used with caution, after a preliminary skin test.
  • Reparil the gel.The medication contains salicylic acid and escin. Recommended for the treatment of sprains, bruises, hematomas, ligament ruptures. The drug improves blood circulation and lymph drainage, eliminates puffiness, relieves pain, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, relieves cramps of the lower extremities. The gel should be rubbed into the sore spot with massage movements up to 4 times a day. The cost of the medication is from 120 rubles.
Homeopathic and alternative remedies

The composition of homeopathic remedies includes microdoses of substances of plant, animal and mineral origin. The mechanism of action of such drugs is based on triggering certain processes in the body aimed at combating joint inflammation.

Traumeel S (ointment) - a complex homeopathic remedy, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammation, pain, accelerating tissue regeneration, improving blood circulation and increasing vascular tone. The ointment is used for muscle and joint pain, as well as for the treatment of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal drug. The ointment can be used for a long time, rubbing into the affected area 2-3 times a day. The cost of the ointment (50 g) is about 500 rubles.

Sabelnik (ointment)... The drug has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Recommended for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, muscle pain. Helps to activate blood circulation, cleanses blood and lymph, promotes tissue regeneration. The ointment is applied to the affected area with a thin layer up to 4 times a day, the maximum course of treatment is 4 weeks. The cost of the drug is from 250 rubles.

Arthropant cream - a unique alternative remedy for the treatment of joints based on an extract from the antlers (antlers) of the Altai maral deer. The drug has powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, activates blood circulation in the affected area, eliminates swelling, pain and discomfort, improves shock-absorbing properties and joint mobility.

Such a powerful healing effect is explained by the unique composition, which additionally includes chondroitin (which helps to restore cartilage tissue), glucosamine (responsible for nourishing the joints) and a complex of natural plant extracts, vitamins and essential oils.

Also, according to reviews, a very effective remedy - orthopedic plaster zb pain relief

A specialist should prescribe remedies for the treatment of joints. Many anti-inflammatory drugs based on non-steroidal analgesics can cause side effects and have a number of restrictions on their use.

They can not be prescribed to patients with peptic ulcer, kidney, liver, bronchial asthma, heart failure. Apply ointments based on NSAIDs in short courses and do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.

The main contraindications to the use of ointments with an irritating effect are the tendency to allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the components of the drugs. Such funds should not be used in the presence of minor damage to the skin (wounds, scratches, abrasions).

Pain relievers containing analgesics should not be used to treat pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, the choice of a drug for joint pain should be entrusted to a specialist; self-medication is not worth it.

Watch the video - how to make an ointment for joint pain at home yourself

Feedback on application

Review number 1

My arthritis often gets worse, especially in the fall and spring. Joint pains are excruciating, they cause insomnia and deterioration of health. For several years now, Diclofenac gel has been helping me to fight them.

A very effective and most importantly inexpensive tool. The gel is quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film, relieves pain well, reduces inflammation and swelling. I usually use this drug for exacerbations of the disease. A week of using Diclofenac is enough to get rid of painful symptoms.

Marina, Moscow

Review number 2

I often suffer from pain in the lower back and knee joint. Recently, I have been saving myself with the anesthetic ointment Kapsikam, and I also use Chondroitin - Akos. Capsicam quickly relieves pain, has a calming effect. I use this drug for exacerbations.

And Chondroitin helps to restore the cartilage tissue of the joints, so they need to be used for a long time (2 - 3 months). I use it regularly and I already feel relief. Joint mobility has improved, morning stiffness has decreased, so the drug really works.

Igor, Kazan

Review number 3

My grandmother suffers from pain in the knee joint. The doctor prescribed complex treatment for her, prescribed anesthetic ointments, Fastum gel, which relieves inflammation and Chondroxide, a drug that contains chondroprotectors and prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue.

The treatment helps, the pain subsided, and the leg began to bend at the knee. Now the grandmother can walk without a cane and feels much better.

Polina, Vyazma

How does epilation cream work?

