Tulips are annual or perennial flowers. Tulips - planting and care in the open field. Proper planting of tulips in the fall in the suburbs

Tulips are a luxurious decoration of the spring garden. The flower bed with them is multicolored and very elegant. Having learned in detail about tulips, planting and care in the open field, you can not be afraid that the plants will not bloom.

Growing tulips in the open field is quite simple and feasible even for a beginner grower. In order for plants to retain their varietal qualities from year to year, they must be dug up annually, dried and planted again. Without this, the flowers will quickly grind, lose varietal differences, or even die.

Choosing bulbs for planting

The result of the grower's efforts also depends on how correctly the bulbs are chosen. It is better to purchase planting material in the middle of summer or at the end, since during this period the plants are at rest and do not experience stress during planting. In autumn, at the very peak of planting a bulbous flower, it can be more difficult to acquire high-quality planting material. If you buy bulbs in the spring, they will be old and worn out by winter storage. In the spring, what was not sold in the fall is sold.

When buying, you should choose those bulbs that have a thin husk of a pleasant golden color. The presence of cracks in the skin is normal.

The bulb itself must be intact. If there is damage on it, then the purchase should be abandoned, since in this case it will not be possible to obtain a quality plant.

The size of the purchased bulb should be chosen average, and when taken in hand, its weight should be felt. When examining the bottom of a good planting material, small root tubercles will be visible. If the bottom is soft, or the roots have already sprouted, you should not buy the bulb.

Time and date of planting tulips

The homeland of the plant is Central Asia. Under natural conditions, tulips bloom intensively in early spring, and then dry up and go dormant. In gardens, their life cycle follows the same principle. Therefore, it is important to immediately accurately determine the correct planting date, since an error in it will lead to the death of the flower.


Fall is the best time to plant tulips. Gardeners with experience plant bulbs only in September, and never transfer the planting time to summer or spring. It is desirable to choose a dry day for work. Details on how to plant tulips in autumn are described in the next section.

If you plant the bulbs too early, they will not only form roots before winter, but also release the aerial part. As a result, the tulips will freeze and may die. If the plant survives after this, then it will definitely not bloom.

Planting too late results in the bulbs not having time to take root. For this reason, the plant winters incorrectly and in the spring, after it has spent the last strength on rooting, it no longer blooms. Also, tulips that are not rooted before frost can easily rot or freeze.

In the event that for some reason you have to plant plants at the end of October or even in November, when they do not have time to take root, the bed must be covered with spruce branches, or mulched with a thick layer of sawdust. Suitable for shelter and fallen leaves.


Spring is not the right time to plant tulips. The bulbs will be able to take root and even bloom in the middle of summer, but their life cycle will be seriously disrupted. Because of this, they will have to be dug out quite late, and, therefore, the autumn planting period will shift to late autumn.

Best of all, if tulips are bought in the spring, plant them in a container very early - even before the snow melts. After the onset of persistent heat, the plants are planted without removing them from the container, as this will facilitate their further digging.

How to plant tulips correctly?

When planting tulips, proper agricultural technology is of great importance, which allows you to provide the plants with the most comfortable conditions. Violations of it will lead to poor quality flowering and sometimes even rotting of the bulbs. Planting tulips requires compliance with certain rules.

Soil requirements, site selection

A site for tulips is selected in the fall after the leaves fall from the trees. It must be very well lit. Since the tulips will bloom before the trees open their leaves, it is not scary if the flower bed is in the shade in summer. For plants, light is important only until the end of flowering. It is better to stir the flower bed on a level place where melt water does not accumulate.

Soil tulips need neutral or slightly acidic, loose. The fertile layer needs to be thick. High water permeability and breathability are also of great importance for the plant. Do not plant tulips in areas where bulbous or solanaceous crops have grown before. This is due to the accumulation of pathogens in the soil that can pass to flowers.

If the soil is heavy, then frequent loosening will be required. Without this, it is impossible to grow fully blooming tulips.

Landing in open ground

You can plant only healthy bulbs that do not have foci of decay and are not affected by diseases. Before planting, they must be soaked for 30 minutes in a slightly pink solution of manganese. After that, the bulbs are dried for an hour and planted.

It is more convenient to plant bulbs in furrows, not holes, as this allows you to plant the maximum number of tulips. The distance between the furrows should be at least 25 cm, so that it is convenient to care for the flowers, and the bulbs can develop with enough soil and nutrients. The row spacing between plants should be 10 cm.

How deep to plant?

If the soil is light, the embedding of the bulbs is deeper than when the soil is heavy. In the first case, the bulbs are closed up to 3 of their heights, and in the second - to 2 heights. On average, this is 15 cm and 10 cm, respectively. You need to know that rooted bulbs will go to even greater depths.

Tulip Care

In addition to proper planting, tulips also require competent care, which will allow them to gain maximum strength for especially beautiful flowering. Despite all their unpretentiousness, varietal plants will not be able to feel good if they are left to their own devices.

Watering and feeding

Top dressing of plants is carried out 3 times in the spring. Without this, the bulbs will not receive enough nutrients and will leave weakened during the dormant period. In addition, the lack of top dressing will lead to the fact that high-quality buds and large flowers will not form.

  1. First feed. It is carried out immediately after the tulips have appeared from the ground. Nitrogen fertilizers are used for it.
  2. Second feed. It is carried out when laying buds. Complex mineral compositions with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used for it.
  3. Third top dressing necessary after the flowering of tulips. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are introduced.

Tulips react very positively to wood ash, which can be sprinkled on the soil before watering at any time.

Watering during the flowering period for tulips is very important. Water is poured under the root.

Usually 2-3 waterings per week are enough. After the flowers have wilted, soil moisture is stopped so that the bulbs go dormant.


