Do-it-yourself ventilation system in the house. How to make fresh air ventilation with your own hands. Bathroom – toilet and bath

The ventilation system in a private home is extremely important. The quality of life in the constructed house will depend on the correctness of its installation and installation. It is advisable to plan the ventilation system at the design stage of the house. If the building has already been built and ventilation is not planned there, then its installation will be more difficult and more expensive.

This system is necessary to create the most comfortable living conditions for people, as well as optimal preservation of the furniture in the house. In the absence of such a system in a private house, windows will fog up, mold will form on the walls, smells of the toilet and fried herbs will be in the air.

Such a microclimate will become dangerous for human life. It will become impossible to live comfortably in such a home.

Features of ventilation in a private house

Ventilation for a private home can be arranged in three different ways.

She may be:

  1. Natural.
  2. Exhaust or forced.
  3. Mixed.

Different rooms in the house have their own characteristics for installing this system:

  • Features of installation in the bathroom. Bathrooms in private houses, as a rule, do not have windows, as a result of which it is, in principle, impossible to provide ventilation in these rooms using drafts. During operation, very high humidity and unpleasant odors are formed in such rooms. That is why it is necessary to install forced ventilation in these rooms.
  • Features of ventilation in the kitchen. The kitchen is a special room where specific odors and high humidity are constantly present as a result of food preparation activities. In such a situation, natural exhaust will not be enough in any case.

Therefore, special systems are installed in kitchens, which can be:

  1. Dome. Very expensive and powerful ventilation systems, recommended for installation in large kitchens.
  2. Hanging. The simplest devices that can only be used in small rooms, since they have very little power.
  3. Built-in. A distinctive feature of such structures is their greater power compared to suspended ones. They can also be built into furniture.

Optimal ventilation for a private home

Choosing the right ventilation system is very important. The best solution would be a mixed ventilation technology. It includes both natural and forced.

Moreover, two options for such installation are possible:

  • The inflow is natural, and the removal of air is forced. In this case, the air flow is produced using special valves, window ventilation, and also through various cracks in the enclosing structures. Removal using mechanical devices.
  • The influx is forced, but the removal is natural. In this case it's the other way around. Inflow is carried out using special fans, and removal through valves and cracks in windows and doors.

Natural ventilation

The easiest way to ventilate a room. Air enters the building through cracks in the enclosing structures or specially designed valves; no mechanisms are used. This method has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following:

  • Lowest cost compared to other systems.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • Lack of maintenance.
  • There is no dependence on power sources.
  • No special construction skills are required during installation. You can install it yourself.

With all the advantages of this option, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • Limited service area.
  • Great dependence on weather conditions.
  • Low efficiency. If this system worked very efficiently, then others would not be needed at all.

Where is exhaust ventilation needed?

For this method of air extraction, special equipment is installed during the construction of a private house.

This design compares favorably with the previous one in that, depending on the power, it can serve rooms of any size.

In such structures, it is possible to install equipment to impart a certain humidity, temperature, and ionization to the air. These exhaust systems can be controlled remotely using a special remote control.

For all its advantages, this design also has disadvantages:

  • More expensive equipment and components for it.
  • There is a need for periodic maintenance and replacement of consumables.
  • Direct dependence on energy sources
  • Difficult to install. Qualified specialists are required to install this system.

In a private house, a forced-air system is only necessary in rooms with high humidity and temperature, such as the kitchen and toilet. Also, if there are gas or any other boiler rooms in the house, a forced ventilation system is needed in these rooms.

Ventilation ducts must be built into the structure of the house at the design stage. They should be present not only in the kitchen and bathroom, but in general in every room of a private house. When constructing a permanent building, ventilation ducts are usually made of brick.

In frame house construction, you can use plastic pipes or boxes made of thin galvanized metal. The main channel is being installed. As a rule, in the central wall, and branches diverge from it into different rooms.

The central pipe leads to the roof of the building. It should be remembered that you should not make many horizontal branches. They greatly reduce cravings. The vertical channel of the central pipe should be twice as long as the horizontal sections.

Installation Standards

  • When constructing a central ventilation duct made of brick, the thickness of its walls should not be less than 500 millimeters. With a smaller thickness, in winter, the air in it will quickly cool and fall down, which will lead to malfunctions of this system. If the channel is made of galvanized boxes, then it must be covered with heat-insulating materials.
  • The ventilation pipe should be higher than the ridge of the house, this is necessary in order to avoid air turbulence and improve draft.

Basic Rules

  • The ventilation system in the kitchen and bathroom must have a combined scheme, natural and forced. A kitchen hood can be used as a forced one, and a ventilation duct must be installed for a natural one. It is most advisable to install the ventilation duct on the opposite wall from the kitchen hood. The width of the suspended hood must be at least the width of the gas stove.
  • All rooms in the house must be equipped with ventilation ducts.
  • In the bathroom, forced ventilation should turn on automatically when the lights are turned on.
  • It is necessary to provide for the installation of replaceable filters in exhaust devices.

Cleaning ventilation ducts

Over time, the ventilation system must be cleaned of dirt and dust. If the ventilation ducts are not long, then this work can be done independently using a vacuum cleaner. If the canal is long, it is better to use the services of specialized organizations.

There are certain advantages to this:

  • Cleaning will be carried out by competent, trained specialists.
  • The quality of such cleaning will be much higher.
  • Firms that engage in this activity have special equipment.
  • In addition to cleaning, you can carry out disinfection and disinfection of ventilation.

The installation of this design in a private home is not a luxury, but a necessity. The presence of this design should be laid down at the design stage of the house. When using a natural system, you can install it yourself.

If you are planning more complex forced or combined options using special equipment for heating the air, you should contact specialists.

Such complex systems are first calculated in special programs, after which a separate project is drawn up for them. Installation of these structures will require installers with special technical knowledge.

A properly organized air exchange system in the house ensures:

  • oxygen supply;
  • removal of unpleasant odors;
  • protecting rooms from fungus, dampness and mold;
  • optimal sanitary and comfortable living conditions;
  • nominal operation of boiler equipment;
  • stable draft of wood-burning fireplaces.

