Who is the global predictor. Simple and straightforward truth, or briefly about the global predictor. Why GP has not risen to understanding PFCs and how it threatens humanity, the biosphere and planet Earth as a whole

I would like to return once again to the essence of the Global Predictor (GP). In addition, after a critical rethinking of the BER and building it into a consistent mosaic system , in this issue, there has finally appeared sufficient certainty, completeness and clarity. For several months now I have been thinking about how to approach the disclosure of this issue in a folding lexical form, and it is still difficult to find a sequence of presentation that is convenient for the reader (that would be easy to understand andlogically comprehend the essence of GP). It seems that the question will remain unanswered if you do not begin to explain at least somehow.

Whether my reasoning is true, or not true, everyone should judge independently. This is a working material for further thought, discussion, and not for faith, in a ready-to-use form.

1.1. Analysis of the Global Predictor concept. (GP)

Probably, everyone who at least somehow touched the study of BER, or even met the concept of GP in life, formed his own image. There is no unity in the ranks of the KOB supporters on this issue, but the image formed by the USSR VP is dominant. They themselves write the following about the process of forming this concept:

... On this basis, posing the questions "What is happening?", "Who is to blame?", "What to do?" brought them to the fact that in their inner world a figurative idea of \u200b\u200bthe phenomenon that is now called “conceptual power of the global level of significance” in the materials of the USSR VP.

Here is the definition (I take one of the definitions, since it is essentially repeated in different works):

In the Concept of Public Safety set forth in the book "Dead Water", the world behind the scenes, which has absorbed occult sorcerers and banking clans, according to the definition of one of the most effective management methods - "predictor-corrector" - Global Predictor. (It was in Pagent http://dotu.ru/2000/12/05/20001205-pedjent/)

To begin with, the Concept is a word + an image. The word seems to be "Global predictor", but with the image, everything is much more complicated. Concepts such as: occult healers evoke images of something secret, unknowable and incomprehensible, in fact, to reflect this phenomenon, such a word appeared. With the "banking clans" it is more and more clear, the Rothschilds, etc. ... However, the generalizing concept (GP), which partially includes both a certain concept (banking clans) and another vague concept (occult healers), is also vague, as well as concepts its components, or is synonymous with a certain concept and then is not generalizing for it). If written mathematically, the expression GP \u003d banking clans + occult healers:

a. In the case of a synonym: any, specifically defined, number added with zero, adds up to the same - the same number. (GP \u003d banking clans)

b. In the case of a generalizing concept: any concretely defined number, added to infinity, adds up to an infinitely large number. (GP \u003d occult medicine men \u003d someone \u003d indefinite concept.)

SOEs in KOB mainly focus on bankers , which in my opinion is not entirely true.

(And one more touch to the above definition of GP "World Behind the Scenes" \u003d Global Predictor, according to my ideas, are not quite similar concepts, which I will try to describe further).

As a result, we get the image of the Global predictor as “n Ewho" , similar to the parable of Polyphemus:

Polyphemus, in Greek mythology:

Cyclops, son of Poseidon and the nymph Toosa, daughter of the sea deity Forkius. A terrible and bloodthirsty giant with one eye Polyphemus the shepherd lives in a cave, where his hearth is folded, he milks goats, makes cottage cheese, eats raw meat. Canto 9 of Homer's "Odyssey" is dedicated to the adventures of Odysseus in the cave of Polyphemus, who was blinded by the hero during intoxication and sleep, who escaped the fate of his companions, eaten by the cyclops. Not knowing the real name of his offender, since Odysseus called himself "nobody", the blinded giant, at whose call the neighbors of the Cyclops came running, screams, causing them to be confused that he was blinded by "nobody".

Hence, there are different guesses, and interpretations, and so on ..., and so on .... In fact, this question is not idle, since quite a few works have been written about opposing him (GP) and his plans.

So I tried to define this concept and try to present it in an accessible logical understanding. (I must say right away that the result was unexpected :), but logical.)

1.2. Information to start the analysis.

To begin with, I will try to describe everything in a thesis, what the COB said about the GP and its management.

I will list all the characteristics inherent in GP that I met in the BER.

1) GP has always existed throughout the Global Historical Process (GIP) of human civilization.

2) The state enterprise does not care how and on what, the structure of society will be based, the main thing is that it should be crowd- "elite". (The GP controls on the first, ideological, priority of generalized controls.)

3) SE the highest level of management (in addition to the INVOU ) in a crowd-"elite" society.

4) GP manages according to the predictor-corrector principle

5) GP manages in a non-structured way, egregorially-matrix.

6) The SE evaluates all new trends in society and selects the best ones for implementation.

7) The state enterprise has now, after the “law of time” was triggered, lost its power or the quality of its management has dropped sharply. According to VM Zaznobin, representative of the USSR VP: “One gets the impression that the GP is gone. Since we do not see his reaction, etc…. ”.

8) GP is conceptually dominant"... conceptual power of the global level of significance", those. manages at the concept level.

