Horoscope for March for Sagittarius. Horoscope for March for Sagittarius Horoscope for March for Sagittarius from Paul

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March 2018 will bring Sagittarius many joyful events that will diversify everyday life and fill it with fun and joy. Changes will occur in all areas of life of representatives of your zodiac sign, only in some more, in others less. It’s unlikely that you should expect dramatic changes, but at the beginning of spring you will be in a great mood, full of strength, new ideas and enthusiasm. Sagittarians simply cannot sit still. You will always be drawn to adventure and new achievements. Such an optimistic attitude will become a faithful companion on the thorny path to success, making it soft and smooth. You yourself will be extremely delighted with yourself and your abilities, which you didn’t even know about before.

In March, despite the low level of vital energy, Sagittarius will use every chance to express themselves, realize their ideas, and in the first ten days the necessary conditions for this will develop. They will be able to achieve success in educational and creative activities.

In the period from the 8th to the 12th, some plans of Sagittarius may be disrupted, and difficulties will arise in obtaining money, support and help from others.

The next period from March 13 to 20 may be remembered for great creative successes, achievements in sports, as well as personal victories that Sagittarius can be proud of. The third decade will be quite difficult and conflict-ridden, they will encounter obstacles, receive refusals or empty promises, so you should not try to change the situation, but rather wait for a more favorable period.

Horoscope for March 2018 for Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius ladies will be very intrigued by the relationships between different groups of relatives. This is due to the position of the Sun in the sign of Pisces, which for Sagittarius is responsible for home and family. Especially in the second half of March, when, under the influence of favorable aspects between Mars and Venus, you will really want to know more about the personal lives of your loved ones.

  • Mascot of the month: image of a house, toy house.
  • Favorable days: March 4, 7, 13, 18, 28.
  • Unfavorable days: March 1, 7, 15, 31.
  • Priority of interests: relationships with parents, older relatives, organization of family celebrations.

Love horoscope

An unexpected visit or call from a former admirer is possible. In any case, you will begin to communicate much more actively, which cannot but cause jealousy in your loved one.

March 12 to 18. The first half of the week will give you unforgettable romantic feelings, and then you will be faced with the prose of life. Don't get depressed, everything will get better.

After March 20, a favorable period for expanding your circle of contacts, trips and meetings. But later there may be disagreements with your loved one; he does not like such activity. You may feel that love gives you much less than before. Now you need material confirmation of feelings.

Health horoscope

You have to look after someone from your family. You may catch a cold, take care of prevention. The good old remedies will help you - steam your feet, do inhalations and eat garlic with honey. This will get you back on your feet faster than newfangled pills. Recovery may take time. If you have it, lie on the couch and watch your favorite movies with a cup of tea. In the second half of the month you will have much more energy, but you should not rush to increase physical activity. For now, it is better not to play sports and avoid active water treatments.

Horoscope of work and finances

You can easily allow yourself to sit idle for half a day, so that you can then rush to work with renewed vigor, so much so that no one can keep up with you. Issues of spending and acquisitions will be the most pressing in mid-March. You will be tormented by contradictions - buy the thing you dreamed of or save.

March 19 to March 25. In the first half of the period, you will be able to work successfully and with dedication, but in the second half of the week, expect disagreements with business partners. Keep your work in moderation - don’t be lazy, but don’t overdo it either. Chasing easy money, you can spend more energy than you intended.

Horoscope for March 2018 Sagittarius man

A Sagittarius man may seriously think that it wouldn’t hurt to finally build a house and plant a tree, naively believing that all this can be done faster than giving birth to a son. You will study advertisements for the sale of summer cottages and plan where you can lay out a garden and build a bathhouse, park a car or place a children's playground. Dream, it's useful.

