Why do you dream about the Holiday? Why do you dream about a holiday according to the dream book?


Nowadays I remember dreams very rarely, but today I had a dream for which I would like an explanation. I dream of a large room, supposedly this is my place of work, there are many corridors, offices and other attributes of an industrial building. As if some kind of celebration is planned - March 8, in my opinion. I remember two things in this dream. first, an employee appears from somewhere - a young man with whom I work in real life and I don’t feel any sympathy for him - and begins to look after me. Then we are offered to drink supposedly vodka. There are a lot of people around. I take a glass and drink. It turns out it's water. They tell me what are you drinking, the vodka is in other glasses. I try from another glass - it still turns out to be water.
Apparently this dream is some kind of disappointment?


In your central meaning-forming idea of ​​life or work, usually symbolized in a dream by buildings [a large room, supposedly this is my place of work, there are many corridors, offices and other attributes of an industrial building], a groom has appeared, that is, a thought or idea that you do not perceive as important, but it seems important to your unconscious [an employee appears from somewhere - a young man with whom I work in real life and do not feel any sympathy for him - and begins to look after me]. The unconscious shows that you - at the level of consciousness - do not perceive it [I drink vodka, but this is water] or even devalue it (the process that is the opposite of turning water into wine). Your question about disappointment is very prophetic, since you yourself realize it and are already tuned in to it.


For the past few nights I have seen large crowds of people - either it’s my birthday, or I’m at some other party, where
everyone is dancing, eating, having fun... All dreams amaze with amazing
brightness and reality - as if I had really been there!


I had a dream quite a long time ago, several years ago, it was not associated with anything in particular, the feeling was like watching a pleasant fairy tale in childhood, when I wanted to be transported to another era, another country.
Moonlit summer night. I walk through a field, there is tall grass all around, I approach the river and see that it is covered with ice. On the other side are the bright lights of the city. I don’t know how, but I’m transported to this shore and immediately
I plunge into the world of sounds and colors: brightly burning lanterns, illumination, splashes of sparklers, tinsel, the clatter of horse hooves, creaking carriages, people’s voices, slowly walking men in black top hats,
with a cane in his hands, the laughter of women looking out of the windows of passing carriages. The feeling of a holiday - New Year or Christmas. I feel like I’m in St. Petersburg in the 19th century. I need to pick it up from the seamstress
carnival costume: I climb the spiral staircase (I have to almost bend over - the ceilings are too low for me) all the way to the attic, I enter a small cozy room where no one is yet. Right opposite,
There are two dresses hanging high on the wall, one of them immediately catches your eye: very beautiful, bright, red. I go up to him and hear a voice (probably from a dressmaker): “This is for... (says the name of one of my friends),
Yours is nearby." And it is covered with a cover on top, I slightly lift it from below and see several rows of frills - wide ribbons of white thin lace intertwined with light silver threads.
About myself: gender - female, age - 30 years.


A moonlit summer night symbolizes the state of albedo [dull gray glow, absence of bright sun, moon, snowy landscape] - uncertainty, ambiguity, search. You are looking for something in yourself, but haven’t found it yet.
Then you find yourself in Christmas - obviously, it has become clear to you [plunging into the world of sounds and colors: brightly burning lanterns, illumination, splashes of sparklers, tinsel, the clatter of horse hooves, creaking carriages, people's voices] your goal.
It consists of two forms (ways of self-expression) just made by the unconscious [the dressmaker], symbolically represented by dresses. One of them is connected with your somewhat suppressed (not me, but an “acquaintance”) sexuality; it is very beautiful, bright, red, and the other is with your declared mask of behavior, with cold and calm habits [wide ribbons of white thin lace intertwined with light silver threads].


There was a series of nights when I could not remember dreams, although I had them. Then there was a dream: night, winter, some kind of celebration. Lots of people and most of them. These are my current friends. The snow reflects the colors of New Year's lights, we run, have fun and play. My son, having started playing, disappears somewhere, I don’t know where he is, but I’m not worried about him, but I’m looking for him with my eyes. Then I woke up and thought for 1.5 hours about one topic that worried me, and then I had a dream that was completely different from the first one. Some very well-groomed forest, cultivated I would say, grass, trees, everything is in its place. No people. I walk through the forest and see mushrooms growing from under a carpet of moss. These are chanterelles and boletus. The mushrooms stand out so clearly against the background of green moss that it is impossible not to notice them. I squat in front of one of the mushrooms and remove the sticky blades of grass from it, but I don’t tear them. Then gradually I find myself in the room in which I grew up. There is a husband and son. I stand facing the curtains on the window and my back to them and hear the conversation. my husband is talking to G. Starovoitova, although I didn’t see her in the room as such. He asks her why she left? Strange, considering that she was killed. I must add that my nightly thoughts were not of any fatal nature, quite the contrary. I realized something important there.


Good day. Today I had the following dream. It’s spring, the huge city is filled with a festive mood, I don’t know what holiday it is. Crowds of happy and excited people walk the streets. I'm also in a hurry to meet someone. In my hands I have an amazingly beautiful bouquet - white roses-candles in the center of the bouquet, and around them a rim of scarlet blooming roses. The only thing that darkened the festive mood was that the city transport was crowded and it was impossible to leave. At first I tried to catch up with the trolleybus, which was filled to capacity, but it didn’t stop. Then I tried to get on an equally crowded tram - no effect. I walked to the meeting place. As it turned out, we were having a reunion of school alumni. Familiar faces flashed by, all the girls were surprisingly beautiful. I, too, shone with beauty, compliments poured in my direction and in the direction of my wonderful bouquet. I don’t remember what happened next. I only remember someone’s apartment where I made love with my man. After sex, we went to the bathroom and for some reason, first he and then I washed our faces with warm water. Then for some reason it turned out that he was a criminal, although in real life he had been a “cop” all his life - an operative, a prison director, a colonel of the SBU. This is such a dream.