All of the above creates a kaleidoscopic character of both worldview and worldview, since it is not linked into a single consistent system. One gets the impression that the GP is a superman or a subject in general that does not belong to the species Homo sapiens, an alien, "the great and terrible Goodwin" in general, as he wrote earlier, "Someone."

All this made me think and look for a logical consistent explanation for everything described above, and without resorting to mysticism or other unknowable concepts and phenomena.

2.1. GP in terms of 6 priorities of generic controls.

Using the COB methodology, I will consider the GP. It turns out that the SOE, as the subject of the highest level in the control hierarchy, must control 1 priority of generalized controls:

" 1. World outlook information, the methodology, mastering which, people build - individually and socially - their "standard automatisms" of recognition of private processes in the completeness and integrity of the Universe and determine in their perception their hierarchical ordering in mutual nesting. It is the basis of a culture of thinking and completeness of management activity, including intra-social sovereignty both within the region and on a global scale. "( http://dotu.ru/2005/09/09/about_cob/).

By controlling this priority, the SOE will also control any of the lower-lying priorities. This statement intersects with the following theses:

- "GP is the highest level of management (besides INVOU ) in a crowd- "elite" society. "

- "The state enterprise does not care how and on what, the structure of society will be based, the main thing is that it is crowd-" elitist ", that is, the state enterprise controls on the first, ideological, priority of generalized means of management."

2.2. Non-structured way of managing GP.

Since the basis of SOE management is a structureless way, by means of egregorial-matrix control.

“The psyche of the individual through its unconscious levels (and in some cases at the level of consciousness) is always connected with some egregors. there are no individuals whose psyche is not included in the algorithm of any egregor."

To make it clearer, first I will say that it is necessary to separate the "egregor of the Global Predictor" (EGP) as a tool and GP as a strong-willed subject capable of thinking creatively and finding solutions adequate to current life situations.

"Egregor of the Global Predictor" is the proper name of a certain egregor, which is inclusive in relation to all crowd- "elite" egregors. The USSR VP has already described one such egregor, to which they gave their proper name "Russian Spirit". (By the way, EGL is inclusive in relation to it too, but more on that later).

Therefore, we have a kind of volitional, creative subject (GP) using EGP as a means to achieve their goals. To consider this someone, he began by studying his "instrument of production." In about the same way as an archaeologist, carefully studying the tools of labor, can quite accurately reconstruct the owners themselves who use them.

A little about EGP.

To understand what has been written further, it is very desirable to read and delve into section 4 of "Foundations of Sociology" concerning egregors ( http://dotu.ru/2010/04/10/20100410-bases-of-sociology_full/). Or read a note from the USSR VP« About personal-egregorial interaction » ... (I can't give a link to this work, because it wasn't posted on the Internet, but I came across it by chance from a friend via Skype - chat. However, I think you can still find it by googling).

I will stop briefly. Any egregor has 3 required parameters:

  1. The current moral standards are characteristic of egregor.
  2. Information specific to egregor.
  3. Algorithm typical for egregor.

EGP, being encompassing in relation to any crowd-"elite" egregor, can either encompass them (as, say, the sea covers islands), or be an obligatory and important common part (core) of any crowd-"elite" egregor (as, say, a water molecule, an integral part of any body of water).

For clarity, I will consider a practical example from our time. At the moment we have 3 civilizations that have formed 3 quite definite egregor:

- "Biblical egregor" of Western civilization, formed on the basis of Historically established Christianity.

- "Islamic egregor" of Eastern civilization formed on the basis of Historically formed Islam.

Egregor of Russian civilization, "Russian spirit", formed on the basis of Vedic traditions.

If each of the above egregors is described according to 3 mandatory parameters that characterize any egregor and compare, then we get that they will have in common only algorithms characteristic of any crowd-"elite" egregor. All other parameters will be different to one degree or another, often significantly different.

I will explain my idea with a graphic example (in addition, the KPE emblem is a good help in this) :

Although the Algorithm, characteristic of any crowd-"elite" egregor, stems from the first two parameters ("current moral standards" and "Information characteristic of the egregor"), nevertheless it is it that ultimately is the defining and most important component.

The kernel of the egregor of the Global Predictor (EGP), expressed in algorithms: "End justifies the means" ... This is a required general part. any crowd- "elite" egregor. It is this kind of algorithm that is necessarily present in any crowd-"elite" society, is always

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esotericism "Esotericism (from ancient Greek. Ἐσωτερικός - internal) - in the original meaning of the concept - a philosophical doctrine, accessible only to a limited," internal "circle of people, in contrast to exotericism - public knowledge."

However, it is also impossible to say for certain who is at the head of the banking clans, this information is closed from the overwhelming majority of people and is protected as the most important banking secret. For example: Many people know that the Fed is a private structure, but the names of the owners are carefully hidden.

In the parable, Odysseus was called “nobody”, and in the case of the GP, it turned out to be “something” in the sense of someone undefined, which is essentially the same thing.

