Peter Biryukov resignation. Peter Biryukov. Old town of the capital. Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich

How to quickly make your wife and daughter millionaires if you are the deputy mayor of Moscow? It’s easy - register a company for your family members that will receive the most profitable municipal contracts from the mayor’s office, and simply transfer money from the budget to the company’s account. This simple scheme for the personal enrichment of an official and his relatives was described by the head of the Krasnoselsky district of Moscow, oppositionist Ilya Yashin, who has long been following the “exploits” of the veteran official. Yashin discovered over ten contracts that Biryukov handed over practically from hand to hand to the company run by his wife Ekaterina and daughter Irina. The amount received by the Biryukov family in such a simple way exceeds 300 million rubles.

Wife and daughter - bridges and roads

According to data studied by Ilya Yashin, the commercial company "Venta", registered by Ekaterina and Irina Biryukov, through the state budgetary institutions "Avtodor" and "Gormost" from the capital's mayor's office received 14 government contracts for improvement for the total amount 365 million rubles.

Both state budgetary institutions are controlled by the Moscow Housing and Communal Services Department, which is actually headed by. There is a conflict of interest.

“Usually officials try to disguise such transactions: they use shell companies, front men, and come up with complex multi-level schemes. But he’s not like that, he doesn’t even try to hide. And now we see an absolutely primitive scheme for withdrawing money from the budget. Here are 365 million rubles, here are my wife and daughter. Take it, dear ones!”- says Yashin in what he recorded.

According to the version, the simplest explanation for such carelessness and impunity of a high-ranking official is his understanding of what needs to be shared with his superiors, as well as complete ignorance on the part of the capital’s law enforcement agencies, who turn a blind eye to all the antics of Sobyanin’s subordinates.

“I don’t see any other explanation other than the fact that a fat piece from such deals ends up on Sobyanin’s desk. Well, when Biryukov appears, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor’s Office turn into three monkeys: I see nothing, I hear nothing, I won’t tell anyone anything.”, - Ilya Yashin wrote on his Facebook.

Brother - construction at Moscow State University

Previously the brother of the vice mayor Alexey Biryukov appointed vice-rector of Moscow State University for capital construction. Thus, a relative of the official will oversee the project to expand Lomonosov Moscow State University and build the scientific and technological “MSU Valley.”

Alexey Biryukov was a shareholder and general director of the construction company Universstroylux, which won tenders first in the Northern District, which he headed in 2000-2002, then in the Southern District (Biryukov was a prefect there in 2002-2007). In February 2018, Alexey Biryukov was declared bankrupt, after which the Moscow Arbitration Court temporarily banned him from leaving the country and launched a procedure for the sale of his property. Now he has again grabbed hold of government funds - the cost of building the “MSU Valley” is estimated 110 billion rubles.

Veteran and family man

Biryukov has been in his vice-mayor's chair since 2007, and began to hold various positions in government offices and prefectures in the early nineties. Before entering the civil service, Biryukov was the manager of two repair and construction trusts, and in 1986 he almost went to jail: he and two fellow accomplices were accused of stealing construction materials. The story ended with public censure, writes.

After the future vice-mayor became prefect of the Northern District, the seedy company Garant-Invest suddenly began to turn into a serious developer before our eyes. First, a subsidiary of Garant-Invest received the right to long-term lease of a plot on Telman Square for the construction of a shopping complex - right next to the Airport metro station, and then Garant-Invest began to build new shopping centers and stores at an incredible pace - now in the Southern District , where he moved to work as a prefect in 2002.

The strange coincidence loses all its mystery after meeting the owners of Garant-Invest. 8.5% of the company's shares belong to Biryukov's daughter Irina and niece Ekaterina; The majority shareholder is Alexey Panfilov, who at the same time, on a voluntary basis, works as an adviser to Biryukov on housing and communal services and landscaping issues.

The official did not forget about his brother Alexei, the future vice-rector of Moscow State University. Alexey Biryukov, when his brother was a prefect, became the general director of the Universstroylux company, which quickly turned out to be the main contractor on many construction projects subordinate to his older brother, using tens of billions of budget rubles.

