Design of dispatching systems. Dispatching systems for engineering equipment Dispatching project

Dispatching of buildings and industrial facilities allows you to increase their security from emergency situations. In addition, the organization of control rooms from which all engineering systems can be centrally controlled increases energy savings.

One qualified dispatcher is enough for the whole industrial complex to significantly reduce the energy costs of the facility associated with heating, air conditioning systems and others.
Dispatching of industrial facilities makes it possible to monitor the systems under control in real time, adjusting the consumption of water, electricity and heat depending on the time of day, weather conditions, and other objective factors. A well-established dispatch network can be either local, local or remote. In the second case, engineering systems are controlled from the head building.

Automated supervisory control system (ASDU)
Tasks Solutions Systems
building management - technical systems service;

management of equipment maintenance modes.

remote activation of backup power supply;

remote control of points of connection to electric networks off / on the consumer;

management of smoke removal and ventilation in case of emergency;

remote shutdown in case of emergency water supply;
remote control of the movement of the elevator, location determination, command to arrive at a certain point in case of emergency.

CO gas analyzers for parking lots, garages, closed parking lots;

uninterrupted power supply for DGU control;

power supply;
elevator control;
electric lighting;
water supply;
heat supply.

accounting for resource consumption.electricity;

This is very convenient if an industrial enterprise has several separate buildings.

Building management

Building dispatching is an access to individual sections of the life support of the building, which allows you to timely monitor the correctness of their work. Building dispatching can be local and remote.

During local dispatching, data is transmitted to the operator's console simultaneously from several building systems. Remote building control transmits data from systems that are at some distance from the main premises.
With the help of building dispatching, you can simultaneously monitor all systems and devices necessary for normal human life. Controlling the heat supply regulates the timely supply of hot water, and monitoring the ventilation system allows you to create a favorable atmosphere in the building.

The building management system also includes a burglar and fire alarm system that operates around the clock and manages the occupant notification system in case of emergency.

Dispatching of engineering objects

The safety and reliability of the operation of engineering facilities, in particular boiler houses, is ensured through a single control and management complex.
Dispatching of boiler rooms makes it possible to carry out control at a fast pace, in on-line mode with a minimum number of employees involved in the process.

This greatly reduces the risk of an accident.
Dispatching can be both local and remote, it all depends on the technical capabilities and wishes of the customer.
Local dispatching, which includes all elements of system management, is located directly on the territory of the engineering facility.
Remote dispatching controls the object using a remote control located at some distance from the object.

It is also possible to operate several engineering facilities, the operation of which is controlled by one remote control room.
Technically, such control can be carried out thanks to GRPS and GSM technologies.

Dispatching engineering systems

Modern industrial buildings and complexes consist of a huge number of different engineering communications and systems.
For their centralized management, the organization of a single center - a control center is required.

Today, automated systems are being designed to centralize the management of engineering systems. Such a set of dispatch control allows you to regulate energy costs and save resources. Engineering system dispatching design is the work of creating a unified infrastructure that optimizes their work. Regulation occurs depending on the time of year, day, the state of a particular system, ambient temperature, and many other factors. In this case, only one qualified dispatcher is required to monitor the state of any engineering communication, and not a whole staff of employees.

System dispatching design is an investment in innovative technologies that pay off in a matter of years.

Elevator dispatching

Elevator dispatching is understood as centralized control over the operation of a group of elevators.
Control is carried out by collecting audio and video information from the equipment installed in individual elevators.

The information is sent to the control room, whose employees are able to take urgent action in the event of a malfunction of the elevator.
Modern elevator dispatching is carried out in a complex for a group of buildings. Installation of equipment for dispatching and connection of all objects into a single system is carried out in accordance with the technical design. The design of the dispatching system is carried out in parallel with the development of a project for the internal electrical networks of each building. The development of the project includes the collection of information about the expected loads, the selection of suitable equipment, the development of a scheme for its installation and communication with the central control room.

Dispatching allows you to ensure high-quality and uninterrupted operation of elevators, as well as quickly troubleshoot.

Production scheduling

Centralized control, coordination and management of work processes is called production dispatching.
In the process of dispatching, information from various objects equipped with video and audio devices is collected at the central control point.

Dispatching of production is necessary to ensure the possibility of timely regulation of work, as well as to prevent accidents and failures in production processes. Modern production dispatching systems are carried out in accordance with technical projects.
Design work includes survey of the facility, determination of the required load and selection of appropriate equipment. The final product is a technical project consisting of diagrams, specifications, descriptions, estimates and recommendations for system installation.

Installation of the dispatching system and subsequent maintenance is carried out strictly in accordance with the project.

Engineering equipment used for the life support of objects for various purposes has a huge set of technological parameters and types of signals that need continuous monitoring. Only modern dispatching systems (SD) are able to carry it out.

Their creation is the main activity of NPO Spetsproektmontazh. At the same time, we pursue the goal of minimizing the impact of the human factor on the operation of the totality of the facility's engineering systems and offer various types of equipment for use, which can be selected directly by the client.

