Flowers tulips planting and care. Growing tulips: planting and care in the open field, when to dig out the bulbs, reproduction, photo and video. Reproduction with babies

Tulips... Perhaps there are no more plants, the mention of which causes such a mass of positive emotions. Even small children know that with the first spring sun and Mother's Day, these bright and fragrant flowers always come to the house. Placers of tulips enliven city squares, village front gardens and numerous country flower beds with juicy strokes, delighting the eye after boring and gray winter days.

The tulip belongs to perennial herbaceous bulbous plants of the Liliaceae family. Its height, depending on the group and variety, can vary from 10 cm to 1 meter. The region of origin of the species is the mountainous regions, semi-deserts and steppes of Central Asia.

Is it easy to grow a tulip?

Talking about tulips, someone admires him unpretentiousness and simplicity of agricultural technology and someone complains indignantly about constant failures in an attempt to grow this perennial. Who is right? To find the truth, we will briefly consider the structure of the tulip and its life cycle, as well as turn to the origins of its origin.

If you approach the cultivation of tulips from the point of view of a person who is versed in the botanical features of the tulip, then you can easily calculate your mistakes, eliminate them and make sure that growing a healthy tulip is very simple.

What you need to know about tulip bulbs - myths and reality

The figure below shows the structure of a tulip bulb.

  1. Due to the fact that the plants are renewed annually from the primordia inside the bulb (numbers 3 and 5 in the figure), they can delight gardeners for many years. The bulb itself lives a little more than 2 years: the first year - inside the "matryoshka" - the mother (number 5), and the second year - on its own.
  2. Sometimes novice flower growers complain that the bulbs have “pollinated” and the flowers have changed shade. As you can see, young bulbs are not related to the pollination of the flower, their appearance is a vegetative process that occurs in the soil. Below we will try to consider the true reasons for the change in the original color of the tulip.
  3. Another interesting point: in young bulbs (which do not bloom in the first year), a stolon shoot grows down from the bottom, at the end of which a daughter bulb forms. This is another mistake of flower growers, who, having found new bulbs deeper than they planted them, believe that the tulip is supposedly “drawn in” by the roots deep into.
  4. In some types of tulips, such stolons grow intensively not only down, but also to the sides (Foster's tulips), and at the end of each shoot there is a young bulb. And for some, the appearance of stolons is a rarity, so getting an extra bulb of the right variety is a problem.
  5. It must be borne in mind that when planting flowering bulbs, babies are formed at the level of the mother plant and there is no deepening.

  • 1 - covering scales (dry, brown);
  • 2 - storage scales (juicy pulp inside the bulb, a source of nutrients);
  • 3 - kidneys of daughter bulbs (the closer the kidney is to the center of the bottom, the larger the "daughter");
  • 4 - bottom;
  • 5 - the kidney of the replacement bulb (the one that will replace the old plant);
  • 6 - flower rudiment;
  • 7 - leaf rudiments.

How does a tulip grow?

Like a typical ephemeroid, the tulip has clearly defined period of dormancy and vegetation. The time when a replacement bud and daughter bulbs are laid between the storage scales is the dormant period, which is very important for the further development of the plant.

Many people believe that from the moment a new bulb is dug up until spring, the plant is unchanged, but this is far from the case. Take a look at the picture.

After planting in October, roots begin to grow intensively along the edges of the bottom, which develop up to 0.5 m in depth, and in November a young shoot is thrown almost to the surface of the earth. Thanks to this over-readiness of the plant, we can admire the early spring flowering of tulips and other primroses.

Let's move on to the rules for growing tulips.

Wrong actions when caring for tulips

How does tulips usually plant in open ground in the garden of an ordinary summer resident?

  1. In the garden center, the bulbs you like are bought, without taking into account the height of an adult plant and the timing of its flowering.
  2. Bulbs are planted at a time convenient for the gardener - sometimes very early or too late.
  3. Landing is carried out without taking into account the size of the bulb - both large and small parsing - at the same depth and at a close distance from each other.
  4. The place intended for tulips is sometimes insufficiently lit due to the proximity of buildings or fences.
  5. Often, planting is carried out without proper soil preparation - digging to the required depth and without applying basic fertilizers and dressings.
  6. To accommodate tulips, various inconveniences are chosen, up to places flooded in the spring, and with a high standing of groundwater.
  7. After flowering, the green foliage of tulips is cut off due to the loss of decorativeness.
  8. The bulbs are not dug up and do not divide for a long time.

Common situation? Under no circumstances should this be done. What is the correct algorithm for caring for tulips?

Planting and caring for tulips - how to?

Planting time is considered optimal when the soil temperature drops to 9-10 C. Usually in the middle lane this time comes from mid-September. Finish planting tulips until mid-October, so before frost, the bulbs have time to take root well and adapt to wintering. It is important not to forget to disinfect the bulbs before planting in open ground in a solution of Vitaros or Maxim preparations!

It happens that for some reason the gardener does not get around to the timely placement of children. Do not be upset - you can use three ways to "attach" the bulbs.

  1. Despite the timing, plant tulips in the ground until the end of November, slightly increasing the planting depth (up to 20 cm). After watering, mulch plantings with peat or dry foliage. The probability of winter loss of plants in this case decreases.
  2. Use the bulbs for early spring forcing on the windowsill, after consulting the special tables on the timing of cooling and germination.
  3. Store tulips in a cold basement all winter, and in early spring, plant bulbs in the warmest part of the site, where the soil has thawed a little. Tulips may bloom in this case, but the timing of flowering will move closer to summer.