I went to some kind of holiday. It was like a disco. Only the room was not a disco. All this took place in two adjacent halls. The halls resembled school halls in an old school design. There were a lot of girls at the disco. And of the men, it seems, I was the only one. I was dressed very formally. Three-piece suit, tie, shoes, everything as it should be. I walked from hall to hall and looked for someone to invite me to dance. But nothing worked for me. Something was in the way. Either the music was inappropriate, or I didn’t really like the girl. In general, I walked back and forth looking for a couple. While I was walking, the girls in the hall completely changed. Those who were there left, and they were replaced by very young girls. In fact, children. Then I realized that I had nothing else to do at the disco. It was at this moment that a girl of easy virtue approached me. I don't know where it came from. But I remember her appearance. She was fat. She was wearing tight black trousers and a blouse. This made her seem even thicker. And a fat belly appeared. I remember that the face was quite normal, but not beautiful. She had light red short-cropped hair. She immediately took care of me. She actually started dancing with me herself. Then she began to make absolutely indecent advances. Then she suggested running away from this disco and going to a club, but I realized that it was a club. I didn’t like this girl, but for some reason I thought it was indecent to refuse and agreed. Then, right in the dance, she started doing this to me: True, I liked what she did. And I woke up.


Disco and dancing symbolize the contribution of personal energy to something false; from the point of view of the unconscious, this is a reflexive obsession. The partner, judging by the description, is also devoid of positive eroticism. Regarding sex in a dream, you should pay attention to the following points:

1. Sexual acts are never dreamed of if they occur in reality, so one must take into account the possibility of ordinary compensation (dreams of wish fulfillment).

2. If this is compensation, then it can be positive if the bodies are completely naked and everything ends in orgasm. Other options indicate indecision.

3. If this is not compensation, then vivid experiences of sexuality in a dream indicate the appearance of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is capable of carrying out a vampiric takeover.

Perhaps both together. Sex is always more than sex, so listen to yourself. A woman with her complexes comes into play only when we awaken these complexes in her through our behavior.


I'm checking into a hotel with my mother and some other people. We are given a small room, but I don’t like it there and I negotiate with a cleaning lady I know to put us in a suite with several rooms. The cleaning lady helps us move there for one night. We happily settle into spacious rooms and go to bed. In the morning I wake up and go to the bath. This is where their cleaning supplies are stored. I remember that we are here only for the night and not entirely legally. There's a knock on the door. I look out the peephole and see a group of dressed-up people with flowers and gifts, who somehow hold a festively laid table in front of them. I turn around and tell everyone that they urgently need to pack their things and leave here, because... Something will be celebrated in this room now, it seems a wedding. I quickly start packing my bags. Suddenly the door opens and a crowd of my old friends and acquaintances bursts in. Shining like copper basins, they rush to me with bouquets and congratulations. It dawns on me that they came to congratulate me and that the whole holiday was also about me, although I don’t understand the reason and I’m trying hard to remember it.




1 day before my friend’s birthday, my friend had a dream that three tables were set in her apartment, in different rooms. On the bed, which had been put away, was the dress uniform of a man close to her; on the wall was a painting of a deer. There were sofas and a bed. 36 years old, female , profession accountant/I associate sleep with the health of the man I am dating.


I dreamed that it was summer, that I was in the village with my parents, that there was some kind of holiday, but not noisy and drunk, but when people go to the forest. But not Trinity. I invited my mother to go for a walk, and barely persuaded her. In fact, my mother does not walk far from home; she generally walks slowly, because... suffocating, dizzy, blood pressure jumping. And in the dream he walks ahead of me, and so quickly. We walk without talking. They've gone far. For some reason there were no people in the forest, only two strange strangers came across. I caught up with her, took her by the hand, and her hands were cold, cold, and her face was pale, pale, even yellowish, not a speck of blood, but almost without wrinkles, and her eyes were like tin, empty. But it’s summer, it’s hot, and she wasn’t even flushed or out of breath. I stopped her, I said: we went for a walk, let’s rest, I began to rub her cheeks, they were cold. I was scared. She says: I told myself - I’ll walk this many steps. But it didn’t get warmer. But some kind of expression seemed to appear in the eyes. We went back. Slow down. I'm afraid that her blood pressure will go bad, and she's still a long way from home. I see a long birch planting to go through, and then I think - where are we, this place is not ours, there are no such places near our village. Then the alarm clock rang. And I don’t know if we returned home. What really scares me is that she was cold and white.


The dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday. I dreamed that some kind of holiday was taking place in my apartment (presumably a birthday or a wedding. For some business I had to go to the kitchen. Arriving there, I looked out the window and saw on the lawn in front of the window a certain glass container, similar to a large cylinder, quite still of decent size, filled with red wine. From this container into the sewer hatch it poured out in a rather strong stream. Then the thought flashed that it was a pity for the wine (and as often happens in dreams), I reached out of the window and dragged it into the kitchen (despite the fact that I live on 6th floor). I know that this all sounds like nonsense, but that’s not the main thing. My mother (who died a year ago, may she rest in heaven) was sitting nearby at the kitchen table. I poured her a glass and offered it, but she refused it, and then I drank it myself. This is where the dream ended. In principle, there is nothing special in this dream - I often dream about my mother after death, and lately I began to drink often, just by reading a dream book I learned that seeing spilled wine is a sign of sadness, and offering something to the dead is generally a serious danger represents and, on the contrary, drink wine to joy. A little about myself: I’m 23 years old, my general state of being is depressed at the moment, I woke up broken in the morning. If it’s not difficult, please explain what it all means. Thanks in advance


I have a dream, as if it’s either my wedding or my mother’s anniversary. We have a large two-story house. There are a lot of people. A rich table. My husband and I are dancing. But then suddenly I turn around, and I see that the people are all sad, and everyone is dressed in black .I’m also in all black. Suddenly Evdokimov (who died) appears next to me, who seems to want to congratulate my mother, but in my opinion he doesn’t congratulate her, calls her by a different name and disappears. The ending of the dream is creepy - they put some on my plate potatoes and black-black shrimps, I try them, they taste like regular ones. A very unpleasant dream. Help.


