Description of autumn maple tree. Maple is beautiful, sweet, kind and loved by everyone. Maple riverside or Ginnala

This beautiful plant adorns different regions of the Earth. Maples in large numbers inhabit the parks and gardens of Russia and delight the eye with their unique beauty at any time of the year. Although almost all of its species are unique and attractive in the shape and color of their leaves, they look especially original in autumn.

General information about maples

Maples - deciduous trees or shrubs (5-40 meters in height), a characteristic feature of which are symmetrical leaves and a variety of their shades in autumn.

Autumn maple is a tree from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Often, people passing by have a desire to capture it in memory for a long time. In total, there are about 150 different species, while each of them has its own characteristics and growing conditions. Maple flowers, arranged vertically in inflorescences, come in yellow, green and red. It primarily depends on the type of plant. Ripe fruits contain seeds, and they are collected in winged clusters. Maples are self-pollinating plants, good honey plants. They grow fast enough.


Autumn maple is a decoration of many corners of the globe. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, therefore it is suitable even for beginner gardeners.

In Eurasia and North America, they mainly grow in temperate latitudes, but in Asia they are also found in the tropics. You can find them in the mountains of Borneo and on the island of Sumatra, as well as in the Philippines and Malaysia. Some also grow in the Mediterranean. These trees can be found in Japan. Maple grows especially extensively in the provinces of China: Hubei, Yunnan, Sichuan. There are suggestions that these places are also the place of origin of the plant, from where the further settlement of the species began.

Maple is considered a mountain plant, but some of its species are common in the plains. Many of them are quite suitable for cultivation in fertile conditions in the cities of Russia (middle lane).

Maples are relatively thermophilic plants, especially Japanese and Chinese species. However, many of them can easily withstand the northern winters of Russia. As a rule, in nature they do not form any continuous plantations. Trees grow interspersed with other broad-leaved species, a little less often with conifers. Therefore, the autumn maple in the forest is a relatively rare, but surprisingly beautiful bright spot among other vegetation.

Some varieties

We list the main varieties that can be found around the world:

  1. Red maple is a tree 10-20 meters high, 4-7 meters wide. The crown of the fast-growing maple is large, compact, and the bark is flaky, dark gray. The five-lobed leaves during blooming have a beautiful green in the summer, and in the fall they acquire an amazing decorative effect: red-purple or orange on the upper side, pinkish-silver on the lower side. And the fragrant flowers of this species have a red tint, and they bloom even before the leaves. Under natural conditions, this maple is found in North America (eastern regions) in wetlands.
  2. Maple fan (pallet-shaped) is a slow-growing shrub (height - 4-6 meters) with an umbrella-shaped rounded crown. With age, the plant grows in width. Young shoots are green or purple. The leaves are palmately lobed, graceful, becoming a bright red hue over time. Autumn maple leaves are very beautiful - purple. It occurs naturally in Korea, Japan, central and eastern China.
  3. The Manchurian maple is a beautiful, slender tree up to 20 meters high, with a rounded, high-lying openwork crown. Its bark is light gray with small cracks. The graceful, compound, trifoliate leaves are reddish-orange in spring, dark green in summer, and purplish red in fall. The Manchu maple grows naturally in Korea, Primorsky Krai and China (northeast).
  4. Maple green-bark - a tree or a very large shrub up to 15 meters high with a wide crown of spherical shape. This species is distinguished by its decorative bark. In young plants it is green, and on an old tree it is gray. Autumn maple leaf - golden yellow. In nature, it is found in mixed forests with moist soil in Korea, Primorsky Krai and northeast China.
  5. Ash-leaved maple (or American) is an asymmetrical tree, distinguished by its rapid growth. Height - 10-15 meters, crown width - 5-10 meters. Green leaves turn yellowish-green in autumn. Shoots are green, with a waxy coating of a bluish tint. It occurs naturally in central North America.
  6. Bearded maple is a relatively small tree or shrub (from 4 to 10 meters in height) with a spreading crown. The five-lobed leaves are slightly pubescent on top. Their length can reach 10 cm. The autumn maple leaf has a yellow-orange hue. Under natural conditions, it grows in North Korea, Primorsky Krai and northeastern China.

Maples of Russia

In addition to the above species, it should also be noted more heat-loving plants that are not used in landscaping gardens and parks in central Russia, but take root well in the southern territories of the country:

  • hornbeam;
  • maple of David;
  • papery (or gray);
  • Hyrcanian;
  • Georgian;
  • Japanese;
  • light;
  • pubescent;
  • Montpelian;
  • Stephen maple;
  • Kalinolistny;
  • four-dimensional;
  • dull velvety;
  • Maple Trautvetter.

The color of the autumn maple of any of these species varies from yellow to deep red hues. The above is an incomplete list of maple varieties that take root perfectly in some parts of the vast territory of Russia.