Storage conditions

Dug out bulbs are dried in the shade under a canopy or indoors for a month. After that, they are folded into paper bags and removed until the autumn planting. The temperature in the place of storage should be between +15 and +18 degrees. If perishable bulbs are found, they should be discarded. They will not sprout in the spring, but the planting site will be infected.

Protection against diseases and pests

Whatever variety of tulips is chosen, it can be subject to diseases and pest attacks. If the plant is affected by fungal diseases, then to save the flower, it is necessary to transplant it to a new place and shed a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Of the pests, the main danger for tulips is:

  • bulb mite;
  • slugs
  • snails;
  • bears;
  • rodents.

Mousetraps and poisoned baits are used to get rid of mice. From pests, special preparations are used that destroy insects and mollusks that attacked the flower.

Growing tulips is an exciting activity, which, due to the variety of varieties, often becomes a real hobby for a grower.

As soon as the cold leaves and warm spring days come, tulips begin to bloom in the yards and gardens, planting and caring for them in the open field is simple and understandable. These flowers are rather unpretentious, but only if you want unusual and large buds to please your eyes, you need to properly care. If you decide to opt for one of the types of tulips, then if you follow all the rules necessary for caring for them, you can achieve their annual bright and unusual flowering.

Description of spring flowers

Tulip (lat. Tulipa) is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. It is popular with gardeners who grow them in home gardens, as well as with professionals involved in breeding an unusual flower in large quantities. There was a tulip from Central Asia. This name is due to its shape, reminiscent of a Persian turban.

You can meet a plant in nature in the steppe, desert, foothills and in mountainous regions with an arid climate. With the onset of warm days, you can enjoy colorful carpets of blooming tulips. As soon as the heat comes, flowering ends, but the bulbs do not disappear, but go deep into the soil. After the onset of autumn, young bulbs begin to form on the bulbs.

Myth or truth: black tulip

The most successful species that has been created is the black tulip. Haarlem tulips first appeared in the middle of the 17th century and had a deep purple color.

Black Tulip

Dane Gert Hagemann was able to breed a completely black tulip for the first time only in February 1986. This is exactly what the director of the Institute of Floristry of the Netherlands told at a press conference.

In order for a rich black tulip to appear in the world of floristry, about 400 thousand dollars and a long 300 years were spent on the experiment.

The numerous varieties of tulips bred, of course, have a more extensive palette of colors. You can find purple, purple, black, red, as well as varieties whose flowers include several colors that perfectly harmonize with each other.

If we consider the varieties according to the shape of the flower, then you can find: cup-shaped, goblet-shaped, lily-shaped, peony-shaped, oval, star-shaped and fringed tulips.

Which bulb to choose when buying

Buy bulbs should be before the planting season. It is worth doing this from the end of July to mid-September. The fact is that it is at this time that the tulip bulbs are at rest. In the spring, you run the risk of buying old planting material, which could not be sold last year. In the fall, finding high-quality bulbs is also not easy, as they are quickly sold out by flower growers.

Consider the main criteria by which you can determine whether the bulb is worth it or not.

If you have a clean, dense bulb in your hands, not empty inside, then it is definitely worth buying, as these are indicators of the best bulb material.

Also pay attention to the bottom of the bulb, in this place root tubercles should already be visible. If the bottom is soft, rotten or with existing roots, then you should not buy it either.

Proper planting of tulips in the fall in the suburbs

Professionals are planting tulips in autumn in the Urals. When exactly it is worth planting depends only on which region you live in, as well as what climate prevails in it.

So, when and how to plant tulips

  • If you live in the middle lane, then planting should be done in the last days of September.
  • In the event that the region is southern, then the bulbs should be planted in early October, if the temperature does not exceed 7-10 degrees.

How they bloom

Roots will form in about 3-4 weeks, but the weather plays a significant role, which can speed up or slow down this process. Therefore, weather conditions affect when to plant tulip bulbs.

If the bulbs are planted ahead of schedule, rooting will be more difficult or the planting material will be affected by Fusarium. Weeds that appear during warm weather can also cause a problem, because it is they who take all the strength from future tulips.

When you have to plant tulips at a later time, the process may not bring the desired results. Frosts can hit the root system that has not had time to form, which will lead to rotting and death of the bulb. If the plant managed to survive, then bloom and grow, it will be much worse than those tulips that were planted in accordance with all the rules.

Bulbs planted in November should definitely be covered with spruce branches or foliage, which will provide them with a decent winter.

Is it possible to plant tulips in the spring in the garden

Proper planting of tulips in the spring in the Moscow region requires special preparation that will help them take root better. And the main problem will be how to plant tulips in spring so that they bloom.

Remember that you can grow beautiful and strong flowers only from healthy planting materials.

How to choose a place and prepare it

  • Tulips do best in areas that receive direct sunlight.
  • Shield them from strong gusty winds.
  • The site chosen should be level and free of groundwater when it comes time to plant the tulips outdoors.
  • In order for tulips to grow and develop perfectly, they need a good layer of fertile soil.
  • The acidity of loose soil should be moderate and neutral.

Pay attention to what crops grew in your chosen place earlier.

Areas where flowers and vegetables were grown are suitable for planting tulips.

If nightshade and bulbous crops grew in the chosen place, then there is a risk of infection with viral diseases.

What should be the soil

From what land you plant tulips in, it will come from how healthy and beautiful they will grow. For planting, loose, nutrient-rich soil is suitable, which perfectly passes oxygen and air. Tulips will feel good in loamy soils and sandy loam, which are saturated with humus.