The global predictor is a small community of people who form the so-called secret government of the planet. It, this secret government, well, the global predictor, governs global politics and the economy of the entire Earth. The global predictor controls the world economy through bonded loans and borrowings. In 1919, at the initiative of Winston Churchill, the capitalists of Great Britain, France and the United States created a kind of informal union, which became the prototype of the global predictor. What happened next, you should all know about it ... What will happen next, nobody knows yet.
What is democracy in reality? She, this democracy - preaches equal conditions, rights and freedoms for all members of society. However, in reality, this is not at all the case. All key positions in society are held by people who enter or collaborate with the world government. An ordinary person will never take a key post if he does not become related to this elite. For ordinary citizens, freedom is presented as the freedom to take drugs and alcohol, to dispose of their lives at their own discretion and anyone's choice. - In democratic countries, drug addiction, prostitution, non-traditional sexual orientation are practically legalized by law, and democracy allows everyone to have such views with impunity, and to live, inciting everyone else to life, those who do not have them in life yet.
At the legislative level, in a democracy, views and principles are imposed on people, leading to the degradation and extinction of society. They deliberately try to replace the correct landmarks with destructive ones. A lot of money is invested in this and excellent highly paid specialists work.
In the modern world, we see a picture of the interpenetration of capital. Almost any large corporation owns shares in others ... Some of their charter capital also belongs to other major corporations. This forms a kind of web, in which all the elements are connected to each other.
When trying to unravel this web, you may find that there are corporations that are less dependent on other corporations, and there are more dependent ones. More dependent, they are smaller. As a result, a kind of pyramid is formed, with a small number of dominant corporations at the top.
And who owns the controlling stakes in those corporations all? Who are these people? - Global predictor - that's who they are!
- Recently, a new technology of conquering countries has been gaining momentum. Money production, well, US dollars, which is handled by the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. - This office is private, and belongs to several individuals, and prints money around the clock.
- The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of twelve private banks that are not part of the United States government. Control over these banks is in the hands of a few American and European bankers, including the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgan, well, and the rest of those thirty-odd families, famous clans on our planet. And banks got the right to print money for the US government thanks to US President W. Wilson. They don’t have to work to “make money” - you can literally do it, print it on their own machines, and by issuing a batch of money, they lend it to the government ... And this debt must be returned with interest. “And to pay the interest, you need new money, which can only be borrowed from the Federal Reserve Bank. Borrow at new interest rates. And so on ad infinitum. Well, who has not yet understood how the world is ruled, and who controls it?

So where do those who are called GP (Global Predictor) live? And how long has GP been on the planet?

Andorra - 778 - the first official mention ...

The history of modern Monaco begins in 1215 ...

The name Luzlinburgus has been known since 963 ... Luxembourg ...

Territory of Liechtenstein from 15 BC e. was part of the Roman province of Rhetia ...

These are all copied lines from Wikipedia. But neither the First World War, nor the Second World War, nor the wars of the past centuries, could shake the foundations of these scanty states.


US Federal Reserve is the regulator of world financial and monetary policy

In 1913, the US Federal Reserve Act came into force. Only the name was federal in this system. The system was not state-owned, it was a private bank.
Paul Warburg became its first president.
This is the highest bank over all other banks not only in the United States, but after Bretton Woods, where currencies were pegged to the dollar (read about this "Monetary Reform of 1947 - Our Answer to the Bretton Woods Agreements" http://inance.ru/ 2016/02 / dengi-1947 / And the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dv02F3mURaEg), and the whole world. The financial internazi oligarchy this time seized power in the United States without wars or revolutions.
The Federal Reserve Act was followed by the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. The American government was losing the right to print its own money to finance its own economy.
The largest shareholders of the Fed were: the Rothschild banks in London and Paris, the bank of the Lazarus brothers in Paris, the safe bank of Israel Moses in Italy, the Warburg bank in Amsterdam and Hamburg, the Lehmann bank in New York, the Khun Loeb bank in New York. York, Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, Goldman Sachs Bank in New York.
There were also those who were against this system.
For example, Congressman Lindbergh warned that the Federal Reserve Act “… established the largest trust in the world. When the president signs this law, the invisible government by the power of money ... will be legitimized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want it. From now on, depressions will be created on a scientific basis. "
The tasks of the FRS included ensuring the stability of the dollar and the financial system as a whole. The financial internazi oligarchy perfectly showed this very "stability".
Back in 1907, Jacob Schiff (Jacob Henry (Jacob Heinrich) Schiff - an American banker of Jewish origin, philanthropist and public figure was one of the leaders of the Jewish community in the United States, provided money to L.D.Trotsky) said in one of his speeches at the Chamber of Commerce New York:
“If we do not have a central bank with exclusive control over the provision of loans, then this country will be plunged into a deep financial crisis in its history” (either a threat, or a “warning”).
Thus, the privately owned Fed has been managing the money supply for over 100 years and is capable of causing inflation and deflation at will.
In 1913, when the Fed was created, the per capita money supply was about $ 148. By 1978, it was $ 3,691. The growth in the volume of money supply was several times faster than the growth in the volume of production of goods, works and services. In other words, the unit value of the 1913 dollar had declined to about 12 cents by 1978 (this should mean what the Fed calls the "stable dollar").
In January 1968 the amount of money was $ 351 billion, and in February 1980 it was equal to $ 976 billion. That is, this is an increase of up to 278%. Essentially, the amount of money doubles roughly every 10 years.