How to choose the right place

Tulips are children of mountains and semi-deserts. This should not be forgotten when planning a place for laying out a spring flower garden. Only with good lighting will the plant take on the color and shape corresponding to the variety.

With a lack of sun, the peduncle will be curved, the flower will be small and partially deformed. Insufficient amounts of nutrients will be deposited in the storage scales, which can lead to the appearance of weak replacement bulbs, and then to the complete loss of the variety.

The landing site should be dry, without prolonged stagnation of moisture (however, regular watering in drought must also be ensured). If the bulbs are in damp soil for a long time, they become ill with fungal and bacterial infections and die.

If the soil is dense, clayey, leavening agents must be added - peat, sand, vermiculite.

Another important addition - the predecessor in the garden (in the flower garden) should not be classified as bulbous, otherwise there is a high probability of viral or fungal diseases.

How deep are tulips planted?

When planting tulips in the ground, as well as when planting many ephemeroids, they are guided by the rule of height of 3 bulbs. Three times the size is counted from the bottom and a landing hole is dug out of just such a depth. For tulips, this value is usually 15 cm. A little sand is added to the bottom to drain the bulbous bottom area. Young children are planted in accordance with this rule at a shallower depth.

With excessive deepening of the bulbs, the flower does not grow so large, and the children are small and bloom weakly.

What interval is maintained during landing

The bulbs located nearby should be at least 2 sizes (10 cm) apart from each other. The larger the bulb, the farther apart they are planted, otherwise the plants, competing for light and food, quickly grind.

To organize a group, very effective planting of tulips, they dig one common hole, fill it with fertilizers and lay out the bulbs evenly.

Now tiered flower beds have become very popular, when hyacinths are planted as the bottom layer, and smaller bulbs of birdman, muscari or chionodox are laid out on top of lightly sprinkled tulips.

Location in the flower garden and neighboring plants

First of all, you need to decide on the composition of the composition, which will include tulips. If early spring flowering is foreseen (for example, with muscari or early daffodils), then early varieties are selected that are well combined in color - contrasting or monochrome (of the same shade). Usually, terry yellow varieties of tulips look good with bright blue muscari, and white and bright red varieties look good with sunny daffodils.

Late-flowering tulips are selected in combination with ground cover rampant at this time - arabis, splayed phlox, sapling, as well as forget-me-not, badans and late daffodils.

If annuals are planted in place of faded tulips, then in this case special baskets for bulbs are used. These plastic nets are convenient in that plants that have lost their appearance can be easily moved to a secluded place for the bulbs to ripen.

Often tulips are planted with perennials with powerful foliage (hostas, panicled phloxes, meadow geraniums). Growing up by the time the tulips dry up, they perfectly decorate the unsightly appearance of the bulbs.

Video "Planting tulips".


To ensure a quick and friendly start in the spring, for autumn digging apply fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus ("Autumn Fasco" or slow-acting granules (for example, "AVA").

spring tulips should be fed with a solution of urea, and in the second half of May - with superphosphate. Top dressing is combined with watering or carried out after rain.


During the growing season and flowering, tulips require sufficient soil moisture, but without waterlogging, which can result in damage to plants by various diseases.

In addition, excess moisture leads to the fact that cracks appear on the bulbs, which, of course, worsens the quality of the bulb and, subsequently, the plant, moreover, such a bulb is stored worse.

The lack of moisture depletes the plant, it produces smaller and less beautiful flowers, and also forms fewer daughter bulbs.

Therefore, proper watering is important. Tulips are watered infrequently, up to 3 times during the growing season, this applies even to the southern regions. But at the same time, each watering should be plentiful, the water consumption is about 50 liters per 1 sq. meter. Water should reach a depth of 30-35 cm, where the roots of the bulbs are located.

The myth of "pollination" of tulips

The most common complaint among novice flower growers is the following: “All my beautiful tulips have pollinated and become ordinary.” This was discussed above when it was said that the pollination of one variety by another does not in any way affect the cloning of its children by the bulb through vegetative propagation.

However, the fact of replacing chic parrot, lily-colored, fringed varieties with ordinary simple ones over time is obvious, and it happens very often. What's the matter?

And the point, as a rule, is the elementary laziness of summer residents, coupled with a lack of knowledge on tulip farming. Its most important rule says: in order for the plants to be always beautiful, powerful and correspond to the variety, they need:

  • dig out in time
  • disassemble,
  • properly store and
  • planted again in due time.

Tulip digging and storage

    dig out in time

    This means that you need to wait until the outflow of nutrients from the leaves into the scales occurs, a replacement bulb and babies form. As a rule, this period falls on the end of June - the beginning of July. If you are late - the nest will fall apart, and many babies will be lost, dig out earlier - the new bulb will not have time to ripen. How to find the golden mean? Use the old Dutch way: if the tulip stem has lost its fragility and easily wraps around your finger, dig boldly!


    This means making an analysis of the size of the bulbs and varieties. As a rule, simple tulips (especially red ones) are very stable and unpretentious, they give a lot of stolons with children and literally crowd out the weak and pampered, which are modern varietal specimens. Hence the myth of "pollination". As soon as the grower begins to mark the best varieties with beacons and dig them out in time, spring will immediately begin to be painted only with your favorite flowers.

    Properly store

    Dug and sorted bulbs are placed in lattice boxes and dried for 2-3 days under a canopy. Then they are laid out in 2 rows, layered with newspapers, and sent to a moderately warm (25 ° C) and ventilated place (attic, barn). There they will be stored until September, periodically subjected to revision and rejection of dry and rotten children.

