Can a person be without posture? Posture disorder test

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A healthy posture is not only about a harmonious appearance. Each vertebra in our body is responsible for its own area within the body. Therefore, curvature of the spine can lead to malfunctions of various internal organs. So, the wrong position of the neck often causes headaches. A "stretched" back is actually a symptom of intestinal problems.

Posture disorders are not just about an obvious stoop or a round back. Some curvatures of the spine may not be noticed with the naked eye. AdMe.ruinvites you to take 5 simple tests to help identify subtle posture problems. The results will let you know if your heart really hurts and if only fatigue causes headaches.

What does posture affect?

But first, a few words about what the wrong position of each vertebra can lead to.

Cervical vertebrae (headache, bags under the eyes)

The first 7 cervical vertebrae are associated with large vessels that feed the brain. An incorrect neck position can compromise blood circulation. As a result - headache, weakening vision and tired eyes with swelling and bags.

Base of the neck and chest (pain in the heart and stomach)

Nerves associated with the heart pass through this area. Improper positioning of the spine not only reduces the space in which the heart muscle works. Curved vertebrae can pinch these nerve endings. Therefore, the seeming pain in the heart sometimes signals only that you need to monitor your posture.

This same area of \u200b\u200bthe spine is associated with the main digestive organs. Therefore, stomach pain can also occur not due to gastritis, but due to poor posture.

Lower sternum (toilet problems)

The 11th and 12th vertebrae of the thoracic region are associated with the work of the urinary system. Poor posture can lead to urinary tract dysfunction, not to mention abdominal pain. Such pains are usually associated with "stretched" muscles; in fact, they may indicate just a curvature of the spine.

Loins (also problems in the toilet)

The lumbar vertebrae directly affect bowel function. The curvature of this zone of the spine leads not only to back pain, but also to stool disorders and the so-called dysbiosis (in fact, such a disease does not exist, in this word, for ease of understanding, they combine various symptoms that occur when the intestines do not work properly).

5 tests to help identify subtle posture problems

We suggest you take 5 simple tests. They will help determine if you have hidden posture problems. Each of them will only take a couple of minutes. They can be carried out without going far from the computer.

1. Thumbs up to thighs

Take pencils in your hands, lower and relax your hands. Where do pencils look? If forward, the test is successful. If the pencils are turned to the hips at a smaller or larger angle, posture disorders are possible.

The position of the hands directly depends on the rhomboid muscle. It connects the 6th cervical vertebra and the scapula - respectively, turns the shoulders back and exposes the arms, as in the left picture. If the muscle is weak, the person slouches, the shoulders move forward and the arms unfold, as in the right photo.

2. The ankles are displaced inward relative to the feet

Place your hand upright next to the inside of your foot, a couple of centimeters away from it. Relax your leg. If the ankle touches the hand, a curvature of the spine is possible.

3. It is impossible to touch the chin to the chest

Recall that rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease that predominantly affects the paired joints in the body. The disease is long-term, can develop over the years, giving way to remission and acute periods. The process proceeds gradually, starting from small joints of the limbs, ending with large ones. In addition to dysfunctions of the joint, edema, pain, inflammation, the patient is often tormented by fever with arthritis, which only worsens the patient's already poor condition and the disease is more severe. Let's figure out what this temperature is, what it can indicate, why it occurs and what needs to be done with it.

Can there be fever and malaise with arthritis?

This happens most often. General poor health is explained by the fact that during the development of rheumatoid arthritis in the body, the functioning of the immune system is disrupted, and the stronger the patient's immunity, the stronger the reaction will be and the worse the state of health, such is the pattern. This does not mean that a person must necessarily have poor immunity - everyone reacts to the disease in a different way, from the clinical picture, the totality and strength of the symptoms individually. Also, a systemic increase in body temperature is possible without a deterioration in general well-being, and vice versa, a local change in temperature - upon palpation, the joint will be much hotter than the surrounding tissues. Therefore, the treatment regimen is selected strictly for each patient separately, based on the complete picture of the symptoms accompanying the disease and the stage of the inflammatory process.

Why does hyperthermia occur and what is it?