The Jamaican monetary system is a modern international monetary system based on such a model of free currency conversion, which is characterized by constant fluctuations in exchange rates. This system operates in the world to this day, although in the light of the global crisis of 2008-2009, consultations began on the principles of a new world monetary system.

The Jamaican system was formed in 1976-1978 as a result of the reorganization of the Bretton Woods monetary system. Main features and principles:

Officially abolished the gold standard and gold parities (abolished the pegging of currencies to gold for both domestic and international transactions);
demonetization of gold has been recorded: central banks are allowed to sell and buy gold as an ordinary commodity at market prices;
a system of SDRs (special drawing rights, English SDR) was introduced, which can be used as “world money” to form foreign exchange reserves. SDRs are issued by the IMF. The functions of the SDR also include the regulation of balances of payments and the comparison of the value of national currencies;
in addition to the SDR, the US dollar, pound sterling, Swiss franc, Japanese yen, mark of the FRG, French franc were officially recognized as reserve currencies (the latter two were transformed into euros);
a regime of freely floating exchange rates has been established: their quotation is formed in the foreign exchange market on the basis of supply and demand;
states can independently determine the mode of formation of the exchange rate from several options.

The main practical significance of the new system was the abandonment of fixed exchange rates, which were based on the gold content of currencies, to floating exchange rates. The gold market has changed from the main money market to a kind of commodity market.

The mechanism of action of the Jamaican monetary system can be described as follows. The member countries of the IMF received a certain share of the SDR in accordance with the shares in the fixed capital of the fund. SDRs function only as units of account; under certain conditions, they can be converted into national currency. Since January 1, 1981, the IMF has used a simplified SDR quotation based on the weighted average exchange rate of the currency basket, which consisted of the following currencies: US dollar - 42%, German mark - 19%, French franc, British pound sterling, Japanese yen - 13% each (in accordance with with the share of currencies in international trade, they are periodically reviewed).
Major modes of exchange rates

Due to different stability of currencies, as well as different interests, in practice, there are 3 main regimes of exchange rates.

Currencies that are firmly pegged to one or more currencies. Exchange rate fluctuations of ± 1% are allowed. If the national currency is tied to a group of currencies, this means that a certain currency basket has been selected (or SDR is used);
Currencies, the exchange rate of which may fluctuate relative to one / several currencies ± 2.25%. This group previously included ECU, which allowed the EU (European Union) countries to keep their currencies in relation to each other in a solid ratio, and all together they "floated" in relation to the currencies of third countries;
Fully freely floating currencies.

A global predictor is a subject of global politics, a scriptwriter-planner of the currently dominant mode of globalization, as well as social processes in relation to humanity as a whole.

We use the term “Nadiudean predictor”, which we use to denote the power that has power over the “World Masonic Government”, to which many fighters against Jewish Masonry ascribe intrasocial absolute power on a global scale.
We consider the global historical process from the standpoint of a sufficiently general theory of management, and the term "global nadiudean predictor" is essentially a name that correlates the life of society with the full function of management: the executive conceptually powerless stoerosic Freemasonry initiated into something idiots interests us little.
The global Nadiudean predictor is what gave rise to the biblical concept of undivided world domination on a racial usurious basis and carries in this concept one of the stages of the complete management function, hierarchically higher in relation to the activities of executive Stoeros Freemasonry.
The term was introduced into sociology in order to call things by their essential names in it. The introduction of this term transfers consciousness to the conceptual territory on the other side of the question: "And who gave birth to Freemasonry, on what ideological basis, and what can be done with it?"
In addition, the introduction of this term allows not to "veil the true essence", but to show it to that part of Freemasonry that is able to remember and understand what they have read, which opens up the opportunity for them to sober up from overestimated self-assessments about their role in the global governance of today's civilization.

All major events in human history have several levels of truth and cause.

Most people find it hard to accept that 911 was the work of insiders who did it for the same reasons that Hitler burned down the Reichstag in 1933 - to outrage public opinion and completely seize power in an atmosphere of panic and fear. This misunderstanding occurs because 80% of the world's population receives news from centralized media run by the same cartels and people who originally organized September 11th. Programmed patriotism, lack of interest, materialism and arrogant ignorance complete their picture of the Universe with dark long strokes.

These people represent the herd - the very foundation and majority of our society today. At least that is how the system reacted to them, like a herd, cold-bloodedly resolving to take this ominous step. The working class, the middle class and the lower echelons of the so-called elite are at the bottom of the pyramid of knowledge - they are zombies, cannon fodder, rednecks for ruling oligarchs... Any mention of conspiracy theories is dealt with with an eye roll, and the source of the information itself is immediately labeled as a psychopath.

At these levels of understanding reality, visible power is seen as absolute truth. The president, freedom, tax cuts, and Homeland Security completely occupy the arena of their information field. Corporations and cartels are nothing more than the product of a free market economy; no more, no less.