The cost of installation of ventilation systems for a private house

No. Name of works Unit measurements Cost, rub/unit
1 Installation of galvanized steel air ducts m2 450,00
2 Insulation with self-adhesive material up to 5mm thick m2 135,00
3 Insulation with self-adhesive material up to 10mm thick m2 150,00
4 Insulation with basalt-based material with a thickness of 25 mm or more m2 from 350
5 Flexible air ducts up to f254 m.p 140,00
6 Flexible air ducts f254-f400 m.p 170,00
7 Flexible air ducts insulation. up to f254 m.p 150,00
8 Flexible insulated air ducts F254-400 m.p 180,00
9 Ceiling diffusers "Armstrong" type PC. 500,00
10 Diffusers in gypsum board ceiling PC. 550,00
11 Grilles 4APN 600x600 Armstrong + adapter PC. 850,00
12 Grids 4APN 600x600 gypsum + adapter PC. 950,00
13 Other types of gratings PC. from 500
14 Throttle valve P<800 PC. 400-700
15 Throttle valve 800 PC. 800-1450
16 Throttle valve P>2000 PC. from 1800
17 Valve DU, PD PC. from 1200
18 Duct fan m3 area 2.5*L, m3/h
19 General industrial radial fan PC. from 6000
20 General industrial roof fan PC. from 5000
21 Central frame-panel, monoblock supply, supply and exhaust, exhaust units installation from 10% of installation cost
22 Plate silencer PC. from 1200
23 Water or electric heater PC. from 1500
24 Freon or water cooler PC. from 2000
25 Plate recuperator PC. from 4800
26 Rotary recuperator PC. from 6000
27 Glycol recuperator PC. from 8000
28 Channel air filter with filter material set from 800
29 Filtration units and installations set depending on composition and type
30 Adiabatic humidification section PC. from 6000
31 Water heater/cooler piping assembly set 6000,00
32 Water heater/cooler piping assembly set from 25 000
33 Installation of a steam generator complete with steam distribution pipe, steam pipe, sensors set from 14000
34 Installation of automation (automation panel, sensors, switching) set from 20000
35 Corrugated wire laying m.p. from 80
36 Galvanized electrical tray gasket for automation system m.p. 350,00
37 Commissioning works, Certification of ventilation systems, As-built documentation conventional 5-15% of the estimated cost of the Object according to the section

All prices listed below are basic for Properties located in Moscow and Moscow Region.

The cost of work does not include rigging work.

The cost of work does not take into account increasing factors for work on weekends and holidays, as well as night work.

Prices for other types of work are subject to additional agreement.

A flexible system of discounts is provided depending on the scope of work.

The ventilation system in a private house is of three types:

  • Natural (gravity). In this option, ventilation is carried out due to the influx of fresh air through its infiltration through leaks in window and door openings, special valves or simply open openings, and air removal (exhaust) occurs through natural ventilation ducts of the building design.
  • Mechanical (forced). In this case, various exhaust and supply units are used, which make it possible to pre-prepare and move air over significant distances, and also serve a large number of rooms in the house at the same time.
  • Combined. Such systems combine natural and mechanical ventilation.

Features of the arrangement and principle of operation of natural ventilation of a country house

The operating principle of natural ventilation is based on the generation of a lifting force in the ventilation shaft due to the difference in temperature inside and outside the room, as well as the difference in pressure.

How it works?

The temperature in the house is higher than outside, so the air in the rooms has a lower density, which creates a lifting force, it rises through the ventilation duct and goes outside. At the same time, a vacuum occurs in the room, which helps to draw in fresh air from the street through leaks in window and door openings, special valves or simply open openings. The air coming from the street has a higher density and lower temperature, due to which it is located below, and under its influence, light and warm air is forced out of the rooms.

The wind accelerates air flows, and with an increase in the difference in wind speed and temperature outside and inside the house, draft improves, as a result, the supply of fresh air into the house increases. If previously the places where it entered were leaks in doors and windows, modern window and door systems are practically airtight, so to organize natural air exchange in the house it is necessary either to install special valves (air infiltration valve), which are mounted in the walls and windows of the building, or to open the windows slightly.

Natural ventilation in the house has the following advantages:

  • Quiet operation.
  • No accidents. This ventilation does not depend on electricity supply and does not require regular maintenance.
  • Economical. The movement of air masses is carried out without the use of additional equipment.
  • Possibility of combination with air conditioning systems.

Disadvantages of natural ventilation at home:

  • Dependence of draft on air temperature inside and outside the room. In summer, natural traction is practically ineffective.
  • It is required to comply with the rules for organizing ventilation shafts.
  • Extraneous noise from the street when windows are opened.
  • Entry of untreated fresh air into the room (dust, etc.).
  • The volume of air removed through the ventilation duct is insignificant.

Features and types of forced ventilation

Mechanical ventilation (or, as it is also called, forced ventilation) is an “artificial” system in which air exchange is carried out through the use of mechanical equipment - fans. It is used in private homes where natural ventilation is not effective or is not provided for in the construction at all, there is a swimming pool, a built-in garage, or there are increased requirements for the microclimate.

Advantages of this type of ventilation:

  • stable operation regardless of weather conditions;
  • possibility of preparing the supplied air to the room: filtration, disinfection, heating, cooling, humidification;
  • ensuring stable draft of wood-burning fireplaces;
  • the ability to maintain the required temperature and humidity in the house;
  • removal of excess moisture in “wet” rooms - baths, showers, swimming pools.

There are two types of mechanical ventilation in the house:

  • without heat recovery;
  • with heat recovery, when the thermal energy of the exhaust air is used.

The second type of ventilation is the most modern and energy efficient. However, it is also the most expensive of all types.

Forced ventilation

Supply ventilation in a private house can be organized in natural (through open door and window openings) and mechanical (using air supply units) methods.

Supply mechanical ventilation consists of the supply unit itself, a network of air ducts (if necessary) through which air is distributed throughout the premises, and air distribution devices (grills, diffusers) through which air is supplied to the premises. The air handling unit includes (depending on the configuration):

  • valve with external air drive;
  • filtration section (there may be several of them in one installation);
  • heating and cooling section;
  • fan section;
  • humidification section;
  • noise reduction section.

Supply ventilation systems may vary:

  • type:
    • channel, in which air exchange is carried out through channels and air ducts;
    • ductless, where the flow is supplied directly to the premises through holes in the walls.
  • according to the method of equipment installation:
    • monoblock - all components are assembled in one compact case;
    • typesetting - consist of individual devices that are connected to each other.

Supply ventilation units have the following advantages:

  • the ability to regulate the volume, temperature and humidity of the supplied air;
  • the ability to filter and disinfect air to the required “purity”;
  • the ability to move prepared air over long distances to all rooms of the house.

Exhaust ventilation

Exhaust ventilation in a private house is organized naturally, mechanically (with the help of fans) or both at the same time. When using a mechanical exhaust system, clean air enters the rooms through doors, windows, special valves, grilles, and exhaust air is removed outside through exhaust fans.

Exhaust mechanical ventilation can consist of either just one fan or a network of air ducts through which air moves, as well as air intake devices (grills, diffusers) through which air is removed from the premises.

The exhaust unit includes (depending on the configuration):

  • valve with external air drive or check valve;
  • fan section;
  • noise reduction section.

Wall-mounted household exhaust fans are also used.

Advantages of mechanical exhaust ventilation:

  • performance does not depend on weather conditions;
  • the ability to move air over long distances;
  • ability to regulate performance from 0 to 100%.

Ventilation using supply and exhaust systems

Modern supply and exhaust ventilation systems at home combine two functions at once - providing air supply and removing air. In such systems, air is supplied and removed through air ducts. Air distribution and air intake devices - grilles and diffusers - are located directly in the premises.

The most common are monoblock air handling units. They are small in size and have a low noise level. As a rule, such installations have a built-in automation system and remote wall-mounted control panels, which are small in size and can be placed in any convenient place. The model range and equipment of air handling units for a private home are different and allow us to satisfy the desires of the most demanding customers.