With only the initial development of the disease, when inflammation, unnoticeable to a person, destruction of the joint and tissues occurs, the temperature can fluctuate so slightly that the patient does not notice it at all, blames everything on fatigue, weather, geomagnetic storms or a cold. Moreover, with a cold, aching of bones and joints is possible, when the body temperature rises and a person is confident in his righteousness. The more the destructive process occurs in the joints, the stronger the inflammation, pain, swelling, malaise and the higher the temperature rises, it is no longer possible not to notice it and the person turns to a doctor for help.

Hyperthermia is a strong rise in temperature, which directly indicates the pathological process taking place in the body. It arises due to disruption of the thermoregulation center in the brain and improper, disturbed metabolism. Hyperthermia is dangerous, an increase in body temperature to critical numbers (39.5 - 41) causes protein breakdown, hallucinations, delirium and convulsions, if you do not take action in time, a person may be in serious danger.

During the development of rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system does not work properly and attacks the body's own cells, mistaking them for foreign ones. A disease that acts in this way is called an autoimmune disease.

  • Lymphocytes (in the body are responsible for the immune system) and autoimmune antibodies attack healthy cells that form the joint, inflammation begins in the affected area.
  • Then, the immune system fails, the dead cells at the site of inflammation are destroyed, they release into the surrounding tissues and bloodstream a certain amount of toxins and waste products that should not be in the blood.
  • Lymphocytes continue to destroy them, in connection with which there is general malaise, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness and fever.
  • In addition, the body produces hormones and special substances that are designed to reduce inflammation, but at the same time act on the thermoregulation center, which is located in the brain, and hyperthermia occurs.

It can be local - to accompany inflammation only at the site of the affected joint, or it can be general. It all depends on the intensity of inflammation, the severity of a particular stage of the disease, the strength of the immune response. A rise in temperature is always accompanied by pain at the site of the affected joint.

Why is the temperature dropping?

Basically, a drop in body temperature occurs due to the inability of the immune system to resist inflammation. This may be due to courses of chemotherapy, hormone therapy in which immunity is significantly suppressed. The stronger the increase in temperature, the more active the inflammatory process and destruction of the joint, and with a decrease in temperature there can be three reasons: suppression of immunity, extinction of the inflammatory process, or an incorrectly selected dose of drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Temperature rise or fall: what is dangerous?

Let's take a look at everything separately. An increased temperature of the body or the affected area in rheumatoid arthritis indicates an active inflammatory process that destroys the joint itself and the surrounding tissues. In addition, the general well-being suffers, with severe hyperthermia, irreversible breakdown of proteins and a sharp change in the patient's condition occur. The less inflammation, the lower the temperature.

There can be various reasons for the temperature drop. With an incorrect dosage of drugs, the adrenal cortex is inhibited, causing hormonal disruption in the body - a lack of glucocorticoids. This provokes an insufficient production of anti-inflammatory substances, which makes the destructive and inflammatory process stronger, tissue regeneration slows down.

There can be various reasons for the temperature drop. With an incorrect dosage of drugs, the adrenal cortex is inhibited, causing hormonal disruption in the body - a lack of glucocorticoids. This provokes an insufficient production of anti-inflammatory substances, which makes the destructive and inflammatory process stronger, tissue regeneration slows down. It is also possible that the body is simply not able to cope with inflammation due to suppression of immunity during chemotherapy with cytostatic drugs, which act quite aggressively. Therefore, in insufficient quantities, antibodies, enzymes, hormones are released (or the process of production of substances stops altogether). At the same time, the destructive effect of rheumatoid arthritis continues to function rapidly, because this process does not stop anything - the immune system is unable to perform its functions.

The temperature in arthritis can fluctuate to various levels - from low to very high. There is absolutely no regularity of drops, the only thing that most patients note is that the temperature is higher in the evening than in the morning. Most often, the heyday of rheumatoid arthritis occurs in the cold season and that is why, if the patient's temperature fluctuates, this is in no way associated with arthritis. Only at a more serious stage of the disease (when deformation of the joints begins), an increase in temperature occurs with an increase in pain, deformation of the joints and inflammation in the lesions, patients go to the doctor.