Those who are a little more open to the truth, have free time to conduct an independent investigation, and have an interest in the affairs of the world around them in order to autonomously expand their horizons, understand that 911 really was the work of intelligence services. They see facts and figures, somehow realizing the motivation of the Bush administration to coordinate events of such terrible brutality and gigantic proportions.

These events opened the doors to the Middle East, closer to the black gold of dirty Bedouins and Afghan mineral deposits that no one knew about before. They brought the PATRIOT Act to the States, which deprived citizens of their freedom, while giving the government all the legal tools and capabilities to bind, persecute, and watch over its own people. They thwarted Saddam's treacherous attempts to use the Euro as payment for oil, widely traded in dollars. Gaddafi was later hastily eliminated for his audacity to create the gold dinar, the first world currency of the 21st century, backed by gold rather than warheads. They opened a Pandora's box of endless fear of terrorism and Arabs, which created a sweet prospect for any new acts in Congress to unleash resources, at least somehow hitherto dependent on the opinion of taxpayers.

It also allowed the Federal Reserve to export surplus dollar supply to freshly baked "hotspots" in order to curb US domestic inflation, which was growing by leaps and bounds. Well, the industrial-pharma-weapon oligarchs also provided their children well for tens of generations to come.

The corporations that already held the United States and half of the world under their thumb have finally gotten the TOTAL freedom of machinations necessary to clear the remaining bumps on the road to the New World Order.

People in this "advanced" category understand all the latest facts to one degree or another. They know that there is a government behind the government, Conceptual Power, which remains invisible and unknown to the general public, but clearly rooted in dark roots hundreds of years in the past to the Templars and perhaps even further. Bilderberg group, Illuminati and other Skulls and Bones.

Ice cream for children, flowers for baba!

What other reasons for the September events may exist at this level, the reader will ask ..?

What if I told you that among all of the above, 911 was an act of ritual sacrifice? The same type of sacrifice as that which Hitler methodically used in his concentration camps, purposefully carrying out his sinister plan on carefully chosen dates contained in Ostara's esoteric teachings. That it was done precisely for the same reason he flooded the Berlin subway in 1945, killing thousands of civilians and his own soldiers in a last-ditch attempt to bribe the Spirits and hold on to power.

By the way, what does this fly through the camera field at 4:06? does not look like a bird. Isn't it a drone, by chance?

Let me remind you, this is a video of the fall of the WTC on September 7 11 in New York. Only fragments of the twin towers hit him, but he was completely demolished. The fall itself and the controlled explosions in the windows are visible at 7:30. You can search the net, there are a lot of materials on this matter. What about the reasons? There are also many reasons, search offline, just not to mention in one post.

Delirium of a madman, provocation and enticement, isn't it?

By this point, even the most liberal and open minds are beginning to look for an exit door. They haven't heard any facts, arguments, or numbers yet, but all this occult bullshit is out of their league. It is outside the scope of their information field. This cannot be, because this can never be! It just can’t, period, walk, Vasya, where you came from!

But even here clothes with fasteners have not yet completely slept from our sweet bow ...

At the next level, Conceptual Power begins to take on an entirely new meaning. Its roots spread deeper into the past, stretching all the way to the Egyptian priests and further into the times called by our historians the "Stone Age". Families of the elect, hiding esoteric knowledge from the rest of humanity for thousands of years, and continue to do so to this day.

But even THIS is not all ...

What will you do if I tell you that for thousands of years on our earth there has been a system built to extract our - Human - potential in the interests of an entity that is not at all human? An intellect more formidable, immoral and cruel than any of us could even try to imagine? What will you do if I tell you that the Global Predictor really exists and controls our history from the very beginning of mankind as it pleases? That it feeds on our fear, sadness, anger, hatred and grief, as bacteria feed on rotten corpses? That the very energy of our emotions can be harvested in the same way that we collect UV rays from solar panels.

That the very concept of energy is not limited to electricity or the atom. That in the higher metaphysical densities, from which the energy-informational essence of the Predictor originates, the radiations of human thought and emotions are as valuable and powerful as the energy of a thousand suns here - in physical reality, where they simply have a lower frequency range? And that the sweetest delicacy that allows the Predictor to get drunk from the will is nothing more than the derivatives of our fear.

Why derivatives? Yes, because we have two of the most basic emotions on which the first holographic prototype of our Soul was originally built. Love for the world and fear of the unknown. We created the rest ourselves.

How would I look in your eyes at this moment?

Where would you call to turn me in, and what serious mental illness would you attribute to me before you put me under lock and key and throw away the key without reading the continuation?

The problem of humanity is not only in our ignorance and dogmatic thinking. We are not just stuck in a swamp of faith based on our parents' teachings, religion, science, money, and the media. we We want to remain dumb, deaf and blind to the Big Truth, simply because what we do not know about cannot harm us by definition!