Norway maple (sycamore)

Holly maple is a traditional symbol of autumn in Russia. Its leaves are large, they have a five-pointed, carved and very beautiful shape. It is thanks to the unique shape and colors that it is easy to find among all the autumn splendor. Autumn maple leaf is a real miracle.

This fast-growing tree can reach a height of up to 20-30 meters, and a width of up to 8-15 m. The crown of such a maple is dense and rounded. Young trees have smooth, reddish-gray bark. In older plants, it is usually darker, and sometimes becomes almost black. It also shows deep cracks. The leaves are green, five-lobed. In autumn, their color changes from orange-yellow to red. Flowers bloom at the same time as the leaves in mid-May.

In nature, this species is distributed throughout Europe. Holly maple is picky and can grow on any forest and garden land, except acidic and sandy. In addition, it does not tolerate excessive salinity and stagnation of moisture in the soil. The maple species is quite resistant to cold winds.

Its homeland is the Caucasus and the European part of Russia.

Today, there are a huge variety of decorative forms and varieties of Norway maple, which are used for growing in parks and gardens.

In summer, maples are skillfully camouflaged in an emerald green mass. But with the onset of autumn, forests and parks are painted in completely different colors. Especially against the background of the general mass, bright maple trees with leaves of a peculiar shape stand out.

With the onset of late autumn in gardens, parks, groves and forests, trees are exposed in anticipation of winter. But even at this time of the year, bright colors have not yet been wiped off the face of the earth. They are under your feet. Yellow, orange, brown, red, burgundy and even green leaves cover the nondescript dark earth with an amazing bright carpet. They sparkle in the rays of the autumn, but still warm sun. Of course, maple leaves shine with special beauty. Some even cast gold. And all of them are surprisingly different not only in their shade, but also in skillful carving. This is a real miracle of nature.

Maple autumn is always in sight. At the same time, one tree can be covered with a whole palette of colors, but a red tint almost always dominates. Maple pleases with its beauty and splendor for a long time, because it does not immediately surrender to winter. Its crown remains intact until late autumn.


The autumn maple is one of the most beautiful deciduous trees. It looks great on the adjoining and summer cottage, in city parks and alleys. The plant is used both in solitary and in group plantings. For example, dwarf maple is good in rocky gardens - rock gardens and rockeries. Low-growing trees of this species are suitable for a Japanese garden. Tatar maple is often used to create living walls and hedges.

And in mixed plantings, maple is used, for example, along with conifers. Higher species can be planted in the garden next to the future seating area.

Bouquet with autumn maple branches

Any room can be decorated with a bouquet of maple leaves. For this, it is best to collect them early in the morning.

At night, the autumn wind plucks leaves from maple trees and scatters them on the ground, so in the morning you can collect leaves that are not yet damaged, on which there will be no black dots and any dark spots. Toward evening, only shriveled and sluggish maple leaves remain.


Autumn maple alleys are a spectacle that bewitches with its amazing magnificence. Walks in such parks fill a person with strength, energy and good mood for the whole day. If you want to take a piece of maple with you, then pay attention to its beautiful leaves, from which you can make a wonderful bouquet.

Acer, or maple, is a genus with more than 150 species of trees and shrubs, widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, including throughout the European part and in the temperate latitudes of Asia. There are dozens of maple species in Russia. Most of them are unpretentious, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, love well-moistened fertile soils, but some also grow on poor soils. For the most part, these are deciduous shrubs and trees; there are several evergreen species in Central Asia.


The height of maples reaches 40 m, depending on the species and environmental conditions, but stands up to 10–15 m are more common. The trunks are usually thin, with light brown, brown or gray bark with small cracks, the crowns are dense, round and wide. The root system is powerful and developed, able to penetrate to great depths. These trees live for about 200 years, but in a favorable natural environment they can become long-lived - they can grow up to 500 years.

A distinctive feature of maples is the beautiful shape of the leaves. Most of them are large, palm-shaped - consisting of several blades, pointed or carved. In addition to the usual green color, the foliage of many species and varieties - Japanese, Norway maple (Royal Red, Kimson King and others) - has a purple, bright red or dark pink color. Maples bloom in early spring, inflorescences are thin light yellow or greenish panicles, fruits are double lionfish with seeds, ripen in September.

Maples, thanks to their beautiful decorative foliage, are suitable for landscaping: they are planted in gardens, parks, and adjacent territories in order to create cozy beautiful landscapes, shade, and clean the air from dust and pollution.

Maple wood is widely used in industry, being a practical and high-quality building material.

Maple types

Among the species diversity of maple, there are several of the most common and popular.


This species is one of the most famous, includes several varieties, grows throughout the European part of Russia. Another name for maple: plane tree or plane leaf - according to the characteristic shape of the leaves (pictured).