  • Talisman of the month: key, any small metal objects.
  • Favorable days: March 3, 14, 17, 22, 28.
  • Unfavorable days: March 2, 8, 16, 29.
  • Priority of interests: issues of purchasing real estate, property, rent, utility bills

Love horoscope

You may feel like something important is missing from your relationship. But surely something has come to replace it - for example, affection. March 12 to 18. Be careful in partnerships, old problems may return. But your attention and ability to keep your finger on the pulse will help you cope. You should not spend a lot of time and effort on achieving some ephemeral goal in a relationship. Do not start a global business now, failure is possible. Even if your loved one criticizes you, live the same way as before. Then you will have enough inner strength and confidence in your charm for many years to come.

Health horoscope

When everyone around you is coughing, it’s difficult to stay in line. But you will succeed if you spare no effort to improve your health. Your persistence in fighting infections may wane. Don't forget to at least take your vitamins. You like to be the only cheerful one among the sick, but still don’t take on all the work. You can come down with a fever and let everyone down.

March 19 - March 25. This week you will not be able to limit your social circle, even if you are already sick. Urgent matters, crowds of friends eager to communicate - and here you are in woolen socks and with a handkerchief.

Horoscope of work and finances

Problems will arise everywhere, especially in relationships with colleagues, and you may lose interest in such a complex matter as making money. Beware of deceivers - they can promise you mountains of gold, and then leave you to your fate. Don't trust those who offer you too much. In the third decade, you may be faced with the fact that those around you have completely different plans, and they consider yours wasteful and have absolutely no intention of bringing them to life.

Children's horoscope for Sagittarius for March 2018

Little Sagittarius differs from other children in his heightened sense of justice. And now, in March, he can protest quite sharply against what seems wrong to him. This is the attitude of the surrounding children towards the weak and younger, and the fact that the teacher or educator singles out favorites. You can take this opportunity and teach your truth-loving child not to say everything he thinks, or not so harshly. Convince him that everyone listens to his opinion, he should not get excited.

Sagittarius babies will show themselves atypically in March. You can attribute everything to the usual spring vitamin deficiency, but in March Sagittarius will want to be at home more often. Even if she is invited to visit, your girl will refuse and will remain within her own walls. The reason is simple, and it will make you happy - she just wants to spend more time with you. By the end of the month, your princess will be her old self again - lively and sociable, but she will absolutely need such a home rest. Find out more about your zodiac sign:

Horoscope for the 1st decade of March for Sagittarius

In the first ten days of March 2018, you will draw the necessary conclusions that will be useful in the future. Sagittarians will understand how mindset and mood can change the outcome. Your self-confidence will grow with incredible strength every day and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to influence this. You are firmly convinced that you are right, and no one will stand in your way. Your friendliness will attract the attention of strangers and people unfamiliar to you, many of whom will want to get to know each other and even make friends. You won't be short of friendly support during this period. You will understand that only faith in the best can lead to a better life, that by changing your views and attitude towards it, you yourself will change. This will give you a strong impetus to continue in the same spirit and not go one step out of your way.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of March for Sagittarius

Sagittarians by nature are reserved and patient people. But, in the second ten days of March 2018, you will need to show special firmness and act in accordance with your principles and beliefs. You should not ignore the advice of colleagues and managers, however, if you are firmly convinced that your proposal will be more profitable and correct, then act as your mind dictates. Ultimately, you will prove that you are right and wipe the noses of those who advised using other ways to solve this problem. If you are given additional tasks or responsibilities that do not quite correspond to your job description, you can rightfully refuse to perform them without losing anything. It is important to do this in a civil and non-judgmental manner so as not to offend your superiors and at the same time maintain your self-esteem. Your refusal will be received quite adequately and with respect for your opinion, so you should not be afraid of making enemies at work. Also, do not sacrifice yourself by infringing on your interests in favor of benefits for one of your colleagues. In every team there are “enthusiasts” who want their work to be done by someone else. Avoid selfish and selfish individuals. The financial affairs of Sagittarius, under the influence of aspects of Saturn and Jupiter, will begin to improve due to a new position or an increase in wage rates. Also in mid-March, some Sagittarians will expect cash receipts from an unexpected source, which will help fulfill your long-time dream.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of March for Sagittarius

In the third decade of March 2018, people born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius will experience a stormy and eventful life in their personal lives. Events that will occur in the final period of the month will be positive and entertaining.

