Sponge yeast dough for pies. Sponge method of preparing dough. Yeast dough using sponge method

It is customary to use the sponge method. It is thanks to him that flat cakes of dough turn into airy buns or fluffy porous bread. The baking result depends directly on how correctly the dough is prepared. What is she like?

What is dough?

Dough is a liquid dough that consists of flour, yeast and liquid. In some cases, sugar is also added to it. The purpose of the dough is to start the yeast fermentation process. Without this, the dough will not rise. As a result, the finished product will not become fluffy.

Dough is used to prepare yeast dough, but is done separately and immediately before kneading it. This process has its own characteristics, without taking them into account, it will be difficult to achieve a good result in baking.

There are two types of dough: thick and liquid. They differ in the method of preparation. Thick dough includes up to 70% of the total volume of flour. This cooking option involves the accumulation of more fermentation products in the dough and in the dough, increasing the acidity of the latter. This improves the taste and aroma of the products, they remain fresh longer and do not become stale.

Liquid dough contains half as much flour. Due to high humidity, fermentation processes occur more intensively in it. Under such conditions, yeast cells become more active, and the dough does not peroxidize. However, baked goods prepared on it are not of high quality. They have a less pronounced taste and aroma and go stale faster.

Dough is where the preparation of any yeast dough begins. That is why it is important that all the ingredients for it are of suitable quality.

Yeast for dough

A mandatory ingredient in the dough is yeast. Without them, the fermentation process will not be able to start. To prepare the dough, you can use either pressed dough, that is, live dough. If the shelf life is correct, the dough will work equally well in both cases.

Specific recipes indicate from which yeast the dough for yeast dough is prepared. But the composition of the ingredients can easily be changed to suit existing products. For example, if necessary, they are replaced with dry ones. The ratio between them is 3:1. This means that 3 grams of live yeast equals 1 gram of active dry yeast. Most manufacturers indicate this ratio on their packaging.

Sponge dough method

At bakeries, the dough is prepared according to the classic recipe. To do this, take about half the total amount of flour, two-thirds of the water and all the yeast. The consistency of dough for yeast dough is thinner than that of dough. Her temperature is 28-32 degrees. The duration of fermentation of the dough is from three to four and a half hours. After this, start kneading the dough.

The remaining ingredients are added to the finished dough, namely part of the water and flour, as well as fat and sugar provided for in the recipe. The initial temperature of the dough is 28-30 degrees. The duration of its fermentation ranges from one to two hours.

Preparing dough using the sponge method requires a significant amount of time. But it is the two-stage fermentation process that improves the quality of the dough, resulting in bread that is especially tasty and aromatic.

Preparation of dough for yeast dough: ingredients

Depending on what kind of dough is being prepared, ingredients such as water, milk and even kefir can be used as a liquid component. Each recipe indicates which of the components is needed in a particular case.

Dough for yeast dough for bread (and dough) is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 1 ½ teaspoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • pressed yeast (live) - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • flour - 5 glasses (240 ml each).

All components of the recipe must be laid out on the table in advance and only after that proceed directly to the cooking process.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing dough and bread dough

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the dough. To do this, you will need a comfortable large bowl with high walls. Pour salt, sugar into it, and crumble the yeast. Mix the ingredients well with a spoon until smooth.
  2. Add warm water to the yeast mass, the temperature of which should not exceed 35 degrees. Stir and add half of the total amount of flour.
  3. The dough for yeast dough should be quite thick and uneven in consistency. Cover the bowl with cling film and set aside in a warm place.
  4. After 1.5 hours the dough should ripen. The fact that it is ready is indicated by small bubbles and holes on the surface of this mass. Mix the dough with a spoon. Now the remaining flour and vegetable oil are added. Knead a dense, soft and elastic dough. Let it rise again, after which you can bake delicious homemade bread.

This recipe makes the dough lean. It is suitable not only for baking bread, but also for meatless pies.

Dough for yeast dough

For sweet airy buns, the dough is prepared a little differently. For it you will need 1 glass of water (250 ml), 70 grams of pressed yeast, a tablespoon of sugar and half the total amount of sifted flour (5 glasses). Combine all ingredients together, cover the bowl with cling film and set aside in a warm place to ferment. It is important that the liquid is not hot.