On the night of January 6-7 (Orthodox Christmas) I had a dream: I was at the station, there was also a market - shopping arcades, and the only people I knew there were my family. I am clearly aware of the holiday - New Year, Christmas, I light sparklers and run, rejoicing and congratulating everyone on the New Year, waving this burning stick and giving it to a stranger, just like that, at random, without specifically choosing him, I don’t even see him clearly - he is in twilight. Then it’s like shot two - I’m standing near the counter, and THIS young man comes up to me. Now I can clearly see him - HE is beautiful (MY ideal of beauty). At the same time, I feel joy mixed with embarrassment. He talks to me, asks about me, but NOTHING about himself. Now this is no longer a market but a train station, but the station is unusual, all the cars come to a dead end, as if they only go to this point and back. Trains are constantly arriving. He disappears somewhere, I assume he gets on a train and leaves.


I often dream about the holiday - New Year. It always - always goes badly. Either they forgot about him, or something didn’t work out, or no one came... Different options, but always bad feelings. I used to dream about my birthday, but less often. Everything is the same, everything is also bad... But the New Year is more frequent and somehow more disturbing from dreams about it... That's it.


Holiday in the summer park. Probably a corporate party. Many acquaintances. Music. I'm having fun. Only my husband is kind of tense. - Something happened? - I ask him. - No. - He answers. But I feel that he is clearly nervous. I ask him several more times, but he refuses. Then I’m standing, chatting with someone, and my husband comes up: “Let’s go, we need to talk.” We step aside, he points his hand at the group of dancers: “See that dark girl over there?” A young snub-nosed girl with a short dark haircut is jumping merrily in the crowd. I ask: - WELL? - This is Masha. - And who is she? — By asking the question, I already seem to begin to understand what this conversation is about. Everything breaks down inside. And the body is filled with cold trembling. - You see, at first I didn’t want to tell you, because I thought it was all frivolous. Then, when I realized how far everything had gone, I simply didn’t know how to say it. I'm asking for a divorce. I want to marry her. I'm dumbfounded. I didn’t even know anything about it. It was as if I had suddenly been given a kick, with my foot and with all my strength. Something like an earthquake is happening inside me. My beloved city was destroyed to the ground, all its sharp spiers and cozy houses, tiny streets and avenues, in one minute turned into a gray dusty pile of faceless stones. My little world is no more. But I still ask again: “Have you already decided that for sure?” He answers: “Yes, and I have no other option.” And from his tone I understand that this is indeed the case. He doesn’t love me anymore, I’m a complete stranger to him, and his voice is calm and extremely cold. - How did this happen? — I cut short phrases so as not to burst into tears in the middle of the party, in front of everyone, and dancing Masha in particular. - You see, it was hard for me to return home every time. You are always tired, running around with the children, always irritated by something. And I rested with her, I felt very good. She is so cheerful, carefree, laughing all the time. She's only 19. And then I realized that I couldn't live without her. And we decided to get married. Don't worry, I'll leave the apartment to you. The only thing I ask is, do not interfere with my meetings with children. “Why do you need my children,” I bitterly sarcastically, “Your Masha is such a cow, she will give you even more births, before you have time to look back.” - Well, why, why don’t you just want to understand me as a human being? - Where did you dig up this Masha of yours? - Do you remember, in the evenings I went to the sports club with Lesha Belov, she is his friend, then it all started. I understand that this connection is not one month old. - Are you sure you’ve decided everything? - Yes. I understand that after all, everything is over between us. Our entire family life, in my opinion a very happy one, he just threw at my feet like an old useless rag. - You should at least introduce me to this Masha of yours, since you are going to get married. “We’re going to Leshka Belov’s tomorrow evening, come if you want.” Unfamiliar apartment. Some kind of feast. Empty chatter. Person 6-8. Among them is Lesha Belov (in real life we ​​don’t know anyone with that name, but Lesha Belov from the dream looked like one of my husband’s colleagues). Masha is somehow unnaturally cheerful and excited. She laughs loudly, out of place and out of place, opening her mouth wide. The eyes shine strangely. Suddenly she throws her head back, her eyes roll back, and there is white foam on her lips. She begins to vomit wildly. Everyone is running towards her, I am on the sidelines, some are shaking, some are pouring water, some are just yelling: “Masha, Masha!” Finally, Masha comes to her senses, her face pale and looking confused. I think: “Is this fool really pregnant?” Suddenly someone says: “Drugs.” Me: “Well, of course, I didn’t immediately realize that she was high on something. The husband asks in a trembling voice: “Masha, did you take something?” She looks up at him with innocent eyes: “No, what are you talking about?” I didn't take anything, I don't do drugs. “Yeah,” I think, “No matter what, I found idiots.” And then I remember that when I took the children to the clinic named after. Semashko, I saw an office there where they do drug tests if more than a day has passed since the moment of use. I tell my husband about this. He says: “We have to go, you understand, I have to be sure, I want to live my life with her.” Come with us and show us where and what. We hail a taxi. The three of us sit there. Masha, not paying any attention to me, as if I didn’t exist at all, bleats to her husband: “Honestly, I didn’t use anything, I ask you to believe me.” The husband is silent and does not look at her. “If you want, I’m ready, I agree to any tests, why can’t you just trust me.” And I’m driving and thinking: “One hundred percent. She threw herself into something, don’t go to grandma’s. Now they will conduct a test, find drugs in her blood, and her husband will change his mind about marrying her and leave her. But this doesn’t make it any easier for me; my family life is still destroyed. And even if he comes back to me, I won’t be able to live with him.” And then I woke up... About myself: I am 32 years old, gender - female, married, happily married, mother of many children. I just can’t imagine what to connect this dream with. What scared me was that it was very real, no fragments, no foreign objects, the plot was too coherent. I walk around with sadness all day long. Help me to understand.