Earlier, Ilya Yashin reported how in the Moscow State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” they steal the money of ordinary janitors, who in words were “paid” 30-40 thousand rubles, but in reality their salaries rarely exceeded 20-25 thousand rubles. The main creator of “Zhilischnik” was the same. And in the State Budgetary Institution itself, after Yashin’s publication, law enforcement officers discovered dozens of cases of theft and opened several criminal cases.

For example, for Yulia Lyzhina, a cleaner at the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilishchnik” in Yasenevo, it was a shock that her salary reached 193 thousand rubles a month. In fact, the cleaner received about 11 thousand a month - the rest of the money was credited to a bank card, which the cleaner did not even receive.

As the founder of the Foundation for Combating , Sobyanin once said, he has a monstrous “allergy” to housing and communal services and in this area he has only one demand for his subordinates: “I don’t want to know anything or do anything, but don’t let anyone’s hot water be turned off in winter.”. Apparently, Biryukov meets these requirements.

Pyotr Biryukov was born 66 years ago in the village of Stary Buzets, Kursk region. The name of his native village best characterizes the activities of an experienced manager.

Soviet Union: first steps

Biryukov's early biography is unremarkable - school, army, college, work.

At the age of 27, Peter moved to Moscow, where he, a teacher by training, managed to get a job at Mostransstroy, and immediately to the position of senior foreman. This is a dark place in the biography of the future ruler of the capital's housing and communal services system - how did he move to Moscow, whose hairy hand assigned a citizen without specialized education and experience to an enviable position?

Biryukov received his specialized education later, only in 1986, and decided to study not in Moscow, but in his almost native Kursk, at the Polytechnic. It is not known for certain what position he held at the time of receiving his diploma, but no less than the head of a trust department. In the same memorable year, a criminal case was opened against him - a promising builder was suspected of banal theft of building materials (article “Forgery of Officials”). However, someone helped put the brakes on everything: it was decided to release the sly man from criminal prosecution and limit himself to “social influence” at his place of work. The social impact was another promotion.

As for education, Pyotr Pavlovich improved his qualifications already in Moscow, at the University of Management, where he also lectured. There he defended his doctoral dissertation. And Biryukov liked this defense so much that six years later Irina Petrovna Biryukova(daughter) defended her PhD there, two years later Alexander Petrovich(son) – doctorate (and the topics of the works of father and son are almost the same). Well, Pyotr Pavlovich’s cousin, who later headed the Lyublino district government, graduated from the same university.

Experts of the Russian State Library, however, do not rate the scientific knowledge of Chief Biryukov very highly: in their opinion, “ this dissertation has no scientific value, is an outright imitation of science and is a typical fictitious demonstration product, which also contains pronounced plagiarism... contains incorrect borrowings that are unacceptable in volume and nature (plagiarism) and cannot be considered original in relation to the collection of abstracts and dissertations of the Russian State Library».

New Times: Big Boss

But God be with him, with education. Before us is a talented genius who simply really wanted to become a doctor of science and a professor, so he made forgivable mistakes on the path to success. And success came along with the beginning of economic transformations in the USSR. If in the Soviet Union he only headed the district construction complexes in Moscow (first Volgograd, then Timiryazevsky), now he became the full-fledged owner of the Vykhino district (South-Eastern Administrative District), five years later he rose to the rank of deputy prefect of the Central District, and after the change of power in the country in January 2000, he discovered himself as head of the Northern District, and two years later - of the Southern District. Many districts and districts were made happy by the official - it is typical that Pyotr Pavlovich was not allowed only to the west of the city, where the vast majority of people making important decisions in this city live.

Since 2007, Petr Biryukov has been the first vice-mayor and head of the municipal services complex. He has been working in this capacity for the 11th year. Biryukov became one of the few high-ranking metropolitan officials who managed to survive the change of mayor in his position: Sergei Sobyanin got rid of all the loyal ones Yuri Luzhkov subordinates. Biryukov, who owes everything to Luzhkov, was not included in this number: in fact, he was always loyal only to his own family (in which, by the way, he coincides with Luzhkov and compares favorably with Sobyanin).

