Is it possible for cats to valerian. Is valerian harmful for cats: effects on the animal, benefits and harms, advice from veterinarians. Why are different valerian preparations dangerous for cats?

We have all heard about the love of cats for valerian. For some, it was enough to watch a couple of funny videos on the Internet with cats gone crazy, while others start to experience the funny action of valerian on their own pets. But before conducting experiments on animals, it is worth understanding the question: is valerian harmful for cats?

What is valerian?

This drug can be freely purchased at the pharmacy, and most often there are 3 types of it: valerian herb, tincture and tablets.

Valerian itself is a perennial herb. The Latin name comes from lat. valere - to be healthy. However, this only applies to members of the human species. Valerian has a calming effect on humans; its extract is used to produce a variety of sedatives that effectively help fight insomnia.

It is not the first generation that has used the beneficial properties of a natural sedative. It is believed that valerian was used for this purpose long before the development of modern pharmacology.

The highest content of the active substance is observed in the roots of the plant, from which the extract is obtained. Although this drug is of plant origin, not synthesized artificially at the plant, the tablets still contain ¾ synthetic excipients, which will be important in a conversation about whether valerian is harmful to cats.

Why are cats so attracted to valerian?

There are several theories as to why felines like the scent of this drug so much. One of them is popular and the most reliable: the smell of valerian reminds mature animals of a similar aroma of pheromones secreted by cats during estrus. This excites the areas of the brain responsible for reproduction, which manifests itself in violent, sometimes inappropriate animal behavior.

It is known that wild cats independently seek and use it, but not for the purpose of obtaining a narcotic effect, but to relieve pain associated with digestive problems.

Cat and cat: who likes it more?

Which feline is more attracted to the smell of valerian? In fact, according to the theory of the similarity of the smell of the extract to pheromones, the greatest effect is observed in animals, whose reproductive and hormonal systems are more active.

To study this issue, an experiment was carried out, during which an unmistakable pattern was revealed: valerian does not attract kittens of both sexes in any form. This is due to the fact that immature animals do not know about the existence of pheromones, their brains are not yet able to recognize such a signal. Therefore, they have nothing to associate with the smell of valerian. In this case, the question whether valerian is dangerous for kittens disappears by itself.

As for adult animals, castrated cats are also indifferent to the extract. But young, sexually mature cats and cats that have not been castrated and sterilized react very actively. It's time to figure out whether it is harmful for a cat to give valerian.

Effect of valerian on felines

Despite the fact that in human pharmacology, valerian is used as a sedative, the effect on cats and cats is completely opposite. Often, due to lack of awareness, people give their pets this drug in the event of transport, hoping that they will be able to calm the animal and help it fall asleep. However, from a small dose, cats, on the contrary, become more agitated. Overdose can cause long, deep sleep or even death.

Is valerian harmful for cats in small doses, how does their behavior change?

The animals become more agitated than usual. They can raid the house, run and jump, attack a non-existent enemy, which is explained by the usual hallucinations. The character of your pet is changing beyond recognition. An early calm and lovable cat can prove to be an incredible rowdy. Not only furniture and interior elements will suffer, but also family members. The effect will last from several minutes to an hour, after which the tired animal will fall asleep, restoring strength. In this description, it is easy to draw an analogy with the behavior of drug addicts.

In addition to all this, in valerian tincture, most of the volume is ethyl alcohol. The body of cats is not able to process alcohol. For this reason, animals become addicted literally "from the first drink." In addition, if you overdo the dose or spoil the cat with alcohol too often, his liver may not be able to cope at all. We'll have to resort to the help of veterinarians and expensive treatment.

Is valerian dangerous for cats during estrus?

When your cat is sexually aroused and ready to mate, her sensitivity is greatly increased. The natural impulse for many owners would be to give the cat some relaxing tincture, which is fundamentally the wrong decision. The already strong tension is worsened by an invigorating extract, the pet can endure such manipulations extremely badly.

Even if there is no way to provide her with a cat for mating, it is better to wait out this moment without any medication. From valerian, the cat will become even more active, and the night "meows" will not let you fall asleep. If you do not plan to breed kittens, it is better to sterilize at all.

It is also worth figuring out whether valerian is harmful to castrated cats. As mentioned earlier, this drug is of greatest interest in animals with maximum sexual activity. Since castrated cats are not interested in mating, for them the smell of valerian is even unpleasant and does not attract at all, although there are exceptions everywhere. In any case, you should not give the extract to cats on your own.

As for kittens, their body is most sensitive to toxic substances, so giving valerian is dangerous for their lives.