The main elements of supply and exhaust ventilation systems are:

  • Grille or diffuser indoors. These are the final elements of the system, designed for proper air distribution.
  • Air ducts. They are designed to supply and remove air. Air ducts form highways from shaped products and pipes; they differ in cross-sectional area, shape (rectangular, round) and the material from which they are made.
  • External grilles for air intake and exhaust. Through these elements, air from the street enters the supply channel or is removed outside. They are aimed at protecting the system from rodents, birds, foreign objects and precipitation.
  • Air valve. This is an element of the ventilation unit that prevents air from entering the system while it is in off mode. It can be equipped with electric heating, which prevents freezing of the sashes.
  • Filters. The use of filters is aimed at protecting ventilated rooms and the system itself from dust, various insects and other small objects. There are filters with several cleaning classes. Regular cleaning and replacement of filters is recommended.
  • Heater. The device heats the air supplied to the house. It can be either electric or water.
  • Cooler. The device cools the air supplied to the house. It can be freon or water.
  • Fan. It provides the necessary pressure for supplying and removing air from the system, as well as the required air flow. The fan can be mounted directly in the unit housing, in the air duct, on a special support or on the roof of the building. Fans are available in standard and soundproof versions.
  • Humidifier. The device provides the specified air humidity. There are adiabatic, isothermal and ultrasonic humidifiers.
  • Silencers. These elements prevent sounds from operating appliances from spreading through the air duct system. When air enters them, it passes through special barriers, as a result of which its intensity decreases.
  • Control system. It can be automatic (operation is controlled by remote control) or mechanical (switch). Its main elements are the control unit, primary measuring instruments and actuators.

An improved air handling unit is called a recovery system. It provides effective air exchange in the house without loss of heat and cold. This design is equipped with a recuperator, which allows you to reduce the cost of heating, cooling and humidifying the air supplied to the premises by using (recovering) the heat, cold and humidity of the removed air.

Ventilation of house premises with gas equipment

If your country house has gas equipment, then increased requirements must be placed on creating air circulation in the rooms. Impaired traction can cause poisoning from combustion products. If combustion products enter a room, they can cause a deterioration in the person’s well-being, including loss of consciousness or complete cessation of breathing. For this reason, air circulation in a room with a heating device that runs on natural gas must be organized in accordance with the following technical requirements:

  • Combustion products must enter the chimney from different levels (from a distance of more than 50 cm). With a single-level feed, a cut of the same height is installed in the channel.
  • There are no more than two gas devices per chimney.
  • The ventilation system must be sealed to prevent carbon monoxide or soot from leaking into the rooms. The processing of seams and joints is carried out using a material that is resistant to high temperatures.
  • Elements of the air exchange system must be thermally insulated to prevent fire.
  • Air flow must be ensured for normal combustion and removal of combustion products.

Advantages of cooperation with OVeKon-Engineering LLC

LLC "OVeKon-Engineering" has been developing and installing climate control equipment for more than 11 years. Our company’s specialists are competent and qualified professionals who provide ventilation installation services in a private home based on all modern technological and ergonomic requirements. We use only high-quality professional equipment, which helps us solve problems of any degree of complexity.

We offer you a comprehensive installation of ventilation systems to improve the microclimate, which includes:

  • selection of equipment and all necessary materials;
  • dismantling and installation of ventilation systems;
  • service technical warranty and post-warranty maintenance;
  • disinfection and cleaning of ventilation systems.

They choose us because we have the following advantages:

  • Work experience. Operating in the professional climate market since 2005.
  • Innovation. Use of modern developments in the field of energy efficiency and alternative energy sources.
  • Technical equipment. The use of advanced CAD tools, imported equipment and tools, thanks to which high quality is achieved in the shortest possible time.
  • Production . Own production and warehouse base.
  • Guarantee. Carrying out work on the basis of certificates of membership in self-regulatory organizations.
  • Extensive geography. We work in all regions of Russia.
  • Together from “A” to “Z”. We provide comprehensive ventilation installation services: from design to service.

OVeKon-Engineering LLC has a long-term and successful partnership with many trusted suppliers and manufacturers of climate control equipment, and also has its own production facilities for the production of air ducts, shaped and network elements. That is why ventilation installation in a private house is carried out by our company’s specialists in the shortest possible time, at affordable prices and always with high quality.

Ventilation and heating are systems responsible for creating a comfortable microclimate inside a living space. But property owners often think about ventilation only in extreme cases. This usually happens when it becomes difficult to stay in a living space, and your health and sleep deteriorate. Then people turn to specialists, who, at the first inspection of the building, indicate poor air exchange.

Why is ventilation needed in a private house?

The process of indoor air exchange is closely related to people’s life activities. Ventilation provides the sanitary and hygienic conditions necessary to keep a person in good shape, maintain his health and well-being. It also performs the following functions:

  • removes accumulated volumes of carbon dioxide and fills the room with oxygen;
  • maintains air purity by reducing the level of particles hazardous to human health;
  • removes unpleasant odors from the room - physiological secretions of the body, perfume aromas, the smell of cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • normalizes the overall humidity level in the room.

Constant high humidity is the main cause of the formation of mold and fungi, which are dangerous to human health, and also reduces the service life of electrical appliances and worsens the appearance of finishing materials and furniture.

The list of problems caused by lack of ventilation or its incorrect operation can be continued, but the above is enough to understand the importance of this system. Its type and installation methods are thought out at the design stage of a residential building. If for some reason a private house or cottage is not equipped with a ventilation system, we recommend starting to install it as soon as possible.

The ventilation system is thought out at the design stage of a residential building

Types of ventilation systems

In a private house, the following types of systems are used (a set of air ducts and equipment for cleaning, heating, cooling, transportation, supply and replacement of air):

Types of forced ventilation systems

According to the method of air exchange, forced ventilation is divided into two types:

  1. Local (a set of air ducts that provide a flow of fresh air to a specific location). Delivery of clean air and removal of contaminated air occurs only in the room where the channel is installed.
  2. General exchange (allows you to create the same conditions in all rooms of a residential building due to a system of combined air ducts connected to each room).

According to purpose, it is classified into the following types:

  • supply air - used to supply a volume of air that can be heated or cooled to a certain temperature;
  • exhaust - used to remove contaminated air, combustion products, steam;
  • - provides simultaneous supply of fresh air and removal of exhaust air.

Supply and exhaust ventilation in the apartment ensures the simultaneous supply of fresh air and removal of exhaust air

Design and arrangement of supply ventilation

According to the design method, the supply system can be:

  • duct (air is delivered to the room through pipes and metal ducts);
  • ductless (compact equipment in the form of a valve that is mounted in a hole in the wall).

Set-up and monoblock systems

Duct supply ventilation includes structures of the stacked type (consists of separate equipment that is mounted along the path of the duct) and monoblock type (the parts are placed in a closed housing protected by sound-proofing material).

Stacked supply ventilation consists of various equipment that is attached along the path of the channel

The typesetting installation is usually installed under a suspended ceiling, in the attic or in a special space reserved for laying communications. It allows you to purify the air in rooms of any type and size. The only drawback is the complexity of its design and large dimensions. Supply ventilation of the stacked type consists of the following elements:

  1. Air grille. It is mounted on the outside of the building and is necessary to take in fresh air and protect the channel from large debris.

    The air grille protects the channel from foreign objects

  2. An air valve is a device that controls the volume of air taken in. Prevents the entry of cold air when heating equipment is turned off. According to the method of operation, the valves are divided into mechanical (spring) and automatic with an electric drive (more efficient and reliable, as they are guaranteed to shut off the air supply after the heater is turned off).