The best place where a tulip will land is considered to be land endowed with the following properties:

  • It contains quite a large amount of humus.
  • It is endowed with a neutral reaction of the environment.
  • The site is treated with the necessary preparations that increase its fertility.

If the soil contains a lot of sand, then the moisture in it will not linger for a long time, which means that you will have to water the flowers much more often.

Blooming double tulips

Also, in such areas, as a rule, there are practically no nutrients, so the plant will need frequent fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

If the ground is heavy and contains a lot of clay, then fixing it will be much more difficult than with sandy soil. Before proceeding with the planting of tulips, it is necessary to bring river sand, peat and rotted manure into such a land. Thanks to these components, the earth will conduct moisture much better, and you will avoid stagnant water.

To reduce acidity, you will need chalk or lime. At the moment when the plant is actively growing, the soil must be loosened regularly.

In those areas where tulips will soon be planted, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers, which can be both rotted manure and compost.

Tulips: planting and care in the open field

In order to grow beautiful flowers, you need to purchase healthy bulbs. Before embarking on planting, be sure to inspect the planting raw materials, which will allow you to identify any disease in advance.

  • In the event that the bulbs were grown at home, and not bought in special stores, then place them for half an hour in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Purchased bulbs do not need to be soaked.
  • The width of the beds for planting plants should be at least 1-1.2 meters. The furrows where the bulbs will be placed can be both longitudinal and transverse. It doesn't matter what the length of the bed will be.
  • Bulbs ready for planting must be carefully pressed into the bottom of the hole. Be extremely careful not to damage the roots. After all the planting material is in the groove, cover it with soil.
  • The depth to which the bulbs should be planted depends only on the size of the bulbs you have purchased and what soil they are planted in.
  • If the soil is light, then planting tulips should be a little deeper than in heavy soil. The distance between the rows should be at least 20 cm. Place the bulbs in the holes, you need to retreat 10 cm between them.

bicolor tulips

Most gardeners use a metal pipe with a diameter of 5 cm to plant tulip bulbs. It must have a piston that can be fixed. Thanks to this piston, you will be able to push the bulb into the ground. Using this method, you will be able to plant the bulbs at the desired depth, and also protect your hands from the cold.

Another method used for planting bulbs is the use of plastic baskets. Quite a simple and easy way, with which you will never lose the place in which you landed tulips. All that needs to be done is to place the planting material in a basket, which is placed in a place prepared for planting and buried in the ground.

The first tulips break through the soil in late March or early April. In the event that the flowers were covered before the onset of cold weather, then as soon as the snow melts, the mulch should be removed. This will allow the soil to warm up much faster, which means that flowering will begin earlier.

Carefully loosen the soil next to the plants to oxygenate the root system. While the tulips are actively growing and developing, this procedure should be carried out constantly, especially after they have been watered.

In order not to constantly loosen the soil and avoid weed control, the ground should be mulched.

How to plant the right video:

Fertilizers that tulips need:

When using fertilizers, be very careful, as improper use of them can lead to leaf burns. To avoid damage, top dressing should be applied on a cloudy day or at the time of watering the flowers.

Tulips fade pretty quickly, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be cared for. Be sure to keep watering the plants for several weeks. Pinch off faded flowers, which will allow tulips not to waste energy on seeding.

How to prepare for planting in the fall

The removed planting material should be placed in the shade so that they can dry. Place them in boxes in a thin layer and leave them in a room with a temperature of about 20 degrees until the onset of autumn. But remember the room where the planting material will be stored must be perfectly ventilated.

During storage, keep an eye on the bulbs, as they should not rot. If you see signs of decay or any disease, be sure to get rid of the planting material.

How to propagate tulips at home

There are several types of reproduction:

  • Seeds.

This process occurs only with the help of a seed box, which appears after flowering. To do this, the bud is not cut off, but allowed to dry completely on the stem, and then the seeds are carefully removed.

As a rule, breeders who are trying to develop new varieties of tulips use this method. It is necessary to sow seeds in greenhouses or open ground, where they will grow for several years. Seeds must be protected from frost. As soon as the bulb is ripe, it must be dug up and placed in a box before the onset of autumn.

Such tulips will be able to please with their inflorescences only after 5-6 years. In addition, the flowers will be small and unattractive, and only after about 8-12 years, you can achieve their decorative effect.

  • Reproduction with children.

It is considered an easier way and allows you to grow a young plant identical to its parents. For faster formation of children, after the flowers have formed, be sure to cut them off. Once the time is right and the leaves begin to wilt, dig out the bulb.

Smaller planting material must be separated and planted in a separate place with the onset of autumn. As soon as winter comes, the place where tulips are planted takes cover. It is necessary to grow plants for several years, removing all flowers from the shoots, which will allow the bulb to become larger and stronger for future flowering. With the onset of summer, it is necessary to dig out and carry out a procedure similar to adult plants.

What problems can be encountered in the process of growing tulips

If you take care of them correctly and in time, then you can become the owner of high-quality planting material, as well as beautiful bright flowers that will delight not only with a lovely appearance, but also have amazing aromas.

But if you do not notice the diseases attacking your plant in time or do not take measures so that the moment of meeting with the disease does not come at all, then, unfortunately, the flowers can not only lose their decorative effect, but even die.

In order not to face such an unpleasant situation, you need to know what diseases manifest themselves, and also with what drugs you can cure your pets.

What prophylaxis should be carried out to reduce the risk of infection:

  • The site where you will plant the selected variety must fully comply with the requirements that these tulips need.
  • Be sure to prepare the soil before planting.
  • Do not forget to apply fertilizer and top dressing in a timely manner.
  • Growing flowers in one place should not exceed five years.
  • Before planting, you need to inspect all the bulbs. Bad, infected and rotten planting material should be removed.
  • The density and depth of the grooves where the plants will be planted must also be respected.
  • Good care and weed removal.
  • Digging up bulbs should be done only at the right time.
  • Under no circumstances should bulbs with defects be damaged or planted.
  • The container where planting raw materials are stored must be disinfected.
  • Getting rid of infected tulips and their bulbs.