    Plant on time

    We repeat once again that when planting tulips, it is important to observe the correct dates indicated in the section "When to plant tulips"

flower history

Among the ephemeroids grown in our gardens (the so-called plants with a short growing season), tulips confidently occupy a leading position. Not a single early-flowering perennial can compete with them in the beauty of the flower, the variety of forms, and unpretentiousness.
Europe has been admiring this magnificent plant for a little less than 500 years. Trial batches of tulips, brought by Byzantine merchants to Vienna in the 26th century, quickly won the recognition of European flower growers. Obviously, merchants, acquiring placers of bulbs in their homeland - the territory of present-day Kazakhstan, did not even imagine that this product would be more promising than spices and silks.

The flower-tulip fever that swept through Holland, France, and Italy in those days testified to the extreme popularity of the new perennial. It raised the poor to the crest of wealth and plunged the rich into the abyss of bankruptcy. The tulip fascination has spawned hundreds of incredible new shapes and varieties, from the mysterious "black tulips" to the fantastically unusual parrot and fringed ones.
The Netherlands has remained true to this love for these beautiful bulbous plants and is confidently leading the world in sales, offering planting material in millions of batches every year.

9 minutes to read

During the Ottoman Empire, only very rich people could afford to grow tulips in their garden. The bulbs of this plant were literally sold for their weight in gold, and the technology of growing and breeding was protected as a state secret. Today, this spring flower is one of the first to open its delicate petals in almost every city flower bed. And for those who wish to grow tulips on their own plot, planting and care in the open field is no longer such an unshakable secret as in the days of Medieval Turkey.

Plant features

Despite the fact that the tulip is from Asia, the flower is frost-resistant and tolerates winters well. The planting of the bulb of the plant is carried out in the fall, the flowering period falls on the end of April - the beginning of June.

Tulips Triumph

The stems are straight, reach a height of 5 cm to 1 m and have a round cross section. The leaves of the plant are elongated, lanceolate. The flowers are usually solitary, and the petals come in a variety of colors - white, lilac, yellow, burgundy, black, two-tone.

Reference. Traditionally, tulips bloom in spring. But if desired, you can achieve flowering in winter, summer and even autumn.

Varieties and classification of tulips

It is customary to classify tulips according to the timing of flowering and the color of the petals.

Tulips Darwin

According to the timing of flowering, four groups are distinguished:

  1. Early flowering - these include early simple and double tulips.
  2. Triumph tulips and Darwin tulip hybrids are called mid-flowering.
  3. Late-bloomers include Cottage or late simple tulip, lily-flowered, fringed, green-flowered, parrot, Rembrandt tulip and late double tulip.
  4. Separately, a group of hybrids and varieties of Foster, Kaufman, Greig tulips and wild-growing species are singled out.

According to the color of the petals and colors, tulips are divided into:

  • feather-like;
  • flaming;
  • striped;
  • plain;
  • mixed;
  • bicolor.

Reference. The mixed color of the petals appeared from the defeat of the plant by a viral disease. This virus remains in the bulb that tulips propagate, so the ripple effect is inherited. Unfortunately, over time, the disease weakens the plant, it becomes more vulnerable to bacteria and fungi, and its flower stalks become low-decorative and unattractive.


For those wishing to breed tulips, the reproduction of these flowers will not cause any particular difficulties. Landing is carried out from the second decade of September to the first decade of October. Flowers are placed in flowerbeds and rabatka, both separately and in combination with other bulbs.

tulip bulbs

Bulbs must be sorted before planting:

  1. Sort them by size.
  2. Those affected by the disease and with mechanical damage are discarded.
  3. Hide healthy specimens in linen bags or paper bags.
  4. Be sure to make a note with a description of the variety.

Important! Separately, flowers are planted on the beds, which are intended for cutting. To do this, use small bulbs. Large planting material is intended for flower beds, where it is also planned to grow other bulbs.

Preparing for landing

An important component of preparing for planting flowers is the correct choice of a site for a flower bed. For this, the following rules are followed:

  • heavy soils and sandy soils are not suitable for tulips, they need humus-rich sandy loamy soils;
  • in clay areas, the situation can be corrected by adding river sand;
  • unnecessarily light soils add soddy land, peat, humus;
  • the site must be closed from the wind;
  • tulips develop well in sufficiently sunlit places, otherwise the bulbs of the plant become smaller;
  • late varieties can be planted in partial shade;
  • the site should be flat, flowers grow poorly on the slopes;
  • a favorable condition for the growth of tulips is the high standing of groundwater.

Important! Although tulips need high groundwater, stagnant water negatively affects plant health. In such conditions, they are more susceptible to fungal infection. Therefore, the topsoil must be well aerated. For this, drainage ditches are additionally arranged.

The selected area must be properly fertilized. It is important not to overdo it here. An excess of organic matter negatively affects flowering - the petals become irregular in shape, the flower stalks are bent.

Tulips Rembrandt

It is unacceptable to bring fresh manure under the bulbs, because of this they rot, lose their ability to reproduce.

Soil preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The earth is preliminarily limed, since neutral or slightly alkaline soils are suitable for tulips.
  2. Mature humus is added to the soil 2-3 months before planting.
  3. A good effect on flowers is the introduction of 2-year-old compost.
  4. If it is necessary to improve the soil, the selected place is sown with green manure before planting.
  5. Subsequently, the beveled green manure is plowed into the ground.

planting tulips

The bulbs are planted in September so that they have time to take root before the arrival of frost. The earth at this time should be moderately wet. Therefore, it is recommended to plant tulips after rain. If there was no precipitation for a long time, then the beds should be watered.