    An automatic air valve is more reliable than a spring valve

  3. The filter protects equipment and ventilated rooms from particles of small debris, dust, bird and animal fluff. According to the degree of purification, they are divided into coarse filters (retains particles larger than 10 microns), fine filters (up to 1 micron) and extra fine filters (up to 0.1 microns).

    Fine filter traps particles up to 1 micron in size

  4. Heater - electric or water air heater. It is mounted in the ventilation duct and serves to heat cold air to the desired temperature. The electric type is used in low-power systems, and the water type is used in the ventilation of a country house, office or other large premises.

    The water heater is used in systems for supply ventilation in large areas

  5. The evaporator serves to cool the supply air. Typically used in a combination system. Based on the type of coolant, a distinction is made between freon and water units.
  6. The fan is the main element of the system, ensuring a uniform supply of fresh air in the required volume. It is selected taking into account air exchange standards, system power and pressure.
  7. The noise suppressor prevents the spread of noise through the ventilation duct from the operation of the fan and other equipment.

    To prevent noise from spreading through the ventilation duct, a silencer is added to the system.

  8. An air duct is an element of an air network (channel) used to transport air. It is selected taking into account the cross-sectional area, shape and rigidity of the element.
  9. Distribution devices are used to manually adjust air flow volumes. They are mounted at the outlet of the air duct on the room side and represent a grille or diffuser.

    The diffuser is mounted on the room side at the outlet of the air duct

  10. Automation system - ventilation system control device. Consists of a fan speed regulator, temperature control unit, thermostat, hydrostat, etc.

The monoblock installation produces less noise, which makes it possible to install it indoors. All its components are selected and tested at the assembly stage. This eliminates the possibility of power drawdowns and other problems during equipment operation.

This design is a supply valve, inside of which there is an air filter, an air heater and a fan. Its advantages are low cost, low power consumption, and ease of installation. Compact systems vary in performance, device complexity, design and size.

Compact supply ventilation system designed for small areas

There are installations with the ability to connect them to a centralized ventilation system. The following types can be roughly distinguished:

  • ventilator - an air supply unit without automatic adjustment of temperature and power, the room is ventilated only in the mode selected by the user;
  • aerogiver - a ventilator with the ability to automatically maintain temperature conditions;
  • Breezer is a compact device in the form of a wall unit that adapts to changes in the external environment, which is equipped with a step-by-step air purification system and has a digital panel and remote control.

Video: organizing supply and exhaust ventilation in a wooden house

The principle of operation of supply ventilation

Air exchange in the supply ventilation system occurs due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the room. This is a natural process that occurs without the participation of additional equipment. The scheme has both positive and negative aspects. If a residential building is located near a highway or an industrial enterprise, then the air taken from outside will have a pronounced odor and contain a lot of harmful particles. To solve the problem in private buildings, it is recommended to use duct-type forced ventilation. In this case, air will be taken from the street using special equipment.

Supply ventilation with air heating

The principle of operation of the system with an air heater is similar to the scheme described above. Air from outside the room enters the ventilation duct due to natural draft or a fan, undergoes cleaning and enters the heater. Depending on the coolant used, there are two types of air heaters:

  • water - consists of heat-transfer tubes and bimetallic grilles, connected to the central water supply or heating equipment through a mixing unit;
  • electric - the heating element is a heating element, the maximum temperature of the heated air is no more than 50 °C with an air flow of up to 1.5 m/s.

An electric heater is recommended for use in apartments and private housing with an area of ​​no more than 100 m2. In larger houses, it is more economically feasible to install a water heater, since it will work in conjunction with underfloor heating and central heating.

Supply and exhaust ventilation with a water heater is designed for rooms up to 100 m²

Air heating with forced ventilation

Air heating through ventilation with a heater is one of the modern methods of heating a home. Its peculiarity is that heating, ventilation and air conditioning are connected into a single system. In the cold season, the air is heated in the air duct system, and in the summer it is cooled there to a comfortable temperature. This is a universal and economically feasible approach for small and medium-sized houses.

If a residential building does not have a heated floor or central heating system, an air heating system, coupled with one of the listed options, will allow you to heat the house without special financial costs.

Modern supply ventilation systems are equipped with automation that allows you to regulate air heating to the desired temperature. For example, if residents are away from home for a long time, then the operation of the equipment can be switched to an economical mode. This will allow you to heat the room to 10–12 °C, and after returning to full operation, quickly warm the house to a comfortable temperature of 18–20 °C.

Disadvantages of fresh air ventilation systems

The disadvantages of supply ventilation include:

  • energy consumption, which entails financial costs;
  • high noise level;
  • cost - the price of equipment and installation of ventilation directly depends on its type, design and total power of the system.

It is unlikely that you can install stacked ventilation with a large amount of equipment yourself. Installation is carried out by specially trained personnel. Otherwise, the manufacturer (official dealer) may refuse warranty obligations.

The supply ventilation system has a high noise level

Design and calculation of a supply ventilation system

Before purchasing equipment and components for installing ventilation, their technical parameters are calculated taking into account the size of the room - air capacity, size of the air duct cross-section. At the last stage, the appropriate equipment is selected: fan, heater, etc.

Air performance

Air performance is measured in m³/h and means how much air will pass through the room per unit of time. The calculation is carried out only for premises where residents will be for more than two hours a day. These rooms include the bedroom, children's room and living room.

For corridors, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, calculations are not carried out. In these rooms, polluted air is removed through exhaust valves.

This value is regulated by SNiP number 41–01–2003: for one person in rooms without natural ventilation, an air flow of at least 60 m³/h must be established. The circulation of incoming air occurs due to single or double air exchange. This term means that within one hour in a ventilated room the air mass will be completely replaced. Taking into account productivity and air exchange, air flow is calculated:

  • by the number of residents: L1 = N * LN, where L1 is the ventilation capacity in m³/h, N is the number of residents, LN is the normalized air flow;
  • by multiplicity: L2 = n * V, where L2 is the ventilation capacity in m³/h, n is the air multiplicity, V is the volume of the room.

For example, for a living room with an area of ​​10 m2 and a height of 2.3 m for one person, L1 = 60 m³/h, L2 = 46 m³/h and a ventilation capacity of 60 m³/h is required.

When calculating supply ventilation, first determine the air performance of the system

Duct size

After determining the optimal ventilation power, we proceed to the calculation of the distribution channel system, consisting of air ducts, splitters, and valves. At the design stage, you will need to draw up a diagram of the route of the air ducts. It is optimal if several options are compiled. Based on these drawings, the best solution is selected that allows the required volume of air to be supplied to a specific room with a minimum length of the ventilation duct.

The cross-section of the air duct is calculated using the formulas:

  • calculated area: S1 = K * 2.778 / V, where K is the air flow through the air ducts in m³/h, V is the air flow speed in m/s, 2.778 is a constant coefficient;
  • actual area for round air ducts: S2 = π * D 2 / 400, where π - 3.14, D is the diameter of the air duct;
  • actual area for square ducts: S3 = L * H / 100, where L and H are the width and height of the duct, respectively.