Diseases that may be encountered

  • Gray rot.

This disease spreads at an incredible speed and completely covers the plant with a brown coating, and soon the foliage becomes gray. In order not to encounter an illness, before planting the bulbs, treat them with 0.2% foundationazole or a saturated solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. If it was not possible to avoid infection, then it is worth treating the tulips with a 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride. After 10 days, you need to re-treat the plant.

  • Sclerocial rot.

If this ailment attacked tulips, then its first sign is a white coating, which eventually becomes felt, which leads to rotting of the plant. It is impossible to cure flowers from the disease, therefore, infected plants are removed, and around those that managed to avoid the disease, the earth is dug in, into which thiazon is added.

  • Fusarium rot.

Plants affected by this disease have pale flowers that wilt as soon as they are cut. The root system is dying. To prevent infection, it is necessary to carefully examine the bulbs before planting them. They also need to be soaked in a 0.2% benlate solution.


Of the pests, the most frequent will be mice, which are not averse to eating delicious nodules. To prevent the attack of mice, you can plant daffodils or hazel grouse with tulips, their bulbs are poisonous to rodents. You can also sprinkle onions with red pepper, or dip in kerosene, these products will also help.

You can’t avoid the attack of the bear and snails, they can be collected in impromptu traps (rags, pieces of wood or slate, cans of water where they will crawl).

Onion mite, another malicious pest. For prevention, the bulbs are placed in warm water at about 40 ° C. If mites are found in the process of growth, special means must be used.

How to store tulips

After the onions have been removed from the ground, they must be carefully examined and sorted. All rotten and damaged planting material should be removed to the side, separate small bulbs from larger ones. You can put them in boxes or hang them in a net to keep them out of rodents. For about a month they must be kept in a room with a temperature of about +22 degrees so that the sprout can develop. After a while, transfer the bulbs to a room where the temperature will not exceed +17 degrees, where they will be stored until autumn.

landscape use

Almost the first spring flowers that delight us are tender sprouts of tulips. They represent the freshness of spring, bright colors and the upcoming warm sunny days. Tulips bloom immediately after the primroses, replacing them.

Landscaping solutions can be simple or complex, with steep transitions from one plant to another, or massive "carpet" covering large areas of the same color.

Often planted at the foot of trees, which creates bright spots on dark ground. It is better to do this in special containers in order to remove the bulbs for the summer. An excellent decorative solution would be to plant near, which blooms in the middle of summer.

The costs are relatively small, as is the complexity of planting. It is enough to follow some measures for proper care and cultivation in open ground.

Planting tulips stands next to gazebos, shrubs, for example, and paths. They will look great in group plantings on the lawn. Such beautiful flowers can be planted in combinations with other plants, as their various chic colors will be ideally combined in any combination.

Also, the most commonly grown tulip is near multi-storey buildings or in city flower beds. The most suitable for them will be the south side. Also, before planting, it should be borne in mind that numerous precipitation will drain from the roof, which can lead to stagnation of water in the area where tulips grow. Therefore, it is worth making a good drainage outlet.

Tulips have faded, what to do video:

Tsar Peter the Great ordered the import of bulbs of this flower to Russia to decorate gardens. A special office, established to supply the Russian land with overseas flowers, began to be called the "garden office". Varieties, outdoor cultivation, planting, care, reproduction: tulips in Russian gardens from Peter the Great to the present.

Features of the variety and variety of tulips

The system for dividing specific tulips into groups, depending on the timing of flowering, was adopted in 1981. In total, four groups of flowering plants are distinguished: early-flowering; mid-flowering; late flowering; species and hybrid varieties. In turn, the groups are usually divided into classes, of which there are 15.

Simple and terry early varieties constitute the first group. These tulips bloom first, the color of the petals is distinguished by a variety of shades. Terry species in full dissolution look like lotus flowers. Flowering begins from the first week of May. Tulips of this group are undersized: only 25-30 cm high, they lend themselves well to forcing.

Darwin hybrids and varieties of the Triumph series, belong to medium-flowering species - these are the most persistent classic tulips, which are very common among gardeners. They have a wide range of colors, beautiful large flowers, strong stems. Petals do not lose their juiciness of color under the influence of intense sun. These qualities allow the use of these classes of tulips for cutting. The height of Triumph class plants reaches 70 cm. Darwin hybrids reach a height of 90 cm, both are suitable for cutting. Reproduction of tulips does not cause absolutely no difficulties. The mother bulb in July is overgrown with a mass of children that have different diameters. After 1 year of growing, large tulip babies can bloom.

Exotic varieties of tulips included in the late flowering group.

