Heated floor in the bathroom with his own hands. Underfloor heating in the bathroom Infrared underfloor heating for the bathroom

Tiles are one of the best options for decorating flooring in a bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. It does not deteriorate from exposure to moisture and is very durable. However, when walking on it, it can be unpleasant for the feet to feel cold, because this material cools down rather quickly and does not hold heat. That is why infrared underfloor heating under the tiles is a great option to make both the bathroom and the kitchen as comfortable as possible.

In the construction market, there are several options for organizing a warm floor in rooms - these are water and electric type systems, moreover, the latter are of two types - cable and film. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which can significantly affect the final choice of the home owner. And all the nuances should be taken into account even at the stage of designing the design and renovation of the premises.

Water floors are a system of pipes through which hot water flows, supplied from a central heating system or from autonomous boilers. Such floors are usually equipped with a screed, but there are options that can be equipped without pouring cement mixtures.

On a note! Due to the need to fill the screed, the ceiling height in the room is reduced by at least 7-10 cm. Also, water floors can not always be equipped in apartments located in houses of the old fund, due to the inability to connect to the central heating system (the load on it will be too great ).

An electric cable floor is a system created from a heating cable laid on a rough base and also filled with a screed. Sometimes the cable can be laid without pouring the cement mixture. Such a floor works, as you might guess, from the mains.

- These are also electrical systems, only the base is heated by infrared radiation. The system consists of thin film mats laid on the floor and generating heat. Typically, such floors are laid on top of a flooded screed. One of the main advantages of using IR floors is the absence of a significant increase in the level of the floor due to the absence of the need to pour the screed.

Is it possible to lay the film floor under the tiles?

It is easy to answer this question, but before that it is important to analyze the operating conditions of the floor, see recommendations for laying the system. The instructions for heating sheets indicate that they can be laid under laminate, and under wood, including tile. Thus, the installation of this system under the tile can be done safely.

On a note! Infrared floor systems can be mounted even outdoors under porcelain stoneware slabs, since such heating is not afraid of water exposure. Thus, there will never be ice-covered paths near the house.

In general, IR floors are usually laid under laminate, carpet, etc. using the so-called “dry installation” technology. But, nevertheless, they are also laid under the tiles, but already using tile adhesive, and sometimes screeds or mixtures for self-leveling floors. However, in the last two cases, it is important to remember some features of the work.

In general, a cable floor can be used under the tile - it will most likely last longer than a film one, and is a type of floor heating specially designed for this type of work. At least for a "wet" installation, it is ideal. However, if you install infrared floors correctly and in compliance with all safety requirements (grounding, work in a dry room, etc.), there should be no problems with them.

The principle of operation of film coatings

IR floors are a rather thin film, between the layers of which there are strips created from graphite (carbon fiber). It is these black stripes that are the very heating elements, due to which the system begins to generate heat. There are also film floors completely covered with carbon. The film is laid out on the prepared floor base, connected by wires to the power supply network and starts to heat up. All surfaces around the film are heated by infrared radiation.

Infrared film - photo

The floor heats up very quickly due to the operation of the film, and thanks to the “smart” thermostat, it turns off after heating. Thus, the IR floor only works for about 20 minutes per hour. If necessary, the system restarts and heats the base.

Infrared floor has the highest efficiency compared to other types of floor heating systems. It heats up quite quickly, while consuming a very small amount of electricity. Thus, it is very economical.

The film is great for laying in any type of room, be it a bedroom, a nursery, a hall or a bathroom with a kitchen. At the same time, the sheets are laid in accordance with the arrangement of furniture in the room - where large objects (sofa, cabinets, etc.) will stand, the film does not fit. The easiest way is to mount it only where the feet are in contact with the floor - for example, at the exit from the bathroom.

Attention! There are two types of IR floors - bimetallic and carbon. The first one is absolutely impossible to lay under the tile.

It is interesting that, unlike other heating systems, the infrared floor heats the objects surrounding it, and not the air. Due to this, such a system has a positive effect on the formation of the microclimate in the room, it does not dry the air, but, on the contrary, enriches it with negatively charged ions.