This species includes many decorative forms that differ in the height of the trunks, the size and density of the crown, and the shade of the leaves. Norway maple is demanding on the composition of soils, prefers moderately moist, fertile, slightly acidic soils, does not tolerate sandstones and rocky lands. In height, such trees reach 20-30 m, have a wide rounded crown. The bark is light gray, quite smooth in young maples, becoming covered with cracks with age. The size of the leaves is about 15–18 cm, they are located on long thin cuttings, have a five-lobed shape with pronounced notches: the middle lobes protrude far forward, the lateral ones are slightly shorter. There are types of maple with or foliage: small, serrated, elongated leaves transversely located on long cuttings.

In autumn, the green maple leaves take on vibrant yellows, oranges, reds and burgundy hues, creating a picturesque natural carnival of colors. The five-lobed maple leaf is featured on the national flag of Canada.

Trees grow quickly, especially in the first years after planting, their life span is up to 200 years. Holly maples are immune to the polluted air of cities, therefore they are suitable for landscaping streets and creating beautiful landscapes. They are planted along roads, in yards, in squares, parks.

Holly maple is distributed throughout European territory, in Western Siberia, the temperate zone of the North American continent.


This tree is widespread in the northern and eastern regions of the United States, being the official symbol of some states. Another name for the species is sugar maple. It is from the juice of its wood that the famous maple syrup is made, and lumber is used in construction. resistant to cold climates, able to grow up to 30-40 m, has a thick dark bark and a dense crown.


The operational characteristics of maple are quite high: it is not subject to warping and deformation, tolerates moisture well, and is resistant to shock loads.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Maple holly has been widely used in cooking and folk medicine since the time of the Indians, who were the first to learn not only to extract maple sap and make sugar from it, but to use the components of this tree for medicinal purposes. About what useful properties this tree has, how and for what diseases to use preparations from Norway maple - and we'll talk further.

Description of the maple plant

Norway maple is a deciduous tree with a wide and dense crown, belonging to the maple family and reaching a height of about 20 - 30 m. This tree can live for more than two hundred years.

It is noteworthy that the bark of young trees is colored reddish-gray, while old trees are "dressed" in gray bark, dotted with small cracks.

The five-lobed leaves of the Norway maple are quite large, about 18 cm in diameter. From above, the leaves, sitting on a long petiole, have a dark green color, while below they are lighter.

But the greenish-yellow flowers of this tree are small in size and regular in shape. Norway maple flowers are collected in neat corymbose inflorescences. The fruit of this tree is a flat lionfish with two wings.

In autumn, the leaves of the Norway maple turn to yellow, brown-red and brownish hues. In early spring, maples begin to "cry" (to secrete useful juice that flows through the branches and trunk of a tree): for example, whitish juice is released in a small amount at the points of rupture of the petiole. Maple sap is used to make sugar and syrup.

An interesting fact is that according to the "tears" of a maple one can predict the weather: if the maple "weeps", it means that it will rain in 2 - 3 hours.

Norway maple is a most useful tree, the aerial part of which is used in folk medicine. In addition, it has been proven that this tree traps harmful suspensions of heavy metals, as well as benzene vapors in the air, thereby improving the current unfavorable environmental situation.

Where does it grow?

Norway maple is predominantly distributed in Eurasia. In Russia, the habitat of this tree is the North Caucasus in the south, and the southern border of the taiga in the north. In general, this is a fairly common plant in all regions of central Russia without exception.

It should be noted that Norway maple prefers broad-leaved or mixed forests, as well as the forest-steppe zone with moist and fertile soils. At the same time, maple grows singly or in small groups, while it rarely forms pure plantations (such plantations are mainly found on the slopes of river and lake valleys). Most often, this type of maple can be found in oak forests located near forest ravines. Maple is a frequent companion of oak and ash in Russian forests.

It is impossible not to say that the maple has found wide application in landscape gardening, where this tree is valued for its wide crown, which gives excellent shade, unpretentiousness to weather conditions (maple tolerates shading and cold well) and original foliage. So, in summer, maple pleases with lush green foliage, and in autumn - with an abundance of bright colors that replace each other before leaf fall.

Norway maple varieties

Norway maple has a large number of decorative forms that differ in color, as well as in the shape of the foliage, in the shape of the crown, trunk height and growth characteristics.

Drummond Maple (Drummondii)

It has white-edged leaves, which, when blooming, transform into pink. This type of Norway maple throughout the growing season is distinguished by a lush crown and variegated coloring of foliage.

Maple Globosum (Globosum)

This plant has a very dense and spherical crown that does not need pruning. This cultivar, with its yellow-orange foliage, is used primarily for making single ornamental groups and hedges.

Maple Crimson King (Krimson King)

This type of maple has dark purple (almost black) leaves that are pleasing to the eye throughout the growing season. When blooming, it shows blood-red and burgundy leaves, which turn purple in autumn.