Once my friends and I were planning to go to a beer festival... and had to walk part of the way in a huge crowd. The goal was achieved, but the company was divided into two parts, one was on the right bank of the Neva, where the festival took place, and the other on the left (where there was and I), there were few people and I understood that the whole holiday was happening THERE!!! When we finally realized that we needed to reunite, we went to the other side along the bridge and then suddenly we saw people diving from the bridge and then bodies floating to the surface and these were only girls. Everyone was horrified by what was happening and I saw that imperceptible movements were taking place in the water, then one would straighten her hair, then another would blink... and with the feeling that this was another terrible show, we moved on. I had a large amount of money with me and it was in my breast pocket, all the time I was afraid of losing it!!! Suddenly, for some reason, I fell behind the others and boys of 10-12 years old pestered me with thoughts of robbing me, and I began to defend myself and pretend (speak obscenities, behave cheekily) and understood that I could not get rid of them, which means you have to say, “make yourself part of the board.” I mentally understand that I wandered into “their” territory, where they are “kings” and “gods”. I couldn’t find the way back and asked them to help me. They took me into some underground labyrinths, where I even had to crawl, because there was a passage It was narrow, I crawled out onto the square, in the middle of which there was a church, but not a Catholic one... and with the thoughts that I would be drawn into some sect, I left. but I couldn’t get rid of the boys and they took me somewhere else... It was a shelter for the homeless... they were all dirty and lousy, lying on the same beds, and I was all so clean and in a white suit, walking through all this, but pretending , that I don’t care what form they are in, but in my heart I was terribly scared. The boys lead me somewhere deeper and deeper underground and suddenly I understand that they specifically want to lure me into a trap. at that time I wanted to “open up” and already signs of horror appeared on my face and in another moment they would have noticed all this and the consequences, I felt, would have been irreversible (I would have remained living in their environment forever). But suddenly they clearly heard a child’s cry “mom” and the boys switched to this. Everyone followed this cry together and it turned out that little girls in beautiful dresses somehow also ended up there and I realized that this was my last chance to get out of there. Since there are girls, that means their mothers are nearby, which means there is “freedom” there. The guys attacked them like vultures, but I still persuaded them to let them go and everyone followed them, thinking that they would lead to the exit. Then the girls climbed into some pipe and I clearly see what was happening outside... They crawl out, then I, and there is such sun and green meadow. They look at me as if I’m stupid, but I understand that I still have all the money in my pocket and I’ll now go to the nearest store and buy myself new clothes, go to the bathhouse and wash myself and everything will fall into place!! Then I woke up!!!


A family celebration in a strange place: hills, on the outskirts, on the top of one of the hills there is a church. It's not a wedding or a funeral, but it's something important. Late autumn, brown grass everywhere, bare trees. There are tables, there is practically no food on them, but there are a lot of people. They are all supposed to be our relatives, however, I do not know them. Mom and I are sitting at one of the tables, opposite us is President Putin. It turned out to be a very nice person. Something fast and furry rushes between my legs, under the table, I assumed it was a boar. The second time I managed to dive under the table and grab the animal. It really was a boar, only a small one. Something about the boar confused me. The animal is not aggressive, rather playful, like a child. I grabbed the boar and suddenly turned it inside out, like a hollow fur toy. The boar turned into an elegant doe, and she turned into a horse. Suddenly I found myself far from the tables. The same brown hills, only to the left a wide road rises to the hill, on the top of which there is a temple. Apparently, there is some kind of holiday there, because burning candles are visible through the windows, singing and screams are heard. Many people are walking towards the church, dark silhouettes, it seems to me, joyful. I am overwhelmed by the deepest melancholy, I want to get away from the hills, I complain about my despondency to my companion, a young participant in a family celebration. I would have gotten into the church, but the white gravel road is blocked by a black wrought-iron grille, and the priest on the other side throws a stick at me and, when it rattles on the grille, shouts that I can’t come here. I wasn't very upset, I was just expecting such an answer. I have a horse with me on a leash. I’m confused, I don’t know where to go, because everywhere there are the same hills.


I once had a similar dream. “Relatives” (or all my past incarnations) gathered in pitch darkness; they were dressed in clothes from different eras. At the party I also saw relatives who had already died. True, the table was littered with food and music was blaring. I had a dream during a period of terrible depression, satiety and fatigue from life. Perhaps you are going through a similar period. Putin’s presence at the “celebration” speaks of the significance of the event. A temple on a hill, apparently “paradise”, where it’s still too early for you to go (again, perhaps caused by depressive and suicidal thoughts). The monk tells you this directly. In general, from personal experience, a monk meets the dreamer in a dream at particularly difficult moments in life, or foreshadows, God forbid, difficult trials.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing the Holiday in a dream

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date, you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday, sources of spiritual energies will be revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the beginning of the conversation, you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Holiday?