Characteristics of infrared heaters

IR floors are easy to regulate by temperature - for example, by setting the thermostat to 21 degrees, you can achieve the most comfortable floor temperature. Although in general it is possible to heat the system up to 50 degrees, it is not necessary. Since there are quite a lot of manufacturers of IR systems on the market now, you can easily find equipment at a suitable price. Installation can be done independently and quite quickly, and this will also have a positive effect on the wallet of the owner of the equipped premises. And in some cases, infrared floors can even replace a centralized heating system.

Advantages of infrared floor

IR floor has a considerable number of advantages.

  1. The IR system does an excellent job of heating the surrounding interior items. The wavelength is 5-20 microns, which allows it to pass through the tile.
  2. Adjusting the temperature with an installed IR floor system is quite simple, which will create an optimal microclimate in any room.
  3. Such floors are economical, they spend little electricity.
  4. Human health will not suffer from significant electromagnetic radiation, as when laying a cable floor.
  5. Infrared floors can become a kind of air ionizer.

IR heated floor under the tile - which one is better

Disadvantages of infrared systems when laying them under a tile

But IR floors also have their downsides. This is especially true of the option in which the system is laid under the tiles.

Infrared warm floor under the tile: laying features

Installation of IR floors under tiles is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. But there are a few nuances that are important to take into account. First you need to worry about the materials and tools that you may need to work. This can be a heat-reflecting substrate, the IR film itself in the required quantity, tape for insulating wires, tiles and glue for it, adhesive tape, corrugated tube, drywall, contact clamps, polyethylene, wires for connecting, scissors, etc.

Infrared floor - installation

For laying both tiles and infrared heating systems, you need a flat base. Therefore, it must be cleaned of debris and inspected for damage, protrusions. There should not be any relief on it - all cracks are sealed, and it is recommended that the bulges be sanded off.

Also, the preliminary work on the installation of the IR floor system includes the creation of a scheme for laying the IR film and placing various elements such as a thermostat. In this case, the location of large-sized furniture and the places where the film will not be mounted should be taken into account. It is important to remember that all wires coming from the heating system to the thermostat must be laid in a corrugation and a groove drilled in the wall. However, it is not always necessary to ditch the walls. Sometimes the wires are laid in a plastic narrow channel, which is attached to the wall surface.

Attention! It is important to handle the IR heating film carefully, as it is quite easy to damage it. And cut it only along clearly marked cut lines. Cutting the film in another place, it can be rendered unusable.

All installation work must be carried out at an air temperature above 0 degrees, as well as at a humidity of not more than 60%. It is also important to ensure that the entire system is grounded. Particular attention is paid to the insulation of contacts, as well as to possible places of damage to the film.

Table. Types of IR film mounting.


It is used when mounting on the surface of the IR film of laminate, carpet. It is used for mounting tiles, but rarely. It implies careful leveling of the surface, laying the heat-insulating material and the film itself, then installing the protective film layer (polyethylene), drywall sheets and the tile itself, which is fixed with glue. In this case, the film is not exposed to contact with caustic substances and will last a long time. But here the height of the base in this case turns out to be quite significant, which is not always relevant. In addition, this method of carrying out the work will cost more.

Used for laying tile, stone, etc. The so-called classic method. The work will cost less than with a dry type of installation, but they are much more difficult. In this case, the surface is also prepared, then a heat reflector is laid, on which the IR film is mounted. Then it is covered with a polyethylene film, reinforced and filled with a mixture for self-leveling floors. Ceramic tile is mounted by the classical method (on glue) on top of this layer after it dries. The underfloor heating system can be put into operation about a week after laying the tiles.

Installation of infrared underfloor heating under the tile

Let's consider how the installation process of the LamaHeat infrared floor by the wet method takes place. This is a special type of IR flooring that looks like a fine mesh and is great for wet laying.

Step 1. The surface of the subfloor is thoroughly cleaned of debris. Then a lavsan heat-reflecting substrate is laid on it. Its individual strips are interconnected with adhesive tape.

Step 3 This canvas is connected to the mains using special terminals and wires. Terminals with wires inserted into them are clamped with pliers.