Speaking about what valerian is harmful for cats, it is worth remembering that not only the extract itself is dangerous in valerian tincture, but also ethyl alcohol. With pills, the situation is even worse. In addition to the active substance, the pills contain auxiliary synthetic chemical compounds that can affect the animal's body in a completely unpredictable way.

The danger to your pet is that this drug is highly addictive. If the cat can get to the valerian bottle or pills, he is unlikely to leave them alone. Your pet will turn into a tireless beggar who will not calm down until you provide him with the coveted "dose".

Cripples or heals?

Veterinarians still cannot agree on whether valerian is harmful to cats. In large quantities, it has an irreparable effect on the nervous system, but in small doses it can be a real medicine.

Doctors often prescribe valerian to animals to treat heart failure, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, or other problems with the digestive system.

It is important to remember that only an experienced doctor can calculate the required dosage. On the question of whether valerian is harmful to cats, the opinion of all veterinarians is the same - it is unacceptable to give valerian to a cat on your own. If necessary, consult a specialist.

Safe ways to use valerian

By adhering to the advice of veterinarians, you can still check your pet's reaction to this interesting substance. It's important to be careful not to overdo it. The most that you can do to please the cat is to grease the plate or the floor with 1-2 drops and observe. If you are the owner of a young uncastrated cat, then he will most likely lick this place and rub his whole body against it.

Valerian can even help you train your cat to use the scratching post.

To do this, you also need to lubricate the surface with a couple of drops of tincture. After this procedure, the scratching post will become your pet's favorite toy. This will protect your furniture from the regular attacks of the animal's sharp claws.

Noticing the craving of their furry pet for valerian, the owners are worried about the question: "How much valerian can you give a cat?" Other owners, knowing its calming effect on humans, ask if it is possible to calm the animal by giving it a pill or tincture. Let's take a look at this important issue.

How does the drug work on people and animals?

Valerian is widely used as a sedative for insomnia, nervous conditions for people. But in animals, the drug works in a completely different way. By the way, dogs do not react in any way to the smell of valerian. But the cat family has a different reaction to smell.:

  • euphoria;
  • drowsiness;
  • indifference;
  • riot.

If you give the cat valerian, the cat starts rolling on the floor, rubbing against the place where the tincture was. And if you leave the bottle at the disposal of the animal, then it will continuously lick it, gnaw the lid.

Sometimes the cat immediately falls into a long sleep, which can last all day. This reaction is often caused by alcohol. After all, the weight of a cat is only a few kilograms, so even a small amount of alcohol is intoxicating.

It should be noted that not all cats react to the smell of valerian. This is especially true in cats and kittens that have not reached puberty.

Even with a few drops of valerian tincture, cats can become violent. It is impossible to calm them down, bring them to their senses, until the effect of the medicine ends. In this state, cats run around the apartment, tear the wallpaper on the walls, hang on the curtains. But the greatest danger is that they can, for inexplicable reasons, attack people, grab onto the face.

What explains the reaction to valerian?

One of the explanations for why even one drop, even the smell from a bubble standing nearby, affects the cat breed is alcohol dependence, arising from several drops taken once.

Another explanation for the interesting fact that the drug attracts more cats than cats is as follows. It is believed that their smell is associated with sex hormones emanating from cats.

Danger of valerian for cats

For some people, the behavior of animals after eating valerian causes laughter, and they offer valerian to cats for fun. A dosage of valerian for a cat, even in one drop, is harmful to the pet they love.

Veterinarians have long urged not to give valerian to cats in any form, under any pretext. Even a small dose of valerian for a cat will not calm her down before the road, with sexual arousal. If the cat was given a drug repeatedly, and as they say, nothing happened, then he has already formed an alcohol dependence, which has a destructive effect on the organism of the minke whale. The valerian tablet is also harmful to animals because it contains various additional substances. And it is not known what kind of allergic reaction will follow after taking the pill. And veterinary care may not have time to save a pet who has fallen foaming at the mouth with convulsions.

It's important to know! Valerian should not be given to cats and cats at all, in any form.


Every person knows what valerian is and almost everyone is familiar with its calming effect. Despite the fact that it gives people calmness, sweet sleep and relaxation for cats, its extract acts in a completely different way. This is what explains its popular name "cat grass". What effect does the medicinal herb have on the fluffy and can they be given this very valerian? Read about this and much more in our article.

How does valerian work on a cat?

Valerian, which is a sedative for humans, has an exciting effect on a cat. Valerian is able to give cats a feeling of euphoria, and sometimes completely intoxicate the animal. In addition, it has a certain effect on the central nervous system of cats, in other words - hers.