For air ducts of standard size, you can use a table with already calculated parameters.

Table: air flow for round and rectangular ducts

Duct parameters Air flow in m 3 /h at air speed
Diameter of round air duct, mm Dimensions of rectangular duct, mm Air duct cross-sectional area, cm 2 2 m/s 3 m/s 4 m/s 5 m/s 6 m/s
80x90 72 52 78 104 130 156
100 63x125 79 57 85 113 142 170
63x140 88 63 95 127 159 190
110 90x100 90 65 97 130 162 194
80x140 112 81 121 161 202 242
125 100x125 125 90 135 180 225 270
100x140 140 101 151 202 252 302
140 125x125 156 112 169 225 281 337
90x200 180 130 194 281 324 389
160 100x200 200 144 216 324 360 432
90x250 225 162 243 360 405 486
180 160x160 256 184 276 369 461 553
90x315 283 204 306 408 510 612
200 100x315 315 227 340 454 567 680
100x355 355 256 383 511 639 767
225 160x250 400 288 432 576 720 864
125x355 443 319 479 639 799 958
250 125x400 500 360 639 720 900 1080
200x315 630 454 680 907 1134 1361
300 200x355 710 511 767 1022 1278 1533
160x450 720 518 778 1037 1296 1555
315 250x315 787 567 850 1134 1417 1701
250x355 887 639 958 1278 1597 1917
350 200x500 1000 720 1080 1440 1800 2160
250x450 1125 810 1215 1620 2025 2430
400 250x500 1250 900 1350 1800 2250 2700

Air heater power

To calculate power, you need to know the minimum air temperature outside the building in winter and the required air temperature at the outlet of the ventilation duct. Nominally, the comfortable outlet temperature is taken to be 18 °C. The minimum temperature is selected taking into account the region. The heater power is calculated using the formula:

  • P = T * L * 0.336 / 1000, where T is the temperature difference at the entrance to the ventilation duct and the outlet from the heater, L is the power of the ventilation system in m³/h, 0.336 is the heat capacity of the air without taking into account its humidity and temperature;
  • Taking into account the data from the example above: P = 44 * 120 * 0.336 / 1000, to supply warm air at a temperature of 18 °C to a living room with an area of ​​10 m2, ventilation with an air heater with a capacity of about 1.8 kW will be required.

If the power exceeds 5 kW, then it is advisable to choose water equipment, since water from central/autonomous heating will be used for heating, which will reduce the cost of maintaining the system as a whole.

If the power exceeds 5 kW, then it is advisable to choose water equipment

Do-it-yourself installation of a fresh air ventilation system

The technology for installing supply ventilation depends on its power and design. Installation is best carried out at the stage of interior finishing of the building, since ventilation will consist of a system of ducts and equipment that are located under the ceiling or in the attic. For apartments and small houses, compact supply ventilation in the form of a recuperator ventilator is ideal. The unit operates in supply and exhaust mode, and its installation can be done independently using a simple tool.

A supply ventilator for private housing can be installed independently

For installation work, you will need to prepare a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a screwdriver, a household vacuum cleaner and scissors. Installation technology:

  1. Before starting installation, select the location where the ventilator will be installed. It is recommended to install the device at the top or bottom of the wall.

    The supply ventilator is installed at the top or bottom of the wall

  2. In the selected location, make a hole in the wall using a hammer drill. In this case, an air duct with a cross-section of 150 mm is used, so the hole diameter should not exceed 160 mm.
  3. If the installation of the ventilator is carried out at the rough finishing stage, it is more advisable to make hidden wiring. To power the device, a power cable with a core thickness of 1–1.5 mm is sufficient.
  4. Insert a plastic air duct into the hole made in the wall and adjust it in length so that the pipe protrudes 1–3 mm from the outside of the room.

    For an air duct with a cross-section of 150 mm, the hole diameter should not exceed 160 mm

  5. After trimming, insert the air duct into the channel. From the street side, attach the casing from the protective cap to the façade of the building. To do this, drill four holes and hammer in the nails included in the delivery kit.

    Installation of the protective cap on the facade of the building is carried out with a protrusion of 1–3 mm

  6. From the side of the room, attach a cardboard template to the hole and make markings for mounting the indoor unit.
  7. Before attaching the unit, fill the space between the air duct and the channel with foam. After hardening, cut off the excess with a sharp knife flush with the wall.
  8. To attach the unit, remove the front panel, which is secured with latches on the sides of the device, and the left protective cover by unscrewing two self-tapping screws.
  9. After this, you can proceed to installing the rear part of the indoor unit: run the power cable if hidden wiring was previously done. For open wiring, a special plug is provided at the bottom of the unit.
  10. Place the back of the block against the wall according to the pre-applied markings and screw it onto four self-tapping screws. Then connect the cable to the terminals according to the diagram in the instructions. Attach the protective cover to its original place.
  11. Install the cartridge into the air duct. To connect it to the board, connect the connector to the contacts on the right side of the block. After this, install the front part of the indoor unit.

    After connecting the ventilator cartridge, a protective cover is installed in the air duct

  12. Install the sound insulator from the street side: twist the material into a roll along the diameter of the air duct and insert it into the ventilation duct until it stops, and cut off the protruding part taking into account the edge of the duct and install the adjusted sound insulator back into the air duct.
  13. Secure the outer ventilation hood and fine-tune the device. To do this, remove the rubber plug that hides the two-position switches. Perform the settings according to the decoding sticker located to the left of the switches.

    Installing the outer hood and fine-tuning the ventilator is the final stage of installation

After configuration, the indoor unit is closed and the system’s functionality is checked.

Video: installation of a supply ventilator for private housing

System Maintenance

Maintenance of supply ventilation is carried out at least twice a year:

  • in the fall (before the first frost);
  • in spring (after the average daily temperature is 3–5 °C).

During this, a complete diagnosis of the system’s performance is carried out - an external inspection of the equipment, checking the voltage at the electrical connection nodes and cleaning the filtration system. The cost of servicing fresh air ventilation for a private home depends on its power. On average, one service costs no more than 4 thousand rubles.

Modern ventilation systems designed for use in the private sector create comfortable living conditions. Before purchasing and installing equipment, consult with specialists. This will help not only save your own money, but also less frequently maintain the system during its operation.

There is no doubt about the need for ventilation in the house. The appearance of mold on walls and corners, increased humidity in the room (and this means additional stuffiness in summer and cold in winter) - all this is a consequence of stagnant air, saturated with human vapors. Over time, the fungus Discula brunneotingens settles on the walls, and a person has to breathe in its spores, forming colonies in wooden floors, frames and doors. The result is decreased immunity, allergic diseases and bronchial asthma, decreased psychological tone and chronic fatigue syndrome. But there is a solution to the problem, and more than one.

The principle of operation and the device of natural ventilation in a private house

Ventilation is a set of measures and devices that ensure the maintenance of continuous air exchange in residential and office premises. The following types of ventilation are distinguished:

  1. Artificial and natural. The first assumes the presence of special devices, the second - their absence
  2. Exhaust and supply. Separation occurs depending on the direction of movement of the air mass. Exhaust involves removing air, while supply involves pumping air into the premises.
  3. General and local. This characteristic describes the ventilation coverage area.
  4. Ductless and ducted. Classification occurs according to the presence (or absence) of air ducts.
  5. Constant and periodic. Constant ventilation operates automatically, non-stop. Periodic occurs from time to time, it includes the opening of doors, windows and vents.