Holiday, banquet - Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises. If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. To dream of being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead. Why dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration - in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where the Celebration was dreamed

Holidays – Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative ones - unjustified hopes, the loss or absence of a loved one. How is celebration woven into the fabric of sleep? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it. However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met. Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate? How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

Interpretation of Holidays from your dream

Holidays (New Year, Birthday) – Improvement of life situation, joyful event; "festive" mood; see Congratulate in the river. Relationships.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing the Holiday in a dream as a symbol

Celebrate – Joy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Celebrate – Joy.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a holiday in a dream?

I dreamed of a celebration, a banquet - Seeing a holiday in a dream means that pleasant surprises await you. If there is a mess at the holiday, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the celebration means that hectic days await you ahead. Most often, if in a dream you dream that you are participating in a noisy festival, in reality you will more than once neglect the cruel realities of life. This dream also foretells that you will never want to depend on others for anything.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a holiday in a dream?

Celebrating a victory is a dream that can actually be fulfilled.

Great modern dream book

Holiday in a dream - interpretation according to Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Holiday - You saw some kind of holiday in a dream - a pleasant surprise will cause your good mood. It’s as if you were late for the holiday - the coming days will be full of troubles. During the holiday, you are almost the central figure - the passion for risky actions will not lead you to good; stand out for your intelligence, not for your risky dissipation; do not walk on the balcony railings; It always seems to you that trouble is far away and cannot happen to you, but one day it will fall on you like a kite on a mouse - before you have time to come to your senses. During the holiday, it is as if someone had a quarrel - because of someone’s negligence or negligence, an accident will happen.

Dream book for the whole family / E. Danilova

Why do you dream about Holidays?

Holiday - rest; independence; harmony in the family; family traditions. There was some kind of disorder and quarrel at the celebration; being late for the holiday means unjustified hopes; missed opportunity to gain freedom; someone is absent at the holiday - the loss of a loved one; a break up; participate in a noisy holiday - dependence in some way on others is unpleasant for you; to be unprepared for a festive event - to pay great attention to what others think of you; ignore their opinion.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about a Holiday in a dream by day of the week?

Holiday - Seeing yourself at a holiday in a dream means that you will be promised mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

Holiday - The dream foretells prosperity in the near future. Imagine that you are celebrating an event with all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream about a Holiday?

A holiday means improved well-being in the near future. Imagine that you see a noisy, cheerful, bright holiday spilling out onto the streets of the city. There is fun all around, carnival processions are going on, music is playing, people are singing and dancing. Fireworks bloom here and there in the sky. You join the celebration and join the crowd of cheerful, cheerful people. Your friends, family, acquaintances will join you. You are in the very center of wild holiday fun.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a holiday in a dream

Holiday 1. Being on a holiday in a dream is associated with a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction. 2. Our need to be independent and responsible often manifests itself in dreams as a holiday. In the literal sense of the word, this is a holy day - a day apart, and we need to be careful to warn that we need time to create space for ourselves. 3. Spiritual replenishment, rest and relaxation are all part of the holiday.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a holiday in a dream means that pleasant surprises await you.

If there is a mess at the holiday, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence.

Being late for the celebration means that hectic days await you ahead.

Most often, if you dream that you are participating in a noisy festival, in reality you may more than once neglect the cruel realities of life. This dream also foretells that you will never want to depend on others for anything.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Celebrate – Joy.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Family dream book

A holiday in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant surprises.

Disorder at a holiday portends quarrels due to someone's negligence.

If in a dream you were late for a holiday, in reality you will have to worry about something.

A dream in which you participate in a noisy celebration characterizes you as an independent and independent person.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing yourself in a dream at a holiday at a rich table is a favorable sign that promises you good luck and excellent relationships with others.

At the same time, eating or drinking during a holiday is not a very good sign. Often such dreams suggest that in reality you are experiencing difficulties.

If something disturbs you at a holiday and overshadows the fun, such a dream foreshadows disappointments and conflicts with loved ones and friends.

Seeing a festively dressed crowd is a harbinger of bustle and pleasant troubles in your life.

A festive masquerade in a dream is a sign of frivolous hobbies and empty promises that can confuse you.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for a holiday, this means unexpectedly receiving a lot of money.

Inviting many guests to a family holiday portends confusion and differences of opinion on fundamental issues.

Spending all the holidays at a party - in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly.

If, in the midst of a holiday, your mood is spoiled so much that you are even brought to tears, this will lead to annoying losses and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun at the holiday until you drop means a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart.

A holiday marred by a drunken brawl foretells trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year means wonderful prospects that will result in a prosperous and happy family life. The holiday of Maslenitsa means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter means spiritual grace, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Celebrate – Joy

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Esoteric dream book

The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the beginning of the conversation, you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises.

If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence.

Being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead.

If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration, in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are at a festival, in real life you will be indifferent to the true values ​​of life and will begin to appreciate those pleasures that will age you ahead of time. Despite your own will, you will be heavily dependent on other people.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Holiday - You see some kind of holiday in a dream - a pleasant surprise will cause your good mood. It’s as if you were late for the holiday - the coming days will be full of troubles. During the holiday, you are almost the central figure - the passion for risky actions will not lead you to good; stand out for your intelligence, not for your risky dissipation; do not walk on the balcony railings; It always seems to you that trouble is far away and cannot happen to you, but one day it will fall on you like a kite on a mouse - before you have time to come to your senses. During the holiday, it is as if someone had a quarrel - because of someone’s negligence or negligence, an accident will happen.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Easter is the arrival of happiness.

Christmas or New Year with fir trees and burning candles is a great surprise and joy.

Someone else’s anniversary in a dream means someone’s unexpected help.

Your anniversary - get hope for a promotion.

The grand opening of something is an entry into something new and pleasant.