Step 4 The wire connection points are insulated with pieces of bitumen insulation on both sides.

Step 5 With the help of a clerical knife, recesses are cut out on the surface of the thermal insulation for laying wires in them.

Step 6 The ends of the IR web where no wires are connected must be insulated.

Step 7 A layer of self-leveling floors is poured over the IR grid. The layer is carefully leveled and dried.

Step 8 The tile is being laid on a layer of self-leveling floor. The tile is attached to the surface with tile adhesive applied with a notched trowel.

Prices for IR warm floor film

infrared heated floor

Video - Installation of IR film under the tile

Video - Installation of the classic type of IR film under the tile

It is possible to lay the infrared floor under the tiles, but it is important to carry out all work carefully and carefully, be sure to follow all the rules of work. Otherwise, warm floors of this type simply will not please the owner of the apartment with their work - they will quickly fail. In general, such a system is quite reliable and has an excellent quality of work.

Underfloor heating may be relevant in any room, but in the bathroom it is almost necessary. Anyway, for comfort. Think of a cold winter day, when after a hot shower your feet sank down on the icy surface of the tile. Not exactly pleasant, right? Ceramic tiles practically do not hold heat, therefore, without “targeted” heating, it always remains cold. However, at the same time, it is very practical, especially in wet areas. Therefore, you should not refuse tiles, especially because there is a way to completely level its “coldness” - install a warm floor in the bathroom.

Modern floor heating systems can be electric or water. Any of these types can be installed independently, however, the water circuit requires its own heating system and is not suitable for city apartments. The electric underfloor heating is universal and its installation is not very difficult, so it will be discussed about it now.

We buy everything you need and form a kit

In order to install the underfloor heating system in the bathroom, you must purchase:

  • heating single-core or two-core cable;
  • thermostat;
  • temperature sensor;
  • plastic corrugated tube (length 1-1.5 m);
  • mounting tape;
  • material for thermal insulation.

Installation of an electric floor heating system

Step 1. Installing the thermostat

It is advisable to start the installation of a warm floor in the bathroom by installing a thermostat (thermostat). This is the most important part of the system, which serves to automatically control the degree of heating of the warm floor.

The bathroom thermostat comes with a floor sensor. This device transmits temperature data to the thermostat, which in turn controls that the heated floor in the bathroom only heats up to a certain temperature. As soon as this happens, the thermostat turns off the system and turns it on again only when the floor cools down.

The thermostat is usually installed in the same room where the underfloor heating is installed. However, in damp rooms (including bathrooms) this is not recommended due to a possible failure of the automation. Therefore, the best option is to install a floor temperature sensor in the bathroom, and a thermostat in the room adjacent to it.

First you need to knock out a small recess in the wall for mounting the installation box of the thermostat. This is done at a height of 50-100 cm from the floor surface. After that, two vertical strobes are cut from the resulting recess to the floor using a grinder or a chisel with a hammer. After laying the cable and installing the sensor, two tubes are placed in the resulting strobes, one of which is supplied with power wires, and the other with sensor wires.

Step 2. Subfloor preparation

Since no “dirty” work is expected after knocking out the strobe, it is time to clean the base of the floor from debris and construction dust. The floor must be level, without visible height differences. If necessary, the floor is leveled with a cement screed or self-leveling mixture.

After the floor is leveled, its surface is primed and the primer is allowed to dry.

Step 3. Laying thermal insulation

An obligatory stage of the device of heat-insulated floors is thermal insulation. It is necessary if you do not want to spend the energy of a warm floor on heating the underlying premises: a neighbor's apartment or basement. In this case, your system will work for wear, and the lion's share of the energy will "fly into the pipe", while taking a decent amount from your budget.

Therefore, any heat-insulating material with a thickness of at least 20 mm is laid on the subfloor. It can be polystyrene foam, penofol, foam plastic, foam plastic, foil polyethylene foam, cork, etc.

Step 4. Laying the heating cable

Cable laying begins from the place where the power wires are connected to the thermostat. A steel mounting tape is attached to the thermal insulation with a step of 0.5 m. The heating cable is laid on top, usually in a zigzag pattern, and secured to the floor with mounting tape tabs.

