Biography. Rimma Agafoshina: photo, biography and interesting facts Girls from the field of miracles

Agafoshina Rimma Sergeevna was born on May 19, 1981 in Moscow, Russia. She is 37 years old, height - 175 cm. She is a professional fashion model in Russia and abroad. Marital status - married, two children.

Biography of Rimma Agafoshina

The famous fashion model went to study at school No. 726 in Moscow. The girl graduated from the educational institution as an external student. Her parents noticed that their daughter had an irresistible desire to read fashion magazines, sew dresses and change clothes. Rimma had all the qualities to become a model. Therefore, the parents decided to take the girl to the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, who held beauty contests. They noted that Rimma can really build a career as a model.


That is why the girl passed all exams at school as an external student. Rimma would hardly have been able to study and work at the same time. In those years, many teachers disapproved of such a profession. After that, she devoted all her time to work.

As a child, Rimma Agafoshina loved to draw. It is worth noting that she also possessed this talent. The girl’s parents were also no strangers to art, but only the grandfather was an artist in their family. Drawing remains just a hobby for Rimma. See photo of Rimma Agafoshina below.

When the girl turned fourteen years old, her height became 175 centimeters. This is not enough for a beauty contest, but she was still accepted. Simultaneously with the competition, Rimma wanted to start working at the Redstars agency. Representatives of the company liked the girl and hired her. In those years, the agency was headed by Tatyana Koltsova. The woman really liked the new model.

Young Rimma was often rejected at castings. She was very upset and thought that she was not capable of becoming a model. It was all about the girl's age. A fourteen-year-old model was no longer suitable for children's advertising, and it was still too early for serious filming.

Professional activity

Rimma Agafoshina began collaborating with such modeling agencies as Redstars and Point. In her work life, the girl was more successful as a model in the advertising business. Work is very important for Rimma, so she treated and treats it responsibly. She believes that the model should show herself as an actress and bring some artistic elements to the project. In this profession, a person must feel how he will look from the outside.

Rimma Agafoshina likes working in Russia. She is comfortable being around her family and friends. But sometimes a girl has to fly abroad. The famous model has starred in many advertisements for world brands. Among them:

  1. Mary Kay.
  2. Samsung.
  3. Coca-Cola.
  4. L'Oreal.
  5. Max Factor.
  6. "Beeline".
  7. Ax Effect.

And this is not the whole list. In addition, Agafoshina dreams of starring in advertising for Pantene Pro-V, as well as Vogue.

Girl from “Field of Miracles”: Rimma Agafoshina

The popular model collaborates with the well-known “Field of Miracles” program. The girl’s responsibilities include: bringing out prizes to the participants and opening the letters. Interestingly, Rimma started working in the program at a young age and 17 years later she still helps Leonid Yakubovich. Before this program, the girl worked with Vyacheslav Zaitsev and danced with Bogdan Titomir. The ability to smile beautifully and natural photogenicity helped me pass the casting for the “Field of Miracles” program.

Of course, not many TV viewers know what Rimma’s last name is, but she can always be seen in Leonid Yakubovich’s popular TV show. It is Agafoshina who has been an assistant to the Field of Miracles program for many years. Yes, her role is not so significant. But nevertheless, no one remained indifferent to the beautiful assistant, because the girl knows how to carry herself gracefully.

Basically, this work is not difficult, but still requires attention. There were some funny situations during the program. So, once he married Rimma to a Latino. Usually, during the filming of the “Field of Miracles” program, Rimma Agafoshina does not leave the dressing room, so as not to run into persistent fans. The girl’s home has accumulated a lot of cards, letters and gifts from fans.

Personal life

At one time, the popular fashion model had an affair with Bogdan Titomir. But the girl herself called it not a romance, but a relationship. Due to her young age, she was satisfied with easy and carefree relationships. However, having matured, she came to the conclusion that she and Bogdan were not suitable for each other. They had different goals and dreams. For this reason, the loving couple broke off their relationship.

Rimma Agafoshina never tires of moving forward and her love for loved ones helps her in this. The girl has her own meaning in life, and it lies in life itself. She wants to be useful to people, to be there and help in any situation.

The talented model managed to maintain friendly relations with her colleagues. Some of the girls went to work abroad, filming advertisements for global brands. But some of Rimma’s friends remained in Moscow. They often meet in a cafe, chat about their own things and go to the cinema.

How does the model live today?

In addition to the desire to continue to appear in popular advertisements, the model noted that she wants to fulfill herself as a wife and mother. Rimma thinks that today this is goal number one for her. Of course, Rimma Agafoshina is a creative person. After all, she dreamed of becoming a clothing designer, creating 3D models of fireplaces and much more. But now all these desires have gone far back. Family comes first.

Despite her professional activities, Rimma Agafoshina does not always wear fashionable clothes. She also likes to wear sneakers, T-shirts and jeans. The main thing is to always remain feminine and sexy.

Today, Rimma Agafoshina is married to businessman Alexander. They have a daughter, Aida, who is 2 years old. And recently, the famous model gave her husband a son.