Carnival, Maslenitsa, masquerade - you are not sincere with friends (decreased income), losses, irritation, intrigues.

A ball in a dream is a deception, a surprise.

Celebrating your birthday means a long, happy life ahead.

Someone else's birthday is an unpleasant meeting, illness or danger to the life of the one whose birthday you saw.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Holidays - an improvement in life situation, a joyful event; "festive" mood.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Holiday mean in a dream - The dream foretells prosperity in the near future. Imagine that you are celebrating an event with all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Celebrating a victory is a dream that can actually be fulfilled.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of a Holiday - Seeing yourself at a holiday means that you will be promised mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Holiday - improvement of well-being in the near future. Imagine that you see a noisy, cheerful, bright holiday spilling out onto the streets of the city. There is fun all around, carnival processions are going on, music is playing, people are singing and dancing. Fireworks bloom here and there in the sky. You join the celebration and join the crowd of cheerful, cheerful people. Your friends, family, acquaintances will join you. You are in the very center of wild holiday fun.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Holiday mean in a dream 1. Being on a holiday in a dream is associated with a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction. 2. Our need to be independent and responsible often manifests itself in dreams as a holiday. It is literally a holy day - a day of its own - and we may need to take care in warning that we need time to create space for ourselves. 3. Spiritual replenishment, rest and relaxation are all part of the holiday.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Women's dream book

Holiday, banquet - Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises. If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead. If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration, in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Holiday - rest; independence; harmony in the family; family traditions. There was some kind of disorder and quarrel at the celebration; being late for the holiday means unjustified hopes; missed opportunity to gain freedom; someone is missing at the holiday - the loss of a loved one; a break up; to participate in a noisy holiday - dependence in some way on others is unpleasant for you; to be unprepared for a festive event - to pay great attention to what others think about you; ignore their opinion.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

In any case, it indicates a situation that is beneficial and useful to the subject, opening up a favorable opportunity for his personal development.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Online dream book

If there is a holiday, this plot suggests that you are not inclined to take life seriously. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Why do you dream about a holiday?

An old English dream book

Seeing yourself at a holiday is a harbinger that your life will turn out very well, that you will be able to enjoy traveling to distant countries.

If at a festival you see yourself next to the one you love, this portends great marital happiness.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

Dream book of lovers

A dream about a holiday portends a quarrel between spouses or lovers.

1 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Easter is the arrival of happiness.
Christmas or New Year with fir trees and burning candles is a great surprise and joy.
Someone else’s anniversary in a dream means someone’s unexpected help.
Your anniversary - get hope for a promotion.
The grand opening of something is an entry into something new and pleasant.
Carnival, Maslenitsa, masquerade - you are not sincere with friends (decreased income), losses, irritation, intrigues.
A ball in a dream is a deception, a surprise.
Celebrating your birthday means a long, happy life ahead.
Someone else's birthday is an unpleasant meeting, illness or danger to the life of the one whose birthday you saw.

2 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Holiday - You see some kind of holiday in a dream - a pleasant surprise will cause your good mood. It’s as if you were late for the holiday - the coming days will be full of troubles. During the holiday, you are almost the central figure - the passion for risky actions will not lead you to good; stand out for your intelligence, not for your risky dissipation; do not walk on the balcony railings; It always seems to you that trouble is far away and cannot happen to you, but one day it will fall on you like a kite on a mouse - before you have time to come to your senses. During the holiday, it is as if someone had a quarrel - because of someone’s negligence or negligence, an accident will happen.

3 Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Holiday - improvement of well-being in the near future. Imagine that you see a noisy, cheerful, bright holiday spilling out onto the streets of the city.

There is fun all around, carnival processions are going on, music is playing, people are singing and dancing. Fireworks bloom here and there in the sky. You join the celebration and join the crowd of cheerful, cheerful people. Your friends, family, acquaintances will join you. You are in the very center of wild holiday fun.

4 Women's dream book

Dreaming about a holiday means:

Holiday, banquet - Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises. If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead. If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration, in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

5 Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

Holiday dream meaning:

You dreamed of a Holiday - Seeing yourself at a holiday means that you will be promised mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

6 Dream book of lovers

A dream about a holiday portends a quarrel between spouses or lovers.

7 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises.
If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence.
Being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead.
If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration, in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

8 Medieval dream book of Daniel

Holiday in a dream means:

Celebrating a birthday is a joy.

9 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Holiday - rest; independence; harmony in the family; family traditions. There was some kind of disorder and quarrel at the celebration; being late for the holiday means unjustified hopes; missed opportunity to gain freedom; someone is missing at the holiday - the loss of a loved one; a break up; to participate in a noisy holiday - dependence in some way on others is unpleasant for you; to be unprepared for a festive event - to pay great attention to what others think about you; ignore their opinion.

10 Gypsy dream book

Holiday - going to a party means that the next day you will meet your lover and have a good time.

11 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why does a woman dream about a holiday:

Celebrate – Joy.

12 Family dream book

Seeing a holiday in a dream means:

A holiday in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant surprises.
Disorder at a holiday portends quarrels due to someone's negligence.
If in a dream you were late for a holiday, in reality you will have to worry about something.
A dream in which you participate in a noisy celebration characterizes you as an independent and independent person.

13 Dream book for a bitch

A dream about a holiday in the dream book is interpreted as:

A holiday means unexpected meetings with people who are pleasant in all respects.
A noisy, cheerful holiday - your romance is combined in a very strange way with firmness and determination.
Receive an invitation, but for some reason fail to attend the holiday - hectic and exciting days lie ahead.