Maple Schwedler (Schwedlerii)

It features glossy, blood-red foliage that turns dark green when blooming.

Maple Royal red (Royal red)

This variety is popular for its decorative crown, which turns red in spring, contrasting with yellow flowers.

But if we talk about the use of Norway maple not in landscape art, but in folk medicine, then plane-shaped maple (Acer platanoides) deserves special attention, the properties, benefits and applications of which will be discussed in this article.

Norway maple (Acer platanoides)

It is the sycamore maple (hereinafter simply the Norway maple) that is rightfully considered the most famous and widespread of all its brethren.

This large deciduous tree from the Maple family, which can reach a height of 30 meters, got its name from the Latin "acer", which means "strong, sharp" (this name is most likely due to the properties of maple wood).

This tree with a dense crown, which grows wild in Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans, dies early on dry and poor stony soils. It will not take root in the sands and salt marshes. But on moist and fertile soils, Norway maple will live for about 100 - 200 years, provided there are no such phenomena as salinity and moisture stagnation in the soil.

It should be noted that this type of maple, which begins to bear fruit at the age of 17, is distinguished by shade tolerance, wind and frost resistance: for example, the plant can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees without being damaged by either late spring or early autumn frosts.

The powerful tree trunk is covered with gray-brown bark. Maple leaves are located on thin petioles and have clearly drawn veins. Maple leaves generally have five lobes ending in pointed lobes. Greenish-yellow maple flowers are collected in neat corymbose inflorescences, placed at the ends of the branches.

Bark, young leaves, fruits and flowers have medicinal properties (seeds of the plant are less commonly used).

Collection of Norway maple

Norway maple flowers from April to May, while fruiting in September.

Harvested young foliage in the first half of summer, that is, during the budding period of the maple, it is advisable to choose foliage with thin and not very juicy petioles (it is in such petioles that the maximum amount of healing substances is contained, in addition, thick roots slow down the drying process). Only healthy leaves that are not damaged by insects or fungi are subject to collection. The leaves are dried in the sun, and then dried in the air or in a well-ventilated area.

Bark maple is collected in the spring, or rather, during increased sap flow and swelling of the kidneys. It is during this period that the bark is rich in healing substances. It is advisable to use young tree bark for medicinal purposes, since the old one contains a large amount of cork tissue and quite few active substances. As well as when collecting foliage, preference should be given to healthy areas of the bark that are not affected by lichens and do not have darkening on the inside.

kidneys collected in early spring, when they are already swollen, but have not yet begun to grow intensively. But the blossoming buds have practically no healing properties. It is important to properly dry the buds, for which they should be placed for a long time in a cool and ventilated room, as they will begin to bloom in heat.
flowers, which are the most tender part of any plant, are harvested by hand at the very beginning of maple flowering (it is at this time that they contain many active substances, they withstand drying well, retaining their color and crumbling less during storage and processing).

After that, the flowers are folded in a loose and thin layer for drying, during which the raw material must be protected from direct sunlight.

All of the listed parts of Norway maple can be dried in a dryer or oven at a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees.

Dried raw materials are stored in paper or clothes bags (you can also use closed wooden containers) for two years.

Composition and properties of Norway maple

  • improve the process of digestion;
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • fight bacteria.
  • reduce the excitability of the central nervous system by inhibiting impulses passing through the autonomic nerve nodes;
  • increase contractions of uterine smooth muscles;
  • improve the functioning of the muscular system;
  • stop hypertensive crises;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • relieve joint pain;
  • help stop bleeding;
  • reduce blood pressure.
Carbohydrates and sugars

They provide the body with energy: for example, these substances contribute to the normal metabolic process, which has a positive effect on the work of all systems of the human body.

Sugars are perfectly absorbed by the human body and are quickly absorbed into the blood, which helps to restore strength in the shortest possible time. In addition, vegetable sugars normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood and increase the body's defenses.

organic acids

  • carry out the biosynthesis of alkaloids, glycosides, as well as amino acids;
  • improve digestion;
  • slow down the course of both putrefactive and fermentation processes, which leads to regular bowel movements;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • remove toxins, heavy metals and slags;
  • stimulate the formation of red blood cells;
  • calm the nervous system.
  • reduce the fragility of capillaries and increase their elasticity;
  • regulate the work of the central nervous system;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • restore normal heart rhythm;
  • stimulate the functions of the adrenal cortex.
Lipids provide the biosynthesis of hormones, without which the full functioning of the nervous system cannot occur.

Fatty acid
These substances are assigned an energy function, because in the process of their decay, energy is generated. Fatty acids also perform a plastic function, according to which they are actively involved in the construction of membranes, which make up the cells of our body.