Tulips in the garden

When you plan to plant several groups of tulips in a flower bed, it is recommended to draw up their diagram on a piece of paper. In the future, this will simplify the care of flowers, and the bulbs will be easier to collect for harvesting for storage.

The ridges are arranged with a height of about 15 cm. So the soil warms up more quickly and excess water does not stagnate. The width of the ridges is made at least 1 m. The aisles are allocated 0.4-0.5 m of area.

Landing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. On the beds, marks are made for planting at a distance of about 25 cm.
  2. In these places, furrows are dug with a depth of no more than 20 cm. If the bulbs are small, then the planting holes are made smaller.
  3. Sand is added to the bottom of the furrow with a layer of about 2 cm, planting material is laid out on it every 6-7 cm.
  4. The bottom of the bulb is pressed into the ground, after which it is covered with nutrient soil. It should contain humus at the rate of 9-10 kg per 1 sq. m. and mineral fertilizer.
  5. After planting, the beds are mulched with humus, compost with a layer of at least 2 cm. In the southern regions, to protect the soil from elevated temperatures, it is covered with crushed overripe leaves. Sand is also suitable for these purposes.

If a small number of tulips are to be planted, separate holes for the bulbs are dug with an ordinary scoop. The landing technology is the same as in the above scheme. The bulbs are buried in the sand and covered with earth from the next hole.

On large areas under the furrows, it is more convenient to use a plow. Planting is carried out with row spacing of 60-65 cm, the bulbs are placed in furrows every 10-15 cm - the optimal distance depends on their size.

Important! Soil composition should be taken into account when determining planting depth. In the southern regions on sandy soils, the landing is done deeper. In the northern latitudes, heavy soils freeze through more strongly, so the depth is made shallower.

Further care

With plants such as tulips, growing and caring for them does not take much time. After landing, they practically do not need attention, and until spring they do not even remember about planting. But as soon as the snow begins to melt and the first shoots appear from the ground, they must be immediately carefully examined. If diseased, retarded plants, or non-sprouted bulbs are found, these are immediately removed from the beds and destroyed.

Decoration of flower beds with tulips

Weak frosts are not detrimental to tulips. During the period of bud formation, these flowers are able to withstand negative temperatures. But what cannot be denied to plants is regular loosening, weeding and sufficient moisture.

These plants are very moisture-loving. They especially need watering during the active growth of the flower stem. In doing so, the following rules are observed:

  • on average, 20-30 liters of water per 1 square meter is considered the norm. area;
  • It is undesirable to water flowers from a hose. This method is ineffective. Among other things, falling drops on a plant in sunny weather is fraught with burns;
  • in order to moisten along the beds, it is better to dig grooves through which to irrigate.

Loosening and weeding is performed after watering. So weeds are easier to remove, moisture is better distributed in the soil, air exchange improves. After flowering stops, the intensity of soil moisture is reduced.


Top dressing of tulips with fertilizers is carried out in the phase of active vegetation three times. This is done immediately after watering:

  1. The first fertilization is carried out when the plant has reached a length of 5 cm. The crushed dressing is distributed between the rows and embedded in the soil. It is better to perform this procedure in the morning. To do this, use nitrogen fertilizers, phosphorus and potash in ratios of 2:1:1.
  2. The second top dressing is carried out during the formation of buds. Fertilizers are dissolved in water and applied to the soil through grooves. This time the proportions should be maintained 1:2:1.
  3. For the third time, tulips are fertilized during the flowering period, but no later than 1.5 weeks after the previous one. It is carried out according to the principle of the second feeding.

Important! On large-scale plantings, fertilizers are applied only in dry crushed form. They are sprinkled on the moist surface of the soil after watering, then they are embedded in the soil when loosening.

Plant care after flowering

Tulips have a short growing season. When they bloom, their leaves dry up. But in the meantime, the formation of a new flower continues in the bulb. Therefore, the apparent dormant period is deceptive, and these days tulips also require special care - weeding from weeds, regular loosening of the soil.

Tulips in landscape design

Do not rush to dig up the bulbs immediately after flowering. This will lead to a loss in the quality of planting material - the bulbs become smaller, the decorative appearance of the flower becomes worse. Subsequently, they will have to grow.

So that drying plants do not spoil the overall appearance of the flower bed, they are allowed to be transplanted into boxes or individual pots. Containers are left in partial shade in the fresh air. When the leaves are completely dry, the bulbs can be taken out of the ground and taken to dry.

The timing of the start of the dormant period of tulip bulbs is different:

  • early varieties are dug up first, followed by medium-flowering and late-flowering varieties, respectively;
  • in the southern regions, the bulbs begin to get out of the soil in the last decade of June;
  • in the northern regions and middle latitudes, digging begins in the second decade of July.

Storing tulip bulbs

The bulbs are left to dry in a warm room. It is important that there are no temperature fluctuations, otherwise the scales will crack. High humidity is unacceptable, this creates favorable conditions for the development of mold, causing the planting material to rot and become unusable.

For good drying:

  1. The bulbs are laid out on a matting in a thin layer.
  2. The temperature is maintained at +23-25°C.
  3. Wet planting material is additionally arranged for ventilation.
  4. The process takes about 2-3 weeks, during which time the buds of the future replacement bulb should form.
  5. After that, the bulbs are cleaned from the roots and scales.

Dried and peeled bulbs are sorted into daughter and replacement bulbs. All sick, poorly developed children are culled. The rest are laid out in separate trays and placed in storage.

In the first days of storage, the room temperature is maintained at +15-18°С, gradually decreasing to +12-14°С. From time to time, planting material is checked for the presence of ticks, the development of fungal diseases. For prevention, planting material can be treated with powdered sulfur.

