Where is Petr Pavlovich Biryukov now? Peter Biryukov. This is our vice-mayor. Where was he born and studied?

Pyotr Pavlovich Biryukov was born on July 12, 1951 in the village of Stary Buzets, Kursk region. Parents are collective farm workers. In 1968 he graduated from high school, and then served in the army for three years in a military construction detachment. Having returned, Peter entered the Kursk Pedagogical Institute to become a mathematics teacher. Graduated in 1979. For some time, Biryukov worked in his specialty at the Trinity 8-year school.

While still studying, in 1978, the future politician began working part-time in construction - in the Mostransstroy and Glavmosstroy trusts. In this area he made his way much faster than in education. He started as a senior foreman. He did not have a diploma of an appropriate higher education, but Peter quickly promoted to head of the trust department, then to deputy trust manager and chief engineer. Having given up teaching, Biryukov seriously took up the construction business.

In 1981, the man began to receive specialized knowledge at the Kursk Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering. Specialty - civil engineer.

Biography of Peter Biryukov not without “dark” stories. In 1986, a criminal case was opened against his colleagues from the Volgograd Repair and Construction Trust for the theft of building materials. The future politician got off with public sanctions, and the rest of the defendants ended up in prison.

In 1991, Biryukov’s development as an official began: he was appointed sub-prefect of the Vykhino district (South-Eastern Administrative District).

Yuri Luzhkov

Peter’s further advancement up the career ladder was facilitated by the mayor of Moscow at that time, Yuri Luzhkov, who recognized the potential in the young politician. After 5 years, he was promoted to first deputy prefect of the Central District. In 2000, Biryukov took the highest position in this area, heading the Northern Administrative District of Moscow, and in 2002 - the Southern Administrative District, but already with the rank of minister of the capital government.

During his representation in the administrative districts, Petr Biryukov implemented several scandalous projects. So, in 2003, the politician allowed the construction of a shopping and entertainment center on the territory of the Brateevskaya Poima natural complex. The object was supposed to be classified as “specially protected”, so construction was prohibited. Despite the indignation of local residents, a recreation area has now been established on the site of what was once the largest wetland complex within the Moscow Ring Road.

And in 2005, a similar situation took place in the natural-historical park “Bitsevsky Forest” - Biryukov issued permission to build catering establishments. Social activists and environmentalists managed to prevent construction, but lost to the Tsaritsyno State Museum-Reserve.

In 2004, Tsaritsyno became the property of Moscow, and a year later, under the leadership of Biryukov, improvement work began there. On an area of ​​30 hectares of a specially protected natural area, paths and grounds for sports games were built. The repairs resulted in the destruction of animals and plants listed in the Red Book. It is worth noting that during the development of the project, no state environmental assessment was carried out, and the builders unknowingly destroyed the unique natural landscape.

In 2006, the improvement of Tsaritsyno Park continued. Then in an interview, Pyotr Biryukov said that “62 architectural monuments were restored,” however, according to the list of monuments, there are only 22 of them in the natural complex.

Pyotr Biryukov and the Moscow City Hall

In 2007, Yuri Luzhkov appointed Biryukov as his first deputy and head of the Moscow municipal services complex. The public showered this decision with criticism: supposedly an incompetent official came to power, who, having received pedagogical and construction education, does not understand the city economy.

In support of these statements, Pyotr Pavlovich in 2010 issued a permit to dump soil during the construction of a metro depot. It was carried out in the habitat of rare birds. Yuri Luzhkov was proud of his deputy in public. Later, after leaving the post of mayor of Moscow, he admitted that working with Biryukov was difficult - most of his work had to be done independently.

In September 2010, Dmitry Medvedev removed Yuri Luzhkov from the post of mayor of Moscow. Following him, those close to him were fired from the capital's government. However, the newly arrived city leader Sergei Sobyanin left Pyotr Biryukov in the bureaucratic chair, appointing him to the post of deputy for housing and communal services and landscaping.

Continuing to work for the benefit of Moscow, Pyotr Biryukov was again criticized. Having “improved” Ostankino Park, one of the largest populations of nightingales and squirrels in the city disappeared, and the official also noted the landscaping of Tverskaya Street.

For this and other useless projects, Biryukov is criticized not only by the public, but by his colleagues, in particular Anastasia Rakova, the vice-mayor of Moscow. Once, while discussing his activities, an official addressed the politician in an obscene manner, which greatly offended him.

Petr Biryukov - personal life

The Biryukov family is somehow involved in the construction business. Younger brother Alexey is the general director of the Universstroylux company, which had a hand in the improvement of Tsaritsyno. Peter's wife, Ekaterina, as well as their children - daughter Irina and son Alexander - are the founders of construction companies.

The object of attention and dissatisfaction is that the Biryukov family wins tenders for the improvement and reconstruction of Moscow facilities, but law enforcement agencies have not yet paid attention to this. In the chair of a capital official, Pyotr Biryukov made a fortune: in 2017, according to information on income, he earned about 6.5 million rubles, in 2016 - 6.9 million rubles.

The politician is Russian by nationality. Height is 176 cm, weight - 89 kg. The Deputy Mayor of Moscow does not run Twitter or post photos on Instagram.

Petr Biryukov now

As deputy mayor for housing and communal services, the official oversees the “My Street” program, within the framework of which the central roads of the capital are improved according to the principle of widening sidewalks and narrowing the roadway.

And this was not without criticism: most townspeople do not understand why relaying tiles on streets where renovations were already carried out two or three years ago.

According to the budget of the city of Moscow, in the coming years, spending on housing and communal services and landscaping will amount to about 500 billion rubles. The first deputy mayor of Moscow, Pyotr Biryukov, is responsible for the development of such impressive sums. Lawyer Ilya Remeslo studied a possible conflict of interest in the activities of Deputy Mayor Biryukov and his relatives, whose entrepreneurial scope in recent years has reached unprecedented proportions.

Pyotr Biryukov, who has worked in various positions in the capital for about a quarter of a century, was responsible for the Moscow housing and communal services even under Luzhkov. The former mayor assessed the activities of his deputy ambiguously: “I had to do a lot for him on my own. In addition, there were problems of a moral and ethical nature.”

Perhaps Luzhkov was referring to the story of 2009, when he refused to sign documents on increasing the estimate for the restoration of the wooden palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich by 200 million rubles and advised Biryukov to look for the missing funds on his own.

However, Pyotr Pavlovich himself answers questions about the family business firmly: he “does not and will not provide any patronage to anyone.” And Biryukov’s press secretary at one time called as lies the assumptions about the connection of Biryukov’s family with the contractors of the “My Street” improvement program.

Let's prove the crystal honesty of the vice-mayor and the non-involvement of his family in the development of billions of budget funds for the improvement and development of the Russian capital.