What and how do you think will happen next? Sooner or later we will have to wake up and accept the facts that have been looking right in our faces all this time! The very truth that we so often deny for the sake of momentary calm, behind tightly barred windows and locked doors. While we are consuming microwave surrogate dinners, washing them down with cola mixed with antidepressants, like the Gulag prisoners, who at one time drank water with fluoride to reduce aggressiveness and the will to freedom. Thus, fluorine, which is the main constituent in rat poison and in a sugar substitute called Aspartame. While we wallow in the blatant lies of our leaders, and the violently brainless filth of our films, TV series and reality shows on flat boxes with the latest generation of hipish, driving our proud almighty mind into the raw dungeon of ignorance and deceit.

We simply refuse to dot the I; we do not want to see and hear the call signs of Earth, fruitlessly seeking our leniency and audience. Clear signs of tremendous change, mushrooming across the planet like rain. Obvious markers pointing to the pure and simple truth that we have gone too far in our materialistic psychosis, bringing us closer to the very events that the ancient sages predicted - the smooth transition of rain to radioactive fallout, and then to ash and haze. Apocalypse. End of the world...

The apocalypse is not the end. The very meaning of this word has been deliberately misinterpreted for the same reasons as all the basic elements hidden under the masks of our reality. Our TRUE story is VERY different from what is taught to us in schools and universities. Apocalypse means "lifting the veil", "awakening". The same awakening that is taking place now in Japan, New Zealand, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Haiti, as well as everywhere on this planet, where masks begin to fall, breaking the karmic chains that have fettered us for thousands of years.

Luckily for us, the system that has fed on our fears, ignorance and greed throughout human history is falling apart today. She has reached the point of no return and, agonizing, carries out her final and most desperate maneuver in order to maintain her power over us for another day, for another hour, for another breath ...

We can sit back and wait for the veil to fall on its own, or prepare for its fall, and get one step closer to who we really are, who we have always been and will forever be ...

To learn the truth about our nature and purpose. In order to accept the impossible and look out the window at a new world filled with endless joy and wonder. A world without fear, crime, hatred and self-denial. A world in which the energy of our own consciousness is enough to create everything that we have ever desired right out of thin air. That we don't need oil, gas, money, media, religions and governments to get on the "righteous" path. That we can build our own future with the energy of our Soul, which we were forced to forget. By the Power of the Whole Human Mind.

To break free from karmic chains and remember what was given to us by our TRUE creator - the Infinite ONE.

That we ourselves are ONE WORLD. ONE SOUL. ONE LOVE...

That the REAL AND ONLY GOD does not sit in the clouds, languidly combing his long white beard, punishing a person OFF for all our sins, and waiting for our repentance and unconditional love for him. That he had no vicars and messengers, brokerage houses with stars and crosses on golden domes. That he does not require our worship, sacrifices and prayers that carry our energy into emptiness, instead of directing it to ourselves and for the benefit of our children.

The TRUE CREATOR is the boundless ocean of COSMIC MIND, in which we are all tiny drops, and which lives in each of us outside matter, outside of time, outside of space ...

It does not require gifts, sacrifices and prayers, but benevolently and gratuitously helps a Person in mastering reality, with the aim of ENDLESS accumulation of experience, knowledge and wisdom ...

For he is immensely curious, playful, witty and benevolent to those who choose the path of light and in surprise tear open the stuck eyelids with HIS truth, instead of closing them with blind faith imposed from outside. For those of us who open our eyes to the higher meaning of the UNIVERSE and take advantage of every opportunity to read between the lines, despite the ridicule of those who have not yet had time to wake up.

For those who dare to imagine for just one split second that they also exist outside of time, space and matter, as a part of the Eternal Multidimensional Soul, filled with love and devotion not only to their brothers and sisters, but also to enemies. A soul that has forever taken the path of seeking beauty and expanding its own boundaries, in order to find the meaning of existence, and balance within.

That EVERYTHING in this world is realizable.

That we are INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS, hallucinating with material reality in order to find, measure, describe and understand ourselves from all points of view that can ever be available.

As a wise man once said, the real journey of discovery is not to see new landscapes, but to see with new eyes.

Human potential is MUCH higher than what we are told about all our lives. Unfortunately, as with any strategy, data segregation and hiding the truth allows those who KNOW THE GREAT TRUTH to rule over those who are in the dark.

Religion is nothing more than a programmed time bomb used as the ideal instrument of divide and conquer, just like money, fear and natural resources.

All we have to do is let the facts speak for themselves. Open our souls to the possibility that the teachings we received in schools and universities do not provide a complete mosaic picture of reality precisely because someone needs it. And that this "someone" does not mind waiting for an eternity until we are completely bogged down in our dogmas, fear and materialism.

That the true nature of the Human Spirit lies beyond the boundaries imposed by material reality.

That we are made in order to seek and find, love and be loved, believe in truth and justice, create and grow ...

That we are guests on this blue planet, in this masterpiece dream, this illusion, this kindergarten of the soul ...

That we are Gods!

WE, not a mustachioed guy on a white cloud with an armful of clumsy props!

We can continue to live the way our fathers and the fathers of our fathers lived. But among us, I am sure, there will be those who will heed the opinion expressed above, despite the initial incompatibility of ideologies. Those who do not want to be cannon fodder and at least check the above in other sources before condemning this tale about the gray wolf cub.

