Raising money on the 1st of every month. How to attract money: ritual “Money path. A story with a great ending

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Saving money is not an easy task, especially for desperate spenders. But sometimes you need to make a big purchase. And at this moment savings would be very useful.

website talks about 3 simple ways that will help you quickly save the required amount.

Postponement step by step

This method is designed for a year, or 52 weeks. The bottom line is that each week save a larger amount than the previous time.

For example, you start with 50 rubles. Next week you save 100 rubles, then - 150, and in the last week of the year - 2,600 rubles.

Ultimately, you will be able to save 68,900 rubles.

The method assumes that you will regularly save money without skipping a week. If this is too difficult, try reducing the amount or saving money monthly instead of weekly.

We buy and accumulate

This simple method allows you not only to save money, but also to closely monitor when and how much you spend. Its meaning is to save a certain percentage of each purchase.

For example, you decide to save 10% of each purchase. A new sweater that costs 1,500 rubles will bring 150 rubles into your piggy bank. If you spend 10,000 rubles on purchases every month, then in 12 months your savings will be 12,000 rubles.

You decide for yourself from which purchases you save money: from all purchases or only from purchases costing above a certain amount.

This method is good to practice with a bank card. Many banks allow you to automatically transfer the amount from each purchase to your savings.

Turning bad habits into savings

The essence of this method is that for each bad habit you put a fixed amount into a piggy bank.

For example, you are constantly late or miss workouts. For this, 20, 100 or even 500 rubles go into the piggy bank. You set the amount of the fine yourself. The main thing is to do this at the very beginning and not change the amount down.

This method will help you quickly give up bad habits and save money at the same time.

If bad habits cost you an average of 2,000 rubles per month, then in a year the amount of savings will be 24,000 rubles.

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I sat without a penny of money in my pocket, there was no idea where to get it, nor was there any beacon on the horizon.
And that’s what I decided on… the “Money Path” ritual. The main thing is to approach this with full responsibility and knowledge of the matter. And I also guarantee that everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance, and it’s worth it...


A few days after the end of the ritual, the money really began to flow in a stream, I won’t say that it was a waterfall, but a little bit at first, they began to drip, at least they began to appear more and more! What I wish for you and I tell you from the bottom of my heart, don’t be lazy and do it!



Make a stream of money flow into your life! Well, for it to flow, you need to show it the way!

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The only thing is that you can start the ritual only on the 1st of any month.

So, remember:
On the 1st we put aside 1 ruble, on the 2nd - 2 rubles,
3rd - 3 rubles, etc. for the same number of rubles as the date on the calendar. For example. 21st - 21 rubles,
30th - 30 rubles,
On the 31st - 31 rubles.


And so on for a whole month. The main thing is not to miss a single day and put STRICTLY according to the norm - no more, no less.



As soon as in a few days you have accumulated 10 rubles per ruble, They should be exchanged for a ten-ruble bill; if 10 tens accumulate, exchange them for a hundred. By the end of the month, out of 30 days you will have 465 rubles.


If you add up these numbers: 4 + 6 + 5, then it becomes 15, and if you reduce it to a prime number, it becomes: 1 +5 = 6. Six, according to the science of numbers (numerology), is exactly the number of money in the family.

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If you are paving a financial path not for your family, but for yourself, your loved one , then on the last day of the month you need to add 35 rubles to 465 rubles to get 500. (Five is the number of winners.)

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All money accumulated during the month must be put aside in a special place and NEVER SPENDED. This money will become beacons that will lead their brothers to you.

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Important point. You cannot immediately put aside 500 rubles in one fell swoop and forget for a month. This won't work. The fact is that by saving every day, you daily give a signal to the money egregor that you need his services. When you collect the required amount every day (for example, 18 rubles), you involuntarily think all day about creating a money path. This is how not only a connection to money occurs, but also friendship with money. She will be the one who will bring you money.



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By organizing the money route in this way, we can easily create our own bank: become both a banker and a depositor.

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If you need a small amount , you can accumulate it over a couple of months.


If the amount needed is more than 500 rubles per month, Then the scheme of magical savings is as follows: on the last day of the month you report exactly the amount that you have already accumulated.

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Attention! You cannot spend this amount. It will remain with you as a beacon for money.


But you can report just as much. It turns out 992 rubles.

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At the same time, if funds allow, you can add not just one amount accumulated over the month, but two, three, four, etc. The main thing is that they are multiples of the amount.

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Surprisingly, by saving these magical amounts, you will quickly see more than just these magical savings increase. Money will generally begin to come to you more often and in larger quantities. The main thing is not to lose your way and stick to everything correctly in the first month.



You may be skeptical about this money ritual, but... This recipe has been tested for centuries. And it has enormous and reliable power! Try it and you will be very pleasantly surprised!