All in the family

In the Kontur-Focus database, among the major contractors of the Moscow City Hall, there is a certain Venta LLC, which rents out trucks. Annual revenue is 717 million rubles, net profit is 211 million.

Who are they, the happy owners of this company?

The company is owned by Irina Petrovna and Ekaterina Vladimirovna Biryukov, the daughter and wife of Pyotr Pavlovich.

As you know, if the business of an official’s relatives is in exactly the same area as his direct administrative powers, there may be questions from the anti-corruption legislation.

The only photo in the public domain of Biryukov’s daughter Irina was taken after an accident involving her BMW X6 in 2012. Source: Lifenews

The customer of the company of Biryukov's relatives is the State Budgetary Institution "Highways" - a budgetary organization for the comprehensive maintenance and maintenance of highways in Moscow. Peter Biryukov, through the capital’s Department of Housing and Public Utilities and Improvement, directly supervises this enterprise.

In total, in 2013-2014, Venta LLC spent more than 200 million budget funds.

Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” defines a conflict of interest as an interest of a civil servant that affects or may affect the proper, objective and impartial performance of his official duties. Personal interest is understood as the possibility of receiving income in the form of money, other property, including property rights, services of a property nature, results of work performed or any benefits by persons closely related to the official (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters , as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children).

As you can see, the issue of conflict of interest is quite logical. Biryukov's relatives may receive income as a result of his bureaucratic decisions, and he himself may be interested in increasing the income of his family and friends. Especially when you consider that for 2014, Ekaterina Biryukova (wife) declared an income of only 14 million rubles (a mere trifle compared to the turnover and profit of Venta).

Another oddity of Venta's government purchases is the amazing ease of obtaining them. Almost all of them were won without going through full-fledged competitive procedures: only one application from Venta was submitted, as a result the auction was declared invalid, and the State Budgetary Institution entered into a contract with Venta without reducing the price as the only supplier. Lucky, in a word.

The Universstroylux case

Everything you read above is innocent fun compared to other business interests of the Biryukov family. Of greatest interest is the company that plays a major role in the family business of the vice-mayor of Moscow - Universstroylux LLC (they didn’t think about the brand for a long time).

Until recently, its owner and general director was the younger brother of the vice-mayor for housing and communal services, Alexey Pavlovich Biryukov.

Younger brother of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Alexey Pavlovich Biryukov

It was this company that won the competition for the restoration of Alexei Mikhailovich’s palace, which made Luzhkov so angry in 2009. In addition to the story with the “extra” 200 million, Biryukov Jr.’s company distinguished itself in other stories. After a person died at their construction site, investigators began checking the company’s documents and discovered that Universstroylux received money under a government contract for the demolition of non-existent buildings. Although Alexey Pavlovich himself, in an interview five years ago, proudly stated that his company delivers objects “quickly, efficiently, and on time,” and in every possible way praised his successes in the field of business and serving the state.

Broken government contracts and questionable bankruptcy

The amounts that the city budget (through government departments and regional state public utilities) paid to Universstroylyuks are impressive. The bill runs into hundreds of millions of rubles.

Such amazing government generosity did not always lead to a positive result. For example, a multimillion-dollar government contract for the construction of a kindergarten was terminated, and the company’s obligations under it were not fulfilled.

Meanwhile, the revenue of Biryukov’s company in 2009 amounted to almost 7 billion rubles, and its net profit was only 35.6 million rubles. Surprisingly, even with such serious administrative resources, the company suddenly fell into debt. Already in 2011, bankruptcy proceedings were opened against Universstroylux, which allowed the company to refuse to fulfill all obligations.

Let's be clear: “intentional bankruptcy” is a very popular tool. The company, seeing that it cannot pay off its debts and wanting to avoid paying them off, begins to prepare in advance for bankruptcy. Assets and claims are transferred to controlled legal entities, and fictitious agreements are concluded. These debtor-controlled entities then make fictitious claims against the debtor, “outbursting” the company’s real debts. As a result, real debt is washed away by fictitious debt, the company goes bankrupt, money from the sale of assets goes to its owners, and real creditors are left with nothing.

One of the signs of deliberate and fictitious bankruptcy is a sharp deterioration in two or more financial ratios:

Looking at the financial balance, we see the same deterioration in indicators before bankruptcy - Biryukov’s company suddenly went from profit to losses of hundreds of millions.

The company was threatened with liquidation and sale of property, but a miracle happened - in 2014, Bank of Moscow and Sberbank assigned their rights of claim to Biryukov’s company to two other organizations - Monolit CJSC and Glavremontstroy (remember these companies, we will contact them again we'll be back).

As a result, the new creditors managed to push through the settlement agreement by a “majority vote,” the bankruptcy was suspended, and Biryukov’s company received a deferment of payments. Other companies, including Surgutneftegazbank, were punched on the nose - they could not return their money.

However, Biryukov and his Universstroylux continued to ignore their obligations, and in 2014 the bankruptcy procedure was resumed.

State without the right to penalty

And this is where things get weird. The Moscow Capital Construction Department tried to present demands to Universstroylux for an unfulfilled contract in the amount of 317 million rubles. In addition, it turned out that Biryukov’s brother’s company failed in its obligations under the government contract, according to which it undertook to lay utility lines. For three years they did nothing. (What did Biryukov Sr. say in his interview? “Quickly, efficiently and on time”?)

On this basis, the capital department imposed a penalty on Biryukov Jr. in the amount of 317 million - for three years of delay under the government contract.

What did the court do in response to the legal demand? He wrote that the penalty was very high and reduced it... by 17 times!

To make it clear: reducing the penalty below the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is allowed in extraordinary cases. Biryukov was very lucky, an “extraordinary event” occurred and the court gave the deputy mayor’s brother 300 million rubles from the Moscow budget.

Bankrupt yourself

The bankruptcy of Universstroylux, which received gigantic funds from the city budget and did not perform work on them, is controlled by two companies - Monolit CJSC and Glavremontstroy, which we mentioned.

Who is behind them?

At the moment, "Monolith" is registered in the names of two persons, the names and surnames will not tell you anything. According to the registry, more than 150 companies are registered to these two lucky ones - a more obvious sign of registration under dummies cannot be imagined.

And if we dig a little deeper and ask who used to be the owner and general director of both companies, then a certain citizen Malova will appear before us.

Sergey Vlasov
Once upon a time, quite recently, Russia was considered the most educated country in the world: and our education was the envy of “well-wishers”; and young specialists were trained conscientiously; and our scientists were “ripped off hand and foot” by all the world’s scientific centers; and domestic universities were considered prestigious almost on a universal scale...