When laying out the cable, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • step between cable turns - not less than 6 cm;
  • the distance from the walls to the cable is at least 10 cm;
  • distance from pipes and heating devices - at least 20 cm;
  • coil bending radius - at least 5-6 cable diameters.

Permissible deviation from the calculated distance (step) between the cables should not exceed 1 cm

Step 5 Mounting the Temperature Sensor

The floor temperature sensor is placed in a plastic corrugated pipe and placed between the turns of the heating cable. The pipe is pulled from the thermostat to the floor, and then along the floor surface for another 0.3-0.5 m. A plug is placed on the hole of the pipe, from the side of the sensor, so that cement mortar does not get inside when pouring the screed.

Lead the sensor leads to the thermostat and fix them there. Strobes on the wall are sealed with plaster or putty.

Step 6. Checking the system

After all electrical connections are made, the system is tested for damage to the heating sections, sensor or thermostat.

Step 7. Tie device

If everything is in order, then you can start pouring a 3-10 cm thick screed. It is best to use special mixtures for this, which are sold specifically for underfloor heating. After 3 days, it will be possible to walk on the screed and finish it, but it is still impossible to turn on the heating system. At least 28-30 days must pass before the cement screed is completely dry and gains the necessary strength.

Step 8. Finishing

As a finishing coating for a warm floor in a bathroom, tile or porcelain stoneware is most often used. However, vinyl tiles, stone floors, and waterproof thermo-wood will successfully withstand the specific conditions of temperature heating and high humidity.

Underfloor heating, tiled - the most common option in a modern apartment

Heating mats - a worthy alternative

This is not to say that the process of laying a warm floor in a bathroom is very complicated. Moreover, this technology can be further simplified if an electric heating mat is used instead of a separate cable. This product is a heat-resistant mesh on which a thin heating cable is fixed with a fixing tape. The installation of this system is very convenient: you do not have to lay out the cable yourself, fix it on mounting tapes and withstand the step. Everything has already been done by the manufacturer. In addition, when installing such a system, thermal insulation is not used.

However, electric mats also have disadvantages and they are quite significant. Firstly, the finished heating system is 20-30% more expensive than the traditional "cable" version. Secondly, since no insulating material is placed under the mats, they are produced with a slightly increased power to compensate for heat loss through the floor slabs. Accordingly, such floors will consume more electricity.

So, you have made the final decision that you need a warm electric floor in the bathroom. It would seem that the matter is small, go and buy! But everything is not so simple.

The fact is that electric underfloor heating can be of several types and choosing the right type of underfloor heating is often associated not only with your preferences, but also with your technical conditions. Therefore, so that you are not mistaken with the choice, let's try to understand this topic.

First of all, the right choice of underfloor heating depends on the amount of repair work. If you are completely changing the screed, then you need underfloor heating of the same type, but if they are planned to be laid only under a layer of tiles, then this is a completely different type of underfloor heating. First of all, let's dwell on the most capital form of underfloor heating - laid in a screed.

Single core cable underfloor heating

The first warm electric floors were based on the use of the so-called heating cable. The technology of this cable is designed in such a way that when an electric current flows through it, it heats up.

Thermal energy is transferred to the surface in which it is laid, in our case, to the screed, and then is released to the surrounding air.


  • The main feature of a single-core heating cable is the presence of only one core in the sheath. And as you know, at least two are needed for the flow of electric current. Therefore, to connect such a heating cable, it is necessary to connect the beginning and end of the cable. This means they must be in the same place. This is the main disadvantage of a single-core heating cable.
  • It would seem that this is complicated. You just take the beginning and end of the cable, and scatter the rest around the room in random order. But everything is not so simple. The fact is that the heating cable is poorly resistant to bending. The radius of permissible bending for cables from different companies can vary quite a lot, and the instructions for their installation clearly standardize this value.
  • Another important aspect during installation is the inadmissibility of contact and cutting of cables. The fact is that when in contact, the cables will overheat and may burn out. And for a heating cable, burnout in any area is tantamount to failure of the entire cable.
  • At the same time, a single-core heating cable also has an undeniable advantage - this is the price. The cost of this type of underfloor heating is one of the lowest and it often compensates for its other shortcomings.