While the dough is rising, other ingredients for the dough are prepared. In half a liter of milk you need to melt 180 grams of margarine. Do not overheat and especially do not bring to a boil. Add 1.5 cups of sugar (more to taste), a teaspoon of salt and vanilla. To stir thoroughly. Try to dissolve all the sugar in the milk-margarine mixture. Beat three eggs separately. Combine all ingredients together with the dough. Add about 5 more cups of flour and knead into a soft dough. Form a ball out of it and send it to a warm place for about an hour and a half, until the mass triples.

The dough for yeast dough is prepared in the same way. If the filling is unsweetened, then the amount of sugar in the recipe needs to be reduced.

Sponge dough for pizza

Pizza dough is prepared with water or milk. In the first case, the dough turns out thinner, in the second it will be softer.

First, prepare the dough for the yeast dough. The recipe suggests that you first need to mix a teaspoon of dry yeast with 50 ml of milk (water), add 2 tablespoons of flour and ½ teaspoon of sugar. Cover and place in a warm place for half an hour.

When the dough is ready, it needs to be added to 200 grams of flour. Add 120 ml of milk, 30 ml of vegetable oil and you can start kneading the dough. This will take about 15 minutes. During this time, the dough will no longer stick to your hands and will become elastic. The specified amount of ingredients is enough for 2 pizzas with a diameter of 30 centimeters.

The proportion of products is the same as for straight dough. With the sponge method, first prepare the dough - a liquid dough containing 40% flour, 60% water, 100% yeast.

Preparing the dough. Add crushed yeast to water (milk, a mixture of milk and water) heated to 30–35 °C, and after the yeast has dissolved, add flour. To activate the yeast, you can add up to 4% sugar by weight of flour to the dough. Knead the batter. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream and a temperature of 27–29 °C. The surface of the dough is sprinkled with a thin layer of flour, the dishes are covered with a clean cloth on top and placed in a warm place to ferment for 1–2 hours, depending on the quality of the yeast and flour, as well as the temperature. By the end of fermentation, the dough will increase in volume by 2–2.5 times and bursting bubbles will appear on the entire surface. The readiness of the dough is determined by external signs: fermentation begins to slow down, the bubbles on the surface decrease and the dough falls off a little. Then she's ready.

Add the remaining water with salt and sugar dissolved in it to the finished dough, knead until the water and dough are completely combined and add the rest of the sifted flour and eggs. Mix thoroughly for 10–15 minutes. At the end of mixing, add oil. Then the dough is placed in a warm place to ferment for 1.5–2 hours. During this time, knead 1–2 times.

When preparing sour dough with a high baking content, after the first kneading, add a second portion of butter, melted to the consistency of sour cream, mixed with sugar and eggs, knead the dough thoroughly and put it in a warm place for fermentation, after 25-30 minutes knead it. Prepared from yeast dough pies, cheesecakes, donuts, kulebyaki, pies and etc.

Preparing products for baking

The finished dough is placed on a table sprinkled with flour or greased with vegetable oil (for fried products) and cut. The dough is divided into pieces of the required mass manually or using a dough divider. When cutting by hand, the dough is rolled out into a rope on the table and divided into portions with a knife or hand, shaped into balls and placed on the table for 3-5 minutes for preliminary proofing to create conditions for fermentation. Then various products are formed from the balls, laid out on sheets greased with oil, and placed in a warm, damp place for 25–30 minutes to proof. During the cutting process, carbon dioxide is partially released from the dough and its volume decreases. During proofing, the volume increases again due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide and the product becomes porous. If the products are poorly proofed, they will crack during baking and turn out dense and small. If the products have been left for too long, they will turn out flat, blurry, without gloss or pattern. To improve the appearance of the baked product, its surface is greased with egg, egg with milk or melange before baking. The most beautiful gloss is obtained by smearing the products with yolk. Before use, eggs or melange are lightly broken with a whisk and the lubricant is filtered through a sieve. Apply the lubricant with a soft hair brush, carefully so as not to crush the spaced products, 5-10 minutes before placing them in the confectionery oven. Products are baked at a temperature of 190–230 °C. Baking time depends on the size of the products. The oven temperature when baking large products should be lower than when baking small ones, which allows you to gradually bake the products and prevent them from burning.