And now - everything seems to be like this, but it’s not at all like that... Lately, not even a week goes by without another “dissertation” scandal breaking out. Terribly inquisitive minds surfing the Internet, no, no, yes, they will stumble upon outright plagiarism in either candidate or doctoral dissertations. To many respected people ( Igor Igoshin- deputy from United Russia, Ruslan Gattarov— Senator, member of the “Young Guard of United Russia”, Igor Lebedev- to my son V. Zhirinovsky and others) the public has already asked questions about how they managed to get their degrees. The questions, as you understand, are still rhetorical in nature.

But I really want real close attention to be paid to “intellectual theft” (which is what plagiarism is). After all, it is not mere mortals who engage in such creativity, but people of status, occupying a high social position, standing in power, so to speak, “our everything,” leading and directing. Respectable people do not disdain anything, they “puff out their cheeks” just to look more authoritative. And scandals erupt on the Internet, exploding articles about pseudoscientific dissertations, “bogus” candidates and doctors of some sciences are exploding like shells. And the further, the more...

Now the “blast wave” has reached the valiant servants of the Moscow government... Muscovites don’t need to introduce one of them - this Pyotr Pavlovich Biryukov, First (very first) Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for housing and communal services and improvement, who coordinates the work of the Moscow Municipal Services Complex, departments of housing, communal services and improvement, major repairs of the housing stock, fuel and energy management, Administration for ensuring civil defense measures, State Housing Inspectorate. The merits of this official to the city and its citizens are well known - we encounter them almost every day, going out onto the streets of the city, plowing through the reagent mess under our feet and inhaling deeply the fumes of radioactive chemicals; it is to him that we owe destruction of the natural complex of the Tsaritsyno State Museum on the territory of the natural-historical park "Tsaritsyno"; closure of Muscovites' recreational areas ( two cafes on Patriarch's Ponds); declaring not only individual areas, but the entire city “his own.”

Pyotr Pavlovich is a serious, educated person: from 1972 to 1979 he studied at the Kursk Pedagogical Institute, specializing in mathematics teacher; from 1980 to 1986 he studied at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the Kursk Polytechnic Institute, specializing in civil engineering. In 2000, with hard and backbreaking work, he earned the degree of Doctor of Economics, presenting to the amazed scientific community of the State University of Management (GOUVPO GUU) a dissertation on the topic “Organization of project management for the development and functioning of the city’s housing and communal services complex.” The topic, however, is incomprehensible to the common man, but quite consonant with the job responsibilities... And everything would be fine, but... It was at the time when Mr. Biryukov was defending his dissertation that, by a happy coincidence, he received a salary from this very GUVPO GUU . It would be surprising if he didn’t defend himself! But the dissertation itself is beyond praise! This is a significant scientific work, which for some reason was not appreciated at all by independent experts from the Russian State Library (RSL). In his conclusion they testify that “this dissertation has no scientific value, is an outright imitation of science and is a typical fictitious demonstration product, which also contains pronounced plagiarism. It is surprising that this work was defended and defended in the Academic Council of the State University of Management ", which, in our opinion, necessitates a frontal check of the dissertations defended there. The presented work contains incorrect borrowings that are unacceptable in volume and nature (plagiarism) and cannot be considered original in relation to the collection of abstracts and dissertations of the Russian State Library."

It should be noted that the cooperation of Pyotr Pavlovich with the State University of Management was long, fruitful and, we dare to assume, mutually beneficial: in 2006, Irina Petrovna Biryukova (daughter) presented a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic “Improving design management based on organizational leadership"; in 2008, Alexander Petrovich Biryukov, the son of Pyotr Pavlovich, amazed the dissertation council with his intellect while defending his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Project management of the development and operation of urban housing stock.” Naturally, the already wide ranks of the luminaries of economic sciences were gladly replenished with two more worthy members. In addition, this university blessed with a second higher education another member of Pyotr Pavlovich’s large family - his cousin Alexei Petrovich Biryukov, who with all his might advocates for the well-being and prosperity of the Lyublino administration, which he heads.

How the vice-mayor of Moscow became a doctor of sciences

What is surprising is not the plagiarism and the “fictitious demonstration product” in Mr. Biryukov’s dissertation, but the fact that this man is an “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation,” an honorary professor at the Financial and Legal Academy, the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, and a laureate of national awards named after Peter the Great and named after Mikhail Lomonosov in the field of science, education and culture! Is it for some kind of merit that there is so much honor and respect? Since when has theft in Russia been elevated to the rank of an outstanding act, akin to heroism, for which a reward is due? Indeed, “Russia cannot be understood with the mind”!.. This is impossible to understand, accept, or explain...

It is also impossible to imagine that Pyotr Pavlovich Biryukov is “a person with a criminal past” (according to the Zonal Information Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - ZIC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), who worked as a chief civil engineer, and then as a manager of the Volgograd Repair and Construction Trust and in 1986, prosecuted under Art. 175 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Forgery of Officials” for the intentional theft of construction materials by a group of persons consisting of Pavel Vitalievich Peutin, born July 27, 1962; Nikuradze Ivan Ermolaevich, born 03/22/46; Sotnikov Evgeniy Nikolaevich, born 02/03/1960, but exempted from criminal prosecution under Art. 10 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR in connection with the sending of materials without initiating a criminal case for the application of measures of public influence, from July 2007 to the present, he has been the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, i.e. the unsinkable, valiant political “Varyag”, who with such an outstanding biography successfully worked both in the “Luzhkov team” and in the new composition of the Moscow Government.

There is something symbolic in this... Well, there is no doubt that Mr. Biryukov knows exactly how to “correctly” handle building materials, and he knows this not by hearsay, but from personal experience!

Apparently, the stormy Komsomol youth, when others were exploring virgin lands, and Mr. Biryukov was developing the state treasury, bore fruit. Today Pyotr Pavlovich conquers completely different horizons. For example, in 2003, Mr. Biryukov accidentally misled the Moscow Government by achieving the placement of a multifunctional shopping complex on the territory of the Brateevskaya Poyma Natural Complex of Moscow. In 2005-2007 he supervised the destruction of the natural complex of the Tsaritsyno State Museum on the territory of the Tsaritsyno natural-historical park, which resulted in Moscow losing valuable habitat for several species of animals listed in the Red Book.

But behind all these troubles and tireless zeal for the prosperity of the capital, when “caviar does not go down your throat, and compote does not pour into your mouth,” Pyotr Pavlovich, as a true family man, does not forget to take care of his family. For example, the company Universstroylux LLC, owned by his brother Alexey Pavlovich Biryukov and where his daughter Irina worked, is one of the largest contractors in Moscow with multimillion-dollar contracts; receives a city contract (and more than one) worth about 10 million rubles for the demolition of non-existent buildings and removal of non-existent garbage, etc., and also sues the city for about 870 million rubles for

For seven years now, the capital has been living without accidents in the housing and communal services sector, without outages of heat and electricity. How does she do this? Is it true that the city is served mainly entirely by migrants, as is commonly believed? These and other questions were answered at the “Business Breakfast” in “RG” by Pyotr Biryukov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing, Communal Services and Landscaping.