This recipe was brought to Russia by a Russian fashion model in the 60s.
The time has just come when our fashion designers began to be released abroad to demonstrate the achievements of the Soviet fashion industry.
Our guys, as soon as they reached Paris, created a sensation there. What a sensation - what a sensation!!! However, the French marveled at our way of life. Both fashion designers and models saved every penny, or rather, every centime. After all, the daily allowance that was given to them was a pittance, and they wanted to buy a lot.
And so one of our girl models came to visit the famous Parisian owner of a fashion salon. She was Russian by origin, almost a former princess. Her parents brought her to France after October 1917. At first life was difficult, but then we got better. The princess discovered her talent, her clothes were in great demand. In a word, they lived well, but the blood was not water - everyone missed their homeland. Well, when the princess saw our girls, she became completely emotional. So she told the old secret of how to pave a money path into your home. The princess herself heard this secret from her nanny, who was not rich, of course, but lived without denying herself anything. And the nanny was told the secret back in the 19th century by her old grandmother, who moved to Moscow from Zaraysk and settled down very well in the Mother See. In a word, the secret was old and proven. And most importantly - quite affordable and even simple.


You can start our magical action only on the 1st of any month.
On the 1st we put aside 1 ruble,
2nd - 2 rubles,
3rd - 3 rubles, etc.,
that is, the same number of rubles as the date on the calendar. For example, on the 21st - 21 rubles, on the 30th - 30 rubles, on the 31st - 31 rubles.
And so on for a whole month. The main thing is not to miss a single day and put in strictly according to the norm - no more, no less!

As soon as you have accumulated 10 rubles per ruble, they should be exchanged for a ten-ruble bill, accumulate 10 tens - exchange them for a hundred.

By the end of the month, out of 30 days you will have 465 rubles. If you add these numbers: 4 + 6 + 5, then it becomes 15, and if reduced to a prime number, it becomes; 1 + 5 = 6. According to the science of numbers (numerology), six will be the number of money in the family.
If you are paving a financial path not for your family, but for your loved one, then on the last day of the month you need to add 35 rubles to 465 rubles in order to get 500. (Five is the number of winners).

All money accumulated during the month must be put aside in a special place and NEVER SPENDED!!!
This money will become beacons that will lead their brothers to you.

Important point!
You cannot immediately put aside 500 rubles in one fell swoop and forget for a month. This won't work. The fact is that by saving every day, you daily give a signal to the money egregor that you need his services. Collecting the required amount every day (for example, 18 rubles), you involuntarily think all day about creating a money path. This is how not only a connection to money occurs, but also friendship with money. She will be the one who will bring you money.
Good luck to you!


The money ritual “You put a ruble, you take a thousand” has been tested for years. This is the case when a magical action has a result, and you don’t need to make any special efforts to get it. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised!

This ritual has a long history. In Russia they learned about it in the 60s thanks to a Russian fashion model. After working in France for several years, she learned to attract financial luck to herself. The owner of a fashionable Parisian salon told her about an amazing ritual for money, who took pity on the Russian girl who saved every penny.

The ritual itself is simple, but at the same time effective. You need to start it on the 1st of any month. Set aside 1 ruble on the 1st, 2 rubles on the 2nd, and so on for the whole month. You cannot miss a single day and you need to save as many rubles as the calendar shows, no more, no less. When you have accumulated 10 rubles per ruble, you need to exchange them for a ten-ruble bill. When you have accumulated ten ten-ruble bills, exchange them for a hundred.

By the end of the month you should have exactly 465 rubles. This number has a special meaning in numerology. In sum, these numbers make up the number 6 (4+6+5=15=1+5=6). This number symbolizes prosperity in the family. If you want to attract money luck only to yourself, then on the last day of the month add another 35 rubles to make 500 rubles. Five is the number of victory.

All this money cannot be spent. In order for the money ritual to work, all savings must be put aside in a secluded place and never spent. This money activates the energy that is necessary for your enrichment.

It should be noted that in no case should you neglect the terms of this ritual for money and deposit the entire amount at once (465 or 500 rubles). In this case, the ritual will not work. The essence of the ritual is that by putting rubles aside every day, you give a signal that you need a money egregor. When every day you are faced with the question of how to collect, for example, 14 rubles on the 14th, you involuntarily think about creating a money path. In this process, you become tied to money.

Remember that nothing happens by chance. The main thing is to want it, and everything will work out! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.09.2014 09:10

Masters of occult practices have a belief that during the full moon many rituals have a greater...

Unfortunately, many of us have to face a situation where our money begins to run short. ...

Today I want to present a very interesting technique that helps greatly increase your financial wealth. I found it in the book by E Korovin “115 ways to get rich”

Money magic games are very popular. But there is one game in which a person is both a banker and a depositor. And most importantly, you can make this magical game your surest money connection - the path along which money will go to your home. This recipe has been tested for centuries. And he has such great and reliable power that even pensioner Nina Nikolaevna lives comfortably with him.