  • Simple late - tulips of this group in appearance resemble flowers belonging to the Triumph class, they only bloom much later, and the color of the petals is incomparably richer. Peduncles are high, the glass of the flower is large. The base of the glass is square. Flowers hold their shape well in full sun.
  • Lily-flowered - the name of this group of tulips indicates the similarity of the flower shape with a lily. There are cultivars with two-color and multi-color coloring. Flowers of lily-colored tulips strike with grace of forms. Plant height from 35 to 70 cm. Low grades are suitable for distillation.
  • Fringed - luxurious large glasses of flowers of this group are decorated with small fringe along the edge of the petal. The fringe can be of the same tone with the flower, or have a different - contrasting - color. In any case, fringed tulips have unique decorative qualities. Modern collections of fringed tulips are highly decorative, unique and exclusive varieties.
  • Green-flowered tulips - plants with flowers that have spots, strokes and shading of green. Unusual and bright flowers with strong peduncles, suitable for cutting.
  • Rembrandt - tulips are so named for the amazing, complex coloring of the petals, reminiscent of the brush strokes of an artist. The height of the plant is from 40 to 70 cm.
  • Parrot - Tulip flowers of this class look like bright, disheveled parrots. The edges of the petals are wavy, the petals themselves are folded, corrugated. Sufficiently high peduncles (up to 80 cm), very strong. Parrot tulips are suitable for cutting.
  • Low bushes of terry late tulips do not rise to a height of more than 50 cm, they amaze with spectacular flowering. Bright, densely doubled flowers, although they have strong peduncles, cannot support the weight of a blossoming flower, especially if there is heavy dew or rain in the morning.

hybrid tulips. These types of tulips are unusually beautiful. They are characterized by variegated leaf color: contrasting spots, venation. Amazingly beautiful flowers are quite large in size, with a low peduncle. Growing these tulips in open ground is possible during harsh winters, the hybrids are frost-resistant.

Wild Tulips. This class includes wild-growing species of tulips that are used in decorative floriculture. These low-growing crops, which are very resistant to diseases, can be used for planting in the open ground for the design of green areas. Flowering of wild-growing species lasts a short time, but the richness of colors of small tulips and their natural stability make it possible to equip flower beds, flower beds, stone hills on which these plants are planted with extraordinary beauty. The combination of wild tulips on an emerald lawn creates very interesting options in landscape design.

Planting a plant

Planting tulips is most favorable when the soil temperature in the area is + 7-10 ° C. The soil cools to such values ​​in autumn, usually in early October, but in the southern regions it is possible to plant tulips at a later date - until the end of November.

At high soil temperatures, roots do not form for a long time, and a high risk of plant disease with Fusarium is created. Planting bulbs at the first frost also poses certain dangers - the bulbs do not have time to take root before the onset of severe frosts.

The beds for planting bulbs are taken away in the brightest, sunniest place. Care should be taken to protect landings from the wind in advance. The soil for cultivation requires loose and rich in humus. Heavy clay soils, as well as poor sandy ones, require improvement. There should be no stagnant water in the garden. The high groundwater level at the tulip planting site is detrimental to the bulbs. Good drainage is required.

Tip: Acidic soils are not suitable for planting crops. Tulips prefer soils with a pH of 7.0-7.5.

The area for planting tulip bulbs must be carefully dug up, removing all weeds. It is advisable to treat perennial weeds with special preparations for destruction.

It is useful to start planting tulips by inspecting the bulbs. Rotten or mummified bulbs must be removed. Healthy planting material is soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (pink) for 30 minutes. Immediately after soaking, the bulbs are planted in prepared furrows. The depth of planting of tulip bulbs is determined by their height multiplied by 3. The distance between the bulbs is 10 cm. Planting furrows are laid at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.
The furrows are preliminarily watered with water, growth stimulants, a layer of dry fertilizer for bulbous flower crops is scattered, and the furrows are also sprinkled with a thin layer of sand. Bulbs are laid out on top of the sand: you can not press them into the ground.

Attention! Growing tulips on light, sandy soils requires deeper embedding of the bulbs.

In November-December, when frost sets in, it is useful to mulch the top layer of the beds with a layer of peat (3-5 cm). Peat is not removed in spring.

Proper care

After the germination of the bulbs, care for planting tulips begins with a careful examination and rejection of rotten specimens. Then you need to carefully loosen the bed, and the culture responds well to loosening. Caring for young plants comes down to regular watering, but not plentiful, but moderate, however, the topsoil in the bed with plants should never dry out.

Providing regular and necessary top dressing to growing tulips, daily attentive care, regular watering will help to grow healthy, bright flowers. And the most important thing to remember: after 4 years, the beds for tulips should be planted elsewhere.

Fertilizer and top dressing of tulips

Growing tulips requires fertilization immediately after emergence. Sprouted bulbs during this period are in dire need of nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizer stimulates the rapid and rapid growth of the flower.

During budding, it is required to fertilize flowers with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, which will help tulips to tie large buds and provide decorative flowering. A complete mineral fertilizer is used when blooming flowers in the spring.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of tulips is not difficult, since in the summer, when digging up bulbs, a lot of babies are dug up along with the replacement bulb. The baby is used to propagate the culture very simply: during the planting period of the main bulbs, the baby, dug out in the summer, is also planted. In one year of growing, a large bulb is formed, ready for flowering. This is how often the reproduction of "Darwin Hybrids" occurs.

There is another type of culture propagation - seed. But seed propagation of tulips is usually used when breeding new varieties.

Diseases and pests

Tulips are damaged by a huge number of pests and diseases: more than 30 infections that affect tulips, there are today.

Growing tulips largely depends on the choice of planting material. Bulbs should not have mechanical damage, ulceration, black soot spots and dry crusts.

The greatest harm to plantings of tulips is caused by gray rot, fusarium, sclerocial rot. The most dangerous viral infection of culture is variegation.

Gray rot of tulips (Botrytis tulipae) develops on plants in cold and damp weather, especially when planted in open ground with heavy soil, which has not been loosened. The disease progresses rapidly: fungal spores settle on all parts of the plant. Growth slows down, buds become smaller, stems and leaves are bent and softened. The main thing is to notice diseased plants or planting material in time and isolate them from uninfected tulips. In the spring, it is necessary to inspect seedlings to destroy diseased plants.

Preventive measures against gray rot are dusting the bulbs with sulfur, pickling the bulbs with a solution of TMTD. The green mass is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture 1% or euporene 0.5-1%.