Moscow continues to be built. Both in new territories and within old borders. Doesn't this pose a threat that at some point the city's engineering communications will not withstand the load?

Petr Biryukov: This is not something to be afraid of for several reasons. Let's take the Moscow water supply system. Its system is designed for 6.5 million cubic meters of water per day, but the capital consumes only 3.2 - 3.3 million. That is, there is actually the same amount left in stock. In an amicable way, we could also sell water. The water in Moscow is of high quality; for its purification, chlorine has long been replaced with hypochlorite, as modern technologies require. The Moscow region suffers from a shortage of clean water. We already supply approximately 500 thousand cubic meters of it to the cities of Dzerzhinsky, Balashikha and a number of others. We can provide services to other settlements as well. A joint project for the construction of water supply lines from Moscow to the Moscow region is currently being discussed.

The picture is approximately the same with the sewerage system: its capacity is 6.8 million cubic meters, but only 3.5 million are used. This means that it could also work in the Moscow region.

Do you want to say that if until now Moscow transported waste to landfills in the Moscow region, now, on the contrary, it is ready to accept wastewater from the Moscow region into its sewerage system?

Petr Biryukov: Why not? We use the latest sludge drying technologies. We are also working to ensure that they can be burned, and the combustion products can be sent to the cement industry. This will also reduce the impact on the ecology of the region - reducing the removal of sediment from a million tons to 100 - 120 thousand tons.

And what about Moscow's energy sector? Many people remember the accident at the Chagino substation in 2005, which plunged half the city into darkness...

Petr Biryukov: Over the past seven years, 12 reference stations for 220 kilovolts and 7 gas generator units have been built in the city. And if in 2010 the energy capacity was approximately 14 thousand megawatts and with the onset of cold weather we were forced to disconnect markets, factories and other enterprises from electricity, then for six years now we have not disconnected anyone. Maximum consumption in December 2017 was 17.5 thousand megawatts, and 4 thousand megawatts were in reserve.

In fact, the city’s heat supply system also operates with double reserve: we can supply 68 thousand gigacalories, but consume 32 thousand. There is enough gas - in 2010, the supply limit was 30 billion cubic meters, and we consumed 29.5 billion, and now we consume about 23 billion. We learned to save about 30%.

In recent years, Moscow has repeatedly been ranked among the smartest cities in the housing and communal services sector according to various ratings. What is so smart about her household?

Petr Biryukov: New technologies make it possible to control how the entire city economy works without leaving your office. For example, 22.5 thousand units of equipment are involved in cleaning the capital. The GLONASS system allows you to see each of the cars, where, in what area it is located, and where it is moving. While we don't see it yet, she's just driving, say, with a broom raised or actually sweeping the street. We began to equip each unit on special vehicles with monitoring sensors in order to see the real work.

Previously, for the safety of Muscovites, the city paid for the work of concierges in residential buildings. Readers ask, but now, have they stopped allocating money from the budget for this?

Petr Biryukov: Yes, we are not allocating a third year. Moscow is now equipped with 300 thousand video cameras installed in the courtyards and entrances of houses. With their help, all crimes, if they occur, are quickly solved. HOAs that want to keep a concierge in their home pay for it themselves.

Moscow is the only region in Russia that annually updates all engineering systems by 2%, while throughout Russia engineering is aging by 4% per year

Is it true that in Moscow even plumbers work using mobile applications? Is your faucet broken? You press the button of the application downloaded to your smartphone, and Uncle Vanya replies: “I’ll be there at 17.30, is that convenient for you?” No calls to the control room, no negotiations with Aunt Masha when they will send a mechanic...

Petr Biryukov: Yes, such experiments are being tested in the South-Eastern and Western districts. But we do not forget that out of 12 million Muscovites in the city, 3 million are pensioners. Among them there are many who do not own a computer. They have and will continue to be able to call.

Do utility workers have enough qualifications for smart technologies? It is generally accepted that city services are staffed mainly by migrants from Central Asia.

Petr Biryukov: This has not been the case for a long time. In the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishchnik", which serves 72% of the capital's housing stock, 40% of workers are residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, another 30 percent are from other regions of Russia, who come to work with us on a rotational basis. Salaries, which have risen 2.5 times in recent years compared to what they were previously in private companies, attract competent specialists to the capital.

And how much do they get?

Petr Biryukov: A janitor cleaning the regulatory territory costs 45 thousand rubles, drivers of cleaning equipment, machine operators, mechanics, and plumbers cost about 60 thousand per month.

The Moscow region announced this year a transition to separate waste collection. For Moscow, this is just an experiment...

Petr Biryukov: It’s easier for the Moscow region - they have more private houses. How to organize separate waste collection, say, in a 22-story building? We are working on this; 10-15% of waste collection sites are equipped with containers for separate collection. Residents are ready to dispose of waste separately. But there are garbage collection organizations that sometimes take out already sorted garbage and dump it in one pile. In two years, when the norms of the federal law come into force, according to which each waste generator will have to enter into an agreement with the operator for the removal of waste, these problems will be solved by themselves.

This weekend Moscow will host another City Day. Large-scale street improvement work should be completed by the holiday, as part of which almost the entire center of the capital was dug up this summer.

The person responsible for carrying out this work is Deputy Mayor for Housing, Communal Services and Improvement Pyotr Biryukov, a native of the Kursk village who has been working in the structures of the Moscow government for 25 years.

To figure out how Biryukov was able to stay in the city administration after the dismissal of Yuri Luzhkov and become one of the most influential Moscow officials, Meduza special correspondent Ilya Zhegulev went to the deputy mayor’s homeland in the village of Stary Buzets - and studied his professional biography in detail.
By 2016, Patriarch's Ponds had turned into one of the main gastronomic spots in Moscow - it got to the point that residents of the area demanded that restaurants and bars close no later than 11 pm: otherwise the noise would interfere.
New places are constantly appearing here - so in Ermolaevsky Lane, two notable establishments have opened in recent months: the Indian “Moscow - Delhi”, where in the evening they play the sitar, and fussy chefs prepare authentic snacks in the open kitchen, and the Georgian Patara with author’s tricks like mint adjika. There is not much space in both - and despite the fact that the view from the windows of the restaurants opens directly onto the pond, tables are not placed in the alley.

Viktor Tolkachev remembers Ermolaevsky completely differently. Six years ago, on the site of “Moscow - Delhi” there was a restaurant “Krylov” owned by him, and next to it there was a much more traditional Georgian “Suliko” than Patara. The summer of 2010 turned out to be incredibly hot - and even before Moscow was covered in smoke from forest fires, establishments organized improvised summer verandas in the alley.
As it turned out, to his own misfortune: one July evening, the veranda with a police squad was destroyed by the first deputy mayor, Pyotr Biryukov, who, much like the inhabitants of the Patriarch’s in the summer of 2016, did not like the noise under the windows of his apartment.