So that a pensioner can live comfortably? It's hard to believe. But it is possible. For here she herself is a living example.

Nina Nikolaevna, 68 years old:

“This recipe was told to me by one of our fashion models, you won’t believe it. Back then, in the 1960s, I worked as an accountant at the Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most. The time has just come when our fashion designers began to be released abroad to demonstrate the achievements of the Soviet fashion industry. Well, just let our fashion designers show their talent, especially since we have countless talents. So our guys, as soon as they got to Paris, created a sensation there. Yes, what a furor - a sensation. Everything Russian instantly came into fashion - even a shawl, even boots, even padded jackets. Young Slava Zaitsev sewed our usual work padded jackets from multi-colored fabrics - green, pink, purple, lilac. The French were delighted, they thought that this was such a special Russian clothing for special occasions.

However, the French marveled at our way of life. Both fashion designers and models saved every penny, or rather, every centime. After all, the daily allowance that was given to them was a pittance, and they wanted to buy a lot. In our country, consider it, there was nothing. And then one of our girls, fashion models, I think her name was Zina, came to visit the famous Parisian owner of a fashion salon. She was Russian by origin, almost a former princess. Her parents brought her to France after October 1917. At first life was difficult, but then we got better. The princess discovered her talent, her clothes were in great demand. In a word, they lived well, but the blood was not water - everyone missed their homeland. Well, when the princess saw our girls, she became completely emotional. So she took pity on Zina, who was trying to buy more with her tiny daily francs, and told her the old secret of how to pave a money path into her house.

The princess herself heard this secret from her nanny, who was not rich, of course, but lived without denying herself anything. And the nanny was told the secret back in the 19th century by her old grandmother, who moved to Moscow from Zaraysk and settled down very well in the Mother See. In a word, the secret was old and proven. And most importantly - quite affordable and even simple.

We will organize the money route. You can start our magical action only on the 1st of any month. Remember: on the 1st day we set aside 1 ruble, on the 2nd day - 2 rubles, on the 3rd - 3 rubles, etc. for the same number of rubles as the date appears on the calendar. For example. On the 21st - 21 rubles, on the 30th - 30 rubles, on the 31st - 31 rubles. And so on for a whole month. The main thing is not to miss a single day and put in strictly according to the norm - no more and no less. (For participants who have time to open money channels, we just put aside rubles at the specified time intervals, if anything is unclear, write to me)

As soon as you accumulate 10 rubles per ruble, they should be exchanged for a ten-ruble bill; if you accumulate 10 tens, exchange them for a hundred. By the end of the month, out of 30 days you will have 465 rubles. If you add up these numbers:

4 + 6 + 5, then it becomes 15, and reduced to a prime number, it becomes:

1 +5 = 6. According to the science of numbers (numerology), six will be the number of money in the family.

If you are paving a financial path not for your family, but for yourself, your loved one, then on the last day of the month you need to add 35 rubles to 465 rubles in order to get 500. (Five is the number of winners.)

All money accumulated during the month must be put aside in a special place and NEVER SPENDED. This money will become beacons that will lead their brothers to you.

Important point. You cannot immediately put aside 500 rubles in one fell swoop and forget for a month. This won't work. The fact is that by saving every day, you daily give a signal to the money egregor that you need his services. When you collect the required amount every day (for example, 18 rubles), you involuntarily think all day about creating a money path. This is how not only a connection to money occurs, but also friendship with money. She will be the one who will bring you money.

By organizing the money route in this way, we can easily create our own bank: become both a banker and a depositor.

If you need a small amount, you can save it up over a couple of months.

If the amount you need is more than 500 rubles per month, then the magic savings scheme is as follows: on the last day of the month you report exactly the amount that you have already saved. For example, you started saving on August 1st. Then on August 31st you have 496 rubles set aside (this month has 31 days).

Attention! You cannot spend this amount. It will remain with you as a beacon for money.

But you can report just as much. It turns out 992 rubles. Then you save the whole of September according to the scheme (465 rubles), you get 992 + 465 = 1457 rubles. On September 30, add the same amount, receiving 2914 rubles. Well, then - every month with an addition. At the same time, if funds allow, you can add not one amount accumulated over the month, but two, three, four, etc. The main thing is that they are multiples of the amount.

Surprisingly, by saving these magical amounts, you will quickly see more than just these magical savings increase. Money will generally begin to come to you more often and in larger quantities.

The main thing is not to lose your way and stick to everything correctly in the first month. Then the link will start working on its own, because the money path to you will already be paved. Then it will come out, as Nina Nikolaevna said:

You put in a ruble and you take out a thousand!

P.S. On Sunday there will be another topic with the opening time of wish fulfillment channels.

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