14 Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming about a holiday means:

Seeing a holiday in a dream means that pleasant surprises await you.
If there is a mess at the holiday, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence.
Being late for the celebration means that hectic days await you ahead.
Most often, if you dream that you are participating in a noisy festival, in reality you may more than once neglect the cruel realities of life. This dream also foretells that you will never want to depend on others for anything.

15 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Holiday dream meaning:

What does Holiday mean in a dream 1. Being on a holiday in a dream is associated with a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction. 2. Our need to be independent and responsible often manifests itself in dreams as a holiday. It is literally a holy day - a day of its own - and we may need to take care in warning that we need time to create space for ourselves. 3. Spiritual replenishment, rest and relaxation are all part of the holiday.

16 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a holiday:

Holidays - an improvement in life situation, a joyful event; "festive" mood.

17 Rick Dillon's Dream Book

What a holiday might mean:

Celebrating a victory is a dream that can actually be fulfilled.

18 Modern dream book

Holiday in a dream means:

If you dream that you are at a festival, in real life you will be indifferent to the true values ​​of life and will begin to appreciate those pleasures that will age you ahead of time. Despite your own will, you will be heavily dependent on other people.

19 Dream book of healer Akulina

If a girl dreams of a holiday, it means:

What does a Holiday mean in a dream - The dream foretells prosperity in the near future. Imagine that you are celebrating an event with all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.

20 Online dream book

Why does a woman dream about a holiday:

If there is a holiday, this plot suggests that you are not inclined to take life seriously. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

21 Psychological dream book

Holiday 1. Being on a holiday in a dream is associated with a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction. 2. Our need to be independent and responsible often manifests itself in dreams as a holiday.

In the literal sense of the word, this is a holy day - a day apart, and we need to be careful to warn that we need time to create space for ourselves. 3. Spiritual replenishment, rest and relaxation are all part of the holiday.

22 Loff's Dream Book

Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative ones - unjustified hopes, the loss or absence of a loved one.
How is celebration woven into the fabric of sleep? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it.
However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met.
Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate?
How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

23 Miller's Dream Book

Pleasant surprises.
Being late for a holiday means hectic days;
a noisy festival in which you take an active part - you will resort to unjustified risks, your desire for independence;
the holiday is accompanied by some kind of unrest - a misfortune caused by someone's negligence.
Also see New Year, Crowd, Party.
educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

26 Dream book of the 20th century

Seeing yourself at a holiday at a rich table: a favorable sign that promises you good luck and excellent relationships with others.

At the same time, eating or drinking during a holiday is not a very good sign. Often such dreams suggest that in reality you are experiencing difficulties.

If something disturbs you during the holiday and overshadows the fun: such a dream foreshadows disappointments and conflicts with your loved ones and friends.

Seeing a festively dressed crowd is a harbinger of bustle and pleasant troubles in your life.

A festive masquerade in a dream: a sign of frivolous hobbies and empty promises that can confuse you.

27 Dream book alphabetically

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for a holiday, this means unexpectedly receiving a lot of money. Inviting many guests to a family holiday foreshadows confusion and differences of opinion on fundamental issues.

Spending all the holidays at a party means in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If, in the midst of a holiday, your mood is spoiled so much that you are even brought to tears, this means annoying losses and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun until you drop at the festival is a sign of a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart. A holiday marred by a drunken fight foreshadows trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year means wonderful prospects that will result in a prosperous and happy family life. The Maslenitsa holiday means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter means spiritual grace, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

28 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a noisy, bright, cheerful holiday - such a dream foreshadows prosperity in the near future. Participating in a holiday - a dream means joy and pleasure.

Imagine that you are celebrating an event with all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.

29 English dream book

Seeing yourself at a holiday is a harbinger that your life will turn out very well, that you will be able to enjoy traveling to distant countries.
If at a festival you see yourself next to the one you love, this portends great marital happiness.

Dream interpretation holiday

When deciphering what a holiday means in a dream, dreamers must understand that this is a positive symbol that sometimes reveals its negative sides. Every detail affects the final result, and therefore it is necessary to approach the issue with the utmost seriousness.

General information

According to the dream book, a holiday is a harbinger of pleasant meetings, the fulfillment of cherished dreams and the acquisition of family happiness, which was so lacking in everyday life. However, you always have to pay attention to the other side of interpretations regarding possible conflicts and scandals. A properly structured behavior strategy will help you avoid such problems.

Let's turn to the dream books

I dreamed of a festive event

Why do we dream of a holiday according to various dream interpreters? If you are really interested in the answer to this question, you will have to analyze a considerable amount of literature. Your job is to define your context and not deviate from it.

Miller's Dream Book

The dreamer must remember the details of the night dream:

  • seeing a holiday in a dream means receiving pleasant but unexpected news;
  • witnessing disorder means quarrels and misfortune associated with one’s own negligence;
  • being late for the fun means the beginning of hectic everyday life, which is unlikely to be prevented.

If the sleeper took part in a noisy celebration, it means that in reality he will be able to ignore the harsh realities of life. The dream is evidence that the dreamer will never depend on another person.

Such a life position deserves respect, since it guarantees a bright and spontaneous life.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z”

Have fun and dance in a dream

If in your dreams you managed to take part in organizing a holiday, then you will soon expect to receive a substantial monetary reward. Inviting many people to a family celebration means possible disagreements due to rejection of a certain point of view. The dream interpreter does not advise entering into discussions, since they are unlikely to lead to a good result.

Going on a visit for the whole weekend means providing a service that should be appreciated. I dreamed of a holiday that upset me to the point of tears - to an annoying misunderstanding and unpleasant proceedings that can cause a deep emotional wound.

Having fun and dancing until you lose consciousness means favorable changes in love affairs. The dream book advises learning to take the first step, even in cases when no one expects it. In this way, relationships can not only be preserved, but also strengthened.