Two-core cable underfloor heating

A little later than single-core, their improved counterparts appeared - two-core cable floors. The principle of their operation is the same as that of single-core ones, only two cores are located in one shell.

  • This cable design greatly facilitates installation. At the same time, the requirements for the bending radius of the cable and the inadmissibility of their contact and too close laying are even more stringent.
  • But the complexity and laboriousness of installation is not the only drawback of cable underfloor heating. This should include their rather large power consumption and the presence of electromagnetic radiation. Yes, it is small, but the mobile phone and even the radio will receive interference. Well, nothing is known for certain about its harmfulness to humans.
  • But cable electric floors are not only disadvantages. This technology has been used for quite a long time and has managed to prove itself well in practice. The fact is that due to the installation of cables in the screed layer, such heated electric floors have a good thermal capacity. That is, the floor will give off heat for a long time even after the heating cable is turned off.
  • Another significant plus is the relatively fast heating of such floors, as well as the high heating temperature. The fact is that not all underfloor heating can boast the ability to heat up to 70⁰С and above.

Electric underfloor heating in a layer of tile adhesive

If you are going to mount an electric heated floor in the bathroom under the tiles without changing the screed, then a regular heating cable will not work for you. But this does not make the choice of possible options smaller, it even expands.

Heating mats for underfloor heating

First of all, consider heating mats. Their principle of operation is based on the use of the same heating cable, only of a smaller diameter. Moreover, the cable itself is already fixed with the appropriate pitch in the fiberglass mesh.


  • Heating mats can be of two types with a single-core and two-core cable. The difference between them is the same as between their ordinary counterparts. But single-core heating mats are becoming less and less common.
  • A huge plus of heating mats is a significant simplification of installation. After all, the cable in the grid is already fixed and if you need heating of a straight line, for example, a corridor, then you just need to unwind the mat. If the heating mat needs to be bent, then by simply cutting the fiberglass mesh in the required place, you can give it the desired shape.
  • Another plus is the smaller cable diameter., which allows you to mount the heating mat directly into the layer of tile adhesive. At the same time, it should be remembered that due to the smaller diameter, such a cable overheats faster and is more demanding on bending conditions.

Amorphous metallic tape for underfloor heating

A rather interesting option is to use an amorphous metallic tape. The principle of operation of such warm floors is based on the use of a special metal, which receives its unique properties as a result of rapid freezing from a molten state. In appearance, such a warm floor resembles a regular grid.

  • The main advantage of a warm floor based on an amorphous metal tape is its thickness.. It does not exceed 25 microns. This allows you to use it in combination with any surface.
  • Another significant factor in favor of amorphous metal tape is its energy efficiency. According to the manufacturers, it is 2-4 times higher than that of a heating cable. In this case, electromagnetic radiation corresponds to the natural background.

Note! Due to its structure in the form of a grid, such a warm floor warms up more evenly. At the same time, heating occurs faster than with a heating cable.

  • But the amorphous metal tape also has disadvantages. First of all, this is the maximum temperature. Which cannot exceed 40 - 45⁰С. This is due to the structure of the metal, which loses its unique properties at higher temperatures. But here it should be remembered that you do not need a higher floor temperature.
  • Well, another important disadvantage is that after installation this type of underfloor heating is practically beyond repair - only replacement. But mounting an amorphous metal tape with your own hands is a pleasure. To do this, simply unwind the mat.

Infrared warm floor

One of the most popular at the moment is the so-called infrared heat-insulated floor. In general, its correct name is film. It can be of two types - carbon and bimetallic.

Under the tile, you can only mount a carbon film underfloor heating, sometimes it is also called graphite. Its operating principle is based on the parallel connection of carbon heat elements.