It is easy to prevent the development of the disease - a sufficient amount of potash fertilizers should be applied to the soil, and magnesium from microelements.

root rot, causative agent - mushrooms Ruthium. Brown spots appear on the roots of tulips, which gradually spread to the entire root system. Properly prepared soil reduces the risk of plant disease.

In addition, the following lesions threaten tulips: soft rot (Pythium ultimum), white rot (Scleritiniabulborum, Sclerotium tuliparium), fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Tulipae), trichoderma (Trichoderma sp).

Viral diseases of tulips are represented by the most common of them - variegation. Throughout the green mass of the flower, including petals and buds, variegated strokes appear. The virus is carried by pests with the juice of diseased plants. There is no cure. Sick plants are destroyed.

Tulips in combination with other plants

A field of tulips is already beautiful on its own, but the combination of planting a flower with other plants in the open field adds decorativeness to the landscape design. Tulips go well with other bulbs: bluebells, muscari, scillas. Approximately the same growing conditions make it possible to apply a number of agrotechnical care measures suitable for all plants growing nearby. In spring, small-bulbous plants and tulips perfectly enliven the territories of city parks and squares. Plants look great near flowering bushes, forsythia.

Tulips in landscape design

Planting tulips complement early flowering compositions in landscape design.
Undersized tulips, including wild-growing species that are decorated, have found wide application. Flowers are perfect for growing in flowerbeds, flower beds, in mixborders.

How to plant tulips: video

Tulips in the garden: photo varieties

Tulips are very popular flowers, today we will talk about planting and caring for them in the open field. Their beauty has won the hearts of many people. Modest flowers adorn not only household plots, but also city flower beds. Fashion for tulips came to us from Holland. Magnificent flowers do not cease to delight with their beauty and rich palette of colors for many years. They began to grow tulips in Persia. Then they learned about their existence in Turkey and Europe. The name of the flower comes from the oriental headdress "turban". In Turkey, this graceful flower is usually worn in a turban.

The tulip is a member of the Liliaceae family. There are many garden varieties of these beautiful flowers. The height of the plant depends on the variety. The size of miniature species does not exceed 20 cm. There are tulips 70 cm high.

Bell-shaped flowers come in a variety of colors. Tulip petals are both simple and double. And now more about

Growing tulips outdoors

Choosing bulbs for planting

It is advisable to buy tulip bulbs before the start of the planting season. The most suitable time for this is the end of July - mid-September, when they are at rest. During the planting season, it will be very difficult to acquire high-quality planting material. In the spring, as a rule, they sell old bulbs that they did not have time to sell last season.

Preference should be given to bulbs with a thin golden skin. Cracks on them should not scare you. The main thing is that the bulb itself is not damaged, since the planting material is easily injured.

A thick, dense bulb with dark brown scales indicates that it is not suitable for planting, it will be very difficult for the roots to germinate.

If it is not possible to immediately plant flowers, tulip bulbs are cleaned in a cool room. They are stored separately from other bulbs. If sick bulbs are caught, they will infect healthy ones.

As for the size, it is better to take young, healthy, medium-sized bulbs. They should look good. On a bulb unsuitable for planting, there will be mechanical damage, mold spots, and dried pulp.

The surface of the bulb should be dense and clean. It will not be superfluous to take the bulb in your hand. A small weight indicates illness. A healthy bulb feels heavy to the touch.

When buying, you need to inspect the bottom of the bulb. Root tubercles are visible on quality bulbs. You should not buy planting material with a soft bottom, rotten or sprouted roots.

When should tulips be planted? Landing times and times

Central Asia is the birthplace of almost all varieties of tulips. In their natural environment, they grow in the steppes, deserts, foothills, in mountainous arid regions. In early spring they form bright flowering carpets. With the onset of heat, beautiful tulips fade. But the bulbs continue to exist, deepening into the ground. In autumn, new roots appear on them. In the spring, waking up from their winter sleep, tulips bloom again, delighting us with their beauty.

In nature, tulips bloom only after winter cooling. During this time, they accumulate special nutrients that help them germinate.

Planting tulips in autumn

Experienced flower growers plant tulips only in autumn. Planting time depends on the region where flowers are grown and climatic conditions.

In the conditions of the middle lane, tulips are best planted at the end of September.

In the southern regions, this has been done since the beginning of October, when the thermometer drops to 7-10 ° C. The root system of bulbs is formed 3-4 weeks. Keep in mind that the weather can make adjustments.

With early planting, the rooting process is delayed, the bulbs can become ill with Fusarium. In addition, in warm weather, the bed can become overgrown with weeds that will take strength from the tulips.

Too late to plant flowers is also not recommended. Due to frost, the root system may not form. They may rot or freeze. Usually such tulips do not bloom well, their bulbs are not suitable for further planting.

If the bulbs were planted in November, they are covered for the winter with spruce branches or foliage.

Planting tulips in spring

Spring is an unfavorable time for planting tulips. Flowers, of course, will grow, but will bloom later. To speed up flowering before planting, the bulbs are placed in the refrigerator overnight.

After cooling, they are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and planted in open ground. This must be done before April. If frosts still occur in your area at this time, the bulbs are first planted in containers, and then carefully transplanted into a flower bed.

Site selection and site preparation for tulips

  • Tulips will be most comfortable in a well-lit place.
  • Graceful flowers cannot stand drafts, so they must be protected from strong winds.
  • They are suitable for areas with a flat surface that are protected from groundwater.
  • For normal growth and development, flowers need a thick fertile layer of earth.
  • They like loose soils with neutral to moderate acidity.