Realizing how important the operation of the OZDS equipment complex, designed to protect communications from damage by small rodents, we have developed our own SD. It continuously monitors the operation of all components of the system, quickly responding to emergencies and thereby limiting the access of mice or rats to the building.

What does this system provide?

SD, developed by NPO Spetsproektmontazh, are capable of remote control, dispatching of engineering equipment of one, two or more objects at the same time. Moreover, it can be both geographically spaced, that is, located at remote sites or in hard-to-reach places. Usually, SD is part of systems that manage objects that have a complex engineering structure: from office buildings to large industrial enterprises.

The use of SD allows not only remote monitoring (control) of the object, its engineering networks, but also to control:

  • temperature, pressure and humidity in the room,
  • serviceability of technological equipment,
  • operation of alarm systems (fire / security), control and access;
  • blocking systems in case of an accident (water, gas supply).

The presence of dispatching guarantees constant monitoring of the functioning of engineering systems and instant response in the event of an accident. It can include various subsystems that account for energy resources, optimize workflow and all reporting systems in general. In this case, the data from the controllers are sent to the server, where they are processed and displayed on the monitor screen for control by the dispatcher. Messages formed on their basis are archived and placed in storage, from where they can be retrieved at any time.

Objects on which SD can be installed

The use of SD provides certain advantages in management and, in particular, provides full control over the operation of the engineering equipment of the following facilities:

  • water supply and sewerage;
  • heating;
  • gas supply, gas alarm;
  • lighting - both adjacent territory and indoors;
  • air conditioning systems, air humidification, climate control;
  • ITP (individual heating points);
  • all types of alarm systems (security, fire), video surveillance, access control;
  • drainage system.

When implementing our projects, we use a monitoring level that allows the operator to see the image of the object in real time with the ability to change its detail in interactive mode.

Design stages

NPO "Sanproektmontazh" provides services for the installation and design of SD for a variety of objects. The project development process consists of the following steps:

  • drawing up technical requirements;
  • inspection of the object;
  • creating a draft version, taking into account all the wishes of the customer and agreeing with him all the nuances;
  • development of technical specifications and wiring diagrams;
  • preparation of design estimates;
  • system installation;
  • testing and subsequent maintenance of SD.

Installing a well-designed system in your facility ensures efficient operation of all equipment and reduces maintenance staff, thereby saving money.

Factors affecting the cost of work

SD design today is one of the promising areas in the construction industry. Its essence lies in the centralized monitoring of remote engineering equipment and the organization of its efficient operation. The cost of an SD system depends on several factors:

  • project complexity;
  • object area;
  • equipment selected for installation;
  • implementation deadlines.

But these costs are not so significant, given that the use of dispatching allows you to reduce operating costs and consumed resources, increase the safety of the facility and optimize document flow.

According to statistics, a well-designed project can reduce the cost of maintaining buildings and structures by 50%. Therefore, its compilation should be trusted only to professionals with extensive experience in this field, such as NPO Spetsproektmontazh.

Order a dispatching system

You can order the design and installation of SD in Moscow by filling out the form on our company's website or using any of the options presented on the "Contacts" page.

The creation of dispatching systems is one of the key activities of NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY.

The dispatching system is a complex of software and hardware tools that allows remote control of the engineering systems of one or more objects.

An automated dispatch control system (ASCS) is necessary to control engineering equipment that is geographically dispersed, as well as located in hard-to-reach places. As a rule, dispatching is included in the management system of multifunctional facilities with complex engineering infrastructure, such as office buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, as well as industrial complexes and other industrial enterprises.

The following subsystems can be included in the dispatching system:

  • power supply, gas supply;
  • heat and water supply, accounting of energy resources;
  • security and fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems;
  • Ventilation and air conditioning;
  • video surveillance, access control and management;
  • lift facilities and others.

The essence of the design of dispatching systems is to solve the problem of visualizing information about the functioning of engineering systems and providing the operator with the ability to directly control the equipment from the control room. Data on the state of engineering equipment is received from local automation controllers and transmitted to the server. The processed technological data with the necessary analytical information is sent to the dispatching server and displayed on the computer screens at the operators' workplaces in a visual dynamic graphical form.

Advantages of the monitoring system of engineering systems of structures

The data received and processed by the dispatching system is formed into messages of various types, which are archived in long-term storage. Based on this information, available at any time, reports are generated.

The dispatching system provides key advantages in facility management:

  • constant centralized control of engineering systems;
  • rapid response in emergency situations;
  • reducing the influence of the human factor;
  • optimization of document flow, reporting systems.

NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY implements dispatching projects of varying degrees of complexity.

Along with conventional systems, the company offers dispatch systems with 3D visualization based on the new generation solution GENESIS64. This is a qualitatively new level of dispatcher monitoring capabilities, which allows the operator to see a realistic image of the object with all the parameters associated with specific nodes. The dispatcher can interactively change the detail of rendered objects by removing elements of buildings, installations and viewing them from the inside. Three-dimensional visualization will allow virtual navigation through the depicted objects, offers animation tools and dynamics of three-dimensional images and other advantages of 3D technologies.

Another pride of the company's employees is the ability to design and implement large-scale geographically distributed dispatching systems that provide not only data collection from remote objects, but also distributed computing, multi-level archiving and redundancy.