Read more about Sergei Sobyanin in the material “ »

However, Biryukov loves his family not for show, but in deep silence. He has never appeared in public with his relatives, and calls all the Biryukovs involved in city contracts namesakes. But the city hall contractors are too reminiscent of his relatives, specifically his wife, brother and daughter. We already wrote about this in, but too much money goes to these namesakes (the daughter of Pyotr Pavlovich, however, finally figured out to change her last name to Shevchuk).

LLC "Venta", rental of trucks for the needs of the mayor's office. Founders – Ekaterina Vladimirovna and Irina Petrovna Biryukov, who contributed 37 million rubles each. For comparison, according to official declarations, in recent years Pyotr Biryukov himself earned 5–7 million rubles. per year, his wife - 13.8 million each with very slight fluctuations, rare constancy. But even with such income, invest 74 million rubles. into one enterprise is very difficult. Unless you are sure of quick and huge income. And indeed, the capital’s State Budgetary Institution “Highways” immediately fell in love with “Venta” and only in 2013–14. concluded contracts with it worth over 200 million rubles.

Universstroylux LLC, former owner – Alexey Pavlovich Biryukov(also the name of Pyotr Biryukov’s younger brother). In 2005 (according to other sources - in 2009) she distinguished herself with a controversial victory in the competition for the restoration of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (17th century) in Kolomenskoye. A little later, Pyotr Biryukov proudly spoke about the restoration of 62 architectural monuments in neighboring Tsaritsyn; It turned out that there were only 22 monuments in the park. The remaining objects are, for example, a modern public toilet, which was decorated in pseudo-Russian style. But restoration costs many times more than repairs... By the way, in those years Irina Petrovna Biryukova was also among the employees of Universstroylux. Subsequently, this company was caught demolishing non-existent buildings for city money. And the accounting reports were impressive: with revenue of 7 billion, profit in 2009 amounted to only 35.6 million rubles, half a percent of revenue. They left nothing for themselves, everything went to their hometown!

In 2011-14, the bankruptcy procedure of this strange company took place, and the Bank of Moscow and Sberbank agreed to cede their claims against it to two very interesting and little-known organizations that turned out to be surprisingly loyal to the bankrupt.

The daughter of the mentioned Alexey Biryukov, who has a beautiful name Angelica, at one time she was the founder of the company “USL Mechanization” (the reader can easily decipher USL as “UniversStroyLux”); she was subsequently replaced in this post by a certain Yulia Malova, she is also the former founder and general director of CJSC Monolit and Glavremontstroy... who received the debts of Universstroylux from large and respected banks! In general, the relationship between the Biryukovs and the Bank of Moscow is very reminiscent of a mutually beneficial symbiosis, in which only the then owner of the bank, the city of Moscow, was the victim. The same Glavremontstroy took out a loan of 500 million rubles from the Bank of Moscow, naming as its guarantor the same magical Andrei Petrovich Biryukov (born in 1955 in the village of Stary Buzets, Kursk region). The unsecured loan, as far as we know, was never repaid.

Here it is appropriate to remember Yuri Luzhkov, before whose eyes half of all this entertainment took place! Recalling Biryukov’s activities later, he said: “I had to do a lot for him on my own. In addition, there were also problems of a moral and ethical nature.” Well, just like those hedgehogs who cried and injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus.

The reputation of Pyotr Biryukov has been known for a long time, and Sergei Sobyanin’s team could easily refuse to cooperate with an exemplary family man. Why this did not happen is a rhetorical question. Pyotr Biryukov is still in business, and the improvement of Moscow still rests on his tired but not broken shoulders. Renovation is ahead, which means there are still many, many playgrounds, parking lots, kindergartens and neat lawns. Old buzzers are not replaced at the crossing.

Sergey Vlasov
Once upon a time, quite recently, Russia was considered the most educated country in the world: and our education was the envy of “well-wishers”; and young specialists were trained conscientiously; and our scientists were “ripped off hand and foot” by all the world’s scientific centers; and domestic universities were considered prestigious almost on a universal scale...

And now - everything seems to be like this, but it’s not at all like that... Lately, not even a week goes by without another “dissertation” scandal breaking out. Terribly inquisitive minds surfing the Internet, no, no, yes, they will stumble upon outright plagiarism in either candidate or doctoral dissertations. To many respected people ( Igor Igoshin- deputy from United Russia, Ruslan Gattarov— Senator, member of the “Young Guard of United Russia”, Igor Lebedev- to my son V. Zhirinovsky and others) the public has already asked questions about how they managed to get their degrees. The questions, as you understand, are still rhetorical in nature.