How to measure body temperature correctly

There are several methods. The most reliable and time-tested ones are measurements:

  • rectal
  • inguinal
  • oral
  • In the armpits
  • Groin folds

Moreover, the indicators will always be somewhat different, this is normal, since during the day a person's body temperature changes, and in different parts of the body it is always different. For example, a rectal measurement is always the most accurate. Orally, the indicators differ up to 0.8 ° C, when measured in the groin and armpits, the indicators differ from rectal to 1.5 degrees downward.

At the moment there are thermometers with two infrared sensors for ear and frontal measurements. These are the most accurate thermometric data now. The figures are 99% correct. Such a thermometer measures the temperature of the human body, the environment, fixes these two values, calculates the exact figure using special formulas and displays the result on the screen.

At the moment there are thermometers with two infrared sensors for ear and frontal measurements. These are the most accurate thermometric data now. The figures are 99% correct. Such a thermometer measures the temperature of the human body, the environment, fixes these two values, calculates the exact figure using special formulas and displays the result on the screen. It all depends on the place of measurement, since each part of our body is heated in different ways, and after physical exertion it is always observed increased body temperature, over time it decreases and normalizes. Therefore, the measurement must be carried out when the patient is at rest.

Now there are quite a number of different electronic thermometers that are easy to use. Upon completion of the measurement, the thermometer beeps, which is very convenient.

If you have a mercury thermometer, follow these simple steps to measure your body temperature:

  • Before measuring the temperature, the patient must be at rest for some time;
  • Take the thermometer, firmly holding it in your hand, shake it several times and check that the mercury column is at "0 degrees";
  • Place the thermometer with an iron tip in the chosen place to measure the temperature;
  • If necessary, hold the thermometer with your hand or press your hand to the body (if the measurement is made in the armpits), bend the leg (when measured in the groin);
  • Check the time and wait 10-15 minutes, evaluate the indicator of the mercury column on the thermometer.

To measure both in the armpit and in other ways, you need to wait 10-15 minutes. But you should be careful, such thermometers are quite fragile, it is quite dangerous to use them for measurement (except for the armpits and groin folds). We advise you to purchase an electronic device to protect yourself and your loved ones.

What to do with the temperature: knock down or not?

First you need to find out the cause of the low or high temperature in rheumatoid arthritis. Only a doctor can do this. After passing tests, diagnostic measures in the hospital, when prescribing medications, the attending physician will necessarily advise on the possibility of fluctuations in body temperature and how exactly to proceed in such situations. If you understand that something is happening that the doctor did not say, then be sure to go to the hospital and tell about it, do not delay. Follow the prescriptions for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, control your condition during illness and treatment.

First you need to find out the cause of the low or high temperature in rheumatoid arthritis. Only a doctor can do this. After passing tests, diagnostic measures in the hospital, when prescribing medications, the attending physician will certainly advise about the possibility of fluctuations in body temperature and exactly how to proceed in such situations. If you understand that something is happening that the doctor did not say, then be sure to go to the hospital and tell about it, do not delay. Observe the prescriptions for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, control your condition during the disease and treatment. You should not make decisions on the correction of treatment and prescribe any other drugs on your own, as you can harm yourself. Because not all drugs can be combined with each other, some can inhibit the actions of other drugs or, on the contrary, enhance them, which is highly undesirable. And something is strictly forbidden to take with rheumatoid arthritis, so you can worsen your condition, give an impetus to the strengthening of the process of destruction of joints.


Some people do not think about whether there may be a general temperature in arthritis and therefore seek help from specialists quite late, when the destructive process in the joints has already begun and has lasted. Someone independently makes changes to the list of prescribed medications and aggravates the course of the disease, general well-being, which makes a serious mistake.
Now you know what the temperature means in rheumatoid arthritis, where it comes from and what you need to do with it.

Rehabilitation after knee surgery: recovery after arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is the most modern surgical treatment for the knee joint. Unlike traditional intervention, rehabilitation after such an operation is much faster.

However, during this period, it is extremely important to adhere to all necessary precautions. This will help to maximally protect the operated joint from damage.

With this treatment, the length of hospital stay varies. On average, hospitalization usually lasts 15-30 hours. In the majority of cases, meniscus treatment lasts several hours, and rehabilitation after cruciate arthroplasty takes from 1 to 3 days.

Recovery after surgery is quick and pain-free. After 2-3 days, the wound heals, but the patient becomes completely healthy only after 3 months.