  • The main advantage of this type of underfloor heating is the ease of installation. It is enough just to unwind the canvas and connect it. At the same time, the film warm floor warms up the surface quickly and evenly, and its energy consumption is relatively low.
  • But it will not be so easy to mount the electric underfloor heating for a film-type bathroom. The fact is that this type of coating has a continuous structure. As a result of this, tiles laid on top of such a warm floor will not have a connection with the screed. As a result, there is a high probability of its peeling.
  • In order to exclude such a development of events, a reinforcing mesh is used, drywall sheets are laid on top of warm floors, and much more. But this, firstly, raises the level of the floor, and secondly, the use of drywall, which has low thermal conductivity, significantly reduces the effectiveness of underfloor heating.

Note! There are rod infrared heat-insulated floors. They are made of individual carbon elements connected by conductors. Outwardly, it is very similar to a rope ladder. Such warm floors do not require special installation conditions.

  • But the film underfloor heating has quite a few advantages. First of all, it is its high maintainability. After lifting the floor covering, you can easily replace the damaged area. At the same time, damage to a separate area does not disable the entire warm floor, which is natural for most other types of warm floors.


As you can see, the choice of electric underfloor heating is not such an easy task, and there are many "pitfalls" here. Therefore, before making a choice in favor of a certain type of warm floors, carefully cock everything. Both our short review and the video on our website will surely help you with this.

Underfloor heating in the bathroom: electric or water?

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Now we will decide which is better to install a warm floor in the bathroom under the tiles - water or electric. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

At the moment, underfloor heating is installed not only in living quarters, but also, for example, in the bathroom. By equipping such a heating system, you will provide yourself with additional comfort.

You can find out the price and buy heating equipment and related products from us. Write, call and come to one of the stores in your city. Delivery across all territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

Considering the fact that in most bathrooms the flooring is tile, additional insulation will be a good solution.

Heated floor in the bathroom

Advantages and disadvantages

For heating bathrooms, two types of “warm floor” systems are used: water and electric.

Heating systems such as warm water and electric floor in the bathroom have many advantages:

  1. Each of the systems is distinguished by invisibility.
  2. Extra comfort. After taking a shower, you will step on the warm floor.
  3. It allows you to save your money and it pays off quickly, especially in the case of do-it-yourself installation.

Despite a number of advantages, like any other system, underfloor heating has its drawbacks:

  1. The price of the system is quite high.
  2. Not all floor coverings are suitable for a bathroom. The best options are ceramic tiles and self-leveling floor.
  3. For electric floor heating, a large amount of electricity will be spent.

Most often, apartment residents choose the second option -. It is characterized by ease of installation and longer service life. Water heated floor will require more time and cost.

In order to choose the most optimal type of underfloor heating for your home, contact the experts. They will calculate the amount of material and tell you which flooring is suitable for each type of underfloor heating.

What type of underfloor heating (electric / water) to give preference - it's up to you. Each of the heating systems is expensive. But by doing the installation yourself, you can save a significant part of the money.


The design of the electric underfloor heating provides either a set of electric mats, which are made of a special film, or a cable that is responsible for heating. Cables are single-core and two-core.

The price of two-core is much higher, due to their high level of security. Together with the mats, the kit includes a thermostat that controls and adjusts the temperature, and wires with which the system is connected to the mains.

Warm cable electric floor

Infrared warm floor

Installing an electric underfloor heating with your own hands is carried out according to the following principle:
  1. First of all, you need to draw a wiring diagram. Select the location where the thermostat and will be located. The thermostat is most often mounted in a small opening, which is made in the wall, its height from the floor should be 0.6-1 m. the temperature sensor cable is placed, and the power wires are placed in the other.
  2. The floor in the room must be cleaned and leveled with a screed or special mixtures (not forgetting to use it), and also treated with a primer.
  3. The next stage is the installation of thermal insulation on the floor surface. Experts recommend using protection: foam, plates polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam , penofol . The thickness of the heat insulator should vary between 2 and 5 cm.
  4. From the point where the thermostat connects to the power wires, you can start installing the heating cable in 50 cm increments. It is usually installed in a zigzag pattern. The cable is attached to the floor base with a mounting steel tape. The distance from the wall surface to the wires must be kept at the level of 0.1 m, the gap between the heating devices and pipes - 0.2-0.3 m, and between the individual turns of the cable - 0.6-0.8 m.
  5. Between the turns of the heating cable element, it is necessary to place a corrugated pipe with a temperature sensor placed inside it.
    At the end of the pipe, on the side of the sensor, it is necessary to install a plug, it will protect the pipe from concrete getting into it when arranging the screed.
  6. And the final touch is to bring the ends of the sensor to the thermostat, and putty the grooves in the wall.