Painkillers in the form of a cream, spray or plaster are used for hair removal or depilation externally. Due to the ease of application, many ladies use creams at home. The creamy base is gentle but effective for depilation.

The constituent components of the cream usually there are various anesthetics (usually lidocaine or prilocaine) or herbal ingredients that make it easy to tolerate cosmetic procedures.

How the cream is applied

The beauty industry offers just waterfall creams for pain relief during epilation and depilation.

The use of creams before these procedures has its own characteristics:

  • Usually the cream is applied to the skin surface in a thin layer for a certain time, and on top it is applied occlusive dressing... If the cream is simply applied to the skin, it dries immediately, without having time to produce the desired anesthetic effect. For the bandage, you can use airtight materials (rubberized cloth, plastic wrap, or wax paper). Most women use cling film for this.

Applying an occlusive dressing contributes to a more powerful anesthesia process during epilation or depilation.

  • You can buy a ready-made occlusive dressing at a pharmacy. In any case, the bandage is not kept on the skin for more than two hours.
  • If you apply the cream for one hour, this time will be enough to numb the skin at a depth of 2 m. If you need deeper anesthesia (up to 3 mm), for this, the cream is applied under the bandage for two hours. Many women use the cream to combat facial hair.
  • If the cream under the bandage is absorbed quickly, you can re-lubricate the skin with it.
  • Many creams are used with caution on the delicate skin of the genitals.
  • Before using any cream for the first time, a sensitivity test must be performed. There are known cases of serious allergic reactions after using harmless cosmetics. It may even go to the death of the patient, which in no case should be allowed.
  • No external anesthetic should be applied to the damaged skin (wounds, rashes, papillomas, scars, moles, herpes, etc.)

The application of anesthetic agents is prohibited in case of any violation of the integrity of the skin.

Rules for conducting a test for sensitivity to cosmetic preparations

For the sample, a scanty amount of cream is applied to the elbow area. After 30 minutes, we look at the result: if the skin at the site of the application of the cream does not turn red, does not have rashes or irritations, then this cream can be used without fear.

Before using any cream for the first time, it is necessary to test for sensitivity.

How to numb the skin

To minimize pain during hair removal procedures, pain relief methods are used, both with and without medication. The choice of anesthesia method depends on the hair removal method.

Non-drug means used when simple and slightly painful procedures for the destruction of vegetation are selected (shaving or pulling out hairs). Among such methods are epilation at a certain phase of the cycle (after menstruation the pain will be less), and the use of strong drinks (which doctors do not recommend), and the use of the best time to minimize pain (usually from 18 to 20 hours), and rubbing the skin with ice ( which can backfire) and much more.

For more radical hair removal methodswhich are accompanied by a high degree of pain (electrolysis or shugaring, laser or wax hair removal, etc.), more often you have to use medical methods of anesthesia.


Ladies who use more radical methods to get rid of unnecessary vegetation, or who have a low pain threshold, often need drug pain relief for these procedures.

Medications are used to make procedures such as electro hair removal, photo or laser hair removal, wax hair removal or shouting (hair removal with a machine).

These procedures use the following methods of pain relief:

  • taking painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs by mouth 40 minutes before the procedure (more often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, nimesil, nurofen, naproxen, diclofenac, etc.);
  • subcutaneous administration of drugs (more often a 2% solution of lidocaine is injected subcutaneously, in a checkerboard pattern, to a depth of 3-4 mm until microseals are formed; lidocaine cannot be injected into the mucous membrane of the labia);
  • applying medicines for pain relief on the skin (sprays, gels, creams, patches, etc.).

Do not use aspirin before epilation, as this may cause blood thinning and bleeding at the site of hair removal.

Before subcutaneous administration of lidocaine, a skin sensitivity test should be done.

Popular remedies

For application to the skin, plasters, creams or sprays containing special anesthetic components are often used.
Let's consider the most popular of these tools and the features of their application.