Rehabilitation measures in a hospital setting

After the procedure, the patient must remain in hospital. During this time, he will be offered special treatments. First of all, a single (if necessary, then twice) administration of a broad spectrum antibiotic is shown. To prevent thrombosis, the patient must wear:

  1. elastic bandage;
  2. compression hosiery (at least 3 days after arthroscopy).

Also at this time, they take anticoagulants in tablets and low molecular weight heparin preparations.

Recovering from knee arthroscopy requires complete rest. To do this, fix the operated joint with an orthosis (special bandage). The leg should always be in a straight position. After cruciate ligament surgery, treatment requires the mandatory use of an articulated orthosis with a flexion angle of 20 degrees.

Typically, after surgical treatment, pain relief and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are required. Further, the puffiness should be removed with the help of hardware lymphatic drainage or manual lymphatic drainage massage.

Exercise therapy will be no less useful. Exercise therapy on the first day after arthroscopy requires isometric tension of the thigh muscles and the performance of movements of the ankle joint. The next day, when the drainage is removed, passive smooth knee movements are added.

Activation is also performed, providing additional support in the form of a cane or crutches.

Rehabilitation at home

In an outpatient setting, it is important to follow certain rules for a quick and successful recovery. Immediately after returning from the hospital, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the orthopedist as accurately as possible. So, to eliminate the swelling for the first day, the patient needs to keep the operated legs as high as possible.

In addition, the patient must:

  • monitor the cleanliness of the incisions and their dryness;
  • carry out water procedures strictly according to the instructions of the doctor;
  • on days 3-4 and 7-12, undergo a traumatologist's examination and make a dressing.

During the dressing, the patient is changed aseptic dressings and, if necessary, puncture of the affected joint and evacuation of exudate are performed. Sutures are usually removed as early as 7-12 days after arthroscopy.

Rehabilitation of the knee joint on an outpatient basis requires the use of vascular and anti-inflammatory drugs. For 7 days, an elastic bandage is applied to the operated limb.

Physical activity, local cold therapy and lymphatic drainage are provided. The duration of the procedures depends entirely on the type of surgery performed and the patient's condition.

After meniscectomy, from the first days it is shown to walk with a moderate load on the joint. It is important to use a special crutch with elbow support or a cane for at least a week. If an arthroscopic meniscus suture was performed, then it takes another month to move with support.

When the patient underwent plastic surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament, then rehabilitation after the procedure involves the use of crutches with support for at least 3 weeks. During the first days, the patient moves around without loading the limb, and soon, while walking, the entire foot is placed on the floor, but without transferring the weight to the operated leg.

During the recovery period after meniscus surgery, a person should:

  1. wear a soft or hard knee pad to fix the knee joint;
  2. apply an elastic bandage to the joint surface.

For cruciate ligament surgery, knee fixation is provided with a special postoperative hinged orthosis. Along with this, after the operation, if there is a medical indication, it is necessary:

  • mobilization of the patella;
  • light thigh massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • electrical muscle stimulation.

Physical education treatment by periods

Almost everyone who has undergone knee plastic surgery is shown isometric tension of the gluteal muscles, hip extensors and flexors, foot movements.

In addition, during the rehabilitation process, active knee movements are added, which are performed along a closed contour, that is, during the exercise, the heel should always be in close contact with the surface.

Over time, exercises are added to strengthen the leg muscles. In the supine position, the straight leg is slowly raised and kept on weight for at least 5-7 seconds (a similar exercise is performed while standing). Swimming and gymnastics with a tourniquet (exercises to restore the calf muscles) have proven themselves well.

4-6 weeks

The patient is allowed to walk in an orthosis with full support on the limb, move with one crutch or without any additional support (it all depends on the patient's condition).

By 4-6 weeks after the operation, a person should already learn to bend and unbend the knee joint without pain to an angle of 90 degrees.

During this period, it is necessary to walk slowly, without limping on the operated limb.

Physical education treatment at this time should be aimed at maximizing the strengthening of the thigh muscles, usually:

  1. slow spring squats;
  2. swimming in the pool;
  3. exercise bike with a low load;
  4. exercises with light resistance.

If after exercise therapy, the affected joint began to swell, and the pain intensified, then the exercises should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

6-8 weeks

Now the patient will be shown strength exercises, walking in a functional orthosis, training aimed at restoring coordination of movements, swimming, exercise on block simulators.