At the beginning of baking, the weight of the products increases due to moisture condensation on their surface. The moisture then moves to the center of the product. The temperature of the top layer increases, which causes caramelization of sugar in the surface layers and the formation of a crispy crust. Products increase in volume due to the evaporation of alcohol and an increase in water vapor pressure.

When products are heated to a temperature of 65–80 °C, starch gelatinizes, absorbing water, which is released by proteins during coagulation. When folded, the proteins become denser and strengthen the porosity of the dough.

The humidity inside the products remains high until the end of baking and levels out only during cooling. The total water loss during baking (bake) is 12–15%. The readiness of the products is determined organoleptically: by the color of the crust, the consistency of the crumb at the break, the weight, and also by piercing them with a thin splinter. The absence of traces of dough on the splinter after it is removed from the products indicates their readiness.

OPARA is a liquid leaven for dough made from yeast and a small amount of flour.


Yeast sponge choux pastry


* 0.5 glass of water * 3/4 ​​glass of milk * 50 g butter * 3-5 eggs * 600-800 g flour * 30-50 g yeast * salt to taste

Preparing the dough

Dissolve fresh yeast in warm water (pour warm water over it, kneading it), add 1 cup of flour and, after beating well, let the dough rise.

Preparing the dough

Salt the finished dough to taste (about 1 teaspoon of salt), beat it again and, without stopping stirring, scald the dough with boiling milk. Mix the mixture well, pour in the melted butter and eggs (or egg yolks), add the remaining flour and knead the dough.

Let the dough rise well in a warm place and cut the pies.



* 1.5 cups milk or water * 30-40 g yeast * 600-800 g flour * 2 eggs * 100 g butter or margarine * 1/2 cup sugar (for pies with sweet filling) * 2/3 teaspoon salt

Preparing the dough

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk or water, add half the amount of flour, mix and place in a warm place to rise.

Preparing the dough

When the dough rises, knock it out well with a wooden spatula, add the rest of the ingredients and thoroughly knead the thick dough so that it comes away from your hands when kneading. Let the dough rise and cut the pies.



* 1.25 cups water or milk * 30-50 g yeast * 600-800 g flour * 4-5 eggs * 1/3 cup melted butter * salt to taste

Preparing the dough

Dilute the yeast in 1/4 cup of warm water, add 1 cup of warm milk, salt and 1.5 cups of flour. Mix everything well until smooth and put the dough in a warm place.

Preparing the dough

When cracks appear on the top of the dough, add well-beaten yolks and foam of egg whites. Add the remaining flour little by little and knead the dough until it can be cut with a knife and it will not stick to it.

Then pour melted warm butter into the dough and continue kneading it until bubbles appear on the dough and it comes off your hands. Let the dough rise well and cut the pies.



* 3 cups milk * 5 eggs * 3/4 ​​cup melted butter * 2/3 cup sugar * 50-80 g yeast * about 2 kg flour * 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1-2 bitter almond kernels * saffron, cardamom, cinnamon to taste

Preparing the dough

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm milk or water and strain it through a strainer into a bowl with warmed milk. Add half the flour and mix well. Place the dough in a warm place for fermentation.

Preparing the dough

When the dough rises, add salt, white yolks mashed with sugar, beaten egg whites and spices according to the recipe or to taste. Adding flour, knead the thick dough, let it rise, knead 1-2 times and use for making pies with sweet fillings.



* 2 glasses of warm water * 40-50 g of yeast * 1/2 tbsp. spoon (without top) fine salt * 1/4 cup melted butter or vegetable oil * about 1 kg of flour

Preparing the dough

Dissolve the yeast in 3/4 cup of water and pour into the remaining warm water. Add half the amount of flour and, after kneading the dough, let it rise well, placing it in a warm place.