In contact with

Tulips are very popular flowers, today we will talk about planting and caring for them in the open field. Their beauty has won the hearts of many people. Modest flowers adorn not only household plots, but also city flower beds. Fashion for tulips came to us from Holland. Magnificent flowers do not cease to delight with their beauty and rich palette of colors for many years. They began to grow tulips in Persia. Then they learned about their existence in Turkey and Europe. The name of the flower comes from the oriental headdress "turban". In Turkey, this graceful flower is usually worn in a turban.

The tulip is a member of the Liliaceae family. There are many garden varieties of these beautiful flowers. The height of the plant depends on the variety. The size of miniature species does not exceed 20 cm. There are tulips 70 cm high.

Bell-shaped flowers come in a variety of colors. Tulip petals are both simple and double. And now more about

Growing tulips outdoors

Choosing bulbs for planting

It is advisable to buy tulip bulbs before the start of the planting season. The most suitable time for this is the end of July - mid-September, when they are at rest. During the planting season, it will be very difficult to acquire high-quality planting material. In the spring, as a rule, they sell old bulbs that they did not have time to sell last season.

Preference should be given to bulbs with a thin golden skin. Cracks on them should not scare you. The main thing is that the bulb itself is not damaged, since the planting material is easily injured.

A thick, dense bulb with dark brown scales indicates that it is not suitable for planting, it will be very difficult for the roots to germinate.

If it is not possible to immediately plant flowers, tulip bulbs are cleaned in a cool room. They are stored separately from other bulbs. If sick bulbs are caught, they will infect healthy ones.

As for the size, it is better to take young, healthy, medium-sized bulbs. They should look good. On a bulb unsuitable for planting, there will be mechanical damage, mold spots, and dried pulp.

The surface of the bulb should be dense and clean. It will not be superfluous to take the bulb in your hand. A small weight indicates illness. A healthy bulb feels heavy to the touch.

When buying, you need to inspect the bottom of the bulb. Root tubercles are visible on quality bulbs. You should not buy planting material with a soft bottom, rotten or sprouted roots.

When should tulips be planted? Landing times and times

Central Asia is the birthplace of almost all varieties of tulips. In their natural environment, they grow in the steppes, deserts, foothills, in mountainous arid regions. In early spring they form bright flowering carpets. With the onset of heat, beautiful tulips fade. But the bulbs continue to exist, deepening into the ground. In autumn, new roots appear on them. In the spring, waking up from their winter sleep, tulips bloom again, delighting us with their beauty.

In nature, tulips bloom only after winter cooling. During this time, they accumulate special nutrients that help them germinate.

Planting tulips in autumn

Experienced flower growers plant tulips only in autumn. Planting time depends on the region where flowers are grown and climatic conditions.

In the conditions of the middle lane, tulips are best planted at the end of September.

In the southern regions, this has been done since the beginning of October, when the thermometer drops to 7-10 ° C. The root system of bulbs is formed 3-4 weeks. Keep in mind that the weather can make adjustments.

With early planting, the rooting process is delayed, the bulbs can become ill with Fusarium. In addition, in warm weather, the bed can become overgrown with weeds that will take strength from the tulips.

Too late to plant flowers is also not recommended. Due to frost, the root system may not form. They may rot or freeze. Usually such tulips do not bloom well, their bulbs are not suitable for further planting.

If the bulbs were planted in November, they are covered for the winter with spruce branches or foliage.

Planting tulips in spring

Spring is an unfavorable time for planting tulips. Flowers, of course, will grow, but will bloom later. To speed up flowering before planting, the bulbs are placed in the refrigerator overnight.

After cooling, they are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and planted in open ground. This must be done before April. If frosts still occur in your area at this time, the bulbs are first planted in containers, and then carefully transplanted into a flower bed.

Site selection and site preparation for tulips

  • Tulips will be most comfortable in a well-lit place.
  • Graceful flowers cannot stand drafts, so they must be protected from strong winds.
  • They are suitable for areas with a flat surface that are protected from groundwater.
  • For normal growth and development, flowers need a thick fertile layer of earth.
  • They like loose soils with neutral to moderate acidity.

When choosing a place to plant, it is worth considering which plant was grown here before. Vegetable crops and flowers are considered good predecessors. In order to avoid infection with viral diseases, they cannot be planted in place of nightshade and bulbous.

The growth of tulips largely depends on the choice of soil. It should be loose, fertile, well pass moisture and air. Loamy soils and sandy loam rich in humus are most suitable for them. Other soils can be enriched by applying certain fertilizers.

Sandy lands dry out quickly and contain few nutrients. To eliminate these shortcomings, tulips will have to be watered more often and fed with mineral fertilizers.

With heavy clay soils it will be more difficult. In order for them to become suitable for tulips, coarse river sand, peat, and rotted manure are added to them. This will help increase the permeability of the soil. When using peat, its increased acidity is neutralized with chalk or lime. During the period of intensive growth, heavy soils should be loosened more often.

In the spring, at the place of the future planting of tulips, slowly decomposing organic fertilizers should be applied to the soil. Mature manure or compost works well.

planting tulips

Only healthy and high-quality bulbs are suitable for cultivation. Before planting, all bulbs must be carefully inspected in order to identify infected material in time.

If you are going to plant bulbs that you have grown on your own, they must be pickled in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Planting material purchased from a specialized store or garden center is fully prepared for planting.

For planting tulips, it is necessary to prepare beds 1-1.2 meters wide with longitudinal or transverse furrows. The length of the ridge can be any size.

Prepared bulbs are gently pressed into the bottom of the furrow, so as not to damage the root system, they are covered with earth.