In addition to natural ventilation, you can arrange artificial (mechanical) or combine these two types into a combined version

In houses with many rooms for various purposes, as a rule, combined options for organizing ventilation are used. When considering each type separately, both advantages and disadvantages are revealed. In order to choose the best option, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all possible types of ventilation.
The simplest and oldest way to ventilate rooms is natural ventilation.

Not only people, but also bears know about ventilation - when plunging into hibernation, they leave a small hole at the top of the den for the flow of fresh air.

The operating principle of natural ventilation is based on the known laws of aerodynamics.

Two physical parameters - temperature and pressure - control the flow of air masses from one place to another.

  1. Air moves from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure.
  2. Warm air always tends upward, cold air always tends downward.
  3. The greater the pressure or temperature difference, the faster the air moves.

Knowledge of these simple patterns allows you to control ventilation in a house or apartment. If air masses move under the influence of natural factors, such ventilation is considered spontaneous. If the movement is caused by special holes made in the walls, then such air exchange is called organized. Organized natural ventilation is also divided into:

  • gravitational;
  • tiered;
  • aeration.

For most houses and apartments, natural ventilation is sufficient. Of course, provided that it is organized correctly and competently. Approximate and accurate calculations allow you to optimally use ventilation ducts, save time and materials, and choose the right places to install air passages and vents.

Air flows in a scheme with natural ventilation enter through special openings (2), pass through the rooms and are removed through the ventilation pipe (1) into the main ventilation shaft (3)

Calculation of ventilation and ventilation duct cross-section (taking into account the volume of the room)

Since supplying people with air in residential and industrial premises is a vital function, ventilation calculations are made in accordance with regulatory documents. These include:

  • SNB 4.02.01–03 - sanitary safety standards from the Ministry of Health;
  • SP 60.13330.2012 - a set of rules arising from the current Federal Laws and State Standards;
  • SNiP 41–01–2003 - building codes and regulations from the Ministry of Construction.

You can find out more about them on the official departmental websites.

Only an experienced specialist can accurately calculate all ventilation parameters. There are a large number of formulas and calculation tables that take into account various nuances of the movement of air masses, such as:

  • total area of ​​the room;
  • the purpose of the premises as a whole and its individual components;
  • height of premises;
  • presence and number of exhaust ducts;
  • height of ventilation ducts;
  • functional purpose of ventilation.

Table: air flow in air ducts for designing ventilation systems

Duct parameters Air flow (m³/h)
at air speed:
air duct
air duct
air duct
2 m/s 3 m/s 4 m/s 5 m/s 6 m/s
80×90 mm 72 cm² 52 78 104 130 156
Ø 100 mm 63×125 mm 79 cm² 57 85 113 142 170
63×140 mm 88 cm² 63 95 127 159 190
Ø 110 mm 90×100 mm 90 cm² 65 97 130 162 194
80×140 mm 112 cm² 81 121 161 202 242
Ø 125 mm 100×125 mm 125 cm² 90 135 180 225 270
100×140 mm 140 cm² 101 151 202 252 302
Ø 140 mm 125×125 mm 156 cm² 112 169 225 281 337
90×200 mm 180 cm² 130 194 259 324 389
Ø 160 mm 100×200 mm 200 cm² 144 216 288 360 432
90×250 mm 225 cm² 162 243 324 405 486
Ø 180 mm 160×160 mm 256 cm² 184 276 369 461 553
90×315 mm 283 cm² 204 306 408 510 612
Ø 200 mm 100×315 mm 315 cm² 227 340 454 567 680
100×355 mm 355 cm² 256 383 511 639 767
Ø 225 mm 160×250 mm 400 cm² 288 432 576 720 864
125×355 mm 443 cm² 319 479 639 799 958
Ø 250 mm 125×400 mm 500 cm² 360 540 720 900 1080
200×315 mm 630 cm² 454 680 907 1134 1361
Ø 300 mm 200×355 mm 710 cm² 511 767 1022 1278 1533
160×450 mm 720 cm² 518 778 1037 1296 1555
Ø 315 mm 250×315 mm 787 cm² 567 850 1134 1417 1701
250×355 mm 887 cm² 639 958 1278 1597 1917
Ø 350 mm 200×500 mm 1000 cm² 720 1080 1440 1800 2160
250×450 mm 1125 cm² 810 1215 1620 2025 2430
Ø 400 mm 250×500 mm 1250 cm² 900 1350 1800 2250 2700

When equipping housing with forced ventilation and using special equipment, the power indicators of the equipment are added to the list of calculated indicators - power, speed and volume of injected (or exhaust) air.

The ventilation system design is carried out on the basis of a floor plan, which displays all routes and indicates the dimensions and purpose of functional elements

If ventilation planning is carried out at the design stage of a house, separate drawings are drawn up with the calculation of all indicators and checking their compliance with established standards. The project is certified by competent organizations and included in the general action plan for housing construction.

An approximate calculation of ventilation parameters can be carried out independently. To do this you need to know the following:

  1. For every square meter of living space there should be 3 m 3 of air for one hour.
  2. Each individual room (separated from the rest by a door) has its own specifics:
    • a kitchen with a gas stove or hot water heater must be provided with supply air in a volume of 70 m 3 /h;
    • kitchen with electric stove - 50 m 3 /h;
    • the toilet “consumes” 30 m 3 of air per hour;
    • bathroom - 50 m 3 /h;
    • hallway, wardrobe, pantry - 15 m 3 per hour;
    • living rooms - no less than 30 m 3 /h.

Sanitary standards provide for the calculation of the ventilation system taking into account the number of people constantly present in the house. This small addition can have a significant impact on the overall ventilation picture.

The calculation is carried out not only by the volume of air, but also by the number of people in the building

Based on these data, approximate parameters of the air ducts are calculated. It is taken into account that the average speed of air flow from the channel is 1.0–2.5 m/sec. The diameter of the ventilation duct is selected taking into account the total volume of air in the home. As practice shows, for a one-story building with natural ventilation, the air pipe, depending on the volume of the internal space, should have the following dimensions:

  • with a volume of 200 m 3 - a diameter of at least 18 cm;
  • for a room of 400 m 3 - 25 cm;
  • if the interior of the house occupies 600 m3 or more - 32 cm.

These values ​​can be used when calculating an air duct having a square or rectangular cross-section using the formula S = πR 2, where S is the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the circle (expressed in m 2), π is the number “pi” equal to 3.14, and R is radius of the circle. Having found the value of the area of ​​the circle, you can select the size of the rectangular ventilation duct. At the same time, it needs to be increased by 20–25%, since the throughput of round pipes is always higher than that of rectangular ones. The accepted ratio of the short side of the rectangle to the long side is 1:3.

If you use rectangular ducts instead of round ones, their cross-section needs to be increased by 20–25%

The use of forced ventilation - installing a blower fan - reduces the required pipe sizes. This occurs due to an increase in the speed of air movement in the channel. Thus, for rooms with a volume of 200, 400 and 600 m3, channels with a diameter of 11, 18 and 23 cm can be used, respectively.