Watching a lot of people fight is a sign of problems at work. Avoid any arguments with colleagues or superiors, as they may be misunderstood and used against you.

If you are in a festive mood in a dream, then try to remember memorable dates:

Celebrate New Year in a dream

  • New Year - the beginning of a prosperous family life, bringing a large number of prospects;
  • Maslenitsa - to receive forgiveness;
  • Easter - to improve relationships with other family members.

Women's dream book

If you see a holiday in a dream, you will witness something unexpected. If the fun suddenly stopped and aggressive proceedings began, then we can speak of misfortune associated with the ambiguous statements of other people. No matter how difficult it is, never try to prick your opponent in his weak spot. Negativity, like a boomerang, always returns to the person who decided to send it.

The dreamer was late for the celebration - the beginning of an alarming and restless period in life, and therefore it is better to protect yourself from dubious adventures. Taking part in a noisy and fun event is a symbol of independence, which concerns not only personal finances, but also relationships with other people.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

I dream about a lot of dishes on the table

Seeing a holiday with a large number of interesting dishes and drinks is a positive symbol, foreshadowing possible good luck and the beginning of good relationships with other people. When trying to make contact, never try to please, because sooner or later the scales fall from your eyes and your true essence appears.

Trying holiday foods is a sign indicating that you will soon have to endure some kind of hardship. The main thing is not to give up and continue to follow your goals and visions.

If the holiday you see does not relax you, it means disappointment and constant conflicts with your family and friends. Dream interpreters advise reducing the emotional temperature, trying to make compromises more often. Meeting festively dressed people means pleasant troubles in everyday life.

Why do you dream of a masquerade holiday? A night dream indicates that you are inclined to waste time on frivolous hobbies and make empty promises. However, such a behavior strategy will never lead to the standard of living that often appears in the imagination.

Brief interpretations

I dreamed about a masquerade ball

Obtaining an accurate interpretation is impossible without a brief description of what the holiday was like:

  • in the family circle - to difficult relationships;
  • for children - the dreamer often worries about trifles;
  • a home banquet - to obtain the favorable disposition of your friends;
  • a fun party - to pleasant life changes;
  • masquerade ball - to receive false information that can be confusing;
  • someone else's fun - the beginning of financial problems that are not so easy to get rid of;
  • graduation from school - the onset of an exciting moment in life.

A little about the celebrations

Seeing a church holiday service in a dream

If you often dream about holidays, then try to remember them. This detail of the night dream will shed light on further decoding.


Becoming a participant in a Christian church celebration means receiving great joy, which is not so easy to recognize due to your own fussiness. Dream interpreters advise turning around more often and observing the events happening around you.

Easter, dreamed of in a night dream, indicates recovery. The dreamer will be able to renew his own strength and look at some information from a different angle.

Celebrating the Savior means receiving help in difficult life circumstances. However, you cannot rely only on the strength of other people, because a lot depends on your own efforts and self-confidence.

Participating in a church procession means an unexpected and surprising turn of events.


Seeing a children's event in a dream

A children's holiday, where a large number of cheerful children gathered - despite all the problems organized by ill-wishers, you will be able to not only maintain, but also strengthen relationships with your loved ones. Singing and dancing with children is a symbol of a good time.

Why might you dream about holidays on the street? Dream interpreters believe that the sleeper has every chance of entering into a strong and happy marriage. Oddly enough, both partners will be able not only to complement each other, but also to reveal their potential. A procession that lasted all day is to improve well-being, but do not forget that any money must be used rationally, and then it will definitely return in greater quantities.

Watching colorful fireworks means the sleeper will be able to spend time usefully and improve his own health. Perhaps he will be offered a trip to a health center or a foreign resort. The main thing is to make every effort so that your superiors can notice it.

I dreamed of fireworks

If riots began during street festivities, it means that in reality the dreamer is not entirely satisfied with the results of his own labor. Of course, this puts him in a stupor, but the lack of any improvements only complicates the situation.


Receiving an invitation to a corporate celebration in a night dream is the beginning of difficult relationships in the team. Dream interpreters believe that possible disagreements will arise due to their own incontinence, which is high time to get rid of.

Participating in a corporate event is a negative symbol, indicating a big scandal. It may be better for you to take some time off to prevent potential problems.

A holiday where you had a chance to meet a deceased leader or colleague warns that difficulties may arise literally out of nowhere.


Seeing a home feast in a dream

Going to a home feast in a dream means improving your marital relationship. The sleeper will be able to create a strong family in which each member will be given special attention.

Going to a celebration holding hands means fulfilling a cherished desire or receiving good news. Home holiday at a round table - your friends will always be able to help and support.

What does the birthday you attended in your dream tell about? As a rule, the dreamer expects good news regarding the implementation of his life plans.

Seeing a cake with festive candles and sparklers glowing on it means your cherished desire will come true, but you cannot rely only on chance.

Dreaming about New Year's masquerade


Why do you dream about celebrating a state holiday? If the dreamer does everything according to plan, then he will soon be able to make a name for himself in social activities.

The New Year promises dramatic life changes. Experiencing positive emotions when celebrating the New Year is a symbol of good luck and happiness that must be taken full advantage of.

The New Year's masquerade seen serves as a warning, signaling that the dreamer has formed the wrong opinion regarding his immediate environment. In reality, it's time to take a closer look at those people who appear most often. Perhaps there will be traitors and liars among them, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to understand this right away.

Sleeping during the New Year celebrations means it’s high time for you to rest, since traditional joys have ceased to bring pleasure. This cannot continue like this, otherwise emotional burnout will become a natural consequence. The dream interpreter advises starting a long rest.