Planting depth depends on bulb size and soil type.

On light soils, tulips are planted deeper than on heavy soils. A distance of 20 cm is kept between rows. Bulbs are planted every 9-10 cm.

Many flower growers plant tulips with a tube. To do this, take a metal tube 5 cm in diameter with a piston that can be fixed. Having chosen a column of earth of the desired depth, the bulb is lowered into the hole, and the earth is pushed out with a piston. This method has many advantages. Properly planted bulbs will be protected from damage, and your hands will not freeze.

Plastic baskets are also used for planting tulips.. This method is simple. The bulbs are carefully laid out along the bottom of the basket, the container is placed in the prepared recess and sprinkled with earth. Flower bulbs will not be able to get lost in the ground. At any time they can be dug up.

When mass planting tulips in the prepared area, a layer of soil 10-15 cm thick is removed, the bulbs are laid out and sprinkled with earth. With this planting method, you can make a floral pattern using tulips of different colors.

Video about planting tulips

Tulip Care Rules

Despite the fact that tulips are unpretentious plants that are resistant to various diseases, improper care of these modest flowers can lead to rotting of the bulbs, stem deformation and the appearance of blind buds.

Well-prepared land makes it much easier to care for flowers.

As a rule, tulips come out from under the snow in late March - early April. If you covered the flowers for the winter, the mulch is removed immediately when the snow melts. The earth will warm up faster, and tulips will bloom earlier.

When the first sprouts of flowers appear, they should be well examined in order to identify defective and diseased bulbs. To prevent the disease from spreading to healthy tulips, bad bulbs are dug up and destroyed.

To increase the access of oxygen to the roots, the ground around the sprouts must be carefully loosened. This procedure is carried out throughout the entire period of intensive growth of tulips. It is especially important to loosen the soil after watering.

Tulips need moderate watering before flowering. Overdrying of the top layer of the earth should be avoided.

Fertilizing tulips with fertilizers:

  1. When the sprouts appear from the ground, they must be fed with nitrogenous fertilizers so that the foliage grows.
  2. The second top dressing is carried out when several leaves of the tulip unfold. This time you need to use complex mineral fertilizers.
  3. During the formation of buds, flowers really need phosphorus and potassium.
  4. The last time complex mineral fertilizers are applied when the buds open.

When fertilizing, precautions should be taken so that the flowers do not get burned. Fertilizers are applied in cloudy weather or during irrigation.

During flowering, watering tulips should be plentiful, water them only with warm water. In order for them to develop well, they should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Bulb development is facilitated by manganese, zinc and boron.

During flowering, tulips are also inspected, digging up diseased specimens.

Tulips bloom very quickly. After wilting, the flowers are watered for another 2-3 weeks. Inflorescences that have faded must be pinched off so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of seeds.

When to dig up tulips?

Ordinary red varieties usually grow in one place for several years without digging and transplanting. But varietal tulips, in order to preserve decorativeness, need to be dug up. Otherwise, they will go deep into the ground, and the flowers will become smaller.

At the end of mid-June, when the leaves wither halfway and become soft, you can start digging.

After removing from the ground, the bulbs are cleaned, dried in the shade. Then they are placed in boxes or boxes in a thin layer and left until autumn in a room with a temperature of about 20 ° C. It must be well ventilated.

It is necessary to sort out and check the bulbs during storage - remove the diseased and rotten ones immediately.

Video about digging and storing bulbs

Reproduction of tulips

Tulips can be propagated by seeds and babies.

The seed method is very long - this is a job for professionals and for breeding new varieties. Seeds are sown in boxes and grown for 3 years in one place, then planted on a separate bed for growing. And they keep growing for a few more years. The first flowering may be 5-6 years after sowing. And they become truly decorative after 10 years.

And at the same time, the varietal characteristics of the parents are not inherited. So tulips are cross-pollinated flowers.

It is easier and faster to grow tulips from babies. Moreover, the children retain the varietal characteristics of the parent onion.

To quickly form small onions, you need to cut the flower during flowering. Then, at the usual time, we dig out the bulb, after the leaves have withered.

Small onions are separated and planted in autumn in a separate bed. Sheltered for the winter. Grow them for two or three years, pluck the flowers. Let them grow a good full-fledged bulb before flowering.

Every summer they dig up, like adult flowering bulbs.

Mouse Protection

Mice love to feast on bulbs left in the ground. To protect the flowers from rodents, it is necessary to plant daffodils and hazel grouse in the area next to the tulips. The bulbs of these plants are poisonous to mice. Also, pests cannot stand flower beds with cynoglossum.

You can take care of the safety of the bulbs in advance by carefully treating them with a spray bottle before planting with kerosene or Vishnevsky ointment. Mice are also repelled by the smell of red ground pepper. In the fight against rodents, you can use granular poison. It is buried next to beautiful tulips.

Plant tulips with pleasure in your plots - now planting and caring for them will not make it difficult for you!

Tulip is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the Liliaceae family, which has earned an enviable popularity in the world of breeding and horticulture in its history and occupies a prominent place in the list of the most popular ornamental plants.


The homeland of the tulip is Türkiye. In the middle of the 16th century, despite all the export restrictions, the flower was transported to the capital of Austria, and then to Holland. English, French, German merchants are fond of growing tulips. In those distant times, they are grown in the gardens of only noble and wealthy people. In Russia, these flowers appear during the time of Peter I.


Many beautiful legends and symbolic meanings are associated with tulips. Gentle and touching, they symbolize love, joy, happiness. The time of flowering tulips is associated with the arrival of spring, holidays and good mood.