Video: DIY basement ventilation

Pros and cons of natural ventilation

The main advantage of natural ventilation is that its installation does not require large financial costs.

Once installed, the air exhaust system does not require frequent maintenance.

She works as much as the house costs. The design of this type of ventilation is simple and rarely leads to any complications or accidents. There are no electrical devices inside the system that increase background noise. Air movement occurs naturally, without mechanical forcing. The advantages include good compatibility of natural ventilation with other ventilation methods. Most often, it is the combination of natural and forced ventilation systems that gives optimal results.

Disadvantages of a natural ventilation system:

  1. There is no way to regulate the air flow rate. This can cause moisture and dampness to stagnate inside, leading to mold and mildew.
  2. Dust and insects easily penetrate inside through the supply channels. This reduces comfort and forces more frequent cleaning of the room. This can be partially compensated for by installing mosquito nets, but it should be taken into account that this also reduces the flow of clean air.
  3. Heat losses are high in the cold season. Some experts say the figure could be as high as 40%.
  4. Dependence on weather conditions. The higher the air temperature outside the house, the less effective the ventilation is.

Interestingly, in hot Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Italy or Portugal, ventilation in residential buildings is provided by so-called patios - courtyards shaped like a vertical well. The sun practically does not penetrate into the patio, and all the windows and balconies face this direction.

Video: natural ventilation at home

Increasing the efficiency of natural ventilation

The efficiency of natural ventilation can be significantly increased by installing supply valves on windows. Their cost is low, and installation is simple and can be done independently. Most often, such devices are used for plastic windows. The fact is that the double-glazed window is connected to the frame quite tightly, and this sometimes turns into a negative side - moisture accumulates in the room, and mold may appear. To compensate for this phenomenon, supply valves were developed, with the help of which it became possible to regulate the degree of ventilation through the window. The device is installed in the upper part of the frame. Due to its small size, installing the valve does not in any way affect the reduction of light flow through the window.

Mortise supply valves help increase the efficiency of the ventilation system for plastic windows

The supply valve is part of the natural ventilation that supplies fresh air inside the room. The operating principle of the device is based on the hygroscopic properties of certain materials (special nylon tapes), which change their linear dimensions under the influence of moisture. The valve changes the air supply automatically (but some models also have manual control). This happens due to the narrowing or expansion of the air duct.

Types of supply valves

There are metal and plastic devices. Metal valves are reliable in operation, but they are more expensive and heavier.

There is a filter element inside the valve that needs to be changed every six months

These devices are usually divided into two categories:

When using mechanical devices in winter, you should remember that you cannot close the valve completely - it may freeze. And if you try to open it with physical force, it will break.

Installation of the supply valve

As noted above, installation of the device does not require special skills or tools. Each product comes with detailed instructions, following which you can install the device yourself.

For this you need:

  • construction knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette.

The installation kit includes:

  • supply valve;
  • fasteners;
  • seal.

Installation on a window is carried out in several stages:

How to make ventilation with your own hands

Each house is a separate story with its own characteristics and architectural nuances. If the house has already been built, then it will have ventilation that will occur naturally. The situation can be corrected only with the help of coercive measures - mechanical or combined. Let's pay attention to the main requirements that the ventilation system must meet:

  1. Properly functioning ventilation should not reduce the room temperature during the cold season.
  2. There should be no persistent drafts in the house.
  3. “Stale” air from kitchens, baths and toilets must be quickly removed from the premises and replaced with fresh air.
  4. Circulation should cover all rooms without exception - closets, basements, corridors, etc.
  5. The system must provide a constant supply of fresh air and removal of stale air.

The surest solution to all issues related to ventilation is to install a circulation system at the stage of planning and building a house. Depending on the size of the living area, the location of office premises and the number of people living in the house, one or two natural ventilation channels are designed. They are vertical shafts that rest on the foundation of the house and extend above the roof. This is realized using various construction technologies.

The dimensions of the ventilation riser in apartment buildings are calculated according to standard methods

One such solution can be the installation of ready-made ventilation blocks in a load-bearing wall. Another option is an independent ventilation duct made of brick. Large-diameter metal pipes are used indoors to create air flows. For aesthetic reasons, they are hidden under suspended ceilings or inside walls. Decorative plastic grilles are installed at the ends.

The ends of the air intakes are decorated with decorative plastic grilles

The same grilles are mounted at the bottom of the door leaf if the room is deaf, has no windows and is inaccessible for ventilation. In houses that are heated by stoves, the chimney pipe can play the role of a ventilation shaft.

Door grilles are installed in rooms with insufficient ventilation

Advice from experienced professionals on organizing ventilation in the house

Design of a ventilation device before construction begins

These tips will help those who plan to install ventilation from scratch.

  1. The optimal location for the ventilation shaft is the central part of the building. During the cold season, the temperature difference inside the room will always be higher, which will lead to increased air draft.
  2. The installation of a ventilation riser is best tied to a load-bearing wall - it will always be warmer there than in other places, which will create additional conditions for the movement of air masses.

    It is better to install ventilation ducts along the load-bearing walls of the building

  3. When choosing air ducts, you need to take into account your specific situation. If there is enough space, you can install round air ducts. They work great to create intense traction. If installation takes place in cramped conditions, rectangular channels are better suited - they take up less space and are more compact to install.

    A variety of air ducts allows you to solve any problem in the installation of ventilation systems

  4. When choosing round channels, you should know that rigid pipes work more efficiently - air moves through them without encountering resistance. Corrugated pipes can create noise, but they are much easier to install. Experts advise using rigid pipes whenever possible, resorting to corrugated ones only in cases of extreme necessity.

    Corrugated metal ducts are less efficient than rigid round ducts, so they are used only when necessary

  5. Exhaust air ducts of the same diameter must be used. Contractions and expansions negatively affect the speed of air movement. If deviations are unavoidable, they should be made by smooth pipe bends.

    The narrowing of the air duct can only be done as smoothly as possible

  6. The wider and higher the riser of the main shaft, the better the ventilation will work.

    The installation height of the ventilation duct on the roof depends on its distance from the highest point of the roof

  7. All pipe connections in the system must be made even and smooth. Unevenness and roughness inside the pipe create noticeable resistance to the passage of air.
  8. The system should have as few turns as possible in the horizontal and vertical planes. Any turn reduces air speed by 10–12%.

Tips for those who are upgrading existing ventilation

If the house was built a long time ago, but for some reason the ventilation no longer meets the needs of the residents, use little tricks that will improve the system.

In wooden houses, it is very important to ventilate the underground space, which is in direct contact with the ground.

To do this, vents are installed along the entire perimeter of the external walls. But another good solution is to bring the air intake into the underground from the ash pan of the stove. In this case, during the heating of the furnace, air will be taken from the underground space. This achieves a solution to two important problems at once - ventilation of the underground and preservation of heat in living quarters (in normal furnace mode, combustion air comes from the living area).

Without food, a person can survive for a month and a half. Without water - a week. Only trained yogis can live without air for more than 15 minutes. Taking care of clean air is a key condition for a healthy and fulfilling human life.