As Tolkachev recalls, he tried to talk to the official. “We wanted it like in Europe, we set up the tables and hung the awning,” the restaurateur tried to explain to Biryukov. “We’re not in Europe, we’re screwed,” he snapped. This phrase quickly turned into a saying, but, according to Tolkachev, Biryukov did not limit himself to this aphorism. “This is my street. This is my city,” the official told the cafe owner.

The fate of “Krylov” after that conflict did not work out: at some point, Tolkachev’s alcohol license was not renewed, the owner raised the rent - and the restaurateur sold the establishment to a friend for a million rubles (now Tolkachev is rebranding the pub on Pokrovsky Boulevard and is going to build a cafe in the Academy General Staff on "Yugo-Zapadnaya").

But the fate of Peter Biryukov turned out well. Despite the fact that soon after the story of the Patriarchal in Moscow the mayor and almost his entire team were replaced, the deputy mayor in charge of the city economy remained in his position - and subsequently even strengthened his influence.
It is Biryukov, a native of the Kursk village who began his career as a foreman, who manages the huge financial flows that Sergei Sobyanin allocates for the improvement of Moscow and replaces the mayor when he is absent from the city.

By a curious coincidence, the program, which in 2016 became a symbol of the administrative power of Pyotr Biryukov and within the framework of which the entire city center was dug up in the summer, is called “My Street”.


A road with perfect asphalt leads from the Kursk regional center of Zheleznogorsk towards the village of Stary Buzets - although there are few cars on it. The bus to the city runs twice a day, so locals prefer to hitchhike.
“Everything is the same. “Everything is sad,” sighs a man of about 60, who had just voted on the road. - Nothing to do. There is only one fish farm left and “Agropromkomplektatsiya.”
According to my fellow traveler, at the instigation of high-ranking fellow countryman Pyotr Biryukov, who was born here and lived the first 28 years of his life, Muscovites wanted to buy the local state farm - but encountered resistance from officials. Now, according to the head of the village council, Alexander Asyutikov, 150 people live in Stary Buzets. Their average age is 70 years.
“In another 15 years, there will be no one left,” says Asyutikov.

One of these 150 people is Biryukova’s mother, Maria Platonovna, who never wanted to leave her native village. Everyone knows the Biryukovs' house in Stary Buzets. The small wooden hut differs from others only in that there is a security booth next to it; however, the guard is not there all the time - it’s too quiet here. Biryukova's sister Valentina lives with Maria Platonovna; she helps her mother, who recently turned 90, with housework.
The family of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow still often brings their grandchildren here for the summer, and Biryukov himself specifically asks his sister to plant a pumpkin so that he can take it with him later. The official brings artists for the holidays - the whole village remembers how they celebrated their mother’s anniversary in 2015: about a hundred people gathered at a large table on the street, for whom Nadezhda Kadysheva and Felix Tsarikati performed.

Historically, Stary Buzets is one of the most significant settlements in the region, says local historian and deputy. the head of the Zheleznogorsk district administration, Gennady Alexandrov, who published four volumes of “History of Zheleznogorsk Villages” with his own money.
As the researcher managed to find out, the main occupation of the peasants of Old Buzz was, along with livestock breeding and agriculture, theft of forests - until the end of the twentieth century; Moreover, fellow villagers never betrayed each other.

“If they weren’t caught red-handed, then nothing can be proven,” the book quotes Ivan Yanshin, who worked as a forester in the 1960s. “Even if you find freshly cut trees near the yard in their village, the residents will deny that it was their doing: they say, ‘the devil knows how they ended up here.’” According to Aleksandrov, even the police were reluctant to visit Stary Buzets: the men there could give a severe rebuff.
“This support, mutual responsibility is still in their blood,” says the local historian.

It was in the 1960s that Pyotr Biryukov, a native of Stary Buzets, went to school. In the village, however, there was no school - every day we had to ride a bicycle seven kilometers to the neighboring village, and in winter we even had to stay there overnight. In the Zheleznogorsk newspaper “Udarny Front” you can find several notes signed by Biryukov, which tell details about school life. Here the future official found himself a bride - Antonina Zemlyakova from the village of Zorino. According to the recollections of his sister, Biryukov met his wife once on Trinity Sunday, when residents of all the surrounding villages gathered for a holiday on the Svapa River, and for several more years he ran to see her five kilometers in one direction, wading Svapa. Biryukov still lives with Antonina.

After serving in the army, Biryukov entered the Kursk Pedagogical Institute, where he studied to become a mathematics teacher, while simultaneously working as a teacher at a boarding school in a village not far from his native one. However, quite soon he changed his specialization, starting to work on the construction and installation train of Mostransstroy - he laid rails for the delivery of ore from the Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant to Moscow. There Biryukov became a foreman and head of the trade union - and at the same time received a construction education at the Kursk Polytechnic. Soon, Mostransstroy decided to take the energetic young man to Moscow.

“Peter Palych is very kind”

In the 1980s, Biryukov worked in several Moscow construction companies, was the manager of two repair trusts, and in 1986 he got into trouble - he and two colleagues were accused of stealing construction materials. Biryukov, however, was not arrested (they limited themselves to “using measures of public pressure”) - and after five years he transferred to the civil service.

In 1991, when Gavriil Popov was the mayor of Moscow, the new prefect of the South-Eastern District of Moscow, Vladimir Zotov, invited the builder to the post of sub-prefect of the Vykhino district - essentially, the head of the district government. There Biryukov began to promote new, non-state methods of managing housing and communal services.

“I managed to create an alternative private non-state housing management directorate, to which the budget money allocated for these purposes is transferred - and it uses it wisely, attracting contractors,” he later said. The authorities, apparently, appreciated Biryukov’s efforts - throughout the 1990s he climbed the career ladder, first becoming deputy prefect of the Central District, and then, in 2000, prefect of the Northern District.

Biryukov’s latest career success had a positive impact on the business of the Garant-Invest company. The financial and industrial company, which had existed without any major breakthroughs since 1993, suddenly became involved in development activities. In 2000, almost immediately after the official arrived in the Northern District, a subsidiary of Garant-Invest received the right to long-term lease of a land plot on Telman Square for the construction of a shopping complex - right next to the Airport metro station (in the Airport Gallery, opened three years later, Garant-Invest invested $16 million).

The market met the transformation of the company into a developer and retailer with bewilderment - experts did not predict success for financiers in a new territory for them. However, Garant-Invest continued the construction of shopping centers, only now in the Southern District: there the company took part in an experimental program in which land plots for the construction of convenience stores were allocated on a non-competitive basis.