The main task of carotene is to accumulate oxygen, which, during oxygen starvation, will be given to the cells and tissues of the human body. Carotene also strengthens the immune system and protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals, which significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

B vitamins

  • normalize the work of the brain, central nervous system, cardiovascular, endocrine, muscular and digestive systems;
  • provide cellular respiration;
  • contribute to the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • improve lipid metabolism;
  • strengthen hair, skin, nails;
  • contribute to the production of so-called steroid hormones;
  • promote the formation of red blood cells and antibodies;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • regulate the functions of the hematopoietic organs;
  • reduce the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
Ascorbic acid
  • normalizes the work of the central nervous system;
  • stimulates the functions of the endocrine glands;
  • promotes the absorption of such a necessary element as iron;
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis;
  • removes harmful compounds that can provoke the development of malignant tumors.

Vitamin E
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • normalizes the functions of the reproductive system;
  • relieves menopausal syndrome;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • regulates the biosynthesis of both RNA and proteins.
  • improves immunity;
  • participates in the construction of muscle tissue;
  • provides the synthesis of hormones and various enzymes.
  • restores intestinal microflora;
  • promotes the production of B vitamins;
  • reduces the development of putrefactive and fermentation processes;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • improves blood flow directly in the pelvic vessels;
  • normalizes the functions of the genitourinary system.

Norway maple properties

  • Choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • painkiller;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • antiemetic;
  • tonic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antipyretic.

Benefits of Norway Maple

1. Energizes and invigorates, helping to increase tone.
2. Enhances the effect of drugs.
3. It has an antibacterial effect against gram-negative as well as gram-positive bacteria and viruses.
4. Helps enhance wound healing.
5. Takes away the heat.
6. Eliminates joint pain.
7. Strengthens immunity.
8. Promotes crushing of stones both in the bladder and in the kidneys.
9. Strengthens hair follicles.
10. Relieves inflammation.
11. Removes sand from the kidneys.

It cannot be said that Norway maple is a storehouse of antioxidants, among which there are polyphenols that accelerate the recovery process of cancer patients.

The content of fructose in the plant makes it possible to use condensed maple sap for people suffering from obesity and diabetes.

Treatment with Norway maple

What heals?

Norway maple preparations help to cure the following disorders and diseases:
  • wounds;
  • abrasions;
  • cold;
  • kidney disease;
  • bronchitis;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • pneumonia;
  • viral infections;
  • hepatitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • inflammatory liver disease;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • scurvy;
  • stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • renal colic;
  • bladder disease;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • ulcers;
  • bleeding.

Norway maple bark

Maple bark is used as an astringent for diarrhea, while a weak solution of ash, which is obtained from the bark of the tree, is rubbed into the scalp to promote hair growth. The bark of Norway maple roots also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


Maple leaves help relieve fever, tone the body and strengthen the immune system. In addition, ground freshly picked leaves of the tree are used as dressings and compresses applied to damaged areas of the skin. An infusion or decoction of maple leaves will help with renal colic and bladder diseases.


This part of Norway maple is used for urolithiasis and kidney diseases as a tonic, as well as for colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and bronchitis as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, diuretic and expectorant.


The flowers are used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal disorders.

The use of Norway maple


A decoction of maple leaves is used for diseases of the kidneys and nasopharynx, for diseases of the bronchial tree, pneumonia, as well as viral infections, acute respiratory infections and hepatitis. A decoction of leaves and seeds is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and upper respiratory tract.

To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of dry chopped raw materials is poured into one glass of water and boiled for half an hour. The cooled and strained broth is brought to the original volume with boiled water, and taken in 2 tbsp. four times a day.


An infusion of young leaves increases male potency, helps to cure inflammatory diseases of the liver, stomatitis and diseases of the ENT organs. In addition, purulent and long-healing wounds are treated with infusion.

1 tbsp fresh or dry maple leaves are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes. Strained and chilled infusion is taken in a quarter cup 3-4 times a day.


Alcohol infusion can cure or significantly alleviate the course of a disease such as sciatica. Also, the use of tincture is recommended in the treatment of congestion in the pelvic area.

20 g of maple leaves pour 100 ml of vodka and leave to infuse for four days. The drug is taken orally 30 drops three times a day. The same remedy can rub sore joints.

Norway maple juice

Maple sap is collected at the end of winter - beginning of spring (that is, in February - March), when the air temperature varies from -4 to +4 degrees (when the air warms up more and the temperature is finally above zero, the sap flow will stop). To collect thick and sweet juice, a hole is carefully made in the tree trunk, into which a plastic tube is inserted, through which the juice will drain into a bucket suspended from the trunk. One tree during this period of time can give such an amount of juice from which you can get 2 - 4 kg of sugar.

A week after harvesting, the maple sap will become thick, cloudy and sour, but still pleasant. Such juice can be stored for years.