And maybe then the world will really change for the better, letting all of us understand that we do not know ANYTHING about the surrounding reality, not because we are blind, but because IT IS INFINITE and that each of us must rely exclusively on ourselves in the name of her knowledge, but certainly not on the dude with a tail and horns, who tried to convince Galileo that the earth is flat, but forgot about one small point, which includes INDIVIDUALITY, LOVE and BELIEVE IN HIMSELF ...

We are on the verge of tremendous changes, and it is from us, who live at the peak of this civilization, that our future and the future of this planet, and therefore its children, will depend. We can continue to passively contemplate the events that are taking place and wait for our Earth to give us its very last and decisive rebuff, as it once did with Atlantis for the same reasons as now. But we can also open our hearts and accept the truth, no matter how bitter and incredible it may seem to us today, because, as it turns out, in the end, the Earth is still round and it stands on you and me, and not on three whales or elephants. Oh, how's it going! ...

All this is just a matter of choice, interest, wisdom and Free Will ...

OUR Free Will, or lack thereof ...

(View from Slovakia and Czech Republic)

Seeing a kaleidoscope instead of a mosaic does not mean that a person is stupid, but that he has not yet met concepts that would help him understand the true nature of the fundamental problems of society and all their interconnections.

This problem exists in various associations, as well as in the state system as a whole. One person cannot change the whole system; rather, she will change it. You can change the government as many times as you like - nothing fundamental will change.

The problem is that the existing crowd system is “elite” (starting from the first priority - ideological).

Today, all known social systems (capitalism, socialism, democracy, and others), as well as all known religions and philosophies, steadily keep a person on the lower types of mental structure. Existing systems educate only - an animal type of psyche, a biorobot - a zombie, a demonic and unnatural type of structure of the psyche (voluntary use of psychotropics that suppress consciousness - alcohol, tobacco, drugs).

Thus, humanity needs and already has a new concept - "social systems", which will help people acquire a humane type of structure of the psyche (starting from the 1st priority of Generalized Controls). This will help people themselves to reproduce in the continuity of generations just state structures and organizations. Also, other structures related to the rest of the priorities of the OSU will begin to work in line with the concept, and not against it.

From history: whenever a new global concept comes into the world, for GP (Global Predictor) this means that she interferes with his management, and this undermines the previous concept, which allowed him to successfully predict the course of events and take corrective action in the event of a deviation or change in strategy. But the new concept violates this scheme, as a result, people begin to behave unpredictably, for the SOE this means the impossibility of full control.

Thus, with the emergence of a new global concept, the GP changes the entire current system, including changes and its place of position. Will try to create a different concept based on the newly appeared, which has already happened, but will make major changes in order to create a hidden crowd system - "elitism" (the crowd remains an animal, or a zombie.

And the top - the elite receive more and more relevant knowledge and help to manage the crowd). If the GP manages to do this faster than it begins to expand and be a functional and powerful alternative concept, it will single-handedly begin to usurp power and begin to oust, demonize, and try to ban another concept.

Something similar already happened in the time of Moses and also in the time of Christ. Jesus probably came from the Qumran - Essenes community and wanted to guide the Jews on the right path, free from the slavery of the "chosen" deal, diabolical and zombie doctrine of the Jews and wanted to make a doctrine that would help Jews achieve a humane psyche. For some time they succeeded, but the GP intervened during the events. They ensured that these Messiahs were eliminated and control was taken over.

However, the new concept (of the Nazarene-Essenes) worked among the Jews, so the GP had to act. Probably thanks to Saul of Tarsus, control was intercepted. The Nazarenes called Saul-Paul the bearer of lies, because, in the allegorical representation of the Nazarenes, he taught people to understand literally and thereby distorted the meaning. Apparently, the original successor to the teachings of Jesus was to be James, Jesus' brother (together they were something like a tandem). In pseudo-Christianity, along with Saul - Paul, Peter also became the head.

Over time, this pseudo-Christian project was adopted in Rome - this made it the main state religion (the First Council of Nicea). The knowledge preached by the Nazarenes was later declared heresy. They called their teaching mockingly Arianism (according to one of the proponents), and all traces that reflect the actual actions of Jesus and his followers, his original teachings were gradually destroyed (the huge library of Alexandria was burned). Traces were removed and the crowd - "elitism" in the form of pseudo-Christianity was able to continue its spread.

In any case, it is no coincidence that the GP is currently moving again to a new location and it seems that he is retreating. This is due to the fact that in the 90s a new concept of life order (the Concept of Public Security) appeared, and under the influence of this concept, the GP could no longer successfully manage the world with the old methods, based on old philosophies and systems that provided the crowd - "elitism" ...

Firstly, now the GP chooses a new location for the headquarters and leaves the old structures in their old colonies to decay ( Not even in Jerusalem left "stone upon stone" after the departure of the GP, the same situation was in ancient Egypt, after his departure he became the prey of other peoples).