It was in the Southern District that Pyotr Biryukov moved to work as a prefect in 2002. 8.5% of the shares of the Garant-Invest company belong to his daughter Irina and niece Ekaterina; The majority shareholder is Alexey Panfilov, who at the same time, on a voluntary basis, works as an adviser to Biryukov on housing and communal services and landscaping issues.

The daughter is not the only beneficiary of Biryukov’s career successes. “Peter Palych is very kind and unites all his relatives,” explains the official’s sister Valentina. “We still have a cousin living in Moscow.”
Alexey Biryukov, who also grew up in Stary Buzets, worked as a school director in a village near Zheleznogorsk until the age of 39 - but in 1995 he rushed to the capital and headed the Tishkovo children's sanatorium near Moscow, and three years later became the head of the Nekrasovka administration in South-East district (it was then headed by the official Zotov, who hired Biryukov to work in the city administration). In 2003, Pyotr Biryukov’s cousin headed the administration of the Pechatniki district in the same South-Eastern district, and four years ago he became the head of the Lyublino administration.

In addition to his cousin Alexey, Pyotr Biryukov also has a brother, Alexey - he is four years younger than the official. He also began his career by working on construction sites - in particular, according to local historian Aleksandrov, he traveled to the BAM and other places with difficult natural conditions, where he “gained vast experience.”

It was Alexey Biryukov who, in 2000, when his brother first received the position of prefect, became a shareholder and general director of the Universstroylux company. The company quickly turned out to be the main contractor on many construction projects subordinated to the older brother. At first, Universstroylyuks built schools and made major repairs in government institutions in the Northern District. Then, together with Pyotr Biryukov, the company’s activities moved to the south, where Universstroylyuks had even more orders - Alexey Biryukov even drove around the city in a car with a flashing light.

The Biryukov family proudly says that it was Alexey’s company that was involved in the reconstruction of the museum-reserve in Tsaritsyno. The project cost the city budget 10 billion rubles; it is one of the most striking manifestos of the Moscow style of the era of Yuri Luzhkov.

Local residents were outraged that, as part of the restoration of the park, natural vegetation was replaced with artificial landscaping (as a result, several species of animals disappeared from there); experts - in that instead of the romantic English park conceived by Catherine II, the result was a dummy in the Versailles style with fountains, lawns and many new buildings, which simply were not in the original project.

Architectural critic Grigory Revzin eloquently titled an article about the new Tsaritsyno “Empty Place” and directly pointed out that the Moscow architectural community “didn’t give a damn in the face”: “In the complex there is an acute absence of at least one person who, in principle, understands how it happens in palaces of the 18th century."

Nevertheless, Vladimir Putin came to open the museum-reserve, who stated that Moscow was responsible for the decisions made regarding reconstruction. According to sources close to Pyotr Biryukov, it was then that Putin met the official and expressed words of support to him - President Tsaritsyno liked it, and he advised the prefect not to worry about what they were saying about him.

Alexei Biryukov did worse with the reconstruction of the Kolomna Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Instead of a wooden palace, Universstroylux built a concrete building with wooden cladding, almost doubling the cost of the project along the way, from 800 million rubles to one and a half billion. The city administration refused to approve the latest price increase - however, after several trials, Alexey Biryukov’s company received the missing 500 million under a settlement agreement.

Biryukov even entrusted his brother with the construction of dog shelters, for which 2.7 billion rubles were allocated in 2007. However, by 2016, most of the shelters had not been built: out of 13 sites, two were commissioned; the rest, as in 2008, are paved areas with dog cages (Meduza wrote in detail about this problem).

One way or another, the work of Pyotr Biryukov and his contractors was appreciated by Yuri Luzhkov - in the summer of 2007, the mayor appointed him his first deputy and head of the Moscow municipal services complex.
Life turned out worse for Yuri Bulanov, a man who worked for five years as Biryukov’s first deputy, and then replaced him as prefect of the Southern District. Three years later, in 2010, Bulanov was arrested on charges of embezzlement of budget funds, and subsequently sentenced to three and a half years in prison.
During the investigation, it turned out that it was Bulanov who owned the very house on Patriarch’s Ponds where Pyotr Biryukov lived and where he was disturbed by the noise from street cafes.

Strong business executive

After his resignation in 2010, Yuri Luzhkov regretted taking Biryukov into the city government. He did not call him a traitor, but in general he had a negative attitude towards the deputy.

“I did not consider him a strong and competent leader, a good business executive. I had to do a lot of things for him on my own,” said the former mayor. “In addition, there were problems of a moral and ethical nature... Let me say briefly - this is not the kind of person, from the point of view of decency, from whom one can paint an image.” Meduza was unable to talk to Luzhkov.

In his new post, Biryukov, as always, developed vigorous activity. For example, he decided that it will now be necessary to remove all the snow that has fallen in three days. To complete this task, more transport was required - for which state enterprises entered into a contract for 219 million rubles with the Venta company. Its founders are the same Irina (daughter) and Ekaterina (niece) Biryukovs, and the same “Universstroylux” was responsible for the construction of two additional bases for the accumulation of de-icing reagents.

Biryukov himself, when asked about such coincidences, replied that he did not provide any protection to anyone. “I love communicating with my family and adhere to the principle: we never talk about business,” the official said in an interview with Vedomosti.
Biryukov did not want to talk to Meduza - his press secretary Igor Pergamenshchik, having learned the range of questions and the set of sources for the material, wrote a message: “The ethics of a civil servant do not allow you to give an interview on a topic that interests you, since information of public importance is exclusively about the professional activities of government officials "

Biryukov also actively took up the implementation of the federal reform of housing and communal services, which began in 2007 and was supposed to stimulate the denationalization of this sector of the economy and the transfer of management of houses to private hands. Building Operations Directorates (DEZs) began to get out of the control of the mayor's office and create parallel private companies where residents were transferred.

According to Dmitry Gordeev, an expert at the Institute of Urban Economics, dozens of fake homeowners’ associations were created in Moscow, where citizens were either enrolled without their knowledge or forced to join under the threat of being disconnected from the capital repair program. In this way, formal requirements were met that made it possible to receive funding from the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund.
According to the same scheme, according to Gordeev, apartment buildings were transferred to the management of private management companies. It happened that former employees of municipal utility companies organized their own companies and took control of about a hundred houses, allegedly by decision of the owners - for example, this is exactly what happened with 150 houses in the Arbat area.