Maple sap has bactericidal properties, due to which it is used in folk medicine as a natural antiseptic, which can be used to treat wounds, ulcers and abrasions, which will speed up the healing process and relieve inflammation.

Fresh maple sap has a strengthening effect, as it contains a whole range of nutrients and vitamins. If you mix juice with warm milk in equal proportions, you can cure cough.

Sweet maple juice can be taken during pregnancy to quench thirst, improve mood and strengthen immunity, one-third of a glass three times a day, but it is still better to consult a doctor beforehand.

maple honey

Norway maple is an excellent honey plant that produces fragrant, high-quality and tasty amber-colored honey.

Maple honey (however, as in many other varieties of this most useful product) contains almost all the biochemical compounds necessary to maintain excellent health, including amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.

Action of maple honey

1. Increases immunity.
2. Prevents the development of anemia and atherosclerosis.
3. Invigorates and tones the body.
4. Calms the nervous system.
5. Increases lactation.
6. Fights viruses and infections.
7. Promotes wound healing.

Norway maple honey is perfectly balanced in composition, therefore it is indicated not only as a therapeutic, but also a prophylactic agent that helps to maintain normal body functions.

For prophylactic purposes, maple honey is taken one tablespoon 30 minutes before eating, for ten days, after which a 10-day break is shown, after which honey intake is resumed.

Treatment of boils

A "dough" is prepared from the same amount of honey and flour (to obtain a homogeneous mass, a small amount of water should be added to such a "dough"). The resulting mass is applied daily to the sore spot until the abscess opens.
2 tbsp the mixture is placed in a thermos and poured with 500 ml of boiling water, after which the mixture is infused for an hour and filtered. An infusion is taken, to which a teaspoon of maple honey is added, half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.

The healing properties of maple honey have been used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women.


There were no contraindications to taking Norway maple preparations (with the exception of individual intolerance). However, pregnant women should be careful with this plant, which contains alkaloids that increase uterine smooth muscle contractions. Therefore, before consuming decoctions or infusions from Norway maple, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Norway maple recipes

Infusion for nephrolithiasis

Grind 100 g of dry or fresh maple leaves and pour a liter of boiling water, leaving the product to infuse overnight. Strained infusion is taken within two to three months before meals, 150 ml, three times a day. Such a natural remedy will help, firstly, to remove sand from the kidneys, and secondly, to dissolve small stones. It is important that with the help of infusion, the sand will move away quite easily, since maple preparations have an analgesic effect.

Infusion with reduced potency

1 tbsp maple fruit pour one glass of hot water and insist in a hermetically sealed enamel bowl (preferably in a water bath) for half an hour. Then the infusion is cooled at room temperature for 40 minutes, filtered and brought to its original volume with boiled water. Such a remedy is taken in 2 tbsp. about 4 - 5 times a day, 25 minutes before meals.

Infusion for colds

A tablespoon of crushed maple bark is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused in a water bath for about an hour, after which the infusion is filtered and drunk 50 ml, four times a day. This recipe will help reduce the intensity of renal colic, and also contribute to a faster cure for diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

This infusion, which has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, is recommended to wash purulent and long-healing wounds.

Decoction for herpes

2 tbsp leaves and seeds of the plant pour a glass of hot water and boil for 10 minutes, and then leave for another hour. Strained broth is taken in 2 tbsp. five times a day, before meals. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Distributed throughout the world, it is often used in landscaping cities and suburbs. There are more than 150 types of wood, simple and decorative forms that grow not only in the natural environment, but also in private gardens and parks.


Bearded maple is a low tree from 5 to 10 meters, with a spreading crown and smooth dark gray bark. Light green foliage turns yellow in autumn with varying color variations. Leaf plates are divided into several parts, have pronounced veins. This maple, more often, does not lose its decorative effect throughout the year, it begins to bloom and bear fruit from the age of six. Flowers of both sexes bloom with leaves in racemose yellow inflorescences. The species has many advantages: unpretentiousness to the ground, resistance to winds and cold, fast growth. Reproduction of the species is by seed, also by root shoots. The two most common subspecies are Chonoski and Komarova.

Ginnala (Riverside)

Ginnal maple is increasingly found in urban plantings, as the plant calmly tolerates the conditions of a gassed and dusty environment and does not need reverent care. It is frost-resistant, not afraid of the wind, in winter the tips of the branches freeze slightly, but in the spring it quickly recovers after sanitary pruning.

The tree grows up to 10 meters, it has a smooth and thin bark in youth, tubercles and cracks appear with age, the color of the bark is light, brown. The foliage is green, glossy, with greenish-yellow flowers blooming along with the leaves. Leaves change color to bright orange and red in autumn. The tree bears fruit, the fruits are lionfish. How this maple breeds - and root shoots,. The plant is photophilous, grows well on the banks of reservoirs, is a subspecies of the Tatar maple.