For Sagittarius who have not yet met their partner, life will present a lot of new and interesting acquaintances, some of which will develop into romantic relationships. Sagittarians will spend their leisure time cheerfully and naturally in the company of cheerful and mischievous representatives of the opposite sex. However, serious feelings are unlikely to arise during this period; seething hormones will take their toll. You should not start a serious relationship and reassure a person. Enjoy communication and don’t rush events, life itself will put everything in its place. For those Sagittarius who are married, the stars promise a revival of fading feelings. Be more loyal to each other and respect the opinion of your chosen one. Give love and care, and you will get back several times more. Some Sagittarius will be overcome by a feeling of excitement at the end of March, and they will begin to play with fate, but the games will be completely innocent, and the risks will be justified. Maintain your common sense and prudence and everything will be great for you.

Sagittarius should use March 2017 to establish relationships with family, employees, management, and friends. Now is the best time for this, and if in March you decide that the time has come to make peace with those with whom you have been quarreling for a long time, you will succeed in the best possible way.

A circle of people is formed around you who treat you with trust and gratitude. You should be more careful with these people so as not to cause them unnecessary anxiety.

Take care of your health, treat your musculoskeletal system, do the exercises prescribed by your doctor, don’t put off your health for later.

Now you can achieve a lot in any field, since you are now endowed with the gift of oratory and can convince anyone of the rightness and benefit of any enterprise.

Try to prove to management that you have outgrown yourself, don’t be afraid to use facts, and you yourself will be amazed at how easily everything comes out for you. They won’t argue with you, they won’t try to convince you, just be yourself, and everything will work out for you quickly enough.

Your ability to convince, reassure and give hope can be very helpful in organizing family affairs and in conversations with older relatives. If your acquaintances or friends are in a quarrel, have not communicated for some time, and they are dear to you, you can try to reconcile them by explaining that they are both dear to you. You are an excellent negotiator.

If you are engaged in a creative profession, you can safely change the topic, the project in which you are working, you can easily take the desired topic and pass it on, no matter what type of activity you apply it to.

Health and leisure

There is time for work, business, and there is time for oneself - Sagittarius can always share this and will not sacrifice their health and sleep for the sake of any good cause. But now you are not sure that you are doing the right thing. You are full of energy, and this is the positive energy that gives strength not only to you, but also to those around you, who are charged with positive emotions from you.

Do not rush to succumb to the inner feeling of your omnipotence. You cannot generate this emotion incessantly, save your energy, and do not forget to rest, get enough sleep in a ventilated area, walk outside. Now you don’t have to go to the gym, you’re already active enough, but a walk before bed is the best way to end the day.

If you want to relax, do not deny yourself this. Every day in March should be lived for at least one beautiful moment. Give yourself good emotions and joyful meetings.

Drinking alcohol is not recommended, even in small quantities it will harm you, and try to quit smoking, now there is every chance that you will never return to this habit. Your friends and family will be happy to support you in this endeavor.

Treat your feet; if you put it off until later, you will not begin to heal, and you will neglect something that can easily be treated this year.

Finance and shopping

Your business is stable, and even to some extent going uphill, because you always save in life and are not in a hurry to waste what you get for quite hard work.

Most likely, some people consider you a cheapskate, but in their hearts they envy how skillfully you manage your home accounting and business. Do not rush to follow the examples of others, do not spend money in order to prove the opposite. Now is the time to place your bets on maximum savings.

You shouldn’t make large purchases, but here’s what you really need: a good bed with an orthopedic mattress, a new refrigerator with functions that allow you to keep food in maximum vitamin-saving mode, buy without hesitation. This is the right expense item that will help preserve your health. The rather economical Sagittarius should use the horoscope for March 2017 to increase savings, and there is no need to believe offers and requests for loans.

Don't let your children take advantage of you, don't let them tell you what to spend your money on. They can easily manipulate you because they see how soft you are with them and how much you love them.