However, when Yuri Luzhkov was replaced by Sergei Sobyanin, the new mayor began to speak skeptically about the “thousands of small enterprises” that operate in houses and cannot be controlled. Now Biryukov carried out a reform with the opposite meaning: all former state unitary enterprises merged into a new entity, the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilishchnik”, with which private management companies had to cooperate.
In essence, Gordeev explains, instead of creating market conditions, the city went for monopolization. “The State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” in one district will not compete with the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” in another district. The demands of the city are more important to him than the demands of citizens. The logic of the mayor’s office is this: we are responsible for the stability and quality of houses, so we must manage. But we can also say that we are responsible for food, so all the stores will be state-owned,” the expert is indignant. According to him, this does not exist in any region of the country - private companies have been managing houses there for a long time.

Now the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” operates in more than 120 districts of the capital; they employ more than 40 thousand employees. Biryukov himself believes that the reform was successful: the quality of work has increased, while budget funds were saved. “In addition to this, the salary level in the state budgetary institution Zhilischnik is more than twice as high as the salaries in other management companies,” the deputy mayor said on the air of Moscow 24.

The official salaries of employees of the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilischnik" are really high - however, sometimes the employees themselves do not know about it. Thus, for the cleaning lady of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” Yulia Lyzhina in Yasenevo, it was a surprise that her salary reached 193 thousand rubles per month.
The deception was revealed only after the Pension Fund reduced Ski's pension. In fact, the cleaning lady received 11 thousand rubles a month in cash - the rest of the money was credited to a bank card, which Lyzhina did not even receive. The cleaner filed a request with the prosecutor's office, but no investigation followed.

Residents of another district, Troparevo-Nikulino, spoke on the website of the association of homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives they created about how the scheme for generating income through employee salaries works. In their opinion, corruption is the basis for managing the Moscow housing and communal services sector, subordinate to Biryukov. Contracting organizations through competitions receive the right to operate a specific house - but then often hire subcontractors, which would hardly be possible with an economically justified tariff.

"The answer is simple. No one is going to carry out the entire volume of work, pay the wages established by regulations and the tripartite agreement,” say representatives of the association, who believe that the direct corruption burden on contractors’ businesses is about 40%. For example, according to the association, which, among other things, carried out covert monitoring of a number of city works, each guest worker is underpaid by approximately 30 thousand rubles every month.

“The janitors are given additional plots, which are then formally registered in the name of non-working people,” explains the chairman of the association, Andrei Shkurko. Novaya Gazeta described similar schemes for withdrawing budget money in an investigation published in the summer of 2016.

Another area of ​​Biryukov’s responsibility is landscaping the city. In the summer of 2013, the Dozhd TV channel calculated that the cost of landscaping Tverskaya, which began that same spring, was overestimated by 16 times.
One of the beneficiaries in this situation was the Moscow Engineering and Construction Company, headed by Farit Khaidarov, who had previously worked as a top manager of large companies in Kogalym - at the same time when Sobyanin was in charge of the city. Another is Alliance LLC, whose co-founder Vadim Samylovsky, until 2011, owned the EBC company together with Evgeny Biryukov (Vedomosti called him the vice-mayor’s nephew; the official denied this, pointing out that Biryukov is the fourth most popular surname in Moscow) .
Previously, Samylovsky worked as the chief engineer of the same Universstroylyuks, and the Alliance company itself was originally called USL Alliance (Biryukov’s brother Alexey owned three companies in which this abbreviation appears). Alliance was also serviced in the small Gorod bank, which shares the building with the companies of Biryukov’s brother and daughter.

Meanwhile, things were not going so well for Universstroylux itself.
In 2010, while clearing out the rubble of a building included in the demolition program for five-story buildings, the body of a homeless man was discovered. During the investigation of the incident, it turned out that Alexey Biryukov’s company did not demolish the buildings itself, but entered into an agreement with a subcontractor, paying less for two demolished houses than the city allocated for one.
Moreover, the investigation established that according to the documents, a house was demolished, which does not exist at all in the city plan - for this, the customers paid Universstroylux almost 10 million rubles.
The criminal case hit brother Biryukov’s company hard - it stopped receiving orders from the city, over several years its revenue decreased by 41 times, and it all ended in bankruptcy. However, Alexey Biryukov himself was not injured. Under other legal entities, he began to deal with new orders - now for the improvement of Moscow streets.


Sergei Sobyanin began actively promoting the idea of ​​pedestrian zones almost immediately after his arrival as mayor of Moscow - and at first it was Biryukov who was responsible for their arrangement. The deputy mayor carried out the order diligently, but architects and the public criticized the results of his work - the shops were too eclectic and not very appropriate; flower beds reminiscent of graves.

At the beginning of 2015, the Moscow Department of Competition Policy held a competition to develop a project for the improvement of Moscow streets, the winner of which was the Strelka consulting bureau.

This is KB - a company formed on the platform of the institute, which was founded in 2009 by entrepreneur Alexander Mamut “to change the cultural landscape and physical appearance of Russian cities.” The contract with the mayor's office worth 922 million rubles is the largest in the history of the bureau. Strelka was supposed to develop a standard for the improvement of streets and public spaces and organize support for the implementation of the My Street program, as well as conduct an audit of work on the preparation of design solutions.

Grigory Revzin, a partner at Strelka KB and the author of a devastating text about the reconstruction of Tsaritsyno, was faced with the fact that Pyotr Biryukov, who was responsible for the “restoration” of the museum-reserve, became his customer.
Of course, the idea to involve Strelka in the improvement did not belong to an official - as a source in the Moscow government says, Biryukov, on the contrary, dreamed of getting rid of new partners as quickly as possible. Revzin admits that communication was difficult for Strelka representatives as well. There was a lot of indignation from the contractors.

“There was a problem with the fact that, according to previous calculations, they had accumulated more building materials than they needed,” says Revzin. “They know that a street will be built, they buy it in advance, but suddenly the materials are not included in the project. They come - we have materials, include them in the project. And the butting happens.”

According to Revzin, the design of each street had to be coordinated with Biryukov - representatives of Strelka visit his office about once every two weeks. According to sources close to Biryukov, the parties argued not only about contractors.

For example, Biryukov flatly refused to plant trees on Tverskaya in the ground, preferring annually replaced flower beds. Revzin says that the deputy mayor wanted the trees to be trimmed rectangularly - like on the Champs Elysees.

“But Tverskaya is not a straight street, it turns. It seemed to us that it was much better for the trees to grow freely,” explains Strelka’s partner. According to a source in the Moscow government, representatives of the design bureau initially even had to complain to Sobyanin.

However, the mayor did not always support their proposals - for example, Revzin recalls, neither the mayor nor his deputy agreed with the proposal to build overland crossings on exit highways: this would require a conflict with the FSO, which has jurisdiction over sensitive highways.