Preparing the dough

Add salt and warm melted butter or vegetable oil to the prepared dough. Add half the remaining flour, knead the dough well and let it rise again. After this, pour the remaining flour into the dough, knead it as best as possible and let it rise again.

The dough can be used for pies during Lent, using vegetable oil during preparation.



* 1.2 kg flour * 100 g butter * 6 eggs * 50-80 g yeast * 2 cups milk * 0.5 cup sugar (for pies with sweet filling) * 1 teaspoon salt Attention housewives: when preparing such dough, if it is prepared for sweet pies, sugar is added to the finished dough immediately before cutting.

Preparing the dough

Dilute the yeast with 0.5 cups of warm water, add 2 teaspoons of flour and leave to ferment overnight.

Preparing the dough

In the morning, add one glass of milk and melted butter to the yeast, after adding warm milk to it to get a full glass of liquid. Add the remaining flour, beat in the eggs, add salt and knead the dough for about an hour to make it as elastic as possible. Then transfer the dough to an oiled napkin and tie it so that during fermentation it can double in volume.

Place the napkin with the dough in a bucket of cold water (room temperature) and keep it there until the dough floats to the surface. Then transfer it to a cutting board, carefully knock it out and cut the pies with savory fillings.

If you need sweet pies, divide the dough into 2 parts and mix the amount of sugar into one half.

"The pancakes are delicious."

The milk is heated, yeast and a little sugar are dissolved in it, sifted flour is added and quickly mixed. The dough is covered with a lid or a clean cloth and placed in a warm place (29-32°C) for fermentation. Sugar and eggs, while beating, are heated to 45°C, and then, while beating, they are cooled to 30-35°C and, together with the rest of the products, are added to the fermented dough, after which the dough is kneaded and set to rise. Pancakes are served with butter, sour cream, caviar, herring, and fish.


It is quite possible that summer will come someday in the middle zone. This means that it still makes sense to supply bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as forecasters promise, by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (daytime).

How to prepare sourdough for
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams of rye flour + 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Preparation time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry the flour or pieces of bread until they darken (but do not char; with black bread it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is just toasted or already burnt).
  • Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in lukewarm water.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And insist again for a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And fill it with fresh water again.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its insolent yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness and it will be possible to use it for drinking kvass. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days, you will need to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers to a three-liter jar with the prepared starter, first removing some of the old soggy ones that have sunk to the bottom. For taste you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey...

  • Sweet yeast dough on dough

    homemade baking


    • 0.5 kg flour
    • 3 eggs
    • 100 g butter
    • 250 ml milk
    • 1/3 teaspoon salt
    • 100 g sugar
    • 6 grams of yeast

    How to knead sponge dough:

    • Place the yeast in warm milk with half the sugar and let it rise.
      Add a third of the flour and salt, stir, leave in a warm place for 0.5 hours.
      Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar, add softened butter, beat.
      Add to the dough, stir. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough.
      Leave to rise for 2 hours.
      Knead again and let rise for another 2-2.5 hours.

    Many people do not take up baking because they are afraid of working with dough. Those who decide to bake something have many questions about preparing the dough. I want to tell you in detail recipe for sponge yeast dough. I hope this will help you, and you will see that there is nothing easier than kneading fluffy and elastic dough. I always use this recipe for making yeast dough when I make rich rolls or buns.

    To prepare sponge yeast dough we will need:

    1.5-2 glasses of milk;

    1-1.5 cups sugar;

    500-600 g flour;

    50 g live yeast or 11 g dry yeast;

    150 g butter or margarine;

    50 g vegetable oil;

    0.5 tsp. salt.

    The preparation of rich sponge yeast dough consists of two stages. At the first stage, we prepare the dough, and at the second, we knead the dough on it. We very carefully monitor the temperature of the milk in which we raise the yeast. Milk that is not warm enough will not allow the yeast to increase in volume, but milk that is too hot will cook our yeast and the dough will be spoiled (it will not rise in the future).

    Place the risen dough on the work surface and form rolls or any buns with or without filling.

    Having spent a little time and effort, we will get a magnificent rich sponge yeast dough.