It is no coincidence that geopolitical problems are bypassing China, and it seems that everything is playing into the hands of this. China is thriving, developing, no sanctions, no color revolutions (the problems in Hong Kong are the work of American regional elites (neoconservatives), not the GP. American country elites have not yet realized the real state of affairs and their place in the world, so Hong Kong is only a temporary problem , nothing serious). The GP defends China like Switzerland in the past, which was spared the horrors of past wars.

Switzerland, as the current headquarters of the GP, as well as the USA, Sweden, Spain, as the control centers of the periphery, are planned to be disposed of. The US GP, of course, will have to “merge” first of all, because they have too strong influence in the world and a powerful structure, and are pursuing such a policy in the world in order to manage their affairs independently.

The United States is likely to face widespread bloody riots throughout its territory, in which not only the United States will disintegrate into separate states, but also in the chaos of riots, important evidence and witnesses will be removed (the GP can thus get rid of many of its former confidants - and from the entire structure as a whole, while riots will take place in the country). And for the fate of the United States to be predetermined, to dismember it into fragmented states, this will be the end of the federation.

If the GP is determined to remain in power, then he will try to cause fire and chaos throughout Europe. But not before the weight of the USA will be irrevocably destroyed and shattered. It is important that the weakening of Europe does not strengthen the intensification and acceleration of events against the United States, since one process is a trigger for another.

In the modern world there is no threat of war like the last century, when countries were at war among themselves, the "head of state" against the "head of state." This type of war could escalate into a nuclear conflict, and no one wants that, perhaps not even the GP.

But a war without nuclear potential is possible and can be realized if the state is attacked by terrorism. An example of this is Syria, partly Ukraine (The extremists not only helped in the coup d'état in Ukraine, but also continue to help in the punitive operation in the South-East).

The invasion of the state by experienced mercenaries - extremists, will not provide an opportunity to use the nuclear arsenal. Such an invasion is akin to a viral attack on the body, due to which the body will not be functional for a long time. Attackers in civilian clothes and without insignia means that people will not be able to find who is their own and who is a stranger, it will be very difficult to fight them. The terrorists' only weakness is their financing and supply of weapons.

But the situation in Europe, NATO pressure on arming armies and replenishing arsenals, plays into the hands of potential terrorism.

We are witnessing this practice in Ukraine, only in reverse order. Nobody officially finances the militia, but as it turned out, the militia can be very successful without it to resist the official army, capturing military equipment and weapons on the battlefield (in our opinion, the militia, of course, are heroes, but in the opinion of the ukrofashists, they are terrorists).

It is difficult to say in reality how the situation in the EU will actually develop, but looking at how the SOEs behaved in the distant past, we can conclude that he planned to destroy both the US and the EU from within. Perhaps, they will try to carry out this in Russia, but there it will be much more difficult to do, because of the national unity and special mentality.

It is obvious that the EU is trying to use Islamic extremism. Since immigration to the EU is well developed, mercenaries from the Middle East, where there are a huge number of them today, can easily help in stirring up and supporting interethnic conflict. This can then solve another problem and get rid of Quranic Islam and replace it with, for example, Sharia or other forms of pseudo-Islam.

The GP apparently plans to create an Islamic caliphate from the EU, the great European Islamic state, to change the type of civilization, while maintaining the crowd - "elitism". In this context, the EU acts as a stupid suicide, and implements any stupidity that is dictated from above. At the very end of the global scenario, the GP will probably try a new concept, perhaps some kind of distorted version of the BER, in order to maintain a purely external similarity, but in which there will be serious changes that will allow it to keep humanity in a stable crowd - "elitism" (in not human types of mental structure), and if he succeeded, he would try to destroy the BER under the guise of impartial heresy.

The only thing that can slow down, in our time, such rapidly developing information technologies, the spread of KOB is the incitement of civil wars and the spread of extremism and terrorism throughout Europe and in Russia. But that shouldn't happen! Russia has demonstrated throughout history, and in these difficult times, its determination and consistency ( mainly because of Stalin and Putin and in unity as a nation). I am convinced that even China will not be a traitor and will not choose in the future as a suitable master of the state enterprise and will not become its platform for its social engineering.

The unification of Russia - China today is extremely important, although national sovereignty plays a very important role for each of these countries, which not one of the countries wants to lose, the main thing is to promote the implementation of the principle for each other, and to defend each other's interests in important issues, readily to sacrifice anything for the sake of the common interests. I only hope that China's Achilles' heel will not be its economy and profits, which in the future could become a reason for the destruction of the union. Much will depend on 1 priority (ideological).

The reality is that the image of the globalization of the new millennium will depend on whether the SOE or the KOB can take over control of this process, and how the world will look in the coming centuries, now depends primarily on China. Will China be able to avoid falling out with Russia in the future? And will it allow in its structures to take as a basis the COB or some new concept from the GP. Everything is going well at this stage.

I wish with all my heart that in the new millennium humanity will acquire a stable human type of psyche !!! Russia plays a very important role in this process and took a very important first step, taking all the blows upon itself, the next important step will be China's victory in this struggle, not its failure ... The future of all mankind is at stake.