After completing all the above steps, you can proceed to the arrangement of the screed. To do this, it is better to use special ready-made mixtures that can be purchased at any hardware store.

Facing the floor base with the system already installed is allowed to be done after 3-4 days. At the same time, it is possible to start the "warm floor" heating system only after a month. Then the screed will be the required strength.

Installing an infrared system is even easier. The scheme of work is identical. But the heating elements fit much faster. You can cover infrared floors not with a screed, but with a special protective film.


A water heating system is a common pipe construction. They are connected to a hot water source.

The coolant enters the pipes, circulates in them, due to this, the upper part of the floor covering is heated. After that, from the heated surface, heat flows upwards and thus provide a comfortable temperature in the bathroom.

The device of a water heated floor in the bathroom is a plastic, copper or PVC pipe of small diameter. They are installed on the surface of the floor and warm it with hot water. The temperature is controlled by a thermostat.

Pipes must be covered with tiles, concrete screed or wooden flooring.

The most suitable option for the bathroom is tiles laid on aluminum material and cardboard flooring for better heat dissipation.

Underfloor heating in the bathroom

By installing a water floor with your own hands, you will spend very little money, besides, installation is simple and safe.

Experts advise laying pipes below the floor level in the house, which will not allow water to enter the apartment in the event of an emergency.

Installation of a warm water floor in the bathroom:

  1. Make a layout of pipes and make a calculation of the warm floor.
  2. Install propylene risers (if there were none).
  3. Remove the old base cover.
  4. On the floor you need to lay a film waterproofing or ordinary cellophane. The moisture-proof material should go on the walls by 20 cm. Be sure to make sure that the waterproofing is without gaps. The places where the films are connected must be soldered with a building hair dryer or a blowtorch.
  5. Next, you need to fill the screed. It is also recommended to add a little expanded clay to the standard concrete composition.
  6. Insulate the concrete screed with or with another material. Place a layer of foamed thin polyurethane with a foil heat-reflecting coating on top. Thanks to all these procedures, you will be provided with the most efficient operation of underfloor heating.

Now you can install the system itself. According to the developed plan, bend the polypropylene pipe, using the regulating faucet, attach it to the hot water riser and to the screed. The distance between adjacent pipes should be 0.15-0.2 m. To check the installed structure for leaks, turn on the coolant supply. If such a problem is present, isolate all joints and connections in the places where the problem occurred.

Next, turn off the hot water and fill in the second screed. This operation must be carried out by beacons, because. you want a perfectly flat surface. Install tiles or any other finishing material on it. Make the final facing 4-5 days after pouring the concrete.

Create comfortable conditions in the bathroom with underfloor heating.

Underfloor heating systems, popular with many people, are now being installed in more than just the main living areas. For example, underfloor heating in the bathroom can significantly increase the level of comfortable living throughout the home, reducing humidity and maintaining the air temperature at the proper level.

Considering that tiles are used as a finishing material in many bathrooms and bathrooms, it is in these rooms that the use of an additional source of heating will be very useful. Two types of underfloor heating are used in bathrooms: water and electric underfloor heating in the bathroom.

The owners of apartments give the greatest preference to the second option - infrared (electric) floor heating. To a greater extent, its popularity is due to the ease of installation of the structure and its further operation.

Infrared bathroom floor heating refers to an electric heating system based on heating mats. These mats are a textile base in which heating elements are embedded. With the help of a thermostat, you can easily set the required temperature for underfloor heating.

Water heated floor under the bathroom is also one of the underfloor heating systems at home. Their distinguishing feature during installation is the use of hot water as a heat source in polymer pipes located under the floor of a bathroom or toilet. This method of floor heating is in most cases used in country cottages and houses.

Electric underfloor heating in the bathroom has many advantages: reasonable cost of equipment, inexpensive installation and installation, ease of operation.