When choosing a place to plant, it is worth considering which plant was grown here before. Vegetable crops and flowers are considered good predecessors. In order to avoid infection with viral diseases, they cannot be planted in place of nightshade and bulbous.

The growth of tulips largely depends on the choice of soil. It should be loose, fertile, well pass moisture and air. Loamy soils and sandy loam rich in humus are most suitable for them. Other soils can be enriched by applying certain fertilizers.

Sandy lands dry out quickly and contain few nutrients. To eliminate these shortcomings, tulips will have to be watered more often and fed with mineral fertilizers.

With heavy clay soils it will be more difficult. In order for them to become suitable for tulips, coarse river sand, peat, and rotted manure are added to them. This will help increase the permeability of the soil. When using peat, its increased acidity is neutralized with chalk or lime. During the period of intensive growth, heavy soils should be loosened more often.

In the spring, at the place of the future planting of tulips, slowly decomposing organic fertilizers should be applied to the soil. Mature manure or compost works well.

planting tulips

Only healthy and high-quality bulbs are suitable for cultivation. Before planting, all bulbs must be carefully inspected in order to identify infected material in time.

If you are going to plant bulbs that you have grown on your own, they must be pickled in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Planting material purchased from a specialized store or garden center is fully prepared for planting.

For planting tulips, it is necessary to prepare beds 1-1.2 meters wide with longitudinal or transverse furrows. The length of the ridge can be any size.

Prepared bulbs are gently pressed into the bottom of the furrow, so as not to damage the root system, they are covered with earth.

Planting depth depends on bulb size and soil type.

On light soils, tulips are planted deeper than on heavy soils. A distance of 20 cm is kept between rows. Bulbs are planted every 9-10 cm.

Many flower growers plant tulips with a tube. To do this, take a metal tube 5 cm in diameter with a piston that can be fixed. Having chosen a column of earth of the desired depth, the bulb is lowered into the hole, and the earth is pushed out with a piston. This method has many advantages. Properly planted bulbs will be protected from damage, and your hands will not freeze.

Plastic baskets are also used for planting tulips.. This method is simple. The bulbs are carefully laid out along the bottom of the basket, the container is placed in the prepared recess and sprinkled with earth. Flower bulbs will not be able to get lost in the ground. At any time they can be dug up.

When mass planting tulips in the prepared area, a layer of soil 10-15 cm thick is removed, the bulbs are laid out and sprinkled with earth. With this planting method, you can make a floral pattern using tulips of different colors.

Video about planting tulips

Tulip Care Rules

Despite the fact that tulips are unpretentious plants that are resistant to various diseases, improper care of these modest flowers can lead to rotting of the bulbs, stem deformation and the appearance of blind buds.

Well-prepared land makes it much easier to care for flowers.

As a rule, tulips come out from under the snow in late March - early April. If you covered the flowers for the winter, the mulch is removed immediately when the snow melts. The earth will warm up faster, and tulips will bloom earlier.

When the first sprouts of flowers appear, they should be well examined in order to identify defective and diseased bulbs. To prevent the disease from spreading to healthy tulips, bad bulbs are dug up and destroyed.

To increase the access of oxygen to the roots, the ground around the sprouts must be carefully loosened. This procedure is carried out throughout the entire period of intensive growth of tulips. It is especially important to loosen the soil after watering.

Tulips need moderate watering before flowering. Overdrying of the top layer of the earth should be avoided.

Fertilizing tulips with fertilizers:

  1. When the sprouts appear from the ground, they must be fed with nitrogenous fertilizers so that the foliage grows.
  2. The second top dressing is carried out when several leaves of the tulip unfold. This time you need to use complex mineral fertilizers.
  3. During the formation of buds, flowers really need phosphorus and potassium.
  4. The last time complex mineral fertilizers are applied when the buds open.

When fertilizing, precautions should be taken so that the flowers do not get burned. Fertilizers are applied in cloudy weather or during irrigation.

During flowering, watering tulips should be plentiful, water them only with warm water. In order for them to develop well, they should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Bulb development is facilitated by manganese, zinc and boron.

During flowering, tulips are also inspected, digging up diseased specimens.

Tulips bloom very quickly. After wilting, the flowers are watered for another 2-3 weeks. Inflorescences that have faded must be pinched off so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of seeds.

When to dig up tulips?

Ordinary red varieties usually grow in one place for several years without digging and transplanting. But varietal tulips, in order to preserve decorativeness, need to be dug up. Otherwise, they will go deep into the ground, and the flowers will become smaller.

At the end of mid-June, when the leaves wither halfway and become soft, you can start digging.

After removing from the ground, the bulbs are cleaned, dried in the shade. Then they are placed in boxes or boxes in a thin layer and left until autumn in a room with a temperature of about 20 ° C. It must be well ventilated.

It is necessary to sort out and check the bulbs during storage - remove the diseased and rotten ones immediately.

Video about digging and storing bulbs

Reproduction of tulips

Tulips can be propagated by seeds and babies.

The seed method is very long - this is a job for professionals and for breeding new varieties. Seeds are sown in boxes and grown for 3 years in one place, then planted on a separate bed for growing. And they keep growing for a few more years. The first flowering may be 5-6 years after sowing. And they become truly decorative after 10 years.

And at the same time, the varietal characteristics of the parents are not inherited. So tulips are cross-pollinated flowers.

It is easier and faster to grow tulips from babies. Moreover, the children retain the varietal characteristics of the parent onion.

To quickly form small onions, you need to cut the flower during flowering. Then, at the usual time, we dig out the bulb, after the leaves have withered.

Small onions are separated and planted in autumn in a separate bed. Sheltered for the winter. Grow them for two or three years, pluck the flowers. Let them grow a good full-fledged bulb before flowering.