Scientists have come to the conclusion that the smell of a medicinal plant is similar to that which is emitted by sexually mature individuals. That is, valerian resembles pheromones to cats. This is precisely the reason for such an interested behavior of animals that smell the drug.

How does the animal react?

Many animals, falling under the influence of this plant, behave like brawlers and shkodniks.

Even if your cat is usually calm, then as soon as he smells the magic grass, he will start running, jumping, jumping and tumbling.

Often animals fall to the ground, rub against it and very hard at the same time.

However, not everyone behaves this way. If some are having fun, others panic, become afraid of everything and seek to hide away from human eyes.


Valerian is considered a hard drug for cats. It is addictive and dramatically alters pet behavior.

Do all murki love valerian?

Whatever the effect of a magic potion, it affects everyone in different ways. Some cats like the smell, others are afraid of it, and still others are completely indifferent.

It turns out that a third of cats around the world are absolutely indifferent to both the plant itself and the settings.

Some animals are completely afraid of this smell and, smelling it, run far away with bulging eyes.

But, most of the animals still prefer to enjoy the sweet aroma of the forbidden potion.

Why love?


It turns out that cats love valerian much more than cats.

According to statistics, only 30% of cats are delighted with this smell. But the percentage among the male half of pussies is twice as high!

Why don't they love?

Dislike for Valerian may be related to personal “dislike”. Some cats just don't like her and that's it! But it might even be good.

But cats don't like it again because of the pheromones. Murki feel this smell and think that a rival has appeared nearby. How can you not get nervous?

Harm and benefit

There is practically no benefit from valerian for cats, but the danger, although potential, is always present!


It has been proven that a cat can smell valerian even at a distance.

After the animal sniffs the valerian for the first time, most likely nothing will happen to it. For about 15 minutes he rolls around on the ground, looks for the forbidden "delicacy" and, after the intoxication has passed, calmly goes about his business. However, its further use has a negative effect. The animal becomes lethargic, does not feel well and is often sick.


Valerian tablets contain about one and a half percent of essential oils, and the rest are various synthetic excipients, which is incredibly dangerous for cats and can cause the strongest.

Therefore, the use of valerian tablets by cats is strictly prohibited!


Cats are addicted to certain plants, and valerian is on this list. Its tincture acts on cats, like alcohol on humans, and the presence of ethyl alcohol in its composition only increases dependence ...


Thought only people suffer from alcoholism? You are wrong!

It turns out that there is such a thing as “feline alcoholism”.

Veterinarians say that cats fell in love with valerian due to the fact that its root insists on alcohol and it is this smell that attracts pussies so much.


Since animals cannot resist alcohol, they get drunk from the first "scent" and begin to "get drunk".

Many animals after taking this kind of "drug" fall into a deep, drunken sleep. This state is similar to the narcotic forgetting that people have.


If the cat smells intoxicating her head, then she will be able to do anything, for example, open a bottle of tincture and drink it.

How do you know if an animal has eaten illegal pills or drank a large dose of tincture?

Signs of an overdose in this case will be the following symptoms:

  • foam at the mouth;
  • falling of the cat on its side;
  • convulsions;
  • rolling eyes.


In the case of an overdose, only a veterinarian can help! If symptoms are found, immediately take the animal to the veterinary clinic.

The body of cats is very quickly destroyed by alcohol. As a result, the following diseases may occur:

  • renal failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver disease.

The further state of the animal depends only on its genetic predisposition. Some cats tolerate an overdose and live a normal life, while others can die with just a few tablets.

Why and how much to give?

Such animals, after using it, become energetic and cheerful. Often doctors prescribe the use of "cat grass" for diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Also, it is able to normalize the thyroid gland.


Treatment should only take place under the supervision of a veterinarian! Do not self-medicate under any circumstances.

Only in small amounts, Valerian officinalis can be beneficial for cats. Only a doctor can determine the dose in each specific case. In addition, it is allowed to give only tincture in the form of drops and in no case is it allowed to take pills.

Can I give when in heat?

When cats are in heat, they furiously beg for the cat, mark their territory, and walk around without mood.

Valerian is one of the most famous remedies for calming a cat. However, it is not worth giving it without consulting a doctor, so as not to harm the pet.

If you do decide to take a chance, then let the cat just smell the valerian tincture from the bottle. This will be enough for the cat to calm down.


Don't use this method all the time. As mentioned, the product can be addictive.

Useful video

How the cat behaves if you give him a sniff of the valerian, see the video below.