But I really want real close attention to be paid to “intellectual theft” (which is what plagiarism is). After all, it is not mere mortals who engage in such creativity, but people of status, occupying a high social position, standing in power, so to speak, “our everything,” leading and directing. Respectable people do not disdain anything, they “puff out their cheeks” just to look more authoritative. And scandals erupt on the Internet, exploding articles about pseudoscientific dissertations, “bogus” candidates and doctors of some sciences are exploding like shells. And the further, the more...

Now the “blast wave” has reached the valiant servants of the Moscow government... Muscovites don’t need to introduce one of them - this Pyotr Pavlovich Biryukov, First (very first) Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for housing and communal services and improvement, who coordinates the work of the Moscow Municipal Services Complex, departments of housing, communal services and improvement, major repairs of the housing stock, fuel and energy management, Administration for ensuring civil defense measures, State Housing Inspectorate. The merits of this official to the city and its citizens are well known - we encounter them almost every day, going out onto the streets of the city, plowing through the reagent mess under our feet and inhaling deeply the fumes of radioactive chemicals; it is to him that we owe destruction of the natural complex of the Tsaritsyno State Museum on the territory of the natural-historical park "Tsaritsyno"; closure of Muscovites' recreational areas ( two cafes on Patriarch's Ponds); declaring not only individual areas, but the entire city “his own.”

Pyotr Pavlovich is a serious, educated person: from 1972 to 1979 he studied at the Kursk Pedagogical Institute, specializing in mathematics teacher; from 1980 to 1986 he studied at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the Kursk Polytechnic Institute, specializing in civil engineering. In 2000, with hard and backbreaking work, he earned the degree of Doctor of Economics, presenting to the amazed scientific community of the State University of Management (GOUVPO GUU) a dissertation on the topic “Organization of project management for the development and functioning of the city’s housing and communal services complex.” The topic, however, is incomprehensible to the common man, but quite consonant with the job responsibilities... And everything would be fine, but... It was at the time when Mr. Biryukov was defending his dissertation that, by a happy coincidence, he received a salary from this very GUVPO GUU . It would be surprising if he didn’t defend himself! But the dissertation itself is beyond praise! This is a significant scientific work, which for some reason was not appreciated at all by independent experts from the Russian State Library (RSL). In his conclusion they testify that “this dissertation has no scientific value, is an outright imitation of science and is a typical fictitious demonstration product, which also contains pronounced plagiarism. It is surprising that this work was defended and defended in the Academic Council of the State University of Management ", which, in our opinion, necessitates a frontal check of the dissertations defended there. The presented work contains incorrect borrowings that are unacceptable in volume and nature (plagiarism) and cannot be considered original in relation to the collection of abstracts and dissertations of the Russian State Library."

It should be noted that the cooperation of Pyotr Pavlovich with the State University of Management was long, fruitful and, we dare to assume, mutually beneficial: in 2006, Irina Petrovna Biryukova (daughter) presented a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic “Improving design management based on organizational leadership"; in 2008, Alexander Petrovich Biryukov, the son of Pyotr Pavlovich, amazed the dissertation council with his intellect while defending his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Project management of the development and operation of urban housing stock.” Naturally, the already wide ranks of the luminaries of economic sciences were gladly replenished with two more worthy members. In addition, this university blessed with a second higher education another member of Pyotr Pavlovich’s large family - his cousin Alexei Petrovich Biryukov, who with all his might advocates for the well-being and prosperity of the Lyublino administration, which he heads.

How the vice-mayor of Moscow became a doctor of sciences

What is surprising is not the plagiarism and the “fictitious demonstration product” in Mr. Biryukov’s dissertation, but the fact that this man is an “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation,” an honorary professor at the Financial and Legal Academy, the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, and a laureate of national awards named after Peter the Great and named after Mikhail Lomonosov in the field of science, education and culture! Is it for some kind of merit that there is so much honor and respect? Since when has theft in Russia been elevated to the rank of an outstanding act, akin to heroism, for which a reward is due? Indeed, “Russia cannot be understood with the mind”!.. This is impossible to understand, accept, or explain...