Do you need to create a dispatching system at your enterprise? Contact NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY specialists for a consultation.

And a set of project library elements that implement typical housing and communal services facilities make it possible to “assemble” dispatching systems from ready-made components. This development allows you to dramatically simplify the creation of projects and reduce the time of their development by an order of magnitude.

The cost and timing of the implementation of dispatching projects are increasingly influencing the decision-making on the choice of tools for their implementation. Extra costs are especially painful in a situation of general sequestration of budgets, and deadlines are sometimes missed for the same reason - funds are allocated late to purchase equipment and pay for work. It's no secret that in recent years, a significant part of the costs in most projects has been paid to developers. There are few specialists, they are not very cheap. In such a situation, the temptation to use specialized systems is great. But everyone who has tried to follow this path is already aware that it leads to a too rigid system that does not fully take into account local characteristics and needs. As a result, the effect of its implementation is largely reduced to nothing. So what to do, spend the scarce and expensive forces of developers and create a system from scratch based on a universal SCADA system?

Fortunately, there is a golden mean. It is offered on the basis of its system, which is widespread in housing and communal services throughout the Russian Federation, and a set of typical project elements. is based on an object ideology, therefore each such element of the project fully implements a typical housing and communal services object, including a list of interrogated and controlled parameters, their archives and messages, processing algorithms and mnemonic diagrams, control windows and reports, parameter change graphs and event logs.

Among the typical objects:

Individual heat points (ITP);

gas control points;

Pumping stations of all types (water, sewer, fire, storm);

Ventilation installations;

Transformer substations;

Reserve power supply (ATS and DGU);

Apartment and house accounting of resources.

Rice. Automatically configured mnemonic diagram of a typical ventilation unit

Along with the library of housing and communal services, there is also a complete set of project elements necessary for the creation of ASKUE (ASKUE, AIIS KUE): these are all required reporting forms, as well as OPC servers for most common types of meters, for example, Mercury, SET-4 and others

How is a project created from library type objects?

For "specialized" systems (only ventilation units or only ITP), the project can be simply generated. To do this, you must specify the code of the equipment composition. The idea was borrowed from the SM Constructor software product, with the help of which the Segnetics company (St. Petersburg) configures its controllers to control ventilation units and ITP. But if the code there is the result of a configuration that can be immediately entered into, then when using other types of controllers, such as Regin, you need to tick the checklist in the Excel file. They are automatically summed up and give the desired code. On the basis of this code, not only the composition of the project and the connections of design objects with installed controllers are formed, but also the appearance of equipment mimic diagrams - unused elements are simply disabled from the user interface. Typical objects of ventilation units or ITP can be supplied in an open (with the possibility of editing them) or closed form. In the latter case, only "terminals" of objects are available to establish connections with the equipment.

For apartment-based resource accounting systems that practically do not require customization of their composition, a different approach is used. The project includes the objects "house", "entrance", "floor", "apartments", as well as a script (script) that must be run in development mode after the number of entrances, floors and apartments on the floor is set for each house . The project, including an overview mimic providing home navigation, will be generated fully automatically. It is important to note that the script itself (in C#) is available in the editor built into the integrated environment in a completely open form and can be modified to take into account the specifics of a particular project.

Rice. Generation of a project for apartment accounting of resources using a script

Now consider the case when the project has objects of various types. Each of them is inserted from the library as a whole. In order to implement the project, it remains to perform two operations: binding to equipment and reproduction of an object of this type in the required quantities. Binding does not cause problems even for novice "automators". The fact is that the already mentioned mechanism of “terminals” of objects is understandable on an intuitive level, and dragging the inputs / outputs of controllers to these terminals is a matter of several minutes. But this is a few minutes per object. What if there are many? If the objects are typical, it will be enough to spend just a couple of extra minutes to activate the mechanism of called objects. The project will still have one exemplary object of this type, but after setting the number of its instances, their list and links of each instance to the equipment will be automatically generated. Of course, you can then rename a specific instance or change its links manually if necessary. In runtime, it will be possible to call the document of an individual instance from their complete list.

We have considered the situation with strictly uniform objects. What to do in a situation where they have some differences? In this case, another mechanism comes to the rescue - an instance template. A typical library element acts as a template, and copies reproduced in the project exactly repeat it without losing connection with the original. We can edit any of them, view all the differences between the instances and the template, and when the template changes, apply these changes to all or selected instances.

Rice. Synchronizing objects with a template

How, in the case of objects of different types, is an overview, as a rule, a starting mnemonic scheme created? In this case, it's probably not practical to write a "one-time" script. provides the project developer with a choice of two main mechanisms - the object button and the object symbol. The design object is simply dragged onto the overview mnemonic diagram, and at the choice of the developer, either a button is created with a compressed static image of the mnemonic diagram of the object, or an image with data belonging to a particular instance is “pasted” - a symbol of a typical object created by its author. In both cases, in addition to the visual representation of the object, it is possible to call up its mnemonic diagram or any other document available for the object, such as a message log or a resource consumption report, by clicking on a button or symbol.