Every summer they dig up, like adult flowering bulbs.

Mouse Protection

Mice love to feast on bulbs left in the ground. To protect the flowers from rodents, it is necessary to plant daffodils and hazel grouse in the area next to the tulips. The bulbs of these plants are poisonous to mice. Also, pests cannot stand flower beds with cynoglossum.

You can take care of the safety of the bulbs in advance by carefully treating them with a spray bottle before planting with kerosene or Vishnevsky ointment. Mice are also repelled by the smell of red ground pepper. In the fight against rodents, you can use granular poison. It is buried next to beautiful tulips.

Plant tulips with pleasure in your plots - now planting and caring for them will not make it difficult for you!

Tulips belong to the group of ephemeroid plants. The development cycle of the group is different from other plants. Ephemeroids have a special agricultural technique that you need to know at least in general terms so as not to make gross mistakes when growing flowers.

planting tulips

In nature, the development of tulips is confined to a short spring period. In summer, the plant rests, hiding in the ground in the form of a bulb. With the onset of autumn, the bulbs grow roots and form the beginnings of leaves and flower shoots. In early spring, when the soil warms up slightly, rapid growth and flowering begin, and by the beginning of summer, the plant finishes its vegetation and disappears from the soil surface.

Tulips are planted in autumn, at the same time as winter garlic. Boarding depends on the weather. You should not rush, the soil for autumn planting should cool at least 15 ° C. But you can’t hesitate either, since the bulbs in the soil must have time to take root and prepare for wintering. Small bulbs are planted first in the ground so that they do not dry out. Plant large ones later, when the ground cools down to + 10 ° C.

Estimated planting dates for tulips are September and October. The exact dates depend on the climate and weather conditions. In the northern regions, in some cold years, bulbs can be planted as early as early September. In southern climates, planting shifts to October.

Good flowers are obtained from mature bulbs - healthy, heavy, well-made, with healthy and shiny, tight-fitting integumentary scales. Small baby bulbs will give small flowers on short peduncles or not bloom at all the next year.

Tulips are suitable for any area where water does not stagnate. The plant can grow and bloom even in partial shade, near a fence and under a tree. But under such conditions, flowering will come a week or two later and last a little longer, and the flower stalks will be curved. Therefore, plants intended for cutting are planted in places open on all sides.

The best predecessor of tulips will be black steam, perennial ornamental crops. You can not plant these flowers after onions, garlic, potatoes, peppers and eggplant - these plants are affected by common diseases and pests.

Planting bulbs begins with soil preparation. The earth is dug up with a large amount of organic matter, peat or compost. After digging, organic matter should be evenly distributed in the thickness of the earth. It is not necessary to add humus to the planting hole, as this will burn the roots and the plant will get sick all season.

The compost must be completely decomposed. Semi-decomposed plant residues will give rise to outbreaks of fungal and bacterial soil diseases. A little fluffy lime is added to the acidic soil.

Before planting, the bulbs are kept in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for two hours and immediately planted in the soil without drying. If there is no time to disinfect the bulbs, you can shed each well with manganese.

The depth of planting tulips in open ground depends on the size and type of soil. In general, the more sand in the soil and the smaller the bulb, the smaller the planting should be. The largest onions are planted at a depth of 18 cm, the baby - at 8-10 cm. Usually, gardeners are afraid to plant tulips deeper, preferring a shallow landing. But shallow planted plants quickly fade, and the bulbs degenerate after 2 years.

In October, when the topsoil freezes, planting tulip flowers is sprinkled with peat or fallen leaves. If organic matter was not introduced during planting, then now is the time to mulch the soil with last year's humus.

To eliminate calcium deficiency, plants that are planned to be used for forcing are fed with calcium nitrate, making a 1% solution for foliar feeding from it. Top dressing is carried out at least 2 times, and preferably 3, evenly distributing them from the unfolding phase of the first two leaves to the budding phase.

When growing tulips in open ground, watering is required, as the plants have a short and slightly branched root system. The amount of irrigation depends on the weather.

The first critical phase is budding. If during this period the plant is thirsty, then the blossoming flowers will be small.

Flowering is the second critical period. 1-2 waterings carried out during flowering will increase its duration. After flowering, the plants are watered 3 times.

Landings are periodically inspected. All plants affected by the variegation virus are removed with the bulb using a manual bulb planter.

Signs of viral diseases:

  • severe stunting;
  • leaf curling;
  • spots and strokes on the petals;
  • uneven leaf color.

Bulbs are dug up when the leaves turn yellow and begin to dry out. You should not wait for the complete dying of the leaves. Overexposure of the bulbs in the soil leads to infection with fungal diseases, since the integumentary scales lose their immunity by the time of the final ripening of the bulb and can even become a spreader of the infection itself.

When excavated at the right time, the nests do not have time to disintegrate, and the integumentary scales fit snugly against the bulb. Such planting material is well stored until planting.

Planting material is stored until autumn planting in plastic mesh containers. The bottom of the container should also be mesh. Good aeration helps keep the bulbs dry and prevents bacterial infections, onion mites and mildew. After digging, the container with the bulbs is left for several hours in the fresh air in the shade, then they are removed to the barn.

If there are a lot of spots and foci of rot on the bulbs, then you can soak them for half an hour in a pink solution of manganese, then dry them in the shade and put them away for storage. Double soaking in potassium permanganate - before planting and after harvesting - not only prevents outbreaks of fungal diseases, but also satisfies the needs of plants in manganese.

It is possible to use disinfecting solutions only in the first days after digging. Stored bulbs are inspected from time to time. If, during storage of planting material, it is found that spots or mold have appeared on it, dusting should be used, taking dry ash or foundation powder for this.