Gradually, however, Biryukov got a taste for the new work - he liked the role of an urbanist more and more.
“We explained to him that when new cities were built, the most responsible specialty was “urban planner.” And now that cities have been built, the main thing is their maintenance, and urbanists are now more important than city planners,” says Revzin. According to Strelka’s partner, Biryukov was inspired by this idea: the official’s entire office is littered with albums showing the best streets in the world.
“He has a whole library, and he covers each book with colorful pieces of paper,” says Revzin. “There is, for example, an English edition of the book “Great Streets,” all in blue bookmarks.”
According to him, Biryukov likes Singapore, Barcelona and the southern cities of the USA most of all.

The largest contractor for My Street is Spetsstroy, a company associated with the developer Capital Group. It was at Capital Group, as Kommersant reported, that Biryukov’s son Alexander began his career. And another former employee of Capital Group, Olga Belostotskaya, together with Biryukov’s daughter Irina, organized a joint business: they owned bus stops in which shopping pavilions were built.

If in 2015 the company refused to comment on its participation in the improvement of the city, then in the spring the co-owner of the company, Pavel Tyo, confirmed in an interview with Forbes that within the framework of “My Street” Capital Group fulfilled city orders worth 4.5 billion rubles.
“We carried out work to improve the outbound routes, people worked 24 hours a day, we can be proud of our work,” said the businessman. Other major contractors of My Street are Alliance, which is associated with Biryukov’s brother Alexei, and the structures of the Tashir developer.

The range of powers of the organizations subordinate to Biryukov is so large that sometimes one structure subordinate to him buries the initiative of another. So, according to a Meduza source familiar with the work of the Moscow administration, the deputy mayor came up with special sensors that would determine the number of parking spaces on the street and display their number on a special monitor.
The system cost 4 billion rubles; it was installed by the Ateks enterprise, subordinate to the Federal Security Service. However, a year later the sensors stopped working: the Highways State Budgetary Institution, which is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Housing and Communal Services, laid asphalt on them.


The main question about Biryukov's career is how Yuri Luzhkov's deputy managed to maintain and even strengthen his position in the new administration - despite the fact that Sergei Sobyanin, having become mayor of Moscow, replaced almost the entire leadership team. Grigory Revzin believes that the official’s extensive experience working in Moscow played a role.
“Personally, it seemed to me that the new team was somewhat worried about the fact that they were not Muscovites,” says a partner at Strelka KB. “It was important that Biryukov had worked under Luzhkov for a long time and knew everything.”

A source close to the presidential administration believes that it was Biryukov’s expertise in the field of housing and communal services that became the decisive factor in his continued work in the city administration.

“Sobyanin understands that he is a swindler, but values ​​him as a professional,” says Meduza’s interlocutor. - When Sobyanin came, he had the idea of ​​​​changing it. But gradually he saw that Biryukov was working, the field was quite complex, and he was an expert in it. I got used to it and couldn’t find anyone better.”

This opinion is shared by Alexey Navalny, the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation and Sobyanin’s competitor in the mayoral elections in 2012.

“Sobyanin has one requirement for housing and communal services: “I don’t want to know anything or do anything, but don’t let anyone’s hot water be turned off in winter.” So Biryukov solves this problem without noise and dust,” the politician told Meduza.

According to Andrei Sharonov, the former deputy mayor for economic policy, at first the new boss was wary of Biryukov - Sobyanin even demoted him from the post of first deputy to an ordinary deputy.
“But then he strongly trusted Biryukov and very often began to leave him even as acting,” says Sharonov.
After the departure of the first vice-mayor Vladimir Resin from the Moscow government in 2011, his replacement was never appointed - and de facto it was Biryukov who was the first after Sobyanin. It is he who replaces the mayor when he is absent from work.

At the same time, several sources confirmed that Biryukov did not have close relationships with anyone from the new team.
With Sobyanin’s other deputies - for example, Marat Khusnullin, responsible for the construction complex, and the head of transport, Maxim Liksutov - they have a constant hardware struggle, which sometimes even goes beyond the walls of their offices.
So, in the fall of 2014, by order of Liksutov, parking bollards were installed in the city center to prevent cars from driving onto the sidewalk.
Soon other workers began to liquidate them - already by order of Biryukov. Sergei Sobyanin eventually took the latter’s side, saying that “the columns are not so harmless.” Municipal deputy of the Shchukino district Maxim Kats suggests that Biryukov planted the necessary paper with the answer to the mayor.

Despite these small victories, rumors about Biryukov's impending resignation arose regularly. So, shortly after the 2013 elections, they said that Sergei Kapkov would be appointed in his place. However, in the end, after some time, it was Kapkov who left the city administration - and Biryukov remained in place.
Two years later, in the spring of 2015, Biryukov’s chief assistant Andrei Tsybin, who headed the housing and communal services department, was replaced by Vladimir Goverdovsky. The decision was not agreed upon with Biryukov in any way; moreover, as sources in the mayor’s office testify, Goverdovsky was supposed to replace Biryukov as deputy mayor by the winter.
In response to this, Biryukov’s people began to ruin the life of the new head of the department, putting spokes in the wheels and sabotaging his decisions. Goverdovsky did not dare to enter into an open conflict - and as a result, in November of the same year, he left to work as prefect of the Central Administrative District.
The official refused Meduza's request for comment, citing the fact that the topic of the material was not related to his current work.

Biryukov's colleagues in the Moscow government are confident that Biryukov has his own defenders among federal heavyweights. This is indirectly evidenced by connections with contractors subordinate to law enforcement departments.
Thus, the Atex company, associated with the FSO, not only developed sensors for parking lots, but also received a contract for the improvement of interchanges for 200 million rubles.
And the Clean City company, which won tenders for the improvement of Novoslobodskaya Street and the area around the Novodevichy Convent for a total amount of more than a billion rubles, is owned by Sergei Prussov. According to Vedomosti, Prussov is a veteran of the communications service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, his son Maxim works in the ministry as the first deputy head of the operational intelligence department.

However, a source in the Kremlin advises not to believe conspiracy theories - according to him, Sobyanin has enough resources to directly come to Putin and ask to remove Biryukov, but the mayor does not do this. Sharonov believes that the reason is that Biryukov is “mentally close to the boss.”

“He is a workaholic, a supporter of manual control, and keeps a lot in his head,” says the former deputy mayor. “He travels around the city a lot, looks, controls.” According to Sharonov, it is important for Sobyanin that something is constantly happening in the city - and Biryukov fulfills this task well.

One of the sections of the unfinished cottage village near Krasnogorsk is littered with tiles. The village itself belongs to the partners of Pavel Tyo from Capital Group, and the specific plot belongs to the business partner of Biryukov’s daughter Olga Belostotskaya.

The tiles were purchased by the contractor using budget money according to the estimate and were left over from the improvement of the Boulevard Ring, work on which has already been completed. Now the granite blocks are piled on the ground and not even surrounded by a fence. As they say about this in Old Buzets, “the devil knows how they ended up here.”