One of the types of maple is naked, so named because of the small amount of foliage on the branches, they seem to be naked. The bark of the trunk and branches is reddish in color, a few heart-shaped leaves are divided into three, sometimes five parts, with a jagged edge. The leaf plate is glossy, bright green above, matte below, bluish in tone, in autumn the leaves lose their luster and become yellow-orange-red.
The flowers of both sexes are yellow-green in color, collected in thyroid inflorescences, the seeds are lionfish. The species reproduces by seeds, which remain viable for up to two years when stored. Known varieties: smiley,Keller, "Kearney Peebles", Dippel.

Important! Maple in winter should be protected from severe frosts, this applies primarily to young plants. The trunk, together with the root neck, is covered with spruce branches and fallen leaves; as it grows, resistance to low temperatures will increase.

Flap-shaped (fan-shaped)

Maple species fan has many varieties and varieties. Its distribution area is China, Korea and Japan. A small tree or shrub does not grow above ten meters, its crown can be round or in the form of an umbrella, it lends itself perfectly to formative pruning. Shoots are thin, green with a red tint. The foliage is green only in summer, scarlet or purple in spring and autumn. The tree is flowering, but the inflorescences are rare, the petals are red. The view is capricious: to, moisture, does not tolerate drought, grows slowly.
The following varieties of maple are common:

  • crimson;
  • pink bordered;
  • curly;
  • sessile;
  • Friedrich Gwillelm.


This species is also called maple-birch, as its inflorescences resemble birch catkins. The plant can grow as a tree and as a shrub, its height is up to 15 meters. The bark of the trunk is soft, scaly, gray-yellow. The leaves are divided into five parts, the underside is hairy, the top is lintless. The leaf plate is large up to 12 cm in length, the color of the leaves is green with a yellow tint. Inflorescences in the form of brushes-earrings of a yellowish tint. Maple in the description grows on almost any soil, frost-resistant, loves moisture.


Green-bark maple is valued for its decorative appearance of the bark - green, with stripes in young plants, unfortunately, with age, the bark becomes gray. Habitat - Korea, China and Primorsky Krai. The tree has a wide crown, spreading in the shape of a dome. Branches of dark cherry color are covered with delicate pink buds in spring. The leaves are large, divided into several parts. During the flowering period, the tree is strewn with pale green inflorescences. Maple fruits are seeds.
This species needs sunlight for rapid growth, loves moist nutrient soils. The tree is included in the group of serpentines, which, in addition to it, includes the Pennsylvania, David and Reddish-veined maples.


Growing up in Japan. The tree is not whimsical to the choice of soil, it can develop even in swampy areas. Feels great in cold climates. The height of the tree is not higher than 15 meters, the bark is gray, the crown is domed or cone-shaped. Not all varieties of maple have red leaves, usually the foliage takes on this shade in the fall, like many trees. Variety with purple foliage - Red Sunset.
The brightest varieties:

  • Armstrong- crown in the form of a column with small foliage;
  • Bowhall- Bright orange foliage
  • brandy wine- dark, almost purple color of leaves in autumn;
  • Northwood- red and orange leaves.

False platanum

False sycamore maple, also known as sycamore, is an interesting decorative species, but urban conditions are not for it. He needs clean air, neutral soil and moisture. Sycamore does not like frost and freezes, especially young branches, but in the sun it can grow up to 25 meters.
Interesting subspecies of sycamore:

  • "Brilliantissimum"- only hatched leaves of a delicate peach color, then acquire a shade of bronze;
  • variegated maple varieties "Leopoldii" And "Simon Louis Freres", unlike the main species, feel great in city parks and gardens.


In its natural environment it grows up to 30 meters. The plant tolerates frost and dry periods well, propagated by seeds and cuttings.
The crown of the dome-shaped tree is dense and lush. The bark is gray-brown in color on mature trees with cracks and tubercles, on young maple shoots of a red tint, smooth. The leaves are large, dense, dark green, with sharp edges. Blooming, the plant is covered with thyroid inflorescences of yellow-green flowers. The fruits are winged seeds. Popular: "Autumn Blaze", "Deborah" and "Drummondii".


Field maple is often used for landscaping city parks and alleys, due to its tolerance to gas pollution, dust and a low height of about 15 meters. Under such a tree it is pleasant to relax on a hot day, it is sprawling with a wide conical crown. It has large light green leaves divided into 5-7 parts. Immediately after the leaves bloom, the tree is covered with small, almost imperceptible flowers. Like the green-bark species, the bark of the field species has white stripes against a brown background of the bark.
The species reproduces by seeds and root shoots. It is better to plant it in a place protected from drafts, during the period of prolonged frosts, cover the trunk and the trunk circle. Known Forms:

  • "Pulverulentum"- creamy-cream leaves with white chaotic patches;
  • Carnival- maple has leaves with a wide white border, young foliage blooms, having a pink tint;
  • Postelense- differs in the color change of the leaves: it blooms in a golden color, then turns green and turns yellow again in autumn;
  • "Schwerinii"- young leaves are bright red, turn green as they grow.