Features of ventilation of a country house and cottage

Ventilation in a country house and cottage is as necessary as sewerage or heating, because without proper air exchange, even the most reliable room will quickly become unusable. If the exhaust air is not removed and is not replaced by an influx of fresh air, then mold, mildew, dampness, and an unpleasant odor will appear in the country house or cottage. All this will negatively affect the condition of the residents and the house itself.

Therefore, even at the design stage, you need to carefully consider the main nuances of ventilation in the house: how fresh air will enter the room, in which rooms it is better to install ventilation grilles to remove exhaust air, whether a supply and exhaust system will be needed or can be done in simpler ways, and many other questions .

Standards and requirements for ventilation in a cottage and country house

Ventilation standards in a country house according to SP 55.13330.2011 “Single-apartment residential houses” are as follows:

  • At least 60 cubic meters should be removed from the kitchen per hour. m air;
  • from the toilet and bathroom - 25 cubic meters;
  • in all other rooms - no less than 20% of the total volume of the room in 1 hour.

More information about air exchange rates in other rooms can be found in the table below.

L = n * V (m 3 / hour), Where

n- standardized air exchange rate;

V- volume of the room.

In the process of creating a ventilation project for a country house or cottage, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • exhaust air must be exhausted above the roof, both during natural and forced ventilation;
  • intake grilles through which fresh air masses enter must be located no less than 2 m above the ground;
  • the air in the room should move in the direction of the rooms where the largest amount of harmful substances is (kitchen, bathroom).

When installing ventilation in a country house, the following requirements are put forward for individual rooms:

  • In the bathroom and toilet you need a powerful fan that is not afraid of high humidity.
  • The boiler room will need a natural exhaust and a chimney. In order for air to flow into the boiler room naturally, you need to install a special valve. This type of ventilation will be optimal for the basement.
  • The fireplace room needs a large influx of clean air masses, otherwise the draft in the fireplace will deteriorate and it will smoke. If funds allow, you can install a separate fan for the fireplace.
  • The kitchen uses a special hood. If it cannot cope, you need to consider another air exhaust channel, for example, an additional ventilation duct with a fan.
  • In conclusion, it is worth noting that the correct choice of equipment and a well-designed and installed ventilation system will ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room.

Types of ventilation for cottages and country houses

You need to think carefully about the ventilation system in a country house in advance, and you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • features of the premises (area, number of floors, materials from which the house is built);
  • financial opportunities.

For a private home, the following types of ventilation are used as an air renewal system:

  • natural;
  • supply and exhaust;
  • mixed type.

The main nuances of natural ventilation of a cottage or private house

If the house is located in the suburbs, where there are no enterprises, then you can make natural ventilation in the cottage, since there is no need to filter the already clean and fragrant air. This ventilation is also suitable if the house is built of wood, adobe, brick, gas blocks, foam blocks, expanded clay or ceramic blocks. Clean air will enter through natural openings (cracks in windows, doors), passing through the entire room and carrying exhaust air to the ventilation grilles.

The process of natural ventilation is carried out as follows: in the house, through a ventilation duct coming from the lowest floor with branches on each of the following floors (about the same as in ordinary apartment buildings), warm air rises to the roof due to temperature and pressure differences. The higher the shaft, the stronger the thrust due to the difference in pressure along the height. Simply put, warm “exhaust” air rises up the ventilation duct and goes outside. Warm air is removed from the premises naturally, and fresh air enters through open windows, doors, cracks, etc.

The image shows how it is done

Natural ventilation does not require large investments and time, and these are perhaps its only advantages.

Disadvantages of ventilation in a natural country house:

  • inability to control and regulate the amount of clean and polluted air flows;
  • practically does not function in the summer;
  • at very low temperatures the outlet may freeze;
  • in a strong wind, the smell can again “return” to the room.

Conclusion: Natural ventilation in a country house is a weak and unstable method of ventilation.

Possible addition to natural ventilation:

If the doors and windows are completely sealed, then you can install supply valves in the windows and grilles in the doors (this will not affect the soundproofing characteristics in any way). The window valve can be adjusted (open/close). More modern window valve models may have built-in temperature and humidity sensors. Most valves are designed to dispense 30 to 100 cubic meters per hour. m. air. Thus, it is possible to organize a more or less functioning ventilation system, taking into account natural inflow and exhaust.

The photo below shows the supply channels in the window and on the wall.

Forced ventilation: main characteristics

Forced ventilation is based on the use of special ventilation equipment, namely a supply and exhaust unit, which additionally cleans and heats the air masses entering the house. This type of ventilation is suitable in cases where natural ventilation cannot cope with its functions, and this happens in most country houses and cottages.

The supply and exhaust system is the most complete and comfortable, but at the same time, naturally, the most expensive. In this case, there is a full, uniform air exchange with the preparation of fresh air (cleaning, heating, ionization). Such a system is calculated and specially designed for each object individually. There is nothing complicated about this, but, nevertheless, the systems differ from each other, as they depend on the area, technical features of various houses, the wishes of the owners, and the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

Supply and exhaust ventilation of the cottage implies the presence of ventilation equipment and network. The equipment consists of the following elements:

  • air valve;
  • heater;
  • silencer;
  • fan.

The network includes the air intake grille, air ducts and air distribution devices - diffusers, anemostats.

The image shows how supply and exhaust ventilation is carried out in a country house.

Ventilation is also a forced type. mixed type. Mixed type ventilation is equipped only if natural ventilation does not cope with its task. With mixed ventilation, the influx of fresh air is carried out through windows and doors, and the exhaust is forced using exhaust fans. They provide stronger pressure and, accordingly, draw out more air.

As a rule, exhaust fans are installed in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, where it is necessary to get rid of odors and moisture. This version of the system is also extremely economical and functional in everyday life, but does not provide full, uniform air exchange in rooms with comfortable temperatures (for example, in winter there may be a cold draft from the window, and in summer hot air can flow in). In addition, a mixed type of ventilation is not suitable if the air needs purification.

The ventilation system in a townhouse is almost no different from cottages. The most optimal types of forced ventilation for such premises are:

  1. Using supply valves and exhaust fans
  2. With installation with recuperator

In both cases, supply and exhaust units are used, which provide an influx of fresh air and exhaust exhaust, but in the second case the unit has an additional function - heat recovery. It allows you to save up to 70% of electricity in winter, since the heat of exhaust air masses is used to heat clean cold air from the street.

The pros and cons of various ventilation systems for a country house are presented in the table.

System type
Peculiarities Natural Mixed Supply and exhaust
Efficiency low average high
Comfort low low high
Price low low high
Space Occupied pipe in the mine pipe in the mine equipment, air ducts through the rooms behind the ceiling
Filtration system absent absent from dust, odors, etc.
Need for maintenance absent periodic cleaning of fans (once every 2-3 years) filter cleaning and diagnostics at least once a year
Operating costs for electricity absent low (fan operation) medium, high (air handling unit operation, air heating)
System flexibility low low high
Operating modes (winter-summer) depends on weather conditions cold air comes in in winter, hot air in summer Air at room temperature is supplied year-round
Noisy operation low low, medium low, medium

Our specialists have extensive experience in the design and installation of ventilation systems for private houses of any level of complexity. In our company you can get a completely free consultation and estimate the cost of the system most suitable for your tasks and conditions.