During classes, one should not be too zealous, because there is a rehabilitation of the knee joint, its restructuring. The strength of the ligaments and articulation is reduced and they need protection. Therefore, you should practice without sharp bending, swinging, overloading and extending the operated leg.

8-12 weeks

All exercises at this stage should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the limb and coordination. The list of permitted physical activities is significantly expanding, and the exercises habitual to the patient are being improved:

  • swimming;
  • exercise on a stationary bike;
  • maintaining balance on an inflatable pillow;
  • gentle lunges;
  • side steps;
  • classes with the platform.

Treatment by week 8 includes walking without any restrictions on time and speed.

Every person who had to undergo surgery on the knee joint should understand that correctly and competently organized rehabilitation will prevent the development of complications.

Also, we must not forget that after surgery with the use of an arthroscope, in rare cases, there is penetration of infection and the active development of arthritis of the knee joint, hemarthrosis (hemorrhage into the joint cavity). For this reason, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the operated leg and the condition of the bandage.

If physical education is too active, then such rash actions often provoke joint fluid leakage, further infiltration into the joint and a number of other rather unpleasant complications.

Rehabilitation after arthroscopy of the knee joint will be successful, provided that all recommendations are strictly followed. As a result, the patient will be able to return to a fulfilling and active life without pain.


  • Causes of occurrence
  • Could there be serious consequences?
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Recommended treatments
  • Consequences and complications
  • Prevention

Causes of occurrence

The disease in question in most cases is the result of the development of osteochondrosis. However, there are many factors that can cause this problem.

Due to the displacement and incorrect location of the cervical vertebrae, the manifestation of dystrophic changes in them, various discomfort conditions arise that affect human life. Factors affecting the appearance of radicular syndrome:

  • Exposure to excessive intense loads, the result of which may be microtrauma.
  • Poor posture and regular abnormal curvature of the spine at rest.
  • Overweight and disorders associated with metabolic processes in the body.
  • An inactive lifestyle without the necessary stress.
  • The appearance of intervertebral hernias.
  • Gradual hormonal changes in the body.
  • Frequent hypothermia.
  • Transfer of complex infectious diseases and manifestation of their consequences.

Could there be serious consequences?

The resulting syndrome can seriously disrupt the performance of many internal systems of the body due to compression of the nerve endings located in the spinal cord. Functional disorders are not always critical, but collectively they severely limit the ability to live and work normally.

Most often, a person suffers from prolonged and regular headaches, visual acuity may decrease and tinnitus may appear. Such consequences can be regular or intermittent. If the causes are not treated, then over time there may be a loss of sensation of the limbs, partial paralysis. Their motor functions decrease, it is almost impossible to make amplitude movements.


The nuances of the manifestation of radicular syndrome can be different. Severe headaches of varying frequency are most clearly felt. Painful manifestations arise not only in the neck, but are also transmitted to the scapular region, the shoulders may hurt and give to the forearm. It is difficult for the patient to raise his hands, sensitivity is impaired.

One-sided neck pain may occur, depending on the degree of nerve damage. There is slight numbness in the forearms and elbows. The severity of certain symptoms depends on which nerve root received the compression.


To accurately diagnose radicular syndrome, X-ray is necessary. On the obtained picture of the spinal column, you can find out in more detail the situation on the development of negative processes in the cervical spine, establish the exact localization.

Sometimes, if in doubt, it is additionally recommended to undergo an MRI. With such a diagnosis, you can clearly study the damaged nerve endings and blood vessels, and prescribe an effective treatment.

  1. The use of drugs. Anesthetic agents are prescribed for use - Baralgin, Ketarol, Analgin. It is imperative to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesulide, Movalis, Diclofenac. Prescribed means for relieving spasms in muscle tissues - muscle relaxants. Chondroprotectors are used to restore the cartilage structure and stop destructive processes in the vertebrae.
  2. Use of various warming ointments such as Finalgon, Nikoflex and Kapsikam.
  3. Physiotherapy. It includes procedures necessary in the opinion of the doctor - electrophoresis, warming up. To restore the functions of nerve endings - laser therapy.
  4. Recovery massage. It is used only in the absence of exacerbations and in strict adherence to the doctor's prescription.
  5. Use of orthopedic collars to relax the cervical spine.