Did you know?According to Slavic pagan beliefs, after death, any person could be turned into a maple, so the tree was treated with exaggerated respect. Its wood was not used as firewood, did not make kitchen utensils and furniture, was not used in construction and agriculture.

Sugar (Silver)

Silver maple (lat. Ácer sacchárinum) is one of the tallest representatives of its family: it reaches a height of 40 meters. The plant has a wide, dense crown, gray, rough gray bark. The foliage is a bright gray-silver tone, the shade is dimmer on the underside. Blooming, the tree is covered with red-green inflorescences.
Beautiful decorative plant forms:

  • "Vieri". A tree with patterned silver-green leaves, a spreading crown. Landing is desirable in places protected from the wind, as the branches are fragile.
  • "Borns Graciosa". Low plant up to 15 meters. The lush, narrow crown is covered with strongly dissected leaves.


This maple is decorative in any season: in spring it is covered with white leaves with yellow stipules, in summer - with bright green egg-shaped foliage, in autumn the tree is decorated with pink color of lionfish seeds, and in winter its decoration is the black color of the trunk. Plant height - 12 meters. An interesting feature of the species: it dissolves foliage before all varieties, and blooms later.

Program content:

Expand and clarify children's knowledge of maple.
Generalize ideas about the growth of plants, their relationship with humans and animals.
Dictionary: maple, lionfish, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, fast-growing.
Teach children to see the beauty of nature.
Cultivate interest in plants.


Lesson progress:

Guys, we have a tree in front of us, which is called the decoration of parks. Do you know this tree? This is maple. Now think about why it is called the decoration of parks. Maples are beautiful trees, so they can decorate any park. Do you like maple? What exactly do you think is beautiful in this tree? Maple is good in all seasons, but it is especially beautiful and noticeable in autumn. Why?
Here is a riddle about autumn maple.

Maple riddle

Worth Antoshka
in red clothes,
Under the wind whistle
Drives the sheet.

Indeed, maple is beautiful. But besides beauty, maple has many more advantages. Maple is frost-resistant. What does it mean? Firmly keeps on a frost, is not afraid of it. This is very important for the tree, as it helps to survive in severe frosts. And maple is drought-resistant. And how is this to be understood? Maple is drought tolerant. What is drought? Lack of moisture, water. Willow or poplar do not withstand a long drought and dry up, but maple is easier. It is drought tolerant and drought tolerant. And maple is a fast growing tree. How do you understand the word "fast growing"? The one who grows quickly A maple grows very quickly under favorable conditions, it grows taller than me (up to two meters) in a year.

Maple is friends with oak and ash - these trees love to grow nearby.

Maple leaves are large, with veins. Maple leaves like outstretched fingers.
The larvae of many species of butterflies feed on maple leaves.

The maple fruit is called the lionfish, it consists of two identical parts and rotates when it falls, carrying the seed a considerable distance. So the maple takes care of the offspring. After leaf fall, pendants of winged seeds hang on the branches of the maple until late autumn. It is worth blowing a light breeze, and many winged seeds, similar to gray dragonflies during flight, slowly fly to the ground, trying to land away from the parent trunk. Some of them will sprout in the spring and grow over time from a weak sprout of a mighty handsome maple. Why do you think the maple seed got the name "lionfish". The maple seed has two wings.

Though not a bird
And with a wing will be born;
And the bird's custom:
Will break off the branch -
It floats through the air.

Maple seeds are quite fatty, for which they are loved by birds and animals.

Maple is an excellent honey plant. In early spring, bees fly to the maple for pollen and nectar. Since maples are essential to the survival of bees, they are often planted near apiaries. Maple pollen is eaten with pleasure not only by insects, but also by squirrels.

Maple is used by humans to make maple syrup and sugar. If you drill into the maple bark in early spring, then sweetish juice will begin to ooze from there. But even before people, sweet maple sap was tasted by birds and animals: woodpeckers, jays, long-tailed tits, squirrels. The woodpecker pierces the maple bark with its beak, and the squirrel bites through. But this does not harm the tree: the wounds are small and quickly heal.

People have been using maples since ancient times.
Maple wood was used to make furniture, rulers, skis, musical instruments (drums, guitars, wind instruments). The famous master Stradivari made violins from maple wood. In the old days, maple was used to make kitchen utensils and boat oars.

Collection of natural material

Collection of natural material.


1. Why is maple called the decoration of parks?
2. How fast does maple grow? Is he afraid of frost? Droughts?
3. What is the name of the maple fruit? Why?
4. Why do animals, birds, insects love maple?
5. How does a man use maple?