Don't experiment and give your cat valerian for fun. It is unlikely that anything good will come of it. Watch your pet so that he does not have free access to drugs, it would seem, even the most harmless. If, nevertheless, something bad happened, and you observe symptoms similar to an overdose, in no case do not waste time and rather take your pet to the veterinarian.

Valerian for cats is a pheromone. Pets go crazy from her one smell, beg her from the owner. And one drop of a harmless drug can turn your calm domestic cat into an inadequate raging beast. If we compare the effect of valerian on a person and a cat, then valerian acts on cats exactly the opposite. A person has a sedative effect, and cats experience uncontrollable arousal.

Why cats like valerian

Valerian (cat herb) contains many essential oils. But apart from essential oils, this plant contains actinidin, a natural pheromone similar to that found in cat urine.

Veterinarians and zoological scientists believe that this pheromone is to blame for the fact that cats love valerian. When animals come into contact with the plant directly or with preparations based on it, their hormonal and emotional background changes.

Pets fall into euphoria, which resembles alcohol or drug intoxication in humans. Actinidin induces arousal in cats and cats similar to that which occurs during sexual intercourse.

Animals in this state become inadequate, uncontrollable and even aggressive. Catnip herb, which also contains actinidin, has a similar effect on cats.

Is valerian harmful for a cat

If we talk about the dangers or benefits of valerian, then it is worth listening to the opinion of veterinary specialists, who urge cat owners not to give valerian to cats for the sake of amusement. An overdose of valerian-based drugs can cause:

  • increased salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • foam at the mouth;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • stroke;
  • respiratory arrest.

Some animals, after the strongest excitement caused by valerian, fall into a long, unrestrained sleep. In some cases, irreversible processes of inhibition develop in the cerebral cortex.

All these symptoms are evidence of the adverse effects of the drug on the body of cats. Some individuals cannot withstand such a powerful blow to the nervous system, which is fatal.

When can you give valerian to cats?

With all the negative effects on the body of cats, valerian is considered a medicinal plant, and veterinarians can prescribe it to cats.

Valerian extract is used in the complex therapy of gastrointestinal diseases, heart and thyroid diseases.

Important: do not self-medicate, do not take on faith recipes based on cat herb that can be found on the Internet - it can end in disaster.

Only the valerian that you give to your animals as prescribed by a doctor is not harmful if there is a medical indication.

Important: strictly observe the dosage.

Cats after valerian - changes in behavior

Everyone has ever seen how valerian affects cats. One drop of tincture spilled on the floor immediately becomes the center of attention of a furry pet. Animals begin to scream heart-rendingly, roll on the floor, run through all rooms, jump on curtains and climb walls. It seems that at such moments cats do not see anything and anyone except the cherished liquid.

Overexcitation of the nervous system in animals results in an inadequate perception of the external world. They do not recognize and do not obey their masters. They can behave extremely aggressively with them or shy away from the hands of the owner. Some individuals become shy and extremely wary. They are afraid of any sounds, they hide from familiar objects and people. The pheromone, which is part of the grass, introduces animals into a state of sexual heat - cats begin to mark the territory, and cats roll on the floor and meow invitingly.

Animals can lose coordination, they fall off their feet, cannot go through a doorway, get into a tray and find a bowl of food - all these symptoms resemble the state of alcohol intoxication. In the most severe cases, pets can develop hallucinations. It seems to them that someone is hunting them, they bite, hiss and fight with their toys and owners. People also behave with delirium tremens.

Most often, hallucinations develop when using an alcoholic infusion of valerian, since the intoxicating effect of alcohol is added to the exciting effect of the plant. Drunkenness from alcohol is another reason why cats love valerian.

Alcohol valerian for cats is a direct road to feline alcoholism. Cats quickly become addicted to alcohol - they have no genetic resistance to alcohol. The amount of alcohol in the tincture will not harm a person, but for cats this amount can be destructive.

Video - the behavior of cats after valerian

Today we will talk about whether it is possible to give valerian to cats. But first, let's figure out how we know about this plant and its extract.

We all know that valerian is an excellent remedy that has a relaxing effect on our nervous system. It can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription in pills or drops. Mankind discovered it for itself in ancient times. Over time, an amazing effect of this herb was discovered on our smaller furry brothers, namely cats. They are attracted by the unusual aroma of the plant. Try to drop a couple of drops of valerian in a solution on your palm and go outside: cats from all over the area will come running at your feet.

An interesting feature of the plant scent

So why are cats so attracted and aroused by the scent of valerian, while humans are soothed by it. In other words, we can say that this plant is a kind of drug for our smaller brothers. makes cats intoxicated.