It is also impossible to imagine that Pyotr Pavlovich Biryukov is “a person with a criminal past” (according to the Zonal Information Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - ZIC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), who worked as a chief civil engineer, and then as a manager of the Volgograd Repair and Construction Trust and in 1986, prosecuted under Art. 175 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Forgery of Officials” for the intentional theft of construction materials by a group of persons consisting of Pavel Vitalievich Peutin, born July 27, 1962; Nikuradze Ivan Ermolaevich, born 03/22/46; Sotnikov Evgeniy Nikolaevich, born 02/03/1960, but exempted from criminal prosecution under Art. 10 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR in connection with the sending of materials without initiating a criminal case for the application of measures of public influence, from July 2007 to the present, he has been the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, i.e. the unsinkable, valiant political “Varyag”, who with such an outstanding biography successfully worked both in the “Luzhkov team” and in the new composition of the Moscow Government.

There is something symbolic in this... Well, there is no doubt that Mr. Biryukov knows exactly how to “correctly” handle building materials, and he knows this not by hearsay, but from personal experience!

Apparently, the stormy Komsomol youth, when others were exploring virgin lands, and Mr. Biryukov was developing the state treasury, bore fruit. Today Pyotr Pavlovich conquers completely different horizons. For example, in 2003, Mr. Biryukov accidentally misled the Moscow Government by achieving the placement of a multifunctional shopping complex on the territory of the Brateevskaya Poyma Natural Complex of Moscow. In 2005-2007 he supervised the destruction of the natural complex of the Tsaritsyno State Museum on the territory of the Tsaritsyno natural-historical park, which resulted in Moscow losing valuable habitat for several species of animals listed in the Red Book.

But behind all these troubles and tireless zeal for the prosperity of the capital, when “caviar does not go down your throat, and compote does not pour into your mouth,” Pyotr Pavlovich, as a true family man, does not forget to take care of his family. For example, the company Universstroylux LLC, owned by his brother Alexey Pavlovich Biryukov and where his daughter Irina worked, is one of the largest contractors in Moscow with multimillion-dollar contracts; receives a city contract (and more than one) worth about 10 million rubles for the demolition of non-existent buildings and removal of non-existent garbage, etc., and also sues the city for about 870 million rubles for

Biryukov Petr Pavlovich(born July 12, 1951, village of Stary Buzets, Kursk region, RSFSR, USSR) - Deputy Mayor of Moscow for housing and communal services and improvement (since 2010). Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Honored Builder of Russia.

Born into a family of collective farm workers. In 1968-1971 he served in the USSR Armed Forces. In 1979 he graduated from the Kursk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in mathematics teacher. He worked as a boarding teacher at the Trinity eight-year school, as a teacher, and was involved in trade union work.

Since 1978, he worked in the Mostransstroy trusts of the USSR Ministry of Transport and Glavmosstroy. He started as a senior foreman, then became the head of a trust department, deputy trust manager, and chief engineer. He worked as manager of Remstroytrest of the Volgograd district of Moscow, deputy head for construction production of the industrial construction and installation association DSK-4 Glavmosstroy, manager of Remstroytrest of Timiryazevsky district of Moscow.

In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the Kursk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in civil engineering. In 1991, Biryukov became sub-prefect of the Vykhino district of the South-Eastern administrative district of Moscow. In 1996, he was appointed first deputy prefect of the Central Administrative District, and in January 2000, prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. In 2002-2007 he worked as prefect of the Southern Administrative District with the rank of minister of the Moscow government.

In 2007, the mayor of Moscow appointed Biryukov as his first deputy in the Moscow government and head of the Moscow municipal services complex. In October 2010, the new mayor of Moscow appointed Pyotr Biryukov as deputy mayor of Moscow for housing, communal services and improvement; after the elections in September 2013, he was reappointed to the same position. Since 2011 - member of the board of directors of OJSC Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK). Since January 2013 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mosvodokanal OJSC.

Married, has a son and daughter.

Daughter Anzhelika worked as a press attaché for the Luzhniki sports complex and is a co-owner of a number of companies, including StroyBusinessHolding LLC and Garant-Invest Bank. Son Alexander Biryukov worked at Capital Group LLC.