Not so long ago they whispered in Ostankino that Leonid Yakubovich(70) left his family for a colleague in the program “ Field of Dreams» Rimma Agafoshina(34), who allegedly gave the presenter a daughter last May. This information was confirmed by a letter sent by an unknown person to many media outlets: “In mid-May of this year, Leonid Yakubovich had an illegitimate child from Rimma Agafoshina, who has been working in his “Field of Miracles” for many years.” The girl was named Aida. Rimma has had a relationship with Leonid Arkadyevich for a long time, and he almost never appears with his wife Marina. Everyone in the program is up to date.” But, apparently, these are just rumors.

To journalists " Express newspapers“We managed to contact Rimma, who dotted all the i's. “Next year it will be 20 years that I have been working in the program. I come to work like I’m home – I’ve become so integrated with everyone. Now I was on maternity leave. I haven’t seen my team for several months and I really missed it. True, before giving birth she came to see the girls. And I can’t live without Leonid Arkadyevich!” – the girl admitted. When it came to her romantic relationship with Leonid Arkadyevich, Rimma said: “This is just funny! I have no affair with Leonid Yakubovich. I have a wonderful husband, Alexander. He is a businessman. We met him by chance on Arbat, and this acquaintance ended with marriage and the birth of a daughter. Aida was born almost on the same day as me - we are 12 hours apart. And 34 years old." When the journalists got through to Leonid Arkadyevich himself and asked him the same question, the artist briefly answered: “Are you crazy! What nonsense? And he hung up.

Rimma also suggested that such rumors are spread by the enemies of Leonid Arkadyevich: “Probably, this is someone specifically slandering Leonid Arkadyevich, there are many envious people. As far as I know, everything is fine in his family and he is very appreciated at work. A program that has been on air for 25 years is a huge time! And almost all this time Yakubovich has been at the helm. How not to be jealous?! For me, Yakubovich is like a second dad, and for Aida, like a grandfather. When Leonid Arkadyevich found out that I was expecting a child, he announced at the end of the New Year’s shoot that I would become a mother. It was a huge surprise for me!”

We are very glad that Rimma was able to explain everything that was happening and dispel all the doubts of the fans.

Rimma Agafoshina entered the modeling business at the age of 15. As a child, she always liked to dress up, play with Barbie, and sew dresses. Her parents decided to take Rimma to a competition with the famous Russian fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Soon, in order to continue her modeling career, she had to leave school and graduate as an external student, since teachers in those years did not approve of modeling. Throughout her career, Rimma worked with the Point and Redstars modeling agencies. According to Rimma, a model should have the following qualities: to be an actress, to have an artistic vision, to understand what the director wants, to understand how you look from the outside, and not to be lazy. Rimma likes to work with foreigners, but not often, and, to a greater extent, tries to work in Russia, where there are always close friends and relatives nearby. Rimma dreams of starring in Italian or French Vogue, as well as for Pantene Pro-V. Now Rimma Agafoshina is both a top model and PR manager of the Russian modeling agency "Modus VivendiS" (Moscow).


A television

Video clips

In 2008, Rimma Agafoshina starred in the video for the rock band Moral Code for the song “Where are you?”

In 2007, Maxim magazine included Rimma Agafoshina in the list of the 100 sexiest girls in Russia.

Not so long ago they whispered in Ostankino that Leonid Yakubovich(70) left his family for a colleague in the program “ Field of Dreams» Rimma Agafoshina(34), who allegedly gave the presenter a daughter last May. This information was confirmed by a letter sent by an unknown person to many media outlets: “In mid-May of this year, Leonid Yakubovich had an illegitimate child from Rimma Agafoshina, who has been working in his “Field of Miracles” for many years.” The girl was named Aida. Rimma has had a relationship with Leonid Arkadyevich for a long time, and he almost never appears with his wife Marina. Everyone in the program is up to date.” But, apparently, these are just rumors.

To journalists " Express newspapers“We managed to contact Rimma, who dotted all the i's. “Next year it will be 20 years that I have been working in the program. I come to work like it’s home - I’ve become so integrated with everyone. Now I was on maternity leave. I haven’t seen my team for several months and I really missed it. True, before giving birth she came to see the girls. And I can’t live without Leonid Arkadyevich!”- the girl admitted. When it came to her romantic relationship with Leonid Arkadyevich, Rimma said: “This is just funny! I have no affair with Leonid Yakubovich. I have a wonderful husband, Alexander. He is a businessman. We met him by chance on Arbat, and this acquaintance ended with marriage and the birth of a daughter. Aida was born almost on the same day as me - we have a 12-hour difference. And 34 years old." When the journalists got through to Leonid Arkadyevich himself and asked him the same question, the artist briefly answered: “Are you crazy! What nonsense? And he hung up.

Rimma also suggested that such rumors are spread by the enemies of Leonid Arkadyevich: “Probably, this is someone specifically slandering Leonid Arkadyevich, there are many envious people. As far as I know, everything is fine in his family and he is very appreciated at work. A program that has been on air for 25 years is a huge time! And almost all this time Yakubovich has been at the helm. How not to be jealous?! For me, Yakubovich is like a second dad, and for Aida, like a grandfather. When Leonid Arkadyevich found out that I was expecting a child, he announced at the end of the New Year’s shoot that I would become a mother. It was a huge surprise for me!”

We are very glad that Rimma was able to explain everything that was happening and dispel all the doubts of the fans.