In addition, the finished structure raises the height of the floor by only 4 mm. A screed with a water floor in the bathroom, as a rule, raises the overall floor level by about 8-10 cm. This, of course, is not very convenient, so this feature can be safely attributed to the disadvantages of this type of structure. But at the same time, a water heated floor in the bathroom is much more economical than an electric option.

Electric underfloor heating in the bathroom

Electric space heating systems are excellent for any premises, including those in which the operation of a water-heated floor is impossible or extremely difficult. Installation and installation of electric underfloor heating is quite simple in its execution, so anyone can handle it.

The bathroom is a room with a high level of humidity, thanks to which fungi that negatively affect your well-being have very good conditions for development. After installing a warm floor in the bathroom, the room becomes much drier, which reduces the likelihood of fungus to a minimum.

How to make a warm floor in the bathroom?

If you are confident in your abilities, you can familiarize yourself with the technology of installing a warm floor and proceed with the self-assembly of the system.

In fact, the electric floor heating system is a separate element from the main floor, which is mounted before or during the laying of the floor. This system includes heating cables or mats that are laid on a concrete base (or in the process of laying new tiles on the old), and then firmly glued to the old coating. Mats consist of fabric with heating elements woven into it, reliably protected and isolated from moisture. To connect to the mains, free wires about 4 meters long are connected to each mat from the beginning and end.

The system is powered by a 220V mains supply. Due to the built-in sensor, the temperature regime of the heated floor in the bathroom is measured, and the required heating is set using an electronic thermostat.

The wires of the temperature sensors and the supply wires are led into the pipes, after which the junction box is closed with a lid. The most optimal ways of cutting with the subsequent laying of thermomats are in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathtub and the corners of the room. If necessary, small cutouts are made in the mats, trying to eliminate the possibility of damage to the heating elements.

Each person can independently install underfloor heating in the bathroom, the most important thing is to work carefully and carefully comply with all installation requirements.

Do not pinch, bend or cut wires. Mats should only be glued to a clean and dry base surface using a special tile adhesive. After the gluing is completed, you can start installing the underfloor heating in the bathroom with the further connection of all the necessary elements of the system.

Underfloor heating in the bathroom, reviews of which are in most cases positive, are an ideal solution for repairs, as they are designed for heating small rooms. Using the thermostat, you can set the desired temperature and maintain it in the right state throughout the day.

Underfloor heating in the bathroom - installation features

Subfloor requirements

The working surface of the base must be smooth and clean (the allowable size of unevenness should not exceed 1 cm). To prevent deformation of the heat-insulating layer, the floor surface should be leveled with a thin layer of sand-cement mortar.

Necessary work before laying the thermal insulation layer

Before you start laying the heat-insulating layer, you should make sure that the design of the house implies the possibility of installing underfloor heating in the bathroom. If this possibility is provided, then steam and waterproofing, consisting of rolled, coating or bulk materials, is laid on a clean base.

If the basis of the bulk materials are bituminous binders, then the bitumen must dry thoroughly before laying the thermal insulation from polystyrene foam materials.

What materials are used to make thermal insulation?

Underfloor heating in the bathroom, the price of which depends on the amount of material used, as a heater involves the use of expanded polystyrene, rigid mineral plates, cork insulation, and special foil.

The need to use aluminum foil for thermal insulation

Electric underfloor heating in the bathroom involves the use of a reflective coating, which is perfect for aluminum foil. But it is worth noting that it is not recommended to use uncoated foil, since the screed solution, which has an alkaline environment, spoils aluminum very quickly, which is why the warm floors in the bathroom will soon require additional repairs.

This foil, to a greater extent, is suitable for arranging a vapor barrier, as it is not suitable for laying under a cement-sand screed. Aluminum foil is recommended for use only under a gypsum binder screed. In such cases, it is recommended to use a foil with a good thickness.

Underfloor heating in the bathroom - a video about the features of laying finished insulating boards

Ready-made insulating boards are used specifically for arranging underfloor heating. When laying such material, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps or various gaps, otherwise the screed solution may penetrate between the plates, resulting in acoustic and thermal bridges.