They really like it. Smelling this alluring aroma, cats begin to wriggle and purr loudly. If they accidentally, while walking, stumble upon a growing valerian in a clearing, they will immediately begin to ride, jump, do whatever they want, so that the grass releases its juices. But not everything is so good.

The opposite effect

Not always, under the influence of valerian, cats become playful. For some, its scent works quite the opposite. Pets can, having sniffed at least a little of the extract of this plant, become aggressive, irritated and even rush at their owner and bite him. And, despite the fact that your pet may be already in old age, under the influence of valerian, he will start, like a young individual, to run, jump without stopping. But do not forget that an elderly cat, after such a playful mood after the drug, may develop heart problems.

Experiments with valerian

Many owners give valerian cats to sniff cats for fun. They are interested in observing sudden changes in cat behavior. But after a sudden surge of energy, the animal experiences a breakdown, drowsiness and lethargy. A cat can simply fall asleep for several hours. It is also not recommended to repeat such experiments several times in a row. As it can be addictive. In the same way as in humans after alcohol, and in a cat, later, real withdrawal symptoms can begin. This aroma is especially attractive for males.

According to one of the versions of scientists, the smell of valerian attracts them in the same way as the fluids of individuals of the opposite sex. Since the experiments were carried out and valerian was given a sniff of kittens under four months old, their behavior did not change at all. And after puberty the animal has a reaction to such an alluring aroma. The animal simply begins to experience sexual arousal towards the opposite sex.

Exciting effect

So is it possible to give a cat valerian to calm down? As we can judge from the above material, valerian acts on cats rather not as a sedative, but, on the contrary, as an exciting aphrodisiac that excites them. Also, many owners mistakenly believe that a non-concentrated mint solution can calm a nervous cat.

But this is not the case. Mint, even in small quantities, can act on cats in the same way as it follows that in order to calm your pet, it is advisable to use other drugs, after consulting a veterinarian.

Valerian and the cat

But many owners are interested in the question: is it generally possible to give cats valerian? Veterinarians say that it is possible, but in small quantities. For medicinal purposes, it can be used if the animal has problems with the digestive system or suffers from seizures. Also, many cats are prescribed valerian drops for fever. Some owners have found a training method using an extract of this plant. For example, if your growing pet sharpens its claws on everything that it sees in the house, including your favorite sofa, then you should buy a scratching post for it at any pet store. Then rub it with valerian. Your pet will not be able to resist, and from now on it will sharpen its claws on its favorite toy.


Often, owners do not know how to deal with their pet during heat. The cat begins to rush into the street, screaming loudly not only during the day, but also at night. And if you are not trying to bring her with a cat during this period, then, of course, a difficult period will come for you and all the inhabitants of the house. Since the animal begins to behave completely inadequately.

He always needs supervision. Otherwise, the cat may simply run away and you will not find it. At night, the owners stop sleeping. Since a loud meow is heard throughout the house. In such cases, the owners begin to give the animal some kind of hormonal preparation. It often has negative consequences for the pet's health. The owners also use antihistamines. But they can also harm the health of their pets.

And in search of harmless and effective drugs, many owners resort to their favorite feline arphrodisiac, not at all thinking about whether it is possible to give a cat valerian during estrus. Of course, this is absolutely impossible to do. Since the cat is already experiencing a strong sexual attraction to the opposite sex, and then you and your valerian. All her symptoms will just start to show more aggressively. Therefore, if you are trying to achieve a pacifying state of an animal, then it is undesirable to give this remedy. The most effective method and more or less safe for the health of cats is sterilization, unless, of course, you are breeding kittens for sale.

Valerian Use Cases

So can cats be given valerian or not? Today, some veterinarians still can't come up with a common answer. Since there are cases when it is simply necessary.

For example, when you want to mix a cat with a cat, but for various reasons you cannot do it. In this case, the female categorically does not allow the male to approach her. Then you can resort to trick and drip a couple of drops on her nose to enhance her sex drive.


Can cats be given valerian and how many drops? As we found out, in certain cases it is possible and necessary. But the main thing here is not to overdo it with the dosage.

You can put a couple of drops, no more, on her nose or dilute in a little water and try to give her a drink. The main thing is to remember that valerian, like any medicine, can both help and harm your pet. But is it possible for a cat to give valerian in tablets? This is worth considering. Whether as a sedative or stimulant, the tablet form of the drug will not bring any results. Therefore, do not torture the animal again.


Now you know the answer to the exciting question: is it possible to give valerian to cats? When the pet is walking, it is better to refrain from such an extract if you do not want to excite the pet even more.