The plant admires the variety of varieties. The color of the flowers is striking in its color. They can be of the same color (white, yellow, red, purple, etc.), or they can combine several different shades.

The shape of the flower is bell-shaped, goblet-shaped, cup-shaped, in the form of a lily.

Goblet Cupped Oval Parrot Lilyflowered
Double Fringed Flower Forms

According to the terms, the varieties are divided into two types:

  • Early flowering;
  • Late flowering.

The beginning of the point of growth is a bulb, from which a straight stem appears with several leaves and one flower. The fruit is a trihedral box with triangular, flat, brown seeds.

Tulips grow well in full sun. An important condition is protection from the wind. In such places, tulips look healthier, brighter, bloom earlier.

Tulips are grown in group plantings of one or more varieties. Tulips prefer light, loose, rich, moderately moist soils. An important condition for growing are "clean beds", freed from weeds.


The bulbs are planted in the fall, when the period of natural biological dormancy ends in tulips. Only healthy bulbs are used for planting. Choose a time before the soil freezes, otherwise the bulbs may not have time to take root.

The landing pattern can be very different. Planting density is maintained up to 15-20 cm, depth up to 10-15 cm. Prepared holes or grooves are carefully watered and the bulbs are laid out in them with the bottom down. They fall asleep with earth, a layer of 5-10 cm.

Tulips tolerate winter well. During winters with little snow and low temperatures, plantings are covered with insulating organic material - peat, humus, leaves.


Growing tulips is easy. These are hardy plants that require little care. Start care in the spring. After the snow cover has melted, the plantings are carefully loosened, with dry soil, regular, moderate watering is carried out. Tulips love moisture.

During the growth period of the tulip, three top dressings are carried out using solutions of organic and mineral fertilizers:

  • The first is carried out after the emergence of shoots;
  • The second - during budding;
  • The third - after flowering.

Regularly carry out weeding and loosening. Blooming tulips are not cut off, but broken off, leaving as many leaves as possible. After flowering, watering is reduced, wilted flowers are removed so that the plant does not waste energy on seed ripening. After yellowing and wilting of the leaves, the bulbs are dug up. So that the bulbs do not shrink, the digging procedure is repeated every season.
Before storage, the bulbs are disinfected in a four percent solution of karbofos to prevent diseases and protect against pests. Then dry in the shade, in the open air, for a week.

Before storage, the bulbs are sorted, selecting large and medium sizes. Children are separated at the same time. Storage areas should have low ambient light and good ventilation.

The storage temperature should be around 17-20 degrees C. In such conditions, the bulbs are stored until planting in open ground.


You can propagate tulips:

  • seeds;
  • With the help of bulbs.

Seed propagation is used more often by breeders. Reproduction with bulbs is faster and more efficient. For these purposes, bulbs with a diameter of at least 12 cm are selected. It is believed that these are the ones that inherit the main varietal characteristics. Smaller bulbs need to be grown at home before planting in open ground.

Diseases and pests

Tulips can be affected by viral diseases. One of these is variegation, which is manifested by the presence of spots, strokes, stripes on leaves and flower petals. It is very difficult to deal with such diseases. It is important to observe disinfection measures, and if the plant is damaged, it is better to destroy it.

Fungal diseases may occur. These include various rots:

  • Root;
  • Gray;
  • White;
  • soft;
  • wet;
  • Tobacco necrosis virus, known as "August disease".

Plants affected by these diseases are also best removed, and the planting site and neighboring plants are disinfected with antifungal drugs. Ash treatment can be applied.

To protect against pests (bears, scoops, slugs), traps are placed and hung. Against rodents, the bulbs are sprayed with iron minium and mousetraps are placed.

Tulips are delicate spring flowers that delight the eye after dull gray winter days. To grow them in your yard, you need to know the rules for planting and caring for this crop.

The flower that conquered the world

Its homeland is considered to be Central Asia. It owes its name to the Turkic word "turban" and was named so because of the similarity of the shape of the bud with this headdress. The researchers find the first mention of a flower in Old Persian fables dating back to the 11-12th century. They began to engage in its selection in Turkey. People were so kind to the flower that they even arranged holidays in his honor. These flowers came to Europe only at the end of the 16th century. Holland turned out to be the most optimal conditions for climate and soil for them. At one time, tulips in this country were a kind of currency: a document confirming the purchase of a house for three bulbs of this flower has survived to this day. Europe was swept by tulip mania: houses were decorated with flowers, jewelry, dishes, forged and wooden products were made in the shape of a bud. Tulips were brought to Russia in the 17th century, and the Caucasus turned out to be the most suitable region for growing. Today, breeders around the world are working on breeding new varieties, adapting them to the climate conditions of different countries. Even in Siberia, these flowers are already grown.

Autumn planting in open ground

Flower growers often argue whether to plant tulips in the fall or should it be done in the spring? Just look at the life cycle of wild flowers and everything will fall into place. Who was in Central Asia in early spring, he certainly admired the slopes of the mountains, decorated with wild tulips. They grow at a fairly low temperature, when the sun's rays are just beginning to warm the earth. The heat is detrimental to this crop, so most of the year, including winter, tulip bulbs are in cool soil, preparing for the next season. Breeding varieties are no different from their ancestors. Planting in open ground in spring is unusual for a plant, and even with the most careful care, the flower blooms very late.

In autumn, for temperate regions, October is considered the best period for planting. The average daily temperature of the soil should be + 7- + 10 degrees. You can start planting later, in November, but it is recommended to do this only in the garden, where the flower beds are covered with shrubs and trees. Caring for a new flower garden in this case involves careful mulching with foliage or spruce branches.