Consequences and complications

If you do not carry out therapeutic measures to eliminate the symptoms of radicular syndrome, then there may be various health complications that impose great restrictions. A person may feel numbness in the back of the head, in addition, the muscles under the chin may atrophy, they may lose their tone and sag.

It can also manifest itself in the cervical region, the excessive occurrence of body fat. Weakness in the arms occurs during hand movements. When intervertebral hernias appear, there may be additional shooting pains in the upper extremities.


  1. Compliance with a balanced diet.
  2. Avoiding intense loads, overstrain of the spine.
  3. Maintaining a moderately active lifestyle. Engage in health-improving gymnastics, walk regularly, maintain a normal body weight.
  4. Swimming helps to develop and restore the normal state of the cervical spine very well.
  5. Obligatory use of comfortable and practical shoes (without heels).

Surely from the very childhood, the familiar to everyone “Do not stoop!”, “Straighten your back” and other calls to keep straight were sounded from parental lips.

Posture is very important, here do not go to the orthopedist, and everything is clear. The back muscles support the spine, which in turn is the skeleton of the entire body.

Why are you slouching

  • Posture is directly related to your emotional state: when you feel bad or fatigue takes over, your shoulders drop forward, your head is tilted, your back is bent. Such a pose as if confirms that the burden of problems presses on you from above. In a person who is on an emotional upsurge, posture is usually even, the shoulders themselves tend backward, a feeling of flight appears in the body.
  • Very often, the state of posture is affected by the presence of congenital features or acquired injuries. Damage to the occipital bone associated with difficult childbirth, age-related changes in the state of the spine, for example, scoliosis, accompanying flat feet, displacement of the intervertebral discs due to sports and excessive stress.
  • Unfortunately, the body does not always choose what is good for it: a stooped back is the most comfortable position for the back muscles, because they are in maximum relaxation.
  • Dancing and endless drilling from childhood is also not a way out: in a state of eternal tension, the body gets tired and wears out even faster. To stop slouching, it is important not only to physically affect the muscles of the back, but also to maintain a calm mental state, which will allow the nerve endings to be brought into an adequate state.

How to Stop Slouching: What Poor Posture Can Do

Driving, working at the computer and other sedentary activities worsen the condition of the muscles in the back: in a stooped state, the chest is compressed, which makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the body. Because of this, a person is subject to stress, gets tired faster.


The consequences of improper posture are far from rosy:

  • weakening of muscles;
  • flat feet;
  • decreased immunity;
  • disruption of the visual apparatus;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • displacement of internal organs.

How to get rid of the stoop: living conditions

  • To avoid stooping, it is necessary to create conditions for the muscles and the spine under which the load will be distributed evenly, without injuring the back, but also without reducing the tone too much. Try to start with the little things around you.
  • Make your workspace tailored specifically for you. The table and chair should be of the optimum height so that you do not have to bend.
  • The back of a chair or chair should reach the middle of the shoulder blades, otherwise the back will involuntarily bend forward by the end of the working day.
  • You need to sit so that both feet are firmly adjacent to the floor surface, and the hips and knees are at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • The monitor should be at the level of your eyes.
  • The berth meets all the necessary requirements: not too hard mattress, medium-sized pillow or cushion.

How to remove a slouch: daily life hacks

  • First, motivation. Do you want to look attractive and be healthy? A straight back is a guarantee of female beauty. Stick to these simple points to help you keep your back straight.
  • Self-control. Remember to keep your posture, over time it will become a habit.
  • A place to sleep. Remember to create comfortable living conditions.
  • Psychological state. The more stable the emotional background, the more at ease your body.
  • Distribute the weights. Try to carry the weights evenly in both hands.
  • Sports activities. Regular exercise and walking are excellent prevention of slouching. Cardio loads oxygenate the body, and strength training gives muscles elasticity and endurance. Swimming is considered one of the most beneficial sports for a healthy posture; this is especially true for those who regularly visit a gym with a pool.
  • Massage. It works out muscle clamps, making you feel light, and your shoulders will finally straighten themselves.
  • Use a special orthopedic corset and shoe insoles to correct your body position. Wearing a corset every day for 1-2 hours will teach your body to take the correct position.