Career and business

You are in demand in your position more than ever, and there is no need to look for something better now. You like your work, and you most likely understand this yourself, but you are under pressure, and you must be guided only by your thoughts on this matter.

Establish contact with management and employees, now is a great time to strengthen your position in your place. You will find a lot in common with your co-workers, and you will be surprised at how much fun you have spending time together. Most likely, you will start playing sports and relaxing together, and they will discover a lot of interesting things for you.

Trust your manager and discuss with him what worries or interests you, he will meet you, and your work will only become more comfortable.

Your business is now in a phase where you can safely say that you are expanding, and if you have just decided to open your own business, you have all the possibilities.

You are now under the auspices of several planets, which are leading you to success thanks to your oratorical abilities. Use them to your advantage as much as possible. You can easily reach agreements with clients and partners, and the best options for cooperation await you. Be confident in yourself and you will improve any area of ​​your business.

Love and family

If you want to have a strong family, you have a chance to achieve this in the shortest possible time. Sagittarius perceives the love horoscope for March 2017 as an opportunity to strengthen their relationship with their other half. There are no obstacles and everything depends on your desire.

Family signs will agree with their spouses on anything, and they will listen to them with pleasure. It is important to believe in what is said, not to dissemble and be confident in your monologue. If you have complaints against each other, express them now, as you can do it now as gently as possible.

There is no chance for a scandal; harmony in the relationship has been achieved thanks to your patience and mutual love. You must protect this feeling from any encroachment by third parties. Do not trust family and especially personal secrets to acquaintances and friends.

Free Sagittarians enjoy communicating with new acquaintances of the opposite sex. They have something to offer in return - their attention, tenderness and kindness. People are drawn to them and want to stay close to them as long as possible. You need to use this, because among them there is one or the other that touches your heart.

Now is not the best time to start a family, move this moment to the very end of March, but it’s time to discuss your relationship, highlight all the pros and cons, outline all the nuances.

What is important is your trust, which should come from your inner, emotional “I”. This is the only way you will understand that you have chosen the right person.

Sagittarius Man

There is no such contradictory and distrustful sign, but the horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius - a man accepts from the first to the last letter, because already at the very beginning of the month he understood his capabilities and saw the paths that were open to him.

Everything works out for you, everything works out properly. Your family values ​​you, supports you in your work, your children and an attentive wife are waiting for you in the evening. This is your credit. But it’s worth softening your heart a little and pushing the boundaries. Be more gentle, be kinder to your spouse. This will definitely resonate with you.

Free Sagittarians are waiting for their half from a completely different place than where they are standing. Maybe you'll take a chance and dial your old love's number? Maybe your breakup was a mistake? If not, then it will be a completely new woman, previously unknown to you.

But you shouldn't expect her to come to your doorstep. Attend parties, go to clubs, go to the gym, run. Do you want a sporty girl? You won't find her in a bar. Think about this seriously.

Sagittarius Woman

Horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius - a woman will understand and accept only when a small question arises in her way, in the form of a snag at work. She can easily solve the problem through negotiations, and will remain right in a seemingly complex and contradictory situation. That's when she will begin to use the word for more complex situations.

She is expected and appreciated in her family, and she understands that there is nothing more important than her husband and children. You will decide to have a conversation that you have been putting off for a long time, and you will be right, because it will end with excellent results. Do not remain silent about what worries you, because in reality it will turn out to be a mere trifle. And you will laugh, remembering this incident.

Women who are looking for their other half and think that they know this person may be mistaken, since you will have a meeting that is completely unexpected, but so important for you. This new person will occupy all your thoughts, and you yourself will decide to get closer. Do this first, and by the end of March you will already be completely confident in his reciprocal feelings.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for March 2017

Favorable dates of the month: 1, 12, 15, 19, 26.

Unfavorable dates of the month: 6, 7, 18, 21.