Why is autumn the most favorable time? The life cycle of this plant looks like this: first it takes root and goes dormant for the winter. In the spring, the peduncle breaks through, the plant gains strength, new bulbs are laid during the growing season, and the old ones die off after flowering. Summer is the period of formation of the future peduncle and flower rudiments. It turns out that this culture simply needs to be in the ground during winter dormancy.

spring planting

This method of cultivation is used mainly in the northern regions. Unlike tulips planted in the ground in autumn, the flower at the spring bookmark will appear a little later and will be less strong, but this will not prevent the plant from laying new bulbs and flower stalks to please the grower next year. Care will also be somewhat different.

If in April there are no more frosts on the soil, then you can safely break flower beds as soon as the snow melts. Bulbs in this case are planted at the end of March. In regions with a more severe climate, during spring planting, it is recommended to first germinate them in a container and only then transfer them to the ground. Some flower growers decorate their plot throughout the summer: 14-21 days are given for rooting, and another 14 for the appearance of the first shoots. Botanical tulips look especially beautiful in the design of alpine slides.

Attention! In order for the plant to complete its full life cycle and prepare the bulb for the next season, planting is carried out no later than July 1.

Spring planting material is stored in a special way. Since this culture needs cold to ripen the flower bud, it is better to store the bulbs in a dark, cool place. It can be a vegetable compartment in the refrigerator or a cellar. Often used and the method of storage in a container with soil. It is important to remember that for flowering in the first year, a cold environment must be maintained for 4-5 months, otherwise instead of beautiful flowers in the first year, you can get only green leaves.

Planting garden tulips step by step

  • Soil temperature should be + 7- + 10 degrees. With an earlier landing, there is a risk of developing a fungal infection with Fusarium, and a late planting will not allow the root system to develop.
  • It is better to break a flower bed on a flat sunny area, protected from the wind. You need to think about the neighbors in advance: tulips do not get along next to moisture-loving flowers. For planting under trees in the country, only strong varieties are suitable, mostly botanical, which are able to withstand cold and weeds. In the garden, you can arrange a flower bed next to perennials that will give greenery and flowers by the beginning of summer.
  • The soil should be fairly loose (loamy or sandy), but clay soil will have to be diluted with peat or compost. In terms of pH, it should be neutral or slightly acidic soil. If this indicator exceeds 7.0-7.5 pH, then you need to resort to liming.
  • If the site is waterlogged (high groundwater content), then it is necessary to use drainage and make high flower beds.
  • A month before planting, the earth is dug up, weeds are removed and allowed to settle. Then fertilizers are applied. Attention! Do not use fresh manure, as the bulbs can rot from this.
  • Before planting, the bulbs are pickled with a solution of manganese (0.5%) for 20 minutes.
  • The grooves are made 5-15 cm deep, depending on the size of the bulbs. In order for the plant to develop freely, the distance between the furrows is left 15-25 cm. The earth must be moist.
  • If fertilizer was not previously applied, then dry top dressing is poured into the furrows and covered with a layer of sand (2-3 cm).

  • Tulips are planted bottom down, leaving a distance of 8-10 cm between them to allow the formation of children.
  • When planting bush tulips, the bulbs are placed more densely. This is due to the fact that by its nature this culture is mono-flowered, so the buds are prepared for flowering in turn. Group planting will give a more abundant bush.
  • Next, cover the furrows with the removed earth. Do not tamp. If necessary, you can mulch the flower bed with peat or fallen leaves (layer 3-5 cm). This will retain moisture, protect against frost and prevent the earth from cracking.

Care rules

Although the ancestors of these flowers are wild, it will take a lot of work to preserve the species.

  • Watering. The tulip does not like waterlogging, while it needs water to form roots. The root system of this plant is small enough to get moisture from deep in the soil, so this crop needs regular surface watering, especially during budding, flowering and for 2 weeks after it. At the same time, moisture should not fall on the leaves, so as not to cause them to burn. Bush (multi-flowered) varieties are especially in need of water.
  • Triple feed. When seedlings appear, phosphorus, nitrogen and potash fertilizers are applied (30x30x20 g per bucket of water). The second time in the proportion of 30x20x20 g per bucket before flowering. The third top dressing is carried out only with phosphate and potash fertilizers (30 × 20 g) when the tulip has faded.
  • One of the rules of care is the removal of the seed box after flowering. So the plant will focus all its forces on the development of the bulb.

Attention! The seed propagation method is used only by breeders to develop new varieties.

  • Digging is carried out annually. If you neglect this rule of care, the flowers may degenerate. Every year, at least one new bulb will form in place of one old planted bulb, which will eventually lead to their crowding. As soon as the upper leaves turn completely yellow, and the two lower leaves begin to turn yellow, the bulb is taken out of the ground and stored in a cool place.
  • Sorting of planting material is carried out after digging. Scales are removed, the condition of the bulbs is checked at the time of various lesions. For storage, lattice boxes are used, which cannot be covered, otherwise the released ethylene can kill the children.

  • Caring for tulips involves a regular change of site. This usually happens every 3-4 years, and for Dutch varieties annually.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the health of the flower. This species is most often affected by the variegation virus. Visually, this is manifested in the appearance of spots and stripes on the leaves and petals. An infected plant cannot be cured. This species is also affected by fungi. The reason is a violation of the agrotechnical features of cultivation. To avoid rot, you can carry out prevention by watering the flower bed with fungicides.
  • The main pests of the flower are rodents, a bear, snails and a root onion mite. To combat them, special drugs are used. There are also preventive measures: after digging, the bulbs are disinfected with karbofos and hot water.