How to keep your posture and not slouch when walking

Proud posture allows you to grow a couple of centimeters, lift your chest and even get rid of a double chin. Remember a few tricks to use when walking.

  • Bring your shoulders back and down slightly, as if you have tiny wings in the back.
  • Always try to look forward, but do not throw your head back too much.
  • Raise your chest and suck in your belly a little to help the silhouette be tucked up.
  • When walking, do not take too large steps, try to lower yourself to a full foot, make sure that your feet do not look inward with your toes.

How to get rid of slouching with exercise

You can remove the stoop in an adult with the help of regular sports. Your task is to strengthen the body and saturate the body with oxygen. It's never too late to start! Doing your daily home workouts will help you achieve an even posture and a slim silhouette.

Exercise 1

  1. Walk up to a wall or closet, press the back of your head and shoulder blades firmly to the surface, look straight ahead.
  2. Stand this way for 5 minutes, then move away from the support, trying to maintain the position of the back as long as possible.

Exercise 2

  1. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides.
  2. Lean on the back of your head and buttocks.
  3. Raise your back so that the fulcrum remains stationary.
  4. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise # 3

  1. Get on your knees, take your heels in your hands, bend back and throw your head back.
  2. Stay in this position as long as you can.
  3. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4

Pulling up on a horizontal bar or a classic plank from 30 seconds daily, 2 times a day. Try to do chin-ups or planks in the morning and evening, gradually lengthening the exercise time.

Exercise 5

The bridge from the floor for 10-15 seconds, 5 sets.

Exercise 6

  1. Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind you.
  2. Try to raise your clasped hands to the shoulder blades.
  3. Repeat 20 times in 2 rounds.

Exercise 7

  1. Lie on your back, place a book or pillow under your shoulder blades.
  2. There should be a slight bend in the back.
  3. Take dumbbells or water bottles, 500 grams each.
  4. Lift dumbbells with straight arms 60 times in 3 sets.

Job 40. Using the textbook, answer the questions.

1. What is posture?

The usual position of a person at rest and while moving.

2. Can there be no posture?

3. What changes in the body are associated with poor posture?

Malnutrition: lack of protein and mineral salts, vitamins in food.

4. Why does posture disorder occur?

Uneven load distribution.

5. Do you have postural problems?

Job 41. Check your posture. Fill the table.

ViolationsObservation resultsOutput
Identification of lateral curvatures

1. The angles of the shoulder blades are at the same level.

2. One shoulder joint is located above the other.

3. The triangles formed between the torso and the lower arms are equal

4. The posterior processes of the vertebrae form a straight line

Yes or no

Defining slouch

Using a measuring tape, measure the distance between the elongated points of the shoulder in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder joints of the left and right arm:

And from the side of the chest

B from the back

Divide the first result by the second.

The smaller the fraction, the more stoop. If the quotient is close to 1, then this is the norm.

Determination of violations of the lumbar bending of the spine

Stand with your back against the wall.

1. Slide your palm between the wall and your lower back.

2. Try to stick your fist in.

If the latter succeeds, then the posture is impaired.

Norm yes

Posture impaired no

Possible causes of poor posture carrying a bag on one shoulder, abnormal back position in a sitting position

Work 42. Incorrect postures, lifting and carrying weights can lead to displacement of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Check out the illustrations. Explain the consequences of wrong actions.

How impossible. Why?How to
if you bend over, bending your back, the spine may close and no longer straighten
bending over a heavy kettlebell can cause displacement of the spinal discs and may be injured you need to sit down, take an object and stand up
cervical vertebrae are strained and a headache appears the neck should be straight
overloaded thoracic spine the load must be distributed evenly
Output incorrect position of the spine can lead to its curvature

Job 43. Using the textbook, check if you have flat feet. Having received the footprint on white paper, take the necessary measurements and write them down.

1. The distance between the heads of the metatarsal bones, articulated with the first and fifth toes, AB \u003d 7.

2. Cross-section of the track in the middle part of the foot SD \u003d 3.

3. The ratio of SD: AB \u003d 23%.

If this ratio does not exceed 33%, then the norm.

Conclusion based on your measurements: flat feet or not? (Underline the correct answer).