The younger brother, Alexey Pavlovich Biryukov, is the owner and general director of the Universstroylux company and a number of other organizations involved in the construction business, repair work and landscaping in Moscow. The Universstroylux company has repeatedly won large city tenders, in particular, it was involved in the improvement of the Tsaritsyno museum-reserve and the restoration of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye. Alexey Biryukov is also involved in the construction of roads, housing, laying utility networks and other projects in Moscow.

In connection with the monstrous scale of corruption in the housing and communal services sector of Moscow, on behalf of the residents of the capital, we express distrust and demand the immediate resignation of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing and Communal Services and Landscaping, P.P. Biryukov. and his team members.

Everyone knew or guessed that city improvement projects had a corruption component. It was obvious that the huge billions spent on improvement from the city’s deficit budget were far from being fully spent correctly, that a significant part of it went into so-called kickbacks, that only their own companies “won” tenders for improvement, including the companies of Pyotr Pavlovich’s relatives, receiving orders at greatly inflated prices.

According to the architectural historian, member of the presidium of the expert council under the chief architect of Moscow Alexei Klimenko, Biryukov, when he was prefect of the Southern Administrative District, “did not allow many construction projects to enter the territory of the district entrusted to him until they passed into the hands of his countless relatives. And when he commanded the construction of Tsaritsyn, he said in an interview with the district newspaper: “We have restored 62 architectural monuments on the territory of the museum-reserve!” But according to the list, there are only 22 architectural monuments in Tsaritsyn. The rest are booths and toilets, which were dressed in pseudo-Gothic “caftans”. But you see, what’s the matter? Restoration costs several times more than conventional construction.”

State Duma deputy, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Public Utilities Galina Khovanskaya believes that Biryukov’s resignation is long overdue: “there really are a lot of questions for him. In particular, he has spawned many fake HOAs that actually exist only on paper. A lot of money was spent on this, and now they are liquidating it.”

And now, the culmination of Pyotr Pavlovich’s activities has come. Recently, a key figure in the “My Street” city improvement program, Pyotr Pavlovich’s right-hand man, Alexander Shukyurov, who served as director of the Moscow state government institution “Directorate of Capital Repairs” since 2013, was arrested on suspicion of fraud and theft of funds on an especially large scale. For theft during the implementation of this very “My Street” program. Surprisingly, Shukyurov’s arrest coincided with S.S.’s statement. Sobyanin on the completion of the “My Street” program, which the mayor’s office has been so proud of in recent years.

It is obvious that Pyotr Pavlovich could not help but know about the corrupt actions of his closest subordinate Alexander Shukyurov. Mr. Biryukov could not have been unaware of the fact that new lanterns and paving stones are being exchanged for new lanterns and paving stones not so much for the benefit of the city residents, but for the sake of enriching those involved in corruption schemes. He couldn’t help but know that his relatives were not “winning” tenders quite honestly and fairly. This means there is no way P.P. Biryukov to remain as Deputy Mayor of Moscow.

Back in January 2016, Pyotr Biryukov stated that the city planned to create 49 parks. We have seen how the “My Street” program is being implemented under the leadership of this “talented manager” and you can imagine how he imagines “improving the parks.”

A shame for Pyotr Biryukov was the accident on Irkutskaya Street in Moscow, due to which several people were injured and about 2,000 houses were left without heat supply in cold weather on the very eve of winter. The burst of a hot water pipe once again showed the state to which Biryukov’s team had reduced the capital’s utility systems. In 2017, the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of Moscow spent about 141,021.5 million rubles ( but did not bother to take care of its direct responsibilities - to start repairing heating networks in advance. The question arises - where did the money go from their pockets Muscovites who were placed at the disposal of Pyotr Biryukov and his subordinates?

We want the curator of the housing and communal services complex and the improvement of the capital of Russia to be a highly professional and honest person who enjoys the trust and respect of Muscovites. And people like P.P. Biryukov, A. Shukurov and other equally dishonest members of his team belong not in the mayor's office, but in prisons. We demand the immediate resignation of P.P. Biryukov and his subordinates.

Sign the petition at: