Excavation safety measures briefly. Typical instructions for labor protection during earthworks

These instructions are for informational purposes only. DO NOT copy its provisions into the document you are developing. You must consider each item listed and change it in accordance with the characteristics of your production.

Instructions for labor protection in production earthworks

1. General requirements for labor protection.

1.1. Excavation in the area of \u200b\u200bunderground utilities (electrical cables, communication cables, gas pipelines, etc.) is allowed only with the approval of the organization responsible for the operation of these utilities. An access plan must be accompanied by a plan (scheme) indicating the location and depth of the communications.

1.2. When carrying out excavation and other works related to the placement of jobs in excavations and trenches, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the exposure of workers to the following dangerous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:

  • collapsing rocks (soils);
  • falling objects (pieces of rock);
  • moving machines and their working bodies, as well as objects moved by them;
  •   the location of the worker near the vertical drop of 1.3 mi or more;
  • increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body.

1.3. In order to create safe working conditions and movement of construction and transport vehicles, the route is planned before the development of trenches. The planning method is set by the project.

1.4. Earthwork in areas with a transverse slope of up to 8 ° and longitudinal to 15 ° is allowed to be carried out by self-propelled mechanisms without restraints by conventional methods.

1.5. When working single-bucket excavators on longitudinal slopes from 15 ° to 22 °, it is necessary to perform anchoring.

1.6. Work on rotary excavators is allowed on longitudinal slopes of up to 36 ° when moving them from top to bottom, with slopes from 36 to 45 °, excavator anchoring should be used.

1.7. Work on the bulldozer is allowed on longitudinal slopes up to 36 about.

1.8. In order to avoid flooding and erosion of trenches by surface waters, soil dumps should be placed on the upland side, and in necessary cases, drainage ditches and protective enclosures should be arranged.

1.9. The state of the slopes of the trenches as long as they are in open form should be systematically monitored. If a crack is found in the slopes during operation, workers must be removed from the danger zone and take measures against spontaneous collapse of the soil.

1.10. For safety reasons, the pipeline embankment in the swamps should be carried out with a single-bucket excavator on broadened tracks or with an ordinary single-bucket excavator on shales.

1.11. When developing underwater trenches with a dredger in the dark, it is necessary to provide adequate lighting for the places of work.

1.12. Digging trenches in impassable swamps, especially in summer, it is more expedient to carry out an explosion for discharge.

1.13. Explosive soil cultivation in winter should be carried out using the blast hole method in compliance with safety precautions.

1.14. Drilling and blasting operations can be carried out by persons with the appropriate approval and certificate.

1.15. When developing soil using an explosive method, it is necessary to observe the “Unified safety rules for blasting operations” approved by the Russian Technical Supervision Authority.

1.16. With mechanical shock loosening of the soil, people are not allowed to be at a distance of 5 m from the loosening site.

1.17. When loosening frozen ground with a diesel hammer, to protect workers from flying frozen clods, it is necessary to protect the danger zone with flags at a distance of 50 m from the mechanism.

1.18. In order to avoid erosion of the soil, the formation of landslides, collapse of the walls of the excavations in the places of excavation, before they begin, it is necessary to ensure the removal of surface and groundwater. The place of work must be cleaned of boulders, trees, construction debris.

1.19. Excavation work in the protection zone of high-voltage cables, an existing pipeline, other communications, as well as in areas with possible pathogenic soil contamination (landfills, cattle burial grounds, cemeteries, etc.) must be carried out according to the approval after obtaining permission from the organization operating these communications, or the health authority. Work under these conditions should be carried out under the direct supervision of the work manager, and in the protection zone of live cables or existing pipelines, in addition, under the supervision of employees of organizations operating these communications.

1.20. Excavation in the immediate vicinity of existing underground utilities is allowed only with shovels, without the help of percussion instruments. The use of earthmoving machines at the intersection of the recesses with existing communications, unprotected from mechanical damage, is permitted in agreement with organizations - owners of communications.

1.21. If during the excavation process the communications, underground structures or explosive materials not specified in the design are discovered during the excavation work, the excavation work must be suspended until permission of the relevant authorities is obtained.

1.22. The development of trenches with rotary excavators in viscous soils (loams, clays) of trenches with vertical walls without fastening is allowed at a depth of not more than 3 m. In places where workers are required, anchorage of trenches or slopes should be arranged.

1.23. Work in pits and trenches with slopes that have been moistened is allowed only after a thorough inspection by the work manufacturer (master) of the condition of the slope soil and the collapse of unstable soil in places where "peaks" or cracks (delaminations) are found.

1.24. Before admitting workers to pits or trenches deeper than 1.3 m, the stability of slopes or wall fastening should be checked.

1.25. Pits and trenches developed in the winter should be inspected during the thaw, and measures should be taken to ensure the stability of slopes or fasteners based on the results of the inspection.

1.26. Digging trenches for pipelines should be done in separate sections.

1.27. In winter, pipes should be laid immediately after cleaning the bottom of the trench and immediately fill them to a height of not less than 0.5 m above the top of the pipeline with thawed soil, compacting it with layers with a thickness of not more than 0.2 m.

1.28. In winter conditions, pipe laying on frozen soils is not permitted, with the exception of dry sandy, sandy loam and gravel soils, as well as rock. The bottom of the trenches should be protected from freezing, with the exception of the listed soils.

1.29. Before the start of excavation, regardless of the place of their conduct, on the industrial site and the adjacent territory before digging pits, pits or trenches, it is necessary:

Securely enclose the work area around the perimeter; in the daytime, put warning signs at the workplace at a distance of 5 ms from the side of traffic;

After dark, set to illuminate with spotlights or portable electric bulbs installed at a height of at least 2 m.

2. Labor protection requirements for earthworks.

2.1. Trenches and pits in soils of natural humidity and in the absence of groundwater can be arranged manually with vertical walls  without lining:

  • In poured, sandy and gravel soils - to a depth of 1 m.
  • In sandy soils to a depth of 1.25 m.
  • In especially dense soils, which require the use of crowbars, picks and wedges for the development, a depth of up to 2 m.

Deeper trenches and pits should be carried out with slopes or with the use of lining.

2.2. When digging a trench, the placement of excavated soil, building materials, machinery and mechanisms, as well as the movement of the latter along the edge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe prism of the collapse of the soil is prohibited. The distance from the edge should be at least 0.5 m in dry bonded soils, at least 1 m in sandy and moist soils. The installation of overhead power transmission lines, communications, etc., is also not permitted in this zone.

2.3. If cracks appear in the slopes during operation, remove workers from dangerous places and take measures against spontaneous collapse of the soil (artificial collapse, erection of lining in the trench, etc.).

2.4. When operating a single-bucket excavator, it is forbidden for people to be in a radius exceeding the length of the boom of the excavator by less than 5 m, and also between the excavator and the dump of soil, under the boom and bucket at the bottom of the trench.

2.5. When people are working in a trench, measures must be taken against rolling in or falling pipes and heavy objects into it.

2.6. Pits and trenches developed on the streets, driveways, courtyards and other places where people and vehicles are moving must be fenced and marked with warning signs and signs, and at night with signal lights. The passage of people through the trenches should be equipped with transitional bridges illuminated at night.

2.7. For access to pits and wide trenches, steps should be arranged with a width of at least 0.75 m, fenced on both sides with a railing of at least 1.2 m. Ladders may be used to enter narrow trenches.

2.8. When extracting soil from the recesses using tubs, it is necessary to arrange protective canopies-peaks for shelter working in the recess.

2.9. Soil loading on dump trucks should be done from the side of the rear or side.

2.10. Soil excavated from the foundation pit or trenches should be placed at a distance of at least 2.5 excavation grooves.

2.11. It is not allowed to dig the soil in pits and trenches under a trench.

2.12. Boulders and stones, as well as peeling soil found on the slopes, must be removed.

2.13. The performance of work related to finding workers in the recesses with vertical walls in sandy, sweep-clay and melt soils above the groundwater level and in the absence of underground structures, is allowed at their depth not more than, m:

  • 1,0 - in non-tracking, bulk and natural composition of sandy soils;
  • 1.25 - in sandy loam;
  • 1,5 - in loams and clays.

2.14. At an average daily air temperature below -2 ° C, an increase in the maximum depth of the vertical walls of the recesses in frozen soils, except for loose-frozen soils, is allowed compared with that established in clause 2.14. the value of the depth of freezing of the soil, but not more than 2 m.

2.15. Work related to finding workers in ditches with slopes without fastenings in bulk, sandy and dusty clay soils above the groundwater level (taking into account capillary rise) or soils drained using artificial water reduction is allowed at the depth of excavation and the steepness of the slopes indicated in table No. 1.

Table number 1

Types of soil

The steepness of the slope (the ratio of its height to the mortgage.) With a depth of excavation (m) no more

Bulk non-creeping





1. When bedding various types of soil, the steepness of the slopes is prescribed by the least stable form from the collapse of the slope.

2. Unclumped bulk include soils with a limitation period of up to two years for sandy ones; up to five years - for dusty clay soils.

2.16. If it is impossible to use inventory fasteners on the walls of pits or trenches, fastenings made according to individual projects approved in the established order should be used.

2.17. When installing the fasteners, their upper part should protrude at least 15 cm above the edge of the recess.

2.18. It is necessary to install the fasteners in the direction from top to bottom as the excavation is developed to a depth of not more than 0.5 m.

2.19. The development of fastenings for foundation pits and trenches should be carried out from below as backfilling of the soil or erection of the foundation. The number of boards removed simultaneously at the height of the soil should not exceed three, and in loose or unstable soils - one board.

2.20. When operating a single-bucket excavator, it is forbidden for people to be in a radius exceeding the length of the boom of the excavator by less than 5 m, and also between the excavator and the dump of soil, under the boom and bucket at the bottom of the trench.

2.21. When the frozen soil is loosened with a jackhammer, work should be done so that the one working with the hammer is constantly on stable rocks. It is necessary to monitor the state of the crushed soil, in case of its sliding or cracks in the slopes of pits, trenches and pits, it is necessary to take measures to remove workers from the dangerous section, to equip the place for further work with a platform with a fence.

2.22. The applied peaks and tips of jackhammers should be pointed. It is forbidden to work hammers with a broken working part of the tip, as well as with air passes in the supply hoses.

2.23. Attaching the hoses to the tool and to the compressor is allowed only through completed nipples with clamps, eliminating hose breakage.

2.24. At the end of work, the hoses must be disconnected from the pneumatic hammer, and the air line valves are closed on the line from the compressor.

2.25. When developing excavations in the ground with an excavator with a straight shovel, the height of the bottom should be determined so that in the process of work “peaks” from the soil will not form.

2.26. When developing, transporting, unloading, planning and compacting the soil with two or more self-propelled or trailed machines (scrapers, graders, rollers, bulldozers, etc.) that go one after the other, the distance between them must be at least 10 m.

2.27. Unilateral filling of the sinuses at freshly laid retaining walls and foundations is allowed after the implementation of measures that ensure the stability of the structure, under the accepted conditions, methods and procedure for filling.

2.28. Excavation work with a jackhammer, workers must be in mittens with double linings on the palm side.

2.29. When thawing frozen soil with steam, the following requirements must be observed.

2.30. The steam hose must be attached to the steam line using metal clamps.

2.31. Steam hoses must be fixed with equal force not less than the pressure created by the boiler

2.32. When warming up frozen objects, it is necessary to be at a distance of at least 1 m from the exit point of the steam jet on the opposite side of the steam.

2.34. It is forbidden to direct the hoses towards the location of people and to bend the hose to disconnect it from the steam line.

2.35. When manually developing pits and trenches with a depth of more than 2 m, it is necessary to draw up a work permit for work of increased danger, and in case of repair work on the pipelines of the cluster site, it is necessary to draw up an additional work permit for conducting gas hazardous work in case of people in pits and ditches.

2.36. Through trenches and pits dug in platforms, driveways, walkways and other places of movement of people, crossings of at least 0.7 m wide should be arranged, fenced on both sides with handrails with a height of at least 1 ms, sheathing along the bottom of the sides with a width of at least 10 cm.

2.37. Do not throw tools or material into the pit. It must be lowered on a rope or passed from hand to hand. It is forbidden to be under the load lowered into the pit.

2.38. To avoid an explosion, smoking, blowtorch and other devices associated with the use of open fire, in trenches near which there is a gas pipeline or possible gas accumulation is prohibited.

2.39. If the smell of gas is detected during the excavation work, the work must be stopped immediately and the workers removed from the dangerous places in the future until the causes of gas are clarified and eliminated.

2.40. Further work with the possibility of the occurrence of gas is allowed only if continuous monitoring of the state of the air and the provision of workers with the necessary number of hose masks is provided.

2.41. When working in wells, trenches, a gas mask should be used (the end of the hose should be on the surface of the earth from the windward side of the well, pit) and a life belt with crosswise straps and a signal and rescue rope, the end of which should be held by a worker on the ground . The length of the gas mask hose must not exceed 20 m. If the radius of the gas-filled zone exceeds 20 m, hose gas masks with forced air supply should be used.

2.42. At least two people must be on the surface of the earth to constantly monitor the actions of those who descended into the well.

2.43. When opening the pipeline for repair, the pits should be open and sized to allow two workers to work freely in them. In a foundation pit or trench, where repairs are carried out, for lowering and raising workers. There must be at least two devices located on opposite sides.

2.44. When developing trenches, excavators must be at least 1.8 to 2 m apart.

This section describes the main safety measures according to

SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor protection and industrial safety in construction. Basic Provisions ”, tied to the conditions of a given construction site.

1. Prior to the commencement of excavation work at the locations of existing underground utilities, measures for safe working conditions should be developed and agreed with the organizations operating these utilities, and the location of the underground utilities in the area is indicated by appropriate signs or inscriptions.

2. Excavation work in the area of \u200b\u200bexisting underground utilities should be carried out under the direct supervision of a superintendent or foreman, and in the security zone of live cables or an existing gas pipeline, in addition, under the supervision of electric or gas facilities.

3. If explosive materials are discovered, earthworks in these places should be stopped immediately until permission is obtained from the relevant authorities.

4. Before starting excavation work in areas with possible pathogenic soil contamination

(landfill, cattle cemeteries, cemeteries, etc.) permission of the State Sanitary Inspection authorities is required.

5. The passage of people through the trenches should be equipped with transitional bridges illuminated at night.

6. Soil extracted from the pit or trench should be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the edge of the recess.

7. Boulders and stones, as well as soil peeling found on the slopes, must be removed.

8. Soil loading on dump trucks should be done from the side of the rear or side.

9. Excavator drivers must comply with the following provisions of the safety instructions and

safety measures for drivers of single bucket crawler and pneumatic wheel excavators

9.1. General requirements.

9.1.1. Excavators are allowed to manage at least 18 years of age who have completed a special training course and received certificates for the right to operate an excavator of a certain model, maintenance personnel. One of the drivers is appointed senior (foreman).

9.1.3. Regardless of the training course, all maintenance personnel must undergo safety training in accordance with the working conditions.

9.1.4. The personnel servicing the excavator must be in protective clothing and have all the appropriate protective equipment. Without this, working on an excavator is prohibited.

9.1.5. Before the start of the shift, the driver must receive accurate instructions about the working conditions in the order that he was given the task.

9.1.6. Attendants have no right to start working on the excavator, not making sure that it is fully operational.

9.1.7. All rotating parts - gears, chain and belt drives, flywheels, etc. - must be shielded with casings. Starting the excavator with the covers removed is prohibited.

9.1.8. Starting the engine and mechanisms is permitted only after the signal is given by the driver.

9.1.9. During the operation of the excavator, everyone except the driver is strictly forbidden to be on the turntable. Foreign objects are not allowed on the turntable.

9.1.10: It is necessary to ensure that in all key, bolt and wedge joints of critical parts of the excavator the possibility of their spontaneous separation is completely excluded.

9.1.11. Refuel the engine with fuel and grease only in natural light and only in case of emergency at night with electric lighting (mains or battery).

9.1.12. During refueling it is forbidden to smoke, use matches, kerosene lamps and other sources of open flame. After refueling, all parts doused with fuel or grease should be wiped dry and the spilled fuel thoroughly covered with sand.

9.1.13. It is not permitted to use an open flame to heat the engine. When starting a cold engine, pour hot water into the radiator, and heated oil into the crankcase.

9.1.14. Flammable fuel near the machine must not be extinguished with water. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a fire extinguisher, which should be in the cab of the excavator, as well as sand, tarpaulin, etc.

9.1.15. The shift handler is obliged to warn his shift operator about all the excavator malfunctions discovered by him during work, and also to make notes about this in the journal.

9.2. Workplace of the excavator.

9.2.1. The site on which the excavator is installed should be well planned, illuminated and provide a good overview of the front of work. The excavator must be fixed in order to prevent its spontaneous movement.

9.2.2. The distance from the outer edge of the caterpillar to the edge of the trench and the pit is determined by the calculation of the stability of the slopes, but it should be at least 1 m.

9.2.3. The face for a straight shovel should be a wall that rises above the surface of the excavator parking with a slope at an angle of repose of the soil to the side of the excavator. Vertical walls of the face are allowed only in dense soils.

9.2.4. For a backhoe and dragline, the face should be a surface below the surface of the excavator parking lot, inclined at an angle of natural slope of the soil to the side of the excavator.

9.2.5. For a straight shovel, the height of the face should not exceed the maximum digging height of the bucket. In this case, do not allow the formation of overhangs (peaks), which can collapse and fall asleep people serving the excavator.

9.2.6. For a backhoe and dragline, the height of the face should not exceed the largest digging depth for a given excavator installation.

9.2.7. The driver is obliged to monitor the condition of the face and, if there is a danger that it will collapse, immediately take the excavator to a safe place and inform the work manager about this. Excavator exit routes must be kept clear at all times.

9.3. Safety measures during operation of the excavator.

9.3.1. On each excavator, control rules, equipment care and starting device diagrams should be posted.

9.3.2. Starting the starting engine of the diesel engine, it is impossible to take the handle in girth, all fingers should be on one side of the handle. It is forbidden to start an overheated starting engine.

9.3.3. To avoid burns, do not touch the exhaust pipe when starting and operating the starting engine and diesel engine. Caution should also be taken when opening the radiator cap and lowering hot water from it.

9.3.4. It is impermissible to troubleshoot when the engine is running.

9.3.5. It is forbidden to bring objects into the cab of the excavator whose size exceeds 1.5 m, regardless of what material they are made of, as well as to store gasoline, kerosene and other flammable substances in the cab.

9.3.6. In case of a thunderstorm, working in or near the excavator, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cable network, is prohibited.

9.3.7. You can not open a barrel of gasoline, hitting the cork with metal objects.

9.3.8. In order to avoid accidents during the breakage of the hoisting rope or during the accident of the working mechanism during the operation of the excavator, it is forbidden for anyone to be in a radius equal to the length of his boom plus 5 m, but not closer than 15 m from it.

9.3.9. During operation, it is strictly forbidden:

a) change the boom when the bucket is full (with the exception of shovels that do not have a pressure mechanism);

b) adjust the brakes when raising the bucket;

c) to tighten with a boom the load located on the side.

9.3.10. In case of a break, regardless of its duration, the excavator boom should be moved away from the bottom, and the bucket should be lowered to the ground.

9.3.11. The excavator can only be cleaned, lubricated and repaired after it has been stopped. In this case, the engine must be turned off, and all moving and running parts of the excavator must be locked.

9.3.12. The bucket is cleaned and the head blocks of the boom are inspected with the knowledge of the driver when the excavator stops while the bucket is lowered to the ground.

9.3.13. If underground cables, water and sewer pipes, as well as gas pipelines are located in the excavator's operating area, the maintenance personnel should be specially instructed on safety measures and conduct work under the supervision of technical supervision representatives.

9.3.14. Work under the wires active lines  Power transmission of any voltage is prohibited.

9.3.15. In the security zone of the power transmission line, it is possible to work only by agreement with the operating organization in the event that the horizontal distance between the extreme points of the mechanism at the largest reach of the working body of the cargo and the nearest wire of the power line is at a voltage of 1 kW - 1.5 m; up to 20 kW - 2 m; 35 - 110 kW-4m; 154 kW - 5m; 220 kW - 6 m and 330-500 kW - 9 m.

9.3.16. The soil on the car should be loaded from the side of its rear or lateral side. It is strictly forbidden to carry the bucket over people and the driver's cab. During loading, the driver must exit the cab if it does not have an armored shield.

9.3.17. When unloading, the bucket should be lowered as low as possible so as not to damage the vehicles. Oversize loading of the body and uneven distribution of soil in it should not be allowed.

9.3.18. Between the driver of the excavator and the maintenance personnel of vehicles must be

linked alarm system. During loading onto vehicles, workers are prohibited from being in them.

9.3.19. If blasting is carried out in the face, the excavator must be taken to a safe distance and turned to the explosion site with the back of the cab.

9.3.20. Additional requirements when working with a straight or backhoe shovel:

a) when filling the bucket, one must not allow excessive cutting of it into the ground. Braking at the end of the boom with a full bucket should be done smoothly, without sudden jolts;

b) raising the bucket of a straight shovel, one should not allow the block to rest on the boom block;

c) when lowering the boom or bucket should not hit the frame or caterpillar, and the bucket also on the ground;

d) when digging in heavy soils, the handle cannot be extended to failure;

e) obstacles in the face that can cause significant overloading of the bucket or its damage should be avoided by turning the boom;

e) when developing the first trench, it is necessary to ensure that when turning the bucket for unloading the tail

part of the excavator did not touch the side wall of the face;

g) during excavation, it is necessary to monitor the correct winding of the ropes on the winch drum so that they do not cross on the drum. Do not guide winding ropes with your hands.

9.4. Safety measures when moving the excavator.

9.4.1. Independent descent and lifting of excavators is carried out only at an angle not exceeding 16 degrees. The descent and ascent at a large angle must be done with a tractor or a winch in the presence of a mechanic, foreman or foreman.

9.4.2. The path along which the excavator will move must be pre-aligned and planned, and on weak soils reinforced with shields or flooring from boards of bars or sleepers. Structures such as bridges, pipelines, embankments, etc., must first be checked for strength and obtained permission from the appropriate organization to move the excavator along them.

9.4.3. During the movement of the excavator, the boom must be installed strictly in the direction of travel, and the bucket should be raised 0.5-0.7 m above the ground, counting from the bottom edge of the bucket. Moving an excavator with a loaded bucket is prohibited.

9.4.4. The movement of the excavator near and under power lines should be carried out under the supervision of an engineer and technical worker.

Quality control

The table below contains provisions on how to control the quality of construction of earthworks (types of control: input, operational, acceptance, permissible deviations of the geometric parameters of foundation pits, trenches according to SNiP 3.02.01-87 “ Earthworks. Foundations and foundations. "

Quality Requirements

  No. p / p   Work stages   Supervised Operations   Control (method)   Documentation
  Preparatory work Check: - the vertical layout of the surface of the construction site (if necessary); - a breakdown of the axes of the structure and the boundaries of the pit.    Visual Measuring   General work journal
  Mechanized excavation   Monitor: - deviations of the pit bottom marks from the design ones; - the type and characteristics of the uncovered soil of natural bases; - dimensions of the pit in terms of; - the steepness of the slopes.    Measuring, measuring points are set randomly; Accepted area 1020 measurements Technical inspection of the entire surface of the base Measuring the same   General work journal
  Acceptance of work performed   Check: - the geometric dimensions of the pit; - marks and slopes of the bottom of the pit; - the steepness of the slopes of the pit - the quality of the soil of the base (if necessary)    Measuring Technical inspection of the entire surface of the base   Act of examination of hidden works

Technical requirements

An act of examination of hidden works should be drawn up on the device of the bases under the design. Not allowed: erosion, softening, loosening or freezing of the upper layer of the base soil with a thickness of more than 3 cm.


The production process of concrete and reinforced concrete works consists of formwork, reinforcement, concrete work, care for the freshly laid concrete mix and the dismantling of structures or structures.

When designing, it is necessary to achieve:

Continuity and flow of formwork, reinforcement and concrete work with the uniform use of resources and production capacities; the use of shuttering boards and fittings from finished frames and nets; maximum mechanization of work using the most economical sets of machines and small-scale mechanization;

The use of standard devices and equipment;

Compliance with the rules on industrial sanitation, safety and fire safety.

State Committee of the Russian Federation
  for communication and informatization

  labor protection during earthworks

TOI R-45-066-97

The instruction comes into force on September 1, 1998.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Earthwork (development of trenches, pits, preparation of pits for supports) should be performed only according to the approved drawings, in which all should be indicated underground facilitieslocated along the route of the communication line or crossing it within the working area. When approaching the lines of underground communications, earthwork should be carried out under the supervision of the manufacturer or master, and in the security zone of existing underground communications under the supervision of representatives of organizations operating these structures.

1.2. All organizations that have underground structures in the area of \u200b\u200bthe communication line being laid must be notified of upcoming work in writing no later than 5 days before the start of excavation, and their representatives must be called to the place of work a day to clarify the location of their facilities and agree on measures that exclude damage to structures.

The organization performing work in the security zone of the cable line, no later than 3 days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to commencement of work, is obliged to call the representative of the company in charge of this line to establish technical documentation  and by punching the exact location of underground communications cables and other cable line facilities. The organization informs the enterprise operating the communication line or the radio line about the day and time of commencement of work, the performance of which requires the presence of its representative to carry out technical supervision of compliance with measures to ensure the safety of these lines, as well as communication and radio facilities.

Prior to the arrival of called representatives, excavation is prohibited.

1.3. Earthworks near existing underground utilities must be pre-drilled.

In protected areas of existing underground utilities, the development of soil by a mechanized method, as well as with the use of percussion instruments, is prohibited (except for opening the pavement).

1.4. When carrying out earthwork on the carriageway of a road or street, the organization performing these works must draw up and coordinate with the traffic police bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia a scheme for fencing a place of work and placing road signs.

1.5. In the event of an accident, work can be performed without coordination and approval of schemes, subject to the notification of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia about the time and place of work.

1.6. Persons not younger than 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, introductory training, trained in safe working methods, knowledge of the rules in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for training and knowledge testing on labor protection of managers, specialists and workers of enterprises, institutions and communication organizations are allowed to develop the soil.

1.7. Workers must have appropriate qualifications and technical training.

1.8. Workers must be instructed at the workplace. The result of the briefing, name, date and signature of the instructed employee are recorded in a special journal.

1.9. Work is carried out by a team of at least two people.

1.10. When developing the soil, the following dangerous and harmful production factors may occur:

1.10.1. The formation of explosive and fire hazardous environments;

1.10.2. Danger of being covered with soil;

1.10.3. Electric shock;

1.10.4. Adverse weather conditions (low temperature, high humidity).

1.11. Each employee must be warned about the need to comply with the Internal Labor Rules.

1.12. An employee must carry out only the work assigned to him. Do not be distracted during work yourself and do not distract your workmates.

1.13. Workers should be provided with protective clothing, personal protective equipment in accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment for communication workers.

1.14. Workers should be trained in the provision of first aid.

1.15. Guilty of failure to comply with these instructions are liable in accordance with the Internal Labor Rules.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Get a job assignment from a team leader or supervisor.

2.2. Prepare and select the tool and tooling necessary for the performance of work, check their serviceability and compliance with safety requirements.

2.3. To put on a helmet, overalls and special footwear of the established sample.

Prepare a special belt (when working in pits), vibration-proof gloves and safety glasses - when loosening the soil with a jackhammer and working with another pneumatic tool.

2.4. Check the workplace and its approaches for compliance with safety requirements.

2.5. Take instruction at the workplace, taking into account the specifics of the work performed.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Pits, pits, trenches, pits, developed in places of traffic and pedestrians, must be protected by shields with warning signs, and at night with signal lights. Approaches through trenches should be equipped with walkways with handrails.

3.2. When developing soil, workers should know and remember that soil development in recesses with vertical walls without fastening is allowed to a depth of not more than, m;

1 - in bulk sandy and coarse soil;

1.25 - in sandy loam;

1,5 - in loams and clays.

3.3. If the depth of the recesses reaches a greater depth, then it is necessary to fix the walls of the recesses or make slopes.

3.4. When installing wall mounts in excavations, the worker must:

a) install the upper part of the mount above the edge of the recess not less than 0.15 m;

b) the fastenings should be installed in the direction from top to bottom as the excavation is developed to a depth of not more than 0.5 m:

c) mount racks should be installed at least every 1.5 m;

d) spacers of fastenings should be placed one from another vertically at a distance of not more than 1 m, to fix the ends of the spacers (above and below);

3.5. In soils of natural humidity, except for sandy ones, the thickness of the boards should be at least 4 cm, and the gaps between the boards should be no more than 0.15 m. In soils of high humidity and in loose soils, boards with a thickness of at least 5 cm should have no gaps;

3.6. In the event of landslides or collapses, this place should be covered with soil after attaching the mount;

3.7. With a strong influx of groundwater or the presence of water-saturated, spreading soils (quicksanding), it is necessary to arrange an artificial water reduction or tongue-and-groove fastening. The tongue should be driven into waterproof soil to a depth indicated in the fastening certificate, but not less than 0.75 m.

3.8. Dismantling of the soil in the recesses should be carried out in layers, it is not allowed to carry out these works "undermining", with the formation of "peaks".

3.9. When digging pits manually, workers in the pit must be equipped with lifebelt with safety ropes attached to them. At least two workers must be on the surface, ready in case of danger to immediately assist them.

3.10. During work, the leader or team leader must constantly monitor the condition of the slopes of the pits, taking measures, as necessary, to prevent spontaneous collapses.

3.11. When using earth moving machines for excavation, workers are not allowed to be or perform any work in the excavator's operating area at a distance of less than 10 m from the site of operation of its bucket. The bucket must be cleaned of adhering soil only when the bucket is lowered.

3.12. Soil loading in dump trucks should be carried out from the side of the back or side board.

Do not allow people to stand between the digger and the vehicle.

3.13. Dismantling of wall fasteners in the excavations of pits and trenches should be carried out in the direction from bottom to top as the trench or foundation pit is filled with soil.

In soils of natural humidity, simultaneous removal of fastenings is allowed no more than 0.5 m (three boards) in height, and in soils of high humidity and loose soils - no more than 0.2 m (one board). When removing boards, the spacers should be rearranged accordingly as new ones are installed. In cases where the dismantling of the fasteners may entail the deformation of the structures, the fastener should be partially or completely left in the ground.

3.14. In winter, soil development, with the exception of dry sandy soil, can be carried out with vertical walls without fasteners to the entire depth of freezing. When working below the freezing level, fastening must be carried out.

The development of dry sandy soils, regardless of their freezing, should be carried out with slopes or with the device of fasteners.

3.15. Excavations and trenches, the development of which was started in frozen ground, both without fasteners and with fasteners, must be loosened or additionally strengthened if work is continued under positive temperature conditions.

3.16. When mechanically loosening frozen soil (wedge-hammer, ball-hammer), the worker must be in a radius of at least 20 m from the place of loosening.

3.17. If it is necessary to carry out work on electric heating of frozen ground, workers are not allowed to stay in areas of the heated area under tension. At the same time, it is allowed to approach a distance of 3 m from the contour of the heated section, which should be fenced, warning signs and signals are posted, and in the dark - signal lighting.

3.18. When soil is electrically heated, all electric wires and electrical equipment must be reliably fenced, and the electrical equipment housings are grounded.

3.19. Installation and connection of electrical equipment to the supply network (city electric network or mobile power station), as well as monitoring of electric heating should be carried out by employees with an electrical safety group of at least III. These workers must be provided with the necessary protective equipment (dielectric gloves, galoshes, tools with insulating handles, etc.).

3.20. The health of the electrical equipment and the supply cable should be checked daily, as well as after each movement of the equipment and cable transfer. Connecting devices and replacing fuses is permitted only when the voltage is disconnected.

3.21. Warning signs should be posted at electric heating sites and at electrical installation sites.

3.22. People working near the heated area must be warned about the danger of electric shock. In areas under voltage, people are prohibited.

3.23. When warming the ground with hot water or steam, precautions against burns should be taken.

3.24. Development of soil in the area using electric heating is allowed only after removing the voltage and releasing the area from the wires.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of an accident or situations that may lead to accidents, you should:

4.1.1. Stop work immediately and notify your immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Promptly take measures to eliminate the causes of the accident or the reasons that could lead to accidents.

4.2. If underground communications that are not marked on the drawings are found, earthwork should be stopped until the nature of the discovered communications is clarified and permission is received from the relevant organizations to continue the work.

4.3. In case of detection of ammunition and other explosive materials, it is urgent to inform the local authorities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs about this.

4.4. In the event of accidental damage to an underground structure, the work producer is obliged to immediately stop work, take measures to ensure the safety of workers, report the incident to his supervisor and the emergency service of the organization concerned.

4.5. If gas is found in trenches or pits, work in them must be stopped immediately and people removed from the danger zone. This should be reported to the supervisor and the emergency gas service.

4.6. If recesses appear in the slopes, signs of a shift or slipping of the soil, workers must immediately stop the work and leave the danger zone before taking measures to ensure the stability of the slopes.

4.7. The victims must be reported to their immediate supervisor; inform the first-aid post and take urgent measures to provide the necessary first aid.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Clean and tidy up the workplace.

5.2. Close or enclose trenches, pits and foundation ditches if the work is not finished, and turn on the signal lights on fences at night.

5.3. To clear the tool, equipment and other devices used in work from soil and deliver to the main place of work.

5.4. Upon arrival at the main place of work, remove protective clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment, clean and store in a place intended for their storage.

5.5. All deficiencies or malfunctions during the execution of work should be reported to the team leader or supervisor.