Removing unwanted hair from the face and body has long been a necessary part of a hygiene ritual. The choice of available remedies is simply incredible, but often after that, skin irritation and inflammatory acne develop. Learn how to avoid irritation after epilation in our article.

Emla cream, 5%

Composition: contains prilocaine, lidocaine and excipients.

Indications: used for surface anesthesia of the skin in various surgical procedures. Approved for genital anesthesia.

Application: the cream is good for anesthetizing the skin if you apply it in a thin layer, and put cling film on top. If the cream under the film is quickly absorbed, it is reapplied. To anesthetize 2 mm of skin, it is enough to apply the cream for an hour; with deeper anesthesia, the bandage with the cream is kept longer (2 hours for anesthesia of the skin at a depth of 3 mm). Cream consumption is 5-10 grams per session.

Special instructions. Do not apply this product when:

  • any violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • with high sensitivity to anesthetics such as amides;
  • careful use during pregnancy;
  • caution when using cream on the genitals (bikini area).

Average price: about 400 rubles.

Not everyone can endure the pain caused by an epilator. But the depilatory cream, which delicately affects the skin and effectively destroys hairs, is able to cope with this task completely painlessly. Read reviews of Baptiste Depilatory Cream.

Cosmetic preparations for foot skin care are of great variety, but even among the entire assortment, the unique composition of the Aquapilling cream stands out. Instructions for use in this article.

There are many products available for depilation of unwanted vegetation by the manufacturers of the beauty industry. It is very important to choose one that would effectively remove hair from both the legs, bikini area and the face, where the skin is very sensitive. And there is such an option - a cream from the manufacturer Evelyn. How to use it

Video for you: how to apply Emla cream

Plaster Emla Plus

Ladies note the simplicity and convenience of using the patch, since no bandages or films are needed. But the size of the patch is small, and no more than three of them are used in one procedure.

Emla's patch is used on small sensitive areas of the skin (white line of the abdomen, armpits, bikini area).

Composition:lidocaine, prilocaine.

Application: the aluminum backing is removed from the plaster, it is attached to the place of future depilation.

Special instructions:usually well tolerated, but not used in people with lidocaine intolerance. Use carefully for pregnant women.

Average price:from 640 rubles.

Dr. Namb cream

Composition:contains lidocaine, benzyl alcohol, and other excipients.


  • used for laser and wax hair removal and depilation: the cream blocks nerve impulses from the skin;
  • for its use, the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is washed with soap or treated with alcohol. Then a thick layer of cream is applied to the skin. The use of the film speeds up the anesthesia process;
  • usually the cream is kept on the skin for about half an hour.

Special instructions:

  • gives a persistent analgesic effect (from 3 to 5 hours);
  • should not be used by people with heart disease or allergy to lidocaine;
  • causes redness, irritation, or a rash in some people.

Average price: for 10 ml from 450 rubles.
Deo control products are popular, there are very few competitive brands in modern stores that can compete with these cosmetics in price and quality. Find out more about Deo Control foot cream.

Light Dep

Composition:anestoderm, water, castor oil , carbomer and auxiliary components.


  • apply a cream to depilate bikini, face or underarms.
  • the cream is applied with a cotton swab on the skin for 15-60 minutes (depending on the patient's sensitivity threshold) repeatedly, preventing its absorption, and then washed off

Special instructions:

  • the cream is water-based, so it rarely causes allergic reactions;
  • analgesic effect up to 4 hours, which is enough for any epilation;
  • does not contain lidocaine, therefore it acts locally, without getting into the blood.

Average price: 850 rubles.

Watch the video: features of using Light Dep gel

Depilflax gel

Composition:menthol, chamomile extract, herbal essential oils (tea tree and rosemary), excipients.


  • the gel is usually used for waxing;
  • it cools, anesthetizes and disinfects the skin well
  • it is applied with light massage movements before epilation and held for a minute.
  • moisturizes hair, facilitates its removal, serves as a prevention of ingrowth.