For Sagittarius, March will be filled with changes and new opportunities. Moreover, the changes will affect not only the representatives of the sign, but also their environment. It is possible that external factors - meetings, conversations, events - will become an impetus for revising goals and finding new ways. Desires and aspirations will reach a new level, and it may be that Sagittarius will direct their lives in a completely different orbit. You should not blindly follow your emotions, no matter how strong they may be. First impressions can be deceiving. In March, Sagittarius will have to experience a feeling of excitement more than once, which is not very typical for this sign. Excitement will affect all areas of life - work, everyday life, entertainment. And although this feeling brings an excess of color to reality, it is necessary to be wary of it. Under the influence of courage, you can break a lot of wood. But it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to correct mistakes.

Financial horoscope for Sagittarius for March 2017

When it comes to finances in March, Sagittarius needs to exercise prudence and some caution. For budget stability, you will need a clear definition of expenses and savings points.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for March 2017

March for Sagittarius will be the most successful period for arranging their personal life and building relationships. The horoscope guarantees the manifestation of all the possibilities available to them. Single Sagittarius will be determined to find a soul mate and confess to her. At the same time, the opinions of other people will become completely unimportant, outside influence will no longer affect the representatives of the sign. It is possible that the new relationship will not last long. However, they will bring with them confidence, which will make Sagittarius much stronger. Those who have already found their destiny can count on the constancy of the relationship. In March they will not be affected by conflict situations. Even in the case of a previously planned rupture, one can hope for a successful outcome.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius for March 2017

In March, Sagittarius is not at risk of illness or poor health. They will be filled with energy and readiness for achievements. However, it is worth remembering that any person has a limit of strength, so reasonable loads and timely rest are a reasonable necessity.

Career horoscope for Sagittarius for March 2017

Sagittarius has a lot of ambitions, however, to realize them in March they need reliable support. It is possible that business relations with foreign partners will become such a foundation. This will require some caution, since there is always a risk of being deceived. Planning and avoiding questionable relationships can somewhat reduce the danger. Sagittarians who dream of proving themselves in a new field need to focus on developing their own professional skills. Then you can safely count on success.

At the beginning of spring, representatives of the sign will face a series of minor troubles and everyday adversities: quarrels with loved ones, breakdown of necessary equipment, loss of things, etc. Such situations will fray your nerves, but will not lead to serious problems. In this case, there is only one advice from the stars - to perceive everything that happens with a smile and understand that such trends are caused by the unfavorable position of the planets and that soon everything will fall into place.

The first ten days of March will provide Sagittarius with a unique opportunity to look at life from the outside, as well as to reevaluate their views and beliefs. It is during this period that the burden of everyday problems will fall on your strong shoulders, which can only be solved by rationalizing actions and competently setting priorities.

Such tactics will help to cope with all difficulties as quickly and efficiently as possible. This experience will be useful to you, since in the business sphere the issue of your professional competence will be decided. And since you are already in a state of combat readiness, complete all management tasks in the best possible way.

The second and third weeks of the month will be held in a calmer environment. Sagittarius will have the opportunity to spend time with their family. Some representatives of the sign will take a short vacation to escape from work thoughts. Others, on the contrary, will devote every evening to household chores and communication with loved ones.

The last days of the month are suitable for realizing your ambitions and bold ideas. At this time, you can start new business and sign important documents. Know that luck is on your side.

Sagittarius Woman: Horoscope for March 2019

At the beginning of March, it is necessary to remain tactful and tolerant towards others. Perhaps management is looking for an employee for a more promising position and will want to test everyone for stress resistance. That’s why it’s so important to “keep your face” in any unforeseen situations.

In the middle of the month, Sagittarius women will feel the need for independence, so they will want to free themselves from past moral principles and outdated prejudices. This will open up new horizons and allow character traits such as determination, independence and confidence to emerge. People close to you will not like these changes at first, but later they will definitely support you.

Married Sagittarius should be more attentive to their partner in order to avoid noisy squabbles. But single representatives of the sign will want romance and will even find the right person.

Health will not cause any inconvenience, so devote your free time to caring for yourself: get a manicure, go to the hairdresser, visit a cosmetologist.

Sagittarius Man: Horoscope for March 2019

The stars advise representatives of the sign to make adjustments to their lives. This could be changing your hairstyle or the color of the walls in the room.

If finances allow, you can buy new furniture or beautiful interior items, for example, a painting, an antique vase or a rare set. In this way, you will be able to adjust the energy flows of your home to attract good luck and wealth. In addition to shopping, it is recommended to get rid of unnecessary things that only take up space and collect dust.

Personal life will move to a new level. This is especially true for single men. They will have a chance to meet their soulmate. However, you should not brag too much about your successes to others - this can cause envy and irritation.

In general, the health of a Sagittarius man is good, but do not underestimate the proportion of the case. In March, there is a high probability of injury, so be careful with electrical appliances, sharp objects and carefully cross roads.

March 2017 will bring Sagittarius many joyful events that will diversify everyday life and fill it with fun and joy. Changes will occur in all areas of life of representatives of your zodiac sign, only in some more, in others less. It’s unlikely that you should expect dramatic changes, but at the beginning of spring you will be in a great mood, full of strength, new ideas and enthusiasm. Sagittarians simply cannot sit still. You will always be drawn to adventure and new achievements. Such an optimistic attitude will become a faithful companion on the thorny path to success, making it soft and smooth. You yourself will be extremely delighted with yourself and your abilities, which you didn’t even know about before.

In the first ten days of March 2017, you will draw the necessary conclusions that will be useful in the future. Sagittarians will understand how mindset and mood can change the outcome. Your self-confidence will grow with incredible strength every day and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to influence this. You are firmly convinced that you are right, and no one will stand in your way. Your friendliness will attract the attention of strangers and people unfamiliar to you, many of whom will want to get to know each other and even make friends. You won't be short of friendly support during this period. You will understand that only faith in the best can lead to a better life, that by changing your views and attitude towards it, you yourself will change. This will give you a strong impetus to continue in the same spirit and not go one step out of your way.

Sagittarians by nature are reserved and patient people. But, in the second ten days of March 2017, you will need to show special firmness and act in accordance with your principles and beliefs. You should not ignore the advice of colleagues and managers, however, if you are firmly convinced that your proposal will be more profitable and correct, then act as your mind dictates. Ultimately, you will prove that you are right and wipe the noses of those who advised using other ways to solve this problem. If you are given additional tasks or responsibilities that do not quite correspond to your job description, you can rightfully refuse to perform them without losing anything. It is important to do this in a civil and non-judgmental manner so as not to offend your superiors and at the same time maintain your self-esteem. Your refusal will be received quite adequately and with respect for your opinion, so you should not be afraid of making enemies at work. Also, do not sacrifice yourself by infringing on your interests in favor of benefits for one of your colleagues. In every team there are “enthusiasts” who want their work to be done by someone else. Avoid selfish and selfish individuals. The financial affairs of Sagittarius, under the influence of aspects of Saturn and Jupiter, will begin to improve due to a new position or an increase in wage rates. Also in mid-March, some Sagittarians will expect cash receipts from an unexpected source, which will help fulfill your long-time dream.

In the third decade of March 2017, a stormy and eventful life awaits people born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius in their personal lives. Events that will occur in the final period of the month will be positive and entertaining. For Sagittarius who have not yet met their partner, life will present a lot of new and interesting acquaintances, some of which will develop into romantic relationships. Sagittarians will spend their leisure time cheerfully and naturally in the company of cheerful and mischievous representatives of the opposite sex. However, serious feelings are unlikely to arise during this period; seething hormones will take their toll. You should not start a serious relationship and reassure a person. Enjoy communication and don’t rush events, life itself will put everything in its place. For those Sagittarius who are married, the stars promise a revival of fading feelings. Be more loyal to each other and respect the opinion of your chosen one. Give love and care, and you will get back several times more. Some Sagittarius will be overcome by a feeling of excitement at the end of March, and they will begin to play with fate, but the games will be completely innocent, and the risks will be justified. Maintain your common sense and prudence and everything will be great for you.