Special instructions:rarely used for painful depilation methods. Cannot be used for allergic reactions to component components.

Average price: from 700 rubles.

Antifungal nail polish Lotseril is specially formulated to combat an insidious ailment called "nail fungus". This medicinal varnish not only slows down the process of nail destruction and has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of the disease, but also copes well with protecting nails from fungal diseases. Read the instructions for use of Luceril.

Anestop gel

Composition:contains a complex of novocaine derivatives (ametocaine, lignocaine, propitocaine), dexapanthenol, hyalorunidase and other components.


  • used for local anesthesia for various types of hair removal;
  • has a powerful analgesic effect and is used for minor surgical interventions on the skin (piercing, removal of papillomas, mesotherapy, etc.)
  • does not require bandaging;
  • applied after cleaning the skin (soap, alcohol);
  • the first two layers are kept on the skin for 10 minutes, and the third one is washed off 5 minutes after application;
  • anesthetizes the skin at a depth of 3 mm for 3 hours (the effect occurs in 25 minutes).

Special instructions:not applied to damaged skin; is hypoallergenic.

Average price:
from 1200 rubles. for a 30-gram tube.

Anesthetic colloidal solution Golden Rose

Composition: contains two local anesthetics (lidocaine and prilocaine) and excipients.


  • the solution is more often used for permanent makeup (tattooing);
  • they moisten a napkin, which is applied to clean skin (previously defatted with alcohol) for 15 to 20 minutes;
  • the solution numbes the skin at a depth of 3 mm for 40-60 minutes.

Special instructions: the product can be used directly during epilation and depilation procedures; rarely causes allergies.

Average price: about 1700 rubles for 20 ml.

The skin of the legs requires careful and daily care. The range of products presented today is simply huge, which slightly complicates the correct choice of a particular product. Timely cosmetology implies such an effective and inexpensive cream from the manufacturer Gehwol. Read gehwol foot cream, assortment, reviews and price.

Spray Lidocaine 10%

Composition: lidocaine

Application: this spray is used for various types of hair removal and depilation (more often with shugaring).

Special instructions:

  • 3-3.5 hours before epilation, the skin is lubricated with a spray and covered with cling film;
  • it is forbidden to use Lidocaine spray for people with an allergy to lidocaine, myasthenia gravis, methemoglobinemia, with severe liver and kidney diseases, arrhythmias and cardiovascular diseases.

Average price: for 38 g 350 rubles.


Is an analogue of lidocaine and has identical characteristics. Both of these drugs have a large number of contraindications, and they are often replaced with a 4% xicaine solution.

Average price: about 650 rubles.

Menovazin solution

Composition: menthol, benzocaine, procaine, ethanol.


  • the solution has a mild degree of pain relief and cools the skin;
  • menovazine is often applied when depilation of the crotch or bikini area.

Special instructions:

  • this inexpensive remedy is used in medicine to relieve pain in muscles and joints;
  • well relieves pain and itching after depilation;
  • contraindications to the use of the drug are associated with intolerance to its components;
  • the alcohol content leads to painful microtrauma after depilation.

Average price: 18 rb.

Spray VEET

Composition: There are two types of spray - with aloe vera and vitamin E (for sensitive skin), and with shea and almond butter (for dry skin).


  • vEET cream spray is both anesthetic and depilatory;
  • when sprayed on the skin, it well reduces the sensitivity of its upper layer;
  • used to remove hair from armpits, legs or bikini area;
  • do not use to remove hair from the face, chest or groin, as it can cause irritation;
  • the day before the first use of the spray, it is better to test for skin sensitivity;
  • the contents of the can is sprayed onto the skin and after 5 minutes it is removed with a spatula along with unnecessary vegetation.

Special instructions:

  • not suitable for deep depilation or epilation;
  • not applied to damaged skin;
  • during the day after applying the spray, it is not recommended to visit the beach, solarium, take a hot bath or shower.

Average price: 515 rb.

Watch the video recipe for a natural way to remove unwanted hair